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Last active December 30, 2019 20:47
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  • Save ThomasG77/427f597726101424b2524100976a05da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ThomasG77/427f597726101424b2524100976a05da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Geocode Labelisation France Service
# Retrieve data
wget ""
# Get number of pages in PDF
pages=$(pdfinfo labellisations-france-services_01012020.pdf | grep 'Pages' | awk '{print $2}')
# Scan PDF to get tables and write to csv
camelot --format csv --pages 1-$pages --output labellisations-france-services_01012020.csv lattice labellisations-france-services_01012020.pdf
# Empty/create some files
cp /dev/null labellisations-france-services.csv
cp /dev/null labellisations-france-services-cleaned.csv
cp /dev/null labellisations-france-services-format.csv
# Loop on csv files obtained from PDF
for i in labellisations-france-services_01012020-page*.csv;
do cat $i | tail -n+5 >> labellisations-france-services.csv;
# Add double quotes everywhere (to ease regex use later)
csvformat -U 1 labellisations-france-services.csv >> labellisations-france-services-format.csv
# Clean CSV due to special characters en multiline content in double quotes
cat labellisations-france-services-format.csv | sed 's/\xC2\xA0/ /g' | sed 's/‐/-/g' | perl -p00e 's/([ a-zA-Z\-])\n/\1 /g' | sed 's/ / /g' >> labellisations-france-services-cleaned.csv
# Remove doubles quotes now after regex usage (useful for upcoming loop)
sed -i 's/"//g' labellisations-france-services-cleaned.csv
# Empty delimited file
cp /dev/null labellisations-france-services.geojsonl
[ ! -f $INPUT ] && { echo "$INPUT file not found"; exit 99; }
while read commune insee dept
# Echo infos
echo "Commune : $commune"
echo "INSEE : $insee"
echo "Departement : $dept"
# Geocode communes and add value from CSV as commune key in GeoJSON property
curl -X GET ""$insee"?fields=nom,code&format=geojson&geometry=centre" -H "accept: application/json" | jq -c --arg namecom $commune '.properties["commune"] = $namecom' >> labellisations-france-services.geojsonl
done < $INPUT
# Get uniques values because some cities have duplicates because some services are only in the center of the town,
# the other are moving e.g called "France Services itinérante"
uniq -d labellisations-france-services.geojsonl > labellisations-france-services-uniq.geojsonl
# Remove uniques values
uniq -u labellisations-france-services.geojsonl > labellisations-france-services-no-double.geojsonl
# Prepare to add "France Services itinérante"
cp labellisations-france-services-uniq.geojsonl labellisations-france-services-uniq-changed.geojsonl
# Rename city to add "France Services itinérante"
sed -i 's#","code"# (France Services itinérante)","code"#g' labellisations-france-services-uniq-changed.geojsonl
# Reassemble
cat labellisations-france-services-uniq.geojsonl labellisations-france-services-no-double.geojsonl labellisations-france-services-uniq-changed.geojsonl > labellisations-france-services-cleaned.geojsonl
# Convert to GeoJSON (need GDAL 2.4.x because input is geojson delimited)
ogr2ogr -f Geojson labellisations-france-services-cleaned.geojson labellisations-france-services-cleaned.geojsonl -lco RFC7946=YES
ogr2ogr -f CSV labellisations-france-services-cleaned.csv labellisations-france-services-cleaned.geojsonl -lco GEOMETRY=AS_XY
X Y nom code commune
2.8238 46.0182 Saint-Gervais-d'Auvergne 63354 SAINT-GERVAIS-D’AUVERGNE
55.6297 -21.3305 Saint-Joseph 97412 Saint-Joseph
2.2924 49.8935 Amiens 80021 Amiens
-0.8722 45.9605 Tonnay-Charente 17449 Tonnay-Charente
-4.5058 48.4059 Brest 29019 BREST
4.1125 49.9879 Anor 59012 Anor
3.5479 50.0954 Le Cateau-Cambrésis 59136 Le Cateau-Cambrésis
2.2 50.9414 Bourbourg 59094 Bourbourg
2.5852 50.9694 Hondschoote 59309 Hondschoote
3.1054 50.4399 Raimbeaucourt 59489 Raimbeaucourt
3.5125 50.1739 Solesmes 59571 Solesmes
3.8277 50.2103 Aulnoye-Aymeries 59033 Aulnoyes-Aymeries
2.9435 49.1554 Betz 60069 Betz
2.0837 49.6142 Crèvecœur-le-Grand 60178 Crevecoeur-le-Grand
1.9333 49.6653 Grandvilliers 60286 Grandvilliers
1.8333 49.3986 Le Coudray-Saint-Germer 60164 Le Coudray Saint-Germer
2.7351 49.5349 Ressons-sur-Matz 60533 Ressons-sur-Matz
2.418 49.5091 Saint-Just-en-Chaussée 60581 Saint-Just en Chaussée
0.0931 48.4284 Alençon 61001 Alençon
0.6092 48.7613 L'Aigle 61214 L’Aigle
0.7603 48.429 Rémalard en Perche 61345 Rémalard en Perche
2.3752 48.845 Paris 75056 PARIS 18 - Est
2.3752 48.845 Paris 75056 PARIS 15
2.3752 48.845 Paris 75056 PARIS 20
2.9979 50.4808 Libercourt 62907 Libercourt
1.8252 50.6757 Desvres 62268 Desvres
1.8749 50.8566 Guînes 62397 Guines
2.1186 50.7061 Lumbres 62534 Lumbres
2.2485 50.6312 Thérouanne 62811 Thérouanne
2.6406 50.529 Béthune 62119 Béthune
2.8228 50.4341 Lens 62498 Lens
2.6406 50.529 Béthune 62119 Service itinérant PIMMS entre Béthune et Aire-sur-la-Lys
2.5651 45.6611 Bourg-Lastic 63048 BOURG-LASTIC
2.4719 45.8047 Giat 63165 GIAT
2.8068 45.5887 Mont-Dore 63236 MONT-DORE
2.6785 45.8616 Pontaumur 63283 PONTAUMUR
2.8533 45.8264 Pontgibaud 63285 PONTGIBAUD
3.8836 45.4323 Viverols 63465 VIVEROLS
-0.3462 43.3197 Pau 64445 Pau
-0.8797 43.216 Mauléon-Licharre 64371 Mauléon
-0.6158 43.3752 Mourenx 64410 Mourenx
2.708 42.8131 Tautavel 66205 TAUTAVEL
2.6193 42.4575 Arles-sur-Tech 66009 ARLES-SUR-TECH
3.1209 42.4697 Banyuls-sur-Mer 66016 BANYULS-SUR-MER
2.6246 42.6712 Ille-sur-Têt 66088 ILLE-SUR-TET
55.4233 -21.2179 Saint-Louis 97414 Saint-Louis
4.5597 46.2435 Deux-Grosnes 69135 MONSOLS
4.3217 45.9676 Amplepuis 69006 AMPLEPUIS
4.6717 45.6199 Mornant 69141 MORNANT
4.4597 45.739 Saint-Laurent-de-Chamousset 69220 ST LAURENT DE CHAMOUSSET
4.4497 45.6309 Saint-Symphorien-sur-Coise 69238 ST SYMPHORIEN SUR COISE
4.3442 46.2056 Chauffailles 71120 CHAUFFAILLES
4.4315 46.4792 Saint-Bonnet-de-Joux 71394 SAINT-BONNET-DE-JOUX
4.0084 46.2055 Melay 71291 MELAY
4.8901 46.6323 Sennecey-le-Grand 71512 SENNECEY-LE-GRAND
-0.2372 47.9753 Brûlon 72050 Brûlon
