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Created January 22, 2015 06:52
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▶ time makesurface triangulate 10 --tile 0 0 0 | tippecanoe -o tippetest.mbtiles -f -z 5 -Z 5
bbox: 0 0 ffffffff ffbfffff
using layer name tippetest
Sorting 2639920 indices for 2097152 features
Merging: 100%
100.0% 5/31/31
makesurface triangulate 10 --tile 0 0 0 267.43s user 49.23s system 87% cpu 6:02.71 total
tippecanoe -o tippetest.mbtiles -f -z 5 -Z 5 106.24s user 1.94s system 24% cpu 7:15.16 total
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