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Last active November 21, 2016 15:44
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Interactive Map and Timeseries
license: gpl-3.0

Building on code originally used for this blog post, this example shows an integrated and animated map + timeseries graph. It uses the Nordpil world cities dataset (based on data from the UN Population Division), and shows the growth in metropolitan area popluations from 1950 to 2005. The data is filtered to show only metro areas with 2005 populations greater than 2.5 million, and note that the scale is such that the Tokyo metro area is allowed to grow off the chart in order to keep a linear scale with reasonable resolution.

Click on a dot on the map to view its history. Click on the animation button or move the date slider to view the temporal changes on the map.

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var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
var geo_path = d3.geo.path()
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([1950, 2005])
.range([leftMargin + 20, leftMargin + 550])
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 20000])
.range([475, 380]);
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// country boundaries displayed differently in chrome and firefox
var country_boundary_width = "0.5px";
if (!! && !! {
country_boundary_width = "0.1px";
var urbanareas_years = [];
for (var i=1950; i<2010; i=i+5){ urbanareas_years.push(i) }
var initialSite = "London_United Kingdom",
sliderlocation = 1950.0,
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animationObj = {};
d3.json("world-50m.json", function(error, topology) {
if (error) throw error;
d3.tsv("urbanareas1_1.tsv", function(error, urbanareas_all) {
if (error) throw error;
// filter, sort and format urban areas data
var urbanareas = urbanareas_all.filter(function(d){ return d['pop2005'] > 2500; })
urbanareas.sort(function(a,b){ return a['pop2005'] - b['pop2005']; })
if (d['City_Alternate'] == "") {
d['City_Alternate'] = d['City'];
d['ID'] = d['City_Alternate'] + "_" + d['Country'];
d['lat'] = +d['Latitude'];
d['lon'] = +d['Longitude'];
d['history'] = [];
d['history'].push(+d['pop' + yr])
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// draw map and cities"#mapCountries").append("path")
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function(a, b) {
return a !== b && ( / 1000 | 0) === ( / 1000 | 0);
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.attr("city_ID", function(d) {return d.ID;})
.attr("station_name", function(d) {return d.City_Alternate;})
.attr("country_name", function(d) {return d.Country;})
.attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + projection([d.lon,]) + ")";});
// draw timeseries graph
var linedata = urbanareas.filter(function(k){ return k.ID == initialSite; })[0].history;"#linegraphs").selectAll(".linegraph_line")
.attr("class", "linegraph_line")
.attr("d", function(d){ return line(d);});"#linegraphs").selectAll(".linegraph")
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.attr("cx", function(d,i){ return x(urbanareas_years[i]); });
// interaction functions
function updateMapColors(year) {"#mapCities").selectAll(".mapPoint")
.attr("fill", function(d) {
var i = urbanareas_years.indexOf(Math.floor(year / 5) * 5);
var val = d.history[i];
if (year > urbanareas_years[i]) {
val += (d.history[i+1] - d.history[i]) / (urbanareas_years[i+1] - year);
return color(val);
function updateLinegraph(city_ID) {
var linedata = urbanareas.filter(function(k){ return k.ID == city_ID; })[0].history;"#linegraphs").selectAll(".linegraph_line")
.attr("d", function(d){ return line(d);});"#linegraphs").selectAll(".linegraph")
.attr("fill", function(d) { return color(d); })
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function brushed() {
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brush.extent([value, value]);
var year = Math.floor(value);
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sliderlocation = value;
function animator() {
.call(brush.extent([sliderlocation, sliderlocation]))
if (sliderlocation >= 2005.0) {
animationOn = false;
.attr("d", startTriangle);
} else {
sliderlocation += 1.0/4.0;
// apply interaction functions
brush.on("brush", brushed);
.call(brush.extent([sliderlocation, sliderlocation]))
.on("click", function(e) {
if (animationOn) {
animationOn = false;
clearInterval(animationObj);"d", startTriangle);
} else {
animationOn = true;"d", stopRectangle);
animationObj = setInterval( animator, 1 );
.on("click", function(e){
pt =[0][0].attributes;"#siteText").text(pt.station_name.value + ", " + pt.country_name.value);
d3.selectAll(".mapPoint").style("stroke-width", 0.5);"stroke-width", 1.5);
City City_Alternate Country Latitude Longitude Country_ISO3 pop1950 pop1955 pop1960 pop1965 pop1970 pop1975 pop1980 pop1985 pop1990 pop1995 pop2000 pop2005 pop2010 pop2015 pop2020 pop2025 pop2050
Sofia Bulgaria 42.70 23.33 BGR 520.00 620.00 710.00 810.00 890.00 980.00 1070.00 1180.00 1190.00 1170.00 1130.00 1170.00 1180.00 1210.00 1230.00 1240.00 1236
Mandalay Myanmar 21.97 96.08 MMR 170.00 200.00 250.00 310.00 370.00 440.00 500.00 560.00 640.00 720.00 810.00 920.00 960.00 1030.00 1170.00 1310.00 1446
Nay Pyi Taw Myanmar 19.75 96.10 MMR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 930.00 1020.00 1180.00 1320.00 1461
Yangon Rangoon Myanmar 16.87 96.12 MMR 1300.00 1440.00 1590.00 1760.00 1950.00 2150.00 2380.00 2630.00 2910.00 3210.00 3550.00 3930.00 4090.00 4350.00 4840.00 5360.00 5869
Minsk Belarus 53.89 27.57 BLR 280.00 410.00 550.00 720.00 930.00 1120.00 1320.00 1470.00 1610.00 1650.00 1700.00 1780.00 1800.00 1850.00 1880.00 1880.00 1883
Phnum Pénh Phnom Penh Cambodia 11.56 104.91 KHM 360.00 380.00 390.00 440.00 900.00 100.00 240.00 430.00 620.00 840.00 1160.00 1360.00 1470.00 1650.00 2030.00 2460.00 2911
El Djazaïr Algiers Algeria 36.78 3.05 DZA 520.00 620.00 870.00 1050.00 1250.00 1500.00 1620.00 1670.00 1910.00 2300.00 2750.00 3200.00 3350.00 3570.00 3920.00 4240.00 4499
Wahran Oran Algeria 35.74 -0.52 DZA 270.00 290.00 300.00 320.00 380.00 470.00 540.00 600.00 650.00 680.00 710.00 760.00 800.00 850.00 940.00 1030.00 1105
Douala Cameroon 4.13 9.70 CMR 100.00 120.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 430.00 570.00 740.00 930.00 1160.00 1430.00 1770.00 1910.00 2110.00 2420.00 2720.00 2996
Yaoundé Yaounde Cameroon 3.86 11.51 CMR 30.00 50.00 80.00 110.00 180.00 290.00 420.00 580.00 750.00 950.00 1190.00 1490.00 1610.00 1790.00 2060.00 2310.00 2549
Calgary Canada 51.03 -114.04 CAN 130.00 190.00 260.00 320.00 390.00 460.00 570.00 660.00 740.00 810.00 950.00 1060.00 1110.00 1180.00 1260.00 1300.00 1345
Edmonton Canada 53.55 -113.50 CAN 160.00 230.00 320.00 390.00 480.00 540.00 620.00 760.00 830.00 860.00 920.00 1020.00 1060.00 1110.00 1170.00 1220.00 1256
Montréal Montreal Canada 45.54 -73.65 CAN 1340.00 1650.00 2030.00 2370.00 2680.00 2790.00 2820.00 2900.00 3150.00 3300.00 3470.00 3600.00 3680.00 3780.00 3910.00 4010.00 4108
Ottawa-Gatineau Ottawa Canada 45.37 -75.65 CAN 280.00 340.00 420.00 480.00 580.00 680.00 730.00 800.00 920.00 990.00 1080.00 1120.00 1140.00 1180.00 1230.00 1270.00 1315
Toronto Canada 43.72 -79.41 CAN 1070.00 1360.00 1740.00 2090.00 2540.00 2770.00 3010.00 3360.00 3810.00 4200.00 4610.00 5040.00 5210.00 5450.00 5690.00 5830.00 5946
Vancouver Canada 49.27 -122.96 CAN 560.00 590.00 620.00 840.00 1040.00 1150.00 1250.00 1360.00 1560.00 1790.00 1960.00 2090.00 2150.00 2220.00 2310.00 2380.00 2444
N'Djaména Ndjamena Chad 12.10 15.24 TCD 20.00 40.00 70.00 110.00 160.00 230.00 320.00 390.00 480.00 580.00 710.00 900.00 990.00 1130.00 1400.00 1750.00 2172
Santiago Chile -33.43 -70.65 CHL 1320.00 1620.00 1980.00 2290.00 2650.00 3140.00 3720.00 4200.00 4620.00 4960.00 5280.00 5600.00 5720.00 5880.00 6080.00 6220.00 6310
Valparaíso Valparaiso Chile -33.02 -71.55 CHL 330.00 380.00 430.00 480.00 530.00 580.00 640.00 680.00 730.00 770.00 800.00 840.00 850.00 880.00 920.00 960.00 982
Anshan, Liaoning Anshan China 41.11 122.97 CHN 480.00 600.00 750.00 920.00 1000.00 1080.00 1180.00 1300.00 1440.00 1500.00 1550.00 1610.00 1640.00 1700.00 1860.00 2030.00 2167
Anshun China 26.25 105.93 CHN 190.00 210.00 240.00 260.00 300.00 330.00 370.00 470.00 660.00 710.00 760.00 820.00 850.00 900.00 990.00 1080.00 1164
Anyang China 36.10 114.33 CHN 110.00 140.00 180.00 220.00 280.00 360.00 460.00 540.00 620.00 690.00 760.00 850.00 890.00 950.00 1060.00 1160.00 1240
Baoding China 38.85 115.48 CHN 180.00 210.00 250.00 290.00 340.00 400.00 470.00 540.00 600.00 730.00 890.00 1040.00 1110.00 1210.00 1360.00 1480.00 1586
Baotou China 40.65 109.80 CHN 530.00 590.00 660.00 740.00 820.00 920.00 1020.00 1130.00 1230.00 1430.00 1660.00 1920.00 2040.00 2210.00 2470.00 2690.00 2869
Beijing China 39.90 116.38 CHN 4330.00 4630.00 4940.00 5280.00 5650.00 6030.00 6450.00 6890.00 7360.00 8490.00 9780.00 10720.00 11110.00 11740.00 12840.00 13810.00 14545
Bengbu China 32.93 117.35 CHN 230.00 270.00 310.00 350.00 400.00 460.00 530.00 610.00 700.00 750.00 800.00 870.00 890.00 940.00 1040.00 1140.00 1225
Benxi China 41.30 123.77 CHN 410.00 470.00 540.00 610.00 660.00 710.00 770.00 840.00 940.00 960.00 980.00 1000.00 1010.00 1050.00 1140.00 1250.00 1339
Changchun China 43.88 125.31 CHN 760.00 920.00 1110.00 1310.00 1430.00 1560.00 1700.00 1910.00 2190.00 2450.00 2730.00 3050.00 3180.00 3400.00 3760.00 4080.00 4338
Changde China 29.03 111.68 CHN 290.00 350.00 420.00 490.00 590.00 700.00 830.00 990.00 1180.00 1260.00 1340.00 1430.00 1470.00 1540.00 1700.00 1850.00 1979
Changsha, Hunan Changsha China 28.09 113.00 CHN 620.00 670.00 720.00 780.00 860.00 940.00 1040.00 1160.00 1330.00 1670.00 2090.00 2450.00 2600.00 2830.00 3170.00 3440.00 3663
Changzhou, Jiangsu China 31.78 119.97 CHN 110.00 140.00 180.00 220.00 280.00 360.00 460.00 580.00 730.00 880.00 1070.00 1250.00 1330.00 1440.00 1620.00 1770.00 1894
Chengdu China 30.67 104.07 CHN 770.00 920.00 1110.00 1330.00 1590.00 1910.00 2290.00 2640.00 2960.00 3400.00 3920.00 4060.00 4120.00 4270.00 4630.00 5010.00 5320
Chifeng China 42.27 118.95 CHN 130.00 160.00 190.00 240.00 280.00 340.00 410.00 600.00 990.00 1060.00 1150.00 1240.00 1280.00 1350.00 1490.00 1620.00 1739
Chongqing China 29.54 106.52 CHN 1680.00 1840.00 2010.00 2180.00 2310.00 2440.00 2580.00 2810.00 3120.00 4340.00 6040.00 6360.00 6460.00 6690.00 7250.00 7820.00 8275
Dalian China 39.03 121.59 CHN 680.00 850.00 1060.00 1280.00 1340.00 1400.00 1460.00 1790.00 2470.00 2660.00 2860.00 3070.00 3170.00 3340.00 3660.00 3970.00 4221
Dandong China 40.11 124.38 CHN 240.00 270.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 510.00 580.00 660.00 720.00 780.00 840.00 870.00 920.00 1020.00 1120.00 1198
Daqing China 46.58 125.00 CHN 260.00 310.00 370.00 430.00 510.00 600.00 720.00 840.00 1000.00 1170.00 1370.00 1590.00 1690.00 1840.00 2070.00 2250.00 2404
Datong, Shanxi China 40.06 113.28 CHN 620.00 660.00 710.00 760.00 820.00 880.00 940.00 1070.00 1280.00 1390.00 1520.00 1760.00 1870.00 2040.00 2280.00 2490.00 2653
Dongguan, Guangdong China 23.03 113.71 CHN 380.00 450.00 540.00 640.00 760.00 900.00 1080.00 1340.00 1740.00 2560.00 3770.00 4320.00 4530.00 4850.00 5370.00 5810.00 6157
Foshan China 23.03 113.71 CHN 90.00 110.00 130.00 160.00 190.00 220.00 270.00 330.00 430.00 570.00 750.00 890.00 940.00 1030.00 1160.00 1260.00 1356
Fushun, Liaoning Fushun China 41.85 123.90 CHN 630.00 730.00 830.00 940.00 1010.00 1080.00 1160.00 1260.00 1390.00 1410.00 1430.00 1460.00 1470.00 1520.00 1650.00 1800.00 1924
Fuxin China 42.01 121.65 CHN 170.00 200.00 250.00 310.00 390.00 480.00 590.00 680.00 740.00 680.00 630.00 720.00 770.00 840.00 940.00 1040.00 1112
Fuyang China 30.05 119.94 CHN 50.00 60.00 70.00 90.00 110.00 130.00 160.00 190.00 230.00 380.00 610.00 730.00 770.00 840.00 950.00 1040.00 1114
Fuzhou, Fujian Fuzhou China 26.07 119.30 CHN 490.00 600.00 730.00 870.00 940.00 1010.00 1100.00 1220.00 1400.00 1710.00 2100.00 2450.00 2610.00 2830.00 3170.00 3440.00 3666
Guangzhou, Guangdong Guangzhou China 23.09 113.29 CHN 1490.00 1680.00 1880.00 2120.00 2380.00 2670.00 3000.00 3420.00 3920.00 5380.00 7390.00 8420.00 8830.00 9450.00 10410.00 11220.00 11835
Guilin China 25.27 110.29 CHN 150.00 180.00 210.00 250.00 290.00 340.00 400.00 470.00 560.00 670.00 800.00 930.00 990.00 1080.00 1210.00 1320.00 1418
Guiyang China 26.57 106.70 CHN 680.00 750.00 830.00 920.00 1030.00 1140.00 1260.00 1440.00 1660.00 2210.00 2930.00 3450.00 3660.00 3980.00 4440.00 4820.00 5114
Haerbin Harbin China 45.75 126.62 CHN 1010.00 1280.00 1610.00 1970.00 2120.00 2290.00 2470.00 2700.00 2990.00 3210.00 3440.00 3570.00 3620.00 3750.00 4080.00 4420.00 4696
Handan China 36.60 114.48 CHN 380.00 440.00 500.00 580.00 670.00 770.00 890.00 990.00 1090.00 1200.00 1320.00 1540.00 1630.00 1780.00 1990.00 2170.00 2318
Hangzhou China 30.25 120.16 CHN 640.00 740.00 860.00 980.00 1030.00 1100.00 1160.00 1290.00 1480.00 1890.00 2410.00 2830.00 3010.00 3270.00 3650.00 3970.00 4217
