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GWNO,EVENT_ID_CNTY,EVENT_ID_NO_CNTY,EVENT_DATE,YEAR,TIME_PRECISION,EVENT_TYPE,ACTOR1,ALLY_ACTOR_1,INTER1,ACTOR2,ALLY_ACTOR_2,INTER2,INTERACTION,COUNTRY,ADMIN1,ADMIN2,ADMIN3,LOCATION,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,GEO_PRECIS,SOURCE,NOTES,FATALITIES, 615,1ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14,02 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,,4 January: 16 citizens were murdered in the village of Benachour (Blida) by masked men a few hundred meters away from a military camp. It is of note that the citizens of this village had refused to set up armed militias.,16, 615,2ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,17,03 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Douaouda,,Douaouda,36.672500,2.789400,1,,5 January: Massacre of 18 citizens in the Oliviers district of Douaouda (Tipaza). Among the victims are 3 children and 6 women. This region had refused to organise armed militias.,18, 615,3ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,20,04 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Hadjout,,Hadjout,36.513900,2.417800,1,,"6 January: 23 citizens were horribly mutilated and killed in Hadjout (Tipaza) by an armed group.",23, 615,4ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23,05 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,,7 January: Explosion of a bomb in the Didouche Mourad street in Algiers: 20 dead.,20, 615,5ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50,09 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Ouled Chebel,,Ouled Chebel,36.599400,2.994400,1,,11 January: 5 citizens massacred in Ouled Chebel by an armed group.,5, 615,6ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53,10 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Bouinan,,Bouinane,36.531700,2.991900,1,,"12 January: 14 citizens were murdered in Tabannant (Bouinan, Blida) by an armed group. The victims had sons who joined the underground resistance according to testimonies collected.",14, 615,7ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,99,15 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tamezguida,,Beni Slimane,36.348900,2.754700,1,,"17 January: 43 citizens were murdered in Sidi-Abdelaziz in the region of BTni Slimane (MTdTa) and 6 others in the village of Bouchrahil, in the same region.",43, 615,8ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,114,17 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,,"19 January: Explosion of a car bomb in the main street of Algiers??? working-class district of Belouizdad, one hour after the fast was broken. A true carnage: 54 citizens were killed and 89 others wounded, according to the count from different hospitals",54, 615,9ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,138,20 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,El Oumaria,,El Omaria,36.264400,3.034200,1,,Jan 22: 23 people massacred in El Omaria (MTdTa).,23, 615,10ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,139,20 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Saoula,,Saoula,36.703100,3.023600,1,,22 January: 14 people were murdered in the village of Benramdane in Saoula (Tipaza).,14, 615,11ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,144,21 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Saoula,,Baba Ali,36.666700,3.066700,1,,"Jan 23: The Sifouane, Benmahdi and Loukal families living in Haouch El Hadj in Baba Ali (close to Algiers) were decimated by an armed group. A total of 15 people including 9 women were murdered.",15, 615,12ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,145,21 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Batna,Arris,,Baraki,35.257500,6.351100,1,,"23 January: Explosion of a bomb in the middle of a market in the working-class area of Baraki (Algiers): 30 dead.",30, 615,13ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,149,22 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Berrouaghia,,Berrouaghia,36.136700,2.913100,1,,"24 January: 35 citizens living in the Ouled Ali doyar (Berrouaghia) were murdered by an important armed group.",35, 615,14ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,166,27 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bouira,Dechmia,,Sidi Kaddour,36.133300,3.533300,1,,"29 January: 8 citizens including one baby were murdered in a farm in Sidi-Kaddour located in Sidi-Moussa (Blida). According to the local population the tenants of this farm were suspected to have helped help armed opposition groups.",8, 615,15ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,175,29 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,"31 January: The area of Ktiten located in the city of MTdTa was attacked by dozens of armed masked men. 35 people including women and children were murdered and some horribly mutilated. The citizens of this region had refused to set up armed militias. Th",35, 615,16ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,180,30 January 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Tixter,,Mechta Larbaa,36.050000,5.133300,1,,"1 February: 7 citizens of a farming estate (Haouch Louz) located in LarbaG (Blida) were killed by an armed group.",7, 615,17ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,185,01 February 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,"3 February: 9 people of the same family were killed in horrible conditions in Benchicao (MTdTa).",9, 615,18ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,201,02 February 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,,4 February: 28 people massacred in Boumedfaa (Ain Defla).,28, 615,19ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,231,08 February 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Hammam Melouane,,Hammam Melouane,36.483100,3.047800,1,,10 February: 25 people massacred in Hammam Melouane (Blida) by an armed group.,25, 615,20ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,273,14 February 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,,"16 February: massacre of two families from the El Karrech doyar (Blida). The residents of this doyar had refused to set up militias. One of these families was burnt alive in its home after the armed group set fire to it: 33 people perished in this massac",33, 615,21ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,309,20 February 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tablat,,Tablat,36.411900,3.312800,1,,22 February: 6 family members living in Tablat (MTdTa) were murdered by an armed group.,6, 615,22ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,499,21 March 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ksar El Boukhari,,Ksar el Boukhari,35.885600,2.750800,1,www.a;,"23 March: 32 people, including 14 women, were savagely mutilated and killed in Ouled Antar (Ksar Boukhari).",32, 615,23ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,503,22 March 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Berrouaghia,,Berrouaghia,36.136700,2.913100,1,,24 March: 5 young girls were killed in Berrouaghia by an armed group.,5, 615,24ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,578,01 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Ain El Hadid,,Ain el Hadid,35.056900,0.888900,1,,3 April: 13 people were killed by an armed group in the village of Ann El Hadid (Tiaret).,13, 615,25ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,579,01 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ksar El Boukhari,,Ksar el Boukhari,35.885600,2.750800,1,,"april 3:In the village of Thalit (Ksar Boukhari), an armed group massacred more than 50 citizens",50, 615,26ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,587,02 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chebli,,Chebli,36.577200,3.009200,1,,"4 April: In Amroussa (Chebli. Blida), two families composed of 15 members, including seven women and three children, were exterminated by an armed group.",15, 615,27ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,592,03 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Bouinan,,Bouinane,36.531700,2.991900,1,,5 April: 12 citizens including 7 women were killed by an armed group in Bouinan (Blida).,12, 615,28ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,597,04 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,,"6 April: 15 people massacred by an armed group in Ann Lahdid (Tiaret). 13 people massacred in the Merniche doyar (Tlemcen) by an armed group. 52 people massacred in the village of Thalit (MTdTa) by armed men.",80, 615,29ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,633,09 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Boufarik,,Boufarik,36.574125,2.912142,1,,"11 April: 23 citizens including 12 women and 6 children were savagely massacred in the Menaa village (Boufarik). This massacre took place only a few hours after the death of 5 militia men in a bomb explosion in Haouch Gros (Boufarik).",23, 615,30ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,634,09 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chiffa,,La Chiffa,36.461900,2.741900,1,,11 April: 7 people massacred in la Chiffa (Blida) by an armed group.,7, 615,31ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,650,11 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chebli,,Chebli,36.577200,3.009200,1,,13 April: 32 citizens were massacred by an armed group in the Cha??Èb farm in Chebli (Blida).,32, 615,32ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,700,19 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Bougara,,Bougara,36.540600,3.085300,1,,"21 April: An armed group on horses (!) raided a farm (Haouch Boughelaf) located at the entrance of Bougara (Blida) and proceeded to the horrible massacre of 120 people (including dozens of women and children). It is of note that a military camp, the mili",120, 615,33ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,703,20 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,El Oumaria,,El Omaria,36.264400,3.034200,1,,22 April: 42 people massacred in El Omaria (MTdTa).,42, 615,34ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,716,23 April 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Saoula,,Baba Ali,36.666700,3.066700,1,,25 April: Bomb explosion in a train at the level of Baba Ali (Blida): 21 dead.,21, 615,35ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,864,12 May 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chebli,,Chebli,36.577200,3.009200,1,,"14 May: 29 people including around ten children and women were killed after having been awfully mutilated in the Faner farm (Chebli. Blida) by an armed group.",29, 615,36ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,929,24 May 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mostaganem,Hadjadj,,Djebabra,36.116700,0.322800,1,,"26 May: a family of 8 people was assassinated by an armed group in the village of Djebabra (MTdTa). Thirteen citizen were assassinated in Douaouda (Tipaza) by an armed group.",21, 615,37ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,930,24 May 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,,"26 May: a family of 8 people was assassinated by an armed group in the village of Djebabra (MTdTa). Thirteen citizen were assassinated in Douaouda (Tipaza) by an armed group.",21, 615,38ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,951,27 May 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Cherchel,,Cherchell,36.605000,2.190800,1,,"29 May: 14 people massacred in Bakoura, near Cherchell, by armed men.",14, 615,39ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,973,31 May 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,,2 June: Explosion of a bomb in the working-class area of the Casbah in Algiers: 10 dead.,10, 615,40ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1029,09 June 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Boufarik,,Boufarik,36.574125,2.912142,1,,"11 June: 12 people were killed in Cheranfia, near Boufarik, by armed individuals.",12, 615,41ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1055,12 June 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,,14 June: 16 citizens massacred in Haouch Sahraoui (Blida) by an armed group.,16, 615,42ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1084,14 June 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Selma Benziada,,El Msila,36.666700,5.666700,1,,16 June: 48 citizens killed in the village of Danat Labguer (M???sila) by an armed group.,48, 615,43ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1171,22 June 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,M'Sila,Ouled Madhi,,Mechta Saida,35.536100,4.508600,1,,24 June: Assassination of 15 citizen in Sanda by an armed group.,15, 615,44ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1191,25 June 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Seghouane,,Seghouane,36.001400,2.903300,1,,"27 June: 22 people were killed in the Zmala doyar, Seghouane village (MTdTa) by an armed group.",22, 615,45ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1220,30 June 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Benian,,Chabet Larbaa,35.096100,0.207800,1,,"2 July: 4 people of the same family were killed and six girls kidnapped in LarbaG (Blida) by a group of around 30 armed men.",4, 615,46ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1229,01 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Djelfa,Moudjebara,,El Ouzraia,34.383300,3.650000,1,,"3 July: 18 citizens were murdered in Ouzra, a village close to MTdTa by an armed group.",18, 615,47ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1263,04 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,6 July: 27 people were killed by an armed group in Ann Boucif (MTdTa).,27, 615,48ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1310,09 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,,11 July: 14 people were killed in the Balili doyar (Bou Ismanl-Tipaza) by an armed group.,14, 615,49ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1317,10 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,"12 July: 33 citizens were killed by an armed group in the Fetha doyar close to Ksar Boukhari (MTdTa).",33, 615,50ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1331,12 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ait-Yahia,,Tafraout,36.600000,4.350000,1,,"14 July: An armed group introducing itself as mujahedeen entered the village of Tafraout (Ain Boucif. MTdTa) to demand some food. After having been well fed and cared for, they turned to the villagers and kill twelve.",12, 615,51ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1372,16 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Bou Ismail,,Bou Ismail,36.642800,2.696400,1,,18 July: 14 people massacred in Bou Ismail by armed men.,14, 615,52ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1395,19 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chrea,,Chrea,36.425600,2.876700,1,,"21 July: Massacre of 21 citizens in the M???ghita doyar, in ChrTa (Blida) by an armed group.",21, 615,53ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1400,20 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,,22 July: 11 people massacred in Benachour (Blida) by an armed group.,11, 615,54ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1414,22 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Hadjout,,Hadjout,36.513900,2.417800,1,,"24 July: Over 30 citizens of the Sidi-Ghiat and Oued Bouhradoun doyars (Hadjout ??? Tipaza) Including children and women were murdered by an armed group.",30, 615,55ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1424,23 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,El Oumaria,,El Omaria,36.264400,3.034200,1,,"25 July: 13 citizens of the Sidi-Salem doyar near Omaria (MTdTa) were savagely assassinated by an armed group.",13, 615,56ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1434,25 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,El Oumaria,,El Omaria,36.264400,3.034200,1,,22 citizens were killed in Omaria (MTdTa) by an armed group.,22, 615,57ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1446,27 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,,"29 July: Massacre of 39 citizens, including women and children, in the Matmata doyar (Ann Defla) by an armed group.",39, 615,58ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1447,28 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Benian,,Chabet Larbaa,35.096100,0.207800,1,,"30 July: Massacre of 38 citizens in the village of Sidi-Madani (Blida) by an armed group. Massacre of 22 citizens in LarbaG (Blida) by an armed group.",60, 615,59ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1448,28 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Temouchent,Oulhaca El Gheraba,,Ouled Sidi Madani,35.233300,-1.533300,1,,"30 July: Massacre of 38 citizens in the village of Sidi-Madani (Blida) by an armed group. Massacre of 22 citizens in LarbaG (Blida) by an armed group.",60, 615,60ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1450,29 July 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,,"31 July: 20 people massacred by an armed group in a doyar located near the roman ruins of Tipaza.",20, 615,61ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1458,01 August 1997,1997,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,FIS: Islamic Salvation Front,,3,23,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,,"3 August: Massacre of 19 young citizens in Amroussa (Blida) by an armed group. It was discovered that the victims were citizens who had belonged to the FIS.",19, 615,62ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1464,03 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Ouled Slama,,Ouled Slama Fouaga,36.531400,3.126900,1,,5 August: 9 citizens massacred in the Benamor area of Oued Slama (Blida) by armed men.,9, 615,63ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1470,05 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,7 August: 21 people were massacred in the village of Zaboudja (MTdTa).,21, 615,64ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1475,06 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Djillali Ben Ammar,,Medghoussa,35.248300,0.921100,1,,8 August: 11 people massacred in Medghoussa (Tiaret) by an armed group.,11, 615,65ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1504,10 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,,12 August: Massacre of 29 citizens in the Hraouat doyar at Ain Defla by an armed group.,29, 615,66ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1513,11 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Douera,,Douera,36.670000,2.944400,1,,"13 August: Massacre in the Ouled Djillali douar, near DouTra (Algiers) perpetrated by an armed group against families who had fled the massacres in Jijel and MTdTa. Toll: 15 dead including women and children.",15, 615,67ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1551,17 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,,19 August: 20 citizens were massacred in Fand El Batma (Djelfa) by an armed group.,20, 615,68ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1555,18 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,El Oued,Douar El Ma,,Bir Sahane-Souhane,32.216700,8.716700,1,,"20 August: Over 60 citizens including women and children were massacred in the Souhane doyar near Tablat (MTdTa) according to information from survivors who were wounded by bullets and hospitalised in the Zemirli d???El Harrach hospital. Witnesses said t",60, 615,69ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1589,21 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,,"23 August: 24 citizens from the town of BTthia (Ain Defla) were massacred by an armed group.",24, 615,70ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1594,22 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,El Oumaria,,El Omaria,36.264400,3.034200,1,,24 August: 29 citizens were massacred in the Omaria doyar (MTdTa) by an armed group.,29, 615,71ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1601,24 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Gouraya,,Douar Beni Ali,36.515800,1.913600,1,,"26 August: Massacre of 64 citizens including around 30 women in the BTni Ali doyar near ChrTa (Blida) by an armed group.",64, 615,72ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1616,26 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,,"28 August: Awful massacre in the area of Er-Rans located near Sidi-Moussa (Algiers). Heavily armed men came in a truck convoy at 11:45 PM a few hundred meters away from a military camp and butchered the population. More than 300 citizens were killed and",300, 615,73ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1632,27 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Casbah,36.783300,3.066700,1,,"29 August: Bomb explosion in the working-class area of the Casbah in Algiers: 13 killed and over 60 wounded.",13, 615,74ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1633,27 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Casbah,36.783300,3.066700,1,,"29 August: Bomb explosion in the working-class area of the Casbah in Algiers: 13 killed and over 60 wounded.",13, 615,75ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1642,29 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,,"31 August: 19 citizens, members of two families, were massacred in Bologhine, in the middle of the capital, by armed men. 32 citizens were massacred in the region of Tissemsilt by an important armed group.",51, 615,76ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1643,29 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Tissemsilt,,Tissemsilt,35.607800,1.811100,1,,"31 August: 19 citizens, members of two families, were massacred in Bologhine, in the middle of the capital, by armed men. 32 citizens were massacred in the region of Tissemsilt by an important armed group.",51, 615,77ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1650,31 August 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Tighenif,,Ouled Larbi,35.415600,0.282500,1,,"2 September: 22 citizen including 10 children are massacred in the village of Ouled Larbi near M??Âd??Âa by an armed group.",22, 615,78ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1667,03 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Beni Messous,36.783300,2.983300,1,,"5 September: Massacre of over 70 citizens in the working-class area of Sidi-Youcef in BTni- Messous (Algiers) by an armed group which came in trucks, with some of its members wearing military outfits. Many children and women were awfully mutilated before",70, 615,79ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1672,04 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Beni Messous,36.783300,2.983300,1,,"5 September: Massacre of over 70 citizens in the working-class area of Sidi-Youcef in BTni- Messous (Algiers) by an armed group which came in trucks, with some of its members wearing military outfits. Many children and women were awfully mutilated before",70, 615,80ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1673,04 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Temouchent,Hassi El Ghella,,Douar Oulad Saida,35.450000,-1.083300,1,,6 September: 11 people were massacred in Sanda.,11, 615,81ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1780,10 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Benian,,Chabet Larbaa,35.096100,0.207800,1,,12 September: 9 people massacred in LarbaG by an armed group.,9, 615,82ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1827,13 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tamezguida,,Beni Slimane,36.348900,2.754700,1,,"15 September: Massacre of 22 citizens in the regions of BTni Slimane (MTdTa) and Sanda over the weekend.",22, 615,83ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1853,18 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tamezguida,,Beni Slimane,36.348900,2.754700,1,,"20 September: Over 50 citizens were massacred in BTni Slimane, near Tablat (MTdTa) by an armed group.",50, 615,84ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1862,20 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,,"22 September: Awful massacre in Bentalha, in the Eastern suburbs of Algiers: 85 citizens were killed according to the official version and over 400 according to testimonies collected, and 120 wounded. Militia men and policemen who came to rescue the popu",85, 615,85ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1885,24 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,,"26 September: Over 20 citizens were massacred in the village of A??Èn El-Hadj near Djelfa by an armed group.",20, 615,86ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1890,26 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chebli,,Chebli,36.577200,3.009200,1,,"28 September: The Ferhah family of Tabannet (Chebli) composed of 47members, of which 4 sons joined the underground resistance, was massacred by an armed gang. Women, children and old men were eliminated with axes and knives. Five sisters of the resistanc",47, 615,87ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1895,27 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tlemcen,Ouled Mimoun,,Ouled Mimoun,34.902800,-1.036400,1,,29 September: 10 people massacred in Ouled Mimoun (Tlemcen) by an armed group.,10, 615,88ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1913,30 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Seghouane,,Chaba Melaha,36.010300,2.898100,1,,"2 Oct 1997: 37 people were massacred in the village of Melaha (Blida)",37, 615,89ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1914,30 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Souk Ahras,Ouled Driss,,Koudiat el Kharouba,36.450000,8.116700,1,,2 October: 14 people were massacred in the village of Kharouba near Oran.,14, 615,90ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1915,30 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Sa•da,Doui Thabet,,Oued Sidi Aissa,34.833300,-0.033300,1,,"32 citizens were assassinated in the village of Ouled Sidi-Anssa (MTdTa)",32, 615,91ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1916,30 September 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Seghouane,,Seghouane,36.001400,2.903300,1,,"13 members of the same family including women and children were massacred in Seghouane (MTdTa).",13, 615,92ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1932,02 October 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,"4 October: 22 people were massacred by an armed group in Ouled BouchraG (MTdTa). Handmade mortar shells were launched on an area of the city of Blida: around 10 citizens were killed.",22, 615,93ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1936,03 October 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Mansoura,,Sidi Yahia Ben Salem,36.002500,4.347800,1,,"5 October: 16 people were massacred in Sekmouna, Zoubiria (MTdTa) by armed men. 10 people massacred in Ouled Sidi-Yahia (Ann-Defla) by an armed group. 17 people including 16 school children on a bus were killed at a road block set by an armed group.",43, 615,94ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1937,03 October 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Zoubiria,,Zoubiria,36.070300,2.903600,1,,"5 October: 16 people were massacred in Sekmouna, Zoubiria (MTdTa) by armed men. 10 people massacred in Ouled Sidi-Yahia (Ann-Defla) by an armed group. 17 people including 16 school children on a bus were killed at a road block set by an armed group.",43, 615,95ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1952,07 October 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Souagui,,Souaghi,36.111900,3.236900,1,,"9 October: 9 people were massacred in Souaghi, near BTni Slimane (MTdTa) by an armed group.",9, 615,96ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1970,09 October 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Boufarik,,Boufarik,36.574125,2.912142,1,,"11 October: 14 people belonging to the Boutazalt and Kerdacha families living in Haouch Souidani BoudjemaG (Boufarik) were massacred by an armed group.",14, 615,97ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,1978,10 October 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tamezguida,,Beni Slimane,36.348900,2.754700,1,,12 October: 22 people massacred in BTni Slimane (MTdTa).,22, 615,98ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2030,18 October 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,El Bayadh,Bougtoub,,Bougtob,34.033300,0.083300,1,,"20 October: 11 people belonging to two nomad families, massacred in Bougtob (Sanda) by an armed group.",11, 615,99ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2054,23 October 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Oran,Bir El Djir,,Bir el Djir,35.720000,-0.545000,1,,"25 October: 16 members of the same family, including women and children from the village of Bir El Djir (MTdTa) were killed by an armed group.",16, 615,100ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2111,05 November 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,,"7 November: Over 22 people were massacred in Tajmout (Tlemcen) by armed groups at fake road blocks.",22, 615,101ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2114,06 November 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,,"8 November: 26 citizens were massacred in the village of H???Malit in the ChrTa Mountains (Blida) by an armed group.",26, 615,102ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2138,11 November 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Setif,Maaouia,,Mechtat el Hammama,36.411900,5.705800,1,www/,"13 November: Massacre of a family of 12 members in the village of Hammama (Miliana) by an armed group.",12, 615,103ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2202,25 November 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tablat,,Tablat,36.411900,3.312800,1,,"27 November: 25 people massacred in Souhane, near Tablat by an armed group.",25, 615,104ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2207,27 November 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Sa•da,Saida,,Saida,34.833300,0.150000,1,,"29 November: Nearly 30 citizens including women and children from the village of Hassi Labed (Sa??Èda) were massacred by an armed",30, 615,105ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2289,16 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,,"18 December: 31 citizens from Larba?????— (Blida), including women and children were massacred and 20 others wounded by an armed group.",31, 615,106ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2297,18 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Laghouat,Aflou,,Aflou,34.108900,2.101900,1,,20 December: 10 nomads were massacred near Aflou by an armed group.,10, 615,107ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2309,21 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Naima,,Wilaya de Tiaret,34.916700,1.583300,1,,"23 Dec 1997: Carnage in two villages located between the Wilayas of Tiaret and Tissemsilt (Sidi-Antri et Shari): 80 to 100 citizens including women, children and old people were massacred with hand weapons by armed men.",80, 615,108ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2312,22 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,,"24 December 1997: Massacre of 26 citizens, including women and children, in the village of Zouabria (Tiaret) by armed men. 11 people including women and children massacred in a slum located in Bannem???s forest.",37, 615,109ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2317,24 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mostaganem,Sidi Lakhdar,,Douar Ouled Moussa,36.187500,0.481400,1,,"26 Dec 1997: Massacre of three families in the village of Ouled Moussa (M??Âd??Âa): 21 dead including three women and seven children.",21, 615,110ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2320,25 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Makhda,,Douar Esafsaf,35.215300,0.273100,1,,"25 citizens, including women and children, were massacred in the Safsaf doyar near Mascara, including 14 inside a mosque, by armed men.",25, 615,111ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2326,27 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Djelfa,Hassi Bahbah,,Hassi Bahbah,35.066400,3.033300,1,,"10 people belonging to 2 families killed by an armed group in Hassi Bahbah (Djelfa). From PDF (as before)",10, 615,112ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2327,27 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,"34 citizens, including women and children, were massacred in the Faoudj doyar (MTdTa) by an armed group. from PDF report",34, 615,113ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2333,28 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Had Echkalla,,Mechta Kherarba,35.716700,1.216700,1,,"Horrible carnage on the first day of Ramadan in three villages located a few kilometres away from Relizane (Kherarba, Ouled Sahnine et Ouled Tayeb): 386 citizens, including women and children were massacred by armed men, according to hospital estimates.",130, 615,114ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2334,28 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Bouzeghaia,,Ouled Tayeb,36.387500,1.280300,1,,"Horrible carnage on the first day of Ramadan in three villages located a few kilometres away from Relizane (Kherarba, Ouled Sahnine et Ouled Tayeb): 386 citizens, including women and children were massacred by armed men, according to hospital estimates.",130, 615,115ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2337,29 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Had Echkalla,,Mechta Kherarba,35.716700,1.216700,1,,"Horrible carnage on the first day of Ramadan in three villages located a few kilometres away from Relizane (Kherarba, Ouled Sahnine et Ouled Tayeb): 386 citizens, including women and children were massacred by armed men, according to hospital estimates.",130, 615,116ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2342,30 December 1997,1997,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,"1 January 1998 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Seventy-eight Algerian civilians were slaughtered overnight in the first 24 hours of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, feared for its tradition of increased bloodletting in Algeria's savage civil strife.",78, 615,117ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2360,04 January 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,The Guardian,"January 10 The Guardian - More than 400 villagers were reported to have had their throats slit in the western region of Relizane, with many bodies 321 including those of women and children 321 left mutilated.",200, 615,118ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2368,05 January 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,The Guardian,"January 10 The Guardian - More than 400 villagers were reported to have had their throats slit in the western region of Relizane, with many bodies 321 including those of women and children 321 left mutilated.",200, 615,119ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2373,06 January 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,The Guardian,"January 10 The Guardian - More than 400 villagers were reported to have had their throats slit in the western region of Relizane, with many bodies 321 including those of women and children 321 left mutilated.",200, 615,120ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2379,07 January 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,The Guardian,"January 10 The Guardian - More than 400 villagers were reported to have had their throats slit in the western region of Relizane, with many bodies 321 including those of women and children 321 left mutilated.",0, 615,121ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2401,10 January 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Chehaima,,Ain es Saiada,34.900000,1.383300,1,Adelaide Advertiser,"12 Jan Adelaide Advertiser- nine members of a single family were slain in Saida, 330km south-west of Algiers",9, 615,122ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2402,10 January 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,Adelaide Advertiser,"12 January Adealide Advertiser- 26 villagers from three large families, including 11 children and four women, had their throats cut and four girls were kidnapped in Sour El Ghozlan in Bouira province, 90km east of Algiers.",26, 615,123ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2403,10 January 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tablat,,Tablat,36.411900,3.312800,1,Adelaide Advertiser,"12 January 1998 Adelaide Advertiser 20 civilians were killed by GIA gunmen in Tablat in Medea province, 75km south of the capital.",20, 615,124ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2475,18 January 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Guardian,"21 January 1998 The Guardian- a bomb destroyed a bus in Algiers's Ben Aknoun quarter, killing one passenger and wounding 23.",1, 615,125ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2671,18 February 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Chicago Sun-Times,"22 February 1998 Chicago Sun-Times- Muslim militants ambushed and killed 27 soldiers in a mountain region east of the Algerian capital of Algiers, residents said Saturday. Algeria's prime minister, however, said the North African country's insurgency was",27, 615,126ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2706,22 February 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Globe and Mail,"24 February 1998 The Globe and Mail- A bomb exploded under a passing train outside the capital of Algeria yesterday, killing 18 people and injuring 25, state radio reported. The area is known for attacks by the Armed Islamic Group. -- AP",18, 615,127ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,2816,07 March 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Globe and Mail,"9 March The Globe and Mail- Attackers slit the throats of six people, including four blind women, in a village south of Algiers, the security forces said yesterday.",6, 615,128ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3050,14 April 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,"19 April 1998 Reuters News One peasant and his 10-year-old daughter were killed on Thursday in Ouled Abed village in Medea region where attackers tossed two bombs inside their home, the newspaper said, without giving details.",2, 615,129ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3056,15 April 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,"19 April Reuters- Medea area, 15 gunmen killed two farmers and wounded two others in an attack on Friday, Liberte reported.",2, 615,130ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3085,17 April 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,1,Reuters,"April 19 Reuters- El Watan reported troops killed 23 rebels in a military operation last week in Bouira province, 90 km (56 miles) east of Algiers.",23, 615,131ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3086,17 April 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Reuters,"19 April Reuters- Sixty-two bodies of slaughtered civilians had been found in the neighbouring town of Relizane, they said.",62, 615,132ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3087,17 April 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Sidi M'Hamed Benaouda,,Sidi Mohamed Benaouda,35.603300,0.589700,1,Reuters,"19 April Reuters- 17 civilians had been killed and their bodies dumped in a well in Sidi M'Hamed Benaouda area, 240 km (150 miles) southwest of Algiers.",17, 615,133ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3125,22 April 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"5 May 1998 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report, massacre of 43 villagers in Medea province, unknown attackers but suspected to be GIA",43, 615,134ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3192,30 April 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"6 May 1998 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report on a three-day-old siege of 30 Moslem rebels near the western town of Tlemcen, 440 km from Algiers. ""La Tribune"" said troops, backed by artillery, had surrounded guerrillas members of the Armed Islamic Group",0, 615,135ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3202,02 May 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"May 5 Llyod's Info. Cas. report Attackers cut the throats of 11 Algerian civilians south of Algiers and troops killed 89 Moslem rebels in military operations, Algerian newspapers said today. The attackers erected a fake roadblock in Khemis Miliana area i",100, 615,136ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3210,03 May 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"6 May 1998 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report, A bomb ripped through a passenger train south of Algiers wounding 14 people, four of them critically, as troops were besieging 30 rebels in western Algeria, an Algerian newspaper said today.",0, 615,137ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3211,03 May 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"MAy 5 Lloyd's List troops also killed 12 rebels in Bouira region, 90 km (55 miles) east of Algiers",12, 615,138ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3212,03 May 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Tixter,,Mechta Larbaa,36.050000,5.133300,1,lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"May 5 Lloyd'd Info. 42 guerrillas were shot dead in Larbaa area, 25 km south of Algiers,",42, 615,139ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3213,03 May 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"May 5 Lloyd's Info. Thirty-five rebels, members of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) Al Khadra (Green) and Al Forkane (The Koran) elite brigades, were killed in the mountainous area of Sidi Yahia in Tlemcen Province, 440 km (275 miles) west of Algiers, Le Ma",35, 615,140ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3237,07 May 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,"10 May 1998 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, bomb went off near a market in the working-class district of Bab el Oued.",0, 615,141ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3238,07 May 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Selma Benziada,,El Msila,36.666700,5.666700,1,Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,"10 May 1998 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, soldiers killed five Muslim rebels in M'Sila province, some 125 miles south of Algiers",5, 615,142ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3349,20 May 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Globe and Mail,"23 May The Globe and Mail At least 16 people were killed and 61 others injured yesterday when a bomb exploded in a busy marketplace in a suburb of the Algerian capital, state radio said",16, 615,143ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3408,31 May 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Globe and Mail,"June 3, The Globe and Mail, Algerian security services said yesterday that the chief of the Armed Islamic Group unit in Algiers, Mohamed Kebaili, had been killed in an army operation in the capital's suburbs.",1, 615,144ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3458,08 June 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.073215,4.761080,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"15 June 1998 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report, 17 people were killed and 31 wounded in the bomb blast on a passenger train in Ain Defla province, 130 km south-west of the capital Algiers.",17, 615,145ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3459,08 June 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"June 15, Lyod's Information Casualty Report 29-year-old Zouabri, chief of the country's most radical guerrilla faction, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), had been besieged by troops and helicopter gunships in the rugged mountainous area of Sidi Djillali in",0, 615,146ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3579,17 June 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Tissemsilt,,Tissemsilt,35.607800,1.811100,1,All Africa,"21 June, All Africa, Terrorists killed 14 people and injured two others in Algeria Friday night in an attack at Kaabra locality in the Sidi El Antri commune of Tissemsilt district, the Algerian news agency reported Sunday.",14, 615,147ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3624,26 June 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,BBC Monitoring,"29 June 1998 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East Matoub Lounes, who was killed yesterday in a terrorist attack at a bogus roadblock on Beni Douala road, southeast of Tizi Ouzou.",1, 615,148ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3634,27 June 1998,1998,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,BBC Monitoring,"29 June 1998 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle Eastthe flooding of Tizi Ouzou streets by citizens in large numbers changed into overwhelming and spontaneous protest marches and demonstrations about Matoub Lounes, who was killed yesterday in a terrorist atta",0, 615,149ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3687,06 July 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The New York Times,"July 10, NY Times, The leader of the Armed Islamic Group rebels in Algiers, Khalifi Athmane, was shot dead on Wednesday by government forces.",1, 615,150ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3697,07 July 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Globe and Mail,"10 July 1998 The Globe and Mail A bomb ripped through a crowded market in Algeria's capital yesterday, killing at least 10 civilians and seriously wounding more than 20",10, 615,151ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3840,23 July 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Mazouna,,Hassasna,36.133300,0.883300,1,Pittsburgh- Post Gazette,"29 July 1998 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Eight people were killed Saturday by an armed group near Hassasna, about 250 miles west of Algiers, according to the French-language newspaper Le Jeune Independent.",8, 615,152ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3845,24 July 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bechar,Bechar,,Bechar,31.616700,-2.216700,1,Pittsburgh- Post Gazette,"29 July 1998 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Three women who had been kidnapped by an armed group early Sunday not far from the Moroccan border were found dead with their throats slit, the La Tribune newspaper reported.",3, 615,153ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3967,08 August 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,The Globe and Mail,"11 August 1998 The Globe and Mail Troops have shot dead 52 Muslim rebels in Algeria, 25 of them sought for the massacre of 12 villagers, government security forces and local dailies said yesterday. Twenty-five rebels were gunned down yesterday on the 16t",52, 615,154ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,3978,09 August 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614700,1,The Globe and Mail,"Troops have shot dead a commander of Algeria's most radical guerrilla faction who had been sought for scores of killings, a pro-government newspaper said. L'Authentique said Hamou Eulmi, known by his nom de guerre Zinedine, was killed Tuesday near a mos",1, 615,155ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,4054,17 August 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Xinhua,"20 August 1998 Xinhua News Agency Wednesday's bomb explosion at a market in Be'f Murad Rays of Greater Algiers Province.",0, 615,156ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,4062,18 August 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Xinhua,"August 20 (Xinhua) - Thirteen people were killed and seven others seriously injured when a home-made bomb went off in an Algerian town Thursday, the Algerian News Agency reported. The blast occurred in the Al-Khamis town in Ain Al-Dofli Province, some 14",13, 615,157ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,4139,29 August 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,St. Louis Post-Dispatch,"1 September 1998, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, An explosion in Algeria's capital killed at least 17 people Monday, hours after the government said it would open 48 offices to investigate those missing in the six-year Muslim insurgency.",17, 615,158ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,4192,06 September 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,South China Morning Post,"Algiers: At least 17 Islamist rebels were shot dead by soldiers in remote areas of Algeria, newspapers reported yesterday.",17, 615,159ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,4285,17 September 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,The Globe and Mail,"A bomb ripped through a market in northern Algeria yesterday, killing 22 people and wounding 60 in the latest attack since President Liamine Zeroual announced plans to resign and call early elections.",22, 615,160ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,4965,20 November 1998,1998,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Tiaret,Ain El Hadid,,Ain ed Delfa,35.198600,0.773900,1,BBC Monitoring,"Algerian security forces killed five ""armed Islamists"" on Saturday in an operation near Ain Defla, 160 km west of Algiers, the French news agency AFP reported on Sunday, quoting Algerian press reports.",5, 615,161ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,5046,28 November 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Pittsburgh Post- Gazette,"30 November 1998, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Algerian authorities blamed Muslim militants for attacks that have killed seven people on the eve of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month that has come to herald a surge in rebel violence.",7, 615,162ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,5065,01 December 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Ain El Hadid,,Ain ed Delfa,35.198600,0.773900,1,The globe and mail,"4 December 1998, The Globe and Mail, A bomb exploded at a market in western Algeria yesterday, killing 14 people and injuring 23 in the sixth attack in a week.",14, 615,163ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,5138,06 December 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Tadjena,,Tadjena,36.321900,1.137200,1,Kitup Sun,"11 December 1998 Kitsap Sun, Muslim militants killed 81 people - including children and infants - and kidnapped more than 20 women, officials said Thursday. Armed groups on Tuesday descended on three mountain villages near Tadjena, torturing and mutilati",81, 615,164ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,5282,16 December 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,South China Morning Post,18 December 1999 South China Morning Post- Suspected Islamist rebels killed 11 villagers near the Algerian capital in the third such massacre since the Muslim holy month of Ramadan began last week.,11, 615,165ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,5426,28 December 1998,1998,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.883300,1,Reuters,"30 December 1999 Reuters News-The daily newspaper Liberte said the rebels on Tuesday killed the six victims who belonged to one family of nomads in a village near the province of Laghouat, 400 km (250 miles) south of Algiers",6, 615,166ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,5558,04 January 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,The Times Picayune,"7 January 1999 Times-Picayune- Algeria Security forces killed dozens of suspected insurgents in operations against their mountain hideout, newspapers and hospital sources said Wednesday. Privately owned newspapers reported that more than 30 militants wer",3, 615,167ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,5990,31 January 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,The Globe and Mail,"2 February 1999 The Globe and Mail-Muslim rebels cut the throats of 14 villagers in two separate attacks in western Algeria, security forces said yesterday. Both attacks were in the province of Chlef, a hotbed of violence in Algeria.",14, 615,168ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,6440,12 March 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Reuters,The area (Blida) was the site of another rebel attack eight days ago in which six villagers were killed and 10 others wounded,6, 615,169ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,6572,23 March 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,The Globe and Mail,"25 March 1999 The Globe and Mail Two girls aged 2 and 3 and a woman were among nine victims who had their throats cut overnight by suspected Islamic extremists at an isolated farm south of Algiers, security services said yesterday.",9, 615,170ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,7017,01 May 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Globe and Mail,"3 May 1999 The Globe and Mail- Moslem rebels cut the throats of nine civilians, all members of shepherds' families, in Algeria overnight, the first such mass killing since the election of army-backed Abdelaziz Bouteflika as president last month. The stat",9, 615,171ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,7495,10 June 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,The Globe and Mail,"12 June 1999 The Globe and Mail Fourteen people were slain and one wounded overnight by Islamic extremists in the Medea area south of