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Created June 28, 2015 12:48
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create mesh from opaque pixels
from collections import defaultdict
import bpy
scene = bpy.context.scene
color_map = defaultdict(list)
filename = "aYlTzbV.png"
img =[filename]
scale = 0.3
def idx_to_co(idx, width):
r = int(idx / width)
c = idx % width
return r, c
def co_to_idx(r, c, width):
return r * width + c
def rgba_from_index(idx, pxs):
start_raw_index = idx * 4
return pxs[start_raw_index:start_raw_index+4]
def sv_main():
def is_fully_opaque(rgba):
return rgba[3] == 1.0
pixels = img.pixels
pxs = list(pixels)
w = width = img.size[0]
h = height = img.size[1]
num_pixels = len(pxs)
gl = grouped_list = [pxs[i:i+4] for i in range(num_pixels)[::4]]
for c in range(w):
for r in range(h):
idx = co_to_idx(r, c, w)
rgba = rgba_from_index(idx, pxs)
if is_fully_opaque(rgba):
color_map[tuple(rgba[:3])].append([r*scale, -c*scale, 0.0])
def create_repr_plane(obj_name, mesh_name, vlist):
s = scale/2
verts = []
v_add = verts.extend
faces = []
f_add = faces.append
for i, v in enumerate(vlist):
x, y = v[:2]
v_add([[-s+x, s+y, 0], [-s+x, -s+y, 0], [s+x, -s+y, 0], [s+x, s+y, 0]])
offset = i*4
f_add([0 + offset, 1 + offset, 2 + offset, 3 + offset])
profile_mesh =
profile_mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
profile_object =, profile_mesh)
return profile_object
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(color_map.items()):
obj = create_repr_plane("dupli_object_" + str(i), "dupli_mesh_" + str(i), v)
repr_of_color = "{0:.4f} {1:.4f} {2:.4f}".format(*k)
mat ='sv_material_' + repr_of_color)
mat.use_nodes = True
mat.use_fake_user = True # usually handy
obj.active_material = mat
nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
nodes["Diffuse BSDF"].inputs[0].default_value = list(k) + [1]
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