Hefei China 31.86 117.27 CHN 260.00 310.00 370.00 440.00 530.00 640.00 760.00 920.00 1100.00 1340.00 1640.00 1920.00 2040.00 2210.00 2480.00 2700.00 2878
Hengyang China 26.90 112.60 CHN 170.00 200.00 240.00 290.00 340.00 410.00 490.00 590.00 700.00 780.00 870.00 970.00 1020.00 1090.00 1210.00 1320.00 1418
Heze China 35.23 115.43 CHN 380.00 440.00 510.00 590.00 680.00 780.00 900.00 1040.00 1200.00 1240.00 1280.00 1320.00 1340.00 1390.00 1520.00 1660.00 1771
Hohhot Huhot China 40.81 111.64 CHN 320.00 360.00 420.00 470.00 540.00 620.00 700.00 810.00 940.00 1140.00 1390.00 1620.00 1730.00 1880.00 2110.00 2300.00 2449
Huai'an China 33.50 119.13 CHN 830.00 860.00 890.00 930.00 960.00 1000.00 1030.00 1070.00 1110.00 1150.00 1200.00 1240.00 1260.00 1320.00 1440.00 1570.00 1681
Huaibei China 34.15 116.65 CHN 210.00 230.00 260.00 300.00 330.00 380.00 420.00 480.00 540.00 630.00 730.00 860.00 910.00 1000.00 1120.00 1230.00 1315
Huainan China 32.61 116.98 CHN 500.00 560.00 620.00 700.00 780.00 880.00 980.00 1100.00 1230.00 1290.00 1350.00 1420.00 1450.00 1520.00 1660.00 1810.00 1937
Huzhou China 30.86 120.10 CHN 680.00 710.00 750.00 790.00 840.00 880.00 930.00 980.00 1030.00 1080.00 1140.00 1200.00 1230.00 1290.00 1420.00 1540.00 1654
Jiamusi China 46.83 130.35 CHN 220.00 250.00 290.00 330.00 380.00 440.00 500.00 580.00 660.00 750.00 850.00 970.00 1020.00 1100.00 1230.00 1340.00 1441
Jiaozuo China 35.24 113.22 CHN 210.00 240.00 270.00 310.00 350.00 400.00 460.00 530.00 600.00 670.00 740.00 820.00 860.00 920.00 1020.00 1120.00 1196
Jiaxing China 30.76 120.75 CHN 450.00 480.00 510.00 540.00 580.00 610.00 650.00 700.00 740.00 810.00 880.00 950.00 990.00 1050.00 1160.00 1270.00 1359
Jilin China 43.85 126.56 CHN 400.00 460.00 540.00 630.00 740.00 870.00 1010.00 1160.00 1320.00 1600.00 1930.00 2260.00 2400.00 2610.00 2920.00 3170.00 3376
Jinan, Shandong Jinan China 36.65 116.96 CHN 600.00 740.00 920.00 1100.00 1170.00 1240.00 1310.00 1670.00 2400.00 2510.00 2620.00 2740.00 2800.00 2910.00 3180.00 3450.00 3674
Jining, Shandong China 35.40 116.56 CHN 260.00 290.00 320.00 360.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 630.00 870.00 950.00 1040.00 1140.00 1190.00 1260.00 1400.00 1520.00 1632
Jinxi, Liaoning China 41.11 122.05 CHN 230.00 270.00 330.00 400.00 480.00 580.00 700.00 940.00 1350.00 1600.00 1910.00 2270.00 2430.00 2660.00 2990.00 3250.00 3457
Jinzhou China 41.10 121.13 CHN 330.00 370.00 420.00 470.00 500.00 530.00 560.00 630.00 740.00 800.00 860.00 920.00 960.00 1010.00 1120.00 1220.00 1309
Jixi, Heilongjiang China 45.30 130.96 CHN 180.00 220.00 280.00 350.00 440.00 560.00 700.00 790.00 840.00 870.00 910.00 950.00 960.00 1010.00 1100.00 1210.00 1295
Kaifeng China 34.79 114.34 CHN 350.00 380.00 410.00 450.00 490.00 540.00 580.00 640.00 690.00 740.00 790.00 850.00 870.00 920.00 1010.00 1110.00 1191
Kaohsiung Kaoshsiung China 22.60 120.28 CHN 260.00 340.00 440.00 590.00 810.00 990.00 1160.00 1290.00 1380.00 1420.00 1470.00 1520.00 1540.00 1600.00 1740.00 1900.00 2029
Kunming China 25.05 102.70 CHN 640.00 740.00 860.00 980.00 1100.00 1220.00 1360.00 1490.00 1610.00 2040.00 2590.00 2840.00 2930.00 3100.00 3400.00 3690.00 3928
Langfang China 39.51 116.70 CHN 60.00 70.00 80.00 100.00 110.00 140.00 160.00 270.00 590.00 650.00 710.00 780.00 810.00 860.00 960.00 1050.00 1124
Lanzhou China 36.11 103.59 CHN 350.00 430.00 540.00 670.00 840.00 1040.00 1300.00 1490.00 1620.00 1830.00 2070.00 2410.00 2560.00 2780.00 3120.00 3390.00 3604
Leshan China 29.58 103.75 CHN 600.00 650.00 700.00 750.00 800.00 860.00 930.00 1000.00 1070.00 1090.00 1120.00 1140.00 1160.00 1200.00 1310.00 1430.00 1528
Lianyungang China 41.26 119.16 CHN 120.00 140.00 170.00 210.00 250.00 300.00 370.00 440.00 540.00 600.00 680.00 770.00 810.00 860.00 970.00 1060.00 1137
Liaoyang China 41.26 123.17 CHN 110.00 140.00 170.00 210.00 260.00 330.00 410.00 510.00 640.00 680.00 720.00 770.00 790.00 840.00 920.00 1010.00 1083
Linfen China 36.08 111.51 CHN 100.00 120.00 140.00 170.00 200.00 240.00 280.00 390.00 580.00 650.00 720.00 800.00 830.00 890.00 990.00 1090.00 1167
Linyi, Shandong China 35.05 118.31 CHN 410.00 490.00 590.00 710.00 840.00 1010.00 1210.00 1450.00 1740.00 1830.00 1930.00 2040.00 2080.00 2180.00 2380.00 2590.00 2765
Liuan China 31.73 116.46 CHN 860.00 910.00 970.00 1030.00 1090.00 1160.00 1230.00 1300.00 1380.00 1460.00 1550.00 1650.00 1690.00 1770.00 1950.00 2120.00 2263
Liupanshui China 26.59 104.83 CHN 400.00 440.00 480.00 530.00 580.00 630.00 690.00 760.00 830.00 900.00 990.00 1150.00 1220.00 1330.00 1490.00 1630.00 1745
Liuzhou China 24.31 109.38 CHN 140.00 170.00 220.00 270.00 340.00 430.00 540.00 640.00 750.00 950.00 1200.00 1410.00 1500.00 1630.00 1830.00 2000.00 2131
Luoyang China 34.67 112.36 CHN 390.00 450.00 520.00 600.00 690.00 800.00 920.00 1060.00 1200.00 1330.00 1480.00 1640.00 1720.00 1830.00 2030.00 2210.00 2361
Luzhou China 28.88 105.43 CHN 90.00 110.00 130.00 160.00 190.00 230.00 280.00 340.00 410.00 710.00 1210.00 1450.00 1540.00 1670.00 1880.00 2050.00 2187
Mianyang, Sichuan China 31.46 104.75 CHN 480.00 520.00 560.00 600.00 650.00 700.00 750.00 810.00 880.00 1000.00 1150.00 1320.00 1400.00 1510.00 1690.00 1840.00 1969
Mudanjiang China 44.58 129.59 CHN 210.00 240.00 290.00 340.00 400.00 460.00 540.00 640.00 750.00 870.00 1000.00 1170.00 1240.00 1360.00 1520.00 1660.00 1778
Nanchang China 28.67 115.88 CHN 340.00 440.00 560.00 700.00 790.00 900.00 1010.00 1130.00 1260.00 1520.00 1820.00 2190.00 2350.00 2580.00 2910.00 3170.00 3373
Nanchong China 28.68 115.88 CHN 110.00 120.00 140.00 150.00 170.00 190.00 210.00 320.00 620.00 1030.00 1710.00 2050.00 2170.00 2360.00 2650.00 2880.00 3070
Nanjing, Jiangsu Nanjing China 32.04 118.76 CHN 970.00 1180.00 1430.00 1690.00 1810.00 1940.00 2080.00 2300.00 2610.00 3010.00 3480.00 3620.00 3680.00 3810.00 4150.00 4490.00 4771
Nanning China 22.83 108.29 CHN 170.00 220.00 280.00 360.00 470.00 600.00 780.00 960.00 1160.00 1420.00 1740.00 2040.00 2170.00 2360.00 2640.00 2870.00 3061
Nantong China 32.00 120.83 CHN 180.00 210.00 230.00 260.00 300.00 330.00 370.00 420.00 470.00 600.00 760.00 890.00 950.00 1030.00 1160.00 1270.00 1360
Nanyang, Henan China 33.00 112.53 CHN 80.00 90.00 110.00 140.00 170.00 200.00 250.00 310.00 380.00 750.00 1510.00 1830.00 1940.00 2120.00 2370.00 2580.00 2752
Neijiang China 29.58 105.06 CHN 140.00 150.00 170.00 190.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 500.00 1290.00 1340.00 1390.00 1440.00 1470.00 1520.00 1670.00 1820.00 1944
Ningbo China 29.86 121.55 CHN 470.00 530.00 590.00 660.00 730.00 820.00 920.00 1020.00 1140.00 1330.00 1550.00 1810.00 1920.00 2090.00 2340.00 2550.00 2723
Pingdingshan, Henan China 33.73 113.30 CHN 160.00 190.00 220.00 260.00 310.00 370.00 440.00 630.00 1000.00 950.00 900.00 860.00 850.00 850.00 920.00 1010.00 1080
Pingxiang, Jiangxi China 27.63 113.85 CHN 170.00 190.00 230.00 260.00 310.00 360.00 420.00 490.00 570.00 660.00 780.00 900.00 960.00 1050.00 1180.00 1290.00 1381
Qingdao China 36.14 120.43 CHN 890.00 930.00 970.00 1020.00 1060.00 1110.00 1150.00 1460.00 2100.00 2380.00 2700.00 2820.00 2870.00 2980.00 3250.00 3520.00 3746
Qinhuangdao China 39.93 119.60 CHN 150.00 170.00 200.00 240.00 280.00 320.00 380.00 440.00 520.00 650.00 800.00 940.00 1000.00 1090.00 1230.00 1340.00 1440
Qiqihaer Qiqihar China 47.34 123.96 CHN 720.00 780.00 850.00 920.00 1000.00 1090.00 1180.00 1290.00 1400.00 1470.00 1540.00 1610.00 1640.00 1710.00 1880.00 2040.00 2182
Quanzhou China 24.91 118.58 CHN 220.00 240.00 270.00 290.00 320.00 360.00 400.00 440.00 480.00 740.00 1160.00 1380.00 1460.00 1590.00 1790.00 1950.00 2083
Shanghai China 31.24 121.47 CHN 6070.00 6300.00 6540.00 6790.00 7060.00 7330.00 7610.00 7900.00 8200.00 10420.00 13240.00 14500.00 14990.00 15790.00 17210.00 18470.00 19412
Shangqiu China 34.41 115.63 CHN 60.00 70.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 170.00 200.00 240.00 570.00 1350.00 1650.00 1750.00 1910.00 2140.00 2330.00 2487
Shantou China 23.36 116.70 CHN 320.00 370.00 420.00 470.00 530.00 610.00 690.00 780.00 880.00 1050.00 1260.00 1500.00 1600.00 1760.00 1980.00 2160.00 2304
Shaoxing China 30.00 120.58 CHN 60.00 80.00 90.00 110.00 140.00 170.00 200.00 240.00 290.00 430.00 620.00 730.00 780.00 850.00 950.00 1040.00 1121
Shenyang China 41.80 123.38 CHN 2090.00 2450.00 2870.00 3300.00 3490.00 3700.00 3910.00 4240.00 4660.00 4630.00 4600.00 4720.00 4790.00 4950.00 5370.00 5810.00 6156
Shenzhen China 22.55 114.10 CHN 170.00 190.00 220.00 240.00 270.00 300.00 340.00 500.00 880.00 2300.00 6070.00 7230.00 7580.00 8110.00 8950.00 9650.00 10196
Shijiazhuang China 38.07 114.55 CHN 340.00 400.00 480.00 580.00 690.00 830.00 990.00 1170.00 1370.00 1630.00 1950.00 2280.00 2420.00 2630.00 2940.00 3200.00 3405
Suining, Sichuan China 30.51 105.56 CHN 760.00 810.00 860.00 920.00 980.00 1040.00 1110.00 1180.00 1260.00 1300.00 1350.00 1400.00 1420.00 1480.00 1620.00 1770.00 1888
Suzhou, Anhui China 33.61 117.00 CHN 60.00 70.00 90.00 100.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 220.00 260.00 620.00 1510.00 1850.00 1960.00 2140.00 2390.00 2610.00 2780
Suzhou, Jiangsu China 31.30 120.60 CHN 460.00 490.00 520.00 550.00 580.00 620.00 660.00 740.00 880.00 1080.00 1330.00 1550.00 1650.00 1800.00 2010.00 2200.00 2343
Taian, Shandong China 36.16 117.11 CHN 830.00 890.00 950.00 1010.00 1080.00 1160.00 1240.00 1320.00 1410.00 1470.00 1530.00 1600.00 1630.00 1700.00 1860.00 2020.00 2160
Taichung T'aichung China 24.14 120.67 CHN 190.00 240.00 290.00 360.00 440.00 540.00 590.00 660.00 750.00 840.00 930.00 1030.00 1080.00 1150.00 1280.00 1400.00 1499
Tainan T'ainan China 23.01 120.20 CHN 310.00 350.00 380.00 420.00 470.00 520.00 580.00 630.00 680.00 700.00 720.00 750.00 760.00 790.00 870.00 950.00 1021
Taipei China 25.03 121.50 CHN 600.00 760.00 960.00 1230.00 1740.00 2020.00 2220.00 2450.00 2710.00 2680.00 2640.00 2610.00 2600.00 2650.00 2860.00 3100.00 3305
Taiyuan, Shanxi Taiyuan China 37.89 112.55 CHN 630.00 790.00 990.00 1220.00 1360.00 1520.00 1700.00 1930.00 2220.00 2270.00 2520.00 2790.00 2910.00 3100.00 3430.00 3720.00 3962
Tangshan, Hebei Tangshan China 39.61 118.18 CHN 640.00 730.00 840.00 950.00 1050.00 1160.00 1280.00 1390.00 1480.00 1590.00 1700.00 1820.00 1880.00 1980.00 2180.00 2370.00 2526
Tianjin China 39.12 117.18 CHN 2370.00 2930.00 3620.00 4330.00 4590.00 4870.00 5160.00 5470.00 5800.00 6250.00 6720.00 7040.00 7180.00 7470.00 8110.00 8740.00 9243
Tianmen China 30.41 112.85 CHN 1070.00 1120.00 1160.00 1210.00 1260.00 1310.00 1370.00 1420.00 1480.00 1540.00 1610.00 1680.00 1710.00 1780.00 1940.00 2120.00 2261
Tianshui China 34.58 105.73 CHN 160.00 210.00 260.00 330.00 420.00 520.00 660.00 830.00 1040.00 1090.00 1140.00 1200.00 1220.00 1280.00 1400.00 1530.00 1640
Tongliao China 43.61 122.26 CHN 110.00 130.00 160.00 190.00 230.00 280.00 340.00 460.00 670.00 730.00 790.00 860.00 880.00 940.00 1040.00 1130.00 1215
Ürümqi (Wulumqi) Urumqi China 43.78 87.58 CHN 250.00 310.00 380.00 470.00 580.00 720.00 880.00 1030.00 1160.00 1420.00 1730.00 2020.00 2150.00 2340.00 2620.00 2850.00 3038
Weifang China 36.71 119.10 CHN 180.00 220.00 270.00 320.00 390.00 470.00 570.00 780.00 1150.00 1260.00 1370.00 1500.00 1550.00 1650.00 1820.00 1980.00 2120
Wenzhou China 27.99 120.65 CHN 260.00 280.00 320.00 350.00 390.00 440.00 490.00 540.00 600.00 1060.00 1840.00 2210.00 2350.00 2560.00 2860.00 3110.00 3313
Wuhan China 30.57 114.27 CHN 1310.00 1510.00 1740.00 2010.00 2310.00 2670.00 3070.00 3460.00 3830.00 5050.00 6660.00 7090.00 7240.00 7540.00 8200.00 8840.00 9339
Wuhu, Anhui China 31.33 118.35 CHN 210.00 240.00 270.00 300.00 340.00 390.00 440.00 490.00 550.00 620.00 690.00 770.00 810.00 870.00 970.00 1060.00 1138
Wuxi, Jiangsu China 33.00 120.00 CHN 570.00 590.00 600.00 630.00 680.00 730.00 790.00 880.00 1010.00 1190.00 1410.00 1650.00 1750.00 1900.00 2130.00 2330.00 2481
Xiamen China 24.46 118.07 CHN 210.00 240.00 280.00 320.00 360.00 420.00 480.00 560.00 640.00 1120.00 1980.00 2370.00 2520.00 2740.00 3060.00 3330.00 3545
Xi'an, Shaanxi China 34.26 108.90 CHN 710.00 840.00 1010.00 1200.00 1440.00 1720.00 2050.00 2430.00 2870.00 3270.00 3720.00 3930.00 4010.00 4180.00 4560.00 4930.00 5233
Xiangfan, Hubei China 30.40 114.88 CHN 100.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 250.00 300.00 370.00 490.00 650.00 860.00 1010.00 1070.00 1160.00 1310.00 1430.00 1533
Xiantao China 30.38 113.40 CHN 1000.00 1040.00 1080.00 1120.00 1170.00 1210.00 1260.00 1310.00 1360.00 1420.00 1470.00 1530.00 1560.00 1620.00 1770.00 1930.00 2062
Xianyang, Shaanxi China 34.35 108.71 CHN 100.00 130.00 170.00 220.00 280.00 350.00 450.00 580.00 740.00 840.00 950.00 1070.00 1130.00 1210.00 1350.00 1480.00 1584
Xingyi, Guizhou China 24.53 104.31 CHN 280.00 310.00 340.00 370.00 410.00 450.00 490.00 540.00 590.00 650.00 720.00 780.00 820.00 870.00 960.00 1060.00 1133
Xining China 36.64 101.76 CHN 260.00 290.00 330.00 370.00 420.00 480.00 540.00 620.00 700.00 770.00 850.00 990.00 1050.00 1140.00 1280.00 1400.00 1504
