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Created February 2, 2018 16:13
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Model Orientation
package main
import (
embree ""
func timed(name string) func() {
fmt.Printf("%s... ", name)
start := time.Now()
return func() {
func fauxglToEmbree(mesh *fauxgl.Mesh) *embree.Mesh {
triangles := make([]embree.Triangle, len(mesh.Triangles))
for i, t := range mesh.Triangles {
triangles[i] = embree.Triangle{
embree.Vector{t.V1.Position.X, t.V1.Position.Y, t.V1.Position.Z},
embree.Vector{t.V2.Position.X, t.V2.Position.Y, t.V2.Position.Z},
embree.Vector{t.V3.Position.X, t.V3.Position.Y, t.V3.Position.Z},
return embree.NewMesh(triangles)
func main() {
var done func()
done = timed("creating sphere")
sphere := fauxgl.NewSphere(6)
hitSphere := fauxgl.NewSphere(3)
embreeSphere := fauxglToEmbree(hitSphere)
spherePoints := make(map[fauxgl.Vector]bool)
for _, t := range sphere.Triangles {
spherePoints[t.V1.Position] = true
spherePoints[t.V2.Position] = true
spherePoints[t.V3.Position] = true
done = timed("loading mesh")
mesh, err := fauxgl.LoadMesh(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
done = timed("first pass")
lookup1 := make(map[fauxgl.Vector]float64)
for _, t := range mesh.Triangles {
n := t.Normal()
a := t.Area()
if math.IsNaN(n.Length()) {
ray := embree.Ray{embree.Vector{}, embree.Vector{n.X, n.Y, n.Z}}
hit := embreeSphere.Intersect(ray)
p := n.MulScalar(hit.T)
st := hitSphere.Triangles[hit.Index]
p1 := st.V1.Position
p2 := st.V2.Position
p3 := st.V3.Position
b := fauxgl.Barycentric(p1, p2, p3, p)
lookup1[p1] += a * b.X
lookup1[p2] += a * b.Y
lookup1[p3] += a * b.Z
done = timed("second pass")
lookup2 := make(map[fauxgl.Vector]float64)
for p1, a := range lookup1 {
for p2 := range spherePoints {
p := p1.X*p2.X + p1.Y*p2.Y + p1.Z*p2.Z
if p < 0.5 {
if p >= 1 {
p = 1
} else {
p = math.Pow(p, 32)
lookup2[p2] += a * p
done = timed("creating oriented.stl")
var bestVector fauxgl.Vector
bestScore := math.Inf(1)
for k, v := range lookup2 {
if v < bestScore {
bestScore = v
bestVector = k
mesh.Transform(fauxgl.RotateTo(bestVector, fauxgl.Vector{0, 0, 1}))
done = timed("creating normals.stl")
for _, t := range sphere.Triangles {
t.V1.Position = t.V1.Position.MulScalar(lookup2[t.V1.Position])
t.V2.Position = t.V2.Position.MulScalar(lookup2[t.V2.Position])
t.V3.Position = t.V3.Position.MulScalar(lookup2[t.V3.Position])
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