Algiers, a security forces spokesman said yesterday. The bloodbath in the hamlet of Nechacheda, 70 kilometers from Algie",14, 615,172ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,8262,14 August 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bechar,Bechar,,Bechar,31.616700,-2.216700,1,The Globe and Mail,"16 August 1999 The Globe and Mail - Islamic extremists killed 29 people overnight at Beni Ounif, in the Bechar region, raising fears of a return to the large-scale massacres of 1995 to 1997 in the run-up to a Sept. 16 referendum.",29, 615,173ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9085,22 October 1999,1999,1,Battle-Government regains territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Mascara,El Guettana,,Rhabet Stamboul,35.416700,-0.116700,1,BBC Monitoring,"the People's National Army [ANP] has launched a large combing operation in the regions bordering the famous Stamboul Forest, which stretches from the region of Sig in the east, through Bouhnifia, to Oussilasse, in the region of Saida.According to the sam",0, 615,174ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9338,14 November 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Ouled Fares,,Ouled Fares,36.266700,1.183300,1,BBC Monitoring,22 November 1999 BBC Monitoring Service . A massacre occurred where 19 people were killed,19, 615,175ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9358,16 November 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 November 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East Three ""GIA"" [Armed Islamic Group] terrorists were killed and another one was wounded and captured following a clash with the joint security forces at Ouled Mohamed community, Relizane Municipality [300",3, 615,176ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9369,18 November 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia,36.750000,5.083300,1,BBC Monitoring,"21 November 1999 BBC Monitoring- A home-made bomb has gone off in Algeria, killing one college student and injuring five others, Algerian radio reported on Sunday. The bomb exploded on Saturday 45 km east of Bejaia, a town to the east of Algiers.",1, 615,177ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9397,21 November 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,23,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"23 November 1999 Lloyd's List International ABDELQADER Hachani, a senior Algerian Islamist leader, was shot dead by unknown gunmen near his home in central Algiers. ""He died from two bullets in the head,""",1, 615,178ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9475,25 November 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chebli,,Chebli,36.577200,3.009200,1,Reuters,"28 November 1999 Reuters News Rebels, disguised as government soldiers, also killed at least 10 people at a fake roadblock on Saturday near Chebli area, 30 km (18 miles) south of Algiers, the residents said.",10, 615,179ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9476,25 November 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tablat,,Tablat,36.411900,3.312800,1,BBC Monitoring,"30 November 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Tablat is once again targeted by terrorist groups. During the night of Saturday to Sunday [27th to 28th November] terrorists attacked a municipal guards' [civilian militia] station at Les Deux Bassins, 50 km south",3, 615,180ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9489,26 November 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tablat,,Tablat,36.411900,3.312800,1,BBC Monitoring,"30 November 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Tablat is once again targeted by terrorist groups. During the night of Saturday to Sunday [27th to 28th November] terrorists attacked a municipal guards' [civilian militia] station at Les Deux Bassins, 50 km south",3, 615,181ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9498,27 November 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,BBC Monitoring,"3 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle EastOn Monday [29th November] evening, four people coming from Beni Merzoug hamlet, 80 km from Chlef [250 km west of Algiers], on a tractor were surprised by the explosion of a bomb buried in the middle of",2, 615,182ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9505,28 November 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,BBC Monitoring,"30 November 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East Eighteen people were killed today at 1600 [1500 gmt] in Nfissa, in the municipality of Bou Mdefaa, Ain Defla Province [200 km west of Algiers], a security services statement said.",18, 615,183ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9552,02 December 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa el Mizan,36.535000,3.833600,1,BBC Monitoring,"9 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East- Three people, including two soldiers, were wounded on Saturday [4th December] when ""terrorists"" opened fire on a combined military and patriot [civilian militia] patrol in the forest of Boumahni in the",0, 615,184ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9553,02 December 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.394400,0.139700,1,BBC Monitoring,8 Dec BBC Mon - Aterrorist was shot by the People's National Army in the forest of Istamboul in Mascara Province,1, 615,185ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9554,02 December 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Tissemsilt,,Tissemsilt,35.607800,1.811100,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East Five members of the GIA [Armed Islamic Group] were killed in Tissimsilt, 300 km west of Algiers, on 4th December,",5, 615,186ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9570,04 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Khemis Miliana,,El Khemis Miliana,36.262200,2.218100,1,BBC Monitoring,"9 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East A ""terrorist"" group killed five people and wounded about 10 more in an attack on the town of Khemis Miliana, 130 km west of Algiers, on the night of the 6th December, the web site of the French-language",5, 615,187ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9585,06 December 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Aomar,,Aomar,36.502200,3.771400,1,BBC Monitoring,"9 Dec BBC Mon- Early yesterday morning, two terrorists were killed in an ambush by security forces on the road to the village of Djebahia near Aomar, in Bouira Province, 120 km east of Algiers.",2, 615,188ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9586,06 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Khemis Miliana,,El Khemis Miliana,36.262200,2.218100,1,BBC Monitoring,"9 Dec BBC Mon- One died and several people were wounded yesterday night when a bomb was thrown from a car at a police station in Khemis Meliana, some 250 km west of Algiers",1, 615,189ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9614,09 December 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Ain el Hammam,36.564709,4.306189,1,BBC Monitoring,15 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East- A terrorist was shot dead Saturday [11th December] near Hammam Righa [90 km southeast of Algiers] when the security forces ambushed a terrorist group which was following a track leading to Tagara fore,1, 615,190ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9615,09 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chiffa,,Chiffa,36.461900,2.741900,1,BBC Monitoring,14 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East- The road linking Chiffa to Medea was on Saturday [11th December] the scene of yet another massacre. At least 15 people were killed at a fake roadblock there.,15, 615,191ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9616,09 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bechar,Taghit,,Taghit,30.916700,-2.033300,1,BBC Monitoring,"15 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East- Eleven people, mostly nomads, were assassinated by a terrorist group on the night of Sunday to Monday [11th to 12th December] in their camp, situated between Taghit and Zousfana, in Bechar [some 900 k",11, 615,192ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9621,10 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bechar,Taghit,,Taghit,30.916700,-2.033300,1,BBC Monitoring,"15 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East- Eleven people, mostly nomads, were assassinated by a terrorist group on the night of Sunday to Monday [11th to 12th December] in their camp, situated between Taghit and Zousfana, in Bechar [some 900 k",0, 615,193ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9643,12 December 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1994-1999),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,Reuters,"14 Dec Reuters Meanwhile, five government soldiers were shot dead on Saturday when Moslem rebels ambushed them near Ain Defla town, about 180 km (110 miles) southwest of Algiers, another newspaper, Liberte, said. Two rebels were killed in the clash, the",7, 615,194ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9644,12 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,"14 December 1999 Reuters News- Moslem rebels disguised as government soldiers on Saturday slaughtered 15 civilians at a fake roadblock near Sidi Madani village, 50 km (30 miles) south of Algiers, according to residents and hospital sources.",15, 615,195ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9645,12 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Boufarik,,Boufarik,36.574125,2.912142,1,BBC Monitoring,"14 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East- Two citizens were killed and several others injured following a violent terrorist attack last Tuesday. The attack took place at Sidi Ayed hamlet, 3 km from the town of Boufarik...",2, 615,196ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9687,17 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,BBC Monitoring,"23 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service: Middle East - The bodies of six members of the same family killed in their home, in a working class district of El Hofra, Relizane Province [300 km west of Algiers], were discovered in the morning of 19th December",6, 615,197ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9692,18 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,"21 December 1999 BBC Mon Yesterday saw a clear renewal of terrorist violence, with the death of seven people in a municipality in Medea [100 km southwest of Algiers] and the explosion of a bomb in Bab El Oued in Algiers",7, 615,198ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9693,18 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,BBC Monitoring,"21 December 1999 BBC Monitoring Service-In Medea, at Dekkar in Deux Bassins Municipality, a terrorist group killed seven people, including six children, during the gruesome silence of the night.",7, 615,199ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9824,29 December 1999,1999,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,BBC Monitoring,"31 Dec BBC Mon A home-made bomb has exploded in a town 600 km west of Algiers, killing four people and wounding several others, Algerian radio reported on Friday.",4, 615,200ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9832,30 December 1999,1999,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.855800,3.856700,1,BBC Monitoring,"6 Jan 2000- BBC MOn- On Saturday [1st January] at nightfall a military detachment was ambushed by a terrorist group at Senanine, near Sidi Daoud [70 km east of Algiers].2 killed.",2, 615,201ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9848,01 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,BBC Monitoring,12 Jan 2000 BBC Mon-The military offensive that had been carried out by the People's National Army [ANP] units against the El Ahoual squadron in the region of Tiaret [350 km west of Algiers] ended last Saturday [8th January] with the killing of several t,3, 615,202ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9859,02 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,BBC Monitoring,12 Jan 2000 BBC Mon-The military offensive that had been carried out by the People's National Army [ANP] units against the El Ahoual squadron in the region of Tiaret [350 km west of Algiers] ended last Saturday [8th January] with the killing of several t,3, 615,203ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9860,02 January 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Reuters,"Jan 4 (Reuters) - Radical Moslem rebels shot dead six civilians and wounded 14 others in a small farming village near the Algerian capital before a local policeman opened fire on them and they fled, residents said on Tuesday.",6, 615,204ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9870,03 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,BBC Monitoring,12 Jan 2000 BBC Mon-The military offensive that had been carried out by the People's National Army [ANP] units against the El Ahoual squadron in the region of Tiaret [350 km west of Algiers] ended last Saturday [8th January] with the killing of several t,3, 615,205ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9886,04 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,BBC Monitoring,"11 Jan 2000 BBC Mon-three terrorists were killed on the night of Thursday to Friday [6th to 7th January] in an ambush laid by a self-defence group in Fli-Fla, near Hachoun south of Oued Fodda [Chlef Province].",3, 615,206ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9887,04 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,BBC Monitoring,12 Jan 2000 BBC Mon-The military offensive that had been carried out by the People's National Army [ANP] units against the El Ahoual squadron in the region of Tiaret [350 km west of Algiers] ended last Saturday [8th January] with the killing of several t,3, 615,207ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9896,05 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,BBC Monitoring,12 Jan 2000 BBC Mon-The military offensive that had been carried out by the People's National Army [ANP] units against the El Ahoual squadron in the region of Tiaret [350 km west of Algiers] ended last Saturday [8th January] with the killing of several t,3, 615,208ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,9994,13 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 Jan 2000- BBC Mon-A patrol from the ANP [National People's Army] was ambushed on Saturday [15th January] evening on the road between Tigzirt (38 km of Tizi Ouzou) and Dellys, near the village of Mazer. According to a preliminary and unofficial toll of",2, 615,209ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10036,16 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Reuters,"31 Jan 2000 Reuters- GIA guerrillas killed 25 soldiers in a battle in the western Relizane area 13 days ago, according to newspaper reports.",25, 615,210ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10045,17 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,BBC Monitoring,28 Jan 2000- BBC Mon- Ongoingmilitary offensive against GIA and GSPC,8, 615,211ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10053,18 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,BBC Monitoring,28 Jan 2000- BBC Mon- Ongoingmilitary offensive against GIA and GSPC,8, 615,212ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10065,19 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,BBC Monitoring,28 Jan 2000- BBC Mon- Ongoingmilitary offensive against GIA and GSPC,8, 615,213ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10077,20 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,BBC Monitoring,28 Jan 2000- BBC Mon- Ongoingmilitary offensive against GIA and GSPC,8, 615,214ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10086,21 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,BBC Monitoring,28 Jan 2000- BBC Mon- Ongoingmilitary offensive against GIA and GSPC,8, 615,215ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10098,22 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Reuters,"Jan 24 (Reuters) - More than 100 Moslem rebels and 25 government soldiers were killed in fierce fighting in western Algeria, the newspaper Le Matin reported on Monday.",125, 615,216ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10102,23 January 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,"Jan 25 (Reuters) - Moslem rebels, disguised as government soldiers, shot dead 12 civilians at a bogus roadblock, La Tribune newspaper reported on Tuesday.",12, 615,217ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10124,25 January 2000,2000,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,Jan 27 Reuters- 300 beareved mothers protest in capital,0, 615,218ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10125,25 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,33,Algeria,Gharda•a,El Meniaa,,Oued el Khadaria,31.216700,3.366700,1,Reuters,"Jan 30 (Reuters) -Hassan Hattab, chief of the Da'wa wal Djihad (Appeal and Struggle) faction, was killed last week by his comrades-in-arms after a quarrel with three other leaders in his movement",1, 615,219ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10146,27 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Batna,Arris,,Arris,35.257500,6.351100,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"Feb 2 2000- Lloyd's-Eleven community guards were killed over the weekend in an attack on their barracks by Islamic militants, an Algerian newspaper reported today. The attack happened Saturday (Jan 29) night in Arris",11, 615,220ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10147,27 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,13,Algeria,El Tarf,Ain El Assel,,Jebel Zouaia,36.808900,8.456900,1,Reuters,"Jan 31 2000 Reuters-troops, backed by pro-government militia, killed eight GIA rebels in Zaouia village in Tlemcen area, some 400 km (250 miles) west of Algiers, on Saturday, Liberte reported.",8, 615,221ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10148,27 January 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Lalla Aicha,36.276900,6.634400,1,BBC Monitoring,2 Feb 2000- BBC Mon- the armed group left its hideout in the steep mountain of Djebel Asfour to attack the small hamlet of Lalla Aicha and make off with foodstuffs.,0, 615,222ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10149,27 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Reuters,"Jan 30 (Reuters)- Da'wa wal Djihad fighters shot dead two government soldiers and wounded another on Saturday when they ambushed a military patrol in Tizi-Ouzou, El Watan reported on Sunday.",2, 615,223ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10150,27 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,BBC Monitoring,2 Feb 2000 BBC Mon- Eight terrorists were killed and seven others wounded by the security forces on the night of Saturday to Sunday [29th-30th January] at Z'ouia village in the province of Tlemcen [some 600 km west of Algiers].,8, 615,224ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10167,29 January 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,33,Algeria,Batna,Arris,,Arris,35.257500,6.351100,1,Reuters,"Jan 31 (Reuters) - Algerian radical Moslem guerrillas stormed a pro-government militia station, killing 11 militiamen .Rebels from the hardline Da'wa wal Djihad erupted into the militia station in the mountainous Arris area in Batna region, some 300 km (",11, 615,225ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10203,02 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 Feb 2000 BBC Mon- Members of self-defence groups were able to kill one terrorist and wound four others in the hamlet of Ben Merdja in Ain Bouihi municipality, Ain Defla Province, on the night of Friday to Saturday [4th to 5th February].",1, 615,226ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10214,03 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 Feb 2000 BBC Mon- Members of self-defence groups were able to kill one terrorist and wound four others in the hamlet of Ben Merdja in Ain Bouihi municipality, Ain Defla Province, on the night of Friday to Saturday [4th to 5th February].",1, 615,227ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10215,03 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,BBC Monitoring,"9 February 2000 BBC Mon- A terrorist group attacked a bar-restaurant at a place known as La Gare de Maatkas, on the departmental route 128, which links Tizi Ouzou and Boghni, at 1600 [1700 gmt], on Saturday [5th February].",0, 615,228ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10235,06 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,2,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ain Boucif,,Ain el Gharbia,35.800000,3.166700,1,Xinhua,February 8 (Xinhua) - About 80 militants were killed in a recent massive combing operation by the Algerian People's National Army in the southern state of Glizan.,80, 615,229ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10244,07 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Lazharia,,Commune de Lazharia,35.933300,1.566700,1,Reuters,"Feb 12 (Reuters) Seven other civilians were killed in a similar attack on Wednesday near Lazharia village in Tissemsilt area, some 200 km (125 miles) southwest of Algiers.",7, 615,230ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10245,07 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,2,12,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.193900,-0.641400,1,BBC Monitoring,"11 Feb 2000- BBC Mon-Army [ANP] yesterday morning [9th February] went to Sidi Beledghan, a wooded area in the Merine administrative district some 97 km southwest of Sidi Bel-Abbes Province [350 km southwest of Algiers], and proceeded to search the forest",18, 615,231ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10246,07 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Xinhua,"Feb 12 2000 Xinhua- three people were killed at a small beach resort in Tipaza, 70 kilometers west of the capital, said the Liberte daily.",3, 615,232ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10247,07 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Reuters,"Feb 12 (Reuters) guerrillas killed three fishermen on a beach at Plage Koulie village in Tipaza province, 60 km (37 miles) west of Algiers, on Wednesday, Le Matin.",3, 615,233ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10248,07 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Tissemsilt,,Tissemsilt,35.607800,1.811100,1,Xinhua,"February 12 (Xinhua)- Another seven people, including three security guards, died on Wednesday in an ambush in Tissemsilt, 350 kilometers west of Algiers, La Tribune newspaper reported.",4, 615,234ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10249,07 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Tissemsilt,,Tissemsilt,35.607800,1.811100,1,Xinhua,"February 12 (Xinhua)- Another seven people, including three security guards, died on Wednesday in an ambush in Tissemsilt, 350 kilometers west of Algiers, La Tribune newspaper reported.",3, 615,235ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10256,08 February 2000,2000,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"Feb 10 lloyd's- Riot police today blocked a march by some 300 people, mainly women, in protest against the amnesty granted to thousands of Moslem rebels, witnesses said. Scores of riot police lined up in Addis Abeba square to block all roads leading to t",0, 615,236ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10257,08 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Berrouaghia,,Berrouarhia,36.136700,2.913100,1,Xinhua,"February 12 (Xinhua) seven were killed on Thursday near Berrouaghia, 70 kilometers south of capital Algiers, when a group of militiamen sprayed bullets at a queue of vehicles, according to the Le Martin newspaper.",7, 615,237ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10258,08 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Boudria Beniyadjis,,Foret des Beni Yadjis,36.616700,5.800000,1,BBC Monitoring,"16 Feb 2000 BBC Mon- a young man who had just finished his military service was killed on the night of Thursday to Friday [10th-11th February],",1, 615,238ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10259,08 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,BBC Monitoring,15 February 2000 BBC Mon-On 10th February at about 2130 [local time] a terrorist group of some 10 members attacked Beni Yedjis hamlet,1, 615,239ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10260,08 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,"12 February 2000 Reuters-Guerrillas hiding on both sides of a road machine-gunned a truck and two cars, killing seven passengers and wounding six in Medea province, 70 km (45 miles) south of Algiers, on Thursday, Le Matin said.",7, 615,240ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10274,09 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Ben Hamza,36.833300,3.900000,1,BBC Monitoring,"16 Feb 2000 BBC Mon- bomb at Hamza on Friday morning [11th February], in which five people, including two children and three women, were injured",0, 615,241ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10286,10 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Zemmoura,,Douar Hamza,35.716400,0.747800,1,BBC Monitoring,"15 Feb 2000- BBC Mon- a home-made bomb exploded in a field in Hamza Municipality, 13 km west of Jijel. The explosion wounded three women who were evacuated to Jijel hospital.",0, 615,242ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10287,10 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,BBC Monitoring,16 Feb 2000 BBC Mon- A national army officer was murdered on Saturday [12th February] on the outskirts of Tizi Ouzou.,1, 615,243ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10297,11 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,BBC Monitoring,"16 Feb 2000- BBC Mon- murder of a 25-year-old man at his home, in Bordj Thar, 25 km from Jijel, on the night of Sunday to Monday [13th 14th February].",1, 615,244ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10308,12 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Khemis Miliana,,El Khemis Miliana,36.262200,2.218100,1,The Washington Times,"16 Feb 2000- Washington Times- The ambush reportedly occurred Monday evening at a roadblock set up by rebels near the town of Khemis Miliana, 60 miles west of the capital, Algiers.",16, 615,245ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10309,12 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Reuters,"15 Feb 2000 Reuters- three rebels on Monday shot dead a paramilitary gendarme in the city of Tizi-Ouzou, 90 km (56 miles) east of Algiers, Liberte newspaper said on Tuesday",1, 615,246ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10316,13 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Constantine,El Khroub,,El Khroub,36.263300,6.693600,1,BBC Monitoring,"17 February 2000 BBC Mon- A police officer was murdered in cold blood inside a bus, on the road between El Khroub and Constantine city centre [eastern Algeria] at about 1900 hours [1800 gmt] the day before yesterday.",1, 615,247ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10317,13 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,El Oumaria,,El Omaria,36.264400,3.034200,1,BBC Monitoring,"16 Feb 2000 BBC Mon- In Medea, two soldiers were killed yesterday, 8km from El Omaria, when a bomb exploded hitting their lorry.",2, 615,248ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10318,13 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Oued Aissi,36.714200,4.099200,1,BBC Monitoring,16 Feb BBC Mon- man was murdered yesterday around 1400 hours [1300 gmt] by a group of four terrorists.,1, 615,249ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10379,22 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,13,Algeria,Souk Ahras,Khedara,,Kedara,36.333300,8.166700,1,BBC Monitoring,"25 February 2000 BBC MON- In a combing operation in the regions of Bouzefra and Kedara [some 40 km southwest of Algiers], joint [security] forces yesterday killed 10 terrorists and destroyed two hideouts of terrorists operating under the banner of the Sa",10, 615,250ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10399,25 February 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,El Bayadh,El Bayadh,,El Bayadh,33.686100,1.013900,1,The Times (London),"3 March 2000 The Times - Troops with helicopters killed seven more Muslim rebels said to have been responsible for the deaths of 24 civilians in the El Bayadh region on Sunday. Five rebels were killed in army retaliatory attacks earlier in the week.",7, 615,251ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10400,25 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,El Bayadh,El Bayadh,,El Bayadh,33.686100,1.013900,1,The Times (London),"3 March 2000 The Times - Troops with helicopters killed seven more Muslim rebels said to have been responsible for the deaths of 24 civilians in the El Bayadh region on Sunday. Five rebels were killed in army retaliatory attacks earlier in the week.",7, 615,252ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10401,25 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,El Bayadh,El Bayadh,,El Bayadh,33.686100,1.013900,1,Reuters,"March 21 (Reuters) -GIA killed 20 relatives of shepherds on February 27, in the worst massacre of civilians this year in Algeria, it said. The massacre took place in el Hrief Oum Elchiem village in El Bayadh region, about 400 km (250 miles) south of Algi",20, 615,253ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10424,29 February 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Gharda•a,Zelfana,,Dakhlet Larbaa,32.383300,4.250000,1,Reuters,"6 March 2000- BBC Mon- Nine people belonging to the same family were massacred on the night of Thursday to Friday [2nd to 3rd March] at M'guetta Nemeur, on the highland overlooking Larbaa town, in Blida Province",9, 615,254ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10453,04 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Sidi Saada,,Douar Oulad Boughni,35.680300,0.301700,1,Reuters,8 March 2000 Reuters- The rebels disguised as soldiers broke into the 25-room Theniri Hotel in the Boughni area in Tizi-Ouzou province killing 4 people.,4, 615,255ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10461,05 March 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Reuters,"March 7 (Reuters) - Algerian troops shot dead six Moslem rebels hiding in a building in the western city of Oran on Tuesday after a 24-hour siege, state radio quoted security forces as saying.",6, 615,256ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10465,06 March 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,10 March 2000 llyod's- police officer guarding the Senegalese Embassy in Algiers was killed by an armed group who fled after taking the victim's weapon 8th march.,1, 615,257ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10474,08 March 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bouira,Ain-Bessem,,Ain Bessem,36.293300,3.670800,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"10 March 2000 Lloyd'- Islamic militants killed two soldiers and the mayor of Ain Bessam, a town 90 miles east of Algiers, yesterday, the Liberte daily reported. Several other people were wounded when the attackers opened fire on their victims in a hotel,",3, 615,258ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10475,08 March 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"March 10 2000- Lloyd's- A fourth attack targeted a patrol of communal guards near Boumerdes, 35 miles east of the capital, the daily said. Several bombs exploded as the guards were passing through, killing one and wounding two.",1, 615,259ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10476,08 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"March 10 2000 Llyod's- Djelfa, 215 miles south of Algiers, a bomb killed two members of a civilian security group trained and armed by the authorities, Liberte reported. A third member of the group was wounded.",2, 615,260ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10501,12 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,1,Reuters,"March 18 2000 Reuters- Rebels killed two civilians at bogus roadblocks, the paper added, one in the Bouira area, 90 km (55 miles) east of Algiers, on Tuesday, and one in the nearby Baghlia area on Thursday.",2, 615,261ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10502,12 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"15 March 2000 Lloyd's- A 17-year-old man was killed yesterday and 13 people were seriously wounded when two bombs exploded in a market near Chlef, 135 miles west of the capital Algiers, the daily ""Liberte"" reported",1, 615,262ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10503,12 March 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Reuters,"15 March 2000 Reuters- The rebels, hiding on both sides of the road, machinegunned an army convoy on Tuesday near Ahedad village in Tizi-Ouzou province, 90 km (56 miles) east of Algiers, killing four soldiers and wounding 15, it said.",4, 615,263ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10511,13 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,"18 March 2000 Reuters-guerrillas killed four villagers at Draa Smar hamlet in the Medea region, 70 km (45 miles) south of the capital, Le Matin said.",4, 615,264ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10512,13 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Chaiba,,Chaiba,36.616700,2.716700,1,Reuters,"18 March 2000 Reuters-rebels stormed Chaiba village in the Bou Ismail area, 50 km (30 miles) west of Algiers, on Wednesday, killing 11 civilians, including six children, Le Matin said.",11, 615,265ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10513,13 March 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Ain Defla,Khemis Miliana,,El Khemis Miliana,36.262200,2.218100,1,Reuters,"March 18 2000 Reuters- A pro-government militiaman was killed in a rebel attack on Tuesday in Khemis Miliana region, 170 km (105 miles) southwest of Algiers, it said.",1, 615,266ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10520,14 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghlia,36.816900,3.857200,1,Reuters,"March 18 2000 Reuters- Rebels killed two civilians at bogus roadblocks, the paper added, one in the Bouira area, 90 km (55 miles) east of Algiers, on Tuesday, and one in the nearby Baghlia area on Thursday.",2, 615,267ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10521,14 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.193900,-0.641400,1,Reuters,"March 18 Reuters- Moslem rebels killed a young man at Sidi Ali bin Youb village in Sidi Bel Abbes province, 370 km (230 miles) west of the capital, on Thursday.",1, 615,268ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10560,21 March 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,El Bayadh,El Bayadh,,El Bayadh,33.686100,1.013900,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"23 March 2000 Lloyd'-The Algerian army has killed 35 members of an Islamic militant group in a crackdown prompted by the massacre of 25 shepherds and their families. militants were killed over the past three weeks in the regions of El-Bayadh, 280 miles",16, 615,269ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10561,21 March 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483300,3.666700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"23 March 2000 Lloyd'-The Algerian army has killed 35 members of an Islamic militant group in a crackdown prompted by the massacre of 25 shepherds and their families. militants were killed over the past three weeks in the regions of El-Bayadh, 280 miles",16, 615,270ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10584,25 March 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Tissemsilt,,Tissemsilt,35.607800,1.811100,1,Reuters,"28 March 2000 Reuters-GIA guerrillas planted a bomb which exploded on Monday, killing five farmers and injuring six others in Tissemsilt area, 300 km (187 miles) southwest of Algiers, El Khabar said.",5, 615,271ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10656,01 April 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,"April 8 (Reuters) - Algerian Moslem rebels killed 20 civilians in a series of attacks this week, including seven shepherds who were beheaded and their bodies burned and six more shepherds were shot dead later in the day. Two days later five civilians die",20, 615,272ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10761,11 April 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Hattatba,,Attatba,36.572800,2.676900,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,15 April 2000 Lloyd's- Residents said 12 people were killed and six injured when gunmen opened fire on a market today in an Algerian town 35 miles west of Algiers.,12, 615,273ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10828,20 April 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Reuters,"April 22 (Reuters) - Algerian Agriculture Minister Barakat, 60, was unhurt but one of his guards suffered injuries in the attack in Magtaa Lazrag village, Blida district, 50 km (30 miles) south of Algiers. The bomb went off a few metres (yards) from the",0, 615,274ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10834,21 April 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ouargla,Hassi Messaoud,,Hassi Messaoud,31.701900,6.054400,1,Reuters,"April 23 (Reuters) - Unidentified assailants shot dead seven customs agents and snatched their weapons near Algeria's main Hassi Messaoud oilfield, officials said on Sunday.",7, 615,275ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10838,22 April 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,Xinhua,"April 25 (Xinhua)- bomb blast killed a shepherd in the region of Ain Defla, 160 kilometers west of Algiers.",1, 615,276ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10839,22 April 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Xinhua,"April 25 2000- Xinhua-Three Islamists were killed by security forces in the suburb of Algiers, while two other Islamists were shot dead in Djebel Zerzar, 450 kilometers southeast of Algiers",5, 615,277ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10840,22 April 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Xinhua,"April 25 2000- Xinhua-Three Islamists were killed by security forces in the suburb of Algiers, while two other Islamists were shot dead in Djebel Zerzar, 450 kilometers southeast of Algiers",0, 615,278ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10841,22 April 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Xinhua,"April 25 (Xinhua) - Two security guards in a commune were killed and five other people injured in a bomb blast near Jijel, 300 kilometers east of Algiers, following a skirmish between security forces and Islamists",2, 615,279ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10873,27 April 2000,2000,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Tunisia),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,A journalist begins a hunger strike after this passport is confiscated in Algeria.,0, 615,280ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10932,02 May 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chiffa,,El Hamdania,36.450000,2.733300,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"6 May 2000 Lloyd's- 19 people have been killed and 26 injured in an attack on a bus by suspected Islamic militants in Algeria. The rebels opened fire when the bus failed to stop at a fake roadblock in the town of Hamdania, 80km south of Algiers.",19, 615,281ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10966,03 May 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Annaba,Ain El Berda,,Asfour,36.650000,7.583300,1,Reuters,"6 May 2000- Reuters- Fourteen rebels from the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) were killed on Friday when government soldiers stormed their hideout on Asfour mountain in Tlemcen region, some 400 km (250 miles) west of Algiers, it said.",14, 615,282ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10978,04 May 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,13,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,1,Reuters,"6 May 2000 -Reuters- troops killed 10 members of another radical rebel group, the Da'wa wal Djihad (Appeal and Struggle), in the Bouira area, 90 km (56 miles) east of Algiers.",10, 615,283ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,10995,06 May 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Bou Caid,,Bou Gaid,35.891100,1.619700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,8 May 2000 Lloyd's- Rebels kill father and his 8 sons.,9, 615,284ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11159,17 May 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Djelfa,Ain Fekka,,Sidi Bakhti,35.342200,3.527800,1,Xinhua,"May 20 (Xinhua) - A total of eight citizens have been killed by terrorists last week in Algeria's Muaaskar province, the Al-Khabar daily reported on Saturday.",8, 615,285ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11267,25 May 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"27 May 2000 Lloyd's Info- Seven soldiers were killed and three others wounded in an ambush by armed Islamic extremists in mountains south of Algiers, the Liberte newspaper reported today. The troops were caught by surprise by their attackers, believed to",7, 615,286ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11268,25 May 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,"29 May 2000 Reuters- Rebels shot dead two other civilians at a bogus road block in the same province also on Saturday, it added, without giving further details.",2, 615,287ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11269,25 May 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,"29 May 2000 Reuters- Moslem rebels slashed the throats of three children and their mother and father on Saturday when they stormed their home in Draa Smar village in Medea province, 70 km (45 miles) south of Algiers, Le Matin daily said.",5, 615,288ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11284,26 May 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,2,12,Algeria,Relizane,Mazouna,,Hassasna,36.133300,0.883300,1,Reuters,"29 May 2000- Reuters- Government troops shot dead five guerrillas in a gun battle on Sunday when they swooped on a rebel hideout in the mountainous area of Hassasna in Saida region, some 200 km (125 miles) southwest of Algiers, Liberte newspaper said.",5, 615,289ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11430,06 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"8 June 2000 Lloyd's- In Dellys area, 80 km east of Algiers. ""Eleven soldiers were killed in the mine-clearing operation,"" Le Matin said. The soldiers were involved in an operation against rebels concealed in the in the region. At least four rebels had be",11, 615,290ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11537,14 June 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,"June 16 (Reuters) - A powerful bomb exploded in a market in Algeria on Friday killing 13 people and injuring 42, French media reported.",13, 615,291ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11549,15 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"23 June 2000 - Lloyd's- The French-language daily ""Le Matin"" said four forest guards were among the eight killed in an attack it blamed on Moslem rebels near the province of Blida, 60 km south-west of Algiers on June 17th.",8, 615,292ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11550,15 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"23 June 2000- Lloyd's- The army, backed by helicopter gunships and heavy artillery, attacked rebel hideouts in the provinces of Boumerdes and Tizi-Ouzo killing 16 in a big operation which started on Saturday, the newspapers said.",16, 615,293ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11551,15 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,26 June 2000- Llyod's- Newspapers added that the army had killed at least 16 rebels in forests near the eastern province of Tizi-Ouzou in a big operation that began on Saturday (Jun 17) and was hunting 60 guerrillas believed hiding in the forests,0, 615,294ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11567,16 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,26 June 2000- Llyod's- Newspapers added that the army had killed at least 16 rebels in forests near the eastern province of Tizi-Ouzou in a big operation that began on Saturday (Jun 17) and was hunting 60 guerrillas believed hiding in the forests,0, 615,295ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11577,17 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,26 June 2000- Llyod's- Newspapers added that the army had killed at least 16 rebels in forests near the eastern province of Tizi-Ouzou in a big operation that began on Saturday (Jun 17) and was hunting 60 guerrillas believed hiding in the forests,0, 615,296ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11589,18 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,26 June 2000- Llyod's- Newspapers added that the army had killed at least 16 rebels in forests near the eastern province of Tizi-Ouzou in a big operation that began on Saturday (Jun 17) and was hunting 60 guerrillas believed hiding in the forests,0, 615,297ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11731,24 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"26 June 2000- Llyod's List- The Arabic-language daily El Khabar said troops stormed a hide-out in Djelfa province, some 270 km south of the capital Algiers, and killed 14 rebels.",14, 615,298ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11732,24 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.191400,5.409400,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"26 June 2000- Lloyd's- Soldiers killed four other rebels in Setif, 300 km east of Algiers",4, 615,299ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11795,30 June 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Dow Jones International,"2 July 2000 Dow Jones International- In Kabylie, about 100 kilometers (62 miles) east of the capital, the army hunted down 10 suspected Islamic militants in an operation launched a week ago, the Liberte daily reported",10, 615,300ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11841,06 July 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Tissemsilt,,Tissemsilt,35.607800,1.811100,1,Reuters,"July 10 2000 Reuter- Another newspaper, Liberte, said that Moslem rebels slashed the throats of three shepherds and two pro-government militiamen in two attacks on Saturday in the province of Tissmesilt, 250 km (155 miles) southwest of Algiers.",5, 615,301ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11848,07 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Reuters,"July 10 2000- Reuters- Liberte said rebels struck again next morning in the province of Jijel, 350 km (220 miles) east of Algiers, killing four government officials, including the mayor of Erraguene village",4, 615,302ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11856,08 July 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Reuters,"July 10 Reuters- The French-language El Watan said 10 members of the radical Armed Islamic Group (GIA) armed with guns, knives and axes stormed a village near Tipaza, 70 km (45 miles) west of Algiers and beheaded the 8 farmers as they slept in the open a",8, 615,303ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11861,09 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,LIDD: The Islamic League for Preaching and Holy Struggle,,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Djelfa,Hassi Fedoul,,Souk el Had,35.492200,2.182500,1,Reuters,"13 July 2000 Reuters Another newspaper, Le Matin, said rebels from the other radical group, Da'wa Wal Djihad (Appeal and Struggle), on Tuesday slashed the throats of four policemen near Souk el-Had village in the province of Boumerdes, 60 km (38 miles) e",4, 615,304ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11862,09 July 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Reuters,"13 July 2000 Reuters-La Tribune said radical Islamist rebels machine gunned a group of campers late on Tuesday night in El Beldj seaside camp, in the province of Tipaza, 70 km (44 miles) west of Algiers.",2, 615,305ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11906,14 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Collo,,Collo,37.005800,6.572500,1,Reuters,"July 17 (Reuters) - The French-language daily El Watan reported on Sunday that eight soldiers had been killed over the weekend in a rebel ambush near the town of Collo, 550 kms (340 miles) east of Algiers.",8, 615,306ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11913,15 July 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Reuters,"July 17 (Reuters) - Algerian Moslem rebels shot dead nine civilians, including two women and two children, after setting up a fake road-block west of Algiers, medical sources said on Monday. The killing in Tipaza provinc",9, 615,307ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11978,21 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"24 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report In the district of Skikda, east of the capital, three soldiers were killed early yesterday and six others injured in an ambush by an armed group.",3, 615,308ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,11986,22 July 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.394400,0.139700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"24 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report The sources said five people travelling in a truck had their throats slit at a fake checkpoint on a small road close to Mascara, situated 220 miles west of Algiers",5, 615,309ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12004,23 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"25 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report- Twenty-eight militants have died over the past week in the army's offensive in the mountainous Jijel region, 160 miles east of the capital of Algiers, the El Watan daily reported today.",28, 615,310ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12009,24 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"25 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report- Twenty-eight militants have died over the past week in the army's offensive in the mountainous Jijel region, 160 miles east of the capital of Algiers, the El Watan daily reported today.",0, 615,311ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12019,25 July 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,The Times of India,"30th July- Times of India- Le Matin newspaper reported that another three people were killed and two girls aged 12 and 13 were kidnapped on Wednesday by six armed Islamic militants at El Hranfa, near Chlef, 210 kilometres west of Algiers. The daily said",3, 615,312ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12020,25 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"25 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report- Twenty-eight militants have died over the past week in the army's offensive in the mountainous Jijel region, 160 miles east of the capital of Algiers, the El Watan daily reported today.",28, 615,313ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12021,25 July 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,The Times of India,"30th July 2000- Times of India -eight members of a nomadic clan including two babies, were stabbed to death overnight on Thursday, according to the daily El Watan newspaper.",8, 615,314ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12029,26 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"25 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report- Twenty-eight militants have died over the past week in the army's offensive in the mountainous Jijel region, 160 miles east of the capital of Algiers, the El Watan daily reported today.",0, 615,315ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12039,27 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"25 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report- Twenty-eight militants have died over the past week in the army's offensive in the mountainous Jijel region, 160 miles east of the capital of Algiers, the El Watan daily reported today.",0, 615,316ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12049,28 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"25 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report- Twenty-eight militants have died over the past week in the army's offensive in the mountainous Jijel region, 160 miles east of the capital of Algiers, the El Watan daily reported today.",0, 615,317ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12063,29 July 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"25 July 2000 Lloyd's Information Casualty Report- Twenty-eight militants have died over the past week in the army's offensive in the mountainous Jijel region, 160 miles east of the capital of Algiers, the El Watan daily reported today.",0, 615,318ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12225,15 August 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,The Times of India,21st Aug 2000- Times of India- Violence against civilians,3, 615,319ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12237,16 August 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,El Main,,El Main,36.366700,4.750000,1,The Times of India,21st Aug 2000- Times of India- Attackers ambushed security agents who were combing area for militants.,6, 615,320ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12254,18 August 