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Created February 26, 2011 11:36
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## Coding 1-2-3
# This tutorial assumes you're using Ruby 1.8+
# Pick up a free text-editor like SciTE for Windows or
# TextWrangler for Mac
# Windows:
# Mac:
# The raw textfile from which this tutorial snippet was generated
# can be found here:
# To **do** this tutorial, all you need to do is open up
# your text-editor, type in some code, and:
# Windows, SciTE: hit F5
# Mac, TextWrangler:
#### Say Hello
# The traditional first line of code. You just did a lot there.
puts "Hello world!"
# Take a look how this is done in other languages:
# Languages like Ruby and Python make it easy to get
# into getting things done
#### The Method
# The first word in that code is **puts**
# This is what's called a **method** in Ruby (also referred to as
# a function in other languages).
# It is short-hand for "print"; in this case, it's printing to your screen.
#### The String
# That "Hello world!" is two words; in our code, it's basically one thing: a String
# Strings are used to hold characters, whether it be
# a single word or an entire book
puts "Four score and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth on this continent, a new nation,
conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition
that all men are created equal."
# Quotation marks, single or double, signifies the beginning and end of a string
puts 'Hello, "world"'
puts "'Allo, world"
# How would you use double-quotes inside double-quotes, for instance, when
# trying to describe someone speaking? Use the backslash \ character.
puts "That fellow said, \"Hello World\""
# You will use the backslash frequently, as it is how we signify in our code
# that the following character is special. In this case, we want the quotation
# mark to not be treated like a normal quotation mark, which would prematurely
# end our sentence.
#### Variables
# Think of these as pointers, or labels of actual values.
hello_world = "Hello, World"
puts hello_world
# They don't exist until you declare them. You can name them
# just about anything you want with alphanumeric characters,
# and as long as they aren't # words already special to Ruby,
# like **if** or **end**.
# To be safe, let's just use lowercase alphabetical characters
# and underscores
one_plus_one = 3
puts one_plus_one
# You can see that the **equals sign, =**, is used to assign values.
# And that's about as much introduction as we need to actually do something
#### What's to do in this town?
# Go to your browser and open this address:
# If you saw something like this, with our without tags...
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <GeocodeResponse> <status>OK</status> <result> <type>street_address</type> <formatted_address>1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA</formatted_address> <address_component> <long_name>1600</long_name> <short_name>1600</short_name> <type>street_number</type> </address_component> <address_component>...
# ...then you've just used Google's Geocoding API
# You can read the details here:
##### The API
# Let's look at the structure of that url real quick:
# This is the **address** of the site where it exists on the Internets
###### ?
# This **question mark** signifies the end of the address and the beginning of the
# parameters that we use to tell Google what exactly we want
###### address=raleigh+NC
# This is the first **key-value pair** of parameters. The **key** in this case is
# "address". The **value**, i.e. the address we're interested in, is "raleigh+NC". The plus-sign is just how we signify a space-character for the URL.
###### &sensor=false
# The other key-value pair here is **sensor=false** and is just a parameter that Google requires. But notice the **ampersand**. That is what delimites the different key-value pairs in a request string.
##### Back to Strings and Variables
# OK, back to coding. Let's put the address into a variable
# We're going to use a new String trick to manage the url:
the_url = ""+my_address
# As you can guess, that **plus sign** adds the value of **my_address** to
# the variable **the_url**. Notice how the order of paramaters for Google's API
# is not important
# But if you like order, you could also do this:
the_url = ""+my_address+"&sensor=false"
# It works, but this is not considered particularly elegant. For most situations, we'd rather do this:
the_url = "{my_address}&sensor=false"
# We'll be using this trick later. Basically, what's inside the **#{}** gets interpreted and output as a string; in this case, the value of **my_address**. If you didn't have the pound-sign-and-curly-brackets around **my_address**, you'd be asking Google's API for the the geocoding information of "my_address," which would just be silly.
# Mess around with **puts** to see when you change the value of **my_address** and
# reassign the value to **the_url**. Or when you remove the curly-brackets
# Also to do this the string **must be in double-quotes**
##### The Call, in Code
# OK finally, we're going to do something. After we do this:
require 'open-uri'
# Why is programming "easy," relatively speaking? Because other programmers
# have done the hard work of making libraries of code and methods that they've
# wrapped up in a single word. With **require** we've called up a library
# that makes retrieving web-files as easy as this:
# (you did set **my_address** and **the_url**, right?)
google_result = open(the_url)
# You should see the XML you got when visiting the API through your browser.
# Ta-da, that's kind of useful...
# A few notes before moving on:
# 1. The google_result variable is not in itself a string. If you try **puts** sans
# the read:
puts google_result
# You get #<StringIO:0x10063ade8>
# It's not just a string, it's something called a StringIO. For now, we just
# care about the contents, which can be read through a method called **read**
# If you really care what makes up StringIO, require the 'pp' library and do:
require 'pp'
pp google_result
#### That Dot
# One more very important thing: You probably noticed the **dot** we used
# in ****. Basically, the **dot** calls the method **read**
# which belongs to **google_result** (**read** is one of those things that **StringIO** has that **String** does not)
# **google_result** is referred to as the method's **receiver**. That's just
# some lingo. All methods in Ruby have a **receiver**.
# Sidenote: What is the receiver of **open** and **puts**? Something called the
# **Kernel**. If you wanted to be verbose, you could do:
# And when you **require 'open-uri'**, you're giving the Kernel the **open**
# method. Not doing that **require** and trying to call **open** would
# give you an error message
# BTW, if you thought the code above was complicated, try looking at
# what's behind [**open-uri**]( and
# seeing what you got to skip past. Heck, look at the code behind [**puts**](
#### FourSquare API
# Enough theory lecture, let's make use of our data
# Let's store whatever you got for latitude and longitude
# into variables. There's several lat/long pairs in the xml,
# but either pair is fine. Ideally, you want the pair nested
# in between the <location> tags
my_lat = 37.421622
my_lng = -122.084026
# Let's take a look at the (old) [Foursquare API](
# This is the API call for **nearby tips**. You can see that the **tips** is part of the address and **filter** specifies the...filter...i.e. we want tips near us.
# Now we just have to give it the lat/long coordinates to search nearby.
# Let's use that string trick with the **curly brackets**:
##### Calling FourSquare
# Let's make the call
fsquare_result = open(fsquare_url)
# If you were successful, and depending what coordinates you used, you should've
# gotten back a big XML relating to tips.
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