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Last active April 14, 2016 04:04
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Save bollwyvl/00f85276fbd9b36e2868cfe74bbc788e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"# Data in Thomas Jefferson's Garden Notebook"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"Happy Birthday, Thomas Jefferson! While running a little startup called the United States of America, TJ supported some pretty [awesome science](, built some pretty [sweet inventions]( and generally was a pretty cool guy. But apparently, his real love was gardening."
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"## \"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden...But though an old man, I am but a young gardener.\"\n",
"> [*]( _Jefferson to Charles W. Peale, August 20, 1811. Lipscomb, Andrew A. and Albert Ellery Bergh, ed. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 13. Washington D.C.: Issued under the auspices of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association of the United States, 1903-04, p. 79._"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"Let's see what kind of horticultural data he left behind!"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"id": "1e3d2551-9d03-412a-824c-da77924d8eb2"
"source": [
"## you might need to install some stuff..."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "c32e8e62-d4e9-45b0-aafd-6e43dc370e40"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# !conda install lxml cssselect pandas bokeh -y\n",
"# !pip install pyquery coffeetools jademagic\n",
"# !npm install -g coffee-script"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "69830b2a-6f3e-4fe6-9c5f-5881a6dd2b8f"
"outputs": [
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" <div class=\"bk-banner\">\n",
" <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"bk-logo bk-logo-small bk-logo-notebook\"></a>\n",
" <span id=\"1bf7cb01-f215-4913-81fa-ffd80665e5f2\">Loading BokehJS ...</span>\n",
" </div>"
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"data": {
"application/javascript": [
"(function(global) {\n",
" function now() {\n",
" return new Date();\n",
" }\n",
" if (typeof (window._bokeh_onload_callbacks) === \"undefined\") {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks = [];\n",
" }\n",
" function run_callbacks() {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback() });\n",
" delete window._bokeh_onload_callbacks\n",
"\"Bokeh: all callbacks have finished\");\n",
" }\n",
" function load_libs(js_urls, callback) {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.push(callback);\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading > 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS is being loaded, scheduling callback at\", now());\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" if (js_urls == null || js_urls.length === 0) {\n",
" run_callbacks();\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS not loaded, scheduling load and callback at\", now());\n",
" window._bokeh_is_loading = js_urls.length;\n",
" for (var i = 0; i < js_urls.length; i++) {\n",
" var url = js_urls[i];\n",
" var s = document.createElement('script');\n",
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" s.async = false;\n",
" s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = function() {\n",
" window._bokeh_is_loading--;\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: all BokehJS libraries loaded\");\n",
" run_callbacks()\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" s.onerror = function() {\n",
" console.warn(\"failed to load library \" + url);\n",
" };\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: injecting script tag for BokehJS library: \", url);\n",
" document.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0].appendChild(s);\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" var js_urls = ['', '', ''];\n",
" var inline_js = [\n",
" function(Bokeh) {\n",
" Bokeh.set_log_level(\"info\");\n",
" },\n",
" \n",
" function(Bokeh) {\n",
" Bokeh.$(\"#1bf7cb01-f215-4913-81fa-ffd80665e5f2\").text(\"BokehJS successfully loaded\");\n",
" },\n",
" function(Bokeh) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: injecting CSS:\");\n",
" Bokeh.embed.inject_css(\"\");\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: injecting CSS:\");\n",
" Bokeh.embed.inject_css(\"\");\n",
" }\n",
" ];\n",
" function run_inline_js() {\n",
" for (var i = 0; i < inline_js.length; i++) {\n",
" inline_js[i](window.Bokeh);\n",
" }\n",
" }\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS loaded, going straight to plotting\");\n",
" run_inline_js();\n",
" } else {\n",
" load_libs(js_urls, function() {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS plotting callback run at\", now());\n",
" run_inline_js();\n",
" });\n",
" }\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"import datetime\n",
"import re\n",
"import math\n",
"import pandas\n",
"from bokeh.plotting import output_notebook, show, figure, ColumnDataSource\n",
"from bokeh.models import HoverTool, CustomJS\n",
"from bokeh.resources import CDN\n",
"import IPython\n",
"from pyquery import PyQuery\n",
"from coffeetools import coffee\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "9240a48b-baaf-4620-bdd0-ec3c51e21c4b"
"source": [
"## While you're waiting, let's read about the data set.\n",
"It is provided by the [Massachusetts Historical Society]("
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "645ae256-0100-4e6e-985e-05d5c9d0dcde"
"scrolled": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
" <iframe\n",
" width=\"100%\"\n",
" height=\"800px\"\n",
" src=\"\"\n",
" frameborder=\"0\"\n",
" allowfullscreen\n",
" ></iframe>\n",
" "
"text/plain": [
"<IPython.lib.display.IFrame at 0x10675f550>"
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"IPython.display.IFrame(\"\", width=\"100%\", height=\"800px\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "a1e44b75-3bf2-4ced-93af-7aaaf467af20"
"source": [
"## Here are the URLs we need"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "52e2e466-a055-42bf-a29b-67430ba84de7"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"garden_url = \"{page}\"\n",
"img_url = \"{page}_lg.jpg\""
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "ca6409bc-d220-4c69-81ef-b2d875caf775"
"source": [
"_we'll refactor this later..._"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "70cc2708-3c14-4ce6-af11-f5ac736950a4"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"page = 1"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "a225208d-a175-4307-a746-ad9d4ab24d7b"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"pq = PyQuery(garden_url.format(page=page))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "38fca328-c8d6-49d5-ac05-1816f98ee73e"
"source": [
"# looks like a pattern"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "812638c7-110c-4364-8e83-4c57ed84280c"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"'1766. Shadwell.'"
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"head = pq(\".head\").text()\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "c08612c4-1336-4822-b651-8eb4dea2c1e3"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"year = re.match(r'\\d*', head).group()\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "5ef19bf4-c298-404f-994d-6e3dde8232ab"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"location = re.match(r'\\d+\\.\\s*(.*)\\.$', head).group(1)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "3608d1e0-6d1a-40c3-85c4-c764a970de95"
"source": [
"## Let's see what we've got"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "31359668-1011-43b9-acab-3ead61aeb5d5"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"[('Mar. 30.', 'Purple hyacinth begins to bloom.'),\n",
" ('Apr. 6.', 'Narcissus and Puckoon open.'),\n",
" ('13.', 'Puckoon flowers fallen.'),\n",
" ('16.', 'a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.'),\n",
" ('30.', 'purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.'),\n",
" ('May. 4.',\n",
" 'Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets'),\n",
" ('7.', 'blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.'),\n",
" ('11.',\n",
" 'The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease')]"
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"entries = [(a.text_content().strip(), b.text_content().strip())\n",
" for a, b in list(zip(pq(\".entrydate\"), pq(\".entry\")))]\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "5eb16960-90a0-4974-aeaf-31b44b44d769"
"source": [
"## Hm, we're going to have to fill in those missing months"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "0d29f1b0-ae7a-4c55-b3d5-a41ce383260e"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"month = None"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 12,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "6a0a5907-ce1a-4b9d-89ad-d0e2fd170b38"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"month_pattern = r\"Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec\"\n",
"month_idx = {abbr: i + 1 for i, abbr in enumerate(month_pattern.split(\"|\"))}\n",
"day_pattern = r\"\\d+\""
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "8c132e91-8b09-45e7-b0bd-a7efbbaddf96"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def fix_dates(entries, page=None, month=None, year=None):\n",
" day = None\n",
" month = None\n",
" for date, entry in entries:\n",
" day_match = re.findall(day_pattern, date)\n",
" month_match = re.findall(month_pattern, date)\n",
" day = day_match[0] if day_match else day\n",
" month = month_match[0] if month_match else month\n",
" \n",
" try:\n",
" date =, month_idx.get(month, 1) or 1, int(day))\n",
" yield date, int(year), month_idx.get(month, 1) or 1, page, entry\n",
" except:\n",
" pass"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "85f1a56c-2eac-4c97-a7bb-27f4e075ff4c"
"source": [
"## Ok, I think we're ready to be in pandas"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "e2316864-6852-4aa3-a0ed-6bc64aff1540"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>year</th>\n",
" <th>month</th>\n",
" <th>page</th>\n",
" <th>entry</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>date</th>\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-03-30</th>\n",
" <td>1766</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>Purple hyacinth begins to bloom.</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-04-06</th>\n",
