<html> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> |
<body> |
<div id="viz" style="width: 90%;height:90%;margin:auto;"></div> |
<div style="float:right;margin-right: 5%"> |
circle radius: |
<text id="radius-text" style="margin-right:10px"> </text> |
<input id="radius-slider" type="range" style="width:100px" min="1" max="50" value="20" oninput="reSize()"> |
# of circles: |
<text id="count-text" style="margin-right:10px"></text> |
<input id="count-slider" type="range" style="width:500px" min="0" max="300" value="50" oninput="draw()"> |
<input id="shuffle" type="button" value="shuffle" onclick="d3.selectAll('circle')[0].forEach(function(d) {shuffle(d.id.split('_')[1]);})"> |
</div> |
</body> |
<script> |
var vizDims = document.getElementById('viz').getBoundingClientRect(); |
var width = vizDims.width; |
var height = vizDims.height; |
var margin = 50; |
//this will serve as the canvas |
var svg = d3.select('#viz').append('svg') |
.attr('width', width) |
.attr('height', height) |
.style('border', '1px black solid') |
//dragging a circle also moves its pair |
var drag = d3.behavior.drag() |
.on("drag", function() { |
var idNum = this.id.split("_")[1] |
var thisCircle = d3.select('#circle_' + idNum); |
var thisBlank = d3.select('#blank_' + idNum); |
thisCircle |
.attr('cx', +thisCircle.attr('cx') + d3.event.dx) |
.attr('cy', +thisCircle.attr('cy') + d3.event.dy) |
thisBlank |
.attr('cx', +thisBlank.attr('cx') + d3.event.dx) |
.attr('cy', +thisBlank.attr('cy') + d3.event.dy) |
}); |
reSize(); |
draw(); |
//change the radius of the circles when the radius slider is moved |
function reSize() { |
radius = document.getElementById('radius-text').innerHTML = document.getElementById('radius-slider').value; |
d3.selectAll('circle') |
.attr('r', radius); |
} |
//generate coordinates for drawing new circles or shuffling existing circles |
function getCoordinates() { |
//random coordinates for the base circle |
newCX = Math.random() * (width - margin * 2); |
newCY = Math.random() * (height - margin * 2); |
//random number to be used for the offset |
xRand = Math.random(); |
yRand = Math.random(); |
//define the offset, including some code to make sure the offset to falls within a certain range and goes in a random direction |
cxOffset = xRand > .5 ? |
newCX + xRand * radius : |
newCX - (xRand + .5) * radius; |
cyOffset = yRand > .5 ? |
newCY + yRand * radius : |
newCY - (yRand + .5) * radius; |
} |
//draw or remove circles |
function draw() { |
var newCount = document.getElementById('count-text').innerHTML = document.getElementById('count-slider').value |
//bind the count of currently existing circle pairs to a variable for comparison |
var oldCount = d3.selectAll('.circle')[0].length; |
//if adding, add from number of existing circles, to the new count |
if (oldCount < newCount) { |
//for loop from currently existing circle pairs, to the count number passed to this function |
for(i=oldCount+1;i<=newCount;i++) { |
getCoordinates(); |
//the base (black) circle |
var circle = svg.append('circle') |
.style('fill', 'black') |
.attr('cx', newCX) |
.attr('cy', newCY) |
.attr('r', radius) |
.attr('id', 'circle_' + i) |
.attr('class', 'circle') |
//create the blank (white) circle positioned based on the offset defined above |
var blank = d3.select('svg').append('circle') |
.style('fill', 'white') |
.attr('cx', cxOffset) |
.attr('cy', cyOffset) |
.attr('r', radius) |
.attr('id', 'blank_' + i) |
.attr('class', 'blank') |
} |
//add transform attribute and attach the drag and double-click event listeners to all new circles |
d3.selectAll('circle') |
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin + ',' + margin + ')') |
.call(drag) |
.on("dblclick", function() { |
//double clicking a circle calls the shuffle function on the pair |
shuffle(this.id.split("_")[1]) |
}) |
//if the count is lower, remove enough circles to match the count |
} else { |
for(i=oldCount;i>+newCount;i--) { |
d3.select('#circle_' + i).remove() |
d3.select('#blank_' + i).remove() |
} |
} |
} |
//shuffle function to move the circle pairs one at a time |
//this is called on all circles by clicking the button, or individual pairs by double-clicking a circle |
function shuffle(d) { |
getCoordinates(); |
d3.select('#circle_' + d) |
.transition() |
.duration(850) |
.attr('cx', newCX) |
.attr('cy', newCY) |
d3.select('#blank_' + d) |
.transition() |
.duration(1000) |
.attr('cx', cxOffset) |
.attr('cy', cyOffset); |
} |
</script> |
</html> |