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,The Times of India,21st August 2000- Time of India- Security offensive by military.,27, 615,321ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12273,20 August 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,Bouzeghaia,,Zemmoura,36.374200,1.292500,1,Reuters,23rd Aug 2000- Reuters- large military security operation with helicopter gunships kills 7 rebels.,7, 615,322ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12541,16 September 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Mascara,Sidi Abdeldjebar,,Douar Ouled Sidi Slimane,35.452200,0.485800,1,Reuters,18th Sept 2000- Reuters- Military security region in this mountainous region killed 7 rebels.,7, 615,323ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12564,18 September 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Bou Ismail,,Bou Ismail,36.642800,2.696400,1,Reuters,20th Sept 2000- Reuters- 5 civilians killed and their bodies burnt.,5, 615,324ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12636,26 September 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Reuters,29th Sept. 2000- Reuters- Rebels broke into home and killed 5 family members.,5, 615,325ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12637,26 September 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),3,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,23,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Reuters,"29th Sept 2000 Reuters- Milita and military men killed when their post was raided by rebels in Beni Yassi, in Tizi Ouzou region. (not found)",8, 615,326ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12689,30 September 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Sa•da,Tircine,,Ain Soltane,34.983300,0.533300,1,Reuters,3rd October 2000- Reuters- Rebels attacked a small hamelt killing 14 people.,14, 615,327ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12690,30 September 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,3rd Oct 2000- Reuters- ARmy kills one rebel after rebels killed family in Benchicao village in Medea.,1, 615,328ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12691,30 September 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,3rd Oct 2000- Reuters- 7 civlians killed in this attack on a small village in Medea called Benchicao,7, 615,329ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12707,01 October 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Azzaba,,Azzaba,36.739400,7.105300,1,Reuters,5th October 2000-Reuters- rebels ambushed mmilitary in this town in Skikda.,10, 615,330ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12734,03 October 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Relizane,Ramka,,Ramka,35.850000,1.333300,1,Reuters,5th Oct. 2000- Reuters- Again soliders ambushed by rebels.,2, 615,331ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12799,09 October 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Reuters,14th Oct. 2000- Reuters- violence against civilians.,6, 615,332ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12806,10 October 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,Reuters,14th Oct. 2000- Reuters- Violence against civlians on the Tursday sees 5 civlians killed.,5, 615,333ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12834,12 October 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Benian,,Bled Djababra,35.082500,0.186400,1,Reuters,14th Oct 2000- Reuters- 5 young shepherd aged between 14 and 17 killed by muslim rebels.,5, 615,334ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12840,13 October 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,15th October 2000- Llyod's- 12 women and children killed in a massacre in a town called Ouezra (not found),12, 615,335ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12841,13 October 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Sidi Akkacha,,Douar Bencheloua,36.434700,1.261100,1,Reuters,15th Oct 2000- Reuters- Massacre,6, 615,336ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12882,18 October 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tiaret,Sebt,,Ain el Mizab,35.683300,1.383300,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,25th Oct. 2000- Llyod's- Clash on the friday the 20th of Oct.,2, 615,337ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12986,26 October 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,28th Oct 2000-Fake roadblock,3, 615,338ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12987,26 October 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Reuters,28th October 2000- Reuters- Massacre of civilians.,13, 615,339ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,12988,26 October 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,28th Oct 2000- Llyod's- 5 rebels killed and one captured alive by military.,5, 615,340ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13059,30 October 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,Associated Press,4th November 2000- AP- clash wtih soldiers,13, 615,341ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13080,01 November 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,6th Nov 2000- Llyod's- Fighting in Chlef.,5, 615,342ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13081,01 November 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,6th Nov 2000- Llyod's- 4 young farmers stabbed by GIA rebels.,4, 615,343ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13095,02 November 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Tork,,Zaccar,36.333300,2.302500,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,4th Dec 2000- Lllyod's- soldiers in six combat heli's launched a search operation for militants in the mountains.,10, 615,344ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13275,18 November 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Bou Ismail,,Bou Ismail,36.642800,2.696400,1,Reuters,22nd Nov 2000- Reuters- attack on remote village near Bou Ismail.,0, 615,345ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13289,19 November 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,Reuters,22nd Nov 2000- Reuters- 8 shepherds had their throats slit abducted a woman in Dhamnia.,8, 615,346ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13421,03 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,10th Dec 2000- Llyod's- 5 day military security operation against GIA where 25 of the rebels were killed.,25, 615,347ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13427,04 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,10th Dec 2000- Llyod's- 5 day military security operation against GIA where 25 of the rebels were killed.,0, 615,348ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13458,05 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,10th Dec 2000- Llyod's- 5 day military security operation against GIA where 25 of the rebels were killed.,0, 615,349ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13488,06 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,10th Dec 2000- Llyod's- 5 day military security operation against GIA where 25 of the rebels were killed.,0, 615,350ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13503,07 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Boughar,,Boghar,35.911400,2.716700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,9th Dec 2000- Llyod's- 3 policemen killed by insurgents.,3, 615,351ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13504,07 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,10th Dec 2000- Llyod's- 5 day military security operation against GIA where 25 of the rebels were killed.,0, 615,352ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13505,07 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Tissemsilt,,Tissemsilt,35.607800,1.811100,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,9th Dec 2000- Llyod's- Gunmen ambushed an army unit killing 5 soldiers,5, 615,353ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13534,09 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bouira,Bechloul,,Bechloul,36.316700,4.066700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,11th Dec 2000- Llyod's- 2 civlians killed when 10 gunmen burst into a shop in Bechloul.,2, 615,354ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13535,09 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,11th Dec 2000- Llyod's- fighting kills 5.,0, 615,355ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13568,11 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,13th Dec 2000- Llyod's- a weeklong crackdown on rebels' mountain hideouts.,28, 615,356ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13569,11 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.394400,0.139700,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,13th Dec 2000- Llyod's- military convoy attacked. 9 soldiers killed and 24 rebels.,33, 615,357ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13583,12 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Derrag,,Derrag,35.908600,2.387800,1,Reuters,14th Dec 2000- 12 soldiers and 6 rebels killed when a military convoy was ambushed.,18, 615,358ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13600,14 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Financial Times,"22nd Dec 2000- FT- GIA attack a school in Medea, killing 16 students and 1 teacher",17, 615,359ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13627,16 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Tenes,,Tenes,36.511100,1.311900,1,Financial Times,"22nd Dec 2000- FT- GIA massacre small village, killing 22.",22, 615,360ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13629,17 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,19th Dec 2000- Reuters- rebels killed families in a wave of Ramadan violence. in village of Ouled Mahedine (not coming up on locator),22, 615,361ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13630,17 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Khemis Miliana,,El Khemis Miliana,36.262200,2.218100,1,Reuters,21st Dec 2000- Reuters- family of 5 hacked to death by GIA.,5, 615,362ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13631,17 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,23,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Reuters,"21st Dec 2000- Reuters- Ambush of GIA on militiamen, 9 killed.",9, 615,363ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13632,17 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Reuters,"21st Dec 2000- Reuters- Ambushes between militia and GIA, 9 militiamen killed",9, 615,364ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13633,17 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Tenes,,Tenes,36.511100,1.311900,1,Reuters,19th Dec 2000- Reuters- Machine gun attack on a bus.,19, 615,365ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13634,18 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,Reuters,"21st Dec 2000- Reuters- Bomb exploded on a minibus, most likely the work of GIA. 2 killed, 17 injured.",2, 615,366ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13650,21 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,El Attaf,,Ouled Aicha,36.221900,1.706400,1,Reuters,24th Dec 2000- Reuters- 2 civilians killed in an attack,2, 615,367ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13653,22 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Annaba,Berrahal,,Berrahal,36.835300,7.453300,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"24th Dec 2000- LLyod's- a wave of attacks during ramadam. Here, armed rebels stormed a night club.",0, 615,368ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13654,22 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Tiberkanine,,Djebel Tiberkanine,36.165800,1.594200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"24th dec 2000- Llyod's- Attack on militants in their hideouts, part of Ramadan violence.",0, 615,369ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13655,22 December 2000,2000,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,El Attaf,,El Attaf,36.224700,1.672800,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"24th Dec 2000-AFP- Large scale fighting in El Attaf region, 71 rebels killed, 7 army men.",78, 615,370ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,13715,30 December 2000,2000,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,Reuters,"1st Sept. 2001 Reuters- 8 people found dead in a poor area near Tiaret, suspected islamic militants",8, 615,371ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14062,09 February 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Berrouaghia,,Berrouaghia,36.136700,2.913100,1,Associated Press,11th Feb 2001- armed assiliants opened fire on a shanty town,0, 615,372ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14065,10 February 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,New York Times,12th Feb 2001- NY Times-Massacre of 27 civilians,27, 615,373ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14066,10 February 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,FIS: Islamic Salvation Front,,3,33,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,New York Times,"12th Feb 2001- NY Times- Unknown gumnen killed Ali Merad, top member of banned Islamic Salvation Front gunned down outside home in N. Eastern Algeria",1, 615,374ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14079,12 February 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.394400,0.139700,1,The Record,18th Feb 2001- The Record- violence against civs.,19, 615,375ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14115,16 February 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.193900,-0.641400,1,The Record,"18th Feb 2001- The Record-military clash, deaths on both sides.",0, 615,376ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14160,22 February 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,Associated Press,24th Feb 2001- AP- 13 rebels killed part of crackdown,13, 615,377ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14170,24 February 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,15, 615,378ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14180,25 February 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,379ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14191,26 February 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,380ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14200,27 February 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,381ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14208,28 February 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,382ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14223,01 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,383ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14250,02 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,384ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14251,02 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Kolea,,Kolea,36.638600,2.773300,1,Associated Press,7th March 2001- AP- a gunman shotdown a local official and his wife in their home,2, 615,385ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14260,03 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,386ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14269,04 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,387ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14279,05 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,388ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14280,05 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- AFP- A senior cleric was killed by an armed group.,1, 615,389ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14281,05 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,Associated Press,7th March 2001- AP- at a fake roadblock,0, 615,390ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14291,06 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,391ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14292,06 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Relizane,Sidi M'Hamed Benaouda,,Arar Bouria,35.568100,0.674400,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001-AFP- clash between rebels and military,0, 615,392ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14300,07 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,393ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14301,07 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Setif,Bougaa,,Djebel Trona,36.350000,5.133300,1,Agence France Press(AFP),12th March 2001- 1 killed in a shootout between rebels and militia.,1, 615,394ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14302,07 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,50, 615,395ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14303,07 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,1,Associated Press,14th March 2001- AP- armed attackers ambushed a group of soldiers killing 2 and wounding 5.,2, 615,396ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14304,07 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th march 2001- AFP- civilians killed in Tiaret,0, 615,397ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14313,08 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Annaba,Ain El Berda,,Ain Berda,36.650000,7.583300,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"1th march 2001- AFP- assilants tied up and killed a number of men and cut their throats,",5, 615,398ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14314,08 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,399ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14315,08 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,400ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14320,09 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,26th Feb 2001- BBC Mon-Large military offensive all over the country sees 9 soldiers and 6 GIA killed,0, 615,401ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14321,09 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,402ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14331,10 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Ain el Hammam,36.564709,4.306189,1,AP Online,14th March 2001- AP- clash between rebels and police kills 2 police.,2, 615,403ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14332,10 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,BŽja•a,Kherrata,,Kherrata,36.495000,5.280800,1,Associated Press,14th March 2001- AP- 2 civilians part of a civilian watch group were killed when a bomb planted on teh roadside exploded.,2, 615,404ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14333,10 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Merad,,Oulad el Badji,36.450000,2.333300,1,Agence France Press(AFP),14th March 2001- AFP- massacre of civs.,2, 615,405ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14334,10 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,406ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14335,10 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Agence France Press(AFP),14th March 2001- AFP-3 seperate raids in Medea region - 25 killed in total.,25, 615,407ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14341,11 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),14th March 2001- AFP- 16 rebels killed in ongoing operation against the two groups.,16, 615,408ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14342,11 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,409ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14349,12 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,14th March 2001- Llyod's- 9 rebels killed during an attack in forested area called Timexi (not coming up on locator).,9, 615,410ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14350,12 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,2,12,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Douar Des Ouled Attia,36.950000,7.500000,1,Associated Press Newswires,18th March 20010 AP- rebels hidng in caves were killed my military.,13, 615,411ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14351,12 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,412ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14362,13 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,413ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14373,14 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,414ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14383,15 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Guelma,Guelma,,Guelma,36.466100,7.433900,1,Associated Press,19th March 2001- AP- fighting between police and GSPC killed 2 policemen.,2, 615,415ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14384,15 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,416ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14385,15 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Thenia,36.128300,1.448600,1,Associated Press,19th March 2001- AP- 2 civilians killed and 20 injured when rebels detonated a bomb at a GSPC fake roadblock.,2, 615,417ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14398,16 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,418ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14408,17 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,419ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14419,18 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),25th March 2001- AFP- In a security forces operation last week 31 rebels were killed in various spots in the Jijel region.,31, 615,420ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14420,18 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,421ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14436,19 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),25th March 2001- AFP- In a security forces operation last week 31 rebels were killed in various spots in the Jijel region.,0, 615,422ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14437,19 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Kolea,,Kolea,36.638600,2.773300,1,Associated Press,23rd March 2001- AP- 7 civilians killed in a night attack in town of Zouaui - Benaouda. A nightwatchmen and a family were massacred.,7, 615,423ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14438,19 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,424ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14447,20 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th March 2001- -AFP- 50 killed after 2 week operation in the region,0, 615,425ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14458,22 March 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Bou Ismail,,Bou Ismail,36.642800,2.696400,1,Agence France Press(AFP),27th March 2001- AFP- 2 rebels kiled into an attempted incursion into a small town.,2, 615,426ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14459,22 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Makouda,,Makouda,36.791700,4.067200,1,Agence France Press(AFP),27th March 2001- AFP- Son of a civil guard killed by GIA.,1, 615,427ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14471,24 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Agence France Press(AFP),27th March 2001- AFP- GIA massacred 12 civilians in town called Bouarfa in Blida region.,12, 615,428ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14497,27 March 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Associated Press,30th March 2001- AP- Islamic rebels raided a home shooting 5 family members to death.,5, 615,429ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14804,24 April 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Blida,Chrea,,Chrea,36.425600,2.876700,1,The Irish Examiner,28th April 2001- Irish Examiner- 40 Algerian military and 7 rebels killed in clashes.,47, 615,430ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14831,29 April 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chiffa,,Chiffa,36.461900,2.741900,1,Agence France Press(AFP),1st May 2001- AFP- Ten civilians massacred overnight at town in Blida.,10, 615,431ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14839,30 April 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),May 2nd 2001- AFP- clashes between youths and police left a trail of death in the capital of the Berber territory.,3, 615,432ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14846,01 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),May 2nd 2001- AFP- clashes between youths and police left a trail of death in the capital of the Berber territory.,3, 615,433ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14873,02 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),May 2nd 2001- AFP- clashes between youths and police left a trail of death in the capital of the Berber territory.,3, 615,434ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14903,05 May 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Skikda,Bin El Ouiden,,Ksir Beni Zid,36.816400,6.499700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),9th May 2001- AFP- 1 civilian guard beheaded by an armed group.,1, 615,435ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14935,07 May 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Ouled Aissa,36.533300,3.650000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),9th May 2001- AFP- 2 soldiers killed in bomb explosion in this town in Kabylie.,2, 615,436ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,14970,10 May 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,EFE News Service,15th May 2001- Clash between army and militants lasted several hours in region of Yivel (not coming up on locator).,7, 615,437ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15037,18 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Townsville Bulletin,28th May 2001- Riots sparked by killing of a Berber boy in Police custody.,0, 615,438ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15047,19 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Townsville Bulletin,28th May 2001- Riots sparked by killing of a Berber boy in Police custody.,0, 615,439ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15053,20 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Townsville Bulletin,28th May 2001- Riots sparked by killing of a Berber boy in Police custody.,0, 615,440ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15060,21 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Townsville Bulletin,28th May 2001- Riots sparked by killing of a Berber boy in Police custody.,0, 615,441ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15079,22 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Townsville Bulletin,28th May 2001- Riots sparked by killing of a Berber boy in Police custody.,0, 615,442ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15091,23 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Townsville Bulletin,28th May 2001- Riots sparked by killing of a Berber boy in Police custody.,0, 615,443ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15105,24 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Townsville Bulletin,28th May 2001- Riots sparked by killing of a Berber boy in Police custody.,0, 615,444ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15163,29 May 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Financial Times,"1st June 2001- FT- 70,00- 300,000 people turned out for a demonstration called by the Sociaal Foreces Front, a Berber dominated party.",0, 615,445ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15190,31 May 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,The Irish Examiner,3rd June 2001- Irish Examiner- 45 civilians killed in an attack near city of Chlef.,45, 615,446ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15352,09 June 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,EFE News Service,11th June 2001- EFE- 50 rebels launched an attack on rural barracks setting off a bomb.,53, 615,447ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15371,12 June 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Reuters,"14th June 2001- Reuters- 3 killed and 15 injured, 2 police and one protestor in this massive riot by Berbers",3, 615,448ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15503,24 June 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,26th June 2001- Llyod's- Family of 6 nomads killed by rebels,6, 615,449ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15530,27 June 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Relizane,Ammi Moussa,,Ammi Moussa,35.868100,1.108100,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report/ Reuters,"29th June 2001- Reutuers/Llyod's- A continuing operation in Relizane, heavy artilery and helicopters killed 26 rebels",26, 615,450ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15539,29 June 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Reuters,1st July 2001- Reuters- GIA rebels attacked a night club in eastern Algeria killing 6 and kidnapping 5 women,6, 615,451ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15616,06 July 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Khemis Miliana,,El Khemis Miliana,36.262200,2.218100,1,Financial Times,8th July 2001- FT- 15 victims shot and 1 slit throat at a false checkpoint.,16, 615,452ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15617,06 July 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ouezra,,Ouzera,36.254200,2.847200,1,Financial Times,8th July 2001- FT- Another fake road block at Ouzera,0, 615,453ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15635,07 July 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,Agence France Press(AFP),10th July 2001 AFP- Rebels killed a father and 5 children in their home.,6, 615,454ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15837,30 July 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Cap Djinet,36.878100,3.723100,1,El Watan/Associated Press,5h August 2001- AP- the attackers were hiding alongside a roadside and tossed a handmade bomb at a military truck killing 2 soldiers,2, 615,455ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15921,08 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,Reuters,14th Aug. 2001- Reuters- 9 people killed in 2 seperate raids near the city of Chlef,9, 615,456ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,15943,11 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Sa•da,Ain Soltane,,Sidi Bouaza,35.018300,0.355300,1,The Irish Examiner/ Reuters,14th Aug. 2001- Reuters/Irish Examiner- A convoy of farmers have been killed after they were ambushed on a rural road in Ouled Bouaza. 17 men's throats were slit.,17, 615,457ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16007,20 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.394400,0.139700,1,Associated Press,23rd Aug. 2001- AP- 9 people had their throats slit by a fake road block.,9, 615,458ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16012,21 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Associated Press,"23rd August 2001- 2 people kiled, 5 injured on Tues. when a bomb exploded",2, 615,459ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16027,25 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Mohammadia,,Mohammadia,35.588600,0.068600,1,Reuters,"27th Aug. 2001, Reuters- 5 residents knifed and 2 shot dead by rebels.",7, 615,460ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16034,26 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Nesmoth,,El Houalaa,35.268900,0.348600,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,28th Aug. 2001- Llyod's- 7 people were killed and 7 injured when rebels made an overnight attack.,7, 615,461ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16040,27 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,29th August 2001- Reuters- Bomb went off in the city wounding 34 people.,0, 615,462ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16056,29 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,31st Aug 2001- Reuters- GSPC bomb found and difused in the capital. No one injured.,0, 615,463ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16063,30 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.394400,0.139700,1,Reuters,1st Sept. 2001- Reuters- rebels slit throats of 5 members of same family,5, 615,464ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16072,31 August 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba,36.900000,7.766700,1,Reuters,3rd Sept 2001- Reuters- Rebels killed civilians just outside of Algiers in Annaba,3, 615,465ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16107,02 September 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Zeralda,,Zeralda,36.714700,2.843300,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"4th Sept, AFP- Rebels attacked a coastal resort and killed tourists",7, 615,466ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16126,04 September 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,El Watan/ Llyod's List,6th Sept 2001- El Watan/Llyod's Military killed 4 Islamic rebels as part of a crackdown on violence in the area,4, 615,467ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16139,05 September 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,"7th Sept 2001, Llyods, Attackers entered home and set fire to it killing 4 civilians.",4, 615,468ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16140,05 September 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,EFE News,"7th Sept 2001- EFE- GSPC or GIA fighting militia , killed one militia man with a handmade bomb",1, 615,469ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16148,06 September 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,27,Algeria,Oran,Arzew,,Arzew,35.851700,-0.321400,1,Lloyd's Information Casualty Report,8th Sept. 2001- Lloyd's Report- Islamic militants opened fire in a mosque in a brutal massacre,10, 615,470ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16255,21 September 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tablat,,Tablat,36.411900,3.312800,1,Agence France Press(AFP),23rd Sept. 2001 AFP -rebels killed people at fake road block,2, 615,471ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16256,21 September 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"23rd Sept 2001- 3 day army search and sweep operation in Tebessa, 4 rebels killed",4, 615,472ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16260,22 September 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"23rd Sept 2001- 3 day army search and sweep operation in Tebessa, 4 rebels killed",0, 615,473ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16267,23 September 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"23rd Sept 2001- 3 day army search and sweep operation in Tebessa, 4 rebels killed",0, 615,474ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16286,26 September 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,28th Sept 2001- 4 rebels stormed a family wedding killed 13 then went next door to kill another 9,22, 615,475ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16382,07 October 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,EFE News Service,"9th oct 2001, EFE news- Battle 1",9, 615,476ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16383,07 October 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,EFE News Service,"9th Oct, EFE news- 1 17 year old youth shot dead by islamic rebels",1, 615,477ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16445,13 October 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,23,Algeria,TŽbessa,Bir El Ater,,Bir El-Ater,34.744877,8.060239,1,Llyod's List,"15th Oct 2001 ambush by rebels, 11 militian men killed",11, 615,478ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16544,25 October 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,Reuters,military raids in torki and zacar,0, 615,479ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16545,25 October 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.394400,0.139700,1,Reuters,10 rebels killed in an ambush,10, 615,480ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16557,28 October 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Reuters,suspected islamic rebels killed 13 pro gov militiamen on tues,13, 615,481ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16562,29 October 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,Reuters,Throats slit at fake blockroad,4, 615,482ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16571,30 October 2001,2001,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435800,7.143300,1,El Watan and llyod's List Casualty Report,military raided hideout of rebel faction,11, 615,483ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16648,10 November 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Ain Zaouia,36.548900,3.893900,1,BBC Monitoring,attack by a islamic terrorist group,0, 615,484ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16708,18 November 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Associated Press Newswires,bomb blast injures 30,0, 615,485ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16853,04 December 2001,2001,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Reuters,protests by ethnic berber activists,0, 615,486ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16864,05 December 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie des Babors,36.817000,4.300000,1,"The Record, North Jersey Media Group Inc.",7 December 2001-The Record A new round of clashes between ethnic Berbers and security forces marred the beginning of government talks Thursday on Berber rights. Up to 10 people were injured. The confrontations occurred in several towns in the mountainou,0, 615,487ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16881,07 December 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,Guelph Mercury,"9 December 2001 Guelph Mercury ALGIERS -- Assailants shot and killed 17 people, including 10 children, in the worst outbreak of violence in Algeria during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan this year, newspapers reported Saturday. No one claimed responsib",17, 615,488ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16887,08 December 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.200000,5.400000,1,EFE,10 December 2001 EFE News Service Another civilian was shot dead by fundamentalists Friday when his vehicle was stopped at a roadblock in Setif province.,1, 615,489ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16919,11 December 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Reuters,"15 December 2001 Reuters News In a similar ambush on the same day, rebels machinegunned a bus at Beni Mered area in Blida province, 50 km (30 miles) south of the Algerian capital, killing four passengers and wounding seriously three others, El Watan adde",4, 615,490ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16920,11 December 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,Reuters,"15 December 2001 Reuters News, ALGIERS, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Suspected Islamic rebels have killed 11 people, including five pro-government militiamen and a local official, in separate attacks in Algeria, newspapers said on Saturday. Rebels shot dead the f",11, 615,491ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16934,13 December 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Ouled Aissa,36.533300,3.650000,1,al-Bawaba News,"15 December 2001Al-Bawaba News- Ouled Aissae :At least seven people were killed, including local officials and four others wounded in separate attacks in Algeria last weekend by Islamic rebels, newspaper sources said today.",7, 615,492ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16961,17 December 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"ALGIERS, Dec 19 (AFP) - six soldiers were wounded, one seriously, early Tuesday when their barracks at Sidi M'hamed Benaouda, also in the Relizane region, were attacked by armed men, several newspapers reported.",6, 615,493ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,16962,17 December 2001,2001,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"ALGIERS, Dec 19 (AFP) - Four people were killed and two were wounded when men armed with automatic weapons ambushed a taxi west of Algiers, the newspaper Er-Rai reported Wednesday. The taxi, which was travelling between Ammi Moussa and Remka, two towns",4, 615,494ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,17001,23 December 2001,2001,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Mascara,Sidi Boussaid,,Bled Mashouba,35.287800,0.228900,1,Al-Bawaba News,"25 December 2001 Al-Bawaba News, The Algerian army killed at least 14 gunmen over the weekend in Muasker province, about 380 kilometers west of the capital, Algiers. The Algerian army killed at least 14 gunmen over the weekend in Muasker province, about",14, 615,495ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,17200,10 January 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Laghouat,Aflou,,Aflou,34.108900,2.101900,1,,"12 January: a taxi was riddled with bullets at a road block erected by armed men in El GaGda, near Aflou (Laghouat): 5 dead.",5, 615,496ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,17445,31 January 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Rezarza,36.298600,2.773300,1,,"2 February: 12 citizens killed and 9 others wounded at a road block erected by armed men at Rezarza, near MTdTa.",12, 615,497ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,17481,02 February 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,,4th Feb: 13 members of a militiaman???s family (Serdoun family) massacred by an armed group in Sidi Amar (Ann Defla).,13, 615,498ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,17482,02 February 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Sidi Lakhdar,,Sidi Lakhdar,36.263900,2.160800,1,,"4 February: 9 citizens killed and 4 others wounded at a road block set up by armed men in military outfits in Sidi Lakhdar (Ann Defla).",9, 615,499ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,17551,07 February 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,,"9 February: 6 citizen killed (including five belonging to the BoulefaGt family) and one wounded in the Chaabna doyar, near Bougara (Blida) by an armed group.",6, 615,500ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,18447,07 April 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,,"9 April: 5 members of the Boukerrouche family, massacred by an armed group at El Hammama, near Miliana (Ann Defla).",5, 615,501ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,18565,17 April 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Sidi Akkacha,,Sidi Akacha,36.464700,1.306700,1,,"19 April: 7 members of the same family (Chanbi), including 4 children, massacred by an armed group near Sidi Akacha, near TTnFs (Ann Defla) and 4 others wounded. The father, who belonged to the local militia, escaped death.",7, 615,502ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,18607,22 April 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,,"24 April: 16 people belonging to two nomadic families (Dekia et Rabhi) massacred by an armed group at Dhanet Nabla, (Tiaret). Nine children and four women were among the victims.",16, 615,503ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,18656,29 April 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,,"1 May: 11 people belonging to the Salim and Bekkar families massacred by an armed group in the Benseghir area of Tiaret.",11, 615,504ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,18657,29 April 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,,"1 May:Twenty people belonging to the Rakhrakh, Bengasmia and DjaGdi families massacred by an armed group in Ksar Chellala (Tiaret).",20, 615,505ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,18666,30 April 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Bouhanifia,,Bou Hanifia,35.315600,-0.047200,1,,"2 May: 7 people killed at a road block erected by an armed group on the road to Bou Hanifia (Mascara).",7, 615,506ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,18922,27 May 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Sendjas,,Sendjas,36.064700,1.405300,1,,"29 May: 23 people belonging to a nomadic family, massacred by an armed group in Sendjas (Chlef).",23, 615,507ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19015,09 June 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,"11 June: 12 people travelling in a bus were massacred at a road block erected by a group of armed men in MTdTa. 10 other were wounded.",12, 615,508ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19029,11 June 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Douera,,Douera,36.670000,2.944400,1,,"13 June: 6 citizens belonging to two families (Khaldi et Daoudji) massacred by an armed group in the Khrancia neighbourhood called TTlTgraphe, near DouTra (Alger). The site of the massacre was located near a military barrack (ChGteau d???eau), a militi",6, 615,509ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19122,20 June 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Zeralda,,Zeralda,36.714700,2.843300,1,,"22 June: 6 young citizens killed by three armed men, shot as they were playing ball games on waste ground near the coach station in Zeralda (Alger)",6, 615,510ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19138,21 June 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Morocco),,7,17,Algeria,Tindouf,Tindouf,,Tindouf,27.671109,-8.147435,1,BBC Monitoring,"23 June 2002- BBC Mon- Two persons died when a 160-member group was trying last week to escape the Tindouf camps, stronghold of the Polisario in south-western Algeria, to come back to Morocco, sources close to the victims families said.",0, 615,511ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19195,26 June 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Les Eucalyptus,,Les Eucalyptus,36.651100,3.156100,1,,"28 June: 15 citizens killed following the machine-gunning of their bus at a road block erected by armed men in Eucalyptus (El Harrach).",15, 615,512ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19267,03 July 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,Benian,,Chabet Larbaa,35.096100,0.207800,1,,"5 July: The explosion of a very powerful bomb caused a massacre at a market in LarbaG (Blida): 38 dead and over 50 wounded.",38, 615,513ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19289,05 July 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,"7 July: 6 shepherds including four teenagers, slaughtered in Harbil (MTdTa) by an armed group.",6, 615,514ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19305,07 July 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,,"9 July: 10 people, including five children of the Boualem family, massacred and two others wounded by an armed group in a neighbourhood of Tiaret.",10, 615,515ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19358,11 July 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ain Boucif,,Ain el Kerma,35.733300,3.183300,1,,"13 July: 6 people, including four children, massacred and two others gun wounded in Ann El- Kerma, near Miliana (Ann Defla) by an armed group.",6, 615,516ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19381,13 July 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,,"15 July: 7 people, including the family of a militia men (Bendouia Larbi) composed of five people (father, mother and three children), killed by an armed group in Ouled-Allel, near Boukadir (Chlef).",7, 615,517ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19382,13 July 2002,2002,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Mila,Mila,,Mila,36.450300,6.264400,1,Associated Press,Power outages and water shortages caused multiple days of rioting in Rouached.,0, 615,518ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19388,14 July 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,,16 July: Armed men shot at a cafT with machine guns in MTdTa???s city centre: 6 dead.,6, 615,519ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19389,14 July 2002,2002,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Mila,Mila,,Mila,36.450300,6.264400,1,Associated Press,Power outages and water shortages caused multiple days of rioting in Rouached.,0, 615,520ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19400,15 July 2002,2002,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Mila,Mila,,Mila,36.450300,6.264400,1,Associated Press,Power outages and water shortages caused multiple days of rioting in Rouached. 11 people injured. Riot police intervened.,0, 615,521ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19420,16 July 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Sobha,,Boka'et Sobha,36.141100,1.149700,1,,"18 July: 10 citizens, including a family of 5 people (Medjadji), killed by an armed group in Sobha, near Boukadir (Chlef).",10, 615,522ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19421,16 July 2002,2002,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Mila,Mila,,Mila,36.450300,6.264400,1,Associated Press,Power outages and water shortages caused multiple days of rioting in Rouached. 