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Last active May 25, 2016 14:51
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Overlapping Circles

The purpose of this was to create an homage to a print by RF Dahl while also becoming more familiar with D3.js and how it interacts with the DOM.

One of the sliders adjusts the size of the circles and the other adds or removes circles. The shuffle button randomly relocates all the circles. And you can move individual pairs of circles by either clicking and dragging, or by double clicking to make it move on it's own.

This was an opportunity to experiment with: - randomly generating paired SVG elements, placed in relation to each other's location, and to stay bound together when moved. - working with event listeners - slider and number inputs - having the visualization react to the inputs in real time - dragging circles to new locations, and having the paired circle follow - re-arranging the circles to random locations both individually (by double-clicking), or all at once by clicking the 'shuffle' button - incorporating transitions into the shuffle - when reducing count, removing the circles in numerical order rather than re-drawing the whole thing - this also leaves the remaining circles in their place rather than removing and redrawing - incorporating a slider to change the radius of the circles in real time

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="viz" style="width: 90%;height:90%;margin:auto;"></div>
<div style="float:right;margin-right: 5%">
circle radius:
<text id="radius-text" style="margin-right:10px">&nbsp;</text>
<input id="radius-slider" type="range" style="width:100px" min="1" max="50" value="20" oninput="reSize()">
# of circles:
<text id="count-text" style="margin-right:10px"></text>
<input id="count-slider" type="range" style="width:500px" min="0" max="300" value="50" oninput="draw()">
<input id="shuffle" type="button" value="shuffle" onclick="d3.selectAll('circle')[0].forEach(function(d) {shuffle('_')[1]);})">
var vizDims = document.getElementById('viz').getBoundingClientRect();
var width = vizDims.width;
var height = vizDims.height;
var margin = 50;
//this will serve as the canvas
var svg ='#viz').append('svg')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.style('border', '1px black solid')
//dragging a circle also moves its pair
var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function() {
var idNum ="_")[1]
var thisCircle ='#circle_' + idNum);
var thisBlank ='#blank_' + idNum);
.attr('cx', +thisCircle.attr('cx') + d3.event.dx)
.attr('cy', +thisCircle.attr('cy') + d3.event.dy)
.attr('cx', +thisBlank.attr('cx') + d3.event.dx)
.attr('cy', +thisBlank.attr('cy') + d3.event.dy)
//change the radius of the circles when the radius slider is moved
function reSize() {
radius = document.getElementById('radius-text').innerHTML = document.getElementById('radius-slider').value;
.attr('r', radius);
//generate coordinates for drawing new circles or shuffling existing circles
function getCoordinates() {
//random coordinates for the base circle
newCX = Math.random() * (width - margin * 2);
newCY = Math.random() * (height - margin * 2);
//random number to be used for the offset
xRand = Math.random();
yRand = Math.random();
//define the offset, including some code to make sure the offset to falls within a certain range and goes in a random direction
cxOffset = xRand > .5 ?
newCX + xRand * radius :
newCX - (xRand + .5) * radius;
cyOffset = yRand > .5 ?
newCY + yRand * radius :
newCY - (yRand + .5) * radius;
//draw or remove circles
function draw() {
var newCount = document.getElementById('count-text').innerHTML = document.getElementById('count-slider').value
//bind the count of currently existing circle pairs to a variable for comparison
var oldCount = d3.selectAll('.circle')[0].length;
//if adding, add from number of existing circles, to the new count
if (oldCount < newCount) {
//for loop from currently existing circle pairs, to the count number passed to this function
for(i=oldCount+1;i<=newCount;i++) {
//the base (black) circle
var circle = svg.append('circle')
.style('fill', 'black')
.attr('cx', newCX)
.attr('cy', newCY)
.attr('r', radius)
.attr('id', 'circle_' + i)
.attr('class', 'circle')
//create the blank (white) circle positioned based on the offset defined above
var blank ='svg').append('circle')
.style('fill', 'white')
.attr('cx', cxOffset)
.attr('cy', cyOffset)
.attr('r', radius)
.attr('id', 'blank_' + i)
.attr('class', 'blank')
//add transform attribute and attach the drag and double-click event listeners to all new circles
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin + ',' + margin + ')')
.on("dblclick", function() {
//double clicking a circle calls the shuffle function on the pair
//if the count is lower, remove enough circles to match the count
} else {
for(i=oldCount;i>+newCount;i--) {'#circle_' + i).remove()'#blank_' + i).remove()
//shuffle function to move the circle pairs one at a time
//this is called on all circles by clicking the button, or individual pairs by double-clicking a circle
function shuffle(d) {
getCoordinates();'#circle_' + d)
.attr('cx', newCX)
.attr('cy', newCY)'#blank_' + d)
.attr('cx', cxOffset)
.attr('cy', cyOffset);
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