Xinxiang China 35.30 113.86 CHN 240.00 270.00 300.00 340.00 380.00 430.00 480.00 550.00 610.00 690.00 770.00 860.00 900.00 970.00 1080.00 1180.00 1268
Xinyang China 32.13 114.05 CHN 90.00 110.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 570.00 1200.00 1450.00 1540.00 1680.00 1880.00 2050.00 2192
Xinyu China 27.79 114.92 CHN 230.00 260.00 300.00 340.00 380.00 420.00 480.00 540.00 610.00 680.00 770.00 870.00 910.00 980.00 1100.00 1200.00 1285
Xuanzhou China 27.09 112.71 CHN 590.00 610.00 630.00 650.00 670.00 690.00 720.00 740.00 770.00 800.00 820.00 850.00 870.00 900.00 990.00 1080.00 1158
Xuzhou China 34.26 117.16 CHN 340.00 400.00 460.00 530.00 600.00 670.00 740.00 840.00 940.00 1250.00 1650.00 1960.00 2090.00 2280.00 2560.00 2790.00 2975
Yancheng, Jiangsu China 33.38 120.11 CHN 140.00 170.00 200.00 230.00 270.00 310.00 360.00 430.00 500.00 580.00 680.00 790.00 840.00 910.00 1030.00 1130.00 1209
Yantai China 37.45 121.44 CHN 190.00 210.00 240.00 260.00 300.00 330.00 370.00 520.00 840.00 1190.00 1680.00 1990.00 2120.00 2300.00 2580.00 2800.00 2989
Yibin China 28.76 104.61 CHN 80.00 100.00 110.00 140.00 160.00 190.00 230.00 360.00 680.00 740.00 800.00 870.00 900.00 950.00 1060.00 1160.00 1240
Yichang China 30.70 111.28 CHN 110.00 130.00 160.00 190.00 230.00 280.00 340.00 410.00 490.00 590.00 700.00 820.00 880.00 950.00 1070.00 1170.00 1259
Yichun, Heilongjiang China 47.73 128.90 CHN 550.00 590.00 620.00 660.00 700.00 740.00 780.00 830.00 880.00 850.00 820.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 850.00 930.00 997
Yichun, Jiangxi China 27.80 114.38 CHN 340.00 380.00 440.00 500.00 580.00 660.00 760.00 820.00 840.00 880.00 920.00 960.00 980.00 1020.00 1130.00 1230.00 1320
Yinchuan China 38.46 106.26 CHN 100.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 220.00 270.00 340.00 410.00 500.00 630.00 800.00 930.00 990.00 1080.00 1210.00 1330.00 1423
Yingkou China 40.66 122.23 CHN 120.00 150.00 180.00 220.00 260.00 320.00 390.00 470.00 570.00 630.00 690.00 760.00 800.00 850.00 940.00 1030.00 1107
Yiyang, Hunan China 28.58 112.33 CHN 400.00 450.00 510.00 570.00 650.00 730.00 830.00 940.00 1060.00 1140.00 1220.00 1310.00 1350.00 1420.00 1570.00 1710.00 1833
Yongzhou China 26.21 111.61 CHN 840.00 850.00 860.00 880.00 890.00 900.00 920.00 930.00 950.00 960.00 980.00 990.00 1000.00 1030.00 1130.00 1230.00 1320
Yuci China 37.68 112.73 CHN 90.00 100.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 250.00 330.00 470.00 560.00 660.00 780.00 840.00 920.00 1040.00 1140.00 1224
Yueyang China 29.36 113.10 CHN 670.00 710.00 760.00 800.00 850.00 900.00 960.00 1020.00 1080.00 1000.00 920.00 850.00 830.00 820.00 880.00 960.00 1032
Yulin, Guangxi China 22.63 110.15 CHN 190.00 230.00 260.00 310.00 360.00 420.00 490.00 570.00 670.00 780.00 910.00 1060.00 1130.00 1230.00 1380.00 1510.00 1613
Zaozhuang China 34.86 117.55 CHN 280.00 360.00 450.00 560.00 710.00 900.00 1130.00 1420.00 1790.00 1890.00 1990.00 2100.00 2140.00 2240.00 2460.00 2670.00 2846
Zhangjiakou China 40.81 114.88 CHN 300.00 340.00 380.00 420.00 470.00 520.00 580.00 650.00 720.00 800.00 900.00 1000.00 1050.00 1120.00 1250.00 1360.00 1461
Zhanjiang China 21.20 110.40 CHN 410.00 460.00 510.00 580.00 650.00 730.00 830.00 930.00 1050.00 1180.00 1340.00 1510.00 1590.00 1710.00 1900.00 2080.00 2216
Zhaotong China 27.31 103.71 CHN 130.00 160.00 190.00 220.00 270.00 320.00 380.00 470.00 620.00 670.00 720.00 780.00 810.00 860.00 950.00 1040.00 1113
Zhengzhou China 34.75 113.64 CHN 520.00 650.00 810.00 990.00 1100.00 1230.00 1370.00 1540.00 1750.00 2080.00 2470.00 2590.00 2640.00 2740.00 2990.00 3240.00 3452
Zhenjiang, Jiangsu China 32.20 119.41 CHN 90.00 110.00 130.00 160.00 200.00 260.00 320.00 390.00 490.00 580.00 690.00 800.00 850.00 930.00 1050.00 1150.00 1230
Zhuhai China 22.27 113.56 CHN 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 90.00 100.00 120.00 190.00 330.00 520.00 810.00 960.00 1020.00 1110.00 1250.00 1370.00 1468
Zhuzhou China 27.85 113.13 CHN 130.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 250.00 300.00 360.00 450.00 580.00 710.00 870.00 1020.00 1080.00 1180.00 1320.00 1440.00 1548
Zibo China 36.78 118.05 CHN 1450.00 1550.00 1660.00 1780.00 1900.00 2030.00 2170.00 2320.00 2480.00 2640.00 2810.00 2980.00 3060.00 3210.00 3520.00 3810.00 4053
Zigong China 29.40 104.78 CHN 560.00 600.00 650.00 690.00 740.00 800.00 850.00 910.00 980.00 1010.00 1050.00 1090.00 1100.00 1150.00 1260.00 1380.00 1473
Zunyi China 27.68 106.90 CHN 200.00 220.00 240.00 260.00 280.00 300.00 330.00 360.00 390.00 520.00 680.00 800.00 850.00 920.00 1040.00 1140.00 1223
Barranquilla Colombia 10.98 -74.80 COL 290.00 370.00 460.00 560.00 690.00 830.00 960.00 1110.00 1230.00 1360.00 1530.00 1720.00 1800.00 1910.00 2050.00 2160.00 2251
Bogotá Bogota Colombia 4.63 -74.08 COL 630.00 890.00 1270.00 1780.00 2380.00 3040.00 3520.00 4090.00 4740.00 5490.00 6360.00 7350.00 7770.00 8320.00 8920.00 9300.00 9600
Bucaramanga Colombia 7.11 -73.11 COL 110.00 140.00 190.00 250.00 320.00 410.00 470.00 550.00 650.00 760.00 860.00 960.00 1010.00 1070.00 1160.00 1220.00 1282
Cali Colombia 3.45 -76.52 COL 230.00 330.00 470.00 660.00 850.00 1050.00 1190.00 1360.00 1550.00 1760.00 1950.00 2160.00 2250.00 2380.00 2540.00 2680.00 2786
Cartagena Colombia 10.41 -75.53 COL 110.00 140.00 180.00 230.00 270.00 330.00 400.00 490.00 560.00 640.00 740.00 840.00 890.00 950.00 1030.00 1090.00 1139
Medellín Medellin Colombia 6.24 -75.59 COL 380.00 520.00 730.00 990.00 1260.00 1540.00 1730.00 1950.00 2140.00 2370.00 2720.00 3130.00 3300.00 3520.00 3790.00 3980.00 4129
Brazzaville Congo -4.28 15.28 COG 80.00 90.00 120.00 170.00 240.00 330.00 450.00 600.00 700.00 830.00 990.00 1220.00 1360.00 1500.00 1730.00 1940.00 2150
Kananga Democratic Republic of the Congo -5.89 22.40 COD 20.00 50.00 140.00 250.00 420.00 370.00 330.00 310.00 370.00 470.00 560.00 700.00 760.00 880.00 1110.00 1380.00 1698
Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo -4.32 15.29 COD 200.00 290.00 440.00 720.00 1070.00 1480.00 2050.00 2790.00 3450.00 4450.00 5480.00 7110.00 7840.00 9050.00 11310.00 13880.00 16762
Lubumbashi Lumumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo -11.68 27.54 COD 100.00 140.00 190.00 250.00 320.00 400.00 480.00 590.00 690.00 850.00 1000.00 1240.00 1350.00 1540.00 1940.00 2410.00 2943
Mbuji-Mayi Democratic Republic of the Congo -6.14 23.66 COD 70.00 100.00 140.00 190.00 260.00 330.00 410.00 510.00 610.00 770.00 930.00 1180.00 1300.00 1490.00 1880.00 2330.00 2851
San José San Jose Costa Rica 9.93 -84.07 CRI 150.00 180.00 230.00 290.00 360.00 440.00 530.00 630.00 740.00 870.00 1030.00 1220.00 1280.00 1370.00 1510.00 1630.00 1737
La Habana Havana Cuba 23.04 -82.41 CUB 1120.00 1290.00 1440.00 1600.00 1780.00 1850.00 1910.00 2000.00 2110.00 2180.00 2190.00 2190.00 2170.00 2160.00 2150.00 2150.00 2150
Praha Prague Czech Republic 50.10 14.45 CZE 940.00 970.00 1000.00 1040.00 1080.00 1130.00 1180.00 1200.00 1210.00 1190.00 1170.00 1160.00 1160.00 1160.00 1160.00 1160.00 1159
Cotonou Benin 6.35 2.43 BEN 20.00 30.00 70.00 110.00 160.00 240.00 340.00 410.00 500.00 580.00 640.00 720.00 760.00 840.00 1000.00 1200.00 1411
København Copenhagen Denmark 55.71 12.54 DNK 1220.00 1230.00 1280.00 1370.00 1380.00 1170.00 1100.00 1060.00 1040.00 1050.00 1080.00 1080.00 1080.00 1090.00 1090.00 1100.00 1096
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic 18.48 -69.89 DOM 220.00 310.00 450.00 610.00 830.00 1020.00 1240.00 1400.00 1520.00 1670.00 1850.00 2060.00 2150.00 2300.00 2520.00 2720.00 2885
Guayaquil Ecuador -2.20 -79.90 ECU 260.00 340.00 460.00 580.00 720.00 890.00 1120.00 1350.00 1570.00 1810.00 2080.00 2390.00 2510.00 2690.00 2940.00 3150.00 3328
Quito Ecuador -0.22 -78.52 ECU 210.00 260.00 320.00 400.00 500.00 630.00 780.00 940.00 1090.00 1220.00 1360.00 1590.00 1700.00 1850.00 2040.00 2190.00 2316
San Salvador El Salvador 13.70 -89.20 SLV 190.00 250.00 310.00 390.00 500.00 600.00 700.00 820.00 970.00 1110.00 1230.00 1370.00 1430.00 1520.00 1650.00 1780.00 1902
Addis Ababa Ethiopia 9.02 38.70 ETH 390.00 450.00 520.00 600.00 730.00 930.00 1180.00 1480.00 1790.00 2160.00 2490.00 2900.00 3100.00 3450.00 4180.00 5080.00 6156
Huambo Angola -12.76 15.73 AGO 20.00 20.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 100.00 150.00 230.00 330.00 440.00 580.00 780.00 870.00 1040.00 1310.00 1570.00 1824
Luanda Angola -8.81 13.23 AGO 140.00 170.00 220.00 320.00 460.00 660.00 960.00 1300.00 1570.00 1950.00 2590.00 3530.00 4000.00 4780.00 6040.00 7150.00 8236
Helsinki Finland 60.19 24.97 FIN 370.00 400.00 450.00 480.00 510.00 580.00 670.00 720.00 870.00 940.00 1020.00 1090.00 1120.00 1140.00 1170.00 1200.00 1220
Bordeaux France 44.84 -0.59 FRA 430.00 450.00 500.00 540.00 580.00 610.00 630.00 660.00 700.00 730.00 760.00 790.00 800.00 820.00 840.00 850.00 869
Lille France 50.63 3.06 FRA 750.00 770.00 810.00 860.00 910.00 940.00 940.00 950.00 960.00 980.00 1010.00 1030.00 1040.00 1060.00 1080.00 1100.00 1120
Lyon France 45.74 4.85 FRA 730.00 770.00 900.00 1030.00 1120.00 1170.00 1210.00 1240.00 1260.00 1310.00 1360.00 1410.00 1420.00 1440.00 1470.00 1500.00 1516
Marseille-Aix-en-Provence Marseille France 43.28 5.38 FRA 760.00 800.00 930.00 1070.00 1180.00 1250.00 1300.00 1310.00 1300.00 1330.00 1360.00 1390.00 1400.00 1420.00 1440.00 1470.00 1490
Nice-Cannes France 43.55 7.01 FRA 400.00 430.00 500.00 570.00 640.00 700.00 730.00 790.00 850.00 870.00 890.00 920.00 930.00 940.00 960.00 980.00 997
Paris France 48.88 2.43 FRA 6520.00 6800.00 7410.00 7970.00 8350.00 8560.00 8670.00 8960.00 9330.00 9510.00 9690.00 9850.00 9900.00 9960.00 10010.00 10030.00 10036
Toulouse France 43.59 1.43 FRA 270.00 280.00 350.00 410.00 470.00 510.00 530.00 580.00 650.00 710.00 780.00 830.00 850.00 860.00 880.00 900.00 916
Tbilisi T'Bilisi Georgia 41.72 44.78 GEO 610.00 660.00 720.00 800.00 900.00 990.00 1090.00 1180.00 1220.00 1160.00 1100.00 1090.00 1100.00 1110.00 1110.00 1110.00 1114
Berlin Germany 52.51 13.32 DEU 3350.00 3300.00 3260.00 3230.00 3210.00 3130.00 3060.00 3060.00 3420.00 3470.00 3380.00 3390.00 3410.00 3420.00 3430.00 3440.00 3436
Hamburg Germany 53.57 10.02 DEU 1610.00 1700.00 1810.00 1820.00 1790.00 1720.00 1650.00 1590.00 1640.00 1710.00 1710.00 1740.00 1760.00 1780.00 1790.00 1790.00 1792
Köln Cologne Germany 50.94 6.93 DEU 600.00 680.00 790.00 830.00 850.00 910.00 970.00 920.00 950.00 960.00 960.00 980.00 1000.00 1040.00 1060.00 1060.00 1061
München Munich Germany 48.14 11.54 DEU 830.00 940.00 1060.00 1180.00 1290.00 1300.00 1300.00 1270.00 1220.00 1240.00 1200.00 1250.00 1280.00 1300.00 1320.00 1320.00 1318
Accra Ghana 5.55 -0.20 GHA 180.00 260.00 390.00 500.00 630.00 740.00 860.00 1010.00 1200.00 1420.00 1670.00 1980.00 2120.00 2330.00 2690.00 3040.00 3382
Kumasi Ghana 6.68 -1.62 GHA 100.00 150.00 220.00 280.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 530.00 700.00 910.00 1190.00 1520.00 1650.00 1830.00 2110.00 2390.00 2667
Athínai Athens Greece 37.94 23.65 GRC 1350.00 1560.00 1810.00 2120.00 2480.00 2740.00 2990.00 3050.00 3070.00 3120.00 3180.00 3230.00 3240.00 3260.00 3280.00 3300.00 3326
Thessaloniki Greece 40.62 22.79 GRC 290.00 330.00 370.00 450.00 540.00 620.00 690.00 720.00 750.00 770.00 800.00 820.00 830.00 840.00 850.00 860.00 880
Baku Azerbaijan 40.32 49.81 AZE 900.00 940.00 1000.00 1130.00 1270.00 1430.00 1570.00 1660.00 1730.00 1770.00 1810.00 1870.00 1890.00 1930.00 2010.00 2100.00 2187
Buenos Aires Argentina -34.62 -58.44 ARG 5100.00 5800.00 6600.00 7320.00 8100.00 8740.00 9420.00 9960.00 10510.00 11150.00 11850.00 12550.00 12800.00 13090.00 13430.00 13650.00 13768
Córdoba Cordoba Argentina -31.31 -64.17 ARG 430.00 510.00 600.00 700.00 810.00 900.00 1010.00 1100.00 1200.00 1280.00 1350.00 1420.00 1450.00 1490.00 1560.00 1610.00 1645
Mendoza Argentina -32.89 -68.83 ARG 250.00 280.00 330.00 390.00 470.00 540.00 610.00 680.00 760.00 800.00 840.00 880.00 890.00 920.00 960.00 990.00 1020
Rosario Argentina -32.93 -60.66 ARG 550.00 610.00 670.00 740.00 820.00 880.00 950.00 1020.00 1080.00 1120.00 1150.00 1190.00 1200.00 1230.00 1280.00 1330.00 1360
San Miguel de Tucumán San Miguel De Tucuman Argentina -26.82 -65.21 ARG 220.00 260.00 300.00 330.00 360.00 420.00 490.00 550.00 610.00 670.00 720.00 780.00 800.00 830.00 870.00 900.00 928
Ciudad de Guatemala (Guatemala City) Guatemala Guatemala 14.61 -90.52 GTM 290.00 370.00 480.00 590.00 660.00 720.00 750.00 780.00 800.00 840.00 910.00 980.00 1020.00 1100.00 1280.00 1480.00 1690
Conakry Guinea 9.54 -13.67 GIN 30.00 60.00 110.00 210.00 390.00 530.00 660.00 770.00 900.00 1040.00 1220.00 1410.00 1490.00 1640.00 1980.00 2390.00 2856
Port-au-Prince Haiti 18.52 -72.34 HTI 130.00 180.00 250.00 340.00 460.00 580.00 700.00 880.00 1130.00 1430.00 1650.00 1880.00 2000.00 2210.00 2620.00 3010.00 3346
Tegucigalpa Honduras 14.09 -87.20 HND 70.00 100.00 130.00 170.00 220.00 290.00 370.00 470.00 580.00 680.00 790.00 900.00 950.00 1020.00 1160.00 1320.00 1472