11 people injured. Riot police intervened.,0, 615,523ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19483,20 July 2002,2002,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,El Oued,El M'Ghair,,El Meghair,33.950000,5.933300,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,Heavy rioting ongoing for 2 days. There are few details.,0, 615,524ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19496,21 July 2002,2002,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,El Oued,El M'Ghair,,El Meghair,33.950000,5.933300,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,Heavy rioting ongoing for 2 days. There are few details.,0, 615,525ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19524,23 July 2002,2002,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,El Oued,El M'Ghair,,El Meghair,33.950000,5.933300,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,Heavy looting ongoing after rioting left the area in chaos.,0, 615,526ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19651,04 August 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Ammi Moussa,,Ammi Moussa,35.868100,1.108100,1,,"6 August: 5 young citizens killed and a woman seriously wounded by bullets by an armed group in Babar???s forest (danra Ammi Moussa ??? Relizane).",5, 615,527ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,19749,13 August 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Harchoune,,Harchoune,36.118900,1.488900,1,,"15 August: 26 citizens belonging to three families (Guenfoud, Rabhi et Brahimi), including 16 children, massacred by an armed group in the El Khodr doyar, in the town of Harchoun (Chlef)",26, 615,528ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,20018,10 September 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Sidi Lakhdar,,Sidi Lakhdar,36.263900,2.160800,1,,"Thursday 12 September: Eleven citizens massacred at a road block erected by armed individuals in Bouhdoud, near Sidi Lakhdar (Ann Defla). Four vehicles set on fire by the attackers.",11, 615,529ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,20273,26 September 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Relizane,Ammi Moussa,,Ammi Moussa,35.868100,1.108100,1,,"Saturday 28 September: Seven citizens killed during the night in the area of Redjaem, near Ammi Moussa (Relizane) by armed individuals in military outfits who managed to flee.",7, 615,530ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,20292,29 September 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Oued Chorfa,,Oued Chorfa,36.196700,2.509700,1,,"Tuesday 1 October: Fifteen people belonging to the Tebrour family, massacred by an armed group in Oued Chorfa (Ann-Defla). Nine women and three children are among the victims.",15, 615,531ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,20459,13 October 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,,"Tuesday 15 October: Thirteen pupils of a Koranic school in the town of El Hadjadj (Chlef) shot dead and one other wounded by an armed group in military outfits.",13, 615,532ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,20585,25 October 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,,"Thursday 27 October: 21 citizens belonging to the Akil family were massacred and four others wounded by an armed group in the M???Rabtine doyar, near Boukadir (Chlef). Eight children and eight women were among the victims.",21, 615,533ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,20606,27 October 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,,"Tuesday 29 October: Eight people belonging to the Ben Amer family were massacred by an armed group in the Sidi Bouaissi doyar, near Sidi Okacha (Chlef). Two militia men cousins, women and children were among the victims.",8, 615,534ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,20811,19 November 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Selma Benziada,,El Msila,36.666700,5.666700,1,,"Thursday 21 November: Explosion of a bomb as a taxi-bus was driving past on the road to Ain Rich ??? M???sila: Six dead and two wounded.",6, 615,535ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21012,10 December 2002,2002,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,,"Thursday 12 December: Six members of the Gacem family killed by an armed group who broke into their home in the Thelidja doyar (Djelfa). Three teenagers and two militia men were among the victims.",6, 615,536ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21376,11 January 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Members of the Berber minority march to protest the unlawful holding of several of their own people. Several marchers were arrested, were injured.",0, 615,537ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21391,13 January 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,LE MONDE,6 prisoners have stopped their 41 day hunger strike in protest of their own detention along with 50 other delegates.,0, 615,538ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21397,14 January 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,El Tarf,El Tarf,,El Tarf,36.768600,8.316700,1,BBC Monitoring,"Riots in El Chatt, 40km west of El Tarf, started after the areas drinking water was cut off. Rioters blocked the city roads and proceeded to loot and burn several political establishments.",0, 615,539ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21431,18 January 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Oum el Bouaghi,Ain M'Lila,,Ain M'Lila,36.036900,6.575800,1,BBC Monitoring,"A major cold wave and lack of electricity, gas, and drinking water have led residents of Ain M'lila to block major highways until their demands are met.",0, 615,540ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21432,18 January 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azazga,,Azazga,36.744700,4.372200,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,A sit in in support of the Berber citizens turned violent. Policed used tear gas and force to break up the sit in. Numbers of injured and arrested is unknown but suspected to be large.,0, 615,541ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21455,21 January 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,BBC Monitoring,A major cold wave and lack of gas has led residents of Boumeguer to block major highways until they have the fuel they need.,0, 615,542ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21503,28 January 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Ain Trik,36.150000,5.450000,1,BBC Monitoring,Violent riots are the result of a 34 hour electricity blackout.,0, 615,543ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21548,01 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Mila,Tadjenanet,,Tadjenanet,36.116700,5.983300,1,BBC Monitoring,An electricity blackout caused violent riots in Tadjenanet. Many government buildings were looted and national highway Number 5 was blocked.,0, 615,544ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21586,03 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,BBC Monitoring,"Small riots break out all over communities in Tizi Ouzou. The biggest riot, in Les Juenisse, led to police intervention.",0, 615,545ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21769,16 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Oran,Arzew,,Arzew,35.851700,-0.321400,1,BBC Monitoring,Trade Union of Port Workers protest the privatization of the port causing major disruptions all over Algeria.,0, 615,546ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21770,16 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,BBC Monitoring,Trade Union of Port Workers protest the privatization of the port causing major disruptions all over Algeria.,0, 615,547ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21780,17 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arerridj,36.075000,4.775000,1,BBC Monitoring,Villages in the area cut off access to the main highway in the area until they were forced to stop by police.,0, 615,548ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21781,17 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Skikda,Collo,,Collo,37.005800,6.572500,1,BBC Monitoring,In Beni Oulbene a particularly underdeveloped village hundreds of youth rioted in the street due to very poor living conditions.,0, 615,549ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21782,17 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,1,BBC Monitoring,Villages in the area cut off access to the main highway in the area until they were forced to stop by police.,0, 615,550ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21783,17 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Skikda,Oum Toub,,Oum Toub,36.691400,6.579400,1,BBC Monitoring,Hundreds of youth rioted in the street due to very poor living conditions.,0, 615,551ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21862,25 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,The General Union of Algerian Workers participated in a protest shutting down many industries as a result. Oil production was purposefully maintained.,0, 615,552ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21871,26 February 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,The General Union of Algerian Workers participated in a protest shutting down many industries as a result. Oil production was purposefully maintained.,0, 615,553ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21920,03 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Ouest France,The Berber minority protested the treatment of their people specifically the youth who are detained for demonstrating. The protest quickly turned violent. 160 arrested many wounded.,0, 615,554ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,21980,07 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,"A rally held in Les Genets neighborhood by The Coordination of Village, Administrative Districts, and Municipal Committees was violently broken up by police forces. Many youth were injured.",0, 615,555ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22007,10 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,BŽja•a,Akbou,,Akbou,36.461100,4.533300,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,The Inter-municipal Coordinating Committee organized street protest demanding the release of members of their movement.,0, 615,556ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22008,10 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,The Inter-municipal Coordinating Committee organized street protest demanding the release of members of their movement.,0, 615,557ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22009,10 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,BŽja•a,Seddouk,,Seddouk,36.547200,4.686100,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,The Inter-municipal Coordinating Committee organized street protest demanding the release of members of their movement.,0, 615,558ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22204,24 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Police forced back some 40 Algerian parliamentary deputies who were marching towards the US embassy to protest the war in Iraq.,0, 615,559ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22234,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people. Riots in Algiers ended bloody as the police tried to quell the angry protesters with force and tear gas.,0, 615,560ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22235,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people.,0, 615,561ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22236,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people.,0, 615,562ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22237,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614700,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people.,0, 615,563ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22238,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people.,0, 615,564ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22239,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Mila,Mila,,Mila,36.450300,6.264400,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people.,0, 615,565ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22240,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people. The consulate of Spain was a main target in Oran as Spain is a major supporter of the war.,0, 615,566ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22241,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people.,0, 615,567ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22242,27 March 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tipaza,Gouraya,,Tipaza,36.515800,1.913600,1,BBC Monitoring,Thousands of people take to the streets to protest the British-America aggression towards the Iraqi people.,0, 615,568ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22325,03 April 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,Algiers police use force to break up Islamist party's pro-Iraq March.,0, 615,569ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22491,20 April 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia,36.750000,5.083300,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Several hundred people protested for the release of Berber activists on the anniversary of the birth of the Berber movement. The march ended in violence between police and youths throwing rocks.,0, 615,570ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22628,07 May 2003,2003,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624810,3.477880,1,Agence France Presse,"May 7 (AFP) - Six Algerian soldiers were killed in an ambush by armed Islamic extremists at Keddara in the Bourmerdes region, 50 kilometres (30 miles) east of the capital Algiers, press reports said Wednesday.",6, 615,571ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22666,11 May 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Prisoners (Algeria),6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Batna,Tazoult,,Tazoult,35.486400,6.255300,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Prisoners at Tazoult jail started a riot because they were not included in a a mass amnesty to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohamed. Eight inmates were injured when the police intervened.,0, 615,572ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22674,12 May 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Associated Press,The Council of the Bar of Algiers today began a 3 day strike what will include all lawyers in Algeria. The strike is to protest working conditions.,0, 615,573ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22721,17 May 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Beni-Douala,,Beni Douala,36.622200,4.087500,1,BBC Monitoring,Angered youth raided vehicles and buildings belonging to the Municipal People's Assembly. Anti-Riot police intervened.,0, 615,574ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22778,24 May 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Reuters,"Violent protest sparked by a presidential visit to an area recently hit by an earthquake. Rioters are angry about the lack of response and the poor buildings in the areas which toppled and killed 2217 wounding 9085 and left 15,000 more homeless.",0, 615,575ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22808,27 May 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,,People living in a housing complex damaged by the earthquake blocked traffic on a national highway demanding aide from the government.,0, 615,576ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,22836,31 May 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Reghaia,,Reghaia,36.742200,3.341400,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,70 families from the the Sonacome neighborhood blocked a provincial highway fed up with the lack of support after the earthquake. Police intervened and the roadblock was lifted.,0, 615,577ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23301,08 July 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Batna,Barika,,Barika,35.389700,5.376700,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,Protesters closed the main road into Barika angered over the death of 2 young girls. The girls died from touching an exposed a wet electric wire. The protesters would like to see post installed in Batna province.,0, 615,578ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23337,12 July 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Biskra,Daoussen,,Doucen,34.600000,5.100000,1,Associated Press,Rioters armed with knives and molotov cocktails set fire to government buildings. They were angered due to lack of electrical and water services.,0, 615,579ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23490,28 July 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Khenchela,Ouled Rechache,,Zaoui,35.290300,7.358600,1,Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,Several rioters attacked Military buildings. No injuries reported.,0, 615,580ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23940,18 September 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,BBC Monitoring,Major rioting has occurred for the last 2 days all over the region due to oppression and poor living conditions.,0, 615,581ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23946,19 September 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,BBC Monitoring,Major rioting has occurred for the last 2 days all over the region due to oppression and poor living conditions.,0, 615,582ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23955,20 September 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Djelfa,El Idrissia,,Zenina,34.448900,2.532200,1,BBC Monitoring,Zenina has been completely cut off due to heavy rioting in the area.,0, 615,583ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23963,22 September 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,12 Major Newspapers did not go to print to protest being silenced by the government.,0, 615,584ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,23999,30 September 2003,2003,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,40 inmates at the Serkadji prison have started a hunger strike to protest the amount of time that have been incarcerated before their trial.,0, 615,585ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,24660,04 January 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Associated Press,"100 lawmakers from the National Liberation Front rioted outside Algeria's parliament. Riot police intervened, 20 arrested.",0, 615,586ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,24807,22 January 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Associated Press,Members from the National Liberation Front rioted calling for the president to step down. Riot police intervened.,0, 615,587ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25048,22 February 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Young people protested due to people from Algiers getting jobs over local workers.,0, 615,588ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25068,25 February 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Nezla,,Touggourt,33.100000,6.066700,1,BBC Monitoring,A riot started during Bouteflika's visit to the area. Cars were attacked.,0, 615,589ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25099,01 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Riots broke out all over the region because youths are angry with how the election is being organized.,0, 615,590ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25100,01 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Jijel,Settara,,Settara,36.716400,6.339400,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Rioters angry with how the election is being organized took to the streets and burned down the regional leaders house.,0, 615,591ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25109,02 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Riots broke out all over the region because youths are angry with how the election is being organized.,0, 615,592ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25156,06 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots broke out in the region due to unemployment, water shortages, and resentment of the government. Protesters attacked town halls and other administrative buildings.",0, 615,593ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25157,06 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots broke out in both main cities in the region due to unemployment, water shortages, and resentment of the government. Protesters attacked town halls and other administrative buildings.",0, 615,594ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25158,06 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots broke out in the region due to unemployment, water shortages, and resentment of the government. Protesters attacked town halls and other administrative buildings.",0, 615,595ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25159,06 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots broke out in the region due to unemployment, water shortages, and resentment of the government. Protesters attacked town halls and other administrative buildings.",0, 615,596ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25160,06 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots broke out in the region due to unemployment, water shortages, and resentment of the government. Protesters attacked town halls and other administrative buildings.",0, 615,597ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25347,26 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,BBC Monitoring,Violent riots broke out in the town of Aqbu. The riot police were brought in. No information or injuries or arrest.,0, 615,598ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25397,31 March 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Rioters took to the street to protest President Bouteflika's visit to the city. Police used tear gas and water cannons.,0, 615,599ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25435,03 April 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Associated Press,There were many attempted riots claiming Bouteflika had stole the vote but riot police were ready and stopped them.,0, 615,600ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25599,20 April 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Mali (2002-2012),,8,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,28,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In Guezzam,,Tamanghasset,20.787500,5.118100,1,Reuters,"April 20 (Reuters) - The Malian army clashed with members of a hardline Islamic militant group allied to al Qaeda in the Sahara desert late last week and chased them out of the country, a senior military official said on Tuesday.",0, 615,601ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25711,01 May 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Ammi Moussa,,Ammi Moussa,35.868100,1.108100,1,BBC Monitoring,"2 May 2004 BBC Monitoring- Hunters from the Ammi Moussa region (Relizane) fell into an ambush laid by a heavily armed group of terrorists in a wooded area located on the territory of the municipality of Oualdja on Friday [1 May] morning, it has been lear",2, 615,602ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25714,02 May 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Ammi Moussa,,Ammi Moussa,35.868100,1.108100,1,Agence France Presse,"May 3 (AFP) - A mother and two children were killed by Islamic extremists in western Algeria at the weekend, bringing to 14 the number of people killed in two days of extremist violence after a period of relative calm. The mother and children were killed",3, 615,603ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25722,03 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Theniet El Had,,Theniet El Had,35.871100,2.028100,1,BBC Monitoring,"4 May 2004 BBC Monitoring- Two terrorists, aged 25 and 30 years old respectively, were slain on Monday [3 May] by the forces of the People's National Army [ANP] five kilometres from the municipality of Theniet El Had in the Province of Tissemsilt.",2, 615,604ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25764,07 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,El Ancer,,El-Ancer,36.801700,6.160800,1,Agence France Presse,"May 7 (AFP) - The Algerian security forces said on Friday they had killed one suspected Islamist and wounded another the previous day at El-Ancer, in the Jijel region, 300 kilometres (190 miles) east of Algiers.",1, 615,605ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25816,14 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Selma Benziada,,Selma,36.616700,5.666700,1,BBC Monitoring,"14 May 2004 BBC Monitoring- In Jijel Province [northeastern Algeria], a terrorist group assassinated today in Selma municipal district a member of the People's Army. Two people received injuries of varying degrees. Radio reporter Ammar Akib has the detai",1, 615,606ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25837,16 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mekla,,Saharidj,36.683300,4.283300,1,Agence France Presse,"16 May 2004 Agence France Presse- A 37-year-old man who was a captain in the Algerian navy was killed on Friday while on holiday at his parents' home in the town of Saharidj, some 120 kilometres (70 miles) southeast of Algiers in the Kabylie region, one",1, 615,607ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25853,17 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ouadhia,,Ouadhia,36.556100,4.089700,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 May 2004 BBC Monitoring- One element from a military patrol was wounded, according to our sources, this Monday [17 May] late in the afternoon following the explosion of a home-made bomb in the spot known as Ouadhia, reporting to Taourga, 50 km east o",0, 615,608ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25854,17 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.191400,5.409400,1,BBC Monitoring,"18 May 2004 BBC Monitoring-Yesterday, after a quiet period lasting several months, the Babors region, located 52 km north of Setif, reconnected with terrorist violence. Two bombs exploded. The one in the mountain, the other at the edge, we were told, of",2, 615,609ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25878,19 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 May 2004 BBC Monitoring- The first attack was perpetrated this past Wednesday [19 May] in the early evening in the Ait Ouarzedine region not far from Tadmait. A buried home-made bomb exploded as an ANP patrol was going past resulting in four wounded,",0, 615,610ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25884,20 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,BBC Monitoring,"23 May 2004 BBC Monitoring- The forces of the People's National Army [ANP], which have been on a search operation in the Sidi Ali Bounab mountains since this past Thursday [20 May] successfully neutralized a terrorist in a skirmish yesterday morning. Ou",1, 615,611ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25924,26 May 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,BBC Monitoring,"29 May 2004 BBC Monitoring- This past Wednesday [26 May], the explosion of a bomb in the border mountains near Tlemcen resulted in one soldier wounded in the ranks of the forces of the People's National Army [ANP] during some search operations.",0, 615,612ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,25981,02 June 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia,36.750000,5.083300,1,Dow Jones International,"2 June 2004 Dow Jones International News- At least 10 soldiers were killed and 45 others injured in an ambush Wednesday evening in the coastal region of Bejaia, medical officials said. It was the deadliest such attack this year.",10, 615,613ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26010,05 June 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Chlef,Oum Drou,,Ouled Adda,36.236860,1.409980,1,BBC Monitoring,"6 June 2004 BBC Monitoring-In the municipality of Remka, in Relizane, last night a terrorist group killed a girl and injured three members of her family in an attack on the house of a member of the [local] self-defence group in the district of Ouled Adda",1, 615,614ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26020,06 June 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,BBC Monitoring,6 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- The combined security forces of Boumerdes Province killed two terrorists in Naceria during an operation they carried out this afternoon.,2, 615,615ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26078,12 June 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,BBC Monitoring,"14 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- The combined security forces have recently killed four terrorists during a large-scale combing operation in Djebel Chelaa, in the outskirts of the town of Batna.",4, 615,616ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26079,12 June 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,El Tarf,Bougous,,El Hafair,36.619820,8.326730,1,BBC Monitoring,"14 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- On the night of Saturday to Sunday [12 to 13 June] a bomb - hidden in the thick forest of El Hafair, near Al Alia, in Fil Fila municipality, 22 km east of Skikda - went off as four citizens, who were looking for cork, were pa",0, 615,617ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26113,16 June 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Relizane,Mendes,,Mendes,35.650000,0.866670,1,BBC Monitoring,"17 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- Eight terrorists were killed and a major consignment of weapons and munitions was recovered at the end of an offensive launched by the forces of the National People's Army [ANP] in a wooded area on the territory of the munic",8, 615,618ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26144,20 June 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Annaba,Ain El Berda,,Asfour,36.650000,7.583300,1,BBC Monitoring,"A riot started over the posting of a list of 58 recipients of council homes leaves one person dead. 600 people rioted, looted the the Municipal People's Assembly and burnt a building. 1 Man died in te fire.",1, 615,619ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26145,20 June 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia,36.750000,5.083300,1,BBC Monitoring,"21 June 2004 Daily Star- The Algerian armed forces said on Sunday they had killed the leader of a major Islamic rebel group with ties to Al-Qaeda.",1, 615,620ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26157,21 June 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- Yesterday Monday, at about 2200 hours [local time], a powerful explosion shook the Hamma neighbourhood (Algiers) near the electric power plant. Involved was reportedly a car bomb attack, according to the findings of our on-s",0, 615,621ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26174,23 June 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,BBC Monitoring,"26 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- Two people were also the victims of an ambush - just a few hours before the attack near Medea - at Thala Aissa, 25 km of Blida.",2, 615,622ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26175,23 June 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,BBC Monitoring,"26 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- Five people were killed on Wednesday [23 June] evening at a fake checkpoint at Oued Lahreche, near Medea.",5, 615,623ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26193,25 June 2004,2004,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Polisario Front,,3,,,0,30,Algeria,Tindouf,Tindouf,,Tindouf,27.675278,-8.128611,2,The Independent (UK),25 June 2004- Independent-One hundred Moroccans have been released after being held in desert camps in Algeria for more than 20 years by the Polisario Front independence group. The guerrillas fought Morocco for 15 years over control of the territory of W,0, 615,624ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26205,26 June 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Bougara,,Bougara,36.541780,3.081000,1,BBC Monitoring,"29 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- Three other people, one of them a Civil Protection Agency agent, have been assassinated in recent days in Bougara. Indeed two citizens were discovered dead this past Saturday [26 June] by the security agencies, and, at the",5, 615,625ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26206,26 June 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,Khemis el Khechna,36.649970,3.330800,1,BBC Monitoring,"28 June 2004 BBC Monitoring- Forces of the People's National Army [ANP] managed on Saturday night into Sunday [26-27 June] to kill two terrorists in Khemis el Khechna area in Boumerdes Province and to recover two Kalashnikovs in their possession.",2, 615,626ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26259,03 July 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Relizane,Ammi Moussa,,Ammi Moussa,35.868100,1.108100,1,BBC Monitoring,"5 July 2004 BBC Monitoring- This weekend, in the spot known as Douar Ouled Attia, connected to the municipality of Ouled Ayach, which reports to Ammi Moussa administrative district, in Relizane Province, elements from the People's National Army [ANP], i",1, 615,627ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26260,03 July 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Texenna,,Kebaba,36.600000,5.683330,1,BBC Monitoring,"4 July 2004 BBC Monitoring- Two municipal guards were killed following the explosion of two bombs as they drove past yesterday in the morning in Kebaba area near Selma, on the heights of El Aouana [in Jijel Province - 330 km east of Algiers].",2, 615,628ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26261,03 July 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624810,3.477880,1,BBC Monitoring,"4 July 2004 BBC Monitoring- The commander of Keddara, Abderrahmane Skodarli, was killed yesterday at dawn by the security forces near the Keddara dam in Boumerdes Province [50 km east of Algiers",1, 615,629ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26290,06 July 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Lazharia,,Commune de Lazharia,35.933300,1.566700,1,BBC Monitoring,"10 July 2004 BBC Monitoring On Tuesday night, 6 July 2004, at about 2045 hours [1945 gmt], a group of five terrorists fell into an ambush that had been laid by the detachment of the municipal guard of Sidi Salah, in the district of Lazharia, in the Pro",2, 615,630ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26329,10 July 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,BBC Monitoring,Residents of Bloc-36 neighborhood started a riot in an attempt to get attention paid to their poor living conditions.,0, 615,631ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26368,14 July 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Sa•da,Ouled Khaled,,Rebahia,34.883330,0.150000,1,BBC Monitoring,"15 July 2004 BBC Monitoring- On Tuesday evening into Wednesday [13 to 14 July] morning, acting on intelligence, the security forces engaged in a violent skirmish with a terrorist group in the spot known as Rebahia, in the municipality of Kerkera, located",1, 615,632ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26401,19 July 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,BBC Monitoring,"21 July 2004 BBC Monitoring- Methodically pursuing the offensive that they have had going for the past 12 days east of Boumerdes, the day before yesterday [19 July], in the late afternoon, the combined security forces, according to matching sources, were",3, 615,633ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26432,24 July 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624810,3.477880,1,BBC Monitoring,"24 July 2004 BBC Monitoring- Nine terrorists of the Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] have been killed several hideouts destroyed in search operations in Bouzegza and Kadara areas [east of Algiers].",9, 615,634ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26450,29 July 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,"29 July 2004 sBBC Monitoring- Two armed terrorists were killed by the police services yesterday afternoon while they were in a flat in Benzerga, a quarter on the outskirts of Algiers.",2, 615,635ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26463,01 August 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Reuters,"Aug 1 (Reuters) - Three people were killed by a bomb blast in Algeria on Sunday in an attack bearing the hallmarks of Islamist rebels, state radio said.",3, 615,636ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26501,08 August 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Aug 9 (AFP) - Islamist insurgents killed two local security guards Sunday in Boukaid, some 300 kilometers (185 miles) southwest of the Algerian capital Algiers, according to local newspapers.",2, 615,637ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26512,10 August 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Pan Africa News,Police arrested the leader of the Kabylia protest movement during a protest with hospital workers.,0, 615,638ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26555,17 August 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,"Aug 17 (Reuters) - Two women died in an explosion at a beauty products factory in the Algerian capital on Tuesday, authorities said.",2, 615,639ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26580,23 August 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,WMRC Daily Analysis,"26 August 2004 WMRC Daily Analysis- an ambush by approximately 30 members of the Islamic extremist GSPC has left seven people dead. Five soldiers and two policemen were killed in the shooting attack near Boumerdes, 50km from Algiers, on Monday (23 August",7, 615,640ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26619,29 August 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Aug 31 (AFP) - Four armed Islamic extremists were killed Sunday and Monday in a sweep by security forces in the regions of Boumerdes and Relizane,",4, 615,641ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26645,02 September 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Merdja Sidi Abed,,Sidi Abed,36.006900,0.995000,1,BBC Monitoring,"3 September 2004 BBC Monitoring- Five shepherds were shot dead last night at around 2000 [local time] by a terrorist group in Merdja, Sidi Abed in the Relizane Province. The victims were between 18 and 50 old.",5, 615,642ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26666,06 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Reghaia,,Reghaia,36.742200,3.341400,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 September 2004 BBC Monitoring- A terrorist group has killed a policeman in the Litoral district, in the Reghaia municipality of the Algiers governorate. This happened on Sunday [6 September] night through to [early] Monday.",1, 615,643ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26688,11 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,BBC Monitoring,"13 September 2004 BBC Monitoring- Security forces killed six terrorists last Saturday and Sunday [11-12 September] in the provinces of Relizane and Batna [some 200 km to the west of Algiers and 435 km southeast of Algiers, respectively].",6, 615,644ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26689,11 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,BBC Monitoring,"13 September 2004 BBC Monitoring- Security forces killed six terrorists last Saturday and Sunday [11-12 September] in the provinces of Relizane and Batna [some 200 km to the west of Algiers and 435 km southeast of Algiers, respectively].",0, 615,645ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26706,14 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa el Mizan,36.535000,3.833600,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 September 2004 04:09 BBC Monitoring- Since this past Tuesday [14 September] the combined forces of the People's National Army [ANP] have been engaged in a huge search operation in the wooded Mizrana massif (extreme eastern portion of Boumerdes) killi",2, 615,646ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26711,15 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa el Mizan,36.535000,3.833600,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 September 2004 04:09 BBC Monitoring- Since this past Tuesday [14 September] the combined forces of the People's National Army [ANP] have been engaged in a huge search operation in the wooded Mizrana massif (extreme eastern portion of Boumerdes) killi",1, 615,647ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26721,16 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa el Mizan,36.535000,3.833600,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 September 2004 04:09 BBC Monitoring- Since this past Tuesday [14 September] the combined forces of the People's National Army [ANP] have been engaged in a huge search operation in the wooded Mizrana massif (extreme eastern portion of Boumerdes) killi",2, 615,648ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26729,17 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa el Mizan,36.535000,3.833600,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 September 2004 04:09 BBC Monitoring- Since this past Tuesday [14 September] the combined forces of the People's National Army [ANP] have been engaged in a huge search operation in the wooded Mizrana massif (extreme eastern portion of Boumerdes) killi",1, 615,649ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26736,18 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa el Mizan,36.535000,3.833600,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 September 2004 04:09 BBC Monitoring- Since this past Tuesday [14 September] the combined forces of the People's National Army [ANP] have been engaged in a huge search operation in the wooded Mizrana massif (extreme eastern portion of Boumerdes) killi",1, 615,650ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26741,19 September 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bouira,Aomar,,Aomar,36.502200,3.771400,1,BBC Monitoring,"20 September 2004 BBC Monitoring- In the evening of the day before yesterday, four people were assassinated at a bogus roadblock thrown up by terrorists on National Road 5 in the Aomar region [Bouira Province]",4, 615,651ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26742,19 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa el Mizan,36.535000,3.833600,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 September 2004 04:09 BBC Monitoring- Since this past Tuesday [14 September] the combined forces of the People's National Army [ANP] have been engaged in a huge search operation in the wooded Mizrana massif (extreme eastern portion of Boumerdes) killi",1, 615,652ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26760,24 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Sa•da,El Hassasna,,Merine,34.782299,0.458600,1,BBC Monitoring,"26 September 2004 BBC Monitoring- Three soldiers and one municipal guard were seriously wounded Friday [24 September] evening near the Tanzagua forest in the municipality of Bent Ain Soltane in the District of Merine following the explosion of a home-ma",4, 615,653ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26772,27 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,BBC Monitoring,"29 September 2004 BBC Monitoring A skirmish between a terrorist group, whose number has not been determined, and elements from a Legitimate Defence Group (GLD) and patriots [armed civilians] left six dead among the latter. The clash took place at about",6, 615,654ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26791,30 September 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Ain Temouchent,Hassi El Ghella,,Bou Hamou,35.450000,-1.083300,1,BBC Monitoring,"2 October 2004 BBC Monitoring- One terrorist was slain on Thursday night into Friday morning [30 September to 1 October] at about 2000 [1900 gmt] hours in an ambush laid by a unit from the People's National Army [ANP] in the spot known as Bou Hamou loca",1, 615,655ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26801,03 October 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Associated Press,"3 October 2004 Associated Press-Security forces fought a gunbattle Sunday with Islamic militants holed up in an apartment in the Algerian capital, killing two, police said.",2, 615,656ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26802,03 October 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,Sendjas,,Sendjas,36.064700,1.405300,1,BBC Monitoring,"4 October 2004 BBC Monitoring -A terrorist was killed yesterday during an ambush laid by the security services in the mountainous region of Anssour El Bia, the municipality of Sendjas between Chlef and Tissemsilt",1, 615,657ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26803,04 October 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bouira,El Adjiba,,El Adjiba,36.325800,4.150300,1,BBC Monitoring,"6 October 2004 BBC Monitoring A group of terrorists that was travelling not far from El Adjiba, a community 30 km to the east of Bouira, fell into a skirmish on Monday [4 October] night into Tuesday morning with elements from the municipal guard.",0, 615,658ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26830,08 October 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Annaba,Seraidi,,Edough,36.883300,7.616700,1,BBC Monitoring,"13 October 2004 BBC Monitoring - The first accounting from the ""land clean-up"" operation which was begun on Friday [8 October] by the forces of the National People's Army [ANP] in the wooded Edough massif tells of the elimination of four terrorists and t",4, 615,659ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26900,21 October 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tirmitine,,Tirmitine,36.658300,3.985800,1,BBC Monitoring,"28 October 2004 BBC Monitoring- On Thursday [21 October] ""Terrorist incursion in a Moorish cafe in Tirmitine: One citizen assassinated"", published by Algerian newspaper Liberte web site on 28 October",1, 615,660ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26911,22 October 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Australian Broadcasting Cooperation (ABC),"23 October 2004 Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)- Sixteen people have been killed in an attack by an armed group of suspected Islamist militants in southern Algeria, state television said today. The report said Friday's attack had happened near",16, 615,661ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26917,23 October 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Aomar,,Aomar,36.502200,3.771400,1,BBC Monitoring,25 October 2004 BBC Monitoring- Two terrorists were killed by a unit from the National People's Army [ANP] Saturday [23 October] morning in the hamlet of Ouled Nacer about six kilometres northwest of Aomar (Bouira).,2, 615,662ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26931,25 October 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa el Mizan,36.535000,3.833600,1,Associated Press,"27 October 2004 Associated Press- Suspected Islamic militants decapitated three soldiers in Algeria in an upsurge of violence during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, reports said Wednesday. Security forces killed seven alleged militants in an ensuing op",10, 615,663ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26934,26 October 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Associated Press,"27 October 2004 Associated Press-Three suspected militants from the extremist Salafist Group for Call and Combat killed another soldier in an attack Tuesday in the Boumerdes region about 30 miles east of Algiers, the daily El Watan reported. Another sold",1, 615,664ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26945,29 October 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Adrar,,Adrar,27.870924,-0.285634,1,BBC Monitoring,"30 October 2004 BBC Monitoring- National Gendarmerie units, backed by elements from the People's National Army [ANP], are carrying out a large-scale combing operation in the administrative districts of Ougrout and Timimoune [phonetic] in Adrar. The ongoi",2, 615,665ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26954,01 November 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Chlef,El Karimia,,El Karimia,36.112800,1.550600,1,BBC Monitoring,"2 November 2004 BBC Monitoring- On the eve of 1 November, following the f'tour [meal taken to break the fast], an armed group of an undetermined number laid an ambush for a military convoy on the road linking the community of El Karimia with a surveillan",0, 615,666ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26969,04 November 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El-Ameur,36.636210,3.691670,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 November 2004 BBC Monitoring-Thursday [4 November] night a group of 20 or so terrorists made an incursion into the hamlet of Taravehth, three kilometres east of Chabet El-Ameur [some 60 km to the east of Algiers].",0, 615,667ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26970,04 November 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Reuters,"Nov 5 (Reuters) - Algerian Islamic rebels killed two policemen in the latest attack during the holy month of Ramadan, official news agency APS said on Friday. One rebel was injured in the ambush on a police patrol late on Thursday in the Relizane provinc",2, 615,668ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,26980,05 November 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Boudouaou,,Boudouaou,36.727350,3.409949,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 November 2004 BBC Monitoring-Friday [5 November], but this time in the village of Abouda, in the municipality of Boudouaou [40 km to the east of Algiers], it was a man who was killed by terrorists an hour after the breaking of the fast.",1, 615,669ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27032,09 November 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Reuters,"Nov 9 (Reuters) - Two Algerians were gunned down by a group of rebels as they left a cafe on Monday evening in the coastal city Jijel, a former rebel stronghold some 300 km (200 miles) east of the capital Algiers, a local journalist told Reuters by telep",2, 615,670ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27033,09 November 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Al-Bawaba News,"10 November 2004 Al-Bawaba News-Five people, including two guards were killed in violent attacks by armed Islamic extremists in Algeria earlier this week, according to reports published Wednesday November 10 in the local press. The attacks happened in th",5, 615,671ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27034,09 November 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Relizane,Sidi M'Hamed Benaouda,,Sidi Mohamed Benaouda,35.604090,0.588740,1,Al-Bawaba News,"10 November 2004 Al-Bawaba News-Five people, including two guards were killed in violent attacks by armed Islamic extremists in Algeria earlier this week, according to reports published Wednesday November 10 in the local press. The attacks happened in th",5, 615,672ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27035,09 November 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Reuters,"Nov 9 (Reuters)- rebels killed two civilians on Sunday night in the eastern province of Tebessa near the Tunisian border, El Khabar said.",2, 615,673ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27063,11 November 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Ras El Ma,,Ras El Ma,34.500000,-0.816670,1,BBC Monitoring,"13 November 2004 BBC Monitoring- One gendarme was killed instantly and another seriously wounded by the explosion of a home-made bomb the day before yesterday [11 November] at about noon not far from the municipality of Sidi Chaib, in the administrative",1, 615,674ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27073,12 November 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Reuters,"Nov 13 (Reuters) - Algerian militants have killed two soldiers and injured three others in separate bomb attacks in Algeria as they fight for a purist Islamic state, newspapers said on Saturday. One soldier died and two more were wounded on Thursday when",2, 615,675ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27102,18 November 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,El Madher,,El Madher,35.629380,6.372620,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 November 2004 01:49 BBC Monitoring- On Thursday night [18 November] into Friday morning, the security forces killed a terrorist in the centre of El Madher town (20 km north of the town of Batna) when he aroused suspicion while pushing a cart.",1, 615,676ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27137,27 November 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Mascara,El Guettana,,Rhabet Stamboul,35.416700,-0.116700,1,Reuters,"Nov 29 (Reuters) a group of six militants killed one man and wounded three of his cousins in an ambush on Sunday in the Stamboul forest in the Mascara province, some 300 km west of Algiers, national newspaper Liberte said.",1, 615,677ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27140,28 November 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.189940,-0.630850,1,BBC Monitoring,"28 November 2004 BBC Monitoring- A municipal guard aged 40 was killed and three others were seriously wounded in a bomb blast yesterday morning on a road near El Menzah forest overlooking Oued Taourirt Municipality, south of Sidi Bel Abbes Province [440",1, 615,678ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27141,28 November 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,Reuters,"Nov 29 (Reuters) - Algerian militants have killed two civilians and made off with at least 150,000 euros ($198,800) in cash in separate attacks in the north African country, security sources and media said on Monday. One civilian was killed and another",2, 615,679ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27162,01 December 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,BBC Monitoring,"2 December 2004 BBC Monitoring- One terrorist was killed, a second wounded, and two others arrested yesterday in Chlef town centre by the security agencies. This dramatic operation occurred at about noon right next to the premises of Hassiba-Ben-Bouali U",1, 615,680ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27176,04 December 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,BBC Monitoring,5 December 2004 BBC Monitoring-A national people's army patrol killed a terrorist yesterday afternoon at a place called Moukoufa southeast of Ouana in Jijel Province.,1, 615,681ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27178,05 December 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Dow Jones International,"7 December 2004Dow Jones International News- Algerian soldiers have slain six Islamic militants in the past few days in a crackdown on armed radicals in western Algeria, a newspaper reported Tuesday. The militants, believed to have been members of the r",6, 615,682ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27182,06 December 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 December 2004BBC Monitoring- A terrorist from the Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC) was slain by a patrol from the National People's Army [ANP] this past Monday [6 December] at about 2200 hours east of the city of Tadmait, in the wilaya of Tiz",1, 615,683ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27194,09 December 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Ain El Hamra,36.797780,3.717500,1,BBC Monitoring,"12 December 2004 BBC Monitoring- Orange grove devastated by the Salafi Group for Call and Combat"", published by Algerian newspaper Liberte web site on 11 December An orange grove belonging to a municipal guard was devastated this past Thursday [9 Decemb",0, 615,684ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27204,12 December 2004,2004,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Reuters,more then 300 people rioted over living conditions. 