" <td>1766</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>Narcissus and Puckoon open.</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-04-13</th>\n",
" <td>1766</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>Puckoon flowers fallen.</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-04-16</th>\n",
" <td>1766</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowg...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-04-30</th>\n",
" <td>1766</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>purple flag blooms. Hyacinth &amp; Narcissus gone.</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-05-04</th>\n",
" <td>1766</td>\n",
" <td>5</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also th...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-05-07</th>\n",
" <td>1766</td>\n",
" <td>5</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-05-11</th>\n",
" <td>1766</td>\n",
" <td>5</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet &amp; wild Hon...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"text/plain": [
" year month page \\\n",
"date \n",
"1766-03-30 1766 3 1 \n",
"1766-04-06 1766 4 1 \n",
"1766-04-13 1766 4 1 \n",
"1766-04-16 1766 4 1 \n",
"1766-04-30 1766 4 1 \n",
"1766-05-04 1766 5 1 \n",
"1766-05-07 1766 5 1 \n",
"1766-05-11 1766 5 1 \n",
" entry \n",
"date \n",
"1766-03-30 Purple hyacinth begins to bloom. \n",
"1766-04-06 Narcissus and Puckoon open. \n",
"1766-04-13 Puckoon flowers fallen. \n",
"1766-04-16 a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowg... \n",
"1766-04-30 purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone. \n",
"1766-05-04 Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also th... \n",
"1766-05-07 blue flower in lowgrounds vanished. \n",
"1766-05-11 The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Hon... "
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(\n",
" fix_dates(entries, year=year, page=page),\n",
" columns=[\"date\", \"year\", \"month\", \"page\", \"entry\"],\n",
" index=[\"date\"])\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "e19e6e2a-0416-4f6c-aaaa-bdd08b9cf8c9"
"source": [
"## Yep. Okay, let's make it pretty and interactive..."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "e1ac6ae5-9a3a-44ec-ad85-81c6434689de"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def hover():\n",
" return HoverTool(\n",
" tooltips=[\n",
" (\"Date\", \"$y\"),\n",
" (\"Entry\", \"@entry\"),\n",
" ]\n",
" )"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "25096f65-1370-4b58-a251-7ea0d5ad8e0c"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
" <div class=\"plotdiv\" id=\"9e4ebbaf-9ce6-4f95-bdbb-92038a45505b\"></div>\n",
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n",
" \n",
" (function(global) {\n",
" function now() {\n",
" return new Date();\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" if (typeof (window._bokeh_onload_callbacks) === \"undefined\") {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks = [];\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" function run_callbacks() {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback() });\n",
" delete window._bokeh_onload_callbacks\n",
"\"Bokeh: all callbacks have finished\");\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" function load_libs(js_urls, callback) {\n",
" window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.push(callback);\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading > 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS is being loaded, scheduling callback at\", now());\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" if (js_urls == null || js_urls.length === 0) {\n",
" run_callbacks();\n",
" return null;\n",
" }\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS not loaded, scheduling load and callback at\", now());\n",
" window._bokeh_is_loading = js_urls.length;\n",
" for (var i = 0; i < js_urls.length; i++) {\n",
" var url = js_urls[i];\n",
" var s = document.createElement('script');\n",
" s.src = url;\n",
" s.async = false;\n",
" s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = function() {\n",
" window._bokeh_is_loading--;\n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: all BokehJS libraries loaded\");\n",
" run_callbacks()\n",
" }\n",
" };\n",
" s.onerror = function() {\n",
" console.warn(\"failed to load library \" + url);\n",
" };\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: injecting script tag for BokehJS library: \", url);\n",
" document.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0].appendChild(s);\n",
" }\n",
" };var element = document.getElementById(\"9e4ebbaf-9ce6-4f95-bdbb-92038a45505b\");\n",
" if (element == null) {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: ERROR: autoload.js configured with elementid '9e4ebbaf-9ce6-4f95-bdbb-92038a45505b' but no matching script tag was found. \")\n",
" return false;\n",
" }\n",
" \n",
" var js_urls = [];\n",
" \n",
" var inline_js = [\n",
" function(Bokeh) {\n",
" Bokeh.$(function() {\n",
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Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\"],\"month\":[3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5],\"page\":[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],\"year\":[1766,1766,1766,1766,1766,1766,1766,1766]}},\"id\":\"84323287-c4f9-4251-a205-910142de6672\",\"type\":\"ColumnDataSource\"},{\"attributes\":{\"days\":[1,8,15,22]},\"id\":\"41c8e2c1-14da-46c8-b9ca-5521ce8c1570\",\"type\":\"DaysTicker\"},{\"attributes\":{\"dimension\":1,\"plot\":{\"id\":\"17ad8f0b-6157-4b24-962f-6a04f9a294c1\",\"subtype\":\"Figure\",\"type\":\"Plot\"},\"ticker\":{\"id\":\"1ec3fbe1-5a02-44ba-a337-3de705d0c97a\",\"type\":\"BasicTicker\"}},\"id\":\"969fb207-6c60-4538-a460-70797d860a76\",\"type\":\"Grid\"},{\"attributes\":{},\"id\":\"e39ec0b8-a200-499b-ae45-b3ca18dfb8b3\",\"type\":\"DatetimeTickFormatter\"},{\"attributes\":{},\"id\":\"ed093c4d-768e-45bd-af15-f9741d2c4cdf\",\"type\":\"YearsTicker\"},{\"attributes\":{},\"id\":\"0ca9e631-4e2d-445a-b4d3-5dc5d24d14df\",\"type\":\"BasicTickFormatter\"},{\"attributes\":{\"plot\":{\"id\":\"17ad8f0b-6157-4b24-962f-6a04f9a294c1\",\"subtype\":\"Figure\",\"type\":\"Plot\"},\"ticker\":{\"id\":\"48a1bee9-c324-40a6-8381-5903f1c00618\",\"type\":\"DatetimeTicker\"}},\"id\":\"89da3948-c252-4f2c-92c4-13ded3213d1f\",\"type\":\"Grid\"},{\"attributes\":{\"months\":[0,4,8]},\"id\":\"ede9eb4e-f47f-44a0-99f4-b3ba976cc0d9\",\"type\":\"MonthsTicker\"},{\"attributes\":{\"base\":24,\"mantissas\":[1,2,4,6,8,12],\"max_interval\":43200000.0,\"min_interval\":3600000.0,\"num_minor_ticks\":0},\"id\":\"987b5cc3-3ac7-4c79-a198-da2dc36ef7b9\",\"type\":\"AdaptiveTicker\"},{\"attributes\":{\"max_interval\":500.0,\"num_minor_ticks\":0},\"id\":\"4745a1b9-0d8d-4442-8700-cb63e9919909\",\"type\":\"AdaptiveTicker\"},{\"attributes\":{\"callback\":null},\"id\":\"31917406-4069-4b32-b88a-d3853e7c4a74\",\"type\":\"DataRange1d\"},{\"attributes\":{\"fill_alpha\":{\"value\":0.1},\"fill_color\":{\"value\":\"#1f77b4\"},\"line_alpha\":{\"value\":0.1},\"line_color\":{\"value\":\"#1f77b4\"},\"x\":{\"field\":\"date\"},\"y\":{\"field\":\"year\"}},\"id\":\"23b7e33e-78ab-47d7-9f74-ef60e15d4fcc\",\"type\":\"Circle\"}],\"root_ids\":[\"17ad8f0b-6157-4b24-962f-6a04f9a294c1\"]},\"title\":\"Bokeh Application\",\"version\":\"0.11.1\"}};\n",
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" function(Bokeh) {\n",
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" inline_js[i](window.Bokeh);\n",
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" \n",
" if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {\n",
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" run_inline_js();\n",
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" load_libs(js_urls, function() {\n",
" console.log(\"Bokeh: BokehJS plotting callback run at\", now());\n",
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" });\n",
" }\n",
" }(this));\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"cds = ColumnDataSource(df)\n",
"p = figure(tools=[hover()], x_axis_type=\"datetime\")\n",
"\"date\", y=\"year\", source=cds)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "f7d89a92-2a61-4e84-b9a8-a1aa46a653cb"
"source": [
"## Not bad."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "49bf4e69-f957-4ef5-888a-44ca3faa1bfc"
"source": [
"## Great, let's bring it all together"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "4dc89158-463d-4d05-8c63-16c27f864816"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# be nice: cache\n",
"_pq = {}"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 18,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "53b87c5c-b026-4b3b-a776-945945fe94a8"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"year = None\n",
"location = None\n",
"all_entries = []\n",
"for page in range(1, 67):\n",
" url = garden_url.format(page=page)\n",
" pq = _pq.get(url, None)\n",
" if pq is None:\n",
" pq = _pq[url] = PyQuery(url)\n",
" head = pq(\".head\").text()\n",
" \n",
" location_match = re.match(r'\\d+\\.\\s*(.*)\\.$', head)\n",
" if location_match:\n",
" location =\n",
" year_match = re.findall(r'\\d{4}', head)\n",
" if year_match:\n",
" year = year_match[0]\n",
" \n",
" entries = [(a.text_content().strip(), b.text_content().strip())\n",
" for a, b in list(zip(pq(\".entrydate\"), pq(\".entry\")))]\n",
" \n",
" entries = fix_dates(entries, year=year, page=page)\n",
" #print(list(entries))\n",
" if entries:\n",
" all_entries.extend(entries)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "a15492bb-f82e-48cb-907d-952667c2dbc0"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(\n",
" all_entries,\n",
" columns=[\"date\", \"year\", \"month\", \"page\", \"entry\"],\n",
" index=[\"date\"])"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "32c8eec2-f213-4378-9d05-32e2bc3e21aa"
"source": [
"## Let's add some more columns for our viz"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 20,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "6a300482-17b9-4cbb-b773-ba32c6d7fdf0"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"df[\"length\"] = [math.log(len(entry)) * 3 for entry in df[\"entry\"]]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 21,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "b2f7edd1-9618-4b5a-9a21-0a2e56951988"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"df[\"julian\"] = [int(idx.strftime(\"%j\")) for idx in df.index]"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "86f54f45-00fd-4e25-8ba2-6655236847e3"
