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Created May 3, 2011 18:54
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Save odyssomay/953966 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Recursive implementation of Shunting-yard algorithm
(defprotocol parser_p
(next-type [this token])
(next-destination [this token last_op])
(update-out [this dest token])
(update-op [this dest token])
(update [this])
(sort-tokens [this]))
(defrecord Parser [tokens out_stack op_stack operators]
(next-type [this token]
(if (number? token)
(next-destination [this token last_op]
(case (next-type this token)
:op (if (> (last_op operators) ((keyword token) (:operators this)))
:num :out))
(update-out [this dest token]
(condp = dest
:out (conj (:out_stack this) token)
:pop_op_to_out (conj (:out_stack this) (last (:op_stack this)) token)
(:out_stack this)))
(update-op [this dest token]
(condp = dest
:pop_op_to_out (vec (butlast (:op_stack this)))
:op_stack (conj (:op_stack this) token)
(:op_stack this)))
(update [this]
(let [token (first (:tokens this))
dest (next-destination this token (last op_stack))]
(assoc :out_stack (update-out this dest token)
:op_stack (update-op dest token)
:tokens (rest (:tokens this)))))
(sort-tokens [this]
(if (empty? (:tokens this))
(apply conj (:out_stack this) (reverse (:op_stack this)))
(sort-tokens (update this)))))
(defn new-parser [tokens operators]
(Parser. tokens [] [:none] (merge operators {:none 0})))
(defn parse [tokens operators]
(sort-tokens (new-parser tokens operators)))
; example:
; (parse [2 :+ 3 :* 4 :+ 5] {:+ 1 :* 2})
; => [2 3 4 :* :+ 5 :+ :none]
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