30 youth and 6 police men were injured.,36, 615,685ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27205,12 December 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,BBC Monitoring,"13 December 2004 BBC Monitoring- Two terrorists from the Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] were slain yesterday [12 December] in Tizi Ouzou, in the village of Tazmalt El-Kaf on the southern bypass",2, 615,686ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27236,22 December 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,1,Associated Press,"25 December 2004 -Associated Press- a factory security guard was found with his throat slashed by suspected Islamic rebels. The man, 69, was killed Thursday while on duty at the factory, which made corks, in the Skikda region, 400 kilometers (250 miles)",1, 615,687ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27244,24 December 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Reuters,"Dec 25 (Reuters) - Algeria's army has killed six Islamic militants in northwest Algeria during a sweep on a suspected rebel hideout, state radio quoted security services as saying on Saturday. The militants were killed on Friday during a two-hour gunbat",6, 615,688ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27260,28 December 2004,2004,1,Violence against civilians,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Dec 29 (AFP) - An Algerian man and his daughters aged 17 and 10 were found dead with their throats cut and two children escaped with injuries in an attack blamed on Islamic extremists, security sources said Wednesday.",3, 615,689ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27271,30 December 2004,2004,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,1,BBC Monitoring,"30 December 2004 BBC Monitoring Security forces, the day before yesterday, killed two terrorists on the outskirts of the region of Guermadja, which is about two kilometres from the Kerkara provincial centre, west of Skikda [500 km east of Algiers].",2, 615,690ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27329,10 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Student protest turned violent as police arrested 24 students.,0, 615,691ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27352,13 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614700,1,ANSA - English Media Service,"5,000 students are on strike demanding better transportation.",0, 615,692ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27353,13 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,ANSA - English Media Service,The students of the Tizi Ouzou university did not come to class to protest the arrest of students in Algiers.,0, 615,693ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27383,18 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Djelfa,Birine,,Birine,35.635000,3.225000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),A riot is started over the plans to increase gas prices. Riot police intervene.,0, 615,694ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27384,18 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),A riot is started over the plans to increase gas prices. Riot police intervene.,0, 615,695ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27385,18 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,BŽja•a,Kherrata,,Kherrata,36.495000,5.280800,1,Agence France Press(AFP),A riot is started over the plans to increase gas prices. Riot police intervene.,0, 615,696ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27450,25 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.073215,4.761080,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Dozens of students took to the streets to protest higher transportation cost due to high gas prices.,0, 615,697ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27451,25 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Young people started riots to protest higher gas prices.,0, 615,698ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27452,25 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tlemcen,Maghnia,,Maghnia,34.847200,-1.728600,1,ANSA - English Media Service,In Betaim people took to the streets to protest higher transportation cost due to high gas prices.,0, 615,699ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27453,25 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Chlef,Oued Goussine,,Sidi Ammar,36.470300,1.453100,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Rioters blocked highways to protest higher transportation cost due to high gas prices.,0, 615,700ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27454,25 January 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Rioters blocked highways to protest higher transportation cost due to high gas prices.,0, 615,701ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27580,11 February 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Tenira,,Tenira,35.020600,-0.531400,1,Reuters,Youths rioted for two days looting and burning city hall in the process. They are angry about money that was promised for housing.,0, 615,702ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,27591,12 February 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Tenira,,Tenira,35.020600,-0.531400,1,Reuters,Youths rioted for two days looting and burning city hall in the process. They are angry about money that was promised for housing.,0, 615,703ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28238,26 April 2005,2005,1,Battle-No change of territory,Knights of Change,,3,Military Forces of Mauritania (1984-2005),,1,13,Algeria,Adrar,Adrar,,Adrar,27.870924,-0.285634,1,BBC Monitoring,"Rebels attack gendarmerie, seize weapons.",0, 615,704ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28311,08 May 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.191400,5.409400,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Thousands of people march to commemorate the 60th anniversary the french massacre in the town.,0, 615,705ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28565,07 June 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.193900,-0.641400,1,"Liberte website, Algiers",Violent riots broke out in the city of Ras Elma. No details on what ensued.,0, 615,706ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28633,15 June 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Illizi,Djanet,,Djanet,24.552500,9.482200,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Rioters took to the streets burning buildings and cars to protest unemployment and unfair housing. Exact date unknown.,0, 615,707ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28754,06 July 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Bechar,Bechar,,Bechar,31.616700,-2.216700,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Rioters took to the streets burning buildings and cars to protest unemployment and unfair housing.,0, 615,708ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28755,06 July 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Bechar,Bechar,,Bechar,31.616700,-2.216700,1,"Liberte website, Algiers",Youth rioted due to power outage in city burning many buildings in the process.,0, 615,709ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28756,06 July 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614700,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Rioters took to the streets burning buildings and cars to protest unemployment and unfair housing.,0, 615,710ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28764,07 July 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Bechar,Bechar,,Bechar,31.616700,-2.216700,1,"Liberte website, Algiers",Youth rioted due to power outage in city burning many buildings in the process.,0, 615,711ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28800,11 July 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanghasset,22.785000,5.522800,1,ANSA - English Media Service,Rioters took to the streets burning buildings and cars to protest unemployment and unfair housing.,0, 615,712ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,28895,21 July 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,"Riot police stopped 1,000 people from marching on the presidential palace over a decision to remove local councils in Kabylie region.",0, 615,713ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,29753,16 November 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,El Oued,Djamaa,,Djemaa,33.533300,6.000000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots that shut down highways started over lack of water, housing, gas and food.",0, 615,714ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,29754,16 November 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tlemcen,Ghazaouet,,Ghazaouet,35.100000,-1.850000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots that shut down highways in Dar Bentata started over lack of water, housing, gas and food.",0, 615,715ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,29755,16 November 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tlemcen,Ghazaouet,,Ghazaouet,35.100000,-1.850000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots that shut down highways in Bab Khroufa started over lack of water, housing, gas and food.",0, 615,716ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,29756,16 November 2005,2005,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tianet,,Tient,35.050000,-1.850000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Riots that shut down highways started over lack of water, housing, gas and food.",0, 615,717ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30039,02 January 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),FIS: Islamic Salvation Front,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Les Eucalyptus,,El Harrach,36.720278,3.145000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),The jailed deputy leader of the banned Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) has launched a hunger strike to protest the conditions of his detention as well as the reasons for his incarceration,0, 615,718ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30081,08 January 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,El Aouana,,El Aouana,36.775127,5.599932,2,El Watan,the National People's Army [ANP] reportedly ambushed and killed a terrorist in the southern region of Timizert east of El Aouana (Province of Jijel) ,1, 615,719ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30082,08 January 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Sidi Boutouchent,,Theniet El Had,35.833333,2.000000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Four employees of a water company killed on the road near Thenient El-Had in the Tissemsilt region, about 300 kilometers (185 miles) southeast of the capital Algiers by an armed Islamist group",4, 615,720ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30089,09 January 2006,2006,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Souk Ahras,Ouled Moumen,,Jebel Azrak,36.346792,8.257651,3,al-Khabar,"Gunmen believed to belong to GSPC, surounded by the army near ""Jebel Azrak"" 500 km east of Algiers, negotiated their surrender ",0, 615,721ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30125,16 January 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.850000,3.856667,1,Liberte,A farmer was killed by GSPC in the municipality of Sidi Daoud 40 km east of Boumerdes ,1, 615,722ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30133,17 January 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Oued el Aneb,36.880706,7.489715,1,Liberte,"An ""Islamist terrorist"" was reportedly killed in the Metessaa region in the municipality of Oued El-Aneb. 30 km west of the city of Annab",1, 615,723ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30134,17 January 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,El Watan,Three soldiers from the People's National Army [ANP] were injured by a homemade bomb in Sidi Ali Bounab 50 km southeast of Boumerdes [some 30 km east of Algiers]. ,0, 615,724ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30135,17 January 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Toudja,,Toudja,36.746878,4.872026,2,Agence France Press(AFP),"Three people were killed during clashes between the army and GSPC including a ""spiritual guide"" for the GSPC Sheikh Ahmed Abu al-Baraa in the mountains near Toudja",3, 615,725ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30161,19 January 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Batna,Tazoult,,Tazoult-Lambese,35.481710,6.260744,1,El Khabar,"Two Islamic militants were killed at a gas station while trying to flee police in Lambese, 400 kilometers (240 miles) east of Algiers during a sweep of cities",2, 615,726ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30162,19 January 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Toudja,,Toudja,36.746878,4.872026,1,Liberte,A suspected terrorist was killed during a police patrol,1, 615,727ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30186,21 January 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Tunisia),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba,36.900000,7.766667,2,Le Soir d'Algerie,A suspected Tunisian terrorist is killed in a shootout with Algerian Police near Annaba during a sweep of Algerian cities,1, 615,728ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30187,21 January 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Journalists (Algeria),6,,,0,60,Algeria,El Bayadh,El Bayadh,,El-Bayadh,33.683176,1.019273,1,Liberte; Associated Press Worldstream,El Khabar correspondent goes on a hunger strike to protest the circumstances of his arrest. Media advocacy groups including Reporters without Borders have also protested his arrest and conviction of defamation,0, 615,729ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30285,06 February 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"3,000 people protest the printing of an image of the Prophet Mohammad. 100 young people attempted to protest in the streets but they were stopped by police.",0, 615,730ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30286,06 February 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Thousands of people protest the printing of an image of the Prophet Mohammad.,0, 615,731ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30287,06 February 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Students (Algeria),6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),Students (Algeria),1,16,Algeria,Setif,Setif,,Setif,36.191400,5.409400,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Students protest the printing of an image of the Prophet Mohammad. Police intervene.,0, 615,732ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30310,10 February 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,El Watan,The ANP (National People's Army ) captured two terrorists after a skirmish with GSPC during search operations in the Aghrib Region,0, 615,733ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30347,14 February 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi-Rached,,Chaaib,36.697891,4.232334,1,El Watan,"Tizi Ouzou's Mobile Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Department [BMPJ] killed one terrorist during a skirmish in the spot known as Chaaib, 15 km to the east of Tizi Ouzou. Another was captured and a third fled",1, 615,734ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30405,21 February 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Djelfa,Messaad,,El Gao,34.154294,3.503093,2,Liberte,A National Gendarmerie officer was killed and three others were seriously wounded following the explosion of a homemade bomb set off as an army patrol passed in an area where GSPC is active ,1, 615,735ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30420,23 February 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,2,Liberte,A Patriot was killed late February by terrorists who ambushed him while protecting the COSIDER steel company industrial park,1, 615,736ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30477,05 March 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Zeralda,,Zeralda,36.714700,2.843300,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Hundreds of youths rioting because a young man was shot after attacking the police over the weekend.,0, 615,737ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30512,09 March 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863186,1,Associated Press Worldstream; Liberte,"Armed militants shot and killed a former GSPC leader outside his home. He had turned himself in during the 1999 amnesty, was released, and encouraged others to surrender.",1, 615,738ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30513,09 March 2006,2006,2,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,2,Liberte,"a citizen is killed in his house at ""Tome Village"" camp",1, 615,739ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30525,11 March 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,Khemis el Khechna,36.648600,3.330600,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Poor locals protest living conditions and demand cheap housing and building plots.,0, 615,740ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30526,11 March 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Riots started over the killing of a youth by unidentified attackers. Youths blocked of highways and vandalized buildings.,0, 615,741ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30527,11 March 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),Anger from the defeat of a local football team spilled over into a riot about housing conditions.,0, 615,742ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30562,15 March 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,M'Sila,Ain Errich,,Ain Rich,34.675020,4.089559,1,El Watan,"Three Algerian soldiers were killed and three others were wounded when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb near Ain Rich, M'sila Governorate ",3, 615,743ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30607,20 March 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Ammal,,Bouaidel,36.608207,3.580724,1,El Watan,the army shelled several pockets of the Bouaidel rebel hideout suspected to be sheltering GSPC terrorists using heavy weaponry following the explosion of a homemade bomb that damaged a power transformer (no more information given about this explosion),0, 615,744ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30628,23 March 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Ammal,,Ammal,36.635091,3.589869,1,Liberte,The GSPC's explosives expert was killed by the Bourmerdes BMPJ (Judicial Police Mobile Brigade),1, 615,745ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30629,23 March 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Bouaarfa,,Zerarkia,36.462979,2.814644,2,Liberte,Four farmers were killed by machine guns in their fields reportedly by terrorists,4, 615,746ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30641,24 March 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Ben Choud,,Ben Choud,36.863181,3.880353,1,Agence France Press,The mayor of Benchoud was killed by a 16 yr old Islamist who then fled,1, 615,747ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30642,24 March 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Seddat,36.763779,5.998878,1,El Watan,"Six soldiers were wounded in the explosion of a homemade bomb as they were conducting search operations in the vicinity of Seddat, a wooded region in the province of Jijel that connects the municipalities of Chekfa and Bordj T'har.",0, 615,748ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30643,24 March 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.850000,3.856667,1,Agence France Press,"Two were killed and two wounded at a roadblock set up by an armed group, the violence is attributed to muslim extremists",2, 615,749ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30668,27 March 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Tarik Ibn-Ziad,,Tarik Ibn Ziad,35.993768,2.145579,1,El Watan,"Four terrorists were killed, one soldier was killed and three wounded, during a skirmish, security sources reported",5, 615,750ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30675,28 March 2006,2006,1,Battle-Government regains territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Seddat,36.763779,5.998878,1,Le Quotidien d'Oran,"Combined Military forces have surrounded 30 or so members of the GSPC ""Sedat Brigade"" during a large search operation launched to ""hunt down the hard-core elements"" of the GSPC in the region",0, 615,751ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30679,29 March 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Bathia,,Bathia,35.916025,1.837120,2,El Watan,"The ongoing counterterrorism offensive against GSPC between Chelf and Ain Defla has resulted in the death of another terrorist and the capture of a second (6 have been ""neutralised"" in total)",1, 615,752ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30698,01 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Bathia,,Bathia,35.916025,1.837120,2,El Watan,a terrorist is killed in the mountainous El hadaik region during ongoing search operations there,1, 615,753ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30717,06 April 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,El Hadaiek,,El Hadaik,36.825638,6.888084,1,El Khabar,security forces killed one terrorist active with GSPC and injured another ,1, 615,754ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30718,07 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In Salah,,In Salah,27.193508,2.460691,2,Agence France Presse,"Fourteen Algerian customs officials were killed (13 immediately, one later died of his injuries) and seven others injured when their convoy was ambushed . The ambush has been blamed on a former leader of GSPC Mokhtar Belmokhtar. ",14, 615,755ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30721,08 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,3,Agence France Presse,Algerian security forces killed a group of armed militants suspected of involvement in the ambushing and killing of 13 customs officials. newspapers reported 15 suspected Islamic militants were killed in the army operation that continued over Saturday and Sunday,8, 615,756ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30728,09 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Ain Zouit,,Ain Zouit,36.887988,6.785435,2,El Khabar," security forces besieged a terrorist group responsible for killing a municipal guard april 5th in an abandoned house in Oued Moug. One terrorist, and one soldier were killed. A second soldier was injured ",2, 615,757ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30729,09 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,3,El Khabar,Algerian security forces killed a group of armed militants suspected of involvement in the ambushing and killing of 13 customs officials. newspapers reported 15 suspected Islamic militants were killed in the army operation that continued over Saturday and Sunday. One soldier was killed in the operation.,8, 615,758ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30806,16 April 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Xinhua News Agency,Massive anti-terrorism rallies all over the country were mostly peaceful. They are protesting two Al Qaeda suicide attacks killed at least 57 people last week.,0, 615,759ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30828,19 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,GLD: Legitimate Defence Groups Militia,,3,23,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624812,3.477879,1,Liberte,A GLD member was killed by four GSPC members who attacked him as he was walking home,1, 615,760ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30834,20 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Sidi Mohamed Ben Aouda,35.683095,0.613555,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 April 2006 BBC Monitoring- Three terrorists were killed by the security forces on Thursday [20 April] night in the area of Sidi M'hamed-Benaouda, 20 km south of the main town in the province of Relizane, it has been learnt from corroborating sources.",3, 615,761ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30850,23 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Gouraya,,Oued Sebt,36.564200,1.963530,1,El Watan,Two terrorists killed by security forces uphill from Oued Sebt,2, 615,762ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30851,23 April 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.876170,6.909210,1,Reuters,"April 23 (Reuters) - Suspected Algerian Islamist militants killed seven people and wounded eight on Sunday at a fake road block near the eastern town of Skikda, 700 km (430 miles) east of Algiers, a local resident said.",7, 615,763ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30852,23 April 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Tamalous,,Tamalous,36.837630,6.640176,2,BBC Monitoring,Nine municipal guards and one civilian were killed in an ambush reportedly by the GSPC,10, 615,764ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30869,27 April 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,BBC Monitoring,Violent rioting due to the population being unhappy with the government. 3 Days of intermittent rioting.,0, 615,765ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30870,27 April 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Chlef,Chettia,,Ech Chetia,36.195800,1.258100,1,BBC Monitoring,Violent rioting due to the population being unhappy with the government. 2 Days of intermittent rioting.,0, 615,766ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30873,28 April 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,BBC Monitoring,Violent rioting due to the population being unhappy with the government. 3 Days of intermittent rioting.,0, 615,767ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30874,28 April 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Chlef,Chettia,,Ech Chetia,36.195800,1.258100,1,BBC Monitoring,Violent rioting due to the population being unhappy with the government. 2 Days of intermittent rioting.,0, 615,768ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30876,29 April 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,BBC Monitoring,Violent rioting due to the population being unhappy with the government. 3 Days of intermittent rioting.,0, 615,769ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30904,05 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Aghribs,36.793610,4.311580,1,BBC Monitoring,"6 May 2006 BBC Monitoring- A home-made bomb went off on Friday [5 May] just before 1000 [local time] when an APN [People's National Army] patrol was carrying out a search operation in the mountainous area of Aghribs, 40 km to the east of the main town in",0, 615,770ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30923,09 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Seddat,36.763779,5.998878,2,Liberte,four terrorists who were eliminated during an offensive 9 May in Seddat,0, 615,771ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30932,10 May 2006,2006,2,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743276,3.717296,1,El Khabar,civilian killed by a mine supposedly planted by terrorists,1, 615,772ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30933,10 May 2006,2006,2,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,El Khabar,suspected terrorists shoot a person dead,1, 615,773ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30934,10 May 2006,2006,2,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El Ameur,36.637090,3.694735,1,El Khabar,terrorists killed a war veteran,1, 615,774ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30935,10 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Mostaganem,Hassi Mameche,,Hassi Mameche,35.850280,0.067440,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"May 12, 2006 (AFP) - Algerian security forces killed three suspected Islamic militants in a mountainous region southwest of the capital Algiers this week, a member of the forces said on Friday.The suspected militants died during a raid on Wednesday night",3, 615,775ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30936,10 May 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Skikda,Oued Zhour,,Oued Zhour,36.922999,6.312650,2,El Khabar,three young men were abducted and badly beaten by terrorists before escaping the same night,0, 615,776ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30937,10 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Seddat,36.763779,5.998878,2,BBC Monitoring,"11 May 2006 BBC Monitoring-Units from the People's National Army yesterday managed to kill 10 terrorists in a raid on a cave in Sedat Mountains which encompass the municipalities of Bourj Tahar, Chakfa and Djamaa Beni Hbibi in Jijel Province.",10, 615,777ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30938,10 May 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Ouled Attia,,Siouane,36.950000,6.400000,1,El Khabar,municipal guards are ambushed and fired upon by terrorists. One is killed.,1, 615,778ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30950,11 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Seddat,36.763779,5.998878,2,Xinhua General News Agency,Algerian forces killed three militants in an ongoing military operation a day after ten extremists were killed. ,3, 615,779ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30960,13 May 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"The bodies of 18 children and three women have been found in a cave in Algeria apparently massacred by extremist insurgents. Later reports placed the number at 22 children and seven women plus two men The bodies of 18 children and three women have been found in a cave in Algeria apparently massacred by extremist insurgents, police said Sunday. the bodies were found at Jijel, 360 kilometres (225 miles) east of the capital Algiers,",21, 615,780ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30987,18 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.164700,1.334700,1,BBC Monitoring,"20 May 2006 BBC Monitoring- A municipal guard was killed on Thursday [18 May] by a terrorist group during an ambush on the road leading to Beni Bouattab, a community located at the foot of the Ouarsenis [mountains].",1, 615,781ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,30998,19 May 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Jijel,Oudjana,,Oudjana,36.704898,5.894495,1,El Watan,"a former member of El Forkane, who had surrendered to security forces in 2004, was killed in his house by terrorists from his former group",1, 615,782ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31020,21 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743276,3.717296,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 May 2006 BBC Monitoring-A municipal guard was assassinated yesterday [ 21 May] in El-Ghicha, in the municipality of Bordj Menaiel 35 km east of Boumerdes.",1, 615,783ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31031,22 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.888562,4.119836,2,El Watan,the National People's Army [ANP] exchanged fire with an armed group on National Road [RN] 72 in Tala Thesthane about six kilometres south of Tigzirt,0, 615,784ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31043,24 May 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,GSL: Free Salafist Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.876170,6.909210,2,L'expression,"the army launched three combing operations in the Skikda mountaints, 312 miles east of Algiers, using 8,000 troops, paratroopers, military helicopters, and heavy arms to search out an estimated 50 members of the extremist group named the Free Salafi Gamaa",0, 615,785ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31062,27 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Tork,,Ain N'sour,36.350000,2.266670,1,BBC Monitoring,"28 May 2006 BBC Monitoring- Two municipal guards were killed yesterday [ 27 May] morning in Ain N'sour, on the heights of Zaccar, in the Hammam Righa administrative district, it has been learned from a security source.",2, 615,786ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31072,29 May 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.850000,3.856667,1,Liberte,"a bomb exploded in Sidi Daoud as a patrol of soldiers - that had been deployed as part of the so-called ""Spider"" operation - passed, wounding one",0, 615,787ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31076,30 May 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"May 30, 2006 (AFP) -Two people were slightly wounded by a bomb explosion Tuesday at Boumerdes in central northern Algeria, where a radical Islamic group is active, the state APS news agency reported.",0, 615,788ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31083,01 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,2,Crisis Watch,,14, 615,789ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31084,01 June 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Senegal),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Crisis Watch,,0, 615,790ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31090,02 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Ammal,,Ammal,36.635091,3.589869,1,Liberte,"several blockhouses (terrorist hideouts) were destroyed, in djarrah, part of Ammal",0, 615,791ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31100,03 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,2,Liberte,"two soldiers were wounded by the explosion of a bomb that was set off remotely, ouled aissa 35 km east of Boumerdes",0, 615,792ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31130,06 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555278,6.178611,3,al-Balad,"joined forces from internal security and special army forces, backed by paratroopers, are beseiging 30 Islamic gunmen in caves in the provinces of Tabsa and Batina who are refusing to join a national reconciliation pact",0, 615,793ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31131,06 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,al-Balad,"joined forces from internal security and special army forces, backed by paratroopers, are beseiging 30 Islamic gunmen in caves in the provinces of Tabsa and Batina who are refusing to join a national reconciliation pact",0, 615,794ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31138,07 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,2,Liberte,"a brigade of the National People's Army's special forces shelled by the use of a mortar, the Ouled Ali maquis all of Wednesday night into Thursday morning and skirmished with terrorists. Several blockhouses were destroyed. In between Thenia and Zemmouri municipalities",0, 615,795ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31160,10 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,El Khabar,"The Algerian army killed five gunmen and destroyed 30 hideouts in east Algeria, while undertaking contacts with two armed groups",5, 615,796ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31161,10 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Djebel Edough,36.882462,7.639193,2,Liberte,one soldier was mortally wounded by a homemade bomb,1, 615,797ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31164,11 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Jijel,Texenna,,Beni Khettab,36.709707,5.839356,1,El Watan,A terrorist active in the group called Latissam was killed by soldiers lying in ambush,1, 615,798ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31165,11 June 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Texenna,,Texanna,36.661235,5.788760,1,Liberte,security forces killed a terrorist from the Beni Khettab phalange affiliated with the GSPC,1, 615,799ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31171,12 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSL: Free Salafist Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),GLD: Legitimate Defence Groups Militia,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,El Milia,,El-Milia,36.750000,6.250000,1,BBC Monitoring,"13 June 2006 BBC Monitoring Middle-Two soldiers and one member of the GLD (Legitimate Defence Groups) were seriously injured yesterday [ 12 June] by a bomb explosion.At about 0700 hours [local time], the three members of the combined forces, who were taking part in a huge search on the Chekfa-Taher-El-Milia axis, were surprised by the explosion of a device in the spot known as Beni Mahboub, which reports to the community of El-Milia, which borders on Skikda Province",2, 615,800ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31179,13 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El Ameur,36.637090,3.694735,1,El Watan,2 terrorists and one soldier were killed during a skirmish between the army and GSPC Tuesday night. ,3, 615,801ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31189,14 June 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Gouraya,,Gouraya,36.571700,1.903540,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"June 17, 2006 (AFP) -.A customs official and a civilian were beheaded Wednesday at Gouraya, in the Tipaza region 70 kilometres (45 miles) west of Algiers",2, 615,802ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31190,14 June 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,13,Algeria,Relizane,Ain Rahma,,Ouled Nhar,35.593075,0.438682,1,El Watan,soldiers working with the municipal guard ambushed a terrorist,0, 615,803ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31191,14 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.189937,-0.630846,2,Agence France Presse,an army captain was killed by a bomb explosion during an operation to flush out Islamists near Sidi Bel Abbes,1, 615,804ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31215,17 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Zoubiria,,Douar Mokorno,36.071464,2.892206,1,Al Khabar,"An armed Islamist group killed five soldiers this weekend in an ambush south of Algeria's capital, a news report said Sunday.The attack late Saturday occurred in the village of Mont Mokorno, about 80 kilometers south of Algiers. The army responded with a vast sweep of the area",5, 615,805ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31230,19 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Liberte,"an explosive device placed in a rubbish bin in a bus station where a team of policemen are regularly positioned was detonated, injuring three policemen and one civilian",0, 615,806ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31240,20 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,L'expression,The Algerian army killed 10 suspected Islamic militants during an anti-terror sweep ,10, 615,807ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31241,20 June 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Blida,Chrea,,Chrea,36.429120,2.880590,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 June 2006 BBC Monitoring- Five farm workers were assassinated by terrorists who threw up an ambush the day before yesterday [20 June] at about 1700 hours [local time] on the road that links Bouinane to Chrea. This terrorist attack occurred in the spot known as Aguenni, 13 km south of Chrea",5, 615,808ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31242,20 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Le Quotidien d'Oran,the military killed a terrorist during a search of the wooded massif of Sidi Ali Bounab,1, 615,809ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31257,21 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bouira,Ahnif,,Ahnif,36.335870,4.262202,1,BBC Monitoring,"24 June 2006 BBC Monitoring-Seven soldiers killed and seven others wounded in a terrorist ambush: A rocket-propelled grenade was used in the attack in Ahnif on June 21st""; published by Algerian newspaper El Watan website on 24 June",7, 615,810ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31258,21 June 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,a local police chief was killed,1, 615,811ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31259,21 June 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Zoubiria,,Douar Mokorno,36.071464,2.892206,1,Liberte,A huge search operation is underway across Mount Mongorno following the deaths of five in an ambush in which one suspected terrorist has been killed,1, 615,812ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31260,21 June 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,El Aouana,,El Aouana,36.775127,5.599932,2,Liberte,"An unidentified terrorist, reportedly a member of the El-Mourabitine group, a branch of GSPC, was killed early this week in an ambush laid by security forces ",1, 615,813ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31261,21 June 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,2,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,"one soldier was killed and a police officer gravely injured in the explosion of a homemade bomb near Jijel ",1, 615,814ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31278,23 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,3,BBC Monitoring,"one soldier was wounded and another killed following the explosion of a homemade bomb in the spot known as ""El Floug"" 40 km north of Ras El-Miaad on the southern slope of Mount Boukhil, between M'sila, Biskra, and Djelfa,",1, 615,815ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31297,25 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba,36.900000,7.766670,3,Xinhua,"June 26 (Xinhua) -- Algerian security forces killed 19 extremists on Sunday in a clean-up operation in eastern Algeria, the Algerian daily ""Liberte"" reported Monday. The operation, which is still going on, was launched on Saturday with a total of 800 sol",19, 615,816ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31298,25 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,"two suspected terrorists were killed Sunday near the city of Boumerdes following the assassination of a local police chief. ",2, 615,817ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31306,26 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Kadiria,36.534444,3.682778,2,El Watan,four municipal guards returning from duty were killed after driving over a homemade bomb,4, 615,818ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31314,27 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,El Watan,four municipal guards were wounded by a homemade bomb when they stepped on it and it exploded,0, 615,819ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31326,28 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Beni K'Sila,,Beni Ksila,36.882161,4.661967,2,Liberte,"two soldiers were wounded during a search operation following a homemade bomb explosion in the maquis of Timeri-Moussa (Adekar) and those of Ait Abdelmoumene, in the municipality of Beni Ksila",0, 615,820ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31336,29 June 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Sidi Abdelaziz,,Sidi Abd El-Aziz,36.850000,6.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,"1 July 2006 BBC Mon A group made up of 10 or so terrorists at about 1230 hours [1130 gmt] the day before yesterday attacked a forward post of the Municipal Guard in an area known as Bellouta, in the municipality of Sidi Abd El-Aziz 22 kilometres east of two soldiers and one municipal guard were killed while another municipal guard was wound",3, 615,821ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31343,30 June 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tiaret,Ksar Chellala,,Ksar Chellala,35.212222,2.318889,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian football fans rioted after a power cut stopped television coverage of Germany's World Cup quarter-final victory over Argentina,0, 615,822ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31344,30 June 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.371030,1.316988,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian football fans rioted after a power cut stopped television coverage of Germany's World Cup quarter-final victory over Argentina,0, 615,823ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31356,02 July 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa El Mizan,36.536285,3.833397,2,El Watan,"terrorists set up a fake road block, stop and rob civilians, and set fire to a public transit vehicle, no injuries reported",0, 615,824ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31368,03 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,El Watan,"simultaneous explosion of two bombs that had been planted on the railway tracks, no one was injured",0, 615,825ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31369,03 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Tixter,,Larbaa Nath-Irathen,36.046610,5.131730,1,BBC Monitoring,5 July 2006 BBC Monitoring-Three terrorists affiliated with the Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] were slain by a special unit from the army this past Monday [3 July] evening near the village of Ikhlidjen not far from the main town in the Larbaa Nath-Irathen district including Ahmed Kharoubi,3, 615,826ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31370,03 July 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,1,Le Quotidien d'Oran,the GSPC killed a repentant former member,1, 615,827ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31379,04 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Jijel,Selma Benziada,,Selma Pass,36.620582,5.656428,1,El Watan,three soldiers conducting a search on Mount Bouhench were wounded by a homemade bomb,0, 615,828ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31380,04 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tizi Ghenif,36.548900,3.893900,1,BBC Monitoring,"6 July 2006 BBC Monitoring- On Tuesday night into Wednesday morning [4 to 5 July], at about 2200 hours [2100 gmt], a patrol from the National People's Army [ANP] that was lying in ambush in the spot known as Tala Mokrane some three kilometres on the heig",1, 615,829ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31389,05 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Ammal,,Ammal,36.635091,3.589869,1,El Watan,three municipal guards were wounded by a homemade bomb during a and monitoring mission in the martyrs' square in Ammale,0, 615,830ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31393,06 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Sa•da,Ain El Hadjar,,Ain El Hadjar,34.758463,0.145279,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 July 2006 BBC Monitoring- A municipal guard was killed on Thursday [6 July] and his Seminov weapon was seized from him during a terrorist incursion in the village of Lagbab, in the municipality of Moulay Laarbi, which is part of Ain El-Hadjar Municipal",1, 615,831ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31394,06 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Ammal,,Ammal,36.635091,3.589869,1,Liberte,"two bombs exploded in front of the municipal stele soon after a security forces vehicle drove past, the attack was attributed to the Djerrah brigade, part of the El-Arkam brigade. No one was injured.",0, 615,832ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31395,06 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.730461,3.494822,1,Liberte,two municipal guards were killed and seven others injured by a bomb blast at the entrance to the Tidjellabine vehicles market in the spot where municipal guards and the market's employees meet to organize access and traffic flow ,2, 615,833ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31416,10 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Larhat,,Larhat,36.557090,1.802460,1,Reuters; Associated Press Worldstream,"July 12 (Reuters) - Islamist militants shot dead five municipal guards at a campsite in an Algerian coastal town, weeks before the expiry of an amnesty aimed at ending years of strife. Two campers were also wounded when they tried to flee. A group affiliated to the GSPC, al-Ahwal is believed to be behind the attack ",5, 615,834ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31417,10 July 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,1,Le Quotidien d'Oran,a farmer and brother of a former GSPC emir who surrendered to the security agencies was killed in a reprisal against the family,1, 615,835ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31422,11 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-); Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),3,33,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba,36.900000,7.766667,1,Liberte,One terrorist was killed and one Patriot [militia group member] killed in a skirmish between a terrorist group and the combined forces. It is not known to which terrorist school the group in question belonged.,2, 615,836ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31424,12 July 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Skikda,Cheraia,,Cheraia,37.001737,6.513591,1,Le Quotidien d'Oran,a terrorist group invaded the village of Cheraia forcing residents to hand over food and money ,0, 615,837ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31459,19 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,BBC Monitoring,"20 July 2006 BBC Monitoring-terrorists struck again in the Ain Defla Province, , seemingly the same group that struck on Tuesday [18 July], in the late afternoon, at the edge of the Ain N'has forest, in the municipality of Ain Benian, in the district of Hammam Righa, in Ain Defla Province. Four municipal guards returning to Belloula were struck down with machine gun fire then knifed to death",4, 615,838ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31460,19 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Skikda,Ain Kechra,,Ain Kechera,36.748309,6.432262,2,,a group of terrorists lying in ambush fired several projectiles from a homemade mortar on a small town. Security forces (army) arrived and clashed with the group and secured the area. No injuries reported,0, 615,839ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31461,19 July 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Skikda,Bouchetata,,Bouchtata Mahmoud,36.793800,6.797342,2,Liberte,"a group of 10 or so armed terrorists raided a small town, taking food and money - hamlet of Ma Lahlou not far from Bouchetata",0, 615,840ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31533,28 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Messelmoun,,Messelmoun,36.563822,1.999381,2,Agence France Presse,The algerian military is in a stand off with a group of 24 armed GSPC Islamist extremists in the mountainous and wooded Messelmoune area ,0, 615,841ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31540,29 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Messelmoun,,Messelmoun,36.563822,1.999381,2,Agence France Presse,The algerian military battles a group of 24 armed GSPC Islamist extremists for the second day in the mountainous and wooded Messelmoune area ,0, 615,842ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31548,30 July 2006,2006,1,Battle-Government regains territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Messelmoun,,Messelmoun,36.563822,1.999381,2,Agence France Presse,A group of 24 armed Islamist extremists from GSPC surrendered after a three-day stand-off with Algerian security forces in the mountainous and wooded Messelmoune area ,0, 615,843ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31554,31 July 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Liberte,former imam of the banned Islamic Salvation Front is arrested after tring to break through a police cordon thrown around the US embassy in Algiers to demonstrate his solidarity with Hezbollah,0, 615,844ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31572,03 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bordj El Kiffan,,Ben Zerga,36.765162,3.250091,1,Liberte,Three policemen were wounded in a bomb attack when a bomb placed in a rubbish bin just in front of a routine police road block exploded. A second bomb meant to injure reinforcements was defused. The GSPC Essedik Brigade is suspected to be behind the attacks,0, 615,845ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31597,07 August 2006,2006,1,Riots/Protests,Government of Algeria (1999-),FLN: National Liberation Front; PT: Workers' Party; MRN: National Reform Movement ,1,Protesters (Algeria),,6,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Liberte,"six deputies from the National People's Assembly (APN), member of the National Liberation Front [FLN], the Workers' Party [PT], and the National Reform Movement [MRN] held a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the United States embassy in Algiers to protest the Israeli army's military offensive against Lebanon and in Palestine ",0, 615,846ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31598,07 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Alger,Reghaia,,Reghaia,36.735869,3.340184,1,El Watan; Liberte,"a bomb hidden close to a National Gendarmerie post in charge of local security exploded in Reghaia Beach, one police officer was killed, several people were injured",1, 615,847ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31600,08 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boudouaou,,Boudouaou,36.727350,3.409949,2,Liberte,"A bombing Tuesday nearby Boudouaou wounded three policemen, who were accompanying electricians repairing an electrical installation sabotaged earlier that day",0, 615,848ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31601,08 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El-Ameur,36.636210,3.691670,1,BBC Monitoring,"10 August 2006 BBC Mon-Two municipal guards were wounded the day before yesterday at about 2100 [2000 gmt] in the explosion of a bomb as their patrol went past near their detachment, in Ait Boudoukhane, on the heights of Chabet El Ameur 40 or so kilometres rsoutheast of Boumerdes",2, 615,849ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31677,21 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Foret de Boumahni,36.586495,3.890363,1,Liberte; Associated Press Worldstream,"A large military offensive in which the National People's Army [ANP] has been engaged in the wooded Boumahni massif, about 40 km from the main town in Tizi Ouzou Province, has resulted in one dead and 17 wounded in the ANP's ranks, and two GSPC terrorist killed",3, 615,850ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31678,21 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Telagh,,Telagh,34.787780,-0.570560,1,Associated Press,"21 August 2006 Associated Press - Attackers killed two civilians near the Algerian capital and injured a police officer after a bomb placed under one of the victims detonated, a published report said Monday.The victims were killed with their throats slit",0, 615,851ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31679,21 August 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Telagh,,Telagh,34.787780,-0.570560,1,Associated Press,"21 August 2006 Associated Press - Attackers killed two civilians near the Algerian capital and injured a police officer after a bomb placed under one of the victims detonated, a published report said Monday.The victims were killed with their throats slit",2, 615,852ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31689,22 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bordj El Kiffan,,Bordj El Kiffan,36.748714,3.192485,1,Liberte,One terrorist was killed in the municipality of Bordj-El-Kiffan by the security forces,1, 615,853ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31690,22 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Foret de Boumahni,36.586495,3.890363,1,Liberte; Associated Press Worldstream,"the Algerian army has surrounded and is bombarding GSPC terrorists estimated to number 60 including the El-Forqan Battalion in the Draa El-Mizan maquis, one skirmish and GSPC gunfire has been reported. This is an expansion of the large military offensive begun yesterday in the wooded Boumahni massif",0, 615,854ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31691,22 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Larbatache,,Larbatache,36.637728,3.371271,2,Liberte,"The army battled with three armed terrorists, two of whom were wounded",0, 615,855ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31698,23 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Foret de Boumahni,36.586495,3.890363,1,El Watan,"the military combing operation of the Boumhani massif (Forest) that started three days ago is continuing, a total of 27 soldiers have been wounded by improvised explosive devices over the past three days during ",0, 615,856ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31726,29 August 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,El Kseur,,El Kseur,36.679418,4.855496,1,Liberte,terrorists attacked policemen on duty in the town center of El-Kseur. 