"source": [
"## Oh yes, and about those images..."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 22,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "1559a38c-94c7-4341-a658-4f29120ca5d4"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"df[\"month_name\"] = df.month.apply(lambda e: datetime.datetime(2001,e,1).strftime(\"%B\"))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 23,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "0f47fe86-577d-4798-8d0f-7a2ca140e84a"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>julian</th>\n",
" <th>page</th>\n",
" <th>url</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>date</th>\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1766-03-30</th>\n",
" <td>089</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1767-02-09</th>\n",
" <td>040</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1767-05-27</th>\n",
" <td>147</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1786-02-24</th>\n",
" <td>055</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1769-03-14</th>\n",
" <td>073</td>\n",
" <td>5</td>\n",
" <td></td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"text/plain": [
" julian page url\n",
"date \n",
"1766-03-30 089 1\n",
"1767-02-09 040 2\n",
"1767-05-27 147 3\n",
"1786-02-24 055 4\n",
"1769-03-14 073 5"
"execution_count": 23,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"pages = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(\n",
" [(min(entries), min(entries).strftime(\"%j\"), page, img_url.format(page=page))\n",
" for page, entries in df.groupby(by=[\"page\"]).groups.items()],\n",
" columns=[\"date\", \"julian\", \"page\", \"url\"],\n",
" index=\"date\"\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"nbpresent": {
"id": "b21ec7ca-14ef-4b4e-93fe-1cd1a195557e"
"source": [
"## Nice. Please show me the money."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 24,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"nbpresent": {
"id": "73045a5a-6c4c-4f60-8f10-3e237a932fe3"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
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" console.log(\"Bokeh: all BokehJS libraries loaded\");\n",
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" s.onerror = function() {\n",
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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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Garden Notes 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"p = figure(title=\"TJ's Garden Notes (1766-1824)\", \n",
" y_axis_type=\"datetime\", y_axis_label=\"Date\",\n",
" x_axis_label=\"Day of Year\")\n",
"\"julian\", y=\"date\", size=\"length\", alpha=0.5,\n",
" source=ColumnDataSource(df))\n",
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"source": [
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"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 50,
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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations 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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"planted 6. plants of goose berries, contining the same row in the 4th. Terras. from Ronaldson. Edinbg.\",\"sowed fiorin grass seed in the new 12 I. boxes. No. 1. to 7. & in the old boxes and in the Meadow\",\"planted in the old boxes No. 3. Silver fir. 7. Scotch fir. 12.Larix. 13. Cedar of Lebanon.\",\"sowed \\n on the N.E. & N.W. sides of Aspen thicket seeds of Broom & Pyracanthus from Edbg. Ronaldson. in the grove, Ash, elm, plane. Silver fir. Scotch fir. Larix\",\"Guinea grass from Dr. Brown Terras F. 7.\",\"Fiorin roots. in F. 8.9.\",\"planted in Nursery peach stones as follows\\n\\nTerras 1. W. 21 early soft peaches. from mr. Clay\\n\\n1. E. 26. large yellow soft. ripe Sep. 1. Clay\\n\\n4. E. 26 fine white soft . Clay\\n\\n4. W. 13. large white soft. Pop. for.\\n\\n5. W. 16. Malta peaches.\\n\\n5. E. 108. fine soft peaches of Aug. Clay\",\"Dates of Asparagus coming to table\\n\\n 1794. Apr. 7. \\n1795. 12 . [17 ]96. 3 [17 ]97. Mar. 23.\\n \\n [17 ]99. Apr. 14 1804. 12 1810. 13 [18 ]11. 3 [18 ]12. 8 [18 ]13. 11 \\n 1814. Apr. 13. 1815. Mar. 31 1816. Apr. 5. [18 ]17. Apr. 11. [18 ]18. Apr.8.\",\"put 2. chubs from Cartersville into the fish pond. lower one.\",\"put 5. more from Jas. P. Cocke into do.\",\"Dates of Artichokes coming to table.\\n\\n 1794. May 31. [17 ]96. June 6. [17 ]99. 12. \\n1810. July. 6* [18 ]11. May 28.\\n [18 ]13. June 7. [18 ]14. [18 ]15. \\n [18 ]16. June 11. [18 ]17. *planted Mar. 22. preceding. \\n 1818. June 26. 1819. June 14.\",\"cymline\",\"cucumbers\",\"corn.\",\"figs.\",\"tomatas\",\"Nursery. 51. Terras.\\nW. end 4. fine Heath peach stones. Carrysbrook\\n \\n next 22. fine soft white. like Brock's \\n33. very good soft \\n8 do.\\n \\n from Poplar Forest\",\"filled the ice house with snow.\",\"planted 56 seeds of the Acacia Nilotica in the earthen trough, & the box No. VI. they were from mrs.Lomax's which was from the plant at Greenspring.\",\"planted in vacant places in the Fruitery as follows.\\n10. pipins from terras 2. of 1810.\\n14. Spitzenbergs. from do.\\n\\n20. Taliaferro apples from terras 3. of 1810.\\n14. soft peaches, to wit 3. terms 61. supposd.Nov. from P.F. and 11. soft do. from Terras 7. from P.F.\\n8. black Georgia plumb peaches from terras 6. of 1810.\\n66\\n3. filberts from terras 5. of 1810.\",\"Almond in blossom.\",\"peaches do.\",\"planted in box No. I. Liburnum seeds in 16. holes, 2. in a hole.\",\"Nursery. 9th. terras. planted stones of the native Florida plumb, said to yield fruit in 2. years from the stone.\\nbox No. IV. planted Liburnum seeds in other 16. holes, 2. or 3. in a hole\",\"put 6 living carp into the 2d. fishpond.\",\"a buck and a doe from Enniscorthy were put into the Paddock inclosing the brick yard.\",\"in the course of 20. hours there fell 12 1/8 I. of rain, the earth being at the time extremely dry, it raised the river to the eves or upper floor of my toll mill. or, more exactly half way up the joists.\\nat the saw mill it was 10.I. deep on the barn floor. this seems to have been a rise of about 15. f.perpendicular from the surface of the river at the issue of the tail-race, or entrance of the ford. Hardware is said to have risen 30.f. perpendicular. see page 31. for the freshes of 1771. 1795. 1804.\\nthis fresh carried away the dam of my chub-pond. see ante 1813.May 5.& 23. and ran so deep over the dam of the carp pond that those ante May 3. probably went off.\",\"carrots made this year 18. bushels\\nsalsafia 11. bushels.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. they were sown Feb. 2.\",\"filled the Snow house here with snow.\",\"planted 15. Scuppernon vines in lowest terras of Vineyard.\",\"peas at mr. Divers. sown early in Jany.\",\"planted Seakale 6. rows 100. f. long, 16 I. apart, & the seeds 16 I.dist. on the row making 6. rows of 75. holes each = 600. holes or plants. 6 seeds in each hole.\",\"put 3. carp into the carp pond & 4. chub into the chub pond. from Genr. Cocke\",\"lettuce. radish. spinach. carrots. from this time to Sep. 30. sow lettuce every Monday morning and radishes with the early sowings\",\"May peas. and frame peas. spinach. celery.\",\"Hotspurs. Marrow fats. spinach. parsley. cabbage. onions. celery.\",\"Marrow fats. carrots. salsafia. beet. orach\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. Lima beans. long haricots. white do. scarlet beans tomatas. okra. nasturtium. orach. parsneps. cucumbers\",\"Marrow fats. snaps. squashes. Jerus. artichokes\",\"melons. Gerkins. Benni. snaps\",\"snaps.\",\"may peas for autumn. turneps.\",\"carrots for the spring. Spinach for winter. snaps. lettuce for winter\",\"sow Spinach, a full crop for winter use. lettuce weekly to Sep. 30\"],\"julian\":[89,96,103,106,120,124,127,131,51,40,46,48,54,91,92,94,96,97,99,106,115,147,148,155,161,163,169,186,199,212,213,214,215,326,55,64,73,87,73,208,65,66,70,84,87,88,89,128,135,146,150,250,254,273,26,90,197,204,213,233,282,317,71,90,91,92,93,142,142,69,71,74,77,80,82,82,83,84,85,87,88,90,90,90,91,94,95,96,96,96,97,98,101,115,120,122,124,125,134,136,146,155,156,164,194,199,204,212,215,320,321,56,69,264,69,70,71,72,80,85,91,97,98,99,104,109,155,187,205,57,59,61,66,68,73,72,73,72,73,255,285,285,290,296,300,304,309,316,107,43,59,89,76,126,161,161,254,273,244,262,60,75,76,76,79,82,86,92,97,98,98,109,110,120,139,224,258,280,109,132,131,131,131,131,146,71,80,83,84,87,97,101,103,120,113,74,101,101,104,105,117,119,122,248,278,310,80,82,83,85,108,110,114,115,115,116,118,127,128,134,157,157,157,183,184,257,75,77,81,82,93,98,98,103,99,103,106,135,136,148,32,46,61,75,92,106,122,122,228,245,275,275,86,88,99,99,99,108,177,175,72,77,80,81,88,89,93,94,81,92,100,100,125,143,143,187,185,192,195,210,279,358,47,78,85,87,100,106,123,152,210,329,130,72,94,124,292,147,32,46,60,74,91,105,121,135,213,227,244],\"length\":[10.39720770839918,9.887510598012987,9.406482647787449,12.381403155135274,11.485924189467285,12.658523115528322,10.666044184468241,14.888533890779721,14.436553066117252,9.13356731317027,12.568964226079276,12.429404179174597,14.436553066117252,10.489522684399441,17.07107836297218,12.381403155135274,10.75055681536833,9.656627474604601,13.29245039652994,12.992200020858993,15.353981437250265,11.550442805130174,17.649967165464837,10.579081573848484,9.656627474604601,8.49964003216865,9.996613530525611,17.936657294703366,16.404180423405393,9.534161491043838,12.181329031639258,12.429404179174597,12.788039631123947,14.625591969603454,14.971297760336208,10.912758479179157,10.39720770839918,10.39720770839918,18.88579800431894,18.540049960957717,13.815510557964275,11.795476898172977,10.990684938388938,16.564382753586738,12.129153803503652,12.523161809686911,10.39720770839918,10.832753737932673,10.666044184468241,11.283600347080688,10.30196161345544,16.795265876995124,15.644807272826958,12.658523115528322,12.912195279612511,12.568964226079276,13.754902436011717,10.832753737932673,19.766779432600558,18.033801523212485,11.140716200112923,17.7079000002041,11.966952139692824,17.836261825819726,11.485924189467285,11.795476898172977,11.910875740656365,12.95246434060893,20.954148960354797,11.613603032723674,15.644807272826958,18.11361275976641,14.579437213085015,9.656627474604601,15.031905882288767,17.658312094350467,14.803421799392074,14.