Hong Kong China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 22.27 114.17 CHN 1680.00 2120.00 2620.00 3190.00 3460.00 3940.00 4610.00 5070.00 5680.00 6210.00 6660.00 7060.00 7210.00 7420.00 7740.00 8040.00 8305
Budapest Hungary 47.51 19.09 HUN 1620.00 1710.00 1810.00 1880.00 1950.00 2000.00 2060.00 2040.00 2000.00 1890.00 1790.00 1690.00 1680.00 1660.00 1660.00 1660.00 1655
Agra India 27.18 78.02 IND 370.00 430.00 500.00 560.00 620.00 680.00 740.00 830.00 930.00 1100.00 1290.00 1510.00 1590.00 1700.00 1900.00 2120.00 2364
Ahmadabad India 23.03 72.56 IND 860.00 1010.00 1180.00 1410.00 1700.00 2050.00 2480.00 2860.00 3260.00 3790.00 4430.00 5120.00 5380.00 5730.00 6320.00 6990.00 7735
Aligarh India 27.88 78.08 IND 140.00 160.00 180.00 210.00 250.00 280.00 320.00 380.00 470.00 550.00 650.00 760.00 800.00 860.00 970.00 1080.00 1215
Allahabad India 25.45 81.85 IND 330.00 370.00 420.00 460.00 510.00 570.00 640.00 730.00 830.00 930.00 1040.00 1150.00 1200.00 1280.00 1420.00 1590.00 1781
Amritsar India 31.63 74.87 IND 340.00 360.00 390.00 420.00 450.00 520.00 600.00 660.00 730.00 840.00 990.00 1150.00 1210.00 1300.00 1450.00 1620.00 1811
Asansol India 23.68 86.98 IND 90.00 120.00 160.00 200.00 240.00 290.00 360.00 500.00 730.00 890.00 1060.00 1260.00 1330.00 1420.00 1590.00 1780.00 1985
Aurangabad India 19.78 75.29 IND 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 160.00 220.00 300.00 420.00 570.00 710.00 870.00 1050.00 1110.00 1200.00 1340.00 1500.00 1678
Bangalore India 12.97 77.58 IND 750.00 940.00 1170.00 1380.00 1620.00 2110.00 2810.00 3400.00 4040.00 4740.00 5570.00 6460.00 6790.00 7230.00 7970.00 8800.00 9719
Bareilly India 28.55 80.12 IND 210.00 230.00 270.00 300.00 320.00 370.00 440.00 520.00 600.00 660.00 720.00 790.00 820.00 870.00 970.00 1090.00 1219
Bhiwandi India 19.29 73.06 IND 20.00 30.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 90.00 110.00 200.00 360.00 480.00 600.00 740.00 800.00 860.00 960.00 1080.00 1212
Bhopal India 23.22 77.41 IND 100.00 140.00 210.00 280.00 370.00 490.00 660.00 830.00 1050.00 1230.00 1430.00 1640.00 1730.00 1840.00 2050.00 2290.00 2553
Bhubaneswar Bhubaneshwar India 20.26 85.83 IND 20.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 100.00 140.00 210.00 290.00 400.00 500.00 640.00 790.00 840.00 910.00 1020.00 1150.00 1286
Chandigarh India 30.73 76.78 IND 40.00 60.00 90.00 140.00 220.00 300.00 410.00 480.00 560.00 670.00 790.00 930.00 980.00 1050.00 1170.00 1310.00 1472
Chennai Madras India 13.06 80.24 IND 1490.00 1700.00 1920.00 2400.00 3060.00 3610.00 4200.00 4750.00 5340.00 5840.00 6350.00 6920.00 7160.00 7560.00 8310.00 9170.00 10129
Coimbatore India 11.01 76.97 IND 280.00 350.00 440.00 560.00 710.00 810.00 910.00 1000.00 1090.00 1240.00 1420.00 1620.00 1700.00 1810.00 2010.00 2240.00 2503
Delhi India 28.66 77.21 IND 1370.00 1780.00 2280.00 2840.00 3530.00 4430.00 5560.00 6770.00 8210.00 10090.00 12440.00 15050.00 15930.00 17020.00 18670.00 20480.00 22498
Dhanbad India 23.80 86.45 IND 70.00 110.00 190.00 280.00 410.00 520.00 660.00 730.00 800.00 920.00 1050.00 1190.00 1250.00 1330.00 1480.00 1660.00 1852
Durg-Bhilainagar India 21.22 81.43 IND 20.00 50.00 120.00 170.00 230.00 330.00 470.00 570.00 670.00 780.00 900.00 1040.00 1100.00 1170.00 1310.00 1460.00 1640
Faridabad India 28.42 77.30 IND 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 150.00 300.00 430.00 590.00 780.00 1020.00 1300.00 1390.00 1510.00 1690.00 1890.00 2109
Ghaziabad India 28.67 77.42 IND 40.00 50.00 70.00 90.00 120.00 180.00 270.00 370.00 490.00 680.00 930.00 1240.00 1340.00 1460.00 1640.00 1830.00 2046
Guwahati Gauhati India 26.17 91.77 IND 40.00 70.00 130.00 160.00 200.00 250.00 330.00 430.00 560.00 680.00 800.00 930.00 980.00 1050.00 1180.00 1320.00 1477
Gwalior India 26.14 78.10 IND 240.00 270.00 300.00 340.00 400.00 460.00 540.00 620.00 710.00 780.00 860.00 940.00 980.00 1040.00 1160.00 1300.00 1455
Hubli-Dharwad India 15.36 75.08 IND 190.00 220.00 240.00 300.00 370.00 440.00 520.00 580.00 640.00 700.00 780.00 860.00 890.00 950.00 1060.00 1180.00 1327
Hyderabad India 17.39 78.48 IND 1100.00 1180.00 1240.00 1460.00 1750.00 2090.00 2490.00 3210.00 4190.00 4820.00 5440.00 6120.00 6380.00 6760.00 7450.00 8220.00 9092
Indore India 22.42 75.54 IND 300.00 340.00 390.00 460.00 550.00 660.00 810.00 940.00 1090.00 1310.00 1600.00 1910.00 2030.00 2180.00 2420.00 2700.00 3005
Jabalpur India 23.15 79.97 IND 250.00 300.00 360.00 430.00 520.00 620.00 740.00 810.00 880.00 980.00 1100.00 1230.00 1280.00 1370.00 1520.00 1700.00 1904
Jaipur India 26.90 75.80 IND 290.00 350.00 400.00 500.00 620.00 780.00 980.00 1210.00 1480.00 1830.00 2260.00 2750.00 2920.00 3140.00 3480.00 3870.00 4298
Jalandhar India 31.32 75.57 IND 170.00 190.00 220.00 250.00 290.00 340.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 590.00 690.00 810.00 860.00 920.00 1030.00 1150.00 1290
Jammu India 33.45 76.24 IND 80.00 90.00 110.00 130.00 160.00 190.00 220.00 280.00 360.00 460.00 590.00 740.00 790.00 860.00 960.00 1080.00 1211
Jamshedpur India 22.80 86.18 IND 210.00 260.00 320.00 380.00 440.00 540.00 650.00 740.00 820.00 940.00 1080.00 1240.00 1300.00 1390.00 1550.00 1730.00 1933
Jodhpur India 26.28 73.02 IND 180.00 200.00 220.00 260.00 310.00 390.00 490.00 570.00 650.00 740.00 840.00 950.00 1000.00 1060.00 1180.00 1330.00 1486
Kanpur India 26.45 80.31 IND 690.00 810.00 950.00 1090.00 1250.00 1420.00 1610.00 1800.00 2000.00 2290.00 2640.00 3020.00 3160.00 3370.00 3730.00 4140.00 4601
Kochi Cochin India 9.97 76.27 IND 160.00 210.00 270.00 340.00 420.00 530.00 670.00 860.00 1100.00 1230.00 1340.00 1460.00 1520.00 1610.00 1790.00 2000.00 2232
Kolkata Calcutta India 22.54 88.33 IND 4510.00 5060.00 5650.00 6260.00 6930.00 7890.00 9030.00 9950.00 10890.00 11920.00 13060.00 14280.00 14790.00 15580.00 17040.00 18710.00 20560
Kota India 25.18 75.83 IND 60.00 80.00 120.00 150.00 200.00 270.00 350.00 430.00 520.00 600.00 690.00 790.00 830.00 880.00 990.00 1110.00 1243
Kozhikode Calicut India 26.28 75.77 IND 160.00 180.00 220.00 260.00 320.00 410.00 530.00 640.00 780.00 840.00 880.00 920.00 950.00 1010.00 1120.00 1260.00 1409
Lucknow India 26.84 80.91 IND 490.00 560.00 640.00 720.00 800.00 890.00 990.00 1250.00 1610.00 1910.00 2220.00 2570.00 2700.00 2880.00 3190.00 3550.00 3944
Ludhiana India 30.91 75.85 IND 150.00 190.00 240.00 300.00 390.00 480.00 590.00 770.00 1010.00 1180.00 1370.00 1570.00 1650.00 1760.00 1960.00 2190.00 2440
Madurai India 9.91 78.12 IND 360.00 420.00 480.00 580.00 690.00 790.00 890.00 980.00 1070.00 1130.00 1190.00 1260.00 1290.00 1370.00 1520.00 1700.00 1897
Meerut India 28.99 77.70 IND 230.00 250.00 280.00 320.00 360.00 430.00 520.00 660.00 820.00 980.00 1140.00 1330.00 1400.00 1500.00 1670.00 1860.00 2080
Moradabad India 28.83 78.78 IND 160.00 170.00 190.00 220.00 270.00 300.00 340.00 380.00 440.00 520.00 630.00 740.00 790.00 850.00 950.00 1060.00 1192
Mumbai Bombay India 19.07 72.82 IND 2860.00 3430.00 4060.00 4850.00 5810.00 7080.00 8660.00 10340.00 12310.00 14110.00 16090.00 18200.00 18980.00 20070.00 21950.00 24050.00 26385
Mysore India 12.30 76.65 IND 240.00 250.00 250.00 290.00 350.00 400.00 470.00 550.00 640.00 710.00 780.00 850.00 890.00 940.00 1050.00 1180.00 1322
Nagpur India 21.15 79.08 IND 470.00 560.00 670.00 780.00 910.00 1080.00 1270.00 1450.00 1640.00 1850.00 2090.00 2350.00 2450.00 2610.00 2900.00 3220.00 3583
Nashik India 20.02 73.50 IND 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 330.00 420.00 540.00 700.00 890.00 1120.00 1380.00 1470.00 1590.00 1780.00 1980.00 2213
Patna India 25.61 85.13 IND 280.00 320.00 360.00 410.00 480.00 640.00 880.00 990.00 1090.00 1330.00 1660.00 2030.00 2160.00 2320.00 2590.00 2880.00 3207
Pune Poona India 18.53 73.85 IND 580.00 680.00 780.00 920.00 1100.00 1340.00 1640.00 2000.00 2430.00 2980.00 3660.00 4410.00 4670.00 5010.00 5540.00 6140.00 6797
Raipur India 21.23 81.63 IND 90.00 110.00 140.00 160.00 200.00 260.00 330.00 390.00 450.00 550.00 680.00 820.00 880.00 940.00 1060.00 1180.00 1327
Rajkot India 22.30 70.78 IND 130.00 160.00 190.00 230.00 290.00 360.00 430.00 530.00 640.00 790.00 970.00 1190.00 1260.00 1360.00 1520.00 1700.00 1896
Ranchi India 23.35 85.33 IND 100.00 120.00 140.00 180.00 240.00 340.00 480.00 550.00 610.00 710.00 840.00 990.00 1040.00 1120.00 1250.00 1400.00 1567
Salem India 11.65 78.16 IND 200.00 230.00 270.00 330.00 400.00 460.00 510.00 540.00 570.00 650.00 740.00 830.00 870.00 930.00 1040.00 1170.00 1309
Solapur India 17.68 75.92 IND 270.00 300.00 330.00 360.00 390.00 440.00 510.00 560.00 610.00 720.00 850.00 1000.00 1060.00 1140.00 1270.00 1420.00 1587
Srinagar India 34.08 74.80 IND 250.00 270.00 290.00 340.00 410.00 490.00 590.00 660.00 730.00 830.00 950.00 1090.00 1140.00 1220.00 1360.00 1520.00 1699
Surat India 21.16 72.83 IND 230.00 270.00 310.00 380.00 480.00 640.00 880.00 1140.00 1470.00 1980.00 2700.00 3560.00 3840.00 4170.00 4640.00 5140.00 5703
Thiruvananthapuram India 8.48 76.95 IND 180.00 210.00 240.00 300.00 390.00 450.00 510.00 640.00 800.00 850.00 880.00 930.00 950.00 1010.00 1120.00 1260.00 1408
Tiruchirappalli India 10.81 78.69 IND 290.00 310.00 340.00 390.00 450.00 520.00 600.00 650.00 700.00 770.00 840.00 920.00 950.00 1010.00 1130.00 1260.00 1414
Vadodara India 22.30 73.20 IND 210.00 250.00 300.00 370.00 450.00 570.00 720.00 890.00 1100.00 1270.00 1460.00 1680.00 1760.00 1880.00 2080.00 2320.00 2592
Varanasi Benares India 25.28 82.95 IND 350.00 410.00 480.00 540.00 600.00 680.00 780.00 890.00 1010.00 1110.00 1200.00 1300.00 1350.00 1430.00 1600.00 1780.00 1991
Vijayawada India 16.51 80.61 IND 160.00 190.00 230.00 280.00 340.00 420.00 530.00 660.00 820.00 910.00 1000.00 1090.00 1140.00 1210.00 1350.00 1500.00 1684
Visakhapatnam Vishakhapatnam India 17.74 83.33 IND 100.00 140.00 200.00 270.00 350.00 450.00 580.00 770.00 1020.00 1170.00 1310.00 1460.00 1530.00 1630.00 1810.00 2020.00 2256
Adelaide Australia -34.81 138.52 AUS 430.00 500.00 570.00 700.00 790.00 880.00 940.00 990.00 1050.00 1070.00 1100.00 1130.00 1140.00 1170.00 1210.00 1260.00 1300
Brisbane Australia -27.45 153.02 AUS 440.00 520.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 930.00 1070.00 1190.00 1330.00 1470.00 1600.00 1780.00 1860.00 1970.00 2090.00 2170.00 2233
Melbourne Australia -37.85 145.07 AUS 1330.00 1570.00 1850.00 2070.00 2330.00 2560.00 2760.00 2940.00 3120.00 3260.00 3430.00 3640.00 3730.00 3850.00 4010.00 4140.00 4238
Perth Australia -31.95 115.85 AUS 310.00 360.00 410.00 480.00 610.00 770.00 900.00 1020.00 1160.00 1270.00 1370.00 1480.00 1530.00 1600.00 1680.00 1750.00 1800
Sydney Australia -33.88 151.02 AUS 1690.00 1910.00 2140.00 2390.00 2670.00 2960.00 3230.00 3430.00 3630.00 3840.00 4080.00 4260.00 4330.00 4430.00 4580.00 4720.00 4826
Bandar Lampung Indonesia -5.45 105.26 IDN 30.00 40.00 60.00 100.00 150.00 230.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 580.00 740.00 820.00 860.00 940.00 1060.00 1170.00 1260
Bandung Indonesia -6.91 107.60 IDN 510.00 680.00 900.00 1050.00 1170.00 1300.00 1450.00 1720.00 2040.00 2100.00 2140.00 2300.00 2390.00 2570.00 2890.00 3160.00 3370
Bogor Indonesia -6.60 106.80 IDN 110.00 130.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 410.00 540.00 570.00 600.00 670.00 750.00 860.00 920.00 1000.00 1140.00 1260.00 1351
Jakarta Indonesia -6.16 106.80 IDN 1450.00 1970.00 2680.00 3300.00 3920.00 4810.00 5980.00 7010.00 8180.00 8320.00 8390.00 8840.00 9120.00 9700.00 10790.00 11690.00 12363
Malang Indonesia -7.98 112.62 IDN 210.00 260.00 320.00 370.00 410.00 460.00 510.00 590.00 690.00 720.00 760.00 780.00 800.00 860.00 970.00 1060.00 1146
Medan Indonesia 3.58 98.67 IDN 280.00 360.00 450.00 530.00 610.00 880.00 1340.00 1530.00 1720.00 1820.00 1910.00 2040.00 2120.00 2260.00 2540.00 2790.00 2977
Padang Indonesia -0.95 100.35 IDN 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 190.00 280.00 460.00 550.00 630.00 670.00 720.00 810.00 860.00 930.00 1060.00 1170.00 1254
Palembang Indonesia -2.99 104.75 IDN 280.00 350.00 450.00 510.00 570.00 660.00 780.00 940.00 1130.00 1290.00 1460.00 1660.00 1750.00 1900.00 2150.00 2360.00 2526
Pekan Baru Indonesia 0.53 101.45 IDN 40.00 50.00 70.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 270.00 390.00 480.00 590.00 740.00 800.00 890.00 1020.00 1130.00 1213
Semarang Indonesia -6.97 110.42 IDN 370.00 420.00 480.00 550.00 630.00 780.00 1010.00 1130.00 1240.00 1330.00 1430.00 1380.00 1400.00 1460.00 1630.00 1790.00 1921
Surabaya Surabaja Indonesia -7.39 112.68 IDN 680.00 810.00 960.00 1180.00 1470.00 1740.00 2010.00 2230.00 2470.00 2540.00 2610.00 2750.00 2840.00 3040.00 3400.00 3720.00 3962
Ujung Pandang Indonesia -5.13 119.41 IDN 220.00 280.00 360.00 400.00 420.00 500.00 630.00 720.00 820.00 930.00 1050.00 1190.00 1260.00 1370.00 1560.00 1710.00 1837
Ahvaz Iran (Islamic Republic of) 31.31 48.68 IRN 80.00 110.00 150.00 190.00 250.00 310.00 410.00 540.00 680.00 780.00 870.00 960.00 1000.00 1060.00 1160.00 1250.00 1326
