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Last active September 29, 2015 09:42
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Save zeffii/c21da8df731bfd2f9d2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rocket_lander rdx Vec2d FX1
<div class='hawthorn'>
<canvas width="600px" height="600px"></canvas>
<button class='start'>Start!!!</button>
<button class='end'>End!!!</button>
<input id='debug_checkbox' type="checkbox" name="debug_stats" value="debug" checked>Display Debug Info
<input type="radio" id="easy" name="difficulty" value="Easy" checked/> Easy
<input type="radio" id="medium" name="difficulty" value="Medium" /> Medium
<input type="radio" id="harder" name="difficulty" value="Harder" /> Harder
<div class='instructions'><div class='inner'>
<span class='kb'>W</span>, <span class='kb'>S</span> for upper jet bursts
<span class='kb'>A</span>, <span class='kb'>D</span> for lower rocket direction
<span class='kb'>E</span> cut engines,
<span class='kb'>Up</span> throttle up,
<span class='kb'>Down</span> throttle down
Done for educational purposes only. This is not my idea of efficient or pretty code.
If this message is still here, the code hasn't been refactored much.
Cleanups, additions
[ ] horizontal delta velocity considered during landing
[ ] topple animation, detonation of combustables
[ ] smoke / steam on water/rocket proximity
[ ] switch for widescreen mode (current hardcoded 600*600 )
landed = false
tick = 0
show_text = true
show_debug = true
timerVar = {}
difficulty = 'Easy'
## ------------- util functions ----------------------------- ##
color = (r,g,b) -> 'rgb(' + [r, g, b].toString() + ')'
colorA = (r,g,b,a) -> 'rgba(' + [r, g, b, a].toString() + ')'
drawPolygonStroke = (ctx, loc, co, col, lw) ->
ctx.strokeStyle = col
ctx.lineWidth = lw
ctx.moveTo(co[0].x + loc.x, co[0].y + loc.y)
for i in []
ctx.lineTo(co[i].x + loc.x, co[i].y + loc.y)
drawPolygonFill = (ctx, loc, co, col) ->
ctx.fillStyle = col
ctx.moveTo(co[0].x + loc.x, co[0].y + loc.y)
for i in []
ctx.lineTo(co[i].x + loc.x, co[i].y + loc.y)
## ------- objects ------------------------------------ ##
Meteo = ->
@.update = ->
a = Math.sin(@.PI) * 3
b = Math.sin(@.PI * 4) * 3
c = Math.sin(@.PI * 10) * 3
d = Math.sin(@.PI * 2) * 2
@.force = ((a + b + c + d) * 4)
if Math.random() > 0.7
@.PI += 0.01
if @.PI > (30 * Math.PI)
@.PI = 0.0
@.reset = ->
@.PI = Math.random() * 30 * Math.PI
@.force = 0
return @
Rocket = (wind) ->
@.x = 0
@.y = -50
@.angle = 1.2
@.delta_vector2d = {x: 0, y: 0}
@.max_thrust = 24
@.stabilizer_steps = 122
@.stabilizer_step = 0
@.update = ->
old_x = @.vector2d.x
old_y = @.vector2d.y
@.angle = Math.abs(Math.cos(@.rotation))
if @.rocket_fuel <= 0
@.thrust = 0
@.rocket_fuel = 0
@.rocket_fuel -= @.thrust
@.jet_left_tick -= 1 if (@.jet_left_tick > 0)
@.jet_right_tick -= 1 if (@.jet_right_tick > 0)
amp = @.thrust * 0.463
upper_jets = ((@.jet_left_tick - @.jet_right_tick) * 0.007)
@.rotation += (@.thrust_direction * 0.014) + upper_jets
# ever present downwards force
downwards = 7.74
if difficulty == 'Easy'
