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Created March 15, 2011 18:24
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[chrisadams@ether]/srv/etherpad/etherpad% bindkey
"^A"-"^C" self-insert
"^D" list-choices
"^E"-"^F" self-insert
"^G" list-expand
"^H" vi-backward-delete-char
"^I" expand-or-complete
"^J" accept-line
"^K" self-insert
"^L" clear-screen
"^M" accept-line
"^N"-"^P" self-insert
"^Q" vi-quoted-insert
"^R" redisplay
"^S"-"^T" self-insert
"^U" vi-kill-line
"^V" vi-quoted-insert
"^W" vi-backward-kill-word
"^X" self-insert
"^X^R" _read_comp
"^X?" _complete_debug
"^XC" _correct_filename
"^Xa" _expand_alias
"^Xc" _correct_word
"^Xd" _list_expansions
"^Xe" _expand_word
"^Xh" _complete_help
"^Xm" _most_recent_file
"^Xn" _next_tags
"^Xt" _complete_tag
"^X~" _bash_list-choices
"^Y"-"^Z" self-insert
"^[" vi-cmd-mode
"^[," _history-complete-newer
"^[/" _history-complete-older
"^[OA" up-line-or-history
"^[OB" down-line-or-history
"^[OC" vi-forward-char
"^[OD" vi-backward-char
"^[[A" up-line-or-history
"^[[B" down-line-or-history
"^[[C" vi-forward-char
"^[[D" vi-backward-char
"^[~" _bash_complete-word
"^\\\\"-"~" self-insert
"^?" vi-backward-delete-char
"\M-^@"-"\M-^?" self-insert
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