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Created April 5, 2009 04:17
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const Name = 'gcalendar',
GCal = '',
Logo = ''+<a href={GCal}><img width="150" height="34"
style="background-color:#eee; border:none; margin-top:4px" accesskey="l"
src={GCal +'images/blue_beta_en.gif'}/></a>,
QA = <a
>Quick Add</a>,
Icon = 'chrome://ubiquity/skin/icons/calendar.png';
function say(msg){
displayMessage({icon: Icon, title: Name, text: msg});
function err(x, s){
say(x.status +' '+ x.statusText +' ('+ s +')');
function url(d, m) GCal + (m || '') +'?as_sdt='+ d.toString('yyyyMMdd');
function abs(){
var attr, path = (this.getAttribute(attr = 'href') ||
this.getAttribute(attr = 'action'));
if(/^(?!https?:)/.test(path)) this[attr] = GCal + path;
function btn(){
var txt = this.textContent;
<button value={this.href} accesskey={txt[0]}>{txt}</button>.toXMLString());
function tie(me, pbl){
this.addEventListener('focus', function(e){
this.blur(), e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault();
this.disabled = true;
me.preview(pbl, {u: this.value});
}, true);
function cal(me, url, cb, pbl){
var opts = {
url: url, error: err,
success: function(htm){, (jQuery('<div class="'+ +'">'+
/<div class[^]+$/(htm))
.find('a, form').each(abs).end()));
pbl ? CmdUtils.previewAjax(pbl, opts) : jQuery.ajax(opts);
name: Name,
synonyms: ['C'],
description: <>Accesses your <a href={GCal}>Google Calendar</a>.</>+'',
help: (<>Enter:<ul style="list-style-image:none">
<li>date to check events in the preview,
then execute to open the calendar.</li>
<li>anything, then execute to {QA}.</li></ul></>+''),
icon : Icon,
takes: {'?': {
_name: 'date or event',
rankLast: true,
default: function() noun_type_date.default(),
suggest: function(txt, htm, cb, sx){
if(!txt) return [];
var ss = noun_type_date.suggest(txt),
ev = CmdUtils.makeSugg(txt, htm, null, sx);
ev.q = txt;
ev.summary = <small>{QA}:</small> + ev.summary;
return ss;
execute: function({q, data: d}){
if(q) cal(this, url(new Date, 'm'), function($m){
var prms = {ctext: q};
.each(function(){ prms[] = this.value });
type: 'post',
url: $m.find('form').attr('action'),
data: prms,
dataType: 'xml',
success: function(xml){
error: err,
else Utils.openUrlInBrowser(url(d || new Date));
preview: function(pbl, {data: d, u}){
if(d || u) cal(this, u || url(d, 'm'), function($m){
.find('.c1:nth(1), form, span').hide().end()
.find('.c1 > a').each(btn).end()
.find('button').each(tie, [this, pbl]).end()
.appendTo((pbl.innerHTML = '', pbl)));
}, pbl);
author: 'satyr'.link(''), license: 'MIT',
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