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Created March 20, 2020 12:53
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# This file is part of project Sverchok. It's copyrighted by the contributors
# recorded in the version control history of the file, available from
# its original location
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL3
# License-Filename: LICENSE
from enum import Enum
from typing import NamedTuple, Any, Iterable
import random
from itertools import cycle, chain, repeat
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
from mathutils.geometry import tessellate_polygon, area_tri
from sverchok.node_tree import SverchCustomTreeNode
from sverchok.data_structure import updateNode
def get_points(sv_verts, faces, number, seed, face_weight=None, proportional=True):
Return points distributed on given mesh
:param sv_verts: list of vertices
:param faces: list of faces
:param number: int, number of points which should be putted on mesh
:param seed: seed of random module
:param face_weight: weights of inputs faces, float or int, if None then all faces have 1 weight
:return: list of vertices, list of indexes for each generated point
which are point to a face where point was created
bl_verts = [Vector(co) for co in sv_verts]
tri_faces, face_indexes, tri_weights = triangulate_mesh(bl_verts, faces, face_weight)
if not tri_faces:
return [[]], []
face_numbers = distribute_points_accurate(bl_verts, tri_faces, number, tri_weights, proportional)
out_verts = []
out_face_index = []
for face, fi, fnum in zip(tri_faces, face_indexes, face_numbers):
new_points = get_random_vectors_on_tri(*[bl_verts[face[i]] for i in range(3)], fnum)
out_face_index.extend([fi for _ in range(len(new_points))])
return [co[:] for co in out_verts], out_face_index
def distribute_points_fast(bl_verts, tri_faces, number):
# returns list of numbers which mean how many points should be created on face according its area
# actually this function has much better performance but for whole algorithm it does not matter
# leave this function unused
face_areas = [area_tri(*[bl_verts[i] for i in f]) for f in tri_faces]
total_area = sum(face_areas)
face_numbers = [int(area * number / total_area) for area in face_areas]
chosen_faces = random.choices(range(len(tri_faces)), face_areas, k=number-sum(face_numbers))
for i in chosen_faces:
face_numbers[i] += 1
return face_numbers
def distribute_points_accurate(bl_verts, tri_faces, number, tri_weights, proportional = True):
if proportional:
# returns list of numbers which mean how many points should be created on face according its area
weighed_face_areas = [area_tri(*[bl_verts[i] for i in f]) * w for f, w in zip(tri_faces, tri_weights)]
weighed_face_areas = tri_weights
face_numbers = [0 for _ in tri_faces]
chosen_faces = random.choices(range(len(tri_faces)), weighed_face_areas, k=number)
for i in chosen_faces:
face_numbers[i] += 1
return face_numbers
def triangulate_mesh(bl_verts, faces, face_weight=None):
# returns list of triangle faces and list of indexes which points to initial faces for each new triangle
new_faces = []
face_indexes = [] # index of old faces
new_face_weight = []
iter_weight = cycle([1]) if face_weight is None else chain(face_weight, cycle([face_weight[-1]]))
for i, (f, w) in enumerate(zip(faces, iter_weight)):
fverts = [] # list of list of vertices for tessellate algorithm
iverts = [] # list of old index of point per new position of point
# [[v1,v2,v3,v4]] - fverts
# [0,1,4,3] - iverts
fverts.append([bl_verts[i_f] for i_f in f])
for tri_f in tessellate_polygon(fverts):
new_faces.append([iverts[itf] for itf in tri_f])
new_face_weight.append(w if w >= 0 else 0)
return new_faces, face_indexes, new_face_weight
def get_random_vectors_on_tri(v1, v2, v3, number):
# returns random vertices for given triangle
out = []
for _ in range(number):
u1 = random.random()
u2 = random.random()
u1 = u1 if u1 + u2 <= 1 else 1 - u1
u2 = u2 if u1 + u2 <= 1 else 1 - u2
side1 = v2 - v1
side2 = v3 - v1
out.append(v1 + side1 * u1 + side2 * u2)
return out
socket_configs = {
"Verts": dict(vectorize=False),
"Faces": dict(vectorize=False),
"Face Weight": dict(default=[[1]]),
"Number": dict(),
"Seed": dict()
class SvRandomPointsOnMesh(bpy.types.Node, SverchCustomTreeNode):
Triggers: random points vertices
distribute points on given mesh
points are created evenly according area faces
based on Blender function - tessellate_polygon
bl_idname = 'SvRandomPointsOnMesh'
bl_label = 'Random points on mesh'
sv_icon = 'SV_RANDOM_NUM_GEN'
seed: bpy.props.IntProperty(
name='Seed', update=updateNode)
points_number: bpy.props.IntProperty(
name='Number', description="Number of random points",
default=10, update=updateNode)
proportional: bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Proportional", description="If checked, then number of points at each face is proportional to the area of the face",
default=True, update=updateNode)
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "proportional", toggle=True)
def sv_init(self, context):"SvVerticesSocket", "Verts")"SvStringsSocket", "Faces")"SvStringsSocket", "Face Weight")"SvStringsSocket", "Number").prop_name="points_number""SvStringsSocket", "Seed").prop_name="seed"'SvVerticesSocket', 'Verts')'SvStringsSocket', 'Face index')
def get_iterator(self):
def get_args(socket):
config = socket_configs.get(
return {} if not "default" in config else dict(default=config['default'])
def get_data(socket):
return socket.sv_get(deepcopy=False, **get_args(socket))
length_max = max(get_data(socket) for socket in self.inputs)
socket_iterators = []
for socket in self.inputs:
socket_data = socket.sv_get(deepcopy=False, **get_args(socket))
config = socket_configs.get(
if "vectorize" in config:
socket_iterators.append(chain(socket_data, repeat(socket_data[-1])))
return zip(range(length_max), *socket_iterators)
def process(self):
if not all([self.inputs['Verts'].is_linked, self.inputs['Faces'].is_linked]):
out_verts = []
out_face_index = []
for i, v, f, w, n, s in self.get_iterator():
new_vertices, face_index = get_points(v, f, n[0], s[0], w, self.proportional)
self.outputs['Face index'].sv_set(out_face_index)
def register():
def unregister():
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