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Last active September 13, 2015 23:30
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MAL Covers 3 Userscript - Adds a cover image for each anime in your anime and manga list on

MAL Covers 3

Adds a cover image for each anime in your anime and manga list on

What's new

  • The script no longer depends on my server for loading cover images. It means that the first load will be somewhat slower, but the script should work as long as MAL doesn't change anything.

How to install

  • Google Chrome for Desktop (and other Chromium-based browsers for desktop): Install the Tampermonkey extension. After that click on the INSTALL link above.

  • Opera Next (Chromium-based browser) Install the Tampermonkey extension. After that click on the INSTALL link above.

  • Opera 12 (old Opera) Right-click on the INSTALL link above, and save linked content to your User JavaScript Folder. Make sure the filename ends on .user.js. Remove the old version of the script if present. The location of the script folder can be viewed in Preferences - Advanced - Content - JavaScript Options.

  • Mozilla Firefox for Desktop (and other Mozilla-based browsers for desktop): Install the GreaseMonkey extension and restart your browser. After that click on the INSTALL link above.

  • Mobile browsers, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. are not supported yet.


Use Comments section below for questions, bug reports or feature requests.


If you have an Android device you can try the following apps: Pocket MAL, Atarashii! - Modern MAL Please note that I am not affiliated with these apps and/or their authors.