71582433531529,15.110857807240889,9.996613530525611,13.363041888760522,17.98935626585706,14.260770573319093,19.95858908806004,17.2577179164769,10.489522684399441,17.6415989592021,18.413181162258702,22.388367472237345,15.22552144570148,16.623790635475277,15.677240021139605,15.595491093797477,11.06663836234181,13.256521823389795,14.950819865125009,11.485924189467285,18.714973875118524,7.917171988845775,11.06663836234181,10.832753737932673,9.996613530525611,11.419987469310959,10.203592144986466,8.671115273688493,9.656627474604601,9.774289614064447,9.887510598012987,12.129153803503652,12.702319513791778,11.419987469310959,11.675460894331879,19.997051153347225,14.824927267827912,11.736069016284437,16.479184330021646,14.625591969603454,10.75055681536833,6.238324625039507,12.912195279612511,14.128590603937003,8.987196820661973,9.273127360074948,11.550442805130174,8.671115273688493,11.419987469310959,11.140716200112923,9.534161491043838,18.79590363821313,10.101887489959422,9.656627474604601,10.30196161345544,15.528449197721486,18.962304882751745,16.739189477958668,9.774289614064447,15.725241045178928,9.406482647787449,14.759942777484376,11.419987469310959,10.579081573848484,19.50837013774687,19.803690356186628,20.15703946315578,10.912758479179157,9.13356731317027,13.220157741792761,16.564382753586738,14.182163456137022,16.083876497128276,10.75055681536833,13.815510557964275,9.774289614064447,14.10144109737725,10.39720770839918,18.48362196508523,20.225102083956166,16.95746754080595,15.07164156253883,13.84536155052378,10.990684938388938,6.238324625039507,11.736069016284437,20.142511589728414,8.317766166719343,8.49964003216865,13.29245039652994,10.101887489959422,14.991636821292344,9.996613530525611,12.2830336866663,9.273127360074948,18.374050172682615,17.98935626585706,10.30196161345544,10.666044184468241,8.671115273688493,14.387371636790224,17.42442746994133,19.083907432718988,17.151083104218664,13.031416265561052,12.429404179174597,12.429404179174597,17.55660743932342,17.24817895772476,10.101887489959422,10.912758479179157,9.406482647787449,9.406482647787449,14.155496613885283,13.29245039652994,12.476649250079014,16.52816500988393,16.850313292999715,18.9784484194653,15.849611186213966,16.083876497128276,19.674593408436806,17.796735562344033,12.871378323445173,17.521924972120196,13.629884346810012,16.167215189449504,15.954359981532647,18.55862587170148,15.335963365069631,14.484941211906904,15.407395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hyacinth begins to bloom.\",\"Narcissus and Puckoon open.\",\"Puckoon flowers fallen.\",\"a bluish colored, funnel-formed flower in lowgrounds in bloom.\",\"purple flag blooms. Hyacinth & Narcissus gone.\",\"Wild honeysuckle in our woods open. -- also the Dwarf flag & Violets\",\"blue flower in lowgrounds vanished.\",\"The purple flag, Dwarf flag, Violet & wild Honeysuckle still in bloom.\\nwent journey to Maryland, Pennsylva., New York. so observations cease\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest and a bed of midling peas.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 30z. -- 18. dwt. about 2,500. fill a pint.\",\"both beds of peas up.\",\"planted asparagus seed in 5. beds of 4. f. width. 4. rows in each.\",\"sowed a bed of forwardest peas, and a bed of the latest of all.\",\"Purple Hyacinth & Narcissus bloom. sowed 2. rows of Celery 9. 1. apart. sowed 2 rows of Spanish onions & 2. do. of Lettuce.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. just appearing.\",\"sowed Carnations, Indian pink, Marygold, Globe amaranth, Auricula, Double balsam, Tricolor, Dutch violet, Sensitive plant, Cockscomb, a flower like the Prince's feather, Lathyrus.\\nplanted Lilac, Spanish broom, Umbrella, Laurel. Almonds, Muscle plumbs, Cayenne pepper. 12. cuttings of Goosberries.\",\"planted suckers of Roses, seeds of Althaea & Prince's feather.\",\"planted lillies & wild honeysuckles.\",\"planted strawberry roots.\",\"sowed 3. rows of Celery, 2 do. of Lettuce -- 2 do. of Radish. Lunaria in full bloom.\",\"Sweet Williams begin to open.\\n24. forwardest peas of Feb. 20. come to table\",\"Asparagus 3. inches high, and branched. Feathered hyacinth in bloom. also Sweet Williams. a pink in bed VI. c. blooming. Lunaria still in bloom. an indifferent flower.\",\"sowed Lettuce, Radish, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.\",\"Flower-de luces just opening.\\n*strawberries come to table. note this is the first year of their bearing having been planted in the spring of 1766. and on an average, the plants bear 20. strawberries each. 100 fill half a pint.\\nforwardest peas of March 17. come to table.\\nlatest peas of Feb. 20. will come to table within about 4. days.\\nSnap-dragon blooming.\",\"Larkspur & Lychnis bloom & Poppies\",\"Pinks & Hollyhocks bloom.\",\"Carnations bloom.\",\"Argemone put out one flower.\",\"larger Poppy has vanished -- Dwarf poppy still in bloom but on the decline\\npinks V.c. just disappear. pinks in VI.c. still shew a few.\\nCarnations in full life -- Larkspur, Lychnis in bloom. -- a few hollyhocks remaining -- Eastern mallow almost vanished. an indifferent flower.\\n*\\tColo. Moore tells me a hill of artichokes generally bears 8. of a year, and they continue in season about 6. weeks.\",\"Lesser poppy still blooming -- pinks V.c. a few. -- pinks VI.c. a few -- a few Carnations. -- Larkspur in bloom. Eastern mallow & Lychnis in bloom. -- Mirabilis just opened. very clever. Argemone, one flower out. this is the 4th ys year.\",\"Cucumbers come to table.\",\"inoculated May cherry buds into 4. stocks of unknown kind.\",\"inoculated English walnut buds into stocks of the Black walnut.\",\"inoculated common cherry buds into stocks of large kind at Monticello.\",\"*8 or 10. bundles of fodder are as much as a horse will generally eat thro' the night\\n9 bundles X 130. days = 1170. for the winter.\",\"sowed a patch of early peas, having first soaked them. Charlton Hotspur.\\n*500. of these peas weighed 3oz. -- 7 dwt. 2000. filled a pint accurately.\",\"sowed a patch of Spanish Marotto peas.\",\"peas of Feb. 24. just appearing\",\"peas of Mar. 5. just appearing.\",\"planted on the S.E. side of the hill as follows.\\nOn the Ridge beginning at the bottom.\\n\\n1. row of Pears. 25. f. apart 12 in a row. left vacant.\\n\\n1. row of do. ingrafted.\\n\\n2. rows of cherries intended for stocks to inoculate on.\\n\\n2. of New York apples ingrafted.\\n\\n1. of Peach stocks for inoculating almonds.\\n\\n1. of do. for do. apricots\\n\\n1/2 row of do. for Nectarines. -- 1/2 row of quinces.\\nIn the Hollow.\\n\\n1. row of Pomegranates 12 1/2 f. apart 12. in a row.\\n\\n2. do. of figs.\\n\\n1. do. of Peach stocks for inoculating Apricots.\\n\\n1 do. Walnuts.\",\"*a bed of mortar which makes 2000. bricks takes 6 hhds. of water.\\n*Nichs. Meriwether sais that 30. hills of Cucumbers 4. f. apart will supply a middling family plentifully.\\n*Nich. Lewis thinks 40. f. square of watermelons will supply a family that is not very large.\\n*Millar's Gard's dict. sais that 50. hills of Cucumbers will yeild 400. cucumbers a week during the time they are in season, which he sais is 5 weeks. so that 50 hills will yeild 2000, or 1. hill yeild 40. cucumbers.\",\"sowed a patch of peas after steeping them in water 24. hours. (note the seed came from J. Bolling's)\",\"rain snow & hail with an Easterly wind for 4. days.\",\"cleared up cold with a North West wind.\",\"replanted all the pomegranates in their proper row. also planted 4. others on S.E. edge of garden. also a Medlar Russetin.\\nin the row of Peach trees for Apricots planted 4. apricot trees, viz. the 1st. 2d. 4th. & 5th. counting from S.W. end. peas up.\",\"planted 5. grapes from N. Lewis's on S.E. edge of garden.\",\"sowed peas. (from T. Morgan's) planted 2. beds of Asparagus seed.\",\"cold easterly wind, rain & hail.\",\"eat peas at Barclay in Charles-City.\",\"eat strawberries at Docr. Rickman's\",\"the greatest flood ever known in Virginia.\",\"peas of Mar. 6. come to table.\",\"*Cart. H. Harrison tells me it is generally allowed that 250 lb green pork makes 220. lb pickled. he weighed a ham & shoulder when green. The one weighed 24. lb the other 17. lb. after they were made into bacon each had lost exactly a fourth. they were of corn-fed hogs.\",\"*Stephen Willis sais it takes 15. bushels of lime to lay 1000. bricks.\\n*Old Sharpe sais a bushel of Lime-stone will weigh 114 lb and if well burnt will make 2. bushels of slacked lime.\",\"*John Moore's ford over the Rivanna cost 28. on accurate estimate.\",\"the deepest snow we have ever seen. in Albemarle it was about 3. f. deep.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\\nother patches were sowed afterwards.\",\"Cucumbers came to table.\\nplanted out Celery.\\nsowed patch of peas for the Fall.\\nplanted snap-beans.\",\"had the last dish of our spring peas.\",\"had Irish potatoes from the garden.\\n*Julius Shard fills the two-wheeled barrow in 3. minutes and carries it 30. yds. in 1 1/2 minutes more. now this is four loads of the common barrow with one wheel. so that suppose the 4. loads put in in the same time viz. 3. minutes, 4. trips will take 4 x 1 1/2 minutes = 6' which added to 3' filling is = 9' to fill and carry the same earth which was filled & carried in the two-wheeled barrow in 4 1/2'. from a trial I made with the same two-wheeled barrow I found that a man would dig & carry to the distance of 50. yds 5. cubical yds of earth in a day of 12. hours length.Ford's Phill did it; not overlooked, and having to mount his loaded barrow up a bank 2. f. high & tolerably steep.\",\"*the waggon with 4. horses & the driver without any assistant brought about 300 yds wood which measured 4, 8, & 19 1/2 f.i.e., nearly 5. cord. calling a cord 4,4, & 8. in one day. it took 10. loads.\\n*the waggon brings 28. rails at a load up a steep part of the mountain.\\n*Ry. Randolph's mason cuts stone @ 8 d. the superficial foot, the blocks being furnished to his hand. provision found, but no attendance.\",\"gathered 2. plumb-peaches at Monticello.\",\"*William Gillum sais it will take a bushel of Lime-stone (which he sais is equal to 2. bushels of slacked lime) to a perch of stonework 18. I. thick. -- but Anderson sais 3. bushels of Lime.\\n*in making the Round-about walk, 3 hands would make 80. yds. in a day in the old feild, but in the woods where they had stumps to clear, not more than 40. & sometimes 25. yds.