[force_amp, rotation_amp] = [73, 0.03]
else if difficulty == 'Medium'
[force_amp, rotation_amp] = [43, 1.23]
else if difficulty == 'Harder'
[force_amp, rotation_amp] = [33, 2.93]
horizontal = ((wind.force/force_amp) * Math.abs(Math.cos(@.rotation)) * rotation_amp)
@.orientation2d = {
x: Math.cos(@.rotation - (Math.PI/2)),
y: Math.sin(@.rotation - (Math.PI/2))
horizontal += (@.orientation2d.x * amp)
downwards += (@.orientation2d.y * amp)
@.vector2d = {x: @.vector2d.x + horizontal, y: @.vector2d.y + downwards}
if @.vector2d.y > 700
@.delta_vector2d = {x: (@.vector2d.x - old_x), y: (@.vector2d.y - old_y)}
if @.stabilizer_step == 48
@.deploy_stabilizers = false
if @.deploy_stabilizers
@.stabilizer_step += 2
@.reset = ->
tick = 0
@.stabilizer_step = 0
@.deploy_stabilizers = false
landed = false
@.orientation2d = {x:0, y:1} # y=vertical x=horizontal
@.vector2d = {x:0, y:1.64} # y=vertical x=horizontal
@.rotation = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.6
if 0.0 <= @.rotation <= 0.1
@.rotation = 0.2 + (Math.random() * 0.2)
if -0.1 <= @.rotation < 0.0
@.rotation = -0.2 - (Math.random() * 0.2)
@.rocket_fuel = 2300
@.thrust = 8
@.thrust_direction = 0.00
@.jet_fuel = 4000
@.jet_duration = 8
@.jet_left_tick = 0
@.jet_right_tick = 0
# will optimize this bullshit.
@.update_thrust_direction = (dir) ->
ext = 8.9
if -ext <= @.thrust_direction <= ext
@.thrust_direction += (dir * 0.9)
@.thrust_direction = ext if (@.thrust_direction > ext)
@.thrust_direction = -ext if (@.thrust_direction < -ext)
@.update_thrust = (key) ->
if key == 101
@.thrust = 0
@.thrust = if key == 38 then @.thrust + 1 else @.thrust - 1
@.thrust = 0 if @.thrust < 0 # off
@.thrust = @.max_thrust if @.thrust > @.max_thrust # limit
@.update_jet_direction = (dir) ->
if dir == -1
@.jet_left_tick = @.jet_duration
@.jet_right_tick = @.jet_duration
return @
## ---- role one out of the factory! ----------------------------- ##
wind = new Meteo()
rocket = new Rocket(wind)
## -----------------drawing routines ----------------------------- ##
drawStabilizers = (ctx, obj, w) ->
ctx.strokeStyle = color(195, 195, 195)
ctx.lineWidth = 1
theta = Math.PI * 2 / obj.stabilizer_steps
y = 80
offset = Math.PI / 2
arm1 = 11.2
arm2 = 18.6
a_ = -Math.sin(theta * obj.stabilizer_step) * arm1
y_ = Math.cos(theta * obj.stabilizer_step) * arm1
B = arm2
A = Math.abs(a_)
C = Math.sqrt( (B*B) - (A*A) )
G = [[0,0], [a_, y_], [0, y_ + C]]
# left stabilizer
ctx.moveTo(obj.x + G[0][0] - w, 80 + obj.y - G[0][1])
ctx.lineTo(obj.x + G[1][0] - w, 80 + obj.y - G[1][1])
ctx.lineTo(obj.x + G[2][0] - w, 80 + obj.y - G[2][1])
# right stabilizer
ctx.moveTo(obj.x - G[0][0] + w, 80 + obj.y - G[0][1])
ctx.lineTo(obj.x - G[1][0] + w, 80 + obj.y - G[1][1])
ctx.lineTo(obj.x - G[2][0] + w, 80 + obj.y - G[2][1])
DrawRocket = (ctx, obj, wind) ->
ctx.translate(250 + obj.vector2d.x, obj.vector2d.y)
w = 3 # rocket width
# bg...tricolor
sections = [
{start: 2, end: 32, col: color(115, 115, 115)},
{start: 32, end: 52, col: color(175, 175, 175)},
{start: 52, end: 82, col: color(105, 105, 105)}