2 policemen and one civilians were killed,3, 615,857ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31753,02 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Adekar,36.691700,4.675000,2,Reuters; Liberte,"Sept 3 Reuters - Four police officers were killed and five injured when an armed group in an GSPC area ambushed their convoy on a major road through the Adekar forest. Five other policemen were injured in the rebel attack on a major road through the Adekar forest, 260 kilometres (160 miles) east of Algiers, ",4, 615,858ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31754,02 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Ain El Hamra,36.797780,3.717500,1,Liberte,A patriot [member of a government-sponsored self-defence group] was killed at midday in the community of Ain El-Hamra outside his home ,1, 615,859ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31755,02 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,GLD: Legitimate Defence Groups Militia,,3,23,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El-Ameur,36.636210,3.691670,1,Liberte,a group of GLD members guarding a gas pipeline is attacked and one wounded,0, 615,860ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31756,02 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.264169,2.753926,1,Reuters; El Khabar,Two communal guards were killed in an ambush in the Ouled Hamza area near Medea ,2, 615,861ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31778,06 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Algerian Radio,"A unit from the Judicial Police Mobile Brigade in Tizi Ouzou killed two terrorists, one of whom is the emir of the Al-Nur brigade - part of the Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] - known as Mouloud Fermache",2, 615,862ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31800,11 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Liberte,A municipal guard was wounded by the explosion of an improvised bomb set off remotely as the municipal guards drove past ,0, 615,863ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31806,12 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Souk El Tenine,,Maatka,36.583333,4.000000,2,Liberte,A GSPC emir was killed during an ambush that was laid by the army in Guergour between Tassadort and Maatkas,1, 615,864ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31818,15 September 2006,2006,3,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Amnesty International,Beaten in police custody (Mohamed Ajine),0, 615,865ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31819,15 September 2006,2006,3,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Amnesty International,Beaten in police custody (Zeindeddine Belacel),0, 615,866ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31820,15 September 2006,2006,3,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Amnesty International,Beaten in police custody (Mohamed El Habib Boukhatemi),0, 615,867ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31862,21 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Ain Zaouia,36.548285,3.894156,2,Liberte,A soldier was wounded in a skirmish that took place between the troops from the National People's Army [ANP] and a terrorist group affiliated with GSPC,0, 615,868ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31863,21 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Djebel Edough,36.882462,7.639193,2,Liberte,"Two soldiers were seriously wounded during a skirmish between the security agencies and a terrorist group in Bouguentas, in the Edough Mountains, in Annaba",0, 615,869ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31881,25 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Ouargla,Temacine,,Tamellaht,33.006800,6.008060,1,Associated Press,"26 Sept 2006 Associated Press-On Saturday, helicopters and heavy artillery were used to access the densely forested region of Tamellaht, 120 kilometers (75 miles) east of Algiers, where the militants had taken refuge, Liberte said.",0, 615,870ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31898,29 September 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Associated Press,"Sept 30 AP -The officers were attacked by gunmen after leaving a mosque in Ouled Boudekhane, 45km east of Algiers, according to local police.",2, 615,871ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31899,29 September 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.374894,3.901998,3,Algerian Press Service,"an explosive derailed a freight train traveling through Zraoua, overturning 32 cars of grain and damaging 200 meters (yards) of the track . No casualties were reported",0, 615,872ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31927,01 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El-Ameur,36.636210,3.691670,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Oct 1, 2006 (AFP) - Two local police officers have been killed by armed Islamic extremists in an Algerian village 50 kilometres (30 miles) east of the capital Algiers, newspapers reported Sunday. The latest incident in ongoing violence in the country occ",2, 615,873ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31946,03 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,Liberte,Two policemen were wounded in an attack committed by GSPC on the edge of the city of Naciria,0, 615,874ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31955,04 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,12,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Kadiria,36.534444,3.682778,2,Liberte,Four soldiers and four policemen on a search operation in the Beggas forest were wounded when improvised bombs exploded. This region is known for being the stronghold of the terrorist groups from the El-Forkan brigade affiliated with the Salafi Group for Call and Combat ,0, 615,875ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31974,07 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El-Ameur,36.636210,3.691670,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 October 2006 BBC Monitoring- The Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] Yesterday, once again struck in Chabet El Ameur, the eastern region of Boumerdes, 35 kilometres to the southeast of the province's main town, when it assassinated two soldiers and two civilians, and wounded another, at a bogus roadblock. GSPC formally pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda in a statement released in September.",2, 615,876ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,31975,07 October 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El-Ameur,36.636210,3.691670,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 October 2006 BBC Monitoring- The Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] Yesterday, once again bloodied the eastern region of Boumerdes. It struck in Chabet El Ameur, 35 kilometres to the southeast of the province's main town, when it assassinated two",2, 615,877ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32008,12 October 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Ain Zaouia,36.548285,3.894156,1,Reuters,"Suspected Islamic rebels killed an Algerian provincial council head at a cafe in an eastern Berber region in Algeria's Tizi-Ouzou district which is a stronghold of an anti-government secular opposition party, the official Algerian news agency APS said on Friday.",1, 615,878ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32012,13 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Gharda•a,Berriane,,Berriane,32.826480,3.766900,1,BBC Monitoring,14 October 2006 BBC Monitoring-The elements from the National Gendarmerie from the Berriane brigade successfully killed two dangerous terrorists who were known in the Laghouat and Ghardaia regions and arrested two others.,2, 615,879ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32013,13 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743276,3.717296,1,Liberte,"A municipal guard was killed in the working class neighbourhood of Bousbaa, on the outskirts of in Bordj Menaiel 20 kilometres east of Boumerdes by an armed group. The attack is reportedly the work of the Isser seria, which is part of the El-Ansar katibat, which is currently being used by the Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] ",1, 615,880ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32024,14 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Beni K'Sila,,Beni Ksila,36.882161,4.661967,1,BBC Monitoring,"16 October 2006 BBC Monitoring- one soldier killed and 19 others wounded, such is the toll that was recorded in the evening the day before yesterday [14 October] in the ranks of the army's forces which had been on a search operation in the maquis of the municipality of Beni-Ksila",1, 615,881ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32025,14 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743276,3.717296,1,Agence France Presse; Liberte,"three policemen were wounded in a bomb attack in Bordj Menaiel near the headquarters of the Judicial Police Mobile Brigade [BMPJ]. The attack is reportedly the work of the Isser seria, which is part of the El-Ansar katibat, which is currently being used by the Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] ",0, 615,882ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32026,14 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Djemaa Ouled Cheikh,,Sidi Medjahed,36.118633,2.010605,1,Daily of Oran,Seven communal security guards have been killed by a group of armed Islamists who ambushed their observation post. The recent spike in violence is widely attributed to the last armed militant group active in Algeria GSPC who last month allied with Al Qaeda,7, 615,883ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32046,19 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"a bomb exploded outside a military barracks in an Algiers suburb, injuring six military officers",0, 615,884ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32052,20 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743276,3.717296,1,Liberte,Bordj Menaiel's Judicial Police Mobile Brigade caught a terrorist attempting to blow up a bomb outside a fixed police roadblock. This was the fourth bomb that was defused in the space of three days in the province of Boumerdes .,0, 615,885ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32053,20 October 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Timezrit,,Timezrit,36.672550,3.809509,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"a civilian security guard, 32, was stabbed to death Friday when he stopped at a road block set up by militants near the village of Timezri",1, 615,886ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32057,21 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Kheir Oued Adjoul,,Kheiri Oued Adjoul,36.859460,6.141703,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 October 2006 BBC Monitoring- Three gendarmes were assassinated by a terrorist group yesterday at about 1500 hours [1400 gmt] in an area known as Zaana, located between Aidem and El-Hed, near the main town in the municipality of Kheiri Oued Adjoul, 40 kilometres east of the main town in Jijel Province",3, 615,887ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32061,22 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Dellys,,Dellys,36.917160,3.913107,1,Liberte,"a bomb that was set off remotely exploded as a truck transporting soldiers went past, two are dead and five wounded among the soldiers. the attack is the work of the Mizrana squadron of the El-Ansar Brigage of GSPC, which operates mainly in Dellys ",2, 615,888ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32090,26 October 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624810,3.477880,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Oct 26, 2006 (AFP) -One person was killed and three were injured in an armed attack, allegedly by a Islamist militants, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) east of Algiers, several Algerian newspapers reported Thursday.The victims were in a taxi in the town of Keddara, in the region of Boumerdes, when the vehicle was hit by a homemade ""heb-heb"" mortar shell, which killed the driver and injured three off-duty soldiers",1, 615,889ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32099,28 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Ain Zaouia,36.548285,3.894156,1,Liberte,an armed group attacked a combined forces roadblock near the headquarters of that community's Municipal People's Assembly (Ain Zaouia also known as Pirette in Tizi Ouzou). One gendarme and two civilians were slightly wounded,0, 615,890ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32107,29 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tipaza,Damous,,Damous,36.549466,1.704297,2,El Khabar,security forces have surrounded and are besieging an estimated 50 terrorists in the mountains of El Damous . This far a number of soldiers have been wounded by an explosive device during the seige,0, 615,891ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32108,29 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,El Kseur,,El Kseur,36.679418,4.855496,2,Liberte,"Algerian troops clashed with terrorists following a car chase, one terrorist was killed and the others fled",1, 615,892ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32109,29 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Reghaia,,Reghaia,36.735869,3.340184,1,Agence France Presse,"an explosive laden truck exploded outside of a Reghaia police station near midnight Sunday killing a civilian shopkeeper and injuring 11 policeman. Three young men parked the truck and threw a grenade in the police station, presumably to force the policemen on to the street. Between this and the Reghaia explosion three people were killed and 24 injured. The GSPC claimed responsibility",1, 615,893ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32117,30 October 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bordj El Kiffan,,Dergana,36.771892,3.258648,1,Agence France Presse,"a car bomb exploded just past midnight Monday in front of a police station in Dergana, injuring three people living in the neighborhood. Between this and the Reghaia explosion three people were killed and 24 injured. The GSPC claimed responsibility",2, 615,894ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32135,02 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.264055,1.967897,3,Dow Jones International,"4 November 2006 --Eight troops were killed in an ambush by Islamist militants in the Algeria's western region of Ain Defla, security officials said Saturday.The troops - seven soldiers and one officer - were ambushed. The attack is blamed on the GSPC",8, 615,895ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32136,02 November 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Agence France Press(AFP)," a bomb seriously wounded a civilian near Boumerdes, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the capital, the reports said",0, 615,896ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32137,02 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Menaceur,,Menaceur,36.493889,2.243056,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Nov 2, 2006 (AFP)-In addition, a ""dangerous"" Islamist was shot dead in a clash with security forces at Menaceur, near Tipaza, 70 kilometers west of Algiers.",1, 615,897ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32138,02 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.850000,3.856667,1,El Khabar,two bombs targeted an army unit which was passing through a road. Four soldiers were wounded in the attack.,0, 615,898ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32139,02 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.876170,6.909210,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Nov 2, 2006 (AFP) two soldiers were killed in an incident attributed to armed Islamist groups, press reports said Thursday. An exploding bomb killed the soldiers as they patrolled a wooded area near the northeastern city of Skikda,",2, 615,899ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32140,02 November 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Souk El Had,,Souk El Had,36.690613,3.589119,1,El Khabar,"terrorists tried to storm the Municipal Guards building and fired in the street. Fortunately, there were no casualties;",0, 615,900ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32161,06 November 2006,2006,2,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Batna,T Kout,,T'Kout,35.139204,6.308611,1,El Watan,GSPC fighters beheaded a shepherd and took his flock,0, 615,901ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32181,09 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,3,Associated Press; Agence France Presse,"10 November 2006 Associated Press- Ten members of Algeria's security forces were killed in an ambush during a cleanup operation in a forest used as a hideout by Islamic extremists, and 13 others were injured, four of them seriously, security officials. The toll offered by former interior minister Ouyahia was revised from seven to ten on Sunday",10, 615,902ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32182,09 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Idjeur,,Idjeur,36.683330,4.500000,1,El Watan,A volley of shots was exchanged between a group of three armed terrorists and a police patrol from the Bouzeguene's security agency,0, 615,903ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32223,14 November 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,TŽbessa,Bir El Ater,,Bir El-Ater,34.744880,8.060240,1,BBC Monitoring,"15 November 2006 BBC Monitoring-A young 23-year-old man was killed yesterday by the explosion of a homemade bomb in Oued Lachgar, in the municipality of Bir El-Ater 90 km south of Tebessa [some 630 km southeast of Algiers].",23, 615,904ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32258,18 November 2006,2006,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Nov 20, 2006 (AFP) -The Algerian army killed nine Islamist militants in an ambush at the weekend east of the capital Algiers, local media reported Monday.",9, 615,905ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32286,22 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,Mechouneche,,M'chouneche,34.949671,6.003873,2,Liberte,the GSPC ambushed and killed three soldiers and two armed civilians who were trying to rescue two local hostages,5, 615,906ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32287,22 November 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Biskra,Mechouneche,,M'chouneche,34.949671,6.003873,2,Liberte,"Militants belonging to a wing of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) took two locals hostage to draw the security forces, who they then ambushed ",0, 615,907ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32304,25 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Skikda,Collo,,Collo,37.005800,6.572500,1,Associated Press,"25 November 2006 Associated Press-Military officials in Collo, 500 kilometers (300 miles) east of Algiers, said security forces stormed the militants' bunker overnight, killing five and capturing two.",5, 615,908ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32305,25 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,Mechouneche,,M'chouneche,34.949671,6.003873,2,El Khabar,Seven soldiers were killed during clashes with the GSPC during a combing operation in Hmar Khaddou Mountain,7, 615,909ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32317,26 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Annaba,Ain El Berda,,Asfour,36.650000,7.583300,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"Nov 27, 2006 (AFP) - Ten soldiers in eastern Algeria have been injured, three of them seriously, in a bomb attack attributed by local media Monday to Islamic militants.The remotely detonated device exploded on Sunday as a military convoy was conducting a",0, 615,910ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32325,28 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,3,Associated Press,"30 November Associated Press-Ten suspected Islamist militants were killed in clashes with the Algerian army, which was conducting sweeps in remote mountainous regions, the Al Khabar newspaper reported Thursday.The militants were killed in two separate clashes Tuesday night in the neighbouring Biskra and Batna regions",5, 615,911ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32326,28 November 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.850378,5.728046,3,Associated Press,"30 November Associated Press-Ten suspected Islamist militants were killed in clashes with the Algerian army, which was conducting sweeps in remote mountainous regions, the Al Khabar newspaper reported Thursday.The militants were killed in two separate clashes Tuesday night in the neighboring Biskra and Batna regions",5, 615,912ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32403,08 December 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.850378,5.728046,3,Algerian Press Service,Algerian security forces killed four suspected Islamic militants in an overnight clash at a checkpoint. one police officer was injured,4, 615,913ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32416,10 December 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Staoueli,,Staoueli,36.753187,2.887831,1,International Oil Daily,"12 December 2006- International Oil Daily- Vehicles carrying employees of US Halliburton affiliate Brown & Root-Condor were attacked outside Algiers on Sunday, Algeria's Interior Ministry said. The driver, an Algerian, was killed and nine others injured",1, 615,914ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32437,12 December 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Civilians (Senegal),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Crisis Watch,bomb on bus,0, 615,915ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32480,17 December 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Sa•da,Sidi Amar,,Bouras,35.031700,0.114700,1,BBC Monitoring,20 December 2006 BBC Monitoring-The joint security forces on Sunday night [17 December] killed four terrorists and wounded a number of others when the group to which they belonged was about to transport supplies from Bouras village in the north of Ouldja Boulballoute Municipality j,4, 615,916ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32509,23 December 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Ain Taghrout,,Ain Taghrout,36.130121,5.077210,1,Amnesty International,torture/possible killing in police custody (mounir hammouche),0, 615,917ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32532,25 December 2006,2006,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.850378,5.728046,3,Crisis Watch,,36, 615,918ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32541,26 December 2006,2006,1,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Bachdjerah,36.723957,3.111191,1,Amnesty International,torture in police custody (Adberhamane Mehalli),0, 615,919ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32646,11 January 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.876174,6.909208,3,El Khabar,"the army ambushed GSPC members and six terrorists were killed in Oued Zaffar, Skikda. The GSPC officially changed its name to Al Queda in January 2007 ",6, 615,920ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32675,15 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Skikda,Collo,,Collo Massif,37.034444,6.531111,1,Liberte,terrorists (GSPC/AQIM) hideouts were shelled by military helicopters ,0, 615,921ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32676,15 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Tixter,,Larbaa,36.046610,5.131730,3,Liberte,"a violent skirmish occurred between the security forces and a terrorist group, with several terrorists apparently being killed. The skirmish occurred following a large-scale operation that began this past 13 January ",10, 615,922ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32704,17 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Selma Benziada,,Selma,36.616700,5.666700,1,Liberte,the National People's Army [ANP] laid an ambush for a group of terrorists from the Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC]. The toll: Two terrorists slain and three others wounded.,2, 615,923ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32738,21 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Erraguene,,Irragwen,36.586243,5.580711,2,Liberte,"A roadside bomb exploded under an army vehicle killing one soldier and wounding another eight, authorities blamed the attack on GSPC (now AQIM)",1, 615,924ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32739,21 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.730461,3.494822,1,Liberte,Two gendarmes were wounded during a skirmish when terrorists attacked a permanent Gendarmerie roadblock,0, 615,925ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32757,23 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boudouaou,,Boudouaou,36.727350,3.409949,2,Le Quotidien d'Oran; Liberte,the combined security forces ambushed a GSPC group attempting a night-time incursion in the village of Sidi Salem south of Boudouaou and killed one terrorist ,1, 615,926ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32791,27 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Tamalous,,Tamalous,36.837630,6.640176,2,Liberte,"terrorists laid an ambush for troops from the People's National Army [ANP] during a routine operation in Djebel Bourkache area (villages of Oued Zeggar and El-Batha, in the Tamalous and Ain Kechra regions, in the Collo massif (Skikda)) ",0, 615,927ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32792,27 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Tamalous,,Tamalous,36.837630,6.640176,2,Liberte,"the terrorists who laid an ambush for troops from the People's National Army [ANP] during a routine operation in Djebel Bourkache area were pursued by helicopters and one was reportedly killed and a second wounded (villages of Oued Zeggar and El-Batha, in the Tamalous and Ain Kechra regions, in the Collo massif (Skikda))",1, 615,928ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32793,27 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Tamalous,,Tamalous,36.837630,6.640176,2,Liberte,"terrorists from the Tamalous and Ain Kechra regions attacked a mountain post of the Sidi Mansour Municipal Guard, killing one ",1, 615,929ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32813,29 January 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Oum el Bouaghi,Ain El Kercha,,Ain Kercha,35.920000,6.700000,1,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,"one soldier was killed and another injured during a battle with suspected Islamist terrorists at Ain Kechra, some 550 km from Algiers",0, 615,930ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32814,29 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,3,Deutsche Presse-Agentur; Agence France Presse,four soldiers and a local policeman were killed in a mortar attack on a military base in Batna in the village of Ben Fkhala,5, 615,931ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32815,29 January 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,3,Deutsche Presse-Agentur; Agence France Presse,Algerian troops killed 10 members of GSPC (now AQIM) in a sweeping operation in batna after a mortar attack on a military base,10, 615,932ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32816,29 January 2007,2007,2,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,a former independence fighter was found dead at a fake road block erected by Islamic insurgents at Boumerdes,0, 615,933ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32817,29 January 2007,2007,2,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,a former independence fighter was found dead at a fake road block erected by Islamic insurgents at Boumerdes,0, 615,934ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32849,02 February 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Ben Choud,,Ben Choud,36.863181,3.880353,1,Xinhua General News Service,A home-made bomb exploded in the changing room of the local stadium during a football match,0, 615,935ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32876,05 February 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Ben Choud,,Ben Choud,36.863181,3.880353,1,Xinhua General News Service,"Yakoubi Khelifa, former mayor of a northern Algerian town, was killed outside his home by armed group",1, 615,936ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32903,08 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Ouled Rached,,Ouled Rached,36.211221,4.109921,1,El Watan,Four terrorists were killed and a fifth taken prisoner in a military ambush,4, 615,937ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32904,08 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.888562,4.119836,1,El Watan,"Tigzirt's Judicial Police Mobile Brigade [BMPJ] neutralized a homemade bomb, the GSPC( AQIM) has already targeted the security forces in this same spot",0, 615,938ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32908,09 February 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Jijel,Chekfa,,Chekfa,36.772660,5.957285,2,El Watan,"two people were seriously wounded in the explosion of two home-made bombs in Laadjarda, between the municipalities of Chekfa and Bordj T'har",0, 615,939ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32909,09 February 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Hammam Righa,,Hammam Righa,36.379722,2.398889,1,El Watan,two explosive devices were planted in a spa but found and defused,0, 615,940ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32915,10 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Beggas,36.574888,3.709195,1,El Watan,the military bombarded GSPC/AQIM bases in the mountains around Kadiria Saturday and Sunday,0, 615,941ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32916,10 February 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Beggas,36.574888,3.709195,1,El Watan,Four soldiers have been wounded by the explosion of a home-made bomb in Beggas,0, 615,942ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32927,11 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Beggas,36.574888,3.709195,1,El Watan,the military bombarded GSPC/AQIM bases in the mountains around Kadiria Saturday and Sunday,0, 615,943ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32951,13 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Ain El Hammam,36.564709,4.306189,2,El Watan,a large-scale search operation was undertaken by sections of the ANP starting 13 February after the series of car bomb attacks in the provinces of Boumerdes and Tizi Ouzou,0, 615,944ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32952,13 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,a series of six simultaneous car bomb attacks claimed by AQIM targeting police stations killed six to eight people and injured up to 24,1, 615,945ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32953,13 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa-Ben-Khedda,,Draa Ben Khedda,36.734357,3.962229,1,Agence France Presse,a series of six simultaneous car bomb attacks claimed by AQIM targeting police stations killed six to eight people and injured up to 24,1, 615,946ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32954,13 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Imsouhal,,Illoula Oumalou,36.583333,4.416667,1,Agence France Presse,a series of six simultaneous car bomb attacks claimed by AQIM targeting police stations killed six to eight people and injured up to 24,1, 615,947ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32955,13 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mekla,,Mekla,36.681783,4.263781,1,Agence France Presse,a series of six simultaneous car bomb attacks claimed by AQIM targeting police stations killed six to eight people and injured up to 24,0, 615,948ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32956,13 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.723282,3.618073,1,Agence France Presse,"a car bomb blast devastated a two storey gendarmerie base, killing at least four, in a series of six simultaneous car bomb attacks targeting police stations that killed six to eight people and injured up to 24",4, 615,949ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,32957,13 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Souk El Had,,Souk El Had,36.690613,3.589119,1,Agence France Presse,a series of six simultaneous car bomb attacks claimed by AQIM targeting police stations killed six to eight people and injured up to 24,1, 615,950ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33001,16 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Draa El Mizan,36.536285,3.833397,2,El Watan,"A homemade bomb, likely planted by the terrorists from the El Farouk Brigade, was discovered buried in a path often used by soldiers and members of the municipal guard in Tazrout Laouaoudha near the hamlet's municipal guard base and defused",0, 615,951ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33014,18 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Arhribs,36.793614,4.311578,2,El Watan,"an army truck was attacked by automatic weapons' fire from a terrorist group in the spot known as Ighil Mahni, two soldiers were reportedly wounded,",0, 615,952ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33053,22 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Guerrouma,,Guerouma,36.483333,3.433333,1,El Watan,a soldier was killed and four others wounded in a clash lasting two hours after a group of terrorists ambushed a police unit on a search operation in Ouled Aissa ,1, 615,953ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33064,23 February 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,1,El Watan,a citizen was killed presumably by terrorists in thenia's housing compound,1, 615,954ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33069,24 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Cap Djinet,36.877757,3.720502,1,El Watan,terrorists attack a surveillance post in Cap Djinet but are repelled,0, 615,955ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33070,24 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,2,El Watan,One soldier was killed and two others wounded in the explosion of two homemade bombs that exploded simultaneously as an army convoy drove past,1, 615,956ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33078,27 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Associated Press Worldstream,"At least seven joint police and army roadblocks in the town of Kabylie were targeted in simultaneous attacks, no one was injured",0, 615,957ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33079,27 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Tixeraine,36.723652,3.027285,1,El Watan,"two encampments of the Tixeraine and Ighil Nath Ameur Municipal Guard [some 30 km east of Algiers] were attacked simultaneously by two terrorist groups and fled when a military detachment returned fire, three bombs were found outside the encampments and defused",0, 615,958ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33080,27 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Tixeraine,36.723652,3.027285,2,El Watan,"two encampments of the Tixeraine and Ighil Nath Ameur Municipal Guard [some 30 km east of Algiers] were attacked simultaneously by two terrorist groups and fled when a military detachment returned fire, three bombs were found outside the encampments and defused",0, 615,959ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33086,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,M'Sila,Ain Errich,,Ain Rich,34.675020,4.089559,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"An army captain was killed and another serviceman seriously injured in a suspected Islamist attack near the village of Ain Rich, The Mohadjrine Falange of GSPC/AQIM is thought to be responsible",1, 615,960ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33087,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,M'Sila,Ain Errich,,Ain Rich,34.675020,4.089559,1,El Watan,"a detachment from the People's National Army was caught in an ambush in the spot known as Hassi Ouzina in a search operation, the terrorists killed a captain and a master sergeant ",2, 615,961ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33088,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,M'Kira,,Ait Ali,36.625942,3.800188,1,El Watan,an army billet located in Ait Ali was attacked by AQIM ,0, 615,962ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33089,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Ait Ouarzeddin,36.721893,3.913450,1,El Watan,a municipal guard post was attacked by AQIM ,0, 615,963ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33090,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Beni Amrane,36.667744,3.591152,1,Liberte,two are killed and six wounded in a double attack by Islamist militants suspected to be AQIM on ANP military forces in Beni Amrane and in Les Issers,1, 615,964ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33091,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Les Issers,36.722184,3.667191,1,Liberte,two are killed and six wounded in a double attack by Islamist militants suspected to be AQIM on ANP military forces in Beni Amrane and in Les Issers,1, 615,965ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33092,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,3,Liberte,"Since 28 February the Army has been conducting a huge offensive against the terrorist hideouts located in Sid-Ali-Bounab and several other bushes located astride the province of Bouira, Tizi Ouzou, and Boumerdes ",0, 615,966ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33093,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,1,El Watan,A work site located at the western edge of the city was also attacked by AQIM terrorists who retreated following the exchange of fire that followed,0, 615,967ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33094,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,1,El Watan,the Tamsaout municipal guard post was attacked ,0, 615,968ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33095,28 February 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.730461,3.494822,2,El Watan,"The Gendarmerie guard post on the Tidjelabine highway (National Road 5) was attacked, 2 civilians were wounded",0, 615,969ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33110,01 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Crisis Watch,,4, 615,970ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33125,02 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Beni Oulbane,,Djema Bou Ballouta,36.688500,6.657500,2,El Watan,Three soldiers and two gendarmes were slightly wounded during a skirmish with a terrorist group,0, 615,971ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33126,02 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ifigha,,Ihassanene-n-A•t Isaad,36.666667,4.416667,2,Liberte,an army billit in Ihassamene was attacked by a terrorist group suspected to be part of AQIM,0, 615,972ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33127,02 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,Liberte,"helicopters were continuing to bomb the heavily wooded places in Sid-Ali-Bounab, continuing the offensive launched on 28 February ",0, 615,973ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33128,02 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,3,El Watan,"a major search operation in Tizi Ouzou is continuing with troops and helicopters against AQIM fiefs, with the national ""amir"" (AQIM leader) reportedly surrounded",0, 615,974ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33141,03 March 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Civilians (International),7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.264055,1.967897,2,Associated Press Worldstream; Agence France Presse,"Four workers from Russia and Ukraine and three Algerians were killed in an AQIM-claimed bomb attack on a bus near the town of Ain Defla, at least two others were wounded in what AQIM called ""a gift to our Muslim brothers in Chechnya who are being killed and oppressed by the criminal Russian government."" ",7, 615,975ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33142,03 March 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Senegal),,7,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,1,Crisis Watch,bomb attack,0, 615,976ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33151,04 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Liberte; Associated Press Worldstream; Deutsche Presse-Agentur,"Suspected Islamic militants attacked a police checkpoint in Algeria with rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns Sunday, killing seven officers and injuring one other, reinforcements responded, prompting a two hour firefight",7, 615,977ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33152,04 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Agence France Presse,"AQIM ambushed police Sunday at a road checkpoint in northern Algeria's restive Kabylie region, killing five policemen and wounding two others",5, 615,978ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33166,05 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Cheraia,,Cheraia,37.001737,6.513591,2,Liberte,"the forces of the National People's Army conducted an operation against a terrorist group that had been going there to stock up on food, killing 3. At Yerssen in Cheraia municipality",3, 615,979ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33178,06 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.264055,1.967897,2,Agence France Presse,"Four terrorists were killed late on Tuesday in an ambush at El Anser near the town of Ain Defla, south of the capital Aligers.",4, 615,980ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33179,06 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Arhribs,36.793614,4.311578,2,La Tribune,a heavily wooded perimeter in the eastern region of Tizi Ouzou was subjected to intense bombing following the spotting of a major terrorist group of over 80 people,0, 615,981ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33180,06 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghlia,36.816944,3.857222,1,El Watan,"A homemade bomb exploded in front of the headquarters of the [Berber] Baghlia national gendarmerie brigade, no injuries reported",0, 615,982ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33192,07 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.264055,1.967897,1,Agence France Presse,a man identified as an islamic militant armed with an automatic pistol was shot in Ain Defla on Wednesday,1, 615,983ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33193,07 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Cheraia,,Cheraia,37.001737,6.513591,2,Agence France Presse,man identified as an islamic militant was shot during a police search at Yerssen in the eastern region Skikda ,1, 615,984ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33194,07 March 2007,2007,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Khenchela,Kais,,Kais,35.494743,6.924916,1,Liberte,300 people ransacked the Kais Gendarmerie headquarters after a 30 year-old man was killed at a Gendarmerie roadblock. The gendarmes responded by firing rubber bullets to disperse the crowd. One person was killed and several others were injured,1, 615,985ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33217,09 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'sila,35.705833,4.541944,1,Associated Press Worldstream,Algerian security forces killed Friday three suspected Islamist militants in the center of the city of M'sila,3, 615,986ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33246,13 March 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghlia,36.816944,3.857222,1,New York Times,Two islamic militants believe to be AQIM were killed and several others injured after armed insurgents buried one remote-controlled bomb in the ground which exploded as they prepared to lay another at a road crossing near the town of Baghlia,2, 615,987ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33255,14 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Bir El Ater,,Bir El-Ater,34.744877,8.060239,2,Liberte,the forces of the ANP killed a terrorist,1, 615,988ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33277,17 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,Liberte,"a military officer was seriously wounded by a homemade bombin Tebessa during a search operation in the Doukhane mountains, djebel anwel",0, 615,989ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33282,18 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,3,Associated Press Worldstream,Three soldiers and five suspected Islamist militants were killed in a clash ,8, 615,990ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33283,18 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El-Ameur,36.637090,3.694735,1,Liberte,two soldiers and one Patriot were wounded by a bomb hidden in the ground,0, 615,991ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33284,18 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Haizer,,Haizer,36.424111,4.018306,2,Liberte,the military fought with AQIM during a search operation in Tikboucht forest. Five terrorists and three soldiers were killed,8, 615,992ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33285,18 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,2,Liberte,"a bomb exploded as a patrol of soldiers went past, wounding two of them",0, 615,993ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33340,25 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Liberte,"The military launched a large search operation, bombarding AQIM areas in Amizour",0, 615,994ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33348,26 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Liberte,"The military continued a large search operation, bombarding AQIM areas in Amizour",0, 615,995ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33355,27 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Liberte,"The military continued a large search operation, bombarding AQIM areas in Amizour",0, 615,996ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33356,27 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Beni K'Sila,,Beni Ksila,36.882161,4.661967,1,Al-Jazeera,AQIM reports that violent clashes have been taking place since Tuesday [27 March] between AQIM and the Algerian army in the area of Beni Ksila,0, 615,997ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33363,28 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.640220,4.901306,1,Liberte,3 terrorists killed in the village of Amizour during a search operation that has lasted several days,3, 615,998ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33364,28 March 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Liberte,four soldiers wounded by a homemade bomb during an ongoing search operation in the Amizour region,0, 615,999ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33365,28 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Agence France Press,"50 and 80 AQIM members surrounded by heavily-armed troops and government militia attacked an army roadblock, killing three soldiers, prompting a counter attack in which 15 AQIM died",18, 615,1000ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33366,28 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Liberte,"a bomb targeting the head of Boumerdes's Judicial Police Mobile Brigade [BMPJ] exploded at a traffic circle near the Omnisport arena in Boumerdes, narrowly missing the intended vehicle, no one was injured",0, 615,1001ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33367,28 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,M'Sila,Ouanougha,,Ouanougha,35.979993,4.186648,1,Liberte,"Les Issers's Judicial Police Mobile Brigade ambushed a terrorist group, killing one and capturing another",1, 615,1002ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33368,28 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Ouled Aissa,36.533300,3.650000,1,Liberte,a terrorist incursion was repelled on Wednesday night into Thursday morning in Ouled Aissa 40 kilometres east of Boumerdes,0, 615,1003ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33384,29 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Liberte,four terrorists found killed during an ongoing search operation,4, 615,1004ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33385,29 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691111,-0.641667,1,El Khabar,2 bombs discovered and defused,0, 615,1005ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33393,30 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Liberte,"The military continued a large search operation for the sixth day, bombarding AQIM areas in Amizour",0, 615,1006ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33402,31 March 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Liberte,"The military continued a large search operation, bombarding AQIM areas in Amizour",0, 615,1007ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33410,01 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Agence France Presse,"one ""terrorist"" has been shot dead in the region during a large ongoing search operation",1, 615,1008ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33411,01 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Agence France Presse,one terrorist killed near Biskra during a large ongoing search operation,1, 615,1009ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33412,01 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,El Kseur,,El Kseur,36.679418,4.855496,1,Agence France Presse,"a group of police officers were attacked in El-Kseur, a large search operation for AGIM terrorists is ongoing in the region",1, 615,1010ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33413,01 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,Mechouneche,,M?Chouneche,34.949671,6.003873,2,Liberte,"terrorists attack security forces in the Lahbal region, killing 3 soldiers, and wounding seven soldiers and municipal guards, 2 terrorists were killed",5, 615,1011ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33427,03 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,Mechouneche,,M?Chouneche,34.949671,6.003873,2,Liberte,"50 AQIM terrorists are reportedly surrounded by military forces who launched an operation, shelling, in the province of Biskra after an attack on security forces there",0, 615,1012ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33433,04 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,2,Liberte,"The military continued a large search operation, bombarding AQIM areas in Amizour and prepared to assault a terrorist blockhouse",1, 615,1013ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33441,07 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.264055,1.967897,3,Liberte,"The military launched an offensive in the Ain Defla region against terrorist strongholds, routing terrorists from several blockhouses and encampments, total of 15 terrorists were killed in the first 48 hours",8, 615,1014ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33442,07 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Arib,,Ben Allal,36.301845,2.097015,1,Associated Press Worldstream,Nine Algerian soldiers and at least six Islamist militants were killed in fighting after a military convoy conducting an anti-insurgency sweep was ambushed in a forested area west of Algiers. Five soldiers were wounded,14, 615,1015ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33453,08 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.264055,1.967897,3,Liberte,The military continued an offensive in the Ain Defla region against terrorist strongholds in which a total of 15 terrorists have killed in 48 hours,7, 615,1016ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33454,08 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,Mechouneche,,M?Chouneche,34.949671,6.003873,2,Liberte,Violent clashes between AQIM and security forces after a military offensive was launched in the region,0, 615,1017ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33486,11 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse; Associated Press,"AQIM claimed responsibility for bombings that destroyed the prime minister's office - One suicide car bomber drove into a guard post outside government headquarters (12+ killed, 135 injured)- and also a police station in Algiers, killing 30 people and wounding 222 in total",15, 