Esfahan Iran (Islamic Republic of) 32.65 51.67 IRN 180.00 240.00 310.00 400.00 540.00 770.00 900.00 980.00 1090.00 1230.00 1380.00 1550.00 1630.00 1740.00 1920.00 2070.00 2185
Karaj Iran (Islamic Republic of) 35.81 50.96 IRN 10.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 70.00 120.00 220.00 390.00 690.00 900.00 1090.00 1320.00 1420.00 1580.00 1800.00 1950.00 2061
Kermanshah Iran (Islamic Republic of) 34.30 47.05 IRN 100.00 120.00 140.00 180.00 220.00 270.00 370.00 520.00 610.00 680.00 730.00 780.00 800.00 840.00 910.00 980.00 1041
Mashhad Iran (Islamic Republic of) 36.28 59.59 IRN 170.00 220.00 290.00 380.00 510.00 680.00 950.00 1340.00 1680.00 1850.00 2070.00 2350.00 2470.00 2650.00 2930.00 3150.00 3315
Qom Iran (Islamic Republic of) 34.65 50.88 IRN 80.00 90.00 110.00 130.00 170.00 230.00 330.00 490.00 620.00 740.00 840.00 930.00 970.00 1040.00 1140.00 1230.00 1302
Shiraz Iran (Islamic Republic of) 29.60 52.53 IRN 130.00 160.00 200.00 250.00 320.00 420.00 580.00 820.00 950.00 1030.00 1120.00 1200.00 1240.00 1300.00 1410.00 1520.00 1608
Tabriz Iran (Islamic Republic of) 38.08 46.28 IRN 240.00 280.00 330.00 390.00 500.00 660.00 800.00 940.00 1060.00 1160.00 1260.00 1370.00 1410.00 1480.00 1610.00 1740.00 1834
Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) 35.77 51.44 IRN 1040.00 1400.00 1870.00 2510.00 3290.00 4270.00 5080.00 5840.00 6360.00 6690.00 7130.00 7650.00 7870.00 8220.00 8830.00 9400.00 9814
Al-Basrah Basra Iraq 30.50 47.76 IRQ 120.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 330.00 350.00 370.00 400.00 470.00 630.00 760.00 840.00 870.00 920.00 1020.00 1140.00 1270
Al-Mawsil Mosul Iraq 36.33 43.13 IRQ 140.00 170.00 200.00 260.00 320.00 400.00 490.00 600.00 740.00 890.00 1060.00 1240.00 1320.00 1450.00 1680.00 1890.00 2097
Baghdad Iraq 33.33 44.39 IRQ 580.00 720.00 1020.00 1610.00 2070.00 2620.00 3140.00 3610.00 4090.00 4600.00 5200.00 5330.00 5050.00 5890.00 6620.00 7340.00 8060
Irbil Erbil Iraq 36.16 44.01 IRQ 30.00 40.00 50.00 90.00 130.00 190.00 280.00 410.00 540.00 640.00 760.00 870.00 930.00 1010.00 1160.00 1300.00 1450
Dublin Ireland 53.34 -6.25 IRL 630.00 650.00 660.00 720.00 770.00 830.00 900.00 920.00 920.00 950.00 990.00 1040.00 1060.00 1100.00 1180.00 1260.00 1332
Hefa Haifa Israel 32.76 35.00 ISR 200.00 230.00 260.00 290.00 320.00 350.00 370.00 440.00 580.00 780.00 890.00 990.00 1010.00 1040.00 1100.00 1160.00 1210
Tel Aviv-Yafo Tel Aviv-Jaffa Israel 32.04 34.76 ISR 420.00 560.00 740.00 880.00 1030.00 1210.00 1420.00 1680.00 2030.00 2440.00 2750.00 3010.00 3110.00 3260.00 3450.00 3600.00 3726
Milano Milan Italy 45.47 9.18 ITA 1880.00 2100.00 2400.00 2700.00 3020.00 3130.00 3170.00 3130.00 3060.00 3020.00 2980.00 2950.00 2940.00 2940.00 2940.00 2940.00 2938
Napoli Naples Italy 40.83 14.25 ITA 1500.00 1620.00 1760.00 1880.00 2000.00 2100.00 2190.00 2210.00 2210.00 2220.00 2230.00 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 2254
Palermo Italy 38.12 13.35 ITA 590.00 640.00 690.00 720.00 750.00 780.00 820.00 830.00 840.00 850.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 870.00 870.00 871
Rome Rome Italy 41.87 12.51 ITA 1880.00 2140.00 2460.00 2780.00 3140.00 3300.00 3390.00 3430.00 3450.00 3420.00 3380.00 3350.00 3340.00 3330.00 3330.00 3330.00 3330
Torino Turin Italy 45.07 7.66 ITA 1010.00 1150.00 1350.00 1550.00 1760.00 1840.00 1860.00 1830.00 1780.00 1730.00 1690.00 1660.00 1650.00 1650.00 1640.00 1640.00 1645
Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire 5.32 -4.02 CIV 60.00 120.00 190.00 310.00 550.00 970.00 1380.00 1720.00 2100.00 2540.00 3030.00 3560.00 3800.00 4180.00 4810.00 5430.00 6031
Fukuoka-Kitakyushu Fukuoka Japan 33.57 130.40 JPN 950.00 1150.00 1340.00 1490.00 1650.00 1850.00 2030.00 2220.00 2490.00 2620.00 2720.00 2770.00 2790.00 2820.00 2830.00 2830.00 2834
Hiroshima Japan 34.37 132.44 JPN 500.00 650.00 830.00 1070.00 1380.00 1770.00 1820.00 1920.00 1990.00 2040.00 2040.00 2040.00 2040.00 2040.00 2050.00 2050.00 2046
Kyoto Japan 35.00 135.75 JPN 1000.00 1090.00 1160.00 1230.00 1300.00 1620.00 1700.00 1710.00 1760.00 1800.00 1810.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1804
Nagoya Japan 35.15 136.92 JPN 990.00 1230.00 1560.00 1760.00 2000.00 2290.00 2590.00 2710.00 2950.00 3060.00 3120.00 3200.00 3230.00 3270.00 3290.00 3300.00 3295
Osaka-Kobe Osaka Japan 34.63 135.51 JPN 4150.00 5120.00 6230.00 7650.00 9410.00 9840.00 9990.00 10350.00 11040.00 11050.00 11160.00 11260.00 11290.00 11340.00 11360.00 11370.00 11368
Sapporo Japan 43.05 141.34 JPN 750.00 890.00 1060.00 1250.00 1480.00 1750.00 2000.00 2160.00 2320.00 2480.00 2510.00 2530.00 2540.00 2560.00 2560.00 2560.00 2565
Sendai Japan 38.25 140.89 JPN 540.00 670.00 820.00 1020.00 1260.00 1570.00 1730.00 1860.00 2020.00 2140.00 2180.00 2230.00 2250.00 2270.00 2290.00 2290.00 2288
Tokyo Japan 35.68 139.80 JPN 11280.00 13710.00 16680.00 20280.00 23300.00 26620.00 28550.00 30300.00 32530.00 33590.00 34450.00 35330.00 35680.00 36090.00 36370.00 36400.00 36400
Almaty Kazakhstan 43.25 76.91 KAZ 350.00 440.00 530.00 630.00 740.00 860.00 970.00 1030.00 1080.00 1110.00 1140.00 1190.00 1210.00 1240.00 1300.00 1360.00 1404
Kabul Afghanistan 34.53 69.13 AFG 130.00 180.00 260.00 370.00 470.00 670.00 980.00 1160.00 1310.00 1620.00 1960.00 2990.00 3280.00 3770.00 4730.00 5840.00 7175
Wien Vienna Austria 48.20 16.32 AUT 2090.00 2090.00 2090.00 2080.00 2070.00 2060.00 2050.00 2070.00 2100.00 2130.00 2160.00 2260.00 2320.00 2380.00 2450.00 2480.00 2496
Amman Jordan 31.94 35.93 JOR 90.00 140.00 220.00 300.00 390.00 500.00 640.00 740.00 850.00 970.00 1010.00 1040.00 1060.00 1110.00 1180.00 1270.00 1359
Mombasa Kenya -4.05 39.65 KEN 90.00 120.00 160.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 410.00 480.00 570.00 690.00 820.00 880.00 980.00 1200.00 1450.00 1763
Nairobi Kenya -1.26 36.80 KEN 140.00 200.00 290.00 400.00 530.00 680.00 860.00 1090.00 1380.00 1760.00 2230.00 2790.00 3010.00 3360.00 4050.00 4880.00 5871
Hamhung Democratic People's Republic of Korea 39.91 127.55 PRK 170.00 220.00 280.00 370.00 450.00 520.00 590.00 670.00 700.00 710.00 730.00 760.00 770.00 790.00 820.00 850.00 882
N'ampo Democratic People's Republic of Korea 38.73 125.40 PRK 50.00 70.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 220.00 300.00 420.00 580.00 810.00 1020.00 1110.00 1130.00 1150.00 1190.00 1230.00 1274
P'yongyang Democratic People's Republic of Korea 39.02 125.75 PRK 520.00 580.00 650.00 770.00 990.00 1350.00 1840.00 2200.00 2530.00 2840.00 3120.00 3260.00 3300.00 3350.00 3430.00 3540.00 3630
Bucheon Republic of Korea 37.50 126.78 KOR 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 110.00 210.00 440.00 650.00 770.00 760.00 830.00 870.00 910.00 940.00 950.00 948
Busan Republic of Korea 35.10 129.03 KOR 950.00 1050.00 1150.00 1360.00 1810.00 2420.00 3110.00 3490.00 3780.00 3810.00 3670.00 3530.00 3480.00 3420.00 3390.00 3380.00 3383
Daegu Republic of Korea 35.86 128.60 KOR 360.00 480.00 660.00 810.00 1050.00 1300.00 1580.00 2000.00 2220.00 2430.00 2480.00 2470.00 2460.00 2460.00 2460.00 2460.00 2458
Daejon Republic of Korea 36.35 127.38 KOR 130.00 170.00 220.00 290.00 400.00 500.00 640.00 850.00 1040.00 1260.00 1360.00 1440.00 1470.00 1510.00 1540.00 1540.00 1544
Goyang Republic of Korea 37.65 126.80 KOR 40.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 150.00 190.00 240.00 490.00 740.00 860.00 900.00 960.00 1000.00 1010.00 1012
Gwangju Republic of Korea 35.16 126.91 KOR 170.00 230.00 310.00 380.00 490.00 600.00 720.00 890.00 1120.00 1250.00 1350.00 1410.00 1440.00 1470.00 1500.00 1510.00 1507
Incheon Inch`on Republic of Korea 37.48 126.63 KOR 260.00 320.00 390.00 500.00 630.00 790.00 1060.00 1360.00 1780.00 2270.00 2460.00 2530.00 2550.00 2580.00 2600.00 2610.00 2607
Seongnam Republic of Korea 37.43 127.15 KOR 50.00 80.00 100.00 140.00 200.00 270.00 370.00 440.00 530.00 840.00 910.00 930.00 940.00 950.00 970.00 970.00 971
Seoul Republic of Korea 37.54 126.93 KOR 1020.00 1550.00 2360.00 3450.00 5310.00 6810.00 8260.00 9550.00 10540.00 10260.00 9920.00 9820.00 9800.00 9760.00 9740.00 9740.00 9738
Suweon Republic of Korea 37.26 127.01 KOR 70.00 80.00 90.00 160.00 170.00 220.00 300.00 420.00 630.00 750.00 930.00 1040.00 1080.00 1130.00 1170.00 1180.00 1179
Ulsan Republic of Korea 35.55 129.31 KOR 30.00 40.00 70.00 100.00 150.00 250.00 400.00 540.00 670.00 940.00 1010.00 1050.00 1060.00 1080.00 1100.00 1100.00 1102
Al Kuwayt (Kuwait City) Kuwait Kuwait 29.38 47.97 KWT 60.00 110.00 180.00 300.00 550.00 690.00 890.00 1120.00 1390.00 1190.00 1500.00 1890.00 2060.00 2300.00 2590.00 2790.00 2956
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan 42.87 74.77 KGZ 150.00 190.00 240.00 320.00 430.00 480.00 540.00 580.00 640.00 700.00 770.00 820.00 840.00 870.00 930.00 1010.00 1096
Bayrut Beirut Lebanon 33.88 35.49 LBN 320.00 420.00 560.00 730.00 920.00 1500.00 1620.00 1580.00 1290.00 1270.00 1490.00 1780.00 1850.00 1940.00 2050.00 2120.00 2173
Monrovia Liberia 6.30 -10.79 LBR 20.00 30.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 230.00 320.00 510.00 1040.00 460.00 840.00 1140.00 1040.00 1180.00 1460.00 1750.00 2083
Banghazi Benghazi Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 32.12 20.06 LBY 50.00 70.00 100.00 150.00 220.00 310.00 380.00 470.00 610.00 800.00 940.00 1110.00 1180.00 1270.00 1400.00 1500.00 1590
Tarabulus Tripoli Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 32.90 13.18 LBY 110.00 140.00 170.00 240.00 400.00 610.00 800.00 1060.00 1500.00 1680.00 1880.00 2100.00 2190.00 2320.00 2530.00 2710.00 2855
Antananarivo Madagascar -18.90 47.52 MDG 180.00 190.00 250.00 300.00 360.00 450.00 580.00 740.00 950.00 1170.00 1360.00 1590.00 1700.00 1880.00 2230.00 2640.00 3118
Johore Bharu Johor Baharu Malaysia 1.50 103.76 MYS 50.00 70.00 90.00 110.00 140.00 180.00 250.00 320.00 420.00 520.00 630.00 800.00 880.00 1000.00 1180.00 1290.00 1382
Klang Malaysia 3.03 101.45 MYS 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 110.00 150.00 190.00 260.00 340.00 470.00 630.00 850.00 960.00 1130.00 1360.00 1500.00 1603
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 3.14 101.70 MYS 210.00 280.00 340.00 390.00 450.00 640.00 920.00 1020.00 1120.00 1210.00 1310.00 1400.00 1450.00 1520.00 1670.00 1820.00 1938
Bamako Mali 12.65 -7.98 MLI 90.00 110.00 130.00 160.00 220.00 360.00 490.00 610.00 750.00 910.00 1110.00 1370.00 1490.00 1710.00 2130.00 2630.00 3214
Aguascalientes Mexico 21.88 -102.29 MEX 90.00 110.00 130.00 150.00 180.00 230.00 300.00 400.00 550.00 630.00 730.00 830.00 870.00 930.00 1000.00 1050.00 1089
Chihuahua Mexico 28.63 -106.07 MEX 90.00 130.00 190.00 240.00 290.00 340.00 410.00 470.00 540.00 620.00 680.00 760.00 790.00 840.00 900.00 950.00 985
Ciudad de México Mexico City Mexico 19.42 -99.12 MEX 2880.00 3800.00 5010.00 6650.00 8770.00 10690.00 13010.00 14110.00 15310.00 16810.00 18020.00 18740.00 19030.00 19480.00 20190.00 20700.00 21009
Ciudad Juárez Mexico 31.73 -106.48 MEX 120.00 180.00 260.00 330.00 410.00 470.00 550.00 660.00 810.00 1000.00 1220.00 1310.00 1340.00 1400.00 1480.00 1540.00 1597
Culiacán Culiacan Mexico 24.80 -107.38 MEX 50.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 170.00 230.00 310.00 430.00 610.00 690.00 750.00 790.00 810.00 840.00 890.00 930.00 964
Guadalajara Mexico 20.67 -103.34 MEX 400.00 590.00 870.00 1150.00 1510.00 1850.00 2270.00 2620.00 3010.00 3430.00 3700.00 4050.00 4200.00 4410.00 4670.00 4850.00 4973
León de los Aldamas Mexico 21.11 -101.68 MEX 120.00 190.00 300.00 380.00 480.00 590.00 720.00 830.00 960.00 1130.00 1290.00 1430.00 1490.00 1570.00 1680.00 1760.00 1817
Mérida Merida Mexico 20.97 -89.62 MEX 140.00 170.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 350.00 460.00 550.00 660.00 760.00 850.00 930.00 960.00 1020.00 1090.00 1140.00 1180
Mexicali Mexico 32.65 -115.46 MEX 70.00 110.00 180.00 220.00 270.00 300.00 340.00 460.00 610.00 690.00 770.00 850.00 880.00 940.00 1000.00 1050.00 1090
Monterrey Mexico 25.67 -100.31 MEX 360.00 500.00 700.00 940.00 1270.00 1590.00 1990.00 2270.00 2590.00 2960.00 3270.00 3580.00 3710.00 3900.00 4140.00 4300.00 4413
Puebla Mexico 19.04 -98.19 MEX 230.00 290.00 380.00 490.00 640.00 860.00 1140.00 1400.00 1690.00 1690.00 1910.00 2110.00 2200.00 2320.00 2470.00 2580.00 2657
Querétaro Queretaro Mexico 20.58 -100.38 MEX 50.00 60.00 70.00 90.00 120.00 160.00 220.00 350.00 560.00 670.00 800.00 910.00 960.00 1030.00 1120.00 1170.00 1215
Saltillo Mexico 25.41 -100.99 MEX 70.00 80.00 100.00 130.00 160.00 220.00 290.00 380.00 490.00 580.00 640.00 720.00 750.00 800.00 860.00 910.00 942
San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosi Mexico 22.15 -100.97 MEX 130.00 160.00 210.00 250.00 300.00 380.00 470.00 560.00 660.00 770.00 860.00 950.00 990.00 1050.00 1130.00 1180.00 1223
Tijuana Mexico 32.52 -117.03 MEX 60.00 100.00 150.00 210.00 290.00 360.00 440.00 580.00 760.00 1020.00 1290.00 1470.00 1550.00 1670.00 1800.00 1880.00 1943