ctx.lineWidth = 6
for s in sections
ctx.strokeStyle = s.col
ctx.moveTo(obj.x, obj.y + s.start)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y + s.end)
# draw gradient
grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(obj.x - w, 0, obj.x + w,0)
grd.addColorStop(0, colorA(47, 47, 47, 0.5))
grd.addColorStop(1, colorA(147, 147, 147, 0.8))
ctx.fillStyle = grd
ctx.fillRect(obj.x - w, obj.y, 2*w, 80)
ctx.strokeStyle = color(155, 155, 155)
ctx.lineWidth = 1
# start bottom left, up, over, down, bottom
ctx.moveTo(obj.x - w, obj.y + 80)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x - w, obj.y + 10)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x - (w - 1), obj.y + 1)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x + (w - 1), obj.y + 1)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x + w, obj.y + 10)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x + w, obj.y + 80)
drawStabilizers(ctx, obj, w)
# thrust
if not landed
coords = [
{x: -w, y: 80},
{x:obj.thrust_direction, y: 96 + (obj.thrust/2)},
{x: w, y: 80}
drawPolygonFill(ctx, {x: obj.x, y: obj.y}, coords, color(225, 188, 92))
draw_angled = (x_start, y_start, theta, jet_tick) ->
col = color(225,225,225)
x_dest = Math.cos(theta) * jet_tick * 1.3
y_dest = Math.sin(theta) * jet_tick * 1.3
coords = [{x:0, y:0}, {x:x_dest, y:y_dest}]
drawPolygonStroke(ctx, {x: x_start, y: y_start}, coords, col, 2)
draw_angled(obj.x - w, obj.y + 7, Math.PI + 0.4, rocket.jet_left_tick)
draw_angled(obj.x + w, obj.y + 7, -0.4, rocket.jet_right_tick)
ctx.lineWidth = 1
# left darkest Stroke
ctx.strokeStyle = color(30,30,30)
ctx.moveTo(obj.x - w, obj.y + 80)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x - w, obj.y + 10)
ctx.lineTo(obj.x - (w-1), obj.y + 1)
drawBg = (ctx) ->
grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,600)
grd.addColorStop(0, color(117, 122, 142))
grd.addColorStop(0.41, color(110, 122, 145))
grd.addColorStop(0.45, color(90, 102, 135))
grd.addColorStop(1, color(28, 43, 98))
ctx.fillStyle = grd
DrawText = (ctx, location, msg, size, align, col = '#efefef') ->
textColor = col
textSize = size.toString()
fontFace = "Open Sans"
ctx.textAlign = align
ctx.fillStyle = textColor
ctx.font = textSize + "px " + fontFace
ctx.fillText(msg, location.x, location.y)
DrawBarge = (ctx) ->
gamma = Math.PI*2/300 * tick
x = 250 + Math.sin(gamma) * 2
y = 510 + Math.sin(gamma) * 3
w = 39
ctx.fillStyle = color(42, 42, 42)
ctx.moveTo(x - w, y)
ctx.lineTo(x - (w+4), y + 18)
ctx.lineTo(x + (w+4), y + 18)
ctx.lineTo(x + w, y)
ctx.fillStyle = color(22, 22, 72)
ctx.moveTo(x - w, y + 18)
ctx.lineTo(x - (w-4), y + 23)
ctx.lineTo(x + (w-4), y + 23)
ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + 18)
coords = []
theta = Math.PI * 2 / 23
for j in [0..23]
coords.push({x: Math.sin(theta*j) * 26, y: Math.cos(theta*j) * 6})
drawPolygonStroke(ctx, {x: x+0, y: y+9}, coords, color(150, 150, 60), 1)
return {x: x, y: y, w: w}
DrawMeteoData = (ctx, wind) ->
ypos = 280
coords = [{x:0, y:-8}, {x:wind.force, y:-8}]