615,1018ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33487,11 April 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Senegal),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Crisis Watch,,0, 615,1019ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33488,11 April 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse; Associated Press,"AQIM claimed responsibility for bombings that destroyed the prime minister's office - One suicide car bomber drove into a guard post outside government headquarters (12+ killed, 135 injured)- and also a police station in Algiers, killing 30 people and wounding 222 in total",0, 615,1020ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33489,11 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bordj El Kiffan,,Bab Ezzouar,36.726149,3.182909,1,Agence France Presse; Associated Press,"AQIM claimed responsibility for bombings that destroyed the prime minister's office and a police station in Algiers, killing 30people. Two suicide car bombers attacked a police station in the eastern suburb of Bab Ezzouar, damaging an electricity sub-station and police station (12+ killed, 87 injured)",15, 615,1021ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33514,13 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Cap Blanc,36.783001,3.519898,1,El Watan,"a terrorist group attacked a gendarme patrol, killing one and wounding two ",1, 615,1022ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33515,13 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624812,3.477879,1,El Watan,a terrorist group attacked a People's National Army [ANP] encampment and a municipal guard billet immediately next to it in the village of M'setas. Four soldiers were killed and two municipal guards wounded ,4, 615,1023ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33549,17 April 2007,2007,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Thousands of people gathered in the Olympic stadium in Algiers to protest the April 11th suicide blasts that killed 30 people ,0, 615,1024ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33661,26 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.723282,3.618073,1,Agence France Presse,"an AQIM terrorist Samir Saioud, alias Samir Moussaab, reportedly AQIM's the second-ranking leader was killed in fighting",1, 615,1025ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33674,27 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.723282,3.618073,2,Liberte,the National People's Army [APN] has surrounded 20 terrorists in an AQIM hideout ,0, 615,1026ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33675,27 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,2,Liberte,"the combined forces ambushed and killed two terrorists, on being Azzedine Grimeche considered to be the number two man with the El-Ansar brigade",2, 615,1027ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33684,28 April 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Agence France Presse,Security forces killed two Islamists ,1, 615,1028ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33777,09 May 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Ait Yahia Youssef,36.731058,4.563053,1,Liberte,an armed Islamist was killed by security forces at Ait Yahia Moussa,1, 615,1029ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33778,09 May 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,L'Expression,at least 10 terrorists were killed after barricading themselves in a mined hideout,10, 615,1030ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33779,09 May 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,3,Liberte,security forces killed two terrorists in fighting during an offensive in Upper Kalaa against armed terrorists there,2, 615,1031ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33784,10 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Liberte,Three armed Islamists and one soldier were killed during a military operation in the Tizi Ouzou region,4, 615,1032ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33785,10 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Sa•da,Saida,,Saida,34.830335,0.151713,1,Liberte,three extremists were killed in a military sweep in Saida,3, 615,1033ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33800,11 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,El Milia,,El Milia,36.754722,6.272500,2,Liberte,a village guard was killed and two other people injured when a bomb went off in an abandoned house,1, 615,1034ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33801,11 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Settara,,Settara,36.718701,6.336127,1,El Watan,a bomb seriously wounded a municipal guard,0, 615,1035ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33802,11 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,a soldier was killed in fighting near Tizi Ouszou,1, 615,1036ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33826,12 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Ain Zouit,,Ain Zouit,36.887988,6.785435,1,El Watan,"Two bombs exploded yesterday in the province of Skikda, the first in Ain Zouit and the second in El Maktaa causing slight injuries to two soldiers and one municipal guard as the security forces went through",0, 615,1037ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33827,12 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghlia,36.816944,3.857222,2,El Watan,a bomb exploded near a voting center for upcoming elections as an army patrol passed. No injuries,0, 615,1038ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33828,12 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Liberte,the military continues an offensive against AQIM ,0, 615,1039ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33829,12 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Les Issers,36.722184,3.667191,1,Agence France Presse,"Four islamists were killed near Isser village after they were pursued by security forces from Ait Yahia Moussa, where they had been encircled ",4, 615,1040ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33830,12 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Oum Toub,,Oum Toub,36.688776,6.572009,1,El Watan,"Two bombs exploded yesterday in the province of Skikda, the first in Ain Zouit and the second in El Maktaa causing slight injuries to two soldiers and one municipal guard as the security forces went through",0, 615,1041ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33836,13 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Ait Yahia Youssef,36.731058,4.563053,2,El Watan,"two more soldiers have been wounded in the ongoing offensive against AQIM terrorists surrounded near Ait Yahia Moussa , in the Tizi Ouzou region",1, 615,1042ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33837,13 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Skikda,Ouldja Boulbalout,,Ouldja Boulballout,36.786170,6.373120,2,El Watan,"Two soldiers, one commander and one sergeant major, were killed in a bomb blast which hit their convoy near Boulballout in the far southwest of Skikda Province three others were also injured",4, 615,1043ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33842,14 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,Agence France Presse,An Algerian army patrol Monday killed two armed Islamist militants and injured a third in an operation east of the capital,2, 615,1044ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33843,14 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,six soldiers were killed and six wounded in bomb attacks in the Tebessa offensive in the past 48 hours,6, 615,1045ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33844,14 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,an estimated 11 terrorists were killed in an area security forces have been bombarding for two days,11, 615,1046ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33857,16 May 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614722,1,Agence France Presse,Bombs killed a police officer and wounded five other people Wednesday on the eve of parliamentary elections in Constantine. Police intercepted a man carrying both bombs who ditched them near a cafŽ and a roundabout,1, 615,1047ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33858,16 May 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.730461,3.494822,2,Algerian Radio,security forces raided a bomb workshop in the Tidjelabine area in the province of Boumerdes.,0, 615,1048ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33928,24 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.165253,1.334523,1,Agence France Presse,A police officer killed a suspected Islamist militant after reportedly being attacked by a group of four armed Islamists,1, 615,1049ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33937,25 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,Agence France Presse,a bomb blast seriously injured four soldier in the region of Tebessa,0, 615,1050ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33978,30 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Ain Zaouia,36.548285,3.894156,1,El Watan,two municipal guards were wounded by the simultaneous explosions of two homemade bombs in Ain Zaouia,0, 615,1051ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33979,30 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azazga,,Azazga,36.744722,4.372222,1,El Watan,Two terrorists were killed at the Taboukert crossroads ,2, 615,1052ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,33984,31 May 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Haizer,,Haizer,36.424111,4.018306,2,El Watan,security forces killed two terrorists during a search operation in the Haizer mountains and destroyed several blockhouses ,2, 615,1053ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34003,02 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse,A security guard was killed by an Islamist group ,1, 615,1054ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34004,02 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Lverj Imennayen,36.742186,3.716640,2,Agence France Presse,"A soldier was killed and 10 others wounded when a crude bomb exploded Saturday in the Tizi Ouzou region of eastern Kabylia, ",1, 615,1055ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34005,02 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.876170,6.909210,3,Agence France Presse,Two Islamists were meanwhile killed by security forces in Boulballout in the Skikda region,2, 615,1056ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34044,06 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,UPI,"A policeman was killed and another eight people were injured when a grenade detonated by a coach station in the town of Tizi ozo, two days after the leader of a regional Muslim Salafi group was given a life sentence by the town's council",1, 615,1057ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34045,06 June 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,UPI; Algerian Radio,"A policeman was killed and another eight people were injured when a grenade detonated by a coach station in the town of Tizi ozo, two days after the leader of a regional Muslim Salafi group was given a life sentence by the town's council",0, 615,1058ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34054,07 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Beni K'Sila,,Beni Ksila,36.882161,4.661967,2,Associated Press Worldstream,"a remotely triggered roadside bomb hit an army patrol in the Beni-Ksila region, killing three soldiers and injuring seven. The military responded by carrying out a broad sweep against suspected militants in the region",3, 615,1059ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34055,07 June 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,22,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,Liberte,"security agencies find bodies of 2 islamists, reportedly from the El-Ansar group of AQIM who were reportedly klled by another AQIM group",2, 615,1060ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34056,07 June 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Al Jazeera,three guards have been killed and 10 others wounded when an improvised explosive device went off in Tizi Ouzou near the building of the Municipal Guard when one of its patrols was passing through,3, 615,1061ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34091,11 June 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,3,Liberte,Three terrorists killed and three others arrested in Bouira,3, 615,1062ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34092,11 June 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,El Watan,a bomb was discovered on a bus and defused,0, 615,1063ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34106,12 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Djebel Edough,36.882462,7.639193,2,Liberte,AQIM terrorists are surrounded in the Edough Mountains (Annaba),0, 615,1064ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34120,13 June 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,1,Liberte,three people were wounded by a bomb that exploded in front of a cell phone store in Zemouri after a court in the region convicted more than 40 terrorist suspects,0, 615,1065ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34150,17 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Ain El Hammam,36.564709,4.306189,1,Liberte,"Terrorists drive through a People's National Army roadblock in Ain El-Hammam: One soldier killed, another wounded",1, 615,1066ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34151,17 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,Liberte,intense bombing targeting terrorists hideouts in the Sid-Ali Bounab terrorist stronghold at the start of a large-scale operation launched in the area by the army,0, 615,1067ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34160,18 June 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Tafissour,,Tafissour,34.692792,-0.202131,2,El Khabar,"four soldiers were wounded in fighting with terrorists surrounded in the ""Tafsour"" region in Sidi Bel Abbes",0, 615,1068ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34174,19 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Sa•da,Ain El Hadjar,,Ain El Hadjar,34.758463,0.145279,1,Liberte,"The AQIM ""emir"" [leader of armed group] from the Sidi-M'barek area was killed ",1, 615,1069ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34189,21 June 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Mali),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Agence France Presse,The Malian ambassador to Algeria meanwhile escaped an attack on his convoy ,0, 615,1070ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34201,22 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,Agence France Presse,Algerian soldiers have shot and killed six armed Islamists near Algiers,6, 615,1071ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34202,22 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Djebabra,,Djebabra,36.584244,3.258133,1,El Khabar,"six terrorists killed, and six soldiers wounded during fighting in Djbabra, where a large military offensive has been ongoing for three days",2, 615,1072ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34203,22 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,El Djemaia,36.636330,3.266544,1,Liberte,Algerian army launches a large scale operation against AQIM terrorist groups in a Khemis el-Khechna. Three members of the Abou Bakr Seddik group were killed on the first day ,3, 615,1073ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34204,22 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Maammar,36.601456,3.850423,2,Liberte,"the military, responding to an attack on a pipeline, was targeted by a bomb, no injuries",0, 615,1074ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34205,22 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Maammar,36.601456,3.850423,2,Liberte,"three security agents guarding a major gas pipeline were attacked by AQIM, two were killed, a third injured",2, 615,1075ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34206,22 June 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Meftah,,Meftah,36.620405,3.222483,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian military troops surrounded and bombed an armed group in Mefta for several days,0, 615,1076ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34221,23 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Djebabra,,Djebabra,36.584244,3.258133,1,El Khabar,"six terrorists killed, and six soldiers wounded during fighting in Djbabra, where a large military offensive has been ongoing for three days",2, 615,1077ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34222,23 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,El Djemaia,36.636330,3.266544,2,Liberte; Agence France Presse,"Algerian army assaults AQIM terrorist groups,killing seven terrorists, including the Abou Bakr Seddik group in a Khemis el-Khechna operation ",7, 615,1078ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34223,23 June 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Meftah,,Meftah,36.620405,3.222483,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian military troops surrounded and bombed an armed group in Mefta for several days,0, 615,1079ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34232,24 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Djebabra,,Djebabra,36.584244,3.258133,1,El Khabar,"six terrorists killed, and six soldiers wounded during fighting in Djbabra, where a large military offensive has been ongoing for three days",2, 615,1080ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34233,24 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,El Djemaia,36.636330,3.266544,2,Liberte,"Algerian army continues a large scale operation against AQIM terrorist groups, including the Abou Bakr Seddik group, in a Khemis el-Khechna, two blockhouses have been destroyed ",0, 615,1081ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34234,24 June 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Tafissour,,Tafissour,34.692792,-0.202131,2,El Khabar,"Two soldiers injured in a skirmish with terrorists surrounded in the ""Tafsour"" region in Sidi Bel Abbes",0, 615,1082ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34245,25 June 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,3,Liberte,Bomb explosion wounds one person in Batna who approached a suspicious parcel on a zebra crossing,0, 615,1083ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34246,25 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,El Djemaia,36.636330,3.266544,2,Agence France Presse,Five AQIM killed Monday during an ongoing military operation in Khemis el-Khechna operation ,5, 615,1084ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34255,26 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,El Djemaia,36.636330,3.266544,2,Liberte,"another terrorist, wounded in a skirmish, was captured during a military operation against AQIM groups in Khemis el-Khechna operation continues",0, 615,1085ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34271,27 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Djebel Bouzegza,36.667744,3.591152,1,Liberte,"No fewer than 20 terrorists led by Djamel Niche, called Abou Smah Elyes, are holed up in the Boudoukhane and Bouzegza terrorist strongholds, the target of an ongoing military operation in the region",0, 615,1086ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34272,27 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Djebel Bouzegza,36.667744,3.591152,1,Liberte,"No fewer than 20 terrorists led by Djamel Niche, called Abou Smah Elyes, are holed up in the Boudoukhane and Bouzegza terrorist strongholds, the target of an ongoing military operation in the region",0, 615,1087ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34273,27 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Patriot Militia of Algerian Government; Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,El Djemaia,36.636330,3.266544,1,Liberte,"military forces, supported by the Patriots [militia group members] and municipal guards from the region scoured the community of El Djemaia and the Ziane Farm as part of a military operation against AQIM groups in Khemis el-Khechna",0, 615,1088ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34274,27 June 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,El Djemaia,36.636330,3.266544,2,Liberte,a military operation against AQIM groups in Khemis el-Khechna continues ,0, 615,1089ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34294,30 June 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,3,Al Jazeera,AQIM said it killed seven Algerian security men in an ambush in Takhukht area,7, 615,1090ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34331,04 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Souhan,,Souhane,36.517086,3.211784,1,El Khabar,"Three terrorists killed in Souhan, in Blida Province, in a new military operation which started on Wednesday",3, 615,1091ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34346,05 July 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ait-Yahia,,Ait Yahia,36.581133,4.330254,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"A bomb hit the convoy of a top regional official heading to an independence day commemoration ceremony in the town of Ait Yahia, no one was injured",0, 615,1092ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34347,05 July 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,TŽbessa,El Malabiodh,,Elma Labiod,35.196770,8.175921,2,Liberte,"one civilian killed, another wounded in a bomb attack",1, 615,1093ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34348,05 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Souhan,,Souhane,36.517086,3.211784,1,El Khabar,"military attacked terrorist hideouts in Blida Province, in a military operation which started on Wednesday",0, 615,1094ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34354,06 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Souhan,,Souhane,36.517086,3.211784,1,El Khabar,"military attacked terrorist hideouts in Blida Province, in a military operation which started on Wednesday",0, 615,1095ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34375,09 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Blida,Souhan,,Souhane,36.517086,3.211784,1,Liberte,that four terrorists were killed ,4, 615,1096ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34385,10 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Liberte,Two homemade bombs targeting a gendarmerie patrol exploded on the highway at the entrance to Tadmait's wholesale market several seconds apart.,0, 615,1097ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34396,11 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.564634,3.593296,1,Agence France Presse,AQIM claimed responsibility for a suicide truck bomb attack on a military barracks in Lakhdaria which killed 10 soldiers and wounded 35,10, 615,1098ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34397,11 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.888562,4.119836,1,Liberte,one gendarme was killed and another wounded in the explosion of two bombs at about 1530 hours on the eastern edge of the resort town of Tigzirt,1, 615,1099ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34406,13 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Crisis Watch,,12, 615,1100ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34407,13 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,Liberte,"The military adviser to the El-Ansar katibat, real name Raban Kasdi and three of his main lieu-tenants were killed in a skirmish with military forces supported by the Judicial Police Mobile Brigade [BMPJ] and the municipal guard in Sid-Ali-Bounab ",4, 615,1101ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34408,13 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,El Watan,"During the night of Friday to Saturday, 50 heavily armed terrorists simultaneously attacked the Gendarmerie brigade in Yakouran, the detachment from the adjacent municipal guard, and the military roadblock located one kilometre from the main town, and laid bombs along the highway to thwart reinforcements. No injuries reported ",0, 615,1102ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34409,13 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,El Watan,"During the night of Friday to Saturday, 50 heavily armed terrorists simultaneously attacked the Gendarmerie brigade in Yakouran, the detachment from the adjacent municipal guard, and the military roadblock located one kilometre from the main town, and laid bombs along the highway to thwart reinforcements ",0, 615,1103ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34410,13 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,El Watan,"During the night of Friday to Saturday, 50 heavily armed terrorists simultaneously attacked the Gendarmerie brigade in Yakouran, the detachment from the adjacent municipal guard, and the military roadblock located one kilometre from the main town, and laid bombs along the highway to thwart reinforcements ",0, 615,1104ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34416,14 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse; El Watan,Algerian military reinforcements killed four armed Islamists who were retreating from three simultaneous overnight attacks in Yakouran. The military is running an operation in the mountainous Kabylie region launched three days after a suicide bombing on an army barracks left 10 soldiers dead ,4, 615,1105ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34417,14 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,2,El Watan,One soldier was killed and another wounded in a bomb attack on an army patrol ,1, 615,1106ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34426,15 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,El Watan,military forces are targeting 60 AQIM terrorists in a combing operation in the forest of Yakouren after an attack on a Gendarmerie post july 13th,2, 615,1107ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34434,16 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,El Watan,military forces are targeting 60 AQIM terrorists in a combing operation in the forest of Yakouren after an attack on a Gendarmerie post july 13th,2, 615,1108ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34441,17 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,El Watan,military forces are targeting 60 AQIM terrorists in a combing operation in the forest of Yakouren after an attack on a Gendarmerie post july 13th,2, 615,1109ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34443,18 July 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,Agence France Presse,"between 8 and 11 AQIM terrorists have been killed during a combing operation in the forest of Yakouren, Akfadou mountains, which has lasted over a week",2, 615,1110ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34448,19 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,El Watan,60 AQIM terrorists are reportedly surrounding by military sources after a week-long combing operation in the forest of Yakouren,0, 615,1111ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34461,20 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589722,2.447500,2,Agence France Presse,Three Islamist militants died Friday in skirmishes with security forces near Tipaza,3, 615,1112ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34471,21 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mizrana,,Mizrana,36.863837,4.065418,1,Agence France Presse; Associated Press Worldstream,"A soldier was killed and two others injured Saturday when their convoy was ambushed by armed militants in Mizrana, near Yakouren where a large military search operation has been underway for over a week ",1, 615,1113ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34472,21 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,Liberte,Security forces mounted a final assault against terrorists in Yakouren where a large military search operation has been underway for over a week ,0, 615,1114ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34480,22 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Souk El Tenine,,Maatka,36.583333,4.000000,1,El Watan,One terrorist was wounded in failed attack on policemen in downtown Maatkas in an AQIM area,0, 615,1115ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34481,22 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,Liberte,"Security forces completed a final assault against terrorists in Yakouren where a large military search operation has been underway for over a week . 20 terrorists were captured, killed, or surrendered during the operation",0, 615,1116ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34490,24 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Les Issers,36.722184,3.667191,1,Crisis Watch; Liberte,"A bomb exploded yesterday as a military convoy drove past, killing one and wounding nine ",1, 615,1117ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34491,24 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,2,Liberte,one soldier was wounded by the surrounded terrorists in a skirmish in the Mizab mountains,0, 615,1118ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34509,25 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,2,Liberte,During their advance in the Mizab mountains military forces have killed two AQIM terrorists and wounded another,2, 615,1119ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34525,26 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Saharidj,,Tizi-n-Kouilal,36.474537,4.235856,1,Algerian Radio,"search operation kicked off by the security forces, supported by helicopters, in Tizi N'kouilal to prevent the terrorists from crossing that region",0, 615,1120ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34539,28 July 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Annaba,Seraidi,,El A•n Touta,36.983333,7.550000,1,Liberte,a cork farmer was seriously wounded after stepping on a home-made needle bomb on the outskirts of the village of Ain Touta ,0, 615,1121ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34540,28 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Saharidj,,Tizi-n-Kouilal,36.474537,4.235856,1,La Tribune,2 terrorists killed in a clash with combined security forces in the community of Tizi N'kouilal,2, 615,1122ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34545,29 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Ogla Melha,,Bou Djellal,35.131825,8.052032,1,Liberte,A terrorist in his thirties was killed yesterday by the security agencies in the spot known as Boudjellal,1, 615,1123ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34555,30 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.850378,5.728046,1,Algerian Radio,a policeman died from his injuries after being targeted in a terrorist attack,1, 615,1124ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34556,30 July 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Associated Press Worldstream,"2 AQIM terrorists, identified as the man who organized the April 11th attacks Sid Ali Rachid, alias Ali Dix, and his lieutenant, Haroun El-Achaacchi, were killed Monday in the backcountry of the Kabylie region east of Algiers",2, 615,1125ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34582,01 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Bir El Ater,,Bir El-Ater,34.744877,8.060239,1,Liberte,six terrorists killed in Bir El-Ater during an offensive launched after a terrorist was killed in Boudjellal 29 Jul,6, 615,1126ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34600,03 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Ogla Melha,,Bou Djellal,35.131825,8.052032,1,Liberte,seven terrorists were killed over 48 hours in an onging offensive in Tebesss Province,4, 615,1127ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34601,04 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Ogla Melha,,Bou Djellal,35.131825,8.052032,1,Liberte,seven terrorists were killed over 48 hours in an onging offensive in Tebesss Province,3, 615,1128ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34602,04 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,El-Affroun,,El Affroun,36.470102,2.625278,2,El Watan,"three terrorists were killed by the soldiers who were on a search operation in the El-Affroun region, in Blida Province ",3, 615,1129ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34614,05 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,3,Agence France Presse,Nine Islamist militants including a commander have been killed in battles with troops in Algeria,9, 615,1130ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34627,06 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Taguedit,,Souk El Khemis,36.019042,3.992396,1,Liberte,security agencies killed two terrorists during a search operation that was carried out on the heights of Souk El-Khemis. ,2, 615,1131ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34633,07 August 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Batna,T Kout,,T'Kout,35.139204,6.308611,1,El Watan,A woman was killed yesterday by terrorists in her house located on the heights of T'kout ,1, 615,1132ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34644,08 August 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Chlef,Beni Bouattab,,Beni Bouateb,36.049810,1.589594,1,Liberte,mountainous zones located to the southeast of the main town in Chlef Province have been experiencing huge search operations for the past few weeks,0, 615,1133ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34645,08 August 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Chlef,Bouzeghaia,,El Atatfa,36.366832,1.216531,1,Liberte,mountainous zones located in Beni-Bouateb to the southwest of the main town in Chlef Province have been experiencing huge search operations over the past few weeks,0, 615,1134ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34660,10 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,3,Xinhua General News Service,the algerian army began shelling terrorist hideouts in the thick forest to the south of Tizi Ouzou ,0, 615,1135ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34665,11 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,3,Xinhua General News Service,the algerian army continued shelling terrorist hideouts in the thick forest to the south of Tizi Ouzou ,0, 615,1136ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34671,12 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,El Watan,"skirmish between AQIM and Algerian military in Bouhinoune forest, adjacent to the Akfadou forest during an ongoing operation there",0, 615,1137ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34672,12 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse; El Watan; Deutsche Presse-Agentur,"three soldiers, including an officer, were killed and eight were injured during a military operation in Amjoudh forest when two homemade bombs exploded near their convoy in the Kabylie region",3, 615,1138ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34673,12 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,3,Xinhua General News Service,the algerian army continued shelling terrorist hideouts in the thick forest to the south of Tizi Ouzou and has reportedly surrounded a group of AQIM terrorists,0, 615,1139ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34680,13 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse; El Watan,algerian military forces bombarded AQIM positions in the Amjoudh forest during a military operation there,0, 615,1140ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34686,14 August 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Alger,Rouiba,,Rouiba,36.738291,3.280787,1,Agence France Presse,"A former Islamist leader Mustapha Kartali was seriously injured in Algiers on Tuesday in a dawn bomb attack on his car blamed on an Islamist group, AQIM denied responsibility, saying it did not authorize the attack",0, 615,1141ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34690,15 August 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Amnesty International,torture in police custody (Majid Touati),0, 615,1142ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34691,15 August 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Blida,Ain Romana,,El Moustakbel,36.353292,2.561188,2,El Khabar,army reportedly cornered a group of 70 terrorists and killed 8 in an operation near Moustakbel Dam in Bouroumi Valley ,8, 615,1143ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34751,22 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Les Issers,36.722184,3.667191,1,Le Jeune,military forces find and destroy AQIM blockhouses / hideouts in Boumerdes,0, 615,1144ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34773,25 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,ADC: Democratic Alliance of 23rd May for Change,,2,Military Forces of Mali (2002-2012),,1,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tin Zaouaten,19.840600,3.247800,1,Reuters,"Another military convoy routed. Five soldiers missing, several vehicles taken.",0, 615,1145ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34782,26 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743276,3.717296,1,Agence France Presse,"a bomb exploded as a police convoy passed,killing two policemen and wounding three passersby in Algeria's eastern Kabylie region ",2, 615,1146ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34791,27 August 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,ATNMC: North Mali Tuareg Alliance for Change,,2,Civilians (Mali),,7,27,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tin Zaouaten,19.840600,3.247800,1,Associated Press,A land mine set up by Tuareg rebels exploded and killed ten individuals on the road to Tin Zaouatene.,0, 615,1147ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34803,29 August 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.374894,3.901998,2,Agence France Presse; El Watan,"four railway staff were hurt when a home-made bomb went off under a freight train near the Kabylie town of Bouira, derailing it",0, 615,1148ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34804,29 August 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse,an armed Islamist was shot dead by security forces in the Tizi Ouzou area of Algeria's eastern Kabylie region,1, 615,1149ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34807,30 August 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Tipaza,Sidi Ghiles,,Sidi Ghiles,36.583270,2.122852,1,Agence France Presse,"An officer cadet from the military academy at Cherchel, west of Algiers, had his throat cut in his home by armed islamists in Sidi Ghiles",1, 615,1150ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34838,03 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743276,3.717296,1,Liberte,a bomb hidden in a plastic bag near an apartment complex was defused in Bordj Menaiel,0, 615,1151ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34839,03 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Souk Ahras,Souk Ahras,,Souk Ahras,36.286389,7.951111,3,Liberte,"Two soldiers, three police, and a civilian were killed in a militant ambush in the town of Henchir El-Hoshas. Militants entered a house, killing the occupant. Responding security forces were caught by mines and bombs set by the militants",5, 615,1152ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34840,03 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Souk Ahras,Souk Ahras,,Souk Ahras,36.286389,7.951111,3,Liberte,"Five security officials and a civilian were killed in a militant ambush in the town of Henchir El-Hoshas. Militants entered a house, killing the occupant. Responding security forces were caught by mines and bombs set by the militants",1, 615,1153ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34856,05 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,Associated Press Worldstream,"Security forces bombed a suspected militant hideout, killing seven people believed to be responsible for the deadly ambush earlier this week. In a cave near the village of Lagla el Malha in Tebessa",7, 615,1154ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34865,06 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,Associated Press; Deutsche Presse-Agentur; Agence France Presse,A suicide bomber killed 22 people and injured 107 (updated reports) in an foiled assassination attempt against President Bouteflika - the bomber was waiting in a crowd to see the president when he was discovered and detonated the bomb before the president arrived -AQIM later claimed responsibility,19, 615,1155ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34885,08 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Dellys,,Dellys,36.917160,3.913107,2,Agence France Presse,"30 killed, 47 injured when a explosive laden van smashed through the rear entrance of a coastguard military barracks in Dellys and detonated. AQIM claimed responsibility",30, 615,1156ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34890,09 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Ain Kechra,,Ain Kechera,36.748309,6.432262,2,Liberte,"militant leader killed in failed attack on security post ",1, 615,1157ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34891,09 September 2007,2007,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Tens of thousands of Algerians protested against terrorism Sunday after two suicide bomb attacks in recent days claimed by an Al-Qaeda offshoot killed at least 52 people,0, 615,1158ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34906,11 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,El Watan,"militant group active in the Lahmar Kheddou region launches an explosive rocket which hit a mosque wall and shook an apartment complex, injuring two children",0, 615,1159ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34907,11 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Alger,El Achour,,Bir Mourad Ra•s,36.745796,3.039157,1,Amnesty International,citizen Kamal Akkache abducted/disappeared and his residence raided by self-proclaimed DRS agents ,0, 615,1160ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34919,13 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Batna,Chemora,,Chemora,35.665278,6.648056,1,Liberte,"on the first day of Ramadan, a homemade bomb placed at the market in the city of Chemora near the girls' primary school was found and defused",0, 615,1161ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34929,14 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,1,Agence France Presse,Three people were killed and five others wounded when a homemade bomb placed at the entrance to the residence where police officers and their families live exploded on Friday east of the Algerian capital,0, 615,1162ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34930,14 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,1,Agence France Presse,Three people were killed and five others wounded when a homemade bomb placed at the entrance to the residence where police officers and their families live exploded on Friday east of the Algerian capital,3, 615,1163ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34969,19 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,GLD: Legitimate Defence Groups Militia,,3,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,23,Algeria,BŽja•a,Tamokra,,Boutouab,36.372878,4.626379,2,El Watan,a homemade bomb buried by a guard post killed a GLD Self-Defence Group member and injured another in Ighzar Oumeziane,1, 615,1164ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34980,20 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Tamda,36.705216,4.191566,1,El Watan,"The security forces ambushed a group of terrorists in the and killed three in the ensuing skirmish Thursday evening in Tamda, in the municipality of Ouaguenoun",3, 615,1165ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,34988,21 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (International),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Agence France Presse,"An AQIM suicide bomber rammed a booby-trapped car into a convoy in Algeria on Friday wounding two French engineers and an Italian, Six Algerians, five of them part of a police escort, were also injured in the attack ",0, 615,1166ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35011,23 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614722,1,Liberte,on Sunday security forces defused a bomb placed near the hospital in Constantine which targeted police,0, 615,1167ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35017,24 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,El Malabiodh,,Elma Labiod,35.196770,8.175921,1,Agence France Presse,A serviceman was killed and five others injured when several homemade bombs exploded in scrubland at Ma-Labiod,1, 615,1168ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35018,24 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Mila,Mila,,Mila,36.450278,6.264444,1,Agence France Presse,Three civil guards were killed Monday evening when their patrol was ambushed by an armed group in Tassedane,3, 615,1169ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35019,24 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,2,El Watan,A citizen from Legata who had been employed as a guard at the Bordj Menaiel prison was assassinated the day before yesterday by a terrorist group in front of his parents' hom,1, 615,1170ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35029,25 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,3,Associated Press,Three security guards were killed in an ambush Tuesday in Tassadane Hadada ,3, 615,1171ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35037,26 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Associated Press,security forces had killed three suspected militants in a forest in the restive Kabylie region east of Algiers,3, 615,1172ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35038,26 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Les Issers,36.722184,3.667191,1,Associated Press,Two police officers died in a bomb attack on their vehicle Wednesday in the town of Issers ,2, 615,1173ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35039,26 September 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Souk El Had,,Souk El Had,36.690613,3.589119,2,El Watan,a businessman who was a native of Tizi Ghennif [80 km to the east of Algiers] was abducted this past Wednesday by an armed group in Touzaline,0, 615,1174ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35046,27 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,El Watan,Two soldiers were killed in the explosion of a bomb in Sidi Ali Bounab as an army convoy drove past,2, 615,1175ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35047,27 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.855833,3.856667,2,Associated Press Worldstream,"Clashes between soldiers and militants erupted Thursday during a military sweep near Sidi Daoud, also in Boumerdes, leaving one soldier dead and four injured. One militant was also killed.",2, 615,1176ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35048,27 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"Three local guards were killed Thursday after AQIM attackers set up a false roadblock in Tadmait, a village in the restive Kabylie region",3, 615,1177ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35061,28 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.850378,5.728046,2,Agence France Presse,a soldier was also killed after a crude bomb exploded near the town of Biskra,1, 615,1178ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35062,28 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Cap Djinet,36.877757,3.720502,2,El Watan; Liberte,one soldier wounded in a skirmish between the army and terrorists in Sahel Boubrak. The body of a terrorist was found nearby a few days later,1, 615,1179ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35063,28 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.189937,-0.630846,2,Le Quotidien d'Oran,"one soldier was killed and two were injured during a sweep when a bomb exploded in a wooded area near the town of Ain Ben Soltane, in the Sidi Bel-Abbes region",1, 615,1180ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35064,28 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.855833,3.856667,2,Le Quotidien d'Oran,two soldiers were killed in an attack on an army supply truck,2, 615,1181ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35065,28 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.855833,3.856667,2,Associated Press Worldstream; Le Soir,A sweep by security forces in the Boumerdes region left eight armed militants dead on Friday,8, 615,1182ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35081,29 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.855833,3.856667,1,Associated Press Worldstream; Le Soir,"clashes between security forces and terrorists in the Boumerdes region left 2 armed militants dead on Saturday. Of the ten killed Fri and Sat, one was an AQIM leader suspected to be behind the bombing of the Coast Guard Barracks sept 8th",2, 615,1183ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35092,30 September 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Boghni,,Boghni,36.542222,3.953056,1,Qatar News Agency,A Conventional Bomb Exploded Targeting An Army Patrol East Of The Capital Of Algeria,0, 615,1184ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35102,01 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,1,Liberte,"the combined security forces reportedly killed 2 terrorists including ""amir"" Farouk, whose real name was Djamel Khaled El-Kebir",2, 615,1185ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35103,01 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.888562,4.119836,2,El Watan,A soldier with the rank of an officer was killed and two others wounded following the explosion of a home-made AQIM bomb in La Crete near Tizgirt,1, 615,1186ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35104,01 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi N'Tleta,,Tizi n'Tleta,36.545693,4.057117,1,El Watan,one armed terrorist aboard a bus was killed in Tizi n'Tleta at a military roadblock,1, 615,1187ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35116,03 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Beni Fouda,36.713710,3.489140,1,liberte,the combined security forces launched a huge search operation on the heights of Tidjellabine and Thenia in the course of which one AQIM terrorist from the El-Feth group was slain. Four soldiers slightly wounded,1, 615,1188ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35117,03 October 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Dellys,,Dellys,36.917160,3.913107,2,Agence France Press,a soldier was killed outside a mosque near Dellys,1, 615,1189ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35118,03 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tipaza,Larhat,,Oued Mellah,36.563312,1.822973,1,El Khabar,combined security forces killed three terrorists and arrested another during combing operations in Tipaza province,3, 615,1190ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35119,03 October 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.730461,3.494822,2,Agence France Press,"soldier killed in an operation above Tidjellabine, Three armed Islamists also died.",4, 615,1191ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35123,04 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Thelidjene,,Ain Ras el Euch,34.859935,7.640806,1,El Khabar,"the combined forces have been conducting large combing operations in Tebessa, besieging, on Thursday night, a terrorist group in one of the caves of Ras El Ach mountain",6, 615,1192ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35124,04 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,Agence France Press; El Khabar,Six soldiers including an officer were killed by a mine while conducting an operation to sweep out extremists near Tebessa,6, 615,1193ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35125,04 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Zitouna,,Zitouna,36.989738,6.460487,2,Agence France Press; El Khabar,"an islamist , a regional leader who was trying to seize an army camp in Skikda, was also killed during combing operations there",1, 615,1194ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35132,05 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,Associated Press,"the combined forces continued large combing operations in Tebessa, which killed a reported total of 22 terrorists",6, 615,1195ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35142,06 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Boghni,,Boghni,36.542222,3.953056,1,Algerian Radio; Liberte,Algerian security forces killed three terrorists in Tizi Ouzou including a top AQIM leader and bomb maker Sofiane El-Fassila,3, 615,1196ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35143,06 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,Associated Press,"the combined forces continued large combing operations in Tebessa, which killed a reported total of 22 terrorists",5, 615,1197ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35147,07 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Taghzout,,Taghzout,36.406363,3.959370,1,Agence France Press; Liberte,"a policeman, two civilians and an armed Islamic extremist were killed in an attack on a village 120 kilometres southeast of Algiers when police fired on AQIM militants robbing civilians in a cafŽ",2, 615,1198ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35148,07 October 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Bouira,Taghzout,,Taghzout,36.406363,3.959370,1,Agence France Press; Liberte,"a policeman, two civilians and