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas, & another of Marrow fats.\",\"grafted 5. French chesnuts into two stocks of Common chesnut.\\nsent Patrick Morton the following slips of fruits from Sandy point.\\n\\nNo. 1. Green Gage plumb.\\n\\n2. Almonds.\\n\\n3. Carnation cherry.\\n\\n4. Duke cherry\\n\\n5. forward pear\\n\\n6. late do.\\n\\n\\n7. fine late large pear.\\n\\n8. New-town pippins.\\n\\n9. French chestnut.\\n\\n10. English Mulberry.\\n\\n11. Broadnax's cherry.\\n\\n12. very fine late cherry.\",\"both patches of peas up.\\nset out strawberries.\",\"planted 50. vines of various kinds from the Forest.\",\"sowed a patch of Early peas & another of Marrow-fats.\",\"first patch of peas come to table. note this spring is remarkeably forward.\",\"*2 hands grubbed the Grave yard 80. f.sq. = 1/7 of an acre in 3 1/2 hours, so that one would have done it in 7. hours, and would grub an acre in 49. hours = 4. days.\\n*Ry. Randolph's fencing chain weighs 1/2 lb. per foot, and is 3 f. 3 1. from the ground.\\n*articles for contracts with overseers.\\nhe shall let his emploier have his share of grain if he chuses it at a fixed price.\\nhe shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow. and then only of what is sold or eaten by measure.\\nallow 1/2 a share for every horse, & the same for a ploughboy. to have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands, but never to have more than 2. shares if there be ever so many hands.\\nprovision 400. lb pork if single. 500 lb if married.\\nto be turned off at any time of year if employer disapproves of his conduct, on paying a proportion of what shall be made, according to the time he has staid.\\nto pay for carrying his share of the crop to market.\\nto pay for carriage of all refused tobo.\\n\\nto pay his own levies.\\nto pay his share of liquor & hiring at harvest.\\nand never to bleed a negro.\",\"sowed a bed of Early & a bed of Marrow-fat peas.\",\"planted in the S.W. border of the garden the following stones.\\n\\nNo. 1. a Virginian Almond. --No. 2 -- to 13. Almonds from the Streights \\n\\nNo. 14. 15. 16. Apricots. --No. 16. a Filbert.\",\"sowed the following seeds & distinguished them by sticking numbered sticks in the beds.\\n\\nAglio di Toscania. Garlic.\\n\\n No. \\n 15. Radicchio di Pistoia. Succory, or Wild Endive. 26. Cipolle bianchee di Tuckahoe, the Spanish Onion of Miller. 31. Savoys. 33. Salsafia. 34. Cabbage. 35. Lettuce. 36. Lettuce (different) 38. Radishes. 39. Peppergrass. 40. \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 41. Salvastrella di Pisa 42. Sorrel. Acetosa di Pisa.\",\"46. Coclearia di Pisa (Scurvy grass or perhaps Horseradish.)\\n47. Cavol Capuccio Spagnola di Pisa.\\n56. Prezzemolo. parsley\\n58. do.\",\"Peas of Mar. 10. are up.\",\"sowed the following seeds distinguished by numbered sticks.\\n\\nNo. 12. Cluster peas. or Bunch peas\\n\\n13. Windsor beans.\\n\\n14. Green beans from Colo.Bland.\",\"[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.] \\nNo. 16. Vetch.\\n37. Spinaci. Spinach.\\n45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.\\n48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.\\n49. Carote. Carrots.\\n51. Beans. Dr. Bland.\\n54. Lattuga. Lettuce.\\n55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.\\n57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.\\n59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.\\n60. Salmon radishes.\\n61. Carrots.\\n72. Siberian wheat.\",\"Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks\\n \\n \\nNo. 8. \\n9. \\n early & later peas from Col. Cary \\n \\n28. small Lentils .\",\"No. 29. green Lentils\\n 32. Italian Cresses.\\n\\n 73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.\\n\\n4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph\",\"seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.\\n\\n \\nNo. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 \\n in the Meadow\",\"Solid Celery. in the Meadow.\",\"No. 18. Asparagus.\\n5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.\\nPeach trees at Monticello in general bloom.\",\"laid off ground to be levelled for a future garden. the upper side is 44. f. below the upper edge of the Round-about and parallel thereto. it is 668. feet long, 80 f. wide, and at each end forms a triangle, rectangular & isosceles, of which the legs are 80. f. wide, & the hypothenuse 113. feet. [it will be better to add 2.f.width on the upper side, which will permit bed under upper wall to be 8.f.]\",\"planted the following seeds, trees, etc. twenty four apple trees nineteen cherry trees... \\n from the Mountain plains\",\"No. 3. a doz. sweet almonds with smooth rinds, 8 of which were cracked, the others not.\\n\\n5. a doz. do. with hairy rinds. 8. cracked. the others not.\\n\\n7. a doz. do. with hard shells. 8 cracked.\\n\\n10. 32. better almonds. 20. cracked.\\n\\n13. 20 Meliache e Albicocche (2 difft. kinds of apricots) 12 of them cracked, the others not.\\n\\n8. 4. Ciriege corniole. ( a particular kind of cherry.) 2 of them cracked.\\n\\n1. 198 Cherries of different kinds from Italy.\\n\\n14. about 1500 olive stones\\n\\n44. Lamponi. Raspberries. (the seeds) in 3. rows.\\n\\n30. Fragole Alpine. Alpine strawberries (the seeds) 3. rows\\n\\n22. Fragole Mazzese. May Strawberries (the seeds.) 3. rows.\\n\\n43. Fragoloni di giardino. large garden strawberries. (the seeds.) 1. row.\\n\\na bed of parsley.\\n\\n62. red Cabage.\\n\\nRadishes.\",\"sowed & planted as follows.\\n\\nNo. 53. turneps. Dr Bland.\\n\\n25. Fagiuoli d'Augusta.\\n\\n19. do. verdi coll'occhio bianco. D. Hylton.\\n\\n71. Bonny-Bess. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n70. Snap-beans. Colo. Bland.\\n\\n2. Fagiuoli coll'occhio di Provenza.\\n\\n7. do. bianchi di Parigi.\\n\\n6. Cetriuoli. Webb. 9. monticini.\\n\\n5. do.Eppes. 12. monticini.\",\"4. the peas of Mar. 24. come up.\",\"Cucumbers. the same as No. 6. only that these were steeped in water from Mar. 31. till this day when they were sprouted. 10. hill\\n\\ndo. same as No. 5. only soaked as before. 17. hills.\\n\\nNo. 63. Piperone. John Wood.\\n\\n52. Cayenne Pepper. Dr. Bland.\\n\\n24. Purple beans. Jas. Donald.\\n\\n17. White & purple do. do.\\n\\n\\n21. Sugar beans.\\n\\n1. Fagiuoli bianchi di Toscana.\",\"No. 65. Hotspur peas. Monticello.\\n\\n66. Marrow fat\\n\\nPlanted 30. vines just below where the new garden wall will run, towards the Westermost end. 8 of them at the Westermost end of the row were Spanish Raisins from Colo. Bland's, next to them were 16. native vines from Winslow's in New Kent, and at the Eastermost end were 6. native vines of Monticello. They were planted by some Tuscan Vignerons who came over with mr. Mazzei. The manner was as follows.\",\"A trench 41 deep and 4. f. wide was dug. at the bottom were put small green bushes, and on them a thin coat of dung and earth mixed, which raised the bed to within 2 1/2 feet of the surface. the cuttings which were from 3 1/2 to 6. f. long, and which had been hitherto buried in the earth, were then produced, about 18. 1. of their butts were dipt into a thick paste made of cowdung and water and then planted in the bottom, the Raisins 3. f. apart, the rest about 21 having a stick stuck by each to which it was bound with bear grass in order to support it while the earth should be drawn in. The earth was then thrown in, the mould first, and afterwards the other earth in the same order in which it was dug, leaving the bottom clay for the last. the earth was thrown in very loose & care was taken to avoid trampling in it. the trench was not quite filled, but left somewhat hollowing to receive & retain the water, & the superfluous earth was left on each side without the trench. then the supporting sticks were drawn out and would have served for the other rows had the plantation been to be continued. in such a case, the rows are to be 4 f. apart, so that in fact the whole surface is taken up to the depth of 41 the best way of doing it is to dig every other trench, and leave the earth which is thrown out exposed for a twelve month. then the vines may be planted at any time from the middle of November to the first week in April. afterwards dig the other alternate trenches, and leave the earth of these also exposed for a twelvemonth. when the latter trenches are planted, leave the superflous earth in ridges between the rows of vines till by the subsidence of the earth it becomes necessary to pull it into the trenches. if any\",\"of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.\",\"sowed, planted &c as follows.\\nNo. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.\\n2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.\\n12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills. \\n18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills\\n64. in the Meadow. Rice\",\"Meadow \\n 7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.\",\"*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.\",\"sowed 4. rows of forward peas.\\n2. do. of\",\"sowed No. 67. white beet\\n68. red beet.\\n69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.\\nfrom England\",\"sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce \\n from Dr. Brown's\",\"the blue ridge of mountains covered with snow.\",\"a frost which destroyed almost every thing. it killed the wheat, rye, corn, many tobacco plants, and even large saplings. the leaves of the trees were entirely killed. all the shoots of vines. at Monticello near half the fruit of every kind was killed; and before this no instance had ever occurred of any fruit killed here by the frost. in all other places in the neighborhood the destruction of fruit was total. this frost was general & equally destructive thro the whole country and the neighboring colonies.\",\"cherries ripe.\",\"first dish of pease from earliest patch.\",\"a second patch of peas come to table.\",\"Windsor beans come to table.\",\"a third & fourth patch of peas come to table.\",\"a fifth patch of peas come in.\",\"last dish of peas.\",\"last lettuce from Gehee's\",\"Cucumbers from our garden.\",\"Watermelons from our patch.\",\"Indian corn comes to table. black eyed peas come to table\",\"this morning the Northern part of the Blue ridge is white with snow.\",\"the first frost sufficient to kill any thing.\",\"sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.\",\".the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.\\nwe have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.