drawPolygonStroke(ctx, {x: 300, y: ypos}, coords, color(150, 250, 160), 4)
for i in [-10..10]
{x: 300 + (7 * i), y: ypos-6},
[{x:0,y:0},{x:0, y: if i%3==0 then 10 else 4}],
color(150, 250, 160), 1
updateTicks = () ->
tick += 1
if tick > 300
tick = 0
if tick > 23
show_text = false
updateText = (ctx) ->
if show_text
DrawText(ctx, {x:300, y:60}, 'R T F M!', 32, 'center')
if show_debug
lineheight = 20
line_1 = 'rotation: ' + rocket.rotation.toFixed(3)
line_2 = 'rot cos: ' + rocket.angle.toFixed(3)
line_3 = 'rocket fuel: ' + rocket.rocket_fuel
for line, i in [line_1, line_2, line_3]
DrawText(ctx, {x:20, y:30 + lineheight*i}, line, 18, 'left')
if i==1 and (0.9994 <= rocket.angle <= 1.0006)
ctx.fillRect(5, 19 + (lineheight * i), 10, 10)
ypos = 30 + lineheight*4
DrawText(ctx, {x:20, y: ypos}, 'orien 2d', 18, 'left')
x1 = rocket.orientation2d.x * 14
y1 = rocket.orientation2d.y * 14
coords = [{x:0, y:0}, {x:x1, y:y1}]
xypos = {x: 120, y: ypos-4}
drawPolygonStroke(ctx, xypos, coords, '#efefef', 2)
coords = []
theta = Math.PI * 2 / 23
for j in [0..23]
coords.push({x: Math.sin(theta*j) * 15, y: Math.cos(theta*j) * 15})
drawPolygonStroke(ctx, xypos, coords, '#efefef', 1)
line5 = 'thrust: ' + rocket.thrust
DrawText(ctx, {x:20, y: lineheight*7}, line5, 18, 'left')
line6 = 'difficulty: ' + difficulty
DrawText(ctx, {x:20, y: lineheight*8}, line6, 18, 'left')
check_if_landed = (rocket, limits, ctx) ->
rx = rocket.vector2d.x
ry = rocket.vector2d.y
w = limits.w - 5
if (0.9994 <= rocket.angle <= 1.0006)
if (limits.x - w) <= (rx + 250) <= (limits.x + w)
if (limits.y+6) <= (ry + 40) <= (limits.y + 15)
if rocket.delta_vector2d.y < Math.abs(0.6) # 1.6 .... 0.2
msg = 'soft landing, power down. party time.'
msg = 'hard landing, structure fractured..'
DrawText(ctx, {x:300, y: 300}, msg, '20', 'center')
return true
return false
Draw = (ctx) ->
limits = DrawBarge(ctx)
landed = check_if_landed(rocket, limits, ctx)
DrawRocket(ctx, rocket, wind)
DrawMeteoData(ctx, wind)
if landed
window.clearInterval timerVar
if tick == 13
rocket.deploy_stabilizers = true
removeTimer = ->
window.clearInterval timerVar
addTimer = (ctx) ->
removeTimer() # remove any existing timer
tick = 0
show_text = true
timerVar = setInterval((->
), 50)
$(document).ready( ->
ctx = $("canvas")[0].getContext('2d');
DrawText(ctx, {x:300, y:100}, 'Occupy Mars!', '65', 'center', '#555555')
DrawText(ctx, {x:300, y:150}, 'Play first stage landing game', '30', 'center', '#555555')
$('.start').click( -> addTimer(ctx) )
$('.end').click( -> removeTimer() )
$( "body" ).keypress( (event) ->
if (event.which == 97 ) # A
else if (event.which == 100) # D
else if (event.which == 119) # W
else if (event.which == 115) # S
else if (event.which == 101) # up / down
$( "body" ).keydown( (event) ->
if event.which in [38, 40]
$('input#debug_checkbox').change ( ->
show_debug = $( this )[0].checked
$('input:radio[name="difficulty"]').change( ->
difficulty = $(this).val()
## ------------------------------ END --------------------------------- ##
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