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Forked from mbostock/.block
Created February 20, 2014 15:32
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This example demonstrates the use of a Voronoi tessellation as a simple heuristic for labeling scatterplots. The area of the Voronoi cell associated with each point in the scatterplot is used to determine which points are labeled: points with large cells likely have enough room to accommodate labels. Then, the vector between the point and the associated cell’s centroid (shown in orange) is used to choose between four label orientations: top, right, bottom and left.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
.cell-border {
fill: none;
stroke: #ccc;
.cell-center {
fill: none;
stroke: orange;
.label {
font: 11px sans-serif;
.label--top {
text-anchor: middle;
.label--right {
text-anchor: start;
.label--bottom {
text-anchor: middle;
.label--left {
text-anchor: end;
<script src=""></script>
var width = 960,
height = 500;
var randomX = d3.random.normal(width / 2, 80),
randomY = d3.random.normal(height / 2, 80);
var data = d3.range(200)
.map(function() { return [randomX(), randomY()]; })
.filter(function(d) { return 0 <= d[0] && d[0] <= width && 0 <= d[1] && d[1] <= height; });
var cells = d3.geom.voronoi()
.clipExtent([[-1, -1], [width + 1, height + 1]])
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var cell = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "cell")
.attr("class", "cell-center")
.attr("d", function(d) { return "M" + d.centroid() + "L" + d.point; });
.attr("class", "cell-border")
.attr("d", function(d) { return "M" + d.join("L") + "Z"; });
.attr("class", "dot")
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d + ")"; })
.attr("r", 2.5);
.attr("class", "label")
.data(cells.filter(function(d) { return d.area() > 2000; }))
.attr("class", function(d) {
var centroid = d.centroid(),
point = d.point,
angle = Math.round(Math.atan2(centroid[1] - point[1], centroid[0] - point[0]) / Math.PI * 2);
return "label--" + (d.orient = angle === 0 ? "right"
: angle === -1 ? "top"
: angle === 1 ? "bottom"
: "left");
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.point + ")"; })
.attr("dy", function(d) { return d.orient === "left" || d.orient === "right" ? ".35em" : d.orient === "bottom" ? ".71em" : null; })
.attr("x", function(d) { return d.orient === "right" ? 6 : d.orient === "left" ? -6 : null; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return d.orient === "bottom" ? 6 : d.orient === "top" ? -6 : null; })
.text(function(d, i) { return i; });
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