Toluca de Lerdo Toluca Mexico 19.28 -99.66 MEX 50.00 70.00 90.00 120.00 160.00 310.00 600.00 710.00 840.00 980.00 1420.00 1500.00 1530.00 1580.00 1670.00 1740.00 1802
Torreón Mexico 25.55 -103.76 MEX 190.00 260.00 350.00 390.00 450.00 560.00 690.00 780.00 880.00 950.00 1010.00 1100.00 1140.00 1200.00 1280.00 1340.00 1387
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 47.92 106.91 MNG 70.00 110.00 180.00 250.00 300.00 360.00 420.00 490.00 570.00 660.00 760.00 860.00 880.00 920.00 980.00 1040.00 1112
Chittagong Bangladesh 22.32 91.82 BGD 290.00 320.00 360.00 500.00 720.00 1020.00 1340.00 1660.00 2020.00 2580.00 3310.00 4190.00 4530.00 5010.00 5810.00 6690.00 7639
Dhaka Bangladesh 23.70 90.40 BGD 340.00 410.00 510.00 820.00 1370.00 2220.00 3270.00 4660.00 6620.00 8330.00 10280.00 12580.00 13480.00 14800.00 17020.00 19420.00 22015
Khulna Bangladesh 22.84 89.55 BGD 40.00 70.00 120.00 190.00 310.00 470.00 630.00 790.00 980.00 1130.00 1280.00 1470.00 1550.00 1700.00 1980.00 2290.00 2640
Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.35 88.63 BGD 40.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 150.00 240.00 350.00 520.00 610.00 680.00 770.00 810.00 890.00 1040.00 1210.00 1396
Dar-el-Beida Casablanca Morocco 33.60 -7.63 MAR 620.00 780.00 970.00 1210.00 1500.00 1790.00 2110.00 2410.00 2680.00 2950.00 3040.00 3140.00 3180.00 3270.00 3480.00 3720.00 3949
Fès Fes Morocco 34.04 -4.99 MAR 160.00 220.00 280.00 320.00 370.00 430.00 510.00 590.00 680.00 780.00 870.00 960.00 1000.00 1060.00 1150.00 1240.00 1332
Marrakech Morocco 31.63 -8.01 MAR 210.00 220.00 240.00 280.00 320.00 370.00 420.00 480.00 580.00 680.00 760.00 840.00 870.00 920.00 1000.00 1080.00 1163
Rabat Morocco 34.01 -6.83 MAR 140.00 180.00 230.00 340.00 490.00 640.00 810.00 990.00 1170.00 1380.00 1510.00 1650.00 1700.00 1790.00 1940.00 2080.00 2222
Maputo Mozambique -25.96 32.57 MOZ 90.00 130.00 180.00 260.00 370.00 460.00 550.00 650.00 780.00 920.00 1100.00 1330.00 1450.00 1620.00 1920.00 2240.00 2560
Yerevan Armenia 40.20 44.53 ARM 340.00 430.00 540.00 650.00 780.00 910.00 1040.00 1120.00 1180.00 1140.00 1110.00 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00 1102
Kathmandu Nepal 27.71 85.31 NPL 100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 150.00 180.00 220.00 300.00 400.00 510.00 640.00 820.00 900.00 1030.00 1280.00 1580.00 1907
Amsterdam Netherlands 52.37 4.89 NLD 850.00 870.00 900.00 940.00 930.00 980.00 940.00 910.00 940.00 990.00 1000.00 1020.00 1030.00 1040.00 1060.00 1080.00 1089
Rotterdam Netherlands 51.92 4.48 NLD 760.00 850.00 940.00 970.00 970.00 930.00 910.00 930.00 950.00 980.00 990.00 1000.00 1000.00 1010.00 1030.00 1050.00 1057
Auckland New Zealand -36.90 174.76 NZL 320.00 390.00 440.00 530.00 640.00 730.00 770.00 810.00 870.00 980.00 1060.00 1190.00 1240.00 1320.00 1400.00 1440.00 1475
Managua Nicaragua 12.15 -86.27 NIC 110.00 150.00 200.00 270.00 370.00 440.00 520.00 620.00 740.00 860.00 890.00 910.00 920.00 940.00 1020.00 1100.00 1193
Antwerpen Belgium 51.20 4.42 BEL 760.00 790.00 810.00 840.00 860.00 870.00 880.00 880.00 890.00 910.00 910.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 920
Bruxelles-Brussel Brussels Belgium 50.83 4.36 BEL 1420.00 1450.00 1480.00 1520.00 1570.00 1610.00 1650.00 1650.00 1680.00 1720.00 1730.00 1740.00 1740.00 1740.00 1740.00 1740.00 1744
Niamey Niger 13.51 2.12 NER 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 130.00 200.00 270.00 340.00 430.00 540.00 680.00 850.00 920.00 1030.00 1260.00 1580.00 2028
Abuja Nigeria 9.05 7.25 NGA 20.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 80.00 120.00 200.00 330.00 530.00 830.00 1320.00 1580.00 1990.00 2560.00 2970.00 3358
Benin City Nigeria 6.33 5.62 NGA 50.00 60.00 80.00 110.00 160.00 230.00 340.00 480.00 690.00 840.00 980.00 1120.00 1190.00 1300.00 1520.00 1760.00 1991
Ibadan Nigeria 7.37 3.89 NGA 420.00 490.00 570.00 670.00 810.00 980.00 1190.00 1440.00 1740.00 1990.00 2240.00 2510.00 2630.00 2840.00 3270.00 3750.00 4234
Ilorin Nigeria 8.49 4.54 NGA 110.00 140.00 180.00 220.00 270.00 320.00 390.00 460.00 520.00 580.00 650.00 740.00 770.00 840.00 970.00 1120.00 1277
Kaduna Nigeria 10.51 7.44 NGA 30.00 50.00 100.00 170.00 270.00 410.00 630.00 850.00 960.00 1080.00 1220.00 1380.00 1440.00 1560.00 1810.00 2080.00 2360
Kano Nigeria 11.99 8.49 NGA 120.00 160.00 230.00 340.00 540.00 860.00 1350.00 1860.00 2100.00 2360.00 2660.00 2990.00 3140.00 3390.00 3910.00 4490.00 5056
Lagos Nigeria 6.45 3.30 NGA 300.00 470.00 760.00 1140.00 1410.00 1890.00 2570.00 3500.00 4760.00 5970.00 7230.00 8770.00 9470.00 10570.00 12400.00 14130.00 15796
Maiduguri Nigeria 11.85 13.16 NGA 50.00 70.00 100.00 160.00 220.00 300.00 420.00 530.00 600.00 670.00 760.00 850.00 900.00 970.00 1120.00 1300.00 1479
Ogbomosho Nigeria 8.13 4.25 NGA 120.00 170.00 250.00 330.00 380.00 430.00 480.00 550.00 620.00 700.00 800.00 900.00 950.00 1030.00 1200.00 1390.00 1575
Port Harcourt Nigeria 4.78 7.00 NGA 60.00 90.00 140.00 200.00 270.00 360.00 480.00 600.00 680.00 770.00 860.00 970.00 1020.00 1100.00 1280.00 1480.00 1680
Zaria Nigeria 11.06 7.70 NGA 50.00 70.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 320.00 420.00 520.00 590.00 670.00 750.00 850.00 890.00 960.00 1120.00 1290.00 1470
Oslo Norway 59.93 10.71 NOR 470.00 530.00 580.00 610.00 640.00 640.00 640.00 660.00 680.00 730.00 770.00 820.00 840.00 860.00 880.00 910.00 936
Faisalabad Pakistan 31.40 73.08 PAK 170.00 260.00 400.00 550.00 730.00 910.00 1080.00 1280.00 1520.00 1800.00 2140.00 2480.00 2620.00 2830.00 3260.00 3760.00 4283
Gujranwala Pakistan 32.15 74.18 PAK 120.00 150.00 190.00 250.00 320.00 430.00 580.00 700.00 850.00 1020.00 1220.00 1430.00 1510.00 1640.00 1900.00 2200.00 2513
Hyderabad Pakistan 25.38 68.36 PAK 230.00 310.00 420.00 500.00 590.00 670.00 740.00 840.00 950.00 1080.00 1220.00 1390.00 1460.00 1580.00 1830.00 2110.00 2420
Islamabad Pakistan 33.71 73.06 PAK 40.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 70.00 110.00 190.00 260.00 340.00 450.00 590.00 730.00 780.00 850.00 990.00 1150.00 1320
Karachi Pakistan 24.89 67.02 PAK 1060.00 1420.00 1850.00 2400.00 3120.00 3990.00 5050.00 6030.00 7150.00 8470.00 10020.00 11550.00 12130.00 13050.00 14860.00 16920.00 19095
Lahore Pakistan 31.54 74.34 PAK 840.00 1020.00 1260.00 1580.00 1960.00 2400.00 2880.00 3390.00 3970.00 4650.00 5450.00 6260.00 6580.00 7090.00 8110.00 9280.00 10512
Multan Pakistan 30.20 71.41 PAK 190.00 250.00 340.00 420.00 500.00 600.00 720.00 830.00 950.00 1100.00 1260.00 1440.00 1520.00 1650.00 1910.00 2200.00 2523
Peshawar Pakistan 34.00 71.54 PAK 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 260.00 350.00 540.00 650.00 770.00 900.00 1070.00 1240.00 1300.00 1420.00 1640.00 1890.00 2170
Quetta Pakistan 30.20 67.01 PAK 80.00 90.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 190.00 270.00 340.00 410.00 500.00 610.00 720.00 770.00 840.00 970.00 1130.00 1298
Rawalpindi Pakistan 33.60 73.04 PAK 230.00 280.00 330.00 430.00 550.00 670.00 780.00 920.00 1090.00 1290.00 1520.00 1760.00 1860.00 2020.00 2320.00 2680.00 3067
Ciudad de Panamá (Panama City) Panama Panama 9.00 -79.51 PAN 170.00 220.00 280.00 360.00 460.00 530.00 610.00 720.00 850.00 950.00 1070.00 1220.00 1280.00 1380.00 1530.00 1650.00 1759
Asunción Asuncion Paraguay -25.30 -57.62 PRY 260.00 310.00 380.00 460.00 550.00 650.00 770.00 910.00 1090.00 1290.00 1510.00 1760.00 1870.00 2030.00 2280.00 2510.00 2715
Arequipa Peru -16.39 -71.52 PER 130.00 140.00 160.00 210.00 270.00 350.00 430.00 500.00 560.00 640.00 700.00 780.00 820.00 860.00 930.00 980.00 1038
Lima Peru -12.08 -77.04 PER 1070.00 1370.00 1760.00 2280.00 2980.00 3700.00 4440.00 5120.00 5840.00 6540.00 7120.00 7750.00 8010.00 8380.00 8860.00 9250.00 9600
Cebu Philippines 10.42 123.79 PHL 180.00 210.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 420.00 490.00 550.00 610.00 660.00 720.00 790.00 820.00 860.00 960.00 1060.00 1153
Davao Philippines 7.08 125.61 PHL 120.00 170.00 230.00 300.00 400.00 490.00 610.00 720.00 850.00 1000.00 1150.00 1320.00 1400.00 1520.00 1730.00 1910.00 2065
Manila Philippines 14.61 120.96 PHL 1540.00 1870.00 2270.00 2830.00 3530.00 5000.00 5960.00 6890.00 7970.00 9400.00 9960.00 10760.00 11100.00 11660.00 12790.00 13890.00 14808
Zamboanga Philippines 6.90 122.06 PHL 110.00 120.00 130.00 160.00 200.00 210.00 340.00 390.00 440.00 510.00 600.00 720.00 770.00 860.00 990.00 1100.00 1192
Kraków Krakow Poland 50.06 19.94 POL 340.00 400.00 470.00 520.00 580.00 640.00 700.00 720.00 740.00 750.00 760.00 760.00 760.00 760.00 760.00 760.00 755
Lódz Lodz Poland 51.77 19.47 POL 610.00 660.00 700.00 730.00 760.00 800.00 820.00 830.00 840.00 820.00 800.00 770.00 760.00 740.00 740.00 740.00 735
Warszawa Warsaw Poland 52.24 21.01 POL 770.00 940.00 1120.00 1210.00 1300.00 1440.00 1560.00 1600.00 1630.00 1650.00 1670.00 1690.00 1710.00 1720.00 1740.00 1740.00 1736
Lisboa Lisbon Portugal 38.72 -9.12 PRT 1300.00 1400.00 1510.00 1660.00 1820.00 2100.00 2450.00 2520.00 2540.00 2600.00 2670.00 2760.00 2810.00 2890.00 3000.00 3060.00 3086
Porto Portugal 41.16 -8.58 PRT 730.00 780.00 840.00 880.00 920.00 1010.00 1100.00 1140.00 1160.00 1210.00 1250.00 1310.00 1340.00 1380.00 1440.00 1480.00 1497
San Juan Puerto Rico 18.80 -71.22 PRI 450.00 520.00 600.00 740.00 920.00 1070.00 1240.00 1380.00 1540.00 1860.00 2240.00 2600.00 2690.00 2760.00 2800.00 2800.00 2803
Bucuresti Bucharest Romania 44.43 26.12 ROU 650.00 860.00 1000.00 1150.00 1400.00 1700.00 1860.00 1950.00 2040.00 2020.00 1950.00 1940.00 1940.00 1950.00 1950.00 1950.00 1949
Chelyabinsk Russian Federation 55.14 61.39 RUS 570.00 640.00 710.00 790.00 880.00 970.00 1050.00 1100.00 1130.00 1100.00 1080.00 1090.00 1090.00 1090.00 1090.00 1080.00 1085
Kazan Kazan' Russian Federation 55.73 49.14 RUS 510.00 590.00 670.00 770.00 880.00 940.00 1010.00 1060.00 1090.00 1090.00 1100.00 1110.00 1120.00 1120.00 1120.00 1120.00 1122
Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation 56.01 92.83 RUS 290.00 360.00 440.00 540.00 660.00 730.00 810.00 870.00 910.00 910.00 910.00 920.00 920.00 930.00 930.00 940.00 935
Moskva Moscow Russian Federation 55.74 37.70 RUS 5360.00 5750.00 6170.00 6620.00 7110.00 7620.00 8140.00 8580.00 8990.00 9200.00 10020.00 10420.00 10450.00 10500.00 10520.00 10530.00 10526
Nizhniy Novgorod Novgorod Russian Federation 58.54 31.27 RUS 800.00 880.00 970.00 1070.00 1180.00 1270.00 1360.00 1400.00 1420.00 1380.00 1330.00 1290.00 1280.00 1270.00 1260.00 1260.00 1262
Novosibirsk Russian Federation 55.03 82.94 RUS 720.00 810.00 920.00 1040.00 1170.00 1250.00 1330.00 1390.00 1430.00 1430.00 1430.00 1400.00 1390.00 1380.00 1370.00 1370.00 1366
Omsk Russian Federation 55.06 73.25 RUS 440.00 520.00 610.00 710.00 830.00 930.00 1030.00 1100.00 1140.00 1140.00 1140.00 1140.00 1140.00 1130.00 1120.00 1120.00 1125
Perm Perm' Russian Federation 58.00 56.23 RUS 500.00 570.00 660.00 750.00 860.00 940.00 1010.00 1050.00 1080.00 1040.00 1010.00 990.00 1000.00 1000.00 1010.00 1010.00 1007
Rostov-na-Donu Rostov-on-Don Russian Federation 47.23 39.68 RUS 480.00 550.00 620.00 700.00 800.00 870.00 950.00 990.00 1020.00 1040.00 1060.00 1060.00 1050.00 1050.00 1040.00 1040.00 1044
Samara Russian Federation 53.23 50.16 RUS 660.00 740.00 840.00 940.00 1060.00 1150.00 1220.00 1240.00 1240.00 1210.00 1170.00 1150.00 1140.00 1130.00 1120.00 1120.00 1119
Sankt Peterburg Saint Petersburg Russian Federation 59.91 30.24 RUS 2900.00 3140.00 3400.00 3680.00 3980.00 4320.00 4640.00 4840.00 4990.00 4840.00 4730.00 4590.00 4550.00 4510.00 4480.00 4480.00 4476
Saratov Russian Federation 51.49 45.95 RUS 470.00 530.00 600.00 680.00 760.00 820.00 860.00 890.00 900.00 890.00 880.00 850.00 840.00 830.00 820.00 820.00 822
Ufa Russian Federation 54.82 56.09 RUS 420.00 490.00 570.00 670.00 780.00 890.00 980.00 1040.00 1080.00 1060.00 1050.00 1030.00 1020.00 1000.00 990.00 990.00 986
Volgograd Russian Federation 48.70 44.48 RUS 460.00 530.00 620.00 720.00 820.00 880.00 940.00 970.00 1000.00 1000.00 1010.00 990.00 980.00 970.00 970.00 960.00 965
Voronezh Russian Federation 51.71 39.26 RUS 330.00 400.00 470.00 560.00 670.00 730.00 800.00 850.00 880.00 870.00 850.00 850.00 840.00 840.00 840.00 840.00 838
Yekaterinburg Russian Federation 56.83 60.58 RUS 630.00 710.00 810.00 920.00 1040.00 1140.00 1230.00 1300.00 1350.00 1330.00 1300.00 1310.00 1310.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00 1324
Kigali Rwanda -1.95 30.05 RWA 20.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 90.00 130.00 170.00 220.00 290.00 500.00 780.00 860.00 950.00 1150.00 1410.00 1715
La Paz Bolivia -16.50 -68.15 BOL 320.00 370.00 440.00 510.00 600.00 700.00 810.00 930.00 1060.00 1270.00 1390.00 1530.00 1590.00 1690.00 1860.00 2030.00 2178
Santa Cruz Santa Cruz de La Sierra Bolivia -17.78 -63.19 BOL 40.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 170.00 230.00 320.00 450.00 620.00 830.00 1050.00 1320.00 1420.00 1550.00 1720.00 1880.00 2016
Ad-Dammam Ad Damman Saudi Arabia 26.33 50.08 SAU 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 80.00 140.00 200.00 280.00 410.00 530.00 640.00 770.00 820.00 900.00 1020.00 1120.00 1212
