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  • Save joahking/96996 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joahking/96996 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
insoshi searches_controller_spec.rb fail, are you seing this too?
$ git log -n1
commit 8764d0977c15fe360e34b82e54ca76639c73472f
Author: Michael Hartl <>
Date: Thu Apr 9 12:06:26 2009 -0700
Switched to the MIT License
$ rake ultrasphinx:configure RAILS_ENV=test
(in /home/joahking/devel/rails/test_keteke)
Rebuilding configurations for test environment
Available models are Message, Person, AllPerson, and ForumPost
Generating SQL
$ rake ultrasphinx:daemon:status RAILS_ENV=test
(in /home/joahking/devel/rails/test_keteke)
Daemon is running.
$ spec spec/controllers/searches_controller_spec.rb
'SearchesController Person searches should search by name' FAILED
expected: [#<Person id: 745185059, email: "", name: "Quentin", remember_token: nil, crypted_password: "VvM7hp4D4cRK06shXlRgZ5r2fe4nyLNx+Qh6CKHk+7A+Ha76/lD...", description: "I'm Quentin", remember_token_expires_at: nil, last_contacted_at: nil, last_logged_in_at: "2009-04-17 14:24:24", forum_posts_count: 0, blog_post_comments_count: 0, wall_comments_count: 0, created_at: "2009-04-12 14:24:23", updated_at: "2009-04-17 14:24:24", admin: false, deactivated: false, connection_notifications: true, message_notifications: true, wall_comment_notifications: true, blog_comment_notifications: true, email_verified: true, address: nil, lat: nil, lng: nil, country: nil, state: nil, city: nil, invitation_id: nil, avatar_id: nil, identity_url: nil>],
got: [] (using ==)
'SearchesController Person searches should search by description' FAILED
expected: [#<Person id: 745185059, email: "", name: "Quentin", remember_token: nil, crypted_password: "VvM7hp4D4cRK06shXlRgZ5r2fe4nyLNx+Qh6CKHk+7A+Ha76/lD...", description: "I'm Quentin", remember_token_expires_at: nil, last_contacted_at: nil, last_logged_in_at: "2009-04-17 14:24:24", forum_posts_count: 0, blog_post_comments_count: 0, wall_comments_count: 0, created_at: "2009-04-12 14:24:23", updated_at: "2009-04-17 14:24:24", admin: false, deactivated: false, connection_notifications: true, message_notifications: true, wall_comment_notifications: true, blog_comment_notifications: true, email_verified: true, address: nil, lat: nil, lng: nil, country: nil, state: nil, city: nil, invitation_id: nil, avatar_id: nil, identity_url: nil>],
got: [] (using ==)
'SearchesController Person searches as an admin should return deactivated users' FAILED
Expected array to include #<Person:0xb651a9e4>
'SearchesController Person searches as an admin should return email unverified users' FAILED
Expected array to include #<Person:0xb64cacdc>
'SearchesController Message searches should search by subject' FAILED
Expected array to include #<Message:0xb64c190c>
'SearchesController Message searches should search by content' FAILED
Expected array to include #<Message:0xb649f780>
'SearchesController Forum post searches should search by post body' FAILED
Expected array to include #<ForumPost:0xb644ef60>
'SearchesController Forum post searches should search by topic name' FAILED
Expected array to include #<ForumPost:0xb63f5974>
'SearchesController Forum post searches should render with a post div' FAILED
Expected at least 1 element matching "div[class='forum']", found 0.
<false> is not true.
'SearchesController Forum post searches should render with a topic link' FAILED
Expected at least 1 element matching "a[href='/forums/953125641/topics/953125641#post_119261968']", found 0.
<false> is not true.
Finished in 1.773753 seconds
21 examples, 10 failures
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