0.0821 48.2836 Fresnay-sur-Sarthe 72138 Fresnay-sur-Sarthe
0.1327 47.642 Le Lude 72176 Le Lude
5.9244 45.789 Entrelacs 73010 Entrelacs
6.1285 45.4616 Valgelon-La Rochette 73215 Val Gelon La Rochette
6.4883 45.2305 Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne 73261 St Michel de Maurienne
5.769 45.7067 Yenne 73330 Yenne
2.6595 48.5426 Melun 77288 Melun
3.0071 48.5509 Nangis 77327 Nangis Lude
2.6755 49.0536 Dammartin-en-Goële 77153 Dammartin-en- Goële
1.7253 49.4759 Gournay-en-Bray 76312 GOURNAY EN BRAY
0.2193 49.5064 Gonfreville-l'Orcher 76305 GONFREVILLE-L'ORCHER
1.066 49.3411 Oissel 76484 OISSEL
0.7216 49.5255 Rives-en-Seine 76164 RIVES EN SEINE
1.2298 49.7138 Bellencombre 76070 BELLENCOMBRE
1.6395 49.9252 Blangy-sur-Bresle 76101 BLANGY SUR BRESLE
0.7841 49.7332 Doudeville 76219 DOUDEVILLE
1.2611 49.8969 Envermeu 76235 ENVERMEU
0.7078 49.8624 Saint-Valery-en-Caux 76655 SAINT VALERY EN CAUX
0.8897 49.6716 Yerville 76752 YERVILLE
1.097 49.4115 Sotteville-lès-Rouen 76681 SOTTEVILLE LES ROUEN
1.0984 49.4432 Rouen 76540 DEPARTEMENT-Espaces numériques mobiles
2.5643 48.8362 Noisy-le-Grand 93051 NOISY LE GRAND
2.5266 48.9368 Sevran 93071 SEVRAN
1.826 50.1095 Abbeville 80001 Abbeville
3.0804 49.7518 Ham 80410 Ham
2.4546 43.88 Alban 81003 ALBAN
2.1448 43.9173 Albi 81004 ALBI
2.1971 43.7763 Réalmont 81222 Réalmont
2.0307 43.6657 Serviès 81286 SERVIES
2.6758 43.7057 Lacaune 81124 LACAUNE
1.2907 43.8266 Grisolles 82075 Grisolles
1.021 44.058 Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave 82169 Saint Nicolas de la Grave
1.2389 44.1388 Lafrançaise 82087 Lafrançaise
1.1247 44.2677 Lauzerte 82094 Lauzerte
1.5198 44.0638 Nègrepelisse 82134 Négrepelisse
2.4788 48.8363 Nogent-sur-Marne 94052 Nogent-sur-Marne
2.0524 49.0362 Cergy 95127 Cergy
2.4085 48.9715 Garges-lès-Gonesse 95268 Garges-lès-Gonesse
1.9282 49.0792 Vigny 95658 Vigny
5.8824 43.0805 La Seyne-sur-Mer 83126 LA SEYNE
5.9836 43.265 Méounes-lès-Montrieux 83077 Méounes
6.341 43.2476 Collobrières 83043 Collobrières
6.2117 43.6272 Aups 83007 AUPS
6.6774 43.606 Fayence 83055 FAYENCE
6.5821 43.4779 Le Muy 83086 LE MUY
5.0582 44.0625 Carpentras 84031 Carpentras
4.873 44.0196 Sorgues 84129 Sorgues
4.9987 44.3737 Valréas 84138 Valréas
-1.0044 46.3777 Chaillé-les-Marais 85042 Chaillé les Marais
-1.0459 46.6648 Chantonnay 85051 Chantonnay
-0.7408 46.6406 La Châtaigneraie 85059 La Châtaigneraie
-1.4297 46.4887 Moutiers-les-Mauxfaits 85156 Moutiers les Mauxfaits
-1.6062 46.808 Palluau 85169 Palluau
-0.8294 46.7764 Pouzauges 85182 Pouzauges
0.3631 46.5822 Poitiers 86194 Poitiers
6.7153 48.2111 Bruyères 88078 Bruyères (et antenne de Docelles et Brouvelieures)
5.6962 48.3568 Neufchâteau 88321 Neufchateau
6.6314 48.3437 Rambervillers 88367 Rambervillers
3.0025 48.1999 Chéroy 89100 Chéroy
3.133 47.8806 Charny Orée de Puisaye 89086 Charny Orée de Puisaye
3.454 48.1723 Les Vallées de la Vanne 89411 Les Vallées de la Vanne
1.9141 48.9832 Les Mureaux 78440 Les Mureaux
1.9906 48.7725 Trappes 78621 Trappes
1.797 48.8684 Thoiry 78616 Thoiry
5.7936 46.1227 Valserhône 01033 Valserhône
3.4646 49.7917 Ribemont 02648 Ribemont
3.5241 49.4102 Vailly-sur-Aisne 02758 Vailly-sur-Aisne
3.8486 49.5185 Saint-Erme-Outre-et-Ramecourt 02676 Saint Erme Outre et Ramecourt
3.6287 49.8975 Guise 02361 Communauté de communes De la Thiérache Sambre et Oise
3.6799 46.5335 Dompierre-sur-Besbre 03102 Dompierre-sur-Besbre
3.0806 46.1152 Ébreuil 03107 Ebreuil
2.4856 46.3751 Huriel 03128 Huriel
3.0531 46.406 Le Montet 03183 Le Montet
2.6426 46.1698 Marcillat-en-Combraille 03161 Marcillat-en-Combraille
2.9534 46.3197 Montmarault 03186 Montmarault
3.327 46.5628 Moulins 03190 Moulins
5.6492 44.0217 Banon 04018 Banon
6.2513 44.0883 Digne-les-Bains 04070 Digne
6.4999 43.9664 Saint-André-les-Alpes 04173 Saint-André-les-Alpes
5.7929 43.9595 Forcalquier 04088 Forcalquier
6.6518 44.3788 Barcelonnette 04019 Barcelonnette
5.7741 43.8456 Manosque 04112 Manosque
7.2248 43.7571 Colomars 06046 Colomars
7.2872 43.7459 Saint-André-de-la-Roche 06114 Saint André de la Roche
7.5573 44.0987 Tende 06163 Tende
6.7534 43.834 Saint-Auban 06116 Saint-Auban
6.8706 44.0793 Guillaumes 06071 Guillaumes
6.8514 43.7018 Saint-Vallier-de-Thiey 06130 Saint Vallier de Thiey
6.922 44.2616 Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée 06120 Saint Etienne de Tinée
7.2406 43.8458 Levens 06075 Levens
7.2942 44.0271 Roquebillière 06103 Roquebillière
6.9066 43.9525 Puget-Théniers 06099 Puget-Théniers
4.6454 44.9029 Vernoux-en-Vivarais 07338 Vernoux en Vivarais
4.5992 44.3244 Saint-Marcel-d'Ardèche 07264 St Marcel d'Ardèche
4.4129 44.9999 Saint-Agrève 07204 St Agrève
4.2071 44.677 Thueyts 07322 Thueyts
4.747 49.8461 Bogny-sur-Meuse 08081 Bogny-sur-Meuse
4.7009 49.9393 Revin 08363 Revin
4.5873 49.4768 Attigny 08025 Attigny
4.6539 49.6444 Poix-Terron 08341 Poix-Terron
4.3938 49.6979 Signy-l'Abbaye 08419 Signy-l’Abbaye
1.5898 42.8482 Tarascon-sur-Ariège 09306 Tarascon sur Ariège
1.8313 42.6938 Ax-les-Thermes 09032 Ax les Thermes
1.8646 43.114 Mirepoix 09194 Mirepoix
1.1608 42.9792 Saint-Girons 09261 Saint-Girons
4.7117 48.233 Bar-sur-Aube 10033 Bar-sur-Aube
3.8103 48.2506 Estissac 10142 Estissac
3.983 48.3472 Saint-Lyé 10349 Saint-Lyé
4.7063 48.382 Soulaines-Dhuys 10372 Soulaines-Dhuys
2.5617 43.1864 Capendu 11068 CAPENDU
2.5268 42.9583 Mouthoumet 11260 MOUTHOUMET
2.9777 43.0363 Sigean 11379 SIGEAN
2.245 43.0457 Limoux 11206 LIMOUX
3.0419 43.1647 Narbonne 11262 NARBONNE
2.1078 43.2504 Bram 11049 BRAM
1.7786 43.2947 Salles-sur-l'Hers 11371 SALLES SUR l’HERS
2.6643 44.1888 Arvieu 12011 Arvieu
2.8114 44.7687 Argences en Aubrac 12223 Argences en Aubrac
2.7113 44.4768 Bozouls 12033 Bozouls
3.0025 44.501 Saint Geniez d'Olt et d'Aubrac 12224 Saint Géniez d’Olt et d’Aubrac
2.4629 44.4769 Marcillac-Vallon 12138 Marcillac
2.3439 44.1919 Naucelle 12169 Naucelle
2.5546 44.0365 Réquista 12197 Réquista
7.7553 48.5673 Strasbourg 67482 Strasbourg
7.3024 48.34 Villé 67507 Villé
7.7666 48.8981 Durrenbach 67110 Durrenbach
7.084 48.9371 Sarre-Union 67434 Sarre-Union