Al-Madinah Medina Saudi Arabia 24.42 39.69 SAU 50.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 130.00 210.00 280.00 390.00 530.00 670.00 800.00 940.00 1010.00 1100.00 1240.00 1360.00 1474
Ar-Riyadh Riyadh Saudi Arabia 24.65 46.77 SAU 110.00 130.00 160.00 230.00 410.00 710.00 1060.00 1570.00 2320.00 3040.00 3570.00 4190.00 4460.00 4860.00 5400.00 5870.00 6275
Jiddah Jeddah Saudi Arabia 21.54 39.17 SAU 120.00 130.00 140.00 200.00 350.00 590.00 850.00 1220.00 1740.00 2200.00 2510.00 2860.00 3010.00 3240.00 3590.00 3910.00 4190
Makkah Mecca Saudi Arabia 21.42 39.81 SAU 150.00 150.00 160.00 190.00 270.00 380.00 500.00 660.00 860.00 1030.00 1170.00 1320.00 1380.00 1490.00 1650.00 1810.00 1948
Dakar Senegal 14.68 -17.45 SEN 210.00 240.00 360.00 470.00 610.00 780.00 960.00 1160.00 1400.00 1690.00 2030.00 2430.00 2600.00 2860.00 3280.00 3730.00 4225
Beograd Belgrade Serbia 44.79 20.41 SRB 410.00 500.00 580.00 650.00 730.00 870.00 1060.00 1120.00 1160.00 1150.00 1130.00 1110.00 1100.00 1100.00 1110.00 1130.00 1163
Freetown Sierra Leone 8.48 -13.23 SLE 90.00 100.00 120.00 150.00 210.00 280.00 360.00 460.00 530.00 600.00 690.00 780.00 830.00 890.00 1030.00 1200.00 1406
Singapore Singapore 1.26 103.83 SGP 1020.00 1310.00 1630.00 1880.00 2080.00 2260.00 2420.00 2710.00 3020.00 3480.00 4020.00 4330.00 4440.00 4590.00 4810.00 4960.00 5104
Hà Noi Hanoi Viet Nam 21.03 105.82 VNM 280.00 420.00 640.00 920.00 1310.00 1880.00 2610.00 2850.00 3130.00 3420.00 3750.00 4170.00 4380.00 4720.00 5360.00 6040.00 6754
Hai Phòng Haiphong Viet Nam 20.86 106.67 VNM 170.00 250.00 370.00 510.00 700.00 970.00 1290.00 1380.00 1470.00 1580.00 1700.00 1880.00 1970.00 2130.00 2430.00 2750.00 3096
Thành Pho Ho Chí Minh Ho Chi Minh City Viet Nam 10.75 106.66 VNM 1210.00 1300.00 1400.00 1760.00 2230.00 2810.00 3460.00 3720.00 4000.00 4300.00 4620.00 5070.00 5310.00 5720.00 6480.00 7290.00 8149
Muqdisho Mogadishu Somalia 2.04 45.34 SOM 70.00 70.00 90.00 150.00 270.00 440.00 550.00 750.00 1040.00 1150.00 1200.00 1420.00 1100.00 1500.00 1790.00 2140.00 2529
Cape Town South Africa -33.97 18.48 ZAF 620.00 700.00 800.00 940.00 1110.00 1340.00 1610.00 1920.00 2160.00 2390.00 2720.00 3090.00 3220.00 3360.00 3500.00 3630.00 3744
Durban South Africa -29.83 30.94 ZAF 480.00 570.00 680.00 760.00 860.00 1020.00 1210.00 1450.00 1720.00 2080.00 2370.00 2640.00 2730.00 2840.00 2960.00 3070.00 3173
Ekurhuleni East Rand South Africa -26.17 28.22 ZAF 550.00 610.00 680.00 780.00 900.00 1000.00 1110.00 1240.00 1530.00 1890.00 2330.00 2820.00 2990.00 3160.00 3310.00 3430.00 3539
Johannesburg South Africa -26.17 28.00 ZAF 900.00 1020.00 1150.00 1290.00 1440.00 1550.00 1660.00 1770.00 1900.00 2260.00 2730.00 3260.00 3440.00 3620.00 3780.00 3920.00 4041
Port Elizabeth South Africa -33.88 25.48 ZAF 190.00 240.00 290.00 370.00 480.00 530.00 590.00 660.00 830.00 910.00 960.00 1000.00 1020.00 1050.00 1100.00 1150.00 1197
Pretoria South Africa -25.73 28.21 ZAF 280.00 340.00 420.00 490.00 560.00 620.00 690.00 760.00 910.00 950.00 1080.00 1270.00 1340.00 1410.00 1480.00 1540.00 1604
Vereeniging South Africa -26.67 27.93 ZAF 120.00 150.00 190.00 240.00 310.00 370.00 450.00 550.00 740.00 800.00 900.00 1030.00 1070.00 1130.00 1180.00 1240.00 1286
Harare Zimbabwe -17.82 31.02 ZWE 140.00 190.00 250.00 320.00 420.00 530.00 620.00 780.00 1050.00 1260.00 1380.00 1520.00 1570.00 1660.00 1840.00 2040.00 2247
Barcelona Spain 41.38 2.18 ESP 1810.00 2100.00 2470.00 2930.00 3480.00 3680.00 3840.00 3970.00 4100.00 4320.00 4560.00 4820.00 4920.00 5060.00 5170.00 5180.00 5183
Madrid Spain 40.44 -3.69 ESP 1700.00 2020.00 2390.00 2900.00 3520.00 3890.00 4250.00 4360.00 4410.00 4700.00 5040.00 5410.00 5570.00 5760.00 5920.00 5930.00 5935
Valencia Spain 39.47 -0.36 ESP 510.00 510.00 500.00 570.00 640.00 700.00 740.00 760.00 780.00 780.00 800.00 800.00 810.00 820.00 830.00 840.00 847
Al-Khartum Khartoum Sudan 15.55 32.52 SDN 180.00 250.00 350.00 480.00 660.00 890.00 1160.00 1610.00 2360.00 3240.00 3950.00 4520.00 4750.00 5180.00 6080.00 7020.00 7937
Stockholm Sweden 59.33 17.99 SWE 740.00 770.00 800.00 1000.00 1040.00 1020.00 990.00 1010.00 1040.00 1140.00 1210.00 1250.00 1260.00 1280.00 1310.00 1330.00 1343
Zürich Zurich Switzerland 47.40 8.53 CHE 490.00 510.00 540.00 610.00 710.00 710.00 710.00 840.00 1010.00 1050.00 1080.00 1100.00 1110.00 1120.00 1130.00 1150.00 1172
Baixada Santista Brazil -23.95 -46.36 BRA 250.00 310.00 400.00 500.00 620.00 770.00 950.00 1060.00 1180.00 1320.00 1470.00 1640.00 1710.00 1810.00 1940.00 2030.00 2095
Belém Belem Brazil -1.43 -48.49 BRA 240.00 300.00 380.00 480.00 600.00 710.00 830.00 970.00 1130.00 1390.00 1750.00 2040.00 2170.00 2340.00 2520.00 2640.00 2717
Belo Horizonte Brazil -19.85 -43.90 BRA 410.00 570.00 780.00 1080.00 1480.00 1910.00 2440.00 2950.00 3550.00 4090.00 4660.00 5300.00 5580.00 5940.00 6360.00 6600.00 6748
Brasília Brasilia Brazil -15.79 -47.89 BRA 40.00 70.00 140.00 270.00 520.00 830.00 1290.00 1560.00 1860.00 2260.00 2750.00 3340.00 3600.00 3940.00 4280.00 4460.00 4578
Campinas Brazil -22.90 -47.05 BRA 150.00 210.00 290.00 400.00 540.00 770.00 1110.00 1370.00 1690.00 1980.00 2260.00 2630.00 2790.00 3000.00 3240.00 3380.00 3474
Campo Grande Brazil -20.45 -54.61 BRA 30.00 40.00 60.00 90.00 130.00 190.00 280.00 370.00 490.00 570.00 650.00 740.00 780.00 830.00 900.00 940.00 978
Cuiabá Cuiaba Brazil -15.61 -56.09 BRA 30.00 40.00 50.00 70.00 100.00 160.00 260.00 370.00 510.00 610.00 690.00 770.00 810.00 860.00 920.00 970.00 1008
Curitiba Brazil -25.43 -49.28 BRA 160.00 240.00 380.00 500.00 650.00 920.00 1310.00 1550.00 1830.00 2140.00 2490.00 2910.00 3080.00 3320.00 3580.00 3740.00 3836
Florianópolis Florianopolis Brazil -27.57 -48.61 BRA 70.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 150.00 220.00 330.00 410.00 500.00 610.00 730.00 930.00 1020.00 1140.00 1260.00 1330.00 1374
Fortaleza Brazil -3.78 -38.58 BRA 260.00 360.00 500.00 660.00 870.00 1140.00 1490.00 1820.00 2230.00 2550.00 2880.00 3240.00 3390.00 3600.00 3850.00 4010.00 4117
Goiânia Goiania Brazil -16.72 -49.25 BRA 50.00 90.00 150.00 240.00 380.00 530.00 740.00 920.00 1130.00 1360.00 1610.00 1900.00 2020.00 2190.00 2370.00 2480.00 2556
Grande São Luís Sao Luis Brazil -2.51 -44.30 BRA 120.00 140.00 160.00 200.00 260.00 340.00 440.00 550.00 670.00 780.00 880.00 990.00 1040.00 1110.00 1190.00 1250.00 1296
Grande Vitória Vitoria Brazil -20.30 -40.35 BRA 80.00 120.00 170.00 240.00 340.00 490.00 720.00 870.00 1050.00 1220.00 1400.00 1610.00 1700.00 1830.00 1980.00 2070.00 2132
João Pessoa Joao Pessoa Brazil -7.12 -34.86 BRA 120.00 150.00 180.00 230.00 290.00 360.00 450.00 540.00 650.00 740.00 830.00 920.00 960.00 1010.00 1090.00 1140.00 1183
Maceió Maceio Brazil -9.67 -35.74 BRA 120.00 150.00 180.00 220.00 280.00 340.00 420.00 530.00 660.00 800.00 950.00 1120.00 1190.00 1280.00 1390.00 1460.00 1510
Manaus Brazil -3.12 -60.01 BRA 90.00 120.00 150.00 210.00 280.00 410.00 600.00 760.00 960.00 1160.00 1390.00 1640.00 1750.00 1900.00 2060.00 2160.00 2223
Natal Brazil -5.80 -35.21 BRA 110.00 140.00 180.00 220.00 290.00 370.00 470.00 570.00 690.00 800.00 910.00 1040.00 1090.00 1160.00 1250.00 1320.00 1362
Norte/Nordeste Catarinense Brazil -26.32 -48.84 BRA 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 200.00 280.00 380.00 480.00 600.00 710.00 820.00 940.00 990.00 1060.00 1150.00 1200.00 1247
Pôrto Alegre Porto Alegre Brazil -30.04 -51.20 BRA 490.00 660.00 880.00 1110.00 1400.00 1730.00 2130.00 2500.00 2930.00 3240.00 3500.00 3800.00 3920.00 4100.00 4340.00 4520.00 4633
Recife Brazil -8.08 -34.91 BRA 660.00 840.00 1070.00 1330.00 1640.00 1870.00 2120.00 2390.00 2690.00 2960.00 3230.00 3530.00 3650.00 3830.00 4070.00 4240.00 4347
Rio de Janeiro Brazil -22.72 -43.45 BRA 2950.00 3590.00 4370.00 5390.00 6640.00 7560.00 8580.00 9090.00 9600.00 10170.00 10800.00 11470.00 11750.00 12170.00 12780.00 13180.00 13413
Salvador Brazil -12.99 -38.48 BRA 400.00 520.00 670.00 850.00 1070.00 1340.00 1680.00 1980.00 2330.00 2640.00 2970.00 3330.00 3480.00 3700.00 3950.00 4110.00 4222
São Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil -23.58 -46.62 BRA 2330.00 3040.00 3970.00 5490.00 7620.00 9610.00 12090.00 13400.00 14780.00 15950.00 17100.00 18330.00 18840.00 19580.00 20540.00 21120.00 21428
Teresina Brazil -5.10 -42.80 BRA 50.00 80.00 100.00 140.00 200.00 280.00 390.00 490.00 610.00 710.00 790.00 870.00 910.00 960.00 1030.00 1080.00 1121
Dimashq Damascus Syrian Arab Republic 33.49 36.29 SYR 370.00 460.00 580.00 730.00 910.00 1120.00 1380.00 1550.00 1690.00 1850.00 2040.00 2330.00 2470.00 2680.00 2980.00 3290.00 3605
Halab Aleppo Syrian Arab Republic 36.21 37.15 SYR 320.00 390.00 480.00 590.00 720.00 880.00 1070.00 1290.00 1550.00 1870.00 2220.00 2580.00 2740.00 2970.00 3310.00 3650.00 3993
Hims Homs Syrian Arab Republic 34.73 36.71 SYR 100.00 130.00 160.00 200.00 250.00 310.00 390.00 470.00 560.00 680.00 810.00 950.00 1000.00 1100.00 1230.00 1360.00 1504
Krung Thep Bangkok Thailand 13.75 100.51 THA 1360.00 1710.00 2150.00 2580.00 3110.00 3840.00 4720.00 5280.00 5890.00 6110.00 6330.00 6580.00 6700.00 6920.00 7330.00 7810.00 8332
Lomé Lome Togo 6.10 1.20 TGO 30.00 60.00 100.00 140.00 190.00 260.00 340.00 470.00 620.00 800.00 1020.00 1320.00 1450.00 1670.00 2040.00 2410.00 2791
Dubayy Dubai United Arab Emirates 25.27 55.32 ARE 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 80.00 170.00 250.00 340.00 470.00 650.00 940.00 1270.00 1380.00 1520.00 1710.00 1890.00 2077
Adana Turkey 37.00 35.32 TUR 140.00 200.00 270.00 340.00 400.00 470.00 570.00 760.00 910.00 1010.00 1120.00 1240.00 1290.00 1360.00 1470.00 1560.00 1635
Ankara Turkey 39.92 32.85 TUR 280.00 440.00 640.00 950.00 1340.00 1710.00 1890.00 2210.00 2560.00 2840.00 3180.00 3570.00 3720.00 3910.00 4180.00 4400.00 4589
Antalya Turkey 36.89 30.70 TUR 30.00 40.00 50.00 70.00 100.00 130.00 180.00 260.00 370.00 470.00 600.00 740.00 780.00 840.00 910.00 970.00 1021
Bursa Turkey 40.19 29.07 TUR 150.00 180.00 220.00 300.00 320.00 340.00 480.00 600.00 820.00 980.00 1180.00 1410.00 1490.00 1590.00 1710.00 1820.00 1906
Gaziantep Turkey 37.04 37.30 TUR 100.00 140.00 180.00 230.00 260.00 300.00 370.00 470.00 600.00 710.00 840.00 990.00 1040.00 1110.00 1200.00 1270.00 1340
Istanbul Turkey 41.06 29.00 TUR 970.00 1250.00 1450.00 2000.00 2770.00 3600.00 4400.00 5410.00 6550.00 7660.00 8740.00 9710.00 10060.00 10530.00 11180.00 11700.00 12102
Izmir Turkey 38.43 27.14 TUR 220.00 290.00 360.00 560.00 880.00 1050.00 1220.00 1470.00 1740.00 1970.00 2220.00 2490.00 2590.00 2720.00 2920.00 3080.00 3223
Konya Turkey 37.87 32.48 TUR 100.00 140.00 180.00 240.00 240.00 250.00 340.00 430.00 510.00 610.00 730.00 870.00 920.00 980.00 1060.00 1130.00 1185
Kampala Uganda 0.32 32.57 UGA 100.00 110.00 140.00 220.00 340.00 400.00 470.00 600.00 760.00 910.00 1100.00 1320.00 1420.00 1600.00 1980.00 2510.00 3198
Dnipropetrovs'k Ukraine 48.42 35.13 UKR 540.00 610.00 680.00 770.00 870.00 980.00 1080.00 1140.00 1160.00 1120.00 1080.00 1060.00 1050.00 1040.00 1040.00 1040.00 1042
Donets'k Ukraine 48.04 37.73 UKR 580.00 650.00 720.00 800.00 890.00 960.00 1030.00 1080.00 1100.00 1060.00 1030.00 1000.00 990.00 980.00 970.00 970.00 972
Kharkiv Ukraine 49.98 36.20 UKR 760.00 860.00 970.00 1090.00 1230.00 1350.00 1470.00 1540.00 1590.00 1530.00 1480.00 1460.00 1460.00 1460.00 1460.00 1460.00 1455
Kyiv Kiev Ukraine 50.44 30.50 UKR 820.00 970.00 1160.00 1390.00 1660.00 1930.00 2200.00 2410.00 2570.00 2590.00 2610.00 2670.00 2710.00 2750.00 2770.00 2770.00 2772
Odesa Ukraine 46.46 30.73 UKR 530.00 610.00 690.00 790.00 900.00 980.00 1050.00 1080.00 1090.00 1060.00 1040.00 1000.00 990.00 980.00 970.00 970.00 970
Zaporizhzhya Zaporiyhzhya Ukraine 47.85 35.15 UKR 320.00 380.00 460.00 550.00 660.00 730.00 800.00 840.00 870.00 850.00 820.00 800.00 790.00 780.00 770.00 770.00 772
Al-Iskandariyah Alexandria Egypt 31.20 29.90 EGY 1040.00 1250.00 1500.00 1750.00 1990.00 2240.00 2520.00 2830.00 3060.00 3280.00 3600.00 4000.00 4160.00 4420.00 4820.00 5210.00 5652
Al-Qahirah Cairo Egypt 30.07 31.25 EGY 2490.00 3030.00 3680.00 4740.00 5580.00 6450.00 7350.00 8330.00 9060.00 9710.00 10530.00 11490.00 11890.00 12500.00 13460.00 14450.00 15561
Birmingham United Kingdom 52.49 -1.86 GBR 2230.00 2280.00 2340.00 2360.00 2370.00 2360.00 2360.00 2330.00 2300.00 2290.00 2280.00 2280.00 2280.00 2290.00 2300.00 2320.00 2323
Glasgow United Kingdom 55.86 -4.26 GBR 1760.00 1780.00 1800.00 1770.00 1730.00 1600.00 1460.00 1330.00 1220.00 1190.00 1170.00 1160.00 1160.00 1160.00 1180.00 1190.00 1197
Liverpool United Kingdom 53.42 -2.97 GBR 1380.00 1380.00 1380.00 1330.00 1280.00 1020.00 780.00 790.00 830.00 830.00 820.00 810.00 810.00 820.00 820.00 840.00 845
London United Kingdom 51.48 -0.17 GBR 8360.00 8280.00 8200.00 7870.00 7510.00 7550.00 7660.00 7670.00 7650.00 7910.00 8220.00 8500.00 8570.00 8610.00 8620.00 8620.00 8618
