<!DOCTYPE html> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/> |
</head> |
<body> |
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> |
<script> |
var display = d3.select("body").append("div").attr("id", "display"); |
var select = display.append("div").attr("id","listWrapper") |
.append("select").attr({ |
"size": 29, |
"id": "listSelect" |
}); |
d3.csv("data.csv", function(error, data) { |
select.selectAll("option").data(data).enter() |
.append("option") |
.text(function(d){return d.name}); |
select.on("change", function() { |
colorGrid(data[this.selectedIndex].name); |
}) |
var svg = display.append("svg") |
.attr({ |
width: "600px", |
height: "700px" |
}); |
//Default category |
var catOfInterest = "Restaurants"; |
//constants |
var hourNum = d3.range(24); |
var dayEnum = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']; |
//style |
var gridSize = 20; //this can't be smaller than the words for the dayEnum |
var margin = {top: 15, left: 100}; |
var spacing = 0; |
var maxColor = '#3333CC'; |
//draw labels and squares |
for (var d = 0; d < dayEnum.length; d++) { |
//day text |
svg.append('text') |
.attr({ |
x: margin.left + (d * gridSize) + (d * spacing) + (gridSize/2), |
y: margin.top - 5, |
'text-anchor' : 'middle', |
'alignment-baseline' : 'middle', |
'font-size': '10px' |
}) |
.text(dayEnum[(d+1)%dayEnum.length]); |
//squares |
for (var h = 0; h < hourNum.length; h++) { |
svg.append('rect') |
.attr({ |
x: margin.left + (d * gridSize) + (d * spacing), |
y: margin.top + (h * gridSize) + (h * spacing), |
height: gridSize-1, |
width: gridSize-1, |
fill: 'white', |
id: dayEnum[d].toLowerCase() + "_"+ h |
}); |
} |
} |
//hour text |
for (var h = 0; h < hourNum.length; h++) { |
svg.append('text') |
.attr({ |
x: margin.left - 2, |
y: margin.top + (h * gridSize) + (h * spacing) + (gridSize/2), |
'text-anchor' : 'end', |
'alignment-baseline' : 'middle', |
'font-size': '10px' |
}) |
.text(h + ":00 - " + (h+1) + ":00" ); |
} |
//category label |
svg.append("text") |
.attr({ |
x: (margin.left + gridSize + ((gridSize + spacing)* dayEnum.length)), |
y: (margin.top + ((gridSize * hourNum.length)/2)) - 20, |
'alignment-baseline' : 'middle', |
'font-size': '26px', |
id : "catLabel" |
}).text(catOfInterest); |
//build legend |
var legend = svg.append('g') |
.attr("transform", |
"translate(" + (margin.left + gridSize + ((gridSize + spacing)* dayEnum.length)) + "," |
+ (margin.top + ((gridSize * hourNum.length)/2)) + ")"); |
//min |
legend.append('rect') |
.attr({ |
x: 0, |
y: 0, |
height: gridSize, |
width: gridSize, |
fill: 'white', |
stroke: 'black', |
'stroke-width': 1, |
id: "minLegendColor" |
}); |
legend.append('text') |
.attr({ |
x: gridSize + spacing + 5, |
y: (gridSize/2), |
'alignment-baseline' : 'middle', |
'font-size': '10px', |
id: "minLegendText" |
}) |
.text('0'); |
//mid |
legend.append('rect') |
.attr({ |
x: 0, |
y: gridSize + spacing, |
height: gridSize, |
width: gridSize, |
stroke: 'black', |
'stroke-width': 1, |
id: "midLegendColor" |
}); |
legend.append('text') |
.attr({ |
x: gridSize + spacing + 5, |
y: gridSize + spacing + ((gridSize + spacing)/2), |
'alignment-baseline' : 'middle', |
'font-size': '10px', |
'id': 'midLegendText' |
}) |
//max |
legend.append('rect') |
.attr({ |
x: 0, |
y: (gridSize + spacing) * 2, |
height: gridSize, |
width: gridSize, |
fill: maxColor, |
stroke: 'black', |
'stroke-width': 1, |
id: "maxLegendColor" |
}); |
legend.append('text') |
.attr({ |
x: gridSize + spacing + 5, |
y: (gridSize + spacing) * 2 + ((gridSize+spacing)/2), |
'alignment-baseline' : 'middle', |
'font-size': '10px', |
'id': 'maxLegendText' |
}); |
//color for default category |
colorGrid(catOfInterest); |
function colorGrid(category){ |
d3.select("text#catLabel").text(category); |
//add a yellow line for the current time |
var now = new Date(); |
//adjusted for dow starting on monday |
var day = (now.getDay() + 6) % 7; |
var hour = now.getHours(); |
var minute = now.getMinutes(); |
var minuteScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,59]).range([0,gridSize]); |
d3.select("#timeLine").remove(); |
svg.append("line").attr({ |
x1: margin.left + (day * gridSize) +(spacing * day), |
y1: margin.top + (hour * gridSize) +(spacing * hour) + minuteScale(minute), |
x2: margin.left + (day * gridSize) + (spacing * day) + gridSize - 1, |
y2: margin.top + (hour * gridSize) +(spacing * hour) + minuteScale(minute), |
stroke: '#FFAD00', |
'stroke-width': 2, |
id: "timeLine" |
}); |
//Color the squares and add a tooltip |
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ |
if (data[i].name == category){ |
var chkMax = maxProp(data[i]); |
var colorScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0,chkMax]).range(['#fff', maxColor]); |
for(var prop in data[i]){ |
var dateSq = d3.select('#' + prop); |
dateSq.transition() |
.duration(200) |
.ease("linear") |
.attr({ |
fill: colorScale(data[i][prop]) |
}); |
d3.select('#' + prop + ' title').remove(); |
dateSq.append('title') |
.text('Checkin Count: ' + data[i][prop]); |
} |
d3.select("#midLegendColor").attr("fill", colorScale(chkMax/2)); |
d3.select("#midLegendText").text(chkMax/2); |
d3.select("#maxLegendText").text(chkMax); |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
function maxProp(d){ |
var maxPropOut = 0; |
for(var prop in d){ |
if (prop!== 'name' & prop !== 'businessCount' & Number(d[prop]) > maxPropOut){ |
maxPropOut = Number(d[prop]); |
} |
} |
return maxPropOut; |
} |
</script> |