7.2024 48.4913 Schirmeck 67448 Schirmeck
7.6288 48.6605 Truchtersheim 67495 Truchtersheim
7.443 48.6413 Wasselonne 67520 Wasselonne
7.3534 48.7396 Saverne 67437 Saverne
4.3898 43.4829 Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer 13096 Saintes Maries de la Mer
5.6176 43.1811 La Ciotat 13028 La Ciotat
4.8545 43.3865 Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône 13078 Port Saint Louis
5.5011 43.3475 Allauch 13002 Marseille-Panier
-0.3719 49.1798 Caen 14118 CAEN – Pierre Heuzé
-0.2415 48.97 Potigny 14516 Bellengreville
-0.5923 48.8876 Condé-en-Normandie 14174 Condé-en-Normandie
-0.4545 49.3235 Courseulles-sur-Mer 14191 Courseulles-sur-Mer
-0.0465 49.2318 Dozulé 14229 Dozulé
-0.5129 48.9839 Le Hom 14689 Hom (Le)
0.053 49.1452 Cambremer 14126 Isigny-sur-mer
0.0086 49.082 Mézidon Vallée d'Auge 14431 Mézidon Vallée d’Auge
-0.4545 49.3235 Courseulles-sur-Mer 14191 Noues-de-Sienne
-0.2567 49.2746 Ouistreham 14488 Ouistreham
-0.3828 49.0936 May-sur-Orne 14408 Pont-L’évêque
-0.4159 48.8765 Pont-d'Ouilly 14764 Troarn
-0.3719 49.1798 Caen 14118 CAEN – Venoix
2.9966 44.8426 Chaudes-Aigues 15045 Chaudes Aigues
2.8344 44.9264 Pierrefort 15152 Pierrefort
2.8598 45.1174 Murat 15138 Murat
0.5462 45.7762 Montembœuf 16225 Montemboeuf
-0.1598 45.484 Barbezieux-Saint-Hilaire 16028 Barbezieux
0.1316 45.407 Montmoreau 16230 Montmoreau
0.2437 45.3087 Saint-Séverin 16350 Saint-Séverin
-0.9622 45.644 Médis 17228 Médis
-1.3682 46.2005 Saint-Martin-de-Ré 17369 Saint-Martin-de-Ré
-0.8251 45.5761 Cozes 17131 Cozes
-1.0768 45.8337 Marennes-Hiers-Brouage 17219 Marennes
-0.3862 45.2907 Montendre 17240 Montendre
-0.4256 45.4421 Jonzac 17197 Jonzac
-0.5181 45.941 Saint-Jean-d'Angély 17347 Saint-Jean-d’Angély
2.4378 47.4763 Aubigny-sur-Nère 18015 Aubigny sur Nère
2.9098 46.8184 Sancoins 18242 Sancoins
1.7213 45.6104 Chamberet 19036 Chamberet
1.3245 45.2568 Ayen 19015 Ayen
1.5143 45.4565 Saint-Ybard 19248 Saint-Ybard
8.6694 41.932 Ajaccio 2A004 Ajaccio
8.724 42.145 Vico 2A348 Vico
4.4773 47.127 Arnay-le-Duc 21023 Arnay le Duc
5.1145 47.5315 Is-sur-Tille 21317 IS sur Tille
5.3188 47.4002 Mirebeau-sur-Bèze 21416 Mirebeau sur Bèze
5.4149 47.303 Pontailler-sur-Saône 21496 Pontailler sur Saône
4.3405 47.4862 Semur-en-Auxois 21603 Semur en Auxois
-2.7639 48.5157 Saint-Brieuc 22278 SAINT-BRIEUC
-2.5275 48.2882 Le Mené 22046 LE MENE
-2.7503 48.1721 Loudéac 22136 LOUDEAC
-3.233 48.7841 Tréguier 22362 TREGUIER
1.662 46.2989 Dun-le-Palestel 23075 Dun-le-Palestel
2.2214 46.3475 Boussac 23031 Boussac
-0.4678 46.3265 Niort 79191 NIORT
-0.1579 46.8282 Airvault 79005 AIRVAULT
-0.4204 46.9701 Argentonnay 79013 ARGENTONNAY
-0.7694 46.9486 Mauléon 79079 MAULEON
-0.2082 46.4119 Saint-Maixent-l'École 79270 SAINT-MAIXENT-L’ECOLE
-0.1517 46.2164 Melle 79174 SAUZE-VAUSSAIS
0.6877 45.165 Coulounieix-Chamiers 24138 Coulounieix-Chamiers
1.1226 45.3819 Lanouaille 24227 Lanouaille
1.003 44.755 Pays de Belvès 24035 Belvès
0.3673 45.0283 Mussidan 24299 Mussidan
1.0713 45.1303 Thenon 24550 Thenon et Hautefort
0.6744 45.5343 Nontron 24311 Nontron
6.0285 47.26 Besançon 25056 Besançon
6.79 47.5189 Montbéliard 25388 Montbéliard
6.8274 47.5155 Sochaux 25547 Sochaux
6.3417 47.3543 Baume-les-Dames 25047 Baume les Dames
6.3266 47.0802 Les Premiers Sapins 25424 Premiers Sapins
6.3306 47.164 Valdahon 25578 Valdahon
5.3807 44.7488 Die 26113 DIE
4.7023 44.4245 Donzère 26116 DONZERE
4.832 44.7897 Livron-sur-Drôme 26165 LIVRON
5.2876 45.0115 Saint-Jean-en-Royans 26307 ST-JEAN-en-ROYANS
2.2446 48.5897 Arpajon 91021 ARPAJON
2.3887 48.7091 Athis-Mons 91027 ATHIS MONS
2.5085 48.703 Brunoy 91114 BRUNOY
2.425 48.6264 Évry-Courcouronnes 91228 EVRY
2.3819 48.5264 Ballancourt-sur-Essonne 91045 BALLANCOURT SUR ESSONNE
2.0104 48.3017 Angerville 91016 ANGERVILLE
2.2237 48.7366 Igny 91312 IGNY
2.1141 48.3598 Saclas 91533 SACLAS
1.1428 49.0249 Évreux 27229 La Madeleine
1.3331 49.156 Gaillon 27275 Gaillon
0.7552 49.06 Beaumont-le-Roger 27051 Beaumont-le-Roger
1.6184 49.319 Étrépagny 27226 Etrépagny
0.6907 48.821 Rugles 27502 Rugles
1.4225 49.2545 Les Andelys 27016 Les Andelys
0.512 48.9657 La Trinité-de-Réville 27660 La Trinité-de-Réville
0.89 48.1889 Authon-du-Perche 28018 AUTHON-DU-PERCHE
1.0166 48.475 La Loupe 28214 LA LOUPE
1.0187 48.5617 Senonches 28373 SENONCHES
-4.0916 47.9914 Quimper 29232 QUIMPER
-5.0887 48.4607 Ouessant 29155 OUESSANT
-4.079 48.2022 Châteaulin 29026 CHATEAULIN
4.1754 43.5557 Aigues-Mortes 30003 Aigues-Mortes
4.085 43.7727 Sommières 30321 Sommières
4.346 43.8425 Nîmes 30189 Nîmes
4.1856 43.7868 Calvisson 30062 Calvisson
4.5655 43.945 Remoulins 30212 Remoulins
4.7612 44.0412 Roquemaure 30221 Roquemaure
4.1986 44.2487 Saint-Ambroix 30227 Saint-Ambroix
0.0481 43.5995 Plaisance 32319 PLAISANCE DU GERS
0.6455 43.8397 Fleurance 32132 FLEURANCE
0.647 43.9492 Lectoure 32208 LECTOURE
0.5845 43.4325 Masseube 32242 MASSEUBE
0.2995 43.7708 Vic-Fezensac 32462 VIC-FEZENSAC
0.2174 44.8399 Sainte-Foy-la-Grande 33402 Ste FOY LA GRANDE
-0.2736 44.2954 Captieux 33095 Captieux
-0.7235 45.1171 Cussac-Fort-Médoc 33146 cussac fort Médoc
-0.1351 44.787 Rauzan 33350 Rauzan
-0.6499 44.8012 Pessac 33318 Pessac
-1.1131 44.9837 Lacanau 33214 Lacanau
-0.4802 44.9012 Sainte-Eulalie 33397 Ste Eulalie
-52.1034 3.8537 Saint-Georges 97308 Saint Georges
9.2959 42.4772 Castello-di-Rostino 2B079 Castello-di-Rostino
9.0227 42.3291 Calacuccia 2B047 Calaccucia
1.4819 43.3577 Auterive 31033 AUTERIVE
1.6143 43.3681 Nailloux 31396 NAILLOUX
1.1117 43.4151 Rieumes 31454 RIEUMES
1.4956 43.8664 Villemur-sur-Tarn 31584 VILLEMUR SUR TARN
3.9017 45.196 Vorey 43267 VOREY SUR ARZON
3.8484 45.3356 Craponne-sur-Arzon 43080 CRAPONNE SUR ARZON
5.1444 48.2028 Bologne 52058 Bologne
5.5337 48.0073 Val-de-Meuse 52332 Montigny-le-Roi
5.2796 47.6662 Le Montsaugeonnais 52405 Prauthoy
6.6421 44.8976 Briançon 05023 Briançon
6.4789 44.5777 Embrun 05046 Embrun
6.4709 44.7856 L'Argentière-la-Bessée 05006 L’Argentière la Bessée
6.2114 44.5785 La Bâtie-Neuve 05017 La Batie Neuve
5.8209 44.3317 Laragne-Montéglin 05070 Laragne