Manchester United Kingdom 53.47 -2.26 GBR 2420.00 2420.00 2430.00 2410.00 2400.00 2370.00 2340.00 2310.00 2280.00 2260.00 2240.00 2230.00 2230.00 2240.00 2250.00 2260.00 2267
Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom 54.96 -1.60 GBR 910.00 920.00 930.00 910.00 890.00 840.00 790.00 820.00 880.00 880.00 880.00 880.00 880.00 890.00 900.00 910.00 918
West Yorkshire United Kingdom 53.79 -1.54 GBR 1690.00 1700.00 1700.00 1710.00 1730.00 1620.00 1500.00 1460.00 1450.00 1470.00 1500.00 1520.00 1530.00 1540.00 1550.00 1560.00 1575
Dar es Salaam United Republic of Tanzania -6.81 39.25 TZA 70.00 110.00 160.00 230.00 360.00 570.00 840.00 1050.00 1320.00 1670.00 2120.00 2680.00 2930.00 3320.00 4020.00 4800.00 5688
Atlanta United States of America 33.79 -84.34 USA 510.00 630.00 780.00 960.00 1180.00 1390.00 1620.00 1880.00 2180.00 2780.00 3540.00 4310.00 4510.00 4700.00 4890.00 5040.00 5151
Austin United States of America 30.27 -97.73 USA 140.00 160.00 190.00 220.00 270.00 320.00 380.00 470.00 570.00 720.00 910.00 1110.00 1160.00 1220.00 1280.00 1330.00 1372
Baltimore United States of America 39.32 -76.61 USA 1170.00 1290.00 1420.00 1490.00 1560.00 1650.00 1750.00 1800.00 1850.00 1960.00 2080.00 2210.00 2260.00 2320.00 2420.00 2510.00 2578
Boston United States of America 42.37 -71.10 USA 2550.00 2680.00 2820.00 3000.00 3190.00 3230.00 3280.00 3350.00 3430.00 3730.00 4050.00 4360.00 4470.00 4600.00 4770.00 4920.00 5032
Bridgeport-Stamford United States of America 41.18 -73.19 USA 420.00 510.00 620.00 660.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 710.00 710.00 800.00 890.00 990.00 1020.00 1060.00 1110.00 1150.00 1193
Buffalo United States of America 42.89 -78.84 USA 900.00 980.00 1060.00 1070.00 1080.00 1040.00 1000.00 980.00 960.00 970.00 980.00 1000.00 1020.00 1050.00 1100.00 1140.00 1180
Charlotte United States of America 35.20 -80.83 USA 140.00 170.00 210.00 240.00 280.00 320.00 350.00 400.00 460.00 600.00 770.00 950.00 1000.00 1040.00 1100.00 1140.00 1183
Chicago United States of America 41.82 -87.64 USA 5000.00 5560.00 6180.00 6640.00 7110.00 7160.00 7220.00 7280.00 7370.00 7840.00 8330.00 8820.00 8990.00 9210.00 9520.00 9760.00 9932
Cincinnati United States of America 39.14 -84.47 USA 880.00 980.00 1090.00 1140.00 1200.00 1220.00 1230.00 1280.00 1340.00 1420.00 1510.00 1600.00 1640.00 1690.00 1760.00 1830.00 1886
Cleveland United States of America 41.39 -81.72 USA 1390.00 1580.00 1790.00 1880.00 1950.00 1850.00 1750.00 1710.00 1680.00 1730.00 1790.00 1860.00 1890.00 1940.00 2030.00 2100.00 2165
Columbus, Ohio Columbus United States of America 40.04 -82.99 USA 440.00 520.00 620.00 700.00 790.00 810.00 840.00 890.00 950.00 1040.00 1140.00 1240.00 1270.00 1310.00 1380.00 1430.00 1477
Dallas-Fort Worth Dallas United States of America 32.76 -96.66 USA 870.00 1120.00 1450.00 1720.00 2020.00 2230.00 2470.00 2820.00 3220.00 3660.00 4170.00 4660.00 4800.00 4960.00 5150.00 5300.00 5419
Dayton United States of America 39.75 -84.19 USA 350.00 420.00 510.00 590.00 680.00 640.00 600.00 600.00 620.00 660.00 710.00 750.00 770.00 800.00 840.00 880.00 909
Denver-Aurora Denver United States of America 39.57 -105.07 USA 500.00 640.00 810.00 920.00 1050.00 1200.00 1360.00 1440.00 1530.00 1750.00 2000.00 2240.00 2310.00 2400.00 2500.00 2590.00 2661
Detroit United States of America 42.39 -83.07 USA 2770.00 3140.00 3550.00 3760.00 3970.00 3880.00 3810.00 3750.00 3700.00 3800.00 3910.00 4040.00 4100.00 4200.00 4360.00 4500.00 4606
El Paso United States of America 31.77 -106.45 USA 140.00 200.00 280.00 310.00 340.00 390.00 460.00 510.00 570.00 620.00 680.00 730.00 750.00 780.00 820.00 860.00 886
Hartford United States of America 41.76 -72.70 USA 420.00 450.00 480.00 570.00 670.00 700.00 730.00 760.00 780.00 820.00 850.00 890.00 910.00 940.00 990.00 1030.00 1066
Honolulu United States of America 21.32 -157.86 USA 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 440.00 510.00 580.00 610.00 640.00 680.00 720.00 770.00 790.00 810.00 850.00 890.00 923
Houston United States of America 29.77 -95.40 USA 710.00 900.00 1150.00 1400.00 1690.00 2030.00 2420.00 2660.00 2920.00 3350.00 3850.00 4320.00 4460.00 4610.00 4790.00 4940.00 5049
Indianapolis United States of America 39.81 -86.13 USA 500.00 570.00 640.00 730.00 820.00 830.00 840.00 880.00 920.00 1060.00 1230.00 1390.00 1440.00 1490.00 1560.00 1620.00 1673
Jacksonville, Florida Jacksonville United States of America 30.33 -81.65 USA 250.00 300.00 380.00 450.00 530.00 560.00 600.00 670.00 740.00 810.00 890.00 960.00 990.00 1020.00 1070.00 1120.00 1157
Kansas City United States of America 38.99 -94.62 USA 700.00 810.00 920.00 1000.00 1090.00 1080.00 1080.00 1150.00 1230.00 1300.00 1360.00 1440.00 1470.00 1510.00 1580.00 1640.00 1696
Las Vegas United States of America 36.17 -115.13 USA 40.00 60.00 90.00 150.00 240.00 320.00 440.00 560.00 710.00 970.00 1340.00 1720.00 1820.00 1920.00 2010.00 2080.00 2146
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana Los Angeles United States of America 34.00 -118.25 USA 4050.00 5150.00 6530.00 7410.00 8380.00 8930.00 9510.00 10180.00 10880.00 11340.00 11810.00 12310.00 12500.00 12770.00 13160.00 13460.00 13672
Louisville United States of America 38.25 -85.76 USA 480.00 540.00 610.00 670.00 740.00 750.00 760.00 760.00 760.00 810.00 870.00 920.00 950.00 980.00 1030.00 1070.00 1108
Memphis United States of America 35.11 -90.00 USA 410.00 470.00 550.00 600.00 670.00 720.00 780.00 800.00 830.00 900.00 980.00 1050.00 1080.00 1120.00 1170.00 1220.00 1262
Miami United States of America 25.83 -80.27 USA 620.00 920.00 1360.00 1710.00 2140.00 2590.00 3120.00 3520.00 3970.00 4430.00 4950.00 5440.00 5580.00 5760.00 5970.00 6140.00 6272
Milwaukee United States of America 43.06 -87.99 USA 840.00 980.00 1150.00 1200.00 1250.00 1230.00 1210.00 1220.00 1230.00 1270.00 1310.00 1360.00 1390.00 1430.00 1500.00 1550.00 1602
Minneapolis-St. Paul Minneapolis United States of America 44.92 -93.30 USA 1000.00 1180.00 1380.00 1540.00 1710.00 1750.00 1790.00 1940.00 2090.00 2240.00 2400.00 2560.00 2620.00 2700.00 2810.00 2900.00 2983
Nashville-Davidson Nashville United States of America 36.14 -86.81 USA 260.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 480.00 520.00 550.00 580.00 660.00 760.00 850.00 880.00 910.00 960.00 1000.00 1034
New Orleans United States of America 29.95 -90.09 USA 660.00 750.00 850.00 900.00 960.00 1020.00 1080.00 1060.00 1040.00 1020.00 1010.00 1000.00 780.00 980.00 980.00 1000.00 1037
New York-Newark New York United States of America 40.70 -73.90 USA 12340.00 13220.00 14160.00 15180.00 16190.00 15880.00 15600.00 15830.00 16090.00 16940.00 17850.00 18730.00 19040.00 19440.00 19970.00 20370.00 20628
Oklahoma City United States of America 35.48 -97.53 USA 280.00 350.00 430.00 480.00 530.00 570.00 620.00 660.00 710.00 730.00 750.00 770.00 790.00 810.00 850.00 890.00 922
Orlando United States of America 28.54 -81.37 USA 80.00 120.00 200.00 250.00 310.00 430.00 580.00 720.00 890.00 1020.00 1160.00 1310.00 1350.00 1400.00 1470.00 1530.00 1574
Philadelphia United States of America 39.92 -75.21 USA 3130.00 3510.00 3930.00 4160.00 4400.00 4470.00 4540.00 4630.00 4720.00 4940.00 5160.00 5400.00 5490.00 5630.00 5840.00 6000.00 6133
Phoenix-Mesa Phoenix United States of America 33.50 -112.11 USA 220.00 350.00 560.00 700.00 870.00 1120.00 1420.00 1700.00 2020.00 2440.00 2930.00 3420.00 3550.00 3690.00 3840.00 3960.00 4062
Pittsburgh United States of America 40.49 -79.99 USA 1540.00 1670.00 1800.00 1830.00 1840.00 1830.00 1810.00 1740.00 1680.00 1720.00 1760.00 1810.00 1840.00 1890.00 1970.00 2040.00 2105
Portland United States of America 45.44 -122.64 USA 520.00 580.00 660.00 740.00 830.00 920.00 1030.00 1100.00 1180.00 1370.00 1600.00 1810.00 1880.00 1950.00 2040.00 2110.00 2172
Providence United States of America 41.81 -71.42 USA 700.00 740.00 790.00 860.00 940.00 960.00 990.00 1020.00 1050.00 1110.00 1180.00 1250.00 1280.00 1320.00 1380.00 1440.00 1481
Richmond United States of America 37.56 -77.47 USA 260.00 300.00 340.00 420.00 520.00 560.00 600.00 650.00 700.00 760.00 820.00 890.00 910.00 940.00 990.00 1030.00 1069
Riverside-San Bernardino United States of America 34.12 -117.29 USA 140.00 230.00 380.00 470.00 590.00 640.00 710.00 920.00 1180.00 1340.00 1520.00 1690.00 1740.00 1810.00 1890.00 1960.00 2021
Rochester United States of America 43.21 -77.63 USA 410.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 600.00 600.00 610.00 610.00 620.00 660.00 700.00 740.00 760.00 780.00 820.00 860.00 887
Sacramento United States of America 38.56 -121.42 USA 220.00 320.00 460.00 540.00 640.00 710.00 800.00 940.00 1100.00 1240.00 1400.00 1560.00 1600.00 1660.00 1740.00 1800.00 1860
Salt Lake City United States of America 40.69 -111.89 USA 230.00 280.00 350.00 410.00 480.00 570.00 680.00 730.00 790.00 840.00 890.00 940.00 970.00 1000.00 1050.00 1090.00 1128
San Antonio United States of America 29.42 -98.52 USA 450.00 540.00 640.00 710.00 780.00 860.00 950.00 1040.00 1130.00 1230.00 1330.00 1440.00 1470.00 1520.00 1590.00 1660.00 1706
San Diego United States of America 32.76 -117.12 USA 440.00 610.00 840.00 1010.00 1210.00 1440.00 1720.00 2020.00 2360.00 2510.00 2680.00 2850.00 2920.00 3000.00 3130.00 3230.00 3315
San Francisco-Oakland San Francisco United States of America 37.79 -122.38 USA 1860.00 2020.00 2200.00 2360.00 2530.00 2590.00 2660.00 2800.00 2960.00 3100.00 3240.00 3390.00 3450.00 3540.00 3680.00 3800.00 3898
San Jose United States of America 37.30 -121.84 USA 180.00 340.00 610.00 790.00 1010.00 1100.00 1200.00 1290.00 1380.00 1460.00 1540.00 1630.00 1670.00 1720.00 1800.00 1860.00 1921
Seattle United States of America 47.58 -122.31 USA 800.00 930.00 1090.00 1300.00 1560.00 1660.00 1780.00 1980.00 2210.00 2450.00 2730.00 2990.00 3070.00 3170.00 3300.00 3420.00 3503
St. Louis United States of America 38.63 -90.34 USA 1410.00 1540.00 1670.00 1780.00 1880.00 1860.00 1850.00 1900.00 1950.00 2010.00 2080.00 2160.00 2200.00 2260.00 2360.00 2440.00 2510
Tampa-St. Petersburg Tampa United States of America 27.99 -82.59 USA 300.00 440.00 630.00 740.00 870.00 1090.00 1360.00 1530.00 1720.00 1890.00 2070.00 2250.00 2310.00 2390.00 2490.00 2580.00 2652
Tucson United States of America 32.22 -110.92 USA 80.00 130.00 230.00 260.00 300.00 370.00 450.00 510.00 580.00 650.00 720.00 800.00 820.00 850.00 900.00 940.00 969
Virginia Beach United States of America 36.83 -76.08 USA 390.00 530.00 720.00 820.00 930.00 1000.00 1070.00 1170.00 1290.00 1340.00 1400.00 1460.00 1490.00 1540.00 1610.00 1670.00 1719
Washington, D.C. Washington D.C. United States of America 38.89 -76.95 USA 1300.00 1540.00 1820.00 2140.00 2490.00 2630.00 2780.00 3060.00 3380.00 3650.00 3950.00 4240.00 4340.00 4460.00 4640.00 4780.00 4889
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso 12.48 -1.67 BFA 30.00 50.00 60.00 80.00 110.00 150.00 260.00 420.00 540.00 670.00 830.00 1040.00 1150.00 1320.00 1680.00 2110.00 2632
Montevideo Uruguay -34.92 -56.16 URY 1210.00 1250.00 1280.00 1320.00 1360.00 1400.00 1450.00 1510.00 1550.00 1580.00 1560.00 1520.00 1510.00 1500.00 1510.00 1520.00 1520
Tashkent Uzbekistan 41.24 69.34 UZB 760.00 840.00 960.00 1160.00 1400.00 1610.00 1820.00 1960.00 2100.00 2120.00 2140.00 2160.00 2180.00 2250.00 2420.00 2640.00 2892
Barquisimeto Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 10.06 -69.33 VEN 130.00 170.00 240.00 300.00 380.00 480.00 580.00 670.00 740.00 840.00 950.00 1070.00 1120.00 1180.00 1280.00 1360.00 1420
Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 10.49 -66.89 VEN 690.00 960.00 1320.00 1660.00 2060.00 2340.00 2580.00 2690.00 2770.00 2820.00 2860.00 2930.00 2980.00 3100.00 3310.00 3480.00 3619
Maracaibo Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 10.64 -71.63 VEN 280.00 370.00 480.00 570.00 670.00 790.00 920.00 1100.00 1300.00 1500.00 1720.00 1980.00 2070.00 2200.00 2370.00 2500.00 2606
Maracay Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 10.24 -67.59 VEN 60.00 80.00 110.00 160.00 250.00 340.00 460.00 590.00 760.00 830.00 900.00 970.00 1010.00 1060.00 1140.00 1210.00 1271
Valencia Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 10.17 -68.00 VEN 130.00 160.00 210.00 300.00 410.00 550.00 710.00 870.00 1050.00 1180.00 1370.00 1660.00 1770.00 1900.00 2060.00 2170.00 2266
Al-Hudaydah Al Hudaydah Yemen 14.79 42.94 YEM 30.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 70.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 210.00 310.00 460.00 670.00 780.00 950.00 1230.00 1530.00 1854
Sana'a' Sanaa Yemen 15.36 44.20 YEM 50.00 60.00 70.00 90.00 110.00 140.00 240.00 400.00 650.00 1030.00 1360.00 1800.00 2010.00 2340.00 2960.00 3640.00 4382
Ta'izz Yemen 13.57 44.01 YEM 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 170.00 230.00 330.00 460.00 660.00 750.00 900.00 1160.00 1440.00 1743
Lusaka Zambia -15.42 28.17 ZMB 30.00 50.00 90.00 160.00 280.00 380.00 530.00 640.00 760.00 900.00 1070.00 1260.00 1330.00 1420.00 1590.00 1800.00 2047
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