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Created April 13, 2009 05:45
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*** 2009-04-13 14:42:27.000000000 +0900
--- fuzzyfinder.vim 2009-03-12 11:30:02.000000000 +0900
*** 569,574 ****
--- 569,581 ----
return a:str[:(a:len - len(s:ABBR_TRIM_MARK) - 1)] . s:ABBR_TRIM_MARK
+ function! s:TrimFirst(str, len)
+ if a:len <= 0 || len(a:str) <= a:len
+ return a:str
+ endif
+ return s:ABBR_TRIM_MARK . a:str[(len(a:str)-a:len):(len(a:str)-1)]
+ endfunction
" takes suffix numer. if no digits, returns -1
function! s:SuffixNumber(str)
let s = matchstr(a:str, '\d\+$')
*** 821,827 ****
function! s:SetFormattedAbbr(item, key, trim_len)
! let a:item.abbr = s:TrimLast(printf('%3d: %s', a:item.index, a:item[a:key]), a:trim_len)
return a:item
--- 828,835 ----
function! s:SetFormattedAbbr(item, key, trim_len)
! " let a:item.abbr = s:TrimLast(printf('%3d: %s', a:item.index, a:item[a:key]), a:trim_len)
! let a:item.abbr = s:TrimFirst(printf('%3d: %s', a:item.index, a:item[a:key]), a:trim_len)
return a:item
*** 1090,1098 ****
" partial: 'str' -> {'base':'str', 'wi':'*str*', 're':'\V\.\*str\.\*'}
function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.make_pattern(base)
if self.partial_matching
! let wi = (a:base !~ '^[*?]' ? '*' : '') . a:base .
! \ (a:base =~ '[^*?]$' ? '*' : '')
! let re = s:ConvertWildcardToRegexp(wi)
return { 'base': a:base, 'wi':wi, 're': re }
let wi = ''
--- 1098,1121 ----
" partial: 'str' -> {'base':'str', 'wi':'*str*', 're':'\V\.\*str\.\*'}
function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.make_pattern(base)
if self.partial_matching
! let words = split(a:base, '\v\s+')
! if len(words) >= 2
! let wi1 = (words[0] !~ '^[*?]' ? '*' : '') . words[0] .
! \ (words[0] =~ '[^*?]$' ? '*' : '')
! let wi2 = (words[1] !~ '^[*?]' ? '*' : '') . words[1] .
! \ (words[1] =~ '[^*?]$' ? '*' : '')
! let wi1 = substitute(s:ConvertWildcardToRegexp(wi1), '^\\V', '', '')
! let wi2 = substitute(s:ConvertWildcardToRegexp(wi2), '^\\V', '', '')
! let wi = 'FIXME'
! let re = '\V'.'\('.wi1.wi2.'\)\|\('.wi2.wi1.'\)'
! elseif len(words) == 1
! let wi = (words[0] !~ '^[*?]' ? '*' : '') . words[0] .
! \ (words[0] =~ '[^*?]$' ? '*' : '')
! let re = s:ConvertWildcardToRegexp(wi)
! else
! let wi = ''
! let re = s:ConvertWildcardToRegexp(wi)
! endif
return { 'base': a:base, 'wi':wi, 're': re }
let wi = ''
*** 1270,1280 ****
" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile ------------------------------------- {{{1
let g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.on_complete(base)
let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
let base_tail = s:SplitPath(a:base).tail
let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
! let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word',, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, base_tail, stats)')
--- 1293,1320 ----
" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile ------------------------------------- {{{1
let g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
+ function! s:IndexOfMatching(str, words)
+ let s = tolower(a:str)
+ for word in a:words
+ if stridx(s, word) == -1
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 1
+ endfunction
function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.on_complete(base)
let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
let base_tail = s:SplitPath(a:base).tail
let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
! if 0
! let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word',, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
! else
! let words = split(tolower(a:base), ' ')
! let result = s:FilterEx(self.items, 's:IndexOfMatching(v:val.word, ' . string(words) . ')', self.enumerating_limit)
! endif
return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, base_tail, stats)')
*** 1543,1549 ****
function! s:SetLocalOptionsForFuzzyfinder(cwd, complete_func)
" countermeasure for auto-cd script
! execute ':lcd ' . a:cwd
setlocal filetype=fuzzyfinder
setlocal bufhidden=delete
setlocal buftype=nofile
--- 1583,1589 ----
function! s:SetLocalOptionsForFuzzyfinder(cwd, complete_func)
" countermeasure for auto-cd script
! execute ':lcd ' . escape(a:cwd, ' ')
setlocal filetype=fuzzyfinder
setlocal bufhidden=delete
setlocal buftype=nofile
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