5.4701 44.3962 Rosans 05126 Rosans
5.7139 44.419 Serres 05166 Serres
5.8219 44.5633 Veynes 05179 Veynes
5.7826 47.6243 Lavoncourt 70299 Lavoncourt
6.691 47.6991 Champagney 70120 Champagney
6.3301 47.8927 Corbenay 70171 Corbenay
6.4376 47.7264 Quers 70432 Quers
6.0765 47.4403 Rioz 70447 Rioz
6.4078 46.0808 Bonneville 74042 Bonneville
6.2039 46.1852 Gaillard 74133 Gaillard
6.6104 45.9355 Sallanches 74256 Sallanches
6.7383 46.1713 Morzine 74191 Montriond
0.0653 43.2337 Tarbes 65440 Tarbes-Laubadère
-0.0736 42.9616 Pierrefitte-Nestalas 65362 PIERREFITTE-NESTALAS
0.143 42.9868 Bagnères-de-Bigorre 65059 BAGNERES-DE-BIGORRE
0.3833 42.8872 Cazaux-Debat 65140 RABASTENS
0.2568 42.802 Saint-Lary-Soulan 65388 SAINT-LARY-SOULAN
0.3674 43.3173 Trie-sur-Baïse 65452 TRIE-SUR-BAÏSE
0.0476 43.3899 Vic-en-Bigorre 65460 VIC-EN-BIGORRE
0.9606 45.6553 Châlus 87032 Châlus
1.2766 46.1274 Châteauponsac 87041 Châteauponsac
1.1791 45.668 Nexon 87106 Nexon
7.2492 47.6224 Altkirch 68004 Altkirch
2.3234 48.9366 Villeneuve-la-Garenne 92078 Villeneuve-la-Garenne
2.2957 48.7487 Antony 92002 Antony
2.2506 48.9226 Colombes 92025 Colombes
3.0514 43.3257 Capestang 34052 Caspestang
3.4882 43.2956 Agde 34003 Agde
3.3081 43.7293 Lodève 34142 lodève
3.6624 43.3856 Sète 34301 MFS itinérante MSA
3.1396 43.4596 Murviel-lès-Béziers 34178 Murviel les Béziers
3.2899 43.2697 Sérignan 34299 Sérignan
-1.6815 48.1105 Rennes 35238 Rennes
-1.5496 48.3468 Sens-de-Bretagne 35326 Sens de Bretagne
-1.736 48.4078 Combourg 35085 Combourg
-2.1931 48.1957 Saint-Méen-le-Grand 35297 Saint-Méen le Grand
-1.9455 47.8207 Pipriac 35219 Pipriac
-1.6815 48.1105 Rennes 35238 Bus itinérant
-1.5801 48.5248 Pleine-Fougères 35222 Pleine-Fougères
1.2958 46.433 Chaillac 36035 CHAILLAC
1.849 46.4548 Aigurande 36001 AIGURANDE
1.2676 46.8059 Mézières-en-Brenne 36123 MEZIERES EN BRENNE
1.5818 47.1455 Valençay 36228 VALENCAY
1.8193 47.0651 Vatan 36230 VATAN
0.6882 46.9948 Descartes 37115 Descartes (Grand Pressigny / Preuilly-sur-Claise)
0.6604 47.3356 Joué-lès-Tours 37122 Joué-lès-Tours
0.8344 47.3806 Montlouis-sur-Loire 37156 Montlouis
0.6348 47.1206 Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine 37226 Sainte Maure de Touraine
5.7301 45.1825 Grenoble 38185 Grenoble
5.7037 45.1236 Le Pont-de-Claix 38317 Pont de Claix
5.6377 44.9261 Monestier-de-Clermont 38242 Monestier de Clermont
6.0305 45.0526 Le Bourg-d'Oisans 38052 Bourg d’Oisans
5.4698 45.6811 Morestel 38261 Morestel
5.665 45.5302 Le Pont-de-Beauvoisin 38315 Pont de Beauvoisin
5.3214 45.1543 Saint-Marcellin 38416 St Marcellin
5.7768 46.902 Arbois 39013 Arbois
5.6647 46.988 Ounans 39399 Ounans
5.6468 47.1218 Our 39400 Salins-les-Bains
-0.3692 43.6341 Geaune 40110 Geaune
-0.9587 43.9113 Rion-des-Landes 40243 Rion-des-Landes
-0.2641 43.7013 Aire-sur-l'Adour 40001 Aire-sur-l’Adour
-1.1003 43.5568 Peyrehorade 40224 Peyrehorade
1.3161 47.5856 Blois 41018 BLOIS
0.8973 47.9849 Mondoubleau 41143 MONDOUBLEAU
2.0468 47.438 Salbris 41232 SALBRIS
1.5111 47.7117 Mer 41136 MER
4.3756 45.628 Chazelles-sur-Lyon 42059 Chazelles-sur-Lyon
4.0665 45.4244 Saint-Bonnet-le-Château 42204 St-Bonnet le Château
3.7373 45.816 Noirétable 42159 Noirétable
-1.6818 47.6692 Derval 44051 Derval
-1.3098 47.5182 Riaillé 44144 Riaillé
2.7361 47.996 Montargis 45208 Montargis
2.4321 48.0748 Beaune-la-Rolande 45030 Beaune-la-Rolande
1.6931 47.8449 Meung-sur-Loire 45203 Meung-sur-Loire
1.5649 44.4922 Saint Géry-Vers 46268 St-Géry Vers
1.4339 44.4473 Cahors 46042 Cahors
1.8364 44.4938 Cajarc 46045 Cajarc
1.3384 44.5566 Catus 46064 Catus
1.5867 44.6484 Cœur de Causse 46138 Labastide-Murat
1.8962 44.7812 Leyme 46170 Leyme
0.5396 44.1171 Laplume 47137 Laplume
0.1967 44.6767 Duras 47086 Duras
0.3414 44.1288 Nérac 47195 Nérac
0.3039 44.1848 Lavardac 47143 Lavardac
3.7722 44.36 Pont de Montvert - Sud Mont Lozère 48116 Pont de Montvert Sud Lozère
3.833 44.7223 Langogne 48080 Langogne
3.7056 44.5959 Montbel 48100 Marvejols
3.2759 44.8091 Saint-Chély-d'Apcher 48140 St Chély d’Apcher
-0.9931 47.1989 Beaupréau-en-Mauges 49023 Beaupreau-en-Mauges
-0.7103 47.2228 Chemillé-en-Anjou 49092 Chemillé-en-Anjou
-0.5481 47.7027 Les Hauts-d'Anjou 49080 Les Hauts d’Anjou
-0.1318 47.1333 Montreuil-Bellay 49215 Montreuil-Bellay
-1.1947 47.2996 Orée d'Anjou 49069 Orée d’Anjou
-0.7754 47.3421 Chalonnes-sur-Loire 49063 Chalonnes / Loire
-1.1735 48.7266 Brécey 50074 Brecey
-1.2145 49.3177 Carentan-les-Marais 50099 Carentan
-0.8951 48.5401 Le Teilleul 50591 Le teilleul
-1.528 49.2252 Lessay 50267 Lessay
-0.904 48.7305 Sourdeval 50582 Sourdeval
-1.1399 48.567 Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët 50484 St hilaire du Harcouet
-1.4714 49.5139 Valognes 50615 Valognes
-1.2315 48.8228 Villedieu-les-Poêles-Rouffigny 50639 Villedieu
4.6708 48.8049 Bassuet 51040 Bassuet
3.6496 49.0657 Dormans 51217 Dormans
3.8206 49.2874 Jonchery-sur-Vesle 51308 Jonchery sur Vesle
4.9283 49.0921 Sainte-Menehould 51507 Sainte-Menehould
-61.203 14.8232 Le Prêcheur 97219 Le Prêcheur
-61.1389 14.7027 Le Morne-Vert 97233 Le Morne Vert
-61.0769 14.5025 Les Anses-d'Arlet 97202 Les Anses d’Arlet
-60.9713 14.5776 Ducos 97207 Ducos
-0.6245 48.4238 Ambrières-les-Vallées 53003 Ambrières-les-Vallées
-0.9344 47.8461 Craon 53084 Craon
-0.9469 48.2934 Ernée 53096 Ernée
-0.8026 48.4255 Gorron 53107 Gorron
-0.9286 48.0619 Loiron-Ruillé 53137 Loiron-Ruillé
-0.5528 47.9484 Meslay-du-Maine 53152 Meslay-du-Maine
-0.2041 48.4616 Pré-en-Pail-Saint-Samson 53185 Pre-en-Pail-Saint-Samson
-0.3004 48.337 Villaines-la-Juhel 53271 Vilaines-la-Juhel
45.1219 -12.9821 Kani-Kéli 97609 Kani-Kéli
45.0648 -12.6678 Mtsamboro 97612 M’Tzamboro
5.7696 49.521 Longwy 54323 Longwy
6.4428 48.5461 Mont-sur-Meurthe 54383 Mont-sur-Meurthe
6.3493 48.7335 Champenoux 54113 Champenoux
5.9017 48.9301 Thiaucourt-Regniéville 54518 Thiaucourt-Regniéville
6.4841 48.6535 Einville-au-Jard 54176 Einville-au-Jard
5.48 48.4915 Gondrecourt-le-Château 55215 Gondrecourt le Château
5.6373 49.2191 Étain 55181 Etain
5.1974 49.4924 Stenay 55502 Stenay