\\n\\nsome time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.\",\"this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.\",\"sowed a patch of forward & a patch of latter peas.\",\"sowed Cavolo Romano Paonazzo (purple cabbage) in lower division of the uppermost triangular bed. sowed Neapolitan cabbage in the division next above. & Cavolo Romano a broccolini (Cabbage) in the next above that. sowed also lettuce & radishes.\",\"planted 2 beds of strawberries. \\nsowed in an upperlong bed Cavolo nero (Coleworts) \\n\\nin the one next below it Russia curled greens.\",\"planted another bed of strawberries.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed patch of peas. qu. whether forward or latter. in N. Westermost beds.\",\"Peach trees & Cherry trees at Monticello begin to blossom. sowed a square of peas, of one kind only. qu. what?\",\"sowed a bed of peas.\",\"peas of March 26. up.\",\"sowed radishes, lettuce, endive, & red mustard.\",\"sowed bed of peas.\",\"planted Cucumbers, Lima beans, Irish potatoes\",\"forward peas of March 10. come to table.\",\"cucumbers come to table.\",\"sowed Spinach, endive, lettuce, cresses & peas.\\n*T.G. (who was allowed to kill what he chose) killed only 9 hogs for his own family & H. Gaines, for whom he allowed 3 of the 9. four of them were the smallest we had. he also had a beef.\\n*fauns are cut from 3 to 6 weeks old.\\n*kids are fit for the table from 3 weeks to 3 months old.\\n*it takes 11 lb dble. refd. sugar to 1 lb good Congo tea.\\n*1/2 dwt good Congo makes a dish, i.e. 640 dishes to the pound.\\n*veals are best from 6. to 8. weeks old, but may do from 5. to 9. weeks.\",\"sowed a patch of Hotspur peas\",\"planted carrots & Salsafy\",\"sowed lettuce & Madeira onions.\",\"planted 19 Bubby flower shrubs calycanthus. from the Green mountain, the only place in this country I have ever heard of them. they are said to be very common in So. Carolina.\",\"ingrafted or planted &c. Cherries, viz *Carnation, *Duke *Broadnax's, *very fine late, Myrilla Apples, viz *Newtown pippins, + Medlar Russetins + Golden Wildings, Robinson, Codlin, White.\\nPears, viz *Forward, *Late, *fine late large, Sugar do., 3 kinds of English do., 2 others.\\nQuinces,\\nNectarines, plumb\\nPlumbs, viz Magnum bonum, Damascene, horse,\\nApricots\\nAlmonds bitter.\\nfor the places see plan of the orchard.\\n*these were sent me from Sandy point by Mordecai Debnam, in slips, March 1773. & then ingrafted by P. Morton. + these were from Greenspring\",\"planted in a nursery the following stones and seeds\\nNo. 1. choice peaches \\nNo. 2. an Almond. \\nNo. 3. English Walnuts \\nNo. 4. a French do. \\nNo. 5. Mogul plumbs \\nNo. 6. Prunes \\nNo. 7. small green plumbs \\nNo. 8. Pride of China. \\nNo. 9. Strawberry tree \\nNo. 10. Apples.\",\"sowed Radish seed & Burnet\",\"14. sowed Charlton & Early pearl peas. the former are in the 4. lower rows. planted out Raspberries, goose berries & currans. Peach-trees begin to blossom. peas of Feb. 26. just appearing.\",\"sowed radishes & burnet\",\"sowed a bed of Early Charlton, and another of Early pearl peas. sowed Mazzei's beans, snap beans, & parsley. lettuce of Mar. 2. come up.\",\"one of the Acacias 23 I. high the other 18 I.\",\"their heights 28 1/2 I. and 23. I.\",\"brought an olive tree from Colle. it is a shoot from an old root, being one of many brought from Italy in 1773. they stood the winter of the that year and the remarkeable frost of May 5.1774. also the winters of 1774 & 1775 planted in the open feild & without any cover. in Decemb. 1775 & Jan. 1776. there was a frost of four or five weeks duration, the earth being frozen like a rock the whole time. this killed all the olives; the others totally, this one alone sprung up from the old root. it's height now is 21 3/4 I. took a cutting from it and planted it. when an olive tree is killed in Italy and a new shoot puts out, it is ten years before it bears.\",\"brought from Colle four sour Orange trees, being new shoots from old roots brought from Italy in 1775. which have been killed to the root. these are allremaining out of some hundreds, \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 the rest being killed totally. they were planted there in the earth, and sheltered to the North by a plank wall, and on the top & to the South by matts. they are now two of them indeed were planted at the ends of houses, one to the South, the other to the East, and protected by matts. they are now put into boxes of good Virgin mould. their heights are 6 1/4 I. 6 1/2 I. 16 I. and 18 1/2 I. In S. Carolina the Orange trees were killed generally by frost in 1771 the shoots which put out from the old roots begin to bear this year.\",\"the Roundabout walk is in circumference \\n926.yds.\\n\\n=.52 [mile ]\\n\\n\\n\\nby a survey of 1806 Aug. 3. with a chain very exact it is \\n169.16 po. \\n= .529 mile \\n\\n\\nfrom Monticello door to the stone gate \\n198. yds\\n\\n=.11 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the second gate by the orchard \\n231\\n=.13 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the Overseer's house \\n473\\n=26 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence to the stone flood mark of 1778. by the river \\n1760\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\n\\n2662\\n=1.5 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal along my private road into public road by Shadwell \\n1175\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down public road to where the mill road will come in \\n660\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n1835\\n=1.0 \\n\\n\\nfrom head of the Canal down the same to Walnut where mill house will stand \\n1225\\n=.6 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence down the mill road along river side to Chapel branch \\n819\\n=.4 \\n\\n\\n\\nthence up Chapel branch as the mill road is to go into the public road \\n616\\n=.3 \\n\\n\\n\\n2660\\n=1.5\",\"planted 59. Aspens. (Populus tremula.)\",\"planted 32 Umbrellas.\",\"planted 27. wild crabs. 11 transplanted 14. Pride of China trees from seed sown in\",\"placing the Theodolite on the top of the house, the Eastern spur of the High mountain intersects the Horizon 19 degrees. Westward of Willis's mountain. note the observation was made on the intersection of the ground (not the trees) with the horizon.\",\"in opening the road from a little above the Thoroughfare to mr Lewis's mill six hands did about 120. yards a day.\",\"sent to Poplar For. 6 Apricot trees, 2 large Morellas, 2 Kentish cherries, 2. May Dukes. 2 Carnations, 2 Black hearts, 2 White hearts, 2 Newtown pippings, 2 Russetins, 2 Golden Wildings, & some white strawberries.\",\"a flock of wild geese flying to N.W.\",\"the Farm second round-about, taking in the Mulberry-row is 4444.4 feet = 269.36 po. = .84 of a mile.\",\"Almonds & peaches blossom.\",\"Aur. Bor. at 9. P.M. a quart of Currant juice makes 2. blue teacups of jelly, 1 quart of juice to 4. of puree.\",\"Raspberries come & last a month.\",\"A Calendar of the bloom of flowers in 1782. Note they were planted this spring and the season was very backward. March. April. May. June. July Aug. Sept. Oct. \\n17 1 20 23 27 29 8 12 14 20 22 18 22 25 \\n\\n [See page image for precise alignment of flowers and dates.] \\nNarcissus Fathd. Hyacinth \\n\\nJonquil\\n\\nHyacinth Anem., Ranunc,\\n\\nTulips M.Iris Iris bicolor Nasturtium\\n\\nFiery Lil. White Lilly Peony \\n\\nPink\\n Sw. Wm. Holly hock \\n\\nCalcanthus\\n\\nCrims Dw. Rose.\",\"a quince weighed 170z. -- 17dwt.\\nW. Hornsby's method of preserving birds.\\nMake a small incision between the legs of the bird; take out the entrails & eyes, wipe the inside & with a quill force a passage through the throat into the body that the ingredients may find a way into the stomach & so pass off through the mouth. fill the bird with a composition of 2/3 common salt & 1/3 nitre pounded in a mortar with two tablespoonfuls of black or Indian pepper to a pound. hang it up by it's legs 8 or 10. weeks, & if the bird be small it will be sufficiently preserved in that time. if it be large, the process is the same, but greater attention will be necessary. the seasons also should be attended to in procurring them, as the plumage is much finer at one time of the year than another.\\nsee 5. Buffon 194. another composition for external washing.\",\"on trial with the level, descending from the rock above mentioned 1.f. in 10 would have crossed the antient country road half way up the hill from the Secretary's ford. rising from the rock 1.f. in 10. to the right, it struck the fence opposite the stone spring, 376 yds from the rock.\",\"*G. Divers thinks feilds of 50. acres of wheat the best size.\\n*he estimates 2. bushels of wheat for every cubic yard of wheat in the straw when stacked.\",\"the lower Round-about measured by the Odometer to my Phaeton is 4420 feet = 1473 yds. 1/3 = .837 mile\",\"sowed Charlton peas, lettuce, radishes.\",\"peas up.\",\"sowed a second patch of the same. Almonds blossom.\",\"planted 2400. cuttings of weeping willow. a man plants 800. to 1000. a day. in the following places.\\nlower roundabout \\nspring roundabout \\nin the old Lucerne patch & the open spaces West of yt. & between the same roundabout\\nalong the road from the gate to the overseer's house. \\nin the old feild within the park.\\n along the road leading by the side of the Park to Colle. \\nalong the road to the Thoroughfare.\\nif 8. willows will yeild 1. cord at a lopping, & bear lopping every 3d. year, then 800. of these may be lopped every year, & yield 100. cords of wood.\\ngrafted and planted in the nursery a variety of fruit trees. \\nplanted there also, balsam poplar, Lombardy poplar, gelder roses, althaeas, yellow jasmine.grafted double blossomed almonds. also 12. codlin trees.\\n planted 200.paccan nuts. and seeds of Kentucky coffee.\",\"peaches blossom.\",\"cherries blossom.\",\"peas of Mar. 17. up. \\nThe first plant of asparagus up, & 5 I. high. under the shop.\",\"sowed a patch of latter peas.\",\"a great white frost last night off of the mountains. the Blue ridge covered with snow Due North from hence and for about 10\\u00c2\\u00b0 E. & W. of the North.\",\"our first dish of Asparagus.\",\"another white frost off of the mountains. the peaches killed\",\"first dish of Spinach.\",\"there are 8. Sugar maples alive.