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Created August 3, 2015 07:30
William Merrow - Data Visualization
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<title>William Merrow - Data Visualization</title>
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<p0><i>Mouse over bars for tooltip<br>Refresh for animation</i></p0><br><br>
<p1>The Disastrous Effect of <i>Citizens United</i></p1>
<p2>Since the misguided 2010 ruling, the state of our campaign finance system has gone from bad to worse</p2>
<p3>Outside spending in presidential elections, 1992-2012:</p3>
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = 550;
var h = 400;
var padding = [40, 25, 20, 80];
//creates an ordinal scale for the x axis (election cycles), sets range bands (in pixels)
var widthScale = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeRoundBands([padding[3], w-padding[1]], .2);
//creates a linear scale for the y axis (outside spending), sets range (in pixels)
var heightScale = d3.scale.linear().range([h-padding[2]-padding[0],0]);
//creates a var for an x axis at the bottom of the chart
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(widthScale).orient("bottom").tickSize(3);
//creates a var for a y axis at the left of the chart
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(heightScale).orient("left").tickValues([0,.25,.5,.75,1]).tickFormat(function(d){return "$"+d+"b";}).tickSize(-w+padding[1]+padding[3]).outerTickSize(0);
var tip = d3.tip()
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.offset([-5, 0])
.html(function(d) {
return d.cycle + ": <span style='color: darkred'>" + "$" + d3.round(d.totalexpB,2) + " billion</span>";
//creates a var for an SVG
var svg ="body").append("svg").attr("width",w).attr("height",h);
d3.csv("OutsideSpending.csv", function(data) {
//sets x axis domain (ordinal scale)
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} );
<p4>Source: Center for Responsive Politics, 2015</p4>
cycle totalexp totalexpB totalexporig indexp eleccomm commcost demfor demagnst repubfor repubagnst
1992 19.635123 0.019635123000 19635123 10947342 0 8687781 8785053 1456731 8372777 927304
1996 17.884043 0.017884043000 17884043 10167742 0 7716301 6669119 1210676 6238743 3643821
2000 51.638411 0.051638411000 51638411 33778636 0 17859775 25015992 1492988 18001514 6558918
2004 193.129472 0.193129472000 193129472 63885795 98898197 30345480 60063207 4155900 22545608 7401923
2008 338.399923 0.338399923000 338399923 143618022 131137181 63644720 120809305 33570233 20382064 32428627
2012 1038.736997 1.038736997000 1038736997 1002135419 15437830 21230660 73333480 454601541 175122392 294832515
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