5.2884 48.6561 Ligny-en-Barrois 55291 Ligny en Barrois
-2.8492 47.7555 Grand-Champ 56067 GRANDCHAMP
-3.2074 48.0661 Guémené-sur-Scorff 56073 GUEMENE/SCORFF
-2.3114 48.0813 Mauron 56127 MAURON
-2.7253 47.8384 Saint-Jean-Brévelay 56222 ST JEAN BREVELAY
-3.4636 47.6375 Groix 56069 GROIX
6.1104 49.4149 Entrange 57194 Entrange
3.1066 47.3816 Donzy 58102 Donzy
3.0945 47.0168 Fourchambault 58117 Fourchambault
3.3938 47.3538 Varzy 58304 Varzy
3.5391 50.3966 Bruay-sur-l'Escaut 59112 Bruay-sur-l'Escaut
3.2214 50.3753 Pecquencourt 59456 Pecquencourt
2.8238 46.0182 Saint-Gervais-d'Auvergne (France Services itinérante) 63354 SAINT-GERVAIS-D’AUVERGNE
55.6297 -21.3305 Saint-Joseph (France Services itinérante) 97412 Saint-Joseph
2.2924 49.8935 Amiens (France Services itinérante) 80021 Amiens
-0.8722 45.9605 Tonnay-Charente (France Services itinérante) 17449 Tonnay-Charente
-4.5058 48.4059 Brest (France Services itinérante) 29019 BREST
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Display the rendered blob
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Gournay-en-Bray", "code": "76312", "commune": "GOURNAY EN BRAY" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 1.7253, 49.4759 ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Étain", "code": "55181", "commune": "Etain" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 5.6373, 49.2191 ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Ligny-en-Barrois", "code": "55291", "commune": "Ligny en Barrois" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 5.2884, 48.6561 ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Groix", "code": "56069", "commune": "GROIX" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -3.4636, 47.6375 ] } },
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{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Saint-Gervais-d'Auvergne (France Services itinérante)", "code": "63354", "commune": "SAINT-GERVAIS-D’AUVERGNE" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 2.8238, 46.0182 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Saint-Joseph (France Services itinérante)", "code": "97412", "commune": "Saint-Joseph" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 55.6297, -21.3305 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Amiens (France Services itinérante)", "code": "80021", "commune": "Amiens" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 2.2924, 49.8935 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Tonnay-Charente (France Services itinérante)", "code": "17449", "commune": "Tonnay-Charente" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -0.8722, 45.9605 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "nom": "Brest (France Services itinérante)", "code": "29019", "commune": "BREST" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -4.5058, 48.4059 ] } }
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Cateau-Cambrésis","code":"59136","commune":"Le Cateau-Cambrésis"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.5479,50.0954]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Coudray-Saint-Germer","code":"60164","commune":"Le Coudray Saint-Germer"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.8333,49.3986]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Just-en-Chaussée","code":"60581","commune":"Saint-Just en Chaussée"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.418,49.5091]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Rémalard en Perche","code":"61345","commune":"Rémalard en Perche"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.7603,48.429]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Paris","code":"75056","commune":"PARIS 18 - Est"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.3752,48.845]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Paris","code":"75056","commune":"PARIS 15"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.3752,48.845]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Paris","code":"75056","commune":"PARIS 20"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.3752,48.845]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Béthune","code":"62119","commune":"Service itinérant PIMMS entre Béthune et Aire-sur-la-Lys"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.6406,50.529]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Laurent-de-Chamousset","code":"69220","commune":"ST LAURENT DE CHAMOUSSET"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.4597,45.739]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Symphorien-sur-Coise","code":"69238","commune":"ST SYMPHORIEN SUR COISE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.4497,45.6309]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Lude","code":"72176","commune":"Le Lude"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.1327,47.642]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Valgelon-La Rochette","code":"73215","commune":"Val Gelon La Rochette"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.1285,45.4616]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne","code":"73261","commune":"St Michel de Maurienne"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.4883,45.2305]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Nangis","code":"77327","commune":"Nangis Lude"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.0071,48.5509]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Dammartin-en-Goële","code":"77153","commune":"Dammartin-en- Goële"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.6755,49.0536]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Gournay-en-Bray","code":"76312","commune":"GOURNAY EN BRAY"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.7253,49.4759]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Rives-en-Seine","code":"76164","commune":"RIVES EN SEINE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.7216,49.5255]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Blangy-sur-Bresle","code":"76101","commune":"BLANGY SUR