\\non the 3d. inst. Davy & Phill made a path 4. f. wide in the orchard & 90.yds. long in 2. hours. it was set with briars and some grubbing. \\non the 51. they grubbed 76. yds 6.f. wide in 2. hours, in the thicket West of the orchard.\\nafter it was grubbed Davy did 20. yards in an hour. \\na man will grub \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 an acre a week in winter of the worst wood lands and 1 1/4 in summer, inclosed lands, in thicket, are worse.\",\"planted Mazzei's corn in the S.W. angle of the South orchard. \\n\\nDerieux's do. (white) in a horizontal slope of the North orchard. \\n\\na few grains of another forward corn (yellow) in the garden ground. \\n\\na few grains of Maryland forward corn (white) planted by mr. Biddle.\\nSt. foin and Succory sowed in the North orchard on the 28th \\nFrench blackeyed peas sown this 30th. adjoining both patches of corn.\",\"peas of Mar. 1. come to table.\",\"sowed forward peas from mr.Eppes's.\",\"they come to table\",\"65 hills of peendars have yielded 16 1/2 lb weighed green out of the ground which is 1/4 lb each. It was about 1 1/2 peck\",\"two or three days of severe weather attended with frost have killed all most ofthe fruit in the neighborhood. here it is safe as yet, and I observed today that it is safe as low down as the old orchardat the where the 4. fields corner together. about half the almonds however are killed.\\nit is safe to the river, but not at Tufton.\",\"in clearing the road between along belfield and Slatefield, where there was no digging, but every thing was grubbed up which could be grubbed, & the larger trees were cut down to a width of 1. pole, 4 men did 220. yds a day which was 10. square poles each.\\nI notice tried on that line the step of my horse, as a rough way of estimating distances, without getting down to stride them off. when pushed into a brisk walk he stepped the 220. yds at 112 steps descending & 116. steps ascending. 110 steps would have been 2.yds at a step. 114 (the medium) is 5 f 9 1/2 I. the step.\",\"planted grape vines recieved from Legaux in the S.W. vineyard. in vacant space of rows in the upper or 1st. row very large white eating grapes.\\n30 plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\\n30 plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\\n10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"2d.row 3d. do.\\n \\n 30. plants of vines from Burgundy and Champagne with roots.\",\"4th. row 5th. row \\n 30. plants of vines of Bordeaux with roots.\",\"6th. row 10. plants of vines from Cape of good hope with roots.\",\"planted in the upper row of the Nursery beginning at the N.E. end the following peach stones, sent me by Mazzei from Pisa. see his letter.\\n4. stones of the Maddelena peach. then 4. of the poppe de Venere. then 12 melon peaches. then 40. Vaga loggia.\\nalso planted a great number of Paccan nuts, in the same rows of those planted the two last years.\",\"the well was observed about a month ago to have a plenty of water in it after having been dry about 18. months. my ice house here has taken 62.waggon loads of ice to fill it, have 1. foot thickness of shavings between it and the wall all around. the whole cost including labour, feeding, drink &c., has been 70. D.\",\"peach trees begin to blossom.\",\"a considerable snow on the blue ridge\",\"thermom. at sunrise 34.\",\"thermom. at sunrise 29.\",\"sowed seeds of the East India Asparagus in a small bed at the point of levelled triangle S.W. end of the garden.\",\"planted in the orchard below the garden black soft peaches of Georgia from W. Mer.\",\"planted 40. odd Hemlock & Weymouth pines near the Aspen thicket.\",\"planted seeds of the Cherokee rose from Govr. Milledge in a row of about 6.f. near the N.E. corner of the Nursery.Goliah stuck sticks to mark the place. this has been a remarkeably backward spring. we have had fires steadily thro' the whole month.\",\"a great fresh in the Rivanna this day. it was above the top of the hopper in my toll mill. by marks at Henderson's distillery in Milton it wanted 6. feet of being as high as that in 1795. which wanted but 3. f. of being as high as the great fresh on the 26th. of May 1771.\",\"the road from the Shadwell ford to the top of the mountain, along the North side of the mountain, was begun & was finished May. 11. except some little blowing. it has taken 552. days work @2/ = 184. D.\\nThe cherries & peaches are completely killed this year, as well on the mountains as elsewhere. this was effected by cold freezing winds, mostly from the N.W. in the month of April, & of considerable continuance. The peaches & cherries (except Morellas) were then in bloom & killed. the Morella cherries & apples, not being then in bloom, escaped entirely.\",\"planted in the Nursery next below the little grass terras, in a bed ranging with the upper strawberry bed,\\n68. peach stones [W. Meriwether's Georgia black. unknown, but supposed good because saved]\",\"69. plumstones in the row next below 68. apricots stones in the next row & a half \\n these came from G. Jefferson, probably sent him from abroad, directed to me in a little bag. - they came from mrs. Hackley Cadiz.\",\"planted 32. seeds of the Mimosa julibritzin in the earthen trough, in which were also sowed on the 10th. inst. seeds of the Alpine strawberry from Mazzei. \\nsowed seeds of Dionaea muscipula in a pot. they were several years old. \\nin square II. beginning with the S. W. row sowed\\n1. row of rheum undulatum, esculent rhubarb. the leaves excellent as Spinach.\\ Long pod soup pea. or Asparagus bean. pods 3.f. long, to run on poles. when green they are dressed as Asparagus, or as snaps, or boiled in soup.\\ African early pea, lately introduced from Africa into S.Carola. where it gives 3. crops a year. the two last as articles from Genl. Sumpter.\\ lentils. Ervum lens.\\n3. do. Windsor beans.\",\"sowed oil radish in the nursery, in the former asparagus bed.\\nG. Divers finds the following sufficient for his family.\\nCelery 400. f. running measure. to wit 10. rows of my squares 3.f. apart 4 f is better\\n\\nSalsafy 320. f = 8. rows of my squares of 40 f. at 6. I. every way\\nCarrots 320. f = 8. do.12.I. apart\\n\\nparsneps 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\\nbeet 200. f = 5. do.12.I. apart\",\"sowed Monthly strawberry seed from Colo.Worthington in Nursery E. corner.\",\"Squash from Maine. soft cymlin solid pumpkin from S. America. long pumpkin from Malta. 3. to 4. f. long. 2.f.\\n circumference. 127. lb weight. the seed look like gourd. qu? \\n in the terras next below the garden wall & in the order here named from S.W. to N.E. considerably distant from each other. \\n\\n Benni. from Bailey's walk to Stable yard.\",\"Orange gourd in upper terras of N.E. vineyard. long gourd. in \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 15th do. of do.\",\"planted 8. figs from Dr. Thornton under S.W. end of wall, about 12. f. apart\\n\\nmr Randolph's onions have yielded at the rate of 240. bushels per acre. the largest squares of my garden 1/27 of an acre would yield 9. bush.\",\"planted 14. Paulina Aurea, or Koelreuteria paniculata aurea in 2 boxes & a pot, to wit, 4. in the pot,\\nII. III. 4. in the large box, No 3. 2 in the small one, No. 2. received the seeds from Made. de Tess.\",\"planted from mr Lomax's\\n3. Modesty shrubs, viz, 1. in N.E. circular bed, 1. in N.W. & 1. in\\n\\n5. Jujubes, viz. 1. in S.E. clump, 2. in S.W. do.2. in\\n\\n21.Star jasmines. 2 in each of the oval beds\\n24 Filberts in the lowest terras below the old filbert bush. & every other one above includg. 7. terrasses.\\nVII. VIII. IX. 2. Acacia Niloticas box 7. 8. 1 orange, 1.lime in boxes in the Greenhouse. No. IX\\n\\nNo. I. a box. shell barks.\\n\\nV. is a sour orange brot. from Washington.\",\"planted 7. Rhododendrons in 4. oval beds in each corner of the house.\\nNo. VI. planted 36. Acacia. Popinaques (probably Famesiana) seeds from judge Johnston, in a box.\",\"sowed Egyptian grass in the old nursery lowest bed, West end. set out sprigs of sweet scented grass in lowest bed Eastwardly.\",\"Nursery. 8th Terras. grafted 4. pear cuttings from Gallipolis. very large. eaten Dec. Jan. Taylor\\n\\n9th grafted 6. plumb cuttings from d. 27. or e. 36. a large blue plumb.\",\"3d grafted 12. codlings & 12. iron wildings, next to the Taliafers.\\n\\n7th. planted 13. stones of the Magdalen or White blossomed peach. soft. Taylor\",\"flower borders. sowed larkspurs. poppies. balsam apple. N. oval bed on S. W. side. nutmeg plant. S. oval bed on S. W. side. American Columbo.\",\"planted in the 11. uppermost terrasses of the E. vineyard 165. cuttings of a native winegrape recd. from Major Adlum of Maryland. this grape was first discovered by a gardener of Governor John Penn's & transplanted into his garden in or near Philadelphia. I have drank of the wine. it resembles the Comartin Burgundy.\",\"planted 3. yellow Jasmines from mr Coles in the oval beds next to the covered ways on both sides of each.\",\"5. do. from mr. Divers\",\"[Continuation of entry from April 25.] \\n planted in boxes. viz. \\n No. IV. Acer Tartaricum. joli petit arbre. propre au bosquets. + 8. grains Poland spring wheat \\nX. hard shelled bitter-almond. 10. kernels. \\nXI. Mespilus Pyracanta. Prickly medlar. 2.y. to come up. + Ghibeba Mellimeni. fescues \\nXII. Lonicera Alpigena. red be rried honeysuckle \\nXIII. Broussonette papyrifera. paper mulberry of China.\",\"sowed. Phaseolus rufus. Haricots roussatres. West bed of XV. N. end.\\n\\nBrassica sempervirens. middle of same bed. \\n\\nValeriana vesicaria. Candia corn sallad. S. end of same bed.\",\"planted Pani crn in the S.E. end of the Supplementary ground below Bailey's walk \\n\\nforward corn from Claxton in the S.W. corner of do.\\n\\n\\nCherokee latter corn in the middle part. \\n\\nsweet or shriveled corn in the N.W. comer of do above Bailey's walk. \\n\\nforward blackeyed peas of Georgia, 2. uppermost rows. ibidem. \\n\\nforward French black eyes in the rows next below. \\n\\nRavensworths in the next. 3563. of these = 1 pint \\n\\nCowpeas in all the rest of the Supplement except as follows. *2587 = 1. pint. \\n\\nBenni in all the E. end above Bailey's walk.\",\"sowed upland rice at the mouth of the Meadow branch.\",\"sowed yellow jasmine seed in 2. boxes. XIV. XV.\",\"planted 12. figs, just recieved from Dr. Thornton, in the vacancies at the S.W. end of the wall beginning where those of Sep. 5. 1809. end. these of 1809. are all sprouting at the root.