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Created September 17, 2015 19:59
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Sine animation (Elm 0.15.1)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Color exposing (rgb)
import Window
import Time
obj_resolution = 360
sine_pct=0.5 -- setting in percantage how big is the part
sine_resolution = sine_pct*obj_resolution
smoothed_resolution = sine_resolution*smoothing_amount
colors = [rgb 55 147 146, rgb 46 73 82, rgb 11 201 199]
phases = [0, degrees 90 , degrees 180]
data = List.map2 (,) colors phases
width i r = {r| width <- i}
waves w h t =
let radius = (min w h) |> toFloat |> (*) 0.4
points phase = (wavePoint radius phase t) [0..obj_resolution]
wave (color, phase) = points phase |> path |> traced (solid color |> width 6)
in wave data |> group
wavePoint radius phase t i =
let angle = degrees i -- only works because obj_resolution = 360
smooth_pct =
if i < smoothed_resolution
then i/smoothed_resolution
else if i > sine_resolution*(1-smoothing_amount) && i <= sine_resolution
then (sine_resolution-i)/smoothed_resolution
else if i == obj_resolution
then 0
else 1
radiusAddon =
if i > sine_resolution && i /= obj_resolution
then 0
else radius*wave_height*smooth_pct*cos((angle+t)*waves_amount+phase)
in fromPolar (radius+radiusAddon+phase*3, angle+t)
clock = Signal.foldp (\dt t -> t - dt/650) 0 (Time.fps 30)
black = rgb 16 16 16
scene (w,h) t =
collage w h
[ rect (toFloat w) (toFloat h) |> filled black
, waves w h t
main = Signal.map2 scene Window.dimensions clock
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