BRESLE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.6395,49.9252]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Valery-en-Caux","code":"76655","commune":"SAINT VALERY EN CAUX"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.7078,49.8624]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Sotteville-lès-Rouen","code":"76681","commune":"SOTTEVILLE LES ROUEN"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.097,49.4115]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Rouen","code":"76540","commune":"DEPARTEMENT-Espaces numériques mobiles"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.0984,49.4432]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Noisy-le-Grand","code":"93051","commune":"NOISY LE GRAND"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.5643,48.8362]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave","code":"82169","commune":"Saint Nicolas de la Grave"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.021,44.058]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"La Seyne-sur-Mer","code":"83126","commune":"LA SEYNE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.8824,43.0805]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Muy","code":"83086","commune":"LE MUY"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.5821,43.4779]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Chaillé-les-Marais","code":"85042","commune":"Chaillé les Marais"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-1.0044,46.3777]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"La Châtaigneraie","code":"85059","commune":"La Châtaigneraie"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.7408,46.6406]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Moutiers-les-Mauxfaits","code":"85156","commune":"Moutiers les Mauxfaits"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-1.4297,46.4887]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Bruyères","code":"88078","commune":"Bruyères (et antenne de Docelles et Brouvelieures)"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.7153,48.2111]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Charny Orée de Puisaye","code":"89086","commune":"Charny Orée de Puisaye"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.133,47.8806]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Les Vallées de la Vanne","code":"89411","commune":"Les Vallées de la Vanne"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.454,48.1723]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Les Mureaux","code":"78440","commune":"Les Mureaux"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.9141,48.9832]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Erme-Outre-et-Ramecourt","code":"02676","commune":"Saint Erme Outre et Ramecourt"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.8486,49.5185]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Guise","code":"02361","commune":"Communauté de communes De la Thiérache Sambre et Oise"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.6287,49.8975]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Montet","code":"03183","commune":"Le Montet"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.0531,46.406]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-André-de-la-Roche","code":"06114","commune":"Saint André de la Roche"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[7.2872,43.7459]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Vallier-de-Thiey","code":"06130","commune":"Saint Vallier de Thiey"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.8514,43.7018]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée","code":"06120","commune":"Saint Etienne de Tinée"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.922,44.2616]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Vernoux-en-Vivarais","code":"07338","commune":"Vernoux en Vivarais"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.6454,44.9029]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Marcel-d'Ardèche","code":"07264","commune":"St Marcel d'Ardèche"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.5992,44.3244]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Agrève","code":"07204","commune":"St Agrève"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.4129,44.9999]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Tarascon-sur-Ariège","code":"09306","commune":"Tarascon sur Ariège"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.5898,42.8482]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Ax-les-Thermes","code":"09032","commune":"Ax les Thermes"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.8313,42.6938]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Salles-sur-l'Hers","code":"11371","commune":"SALLES SUR l’HERS"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.7786,43.2947]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Argences en Aubrac","code":"12223","commune":"Argences en Aubrac"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.8114,44.7687]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint Geniez d'Olt et d'Aubrac","code":"12224","commune":"Saint Géniez d’Olt et d’Aubrac"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.0025,44.501]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer","code":"13096","commune":"Saintes Maries de la Mer"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.3898,43.4829]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"La Ciotat","code":"13028","commune":"La Ciotat"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.6176,43.1811]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône","code":"13078","commune":"Port Saint Louis"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.8545,43.3865]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Caen","code":"14118","commune":"CAEN – Pierre Heuzé"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.3719,49.1798]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Hom","code":"14689","commune":"Hom (Le)"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.5129,48.9839]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Mézidon Vallée d'Auge","code":"14431","commune":"Mézidon Vallée d’Auge"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.0086,49.082]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Caen","code":"14118","commune":"CAEN – Venoix"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.3719,49.1798]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Chaudes-Aigues","code":"15045","commune":"Chaudes Aigues"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.9966,44.8426]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Aubigny-sur-Nère","code":"18015","commune":"Aubigny sur Nère"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.4378,47.4763]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Arnay-le-Duc","code":"21023","commune":"Arnay le Duc"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.4773,47.127]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Is-sur-Tille","code":"21317","commune":"IS sur Tille"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.1145,47.5315]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Mirebeau-sur-Bèze","code":"21416","commune":"Mirebeau sur Bèze"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.3188,47.4002]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Pontailler-sur-Saône","code":"21496","commune":"Pontailler sur Saône"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.4149,47.303]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Semur-en-Auxois","code":"21603","commune":"Semur en Auxois"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.3405,47.4862]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Mené","code":"22046","commune":"LE MENE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-2.5275,48.2882]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Pays de Belvès","code":"24035","commune":"Belvès"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.003,44.755]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Thenon","code":"24550","commune":"Thenon et Hautefort"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.0713,45.1303]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Baume-les-Dames","code":"25047","commune":"Baume les Dames"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.3417,47.3543]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Les Premiers Sapins","code":"25424","commune":"Premiers Sapins"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.3266,47.0802]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Athis-Mons","code":"91027","commune":"ATHIS MONS"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.3887,48.7091]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Ballancourt-sur-Essonne","code":"91045","commune":"BALLANCOURT SUR ESSONNE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.3819,48.5264]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Évreux","code":"27229","commune":"La Madeleine"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.1428,49.0249]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Les Andelys","code":"27016","commune":"Les Andelys"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.4225,49.2545]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"La Trinité-de-Réville","code":"27660","commune":"La Trinité-de-Réville"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.512,48.9657]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"La Loupe","code":"28214","commune":"LA LOUPE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.0166,48.475]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Plaisance","code":"32319","commune":"PLAISANCE DU GERS"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.0481,43.5995]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Sainte-Foy-la-Grande","code":"33402","commune":"Ste FOY LA GRANDE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.2174,44.8399]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Cussac-Fort-Médoc","code":"33146","commune":"cussac fort Médoc"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.7235,45.1171]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Sainte-Eulalie","code":"33397","commune":"Ste Eulalie"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.4802,44.9012]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Georges","code":"97308","commune":"Saint Georges"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-52.1034,3.8537]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Villemur-sur-Tarn","code":"31584","commune":"VILLEMUR SUR TARN"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.4956,43.8664]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Vorey","code":"43267","commune":"VOREY SUR ARZON"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.9017,45.196]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Craponne-sur-Arzon","code":"43080","commune":"CRAPONNE SUR ARZON"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.8484,45.3356]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Montsaugeonnais","code":"52405","commune":"Prauthoy"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.2796,47.6662]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"L'Argentière-la-Bessée","code":"05006","commune":"L’Argentière la Bessée"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.4709,44.7856]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"La Bâtie-Neuve","code":"05017","commune":"La Batie Neuve"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.2114,44.5785]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Sète","code":"34301","commune":"MFS itinérante MSA"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.6624,43.3856]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Murviel-lès-Béziers","code":"34178","commune":"Murviel les Béziers"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.1396,43.4596]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Sens-de-Bretagne","code":"35326","commune":"Sens de