\",\"Note the following cluster of trees in the old nursery, to be suffered to remain there & to be taken care of\\n1. in the row e.15 f from the gate a\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May Duke cherry of the finest quality.\\n2. about 10 f below that a \\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 May cherry of very fine quality.\\ a line with that, 12. f. eastwardly a plumb, supposed Magnum bonum.\\n4.a pear 2. f. from the 3d.\\n5. due West from the May Duke 7. f. a quince\\n6.due West nearly from the Quince 8. f. a pear.\\nThe cherry trees along the brow of the garden wall are as follows.\\n1st. on the S. W. angle opposite the Asparagus beds a May cherry.\\n2d. opposite walk A. a Carnation.\\n3d. square I. a May cherry.\\n4th. II. do.\",\"XVI. in center of XVI. \\n a seedling balck, but large & fine \\n\\n\\nin center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"in center of IX not a Mayduke, yet like it. perhaps a blackheart.\",\"cucumber from mrs. Lewis.\",\"squashes from the Asparagus bed.\",\"the ice in the ice house fails.\\nmillet is now fit for use.\\n*The largest cups of the drill hold 5. cowpeas each, & 5 cups to a turn of the wheel require 25. peas to a revolution of the wheel which is circumference. then 1. pint will sow 100. revolutions = 200yds and 18 pints or 1 1/8 peck will drill an acre in rows 4.f. apart. but it will be better to use the cups which take up a single pea only each, & drop with 6. cups to the band, or 6. peas to the 6.f. in this way 4 1/4 pints sow an acre, and 1. bushel sows 15. acres.\",\"planted 5. Tuckahoe grey cherries in the rows e-1-2-+ 1.4.5. from Enniscorthy\",\"planted 30 Monthly raspberries in the 3 terrasses next below the common raspberry. planted Asparagus seed in beds 5.6.7. & replanted 3.4.\",\"Mimosa pudica. Sensitive plant. oval bed in < of N.W. Piazza & covd. way. Reseda odorata. Mignonette do. near N.W. cistern Delphinium exaltatum. American larkspur. outer flower border. N.W. quarter Pentapetes Phoenicia. Scarlet Mallow. Outer flower border. S. W. quarter.\",\"Lathyrus odoratus. sweet scented pea. oval bed in S. W. < of S. W.portico and do. S. W. < of S. piazza & covd. way also Ximenesia Encelioides. in the same belle grande plante annuelle d'ornament. from Thouin\",\"asparagus to table.\",\"Anemone pulsatilla. belle plante vivace. oval in S. W. < of S.W. portico & chamber\\nMirabilis tota varietas. plante vivace d'ornement. oval in N.W. < of S. W. portico & Ding. R.\",\"New nursery.\\nplanted 5th Terras 15. Gloster hiccory nuts\\n\\n7th Peach stones. fine soft from Pop. For.\\n\\n13th.Genista juncea. Spanish broom\\n\\n14. Cytisus Laburnum...\\n\\n15. 16. Thorn haws from Algiers from Thouin\",\"planted residue of the seeds of the Genista juncea on both sides of the Upper Roundabout\",\"sowed Burnet in the lower part of the W. end of the orchard ground.\\n\\nrye grass from mr. Clay next above that\\nplanted Pani corn in the middle part of grounds below Bailey's alley. come to table July 18.\\n\\nCherokee corn in the S. W. angle of those grounds\",\"Quarantine corn from Thouin in the old Nursery.\\n\\nforward cucumbers in the hhd by the middle gate of the garden\\n\\nlong green do. in the same hogshead.\\n\\ntomatas in the high border VI.\",\"in drilling the Benni with the smallest cups 1. gill. of seed drilled 12. rows of 153. yds on an average equal to 1836 yds. consequently to drill an acre in 4.f. drills would take 2. gills of seed\\nsowed seed of the silk plant from mr.Erving in oval bed near the S. E. cistern.\",\"sowed in Old Nursery. dble. cropped St. foin. considerable square near S. E. corner.\\n\\nmadder from France. in a bed below the former.\\n\\nSpan. St foin. in a small bed above the dble. cropped.\\n\\nPalma Christi. in a row round the Nursery.\",\"strawberries come to table.\",\"artichokes come to table. The last dish is July 28.\",\"Manure and make up hop-hills. \\nAsparagus. dress and replant.\",\"Frame peas. expected May 17 \\nRadish & lettuces. XIII \\nSpinach. XII. \\n\\n Celery Savoys \\n plant beds. \\n\\n early Cabbage Savoys\",\"Peas \\n Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp. Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1. Ledmans I. expected June 8 \\n\\n Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f \\n\\n \\nStrawberies. \\n Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a. Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.\",\"Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3. \\n\\nTomatas. X. \\nArtichokes. XI. \\n\\n Carrots. \\n XIII. 3d. Ter. C. \\n\\n Beets XIV.2. Garlic. XIV. 3. Leeks XIV. 4. Onions. XV. \\nChives. XVI. 1. Shalots. XVI. 2. \\n\\n lettuce radish \\n XVII.1. \\n\\n Seakale. Circ. T. 3. Hops. 3d. T. b. \\nSummr. turneps 3d. T. e.\",\"Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25 \\nSnaps. V. \\n\\n Capsicum \\n Major. IX. 10. Bull nose. IX. 11. Cayenne. IX. 12. \\n\\n Mustard Durham. XII Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d. lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1. terragon. XVII. long haricots. Circ. T. 7. Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a. Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard. cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.\",\"Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1. \\nSnaps. VI. \\nCucumbers. Gerkins. VIII. \\nMelons. IX. 4.5.6. \\nMelongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9. \\nOkra. X. \\nSquashes XII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nSorrel. 3. T. e.\",\"red Haricots. VII. \\nlettuce. radishes. XVII. 2. \\nhomony beans. Circ. T. 8. b. \\nSwedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.\",\"take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.\",\"Spinach. Lettuce\",\"sow spinach. Lettuce.\",\"dress flower borders & set out bulbs.\",\"cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds. plant trees. privet. thorn trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants. turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.\",\"Terras.\\n4th E. end.\\nSweet scented grass seed\\n \\n\\\\n\\na grass from Genl.Mason.\\n \\n\\n6th. W. end.\\nrye grass. Ronaldson\\n \\n\\n7.\\nyellow clover. R\\n\\n \\n\\n8.\\n\\n \\n\\n9.\\nOats Scotch.R.\\n\\n \\n\\n10.\\n*do. red. Tuscany\\n \\n\\n11.\\n*barley naked\\n \\n\\n12.\\n*Tares. R\\n\\n \\n\\n13.\\nScarcity root R\\n\\n \\n\\n14.\\n\\nParsneps R\\n\\n \\n\\n15.\\nScorzonera. R\\n\\n \\n\\n16.\\nCabbage.\\nred. R\\n\\n \\n\\n17.\\n\\nAberdeen R\\n\\n \\n\\n18.\\n\\nlarge Cattle R\\n\\n \\n\\n19.\\nKale Russian. R.\\n\\n \\n the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.\",\"sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows \\nrow 1st. Cauliflower \\n\\n2d. Broccoli white \\n\\n3d. green \\n\\n4th. purple \\n\\n5th. Cabbage. May \\n\\n6th. dwarf \\n\\n7th. sugar loaf \\n\\n8th. Savoy green \\n\\n9th. yellow. \\n\\n10th. Sprouts Brussels. \\n\\n bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly. \\n S. end broad do. 12. S. end. broad do. \\n \\nR.\",\"laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each. \\n in the N. borders are 43. in the S. borders are 44 1/2 \\n compmts. \\n\\n the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs. \\ndenote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.\",\"sowed \\n Bellflower in 28th. on both sides African Marigold 32d. do. White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S. \\n there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy\",\"Asparagus comes to table.\",\"Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.\",\"E. Vineyard. terras \\n 20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat 21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.\",\"last dish of artichokes.\",\"planted in the 12. I. boxes. No. \\n IV. red gooseberry V. Lewis' raspberry sweetscented Currant. Odoratissima. VI. L.'s Snowberry bush. VII. L.'s Yellow currant. \\n\\n\\n + also planted \\n 3. plants of same gooseberry in the 2d. strait terras or upper Terras of Gooseberry Sq. at S. W. end 11. raspberries currants. same. in the 3d. & 4th strait terras or 2d. & 3d. raspberry terrasses. S. W. end. ribes odoratissma 9. Yellow Currants in the 7th. and 8th terrasses or 1st & 2d. Current terrasses. S. W. end. 8. Cape grapes for wine in the 2d. terras or 1st. terras of E. Vineyard S. W. end 6. do. for wine or eating. 2d. terras of do. S. W. end. \\n\\n all of the above were from McMahon. planted 40. plants of Hudson strawberry from do. in the Strait Terras. a.+3.\",\"planted as follows. \\nd. 28. to 36. 9 soft November peaches. \\n\\n e. \\n 4. a Carnation cherry. 8 plumb peaches of October. \\n\\n\\n f. g. \\n plumbs supposd. Cherokee from Bailey \\n f. 41. g. 42.43. \\n 3 October plumb peaches. \\n\\n h. = 22. pippings \\n\\n i. \\n = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Taylor. = 6. Spitzenbgs from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n j. \\n -- 1.+ 2,8.9. October, or November, or T. Lomax's soft peaches, uncertain which. = 9 soft peaches from T. Lomax. \\n\\n k. Oct. or Nov. or T. Lomax's soft peaches. \\n\\n l. \\n 1. a Carnation cherry. 2.6. Carnations or May Dukes. 8. pear from mr. Divers 13.15. 16. = 7. choice pears from Walter Coles = 6 choice pears from mr. Divers. \\n\\n\\n m. 6. 27. 28. n. 3. o. 3.7. p. 4.6. \\n = 8. Taliaferro apples. \\n\\n Allies of the Vineyards 25. paccans. round the S.W. & N.E. ends of the garden pales, and about 12.f. from the pales 29. Roanoke hiccory nuts, and 6. Osage do. 25.f. apart.\",\"planted 9. Snowberry cuttings in the earthen trough.\",\"Nursery. \\n\\n \\n\\u00c2\\u00a0[illegible]\\u00c2\\u00a0 1st terras. planted \\n 24. sweet almond kernels from mr. Divers' tree 1. plant hard shelled bitter Almond from box X. pa. 40. \\n filled it up with Larix seeds Ronaldson. \\n\\n 6th begg. at W. end. 16. Brock's soft peach stones. 33. fine soft peach stones. from P.R. (the kernels only) \\n \\n\\n10.\\nW. end. English oak acorns.\\nE. end.\\nelm seed \\n\\n\\n11.\\nAsh seed.\\n\\nPlane \\n\\n\\n12.\\nsomething label lost.\\n\\nCrab kernels \\n\\n\\n13.\\nScotch firseed.\\n\\nSilver fir seed \\n\\n\\n14.\\nLarix \\nthro the whole \\n\\n\\n15.\\nBladder Senna \\n\\nPyracanthus \\n\\n\\n16.\\nHawthorn \\n\\nBroom \\n\\n\\n9th.\\nCedar of Lebanon \\nthro the whole\\n\\n \\n all these were sent me from Edinburg by Mr. Ronaldson.\",\"plan
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