// ==UserScript==
// @name MAL Covers 3
// @include*
// @include*
// @description Adds a cover image for each anime in your anime list.
// @version 3.3
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
function main() {
* jQuery.ScrollTo - Easy element scrolling using jQuery.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com |
* Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.
* Date: 5/25/2009
* @author Ariel Flesler
* @version 1.4.2
;(function(d){var k=d.scrollTo=function(a,i,e){d(window).scrollTo(a,i,e)};k.defaults={axis:'xy',duration:parseFloat(d.fn.jquery)>=1.3?0:1};k.window=function(a){return d(window)._scrollable()};d.fn._scrollable=function(){return{var a=this,i=!a.nodeName||d.inArray(a.nodeName.toLowerCase(),['iframe','#document','html','body'])!=-1;if(!i)return a;var e=(a.contentWindow||a).document||a.ownerDocument||a;return d.browser.safari||e.compatMode=='BackCompat'?e.body:e.documentElement})};d.fn.scrollTo=function(n,j,b){if(typeof j=='object'){b=j;j=0}if(typeof b=='function')b={onAfter:b};if(n=='max')n=9e9;b=d.extend({},k.defaults,b);j=j||b.speed||b.duration;b.queue=b.queue&&b.axis.length>1;if(b.queue)j/=2;b.offset=p(b.offset);b.over=p(b.over);return this._scrollable().each(function(){var q=this,r=d(q),f=n,s,g={},'html,body');switch(typeof f){case'number':case'string':if(/^([+-]=)?\d+(\.\d+)?(px|%)?$/.test(f)){f=p(f);break}f=d(f,this);case'object':if(||}d.each(b.axis.split(''),function(a,i){var e=i=='x'?'Left':'Top',h=e.toLowerCase(),c='scroll'+e,l=q[c],m=k.max(q,i);if(s){g[c]=s[h]+(u?0:l-r.offset()[h]);if(b.margin){g[c]-=parseInt(f.css('margin'+e))||0;g[c]-=parseInt(f.css('border'+e+'Width'))||0}g[c]+=b.offset[h]||0;if(b.over[h])g[c]+=f[i=='x'?'width':'height']()*b.over[h]}else{var o=f[h];g[c]=o.slice&&o.slice(-1)=='%'?parseFloat(o)/100*m:o}if(/^\d+$/.test(g[c]))g[c]=g[c]<=0?0:Math.min(g[c],m);if(!a&&b.queue){if(l!=g[c])t(b.onAfterFirst);delete g[c]}});t(b.onAfter);function t(a){r.animate(g,j,b.easing,a&&function(){,n,b)})}}).end()};k.max=function(a,i){var e=i=='x'?'Width':'Height',h='scroll'+e;if(!d(a).is('html,body'))return a[h]-d(a)[e.toLowerCase()]();var c='client'+e,l=a.ownerDocument.documentElement,m=a.ownerDocument.body;return Math.max(l[h],m[h])-Math.min(l[c],m[c])};function p(a){return typeof a=='object'?a:{top:a,left:a}}})(jQuery);
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(f?0:j)<h-b)&&!(a.sonarElemTop+(f?j:0)>h+g+b)}},h={},p=0,n,s=function(){n&&clearTimeout(n);n=setTimeout(function(){var a,b,f,c,d,e,i;for(f in h){b=h[f];for(e=0,i=b.length;e<i;e++)if(c=b[e],a=c.elem,d=j(a,c.px,c.full),"scrollout"===f?!d:d){if(!["_"+f]?(g(a).trigger(f),,1),e--,i--)}else}},0)},q=function(a,b){var f=b.px,c=b.full,d=b.evt,e=j(a,f,c),i=0;a["_"+d]=1;if("scrollout"===d?!e:e)setTimeout(function(){g(a).trigger("scrollout"===d?"scrollout":"scrollin")},0),i=1;
/* MAL 3 */
var mal3 = {};
mal3.version = 3;
mal3.config = {
defaults: {
mode: 'classic'
request_url: '',
dummy_covers: {
nya: '',
cnf: ''
cdn: ''
mal3.your_anime = {};
mal3.warnings = {};
mal3.trim = function(str) {
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
} else {
return str.trim();
mal3.setCookie = function(name, value) {
var exdate = new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + 365);
var expires = exdate.toGMTString();
document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + "; expires=" + expires + "; path=/";
mal3.getCookie = function(name) {
var cookies = {};
var rawCookies = document.cookie.split(';');
var cookie;
for (var i = 0; i < rawCookies.length; i++) {
cookie = rawCookies[i].split('=');
cookies[mal3.trim(cookie[0])] = mal3.trim(cookie[1]);
return cookies;
mal3.lazyLoadImage = function(img) {
var $img = jQuery(img),
src = $img.attr('data-lazy-src');
$img.unbind('scrollin') // remove event binding
.attr('data-lazy-loaded', 'true');
img.src = src;
mal3.toggleMode = function(e){
if( == 'mal3_enable_classic' && mal3.mode != 'classic') {
} else if ( == 'mal3_enable_decat' && mal3.mode != 'decat') {
$('#mal3_message').html('Reload page to see the changes.');
return false;
mal3.clearCache = function() {
$('#mal3_message').html('Cache cleared! Reload page to see the changes.');
mal3.placeCopyright = function() {
$('#copyright').append('<br /><a href="">MAL Covers 3 UserScript (v.3.'+ mal3.version +')</a> by Alex7Kom. Mode: <a href="#" id="mal3_enable_classic" class="mal3_action_link">Standard</a> | <a href="#" id="mal3_enable_decat" class="mal3_action_link">Description</a>. <a href="#" id="mal3_clear_cache" class="mal3_action_link">Clear cache</a>.<br><span id="mal3_message" class="mal3_message"></span>');
mal3.showMessage = function(message) {
mal3.showWarning = function(message, id) {
if (!mal3.warnings[id]) {
$('<div class="mal3warning">' + message + '</div>').prependTo('#list_surround');
mal3.warnings[id] = true;
mal3.zoom = function() {
var cover_src = $(this).attr('src');
var cover_id = $(this).attr('data-id');
if(cover_src != mal3.config.dummy_covers.nya && cover_src != mal3.config.dummy_covers.cnf){
var cover_pos = $(this).offset();
var bbottom = $(document).height() - ( + $(this).height());
var under_height = bbottom - ($(document).height() - ($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height()));
var above_height = $(document).scrollTop() -;