Bretagne"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-1.5496,48.3468]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Méen-le-Grand","code":"35297","commune":"Saint-Méen le Grand"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-2.1931,48.1957]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Rennes","code":"35238","commune":"Bus itinérant"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-1.6815,48.1105]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Mézières-en-Brenne","code":"36123","commune":"MEZIERES EN BRENNE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.2676,46.8059]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Descartes","code":"37115","commune":"Descartes (Grand Pressigny / Preuilly-sur-Claise)"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.6882,46.9948]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine","code":"37226","commune":"Sainte Maure de Touraine"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[0.6348,47.1206]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Pont-de-Claix","code":"38317","commune":"Pont de Claix"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.7037,45.1236]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Monestier-de-Clermont","code":"38242","commune":"Monestier de Clermont"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.6377,44.9261]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Bourg-d'Oisans","code":"38052","commune":"Bourg d’Oisans"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[6.0305,45.0526]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Pont-de-Beauvoisin","code":"38315","commune":"Pont de Beauvoisin"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.665,45.5302]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Marcellin","code":"38416","commune":"St Marcellin"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.3214,45.1543]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Bonnet-le-Château","code":"42204","commune":"St-Bonnet le Château"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[4.0665,45.4244]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint Géry-Vers","code":"46268","commune":"St-Géry Vers"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.5649,44.4922]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Cœur de Causse","code":"46138","commune":"Labastide-Murat"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1.5867,44.6484]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Pont de Montvert - Sud Mont Lozère","code":"48116","commune":"Pont de Montvert Sud Lozère"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.7722,44.36]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Chély-d'Apcher","code":"48140","commune":"St Chély d’Apcher"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.2759,44.8091]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Les Hauts-d'Anjou","code":"49080","commune":"Les Hauts d’Anjou"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.5481,47.7027]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Orée d'Anjou","code":"49069","commune":"Orée d’Anjou"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-1.1947,47.2996]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Chalonnes-sur-Loire","code":"49063","commune":"Chalonnes / Loire"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.7754,47.3421]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Teilleul","code":"50591","commune":"Le teilleul"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.8951,48.5401]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët","code":"50484","commune":"St hilaire du Harcouet"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-1.1399,48.567]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Jonchery-sur-Vesle","code":"51308","commune":"Jonchery sur Vesle"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[3.8206,49.2874]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Prêcheur","code":"97219","commune":"Le Prêcheur"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-61.203,14.8232]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Le Morne-Vert","code":"97233","commune":"Le Morne Vert"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-61.1389,14.7027]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Les Anses-d'Arlet","code":"97202","commune":"Les Anses d’Arlet"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-61.0769,14.5025]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Gondrecourt-le-Château","code":"55215","commune":"Gondrecourt le Château"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.48,48.4915]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Ligny-en-Barrois","code":"55291","commune":"Ligny en Barrois"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[5.2884,48.6561]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Jean-Brévelay","code":"56222","commune":"ST JEAN BREVELAY"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-2.7253,47.8384]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Gervais-d'Auvergne (France Services itinérante)","code":"63354","commune":"SAINT-GERVAIS-D’AUVERGNE"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.8238,46.0182]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Saint-Joseph (France Services itinérante)","code":"97412","commune":"Saint-Joseph"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[55.6297,-21.3305]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Amiens (France Services itinérante)","code":"80021","commune":"Amiens"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[2.2924,49.8935]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Tonnay-Charente (France Services itinérante)","code":"17449","commune":"Tonnay-Charente"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.8722,45.9605]}}
{"type":"Feature","properties":{"nom":"Brest (France Services itinérante)","code":"29019","commune":"BREST"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-4.5058,48.4059]}}
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