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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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forked from @rich-iannone dogs example
# Obtain 'dogs.csv'
# Created by Alex Bresler, available at:
dat_url <- ""
dogs <- read.csv(dat_url, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Install the latest DiagrammeR package from GitHub
# devtools::install_github("rich-iannone/DiagrammeR")
ui = shinyUI(
column( width = 6
,parcoordsOutput("parcoords_output", height = "800px")
,column( width = 6
server = function(input,output,session){
output$parcoords_output <- renderParcoords(
colorScale = htmlwidgets::JS("d3.scale.category10()")
,colorBy = "height_class"
output$grViz_output <- renderGrViz({
# Create a block of Graphviz DOT code
# The data frame to work on is 'dogs'
# With 'edge_between' specify a directed relationship between the
# combined columns 'dog_name' and 'owner', and, 'breed' (you can
# make a synthetic node ID by combining columns (i.e., here some
# dogs had the same name but they had different owners))
# With 'node_attr', specify the node attributes for the 'breed'
# columns and the combined 'dog_name+owner' columns
# With 'edge_attr', specify the edge attributes for the first
# edge definintion
rows <- if(length(input$parcoords_output_brushed_row_names) > 0) {
} else {
# don't tell anybody I forced it to work this way
, graphviz_single_df(
df = dogs[rows,],
edge_between = c("dog_name+owner -> breed"),
node_attr = c("breed: shape = circle,
label = ,
style = filled,
fillcolor = seagreen3,
height = 0.6",
"dog_name+owner: shape = circle,
label = ,
style = filled,
fillcolor = turquoise,
height = 0.4"),
edge_attr = c("1: color = dodgerblue,
arrowhead = none"),
add_labels = FALSE
, envir = .GlobalEnv
digraph dogs {
# Graph statements
graph [layout = twopi, overlap = false]
# Nodes and edges
[1]: nodes_edges
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