var cover_elem = $('#cover' + cover_id).length > 0 ? $('#cover' + cover_id) : $('<img class="mal3zoomed" id="cover' + cover_id + '" data-id="' + cover_id + '" src="' + cover_src + '" />');
$(cover_elem).attr('style', 'top: ' + + 'px; left: ' + cover_pos.left + 'px;');
if(under_height > 200){
.bind('mouseover', function(){
mal3.zoomImage(this, under_height, above_height);
.bind('mouseleave', function(){
} else {
.bind('mouseover', function(){
mal3.zoomImage(this, under_height, above_height, + 5 - $(this).height()*1.25);
.bind('mouseleave', function(){
mal3.zoomImage = function(elem, under_height, above_height, top) {
var params = {width: '225'};
if(top){ = top;
$(elem).animate(params, 300);
if(under_height < 0){
$.scrollTo($(document).scrollTop() - under_height-20, 300);
} else if(above_height > 0){
$.scrollTo($(document).scrollTop() - above_height, 300);
mal3.unZoomImage = function(elem, top){
var params = {width: '100'};
if(top){ = top;
$(elem).animate(params, 300, function(){
mal3.openLink = function(id){'' + (mal3.type == 'a' ? 'anime' : 'manga') + '/' + id + '/','_blank');
mal3.bindZoom = function(){
$('img.mal3img').bind('mouseenter', mal3.zoom);
mal3.expandInfo = function(event){
var series_id = $("anime-id");
var colorType = $("color-type");
if ($('#more'+series_id).css('display') == 'block') {
return false;
var memberId = $('#listUserId').val();
$.post("/includes/", {color:colorType,id:series_id,memId:memberId,type:$('#listType').val()}, function(data) {
if(mal3.your_anime[series_id] !== undefined){
$('#more' + series_id + ' td div:first').before('<img src="' + mal3.your_anime[series_id] + '" class="mal3decat" />');
}, "json");
mal3.insertCover = function(id, image) {
$("#" + id + " > tr > td > img.mal3img")
.bind('scrollin', { distance: 100 }, function() {
mal3.getCover = function(id, callback) {
var coverData = localStorage.getItem(mal3.type + '_' + id);
if (coverData !== null) {
var cover = coverData.split(';');
if(parseInt(cover[1]) + 1000*60*60*24*14 >{
if (cover[0] != mal3.config.dummy_covers.cnf) {
var coverA = mal3.config.cdn + (mal3.type == 'a' ? 'anime' : 'manga') + '/' + cover[0];
} else {
var coverA = mal3.config.dummy_covers.cnf;
if(mal3.mode == 'classic'){
mal3.insertCover(id, coverA);
} else if(mal3.mode == 'decat') {
mal3.your_anime[id] = coverA;
return callback();
var url = mal3.config.request_url + (mal3.type == 'a' ? 'anime' : 'manga') + '/' + id;
type: 'GET',
url: url,
success: function(body) {
var data = body.match(mal3.coverpatt);
if (data !== null){
if(mal3.mode == 'classic'){
mal3.insertCover(id, data[1]);
} else if(mal3.mode == 'decat') {
mal3.your_anime[id] = data[1];
var cover = data[1].split(mal3.config.cdn + (mal3.type == 'a' ? 'anime' : 'manga') + '/');
localStorage.setItem(mal3.type + '_' + id, cover[1] + ';' +;
} else {
localStorage.setItem(mal3.type + '_' + id, mal3.config.dummy_covers.cnf + ';' + ( - 1000*60*60*24*14 + 1000*60*60*6));
mal3.animepatt = /\/animelist\//i;
mal3.url_patt = /\/(?:manga|anime)\/(\d+)\//i;
mal3.coverpatt = new RegExp('<td class="borderClass"[^>]+><div[^>]+>(?:<a[^>]+>)?<img src="([^"]+)"[^>]+>(?:</a>)?</div>', 'i');
mal3.type = 'a';
} else {
mal3.type = 'm';
mal3.mode = mal3.getCookie()['mode'];
if(mal3.mode != 'classic' && mal3.mode != 'decat'){
mal3.mode = mal3.config.defaults.mode;
mal3.setCookie('mode', mal3.mode);
$('#mal3_enable_classic, #mal3_enable_decat').click(mal3.toggleMode);
if(mal3.mode == 'classic'){
} else if(mal3.mode == 'decat'){
var list = $("a.animetitle");
var get_array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var id_afterexec = mal3.url_patt.exec($(list[i]).attr("href"));
if(mal3.mode == 'classic'){
$("#"+id_afterexec[1]).find("a.animetitle").parent().before('<td class="mal3td ' + $("#"+id_afterexec[1]+" > tr > td:first").attr('class') + '"><img src="' + mal3.config.dummy_covers.nya + '" class="mal3img" /></td>');
} else if(mal3.mode == 'decat'){
var derp = String($('#' + id_afterexec[1] + ' a[title="View More Information"]').attr('onclick'));
$('#' + id_afterexec[1] + ' a[title="View More Information"]').removeAttr('onclick').click(mal3.expandInfo);
$('#' + id_afterexec[1] + ' a[title="View More Information"]').attr("anime-id",id_afterexec[1]).attr("color-type",derp.substring(derp.length-5,derp.length-4));
var w = 0;
function iterateOverCoverArray(){
if (w < get_array.length){
mal3.getCover(get_array[w], iterateOverCoverArray);
}, 0);
} else {
mal3.getCover(get_array[w], iterateOverCoverArray);
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ main +')();'));
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = '.mal3_action_link { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed; } .mal3_current { border: 0; } .mal3_message { color: Red; } .mal3img { width: 100%; height: auto; } .mal3td { width: 100px; height: 150px; } .mal3decat { float: right; margin: 15px; } .mal3zoomed { cursor: hand; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; width: 100px; height: auto; } .mal3warning { margin: 10px; padding: 10px; text-align: center; background: #fff; border: 2px solid #fae3e3; color: #000; } .mal3warning a { text-decoration: underline; }';
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(style);
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