an armed Islamic extremist were killed in an attack on a village 120 kilometres southeast of Algiers when police fired on AQIM militants robbing civilians in a cafŽ",2, 615,1199ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35149,07 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Taourga,,Taourga,36.793901,3.950339,1,Agence France Press; Liberte,Three soldiers were killed and five wounded east of Algiers on the weekend when two bombs went off as an army convoy drove by,3, 615,1200ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35150,07 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,Associated Press,"the combined forces continued large combing operations in Tebessa, which killed a reported total of 22 terrorists",5, 615,1201ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35157,08 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Cap Djinet,36.877757,3.720502,1,Liberte,combined security forces seized a large AQIM underground explosive lab,0, 615,1202ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35158,08 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Les Issers,36.722184,3.667191,2,Liberte,combined security forces seized a large AQIM explosive lab,0, 615,1203ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35159,08 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,23,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,1,Liberte,bombing in Souma wounded a Patriot [government supported militia] guarding a local company,0, 615,1204ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35160,08 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.888562,4.119836,1,Liberte,"In Tigzirt a bomb exploded yesterday morning, partially destroying a National Gendarmerie surveillance post",0, 615,1205ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35161,08 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi-Rached,,Zaouia,36.696228,4.181002,1,El Watan,three terrorists killed in a military ambush in Zaouia ,3, 615,1206ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35162,08 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,1,Liberte,"In Zemmouri security forces outside the city were fired on by a terrorist group lying in ambush, 2 guards and 3 police were wounded",0, 615,1207ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35167,09 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,33,Algeria,Jijel,El Kennar Nouchfi,,El Kennar,36.825638,5.962915,1,El Watan,"""terrorist group"" kills two patriots on patrol",2, 615,1208ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35168,09 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse,"AQIM's alleged number-two man, Zobeir Harkat, was killed along with two other Islamists October 9, again during clashes with the army in Kabylia",0, 615,1209ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35198,13 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Boghni,,Boghni,36.542222,3.953056,2,Agence France Presse,five soldiers were injured when Islamists fired at a military checkpoint ,0, 615,1210ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35199,13 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,2,Agence France Presse,Four armed Islamists were killed on Saturday by security forces near the town of Thenia ,4, 615,1211ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35206,14 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,3,Kuwait News Agency,"three security posts in the Maghreb region of Algeria were attacked by al-Qaida forces, but repelled by military personnel ",0, 615,1212ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35229,16 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Chrea,,Chrea,36.429125,2.880593,1,El Watan,Two terrorists were slain and their weapons recovered in an ambush ,2, 615,1213ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35240,17 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,3,Liberte,Two soldiers from the Erraguen encampment have been wounded by the explosion of a home-made bomb ,0, 615,1214ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35250,18 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.723282,3.618073,1,El Watan,Seven soldiers were wounded by a bomb,0, 615,1215ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35251,18 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.723282,3.618073,1,El Watan,Military shelled suspected terrorist positions ,0, 615,1216ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35312,26 October 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,El Malabiodh,,Djebel Anoual,35.328343,8.068311,1,Agence France Presse,"Fifteen Islamists died in a major attack on their base at Djebel Al-Anoual. An army officer was also killed in this raid, which was backed by helicopters",16, 615,1217ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35313,26 October 2007,2007,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Agence France Presse,twovIslamists were killed in an army ambush at Jijel,2, 615,1218ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35332,28 October 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El Khabar,Three soldiers on patrol injured in a bomb explosion in Naceria,0, 615,1219ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35400,08 November 2007,2007,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.850378,5.728046,1,El Khabar,11 prisoners had gone on a hunger strike since 10 days at the correctional facility in Biskra in protest over their long administrative detention ,0, 615,1220ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35401,08 November 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Illizi,Djanet,,Djanet Airport,24.552740,9.485823,1,Deutsche Presse-Agentur; Agence France Presse,"suspected Islamic militants attacked Djanet airport, guarded by military, damaging a plane, details of the attack and military response were inclear",0, 615,1221ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35402,08 November 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Illizi,Djanet,,Djanet Airport,24.552740,9.485823,1,Deutsche Presse-Agentur; Agence France Presse,"suspected Islamic militants attacked Djanet airport, guarded by military, damaging a plane, details of the attack and military response were inclear",0, 615,1222ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35411,10 November 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,El Kseur,,El Kseur,36.679418,4.855496,2,El Watan,"Terrorist chief Houdaifa, a a liaison officer"" between the GSPC command and El Ansar Brigade, was killed at a mobile checkpoint , two other terrorists arrested in Adekar, Bejaia",1, 615,1223ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35412,10 November 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Souk El Tenine,,Maatka,36.583333,4.000000,2,Agence France Presse,one armed Islamist was killed and two others captured in clashes,1, 615,1224ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35413,10 November 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Souk El Tenine,,Maatka,36.583333,4.000000,1,Agence France Presse,Three people were wounded when a boobytrapped car exploded near a police residence in the northern Algerian town of Maatkas,0, 615,1225ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35448,14 November 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse," ""treasurer"" of AQIM Abdelhamid Sadaoui also known as Abou El Haythem, was killed and another Islamist wounded during clashes with the Algerian army in Algeria's restive northeastern Kabylia region",1, 615,1226ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35636,05 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,UPI,about 12 AQIM militants attacked a military bus ,0, 615,1227ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35665,08 December 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (International),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Azziz,,Sebt Aziz,35.823306,2.451540,2,El Khabar,"Terrorist bomb attack targets convoy carrying Russian company workers in Sebt Aziz Municipality, no one injured, foreign workers with Russian Stroytrans Gas were targeted previously by AQIM in February",0, 615,1228ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35694,11 December 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"AQIM claimed responsibility for two car bomb attacks in Algiers. The first targeted Algeria's constitutional court in Ben Aknoun district and killed several students on a university bus. The second targeted the UNHCR office in the Hydra area killing 17 UN workers, mostly Algerians. The official death toll was 37, and over 177 injured. Hospital officials said at least 62 had been killed",18, 615,1229ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35695,11 December 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"AQIM claimed responsibility for two car bomb attacks in Algiers. The first targeted Algeria's constitutional court in Ben Aknoun district and killed several students on a university bus. The second targeted the UNHCR office in the Hydra area killing 17 UN workers, mostly Algerians. The official death toll was 37, and over 177 injured. Hospital officials said at least 62 had been killed",19, 615,1230ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35696,11 December 2007,2007,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.850378,5.728046,1,El-Khabar,Youth and riot police clash. Several were injured. No reason was found for the riot but the high cost of living was cited by some sources as well as unfair arrests.,0, 615,1231ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35708,13 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.165253,1.334523,2,L'Expression,Security forces killed four Islamic militants and captured two others during an anti-terrorism sweep ,4, 615,1232ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35782,23 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,2,Agence France Presse,Three soldiers were seriously injured in a bomb attack on an army patrol ,0, 615,1233ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35785,24 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,2,Agence France Presse,two militants were killed during army search operations following a bomb attack on an army patrol,2, 615,1234ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35788,25 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.723282,3.618073,1,Agence France Presse,Three militants were killed on Monday in Si Mustapha,3, 615,1235ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35800,26 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.374894,3.901998,3,El Watan,two policemen were killed and two soldiers wounded in attacks by militants in north-central Bouira,2, 615,1236ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35801,26 December 2007,2007,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.374894,3.901998,3,Agence France Presse,a bomb targeting a freight train exploded but caused no damage,0, 615,1237ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35802,26 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.876170,6.909210,2,L'Expression,army killed a suspected Islamic militant near the eastern town of Skikda,1, 615,1238ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35803,26 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,the military killed at least six AQIM members during an operation in Tebessa,6, 615,1239ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35813,27 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mizrana,,Mizrana,36.863837,4.065418,1,Agence France Presse,two soldiers wounded during a clash with an armed islamist group at Mizrana ,0, 615,1240ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35814,27 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,2,Agence France Presse,The two police officers were killed and two more injured in a bomb attack targeting a road patrol,2, 615,1241ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35855,29 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,L'Expression,"Algerian army killed seven suspected Islamic militants holed up in a home near Tebessa, suspected members of and AQIM cell called El-Feth El-Moubine",7, 615,1242ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,35904,30 December 2007,2007,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Crisis Watch,,0, 615,1243ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36000,02 January 2008,2008,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El Khabar,"100 recent graduates in the Algerian Provinces of Ghardaia, Algiers and Annaba have recently started a hunger strike over employment policies",0, 615,1244ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36001,02 January 2008,2008,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba,36.900000,7.766667,3,El Khabar,"100 recent graduates in the Algerian Provinces of Ghardaia, Algiers and Annaba have recently started a hunger strike over employment policies",0, 615,1245ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36002,02 January 2008,2008,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,3,El Khabar,"100 recent graduates in the Algerian Provinces of Ghardaia, Algiers and Annaba have recently started a hunger strike over employment policies",0, 615,1246ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36003,02 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746400,3.830300,1,Agence France Presse,"AQIM suicide car bombing against a police station, 4 killed, 12 injured",4, 615,1247ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36099,09 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ait-Yahia,,Ait Yahia,36.581133,4.330254,1,Associated Press; Crisis Watch,A roadside bomb seriously wounded six soldiers who had been carrying out a sweep for suspected terrorist cells in an area east of the capital. Four later died.,4, 615,1248ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36113,11 January 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.264169,2.753926,3,Agence France Presse; Associated Press Worldstream,Armed Islamists shot dead three people picking chestnuts in the Medea area,3, 615,1249ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36122,12 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Tizi Ouzou,36.750000,4.250000,3,Agence France Presse,two armed Islamists were shot dead on Saturday in a security services operation ,2, 615,1250ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36132,13 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.073215,4.761080,1,Associated Press Worldstream,Armed man killed by soldiers conducting a sweep 260 km east of Algiers,1, 615,1251ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36245,19 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Agence France Presse,Armed Islamist killed in a clash with security forces,1, 615,1252ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36246,19 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Agence France Presse,Armed Islamist killed in a clash with security forces,1, 615,1253ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36260,20 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Djebel Edough,36.882462,7.639193,2,Agence France Presse,Two armed islamists killed in the Eddough mountains,2, 615,1254ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36297,22 January 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,Islamist groups and students protest the situation in Gaza.,0, 615,1255ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36380,27 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Corso,,Corso Tahtani,36.754722,3.442778,1,El Watan,"Police raid AQIM cell behind the Dec 11 2007 suicide attacks, killing one and arresting four others",2, 615,1256ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36399,28 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Beni Amrane,36.667744,3.591152,2,El Khabar,military killed a terrorist in an ambush set between Beni Amrane and Aoumal ,1, 615,1257ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36400,28 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Taourga,,Taourga,36.793901,3.950339,1,El Watan,"Two ""terrorists"" killed in an ambush",2, 615,1258ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36412,29 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,El Khabar,Five AQIM terrorists killed in an operation near Ouargla,5, 615,1259ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36413,29 January 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,1,Associated Press; El Khabar,A car bomb exploded Tuesday outside a police station killing at least three people and wounding several others,3, 615,1260ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36437,31 January 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Aghribs,36.793610,4.311580,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,Roadside bomb attack on the Rally for Culture and Democracy Mayor in Tizi Ouzoi,0, 615,1261ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36483,05 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Crisis Watch,AQIM leader Hamzu killed,1, 615,1262ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36484,05 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Collo,,Collo,37.005800,6.572500,2,El Watan,"soldiers ambush a group of militants, one killed, in El Ouelja Bourballout south of Collo",1, 615,1263ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36504,06 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Bou khalfa,36.726154,4.016917,1,Associated Press; Agence France Presse,One officer killed and another wounded when they came under fire from two vehicles as they stood guard outside their barracks,1, 615,1264ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36527,08 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863186,1,Associated Press; Agence France Presse,Eight police officers were killed in an ambush by an armed Islamist group ,8, 615,1265ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36537,09 February 2008,2008,1,Non-violent transfer of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,Liberte,Military broke up and AQIM hideout including a tunnel more than 400 meters long and eight blockhouses,0, 615,1266ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36567,13 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Souk Ahras,Zouabi,,Bordj Mahdjoura,36.133300,7.433300,1,Africa Research Bulletin,,6, 615,1267ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36568,13 February 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Senegal),,7,27,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Africa Research Bulletin,,4, 615,1268ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36596,16 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Ouled Aissa,36.533300,3.650000,2,Agence France Presse,two armed Islamists had been killed overnight in an ambush by security forces ,2, 615,1269ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36597,16 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.724700,3.615300,2,liberte,"Soldiers kill and AQIM ""explosives expert"" ",1, 615,1270ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36598,16 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,2,El Watan; Associated Press Worldstream,"A bomb exploded at a military roadblock in northeastern Algeria, Saturday, prompting a shootout, during which First Secretary of the Berber-dominated Socialist Forces Front (FFS) Krim Tabbou was fired on but not hurt. One soldier killed.",1, 615,1271ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36599,16 February 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),FFS: Socialist Forces Front,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,2,El Watan; Associated Press Worldstream,"A bomb exploded at a military roadblock in northeastern Algeria, Saturday, prompting a shootout, during which First Secretary of the Berber-dominated Socialist Forces Front (FFS) Krim Tabbou was fired on but not hurt",0, 615,1272ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36600,16 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Crisis Watch,,0, 615,1273ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36601,16 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Tizi Ouzou,36.750000,4.250000,2,Agence France Presse,A mine left one soldier dead and four wounded,1, 615,1274ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36609,18 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El Ameur,36.637090,3.694735,1,Liberte,2 soldiers slightly wounded by a bomb as their patrol passed,0, 615,1275ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36610,18 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,El Watan,2 soldiers seriously wounded by a bomb that exploded at the municipal stadium of Lakhdaria as a soccer match was being played,0, 615,1276ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36621,19 February 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Alger,Les Eucalyptus,,El Harrach,36.720278,3.145000,1,Amnesty International,at least 30 detainees at El Harrach prison were reportedly beaten severely by prison guards after protesting the loss of their prayer zone,0, 615,1277ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36631,20 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Bir El Ater,,Bir El-Ater,34.744877,8.060239,2,El Watan,5 AQIM terrorists killed at the end of a major search operation,5, 615,1278ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36632,20 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,3,El Watan, a soldier was seriously wounded by a bomb explosion in the Gabel Boudjilal region 50 km south of Tebessa as a military convoy was driving through,0, 615,1279ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36667,25 February 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Beni K'Sila,,Beni Ksila,36.882161,4.661967,2,El Watan,A soldier was killed and two others wounded in the explosion of a bomb during military search operations in Bejaia ,1, 615,1280ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36674,26 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.755870,5.084332,3,El Watan,military shelling against terrorist positions in a search operation of the maquis on the border between the provinces of Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia ,0, 615,1281ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36675,26 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Beni K'Sila,,Beni Ksila,36.882161,4.661967,2,El Watan,military shelling against terrorist positions in a search operation of the maquis on the border between the provinces of Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia ,0, 615,1282ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36676,26 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Leghata,,Legata,36.748805,3.683163,1,Liberte,"Algerian security forces on a counterterrorism sweep shot and killed a suspected leader of AQIM ""emir"" Hamza",1, 615,1283ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36677,26 February 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,2,El Watan,"two bombs exploded as a military convoy drove past on National Road [RN] 12, 7 km east of the main town of Yakouren, wounding at least 4 soldiers",0, 615,1284ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36684,27 February 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Leghata,,Legata,36.748805,3.683163,2,Liberte,20 terrorists reportedly surrounded during a search operation ,0, 615,1285ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36685,27 February 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tablat,,Tablat,36.412818,3.310070,1,Associated Press,an armed group attacked a guard post killing one officer and injuring two in a gunfight ,1, 615,1286ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36717,01 March 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Beni K'Sila,,Beni Ksila,36.882161,4.661967,2,Ech Chourouk; Al Djazair News,security forces killed 25 suspected members of AQIM during a weekend operation against AQIM hideouts between the Tizi-Ouzou and Bejaie regions,25, 615,1287ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36722,02 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi-Rached,,Tizi Rached,36.671763,4.191760,1,El Watan,"A major terrorist group attacked the financial agencies in Tizi Rached town, killing one policeman",1, 615,1288ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36723,02 March 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi-Rached,,Tizi Rached,36.671763,4.191760,1,El Watan,A major terrorist group attacked the financial agencies in Tizi Rached town,0, 615,1289ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36732,03 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),GLD: Legitimate Defence Groups Militia,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,3,Liberte,"AQIM attacked workers of the Pass company and Kahrif company who were constructing high tension electric lines with bombs planted in the area. One security guard killed, 6 injured including a member of a self-defence group",1, 615,1290ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36751,05 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Jijel,Ziama Mansouria,,Ziama Mansouriah,36.673239,5.481195,1,El Watan,"A terrorist group that was lying in ambush opened fire on a group of security guards providing surveillance of the National Gas Company's [Sonelgaz] infrastructures, killing three",3, 615,1291ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36795,08 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,3,Liberte,"skirmish between AQIM and Algerian military on the road linking Aghribs to Ibeskriene and Tifrit Ait El-Hadj, in Akerou, 1 militant killed",1, 615,1292ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36830,11 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Ben Choud,,Ben Choud,36.863181,3.880353,1,El Watan,"terrorist intercepted by the national people's army, killed",1, 615,1293ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36831,11 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Bou Caid,,Bou Caid,35.891111,1.619722,1,El Watan,terrorists attack on municipal guard vehicle. 2 guards killed,2, 615,1294ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36924,15 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Africa Research Bulletin,2 senior AQIM killed,2, 615,1295ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36935,16 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,El Aouana,,El Aouana,36.775127,5.599932,2,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,"Roadside bomb wounded 20 soldiers, killed at least one along a military convoy's route to El Aouana. The soldiers engaged in a firefight with the terrorists and the army bombed the terrorists' alleged hideout. ",1, 615,1296ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36936,16 March 2008,2008,2,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Deutsche Presse-Agentur,two young girls killed in terrorist attack on a bridge used by the police anti-terrorism division,2, 615,1297ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36937,16 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Mali (2002-2012),,8,ATNMC: North Mali Tuareg Alliance for Change,,2,28,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tin Zaouaten,19.840600,3.247800,1,Reuters,A military convoy was attacked on the road to Tin Zaouaten.,0, 615,1298ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36943,17 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Ammal,,Ammal,36.635091,3.589869,1,Agence France Presse,"2 terrorists killed including wanted terrorist leader Abdelamalek Kouri, also called Khaled Abou Souleimane ",2, 615,1299ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36944,17 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Beni Amrane,36.667744,3.591152,1,Liberte,2 terrorists killed during a skirmish on the heights of Beni-Amrane,2, 615,1300ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36945,17 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,Agence France Presse,"2 terrorists killed including wanted terrorist leader Abdelamalek Kouri, also called Khaled Abou Souleimane ",2, 615,1301ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36954,18 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Bordj T'jar,36.749476,6.029335,2,El Watan,"2 terrorists killed during a skirmish during an operation in the Chamatou region, located between the municipalities of Beni Hbibi and Bordj T'har ",2, 615,1302ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,36992,26 March 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,3,El Watan,5 militants killed during an ongoing military operation in the Boudekhane mountains,5, 615,1303ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37014,29 March 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,El Watan,Would-be suicide bomber killed ,1, 615,1304ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37059,02 April 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Associated Press,"5,000 demonstrators turned out in an effort to convince people to boycott the upcoming elections.",0, 615,1305ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37068,03 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Agence France Presse,An Algerian soldier was killed and two others wounded when a bomb exploded east of Algiers as their patrol was passing,1, 615,1306ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37084,05 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Ahnif,,Ahnif,36.335870,4.262202,1,El Watan,Bomb wounded three soldiers guarding a highway work site,0, 615,1307ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37085,05 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Laghouat,Sidi Makhlouf,,Djebel Sba,34.277645,2.929024,1,Associated Press Worldstream,a remote-controlled bomb exploded Saturday as an army vehicle passed killing one officer and seriously wounding another,1, 615,1308ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37086,05 April 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,2,El Watan,"An off-duty policeman was killed by ""terrorists"" in a fake roadblock ",1, 615,1309ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37139,08 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,El Watan,bomb kills a soldier as his patrol passed,1, 615,1310ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37151,09 April 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,BBC Monitoring,Several hundred people take to the streets to protest the election results.,0, 615,1311ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37152,09 April 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,BBC Monitoring,At least 6 voting stations were burnt down in riots all over the Kabylie region.,0, 615,1312ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37153,09 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mekla,,Mekla,36.681783,4.263781,2,El Watan; El Khabar,2 militants killed in a gun battle with the military,2, 615,1313ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37154,09 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,2,Liberte,Three terrorists were slain in an anti-terror operation ,3, 615,1314ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37160,10 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mechtrass,,Mechtras,36.543503,3.998134,1,El Watan; El Khabar,2 killed including an emir from the Boghni seriat was killed in a military ambush,2, 615,1315ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37186,13 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Ziama Mansouria,,Ziama Mansouriah,36.673239,5.481195,1,Liberte,Militant killed during a violent clash between security forces and an AQIM group,1, 615,1316ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37299,21 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ait-Chaffaa,,Ait Chafaa,36.820554,4.532496,2,Liberte,soldier wounded by a bomb,0, 615,1317ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37315,23 April 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.729700,3.498900,2,El Khabar,10 terrorists killed during a week-long operation in the Sidi Yahia area in Tidjellabine ,10, 615,1318ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37334,25 April 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863186,3,El Khabar,"Algerian army forces killed four terrorists, including a close [aide] to the emir of El Oued region, in an ambush last week-end on the border between Tebessa and El Oued provinces",4, 615,1319ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37335,25 April 2008,2008,2,Violence against civilians,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa El Mizan,,Maammar,36.601456,3.850423,1,El Watan,"Passengers stopped and searched at a bogus roadblock in Draa El Mizan, one sailor was abducted and killed",1, 615,1320ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37345,26 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746400,3.830300,2,El Watan,"skirmish between the army and an armed group on the road linking Naciria with the village of Imaghninen, on the heights of Sidi Ali Bounab",0, 615,1321ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37346,26 April 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,2,El Watan,"10 soldiers were wounded, three of them seriously, this weekend by bomb as an army convoy drove past, during a search operation in the mountainous area located between Beni Arab and Sidi Yahia, in the municipality of Theni",0, 615,1322ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37356,27 April 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.165253,1.334523,1,El Khabar,Rioting continued in Chlef among residents demanding the governor of Chlef town step down,0, 615,1323ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37357,27 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Africa Research Bulletin,,0, 615,1324ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37363,28 April 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.165253,1.334523,1,El Khabar,"violent confrontations broke out in Chlef between the security forces and a large group of residents who were prevented from attending thelibel trial of a business man against the governor of Chlef town, whom local residents want out of office",0, 615,1325ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37364,28 April 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Foret de Mizrana,36.548900,3.893900,1,Africa Research Bulletin,road bomb,4, 615,1326ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37371,29 April 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.165253,1.334523,2,El Watan,"Rioting continued for the third day in Chlef province in Chettia or As Sattiyah, a suburb or Chlef",0, 615,1327ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37395,01 May 2008,2008,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,Le Jeune,"Twenty networks providing support to AQIM armed groups were broken up in the Province of Boumerdes. 70 were arrested in various municipalities in Dellys, Zemmouri, Bordj Menaiel, Thenia, and Ouled Aissa in particular",0, 615,1328ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37396,01 May 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725443,3.556652,2,Le Jeune,15 terrorists active for the most part in the Zemmouri and Thenia maquis killed in search operations. Six others were arrested,15, 615,1329ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37415,03 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Aghribs,36.793610,4.311580,1,El Watan,islamist militia planted bombs by the side of the road linking the municipality of Aghribs with that of Freha which were defused by police,0, 615,1330ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37416,03 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Tizi Ouzou,36.750000,4.250000,2,El Watan,Militant killed near the Bougie Bridge near Tizi Ouzou in a gun battle with security forces,1, 615,1331ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37435,05 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghlia,36.816944,3.857222,1,Agence France Presse,Roadside bomb kills 2 army officers,2, 615,1332ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37491,09 May 2008,2008,1,Non-violent transfer of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.729700,3.498900,2,Liberte,"Two blockhouses were destroyed, several bombs defused, and supplies confiscated at a terrorist hideout during a search operation",0, 615,1333ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37498,10 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Ait Yahia Youssef,36.731058,4.563053,2,Le Quotidien d'Oran,security forces killed a terrorist ,1, 615,1334ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37499,10 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.264169,2.753926,3,Agence France Presse,Six soldiers on patrol in Medea Province died in an ambush allegedly by armed members of AQIM ,6, 615,1335ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37500,10 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tlemcen,Beni Snous,,Sidi Ahmed,34.599444,-1.515556,2,El Moujahid,Four terrorists killed in an exchange of gun fire with police,4, 615,1336ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37513,11 May 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,El Watan,homemade bomb wounds one ,3, 615,1337ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37521,12 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,El Watan,"two homemade bombs exploded and killed three and wounded nine soldiers, who had been conducting a search between Kadiria and Lakhdaria, two islamists wounded in the ""reaction to the attack""",3, 615,1338ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37638,17 May 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Cap Djinet,36.877757,3.720502,1,Liberte,one person died in the explosion of a home-made bomb,1, 615,1339ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37692,20 May 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Rioters (Algeria),Arab Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,55,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483300,3.666700,1,Global Insight Daily Analysis,Four days of fighting and rioting between Arabs and ethnic Berbers in Berianne have left 2 dead.,2, 615,1340ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37693,20 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,,two terrorists were killed in an ambush,2, 615,1341ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37718,21 May 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Rioters (Algeria),Arab Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,55,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483300,3.666700,1,Global Insight Daily Analysis,Four days of fighting and rioting between Arabs and ethnic Berbers in Berianne have left 2 dead.,0, 615,1342ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37732,22 May 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Rioters (Algeria),Arab Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,55,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483300,3.666700,1,Global Insight Daily Analysis,Four days of fighting and rioting between Arabs and ethnic Berbers in Berianne have left 2 dead.,0, 615,1343ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37749,23 May 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Berber Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,Rioters (Algeria),Arab Ethnic Group (Algeria),5,55,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483300,3.666700,1,Global Insight Daily Analysis,Four days of fighting and rioting between Arabs and ethnic Berbers in Berianne have left 2 dead.,0, 615,1344ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37804,26 May 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Reuters,3 days of rioting is some of the worst this city have seen. The local football teams defeat started the riot but living conditions and unemployment fueled the anger.,0, 615,1345ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37818,27 May 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Reuters,3 days of rioting is some of the worst this city have seen. The local football teams defeat started the riot but living conditions and unemployment fueled the anger.,0, 615,1346ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37828,28 May 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Reuters,3 days of rioting is some of the worst this city have seen. The local football teams defeat started the riot but living conditions and unemployment fueled the anger. 100 people were wounded.,0, 615,1347ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37873,31 May 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,3,El Khabar,an intensive aerial assault was launched 31 May against positions of groups affiliated with Al-Qa'idah in southern Khenchela Province and northern Tebessa Province,0, 615,1348ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37880,01 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Tixter,,Larbaa,36.046610,5.131730,2,Liberte,security forces killed two terrorists in the Larbaa region,2, 615,1349ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37881,01 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Skikda,Tamalous,,Tamalous,36.837630,6.640176,2,El Khabar,One Algerian soldier was killed and another injured in fighting between the security forces and a terrorist group of unknown numbers in the suburbs of Sidi Mansour on the hills of Tamalous town,1, 615,1350ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37896,04 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bordj El Kiffan,,Bordj El Kiffan,36.748714,3.192485,1,Associated Press; Agence France Presse,Suicide bombing at military barracks,0, 615,1351ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37897,04 June 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bordj El Kiffan,,Bordj El Kiffan,36.748714,3.192485,1,Associated Press; Agence France Presse,Suicide bombing at a cafŽ,0, 615,1352ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37898,04 June 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785278,3.603611,1,Liberte,"Khaled Zbalah, called Akacha, a former military adviser to the ex-Salafi Group for Call and Combat was killed by security forces",1, 615,1353ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37919,05 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Associated Press,Roadside bombing,0, 615,1354ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37920,05 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Cap Djinet,36.877757,3.720502,1,Agence France Press,six soldiers were killed and four wounded in an attack blamed on Islamic militants,6, 615,1355ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37982,08 June 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),Civilians (International),7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Beni Amrane,36.667744,3.591152,1,Associated Press,"Two bombs in quick succession at the Beni Amrane train station killed 13 people including a French Engineer, his driver, and eight soldiers and three firefighters who responded to the scene of the first blast - the Algerian Defense Ministry and AQIM offered conflicting casualty reports",13, 615,1356ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37983,08 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Jijel,Boussif Ouled Askeur,,Ouled Arbi,36.658174,6.004016,1,El Watan,"two bombs exploded, injuring 2 soldiers",0, 615,1357ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,37990,09 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,Khemis el Khechna,36.648600,3.330600,1,El Watan,3 Terrorists killed ,3, 615,1358ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38013,11 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863186,1,Liberte,"the terrorist Rezzag Habla Salem, called Al-Fodhil Abou Dardaa fought with security forces and was killed at an apartment complex in El-Oued center",1, 615,1359ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38014,11 June 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435800,7.143300,1,BBC Monitoring,An Algerian soldier kills a Libyan member of a terrorist organization.,1, 615,1360ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38126,17 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.724700,3.615300,1,Liberte,"""Emir"" Mohamed, also called Jack, the financier for AQIM was killed in an ambush by the security forces",1, 615,1361ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38216,21 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Agence France Presse,Algerian security forces killed an armed Islamist during a raid,1, 615,1362ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38254,23 June 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),National Coordination of Independent Unions of the Civil Service,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,El Watan,"includes unions representing teachers, professors, doctors and civil servants, held the sit-in in protest at the authorities' refusal to discuss social and salary problems with the unions. Eighty were arrested by police",0, 615,1363ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38303,26 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Crisis Watch,,0, 615,1364ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38304,26 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,2,Associated Press,4 police officers killed in an ambush by 30 gunmen near Les Aftis beach,4, 615,1365ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38305,26 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ait-Chaffaa,,Tigrine,36.845182,4.574095,1,El Khabar,"four soldiers injured in a ""terrorist"" attack on an army patrol",0, 615,1366ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38323,27 June 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ait-Chaffaa,,Tigrine,36.845182,4.574095,1,El Khabar,"A home-made bomb exploded while an army patrol was passing , killing 2 soldiers",2, 615,1367ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38399,05 July 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,El Watan,"Sit-in protest in front of National Consultative Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights by people respresenting those who ""disappeared"" during 1990s political violence.",0, 615,1368ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38447,07 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,El Watan,"Violent skirmish between detachment of the Municipal Guard from the village of Ait Saada and terrorist group. One killed, six wounded.",1, 615,1369ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38463,08 July 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Agence France Presse,A French engineer and his Algerian driver were killed in a bomb attack by AQIM,2, 615,1370ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38487,10 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Liberte,"Senior member of AQIM killed by a homemade roadside bomb when military was conducting routine patrol. The victim, Kolla Mourad, aka Abou Talha, trained 13 AQIM youth members and is suspected of involvement in kidnappings in Thenia and Si Mustapha, as well as attacks on gendarmes in Thenia.",1, 615,1371ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38488,10 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Thenia,36.128300,1.448600,1,El Watan,"Military ambush at Oued Lahdjel killed Mourad Kola, known for connections with terrorist groups.",1, 615,1372ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38495,11 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,Liberte,"A bomb attack carried out by security forces near Bordj Menaiel killed the AQIM emir Djemaa Ali, aka Touhami. Two AQIM lieutenants were killed during skirmish. Triggered huge search operation in search of terrorists in proximity.",3, 615,1373ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38496,11 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.855800,3.856700,1,Liberte,"Roadside bomb on National Road 24 exploded as a military convoy passed, killing one soldier and seriously wounding another.",1, 615,1374ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38506,12 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,Liberte,Bomb raid launched by militay in pursuit of Djemaa Ali. 20 homemade bombs were destroyed surrounding stronghold of the emir. Four soldiers were wounded.,0, 615,1375ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38513,13 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Ahnif,,Ahnif,36.335870,4.262202,1,El Watan,"A terrorist attack targeted a detachment from the municipal guard of the village of Tikesrai, but was repelled after several minutes of an exchange of fire. National People's Army [ANP] posted several hundred meters from there arrived as reinforcements and launched search operation in pursuit.",0, 615,1376ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38519,14 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Al Qaeda,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Ain el Hamra,36.797780,3.717500,1,al-Sharq al-Awsat,"A top al-Qaida leader, referred to by the name al-Tuhami, was killed during an ambush by a platoon of the Algerian military specializing in anti-terrorist operations. al-Tuhami was killed with two other suspected al-Q'aida militants during a logistical meeting in the village Ain al-Hamra.",3, 615,1377ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38520,14 July 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Government of Algeria (1999-),7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El Watan,Bomb exploded on Municipal People's Assembly's [APN] technical agents en route to inspect a water spring for a tapping project. No damage done.,0, 615,1378ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38521,14 July 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet El-Ameur,36.636210,3.691670,1,El Watan,Two homemade bombs were defused by the security forces in Ait Boudoukhane.,0, 615,1379ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38527,15 July 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.729700,3.498900,1,El Watan,"Homemade bomb exploded under an ambulance on National Road 5. A police car passed by the road directly before the ambulance, and may have been the target. Three civilians in the vehicle were wounded: the driver, one pregnant woman, and another civilian.",0, 615,1380ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38589,23 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Agence France Presse,A suicide bomber on a motorbike blew himself up and injured 13 Algerian soldiers in an attack on a military vehicle. AQIM later proclaimed their responsibility for the attack (Agence France Presse).,1, 615,1381ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38602,24 July 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Boudouaou,,Boudouaou,36.727350,3.409949,1,Liberte,"A citizen was assassinated in the evening at the front door of his home by two terrorists, who fired nine bullets at the victim. The victim was a cook for the local police barracks.",1, 615,1382ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38609,25 July 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Government of Algeria (1999-),1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,Liberte,Algerian security services foiled a car bomb attack against President Bouteflika during his 25 July visit to Bouira. Security intercepted two suspects who had abandoned a stolen car they intended to detonate after driving into the middle of the presidential motorcade. The suspects escaped.,0, 615,1383ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38624,27 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boudouaou,,Boudouaou,36.727350,3.409949,1,El Watan,Algerian security forces killed two Islamists in an ambush overnight. The two Islamists are implicated in the July 2th assassination of a citizen in Boudouaou.,2, 615,1384ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38635,28 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Aomar,,Aomar,36.502200,3.771400,1,El Watan,One soldier was killed and seven others wounded in a twin roadside bomb attack during a military patrol in Aomar. The event occurred the day following a visit by the President to Bouira.,1, 615,1385ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38663,31 July 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Bir El Ater,,Bir El-Ater,34.744877,8.060239,1,Liberte,Three terrorists were captured during a military search operation in the Djebel El-Onk.,0, 615,1386ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38671,01 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Senegal),,7,27,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,El Achir,,Zennouna,36.100000,4.583300,1,Africa Research Bulletin,,0, 615,1387ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38680,02 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435800,7.143300,2,Liberte,Security forces stationed at the border between Khenchela and Tebessa provinces intercepted and killed five terrorists who were attempting to pass through the border guard.,5, 615,1388ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38688,03 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Presse,A suicide bomber wounded 25 people including four policemen with a car bomb targetting security forces in Tizi Ouzou. AQIM later declared it committed the attack (Agence France Presse). The attack targetted a recently vacated office of the security forces. Some suspect the attack is an act of revenge against the security forces after they eliminated the emir of the Ansar Katiba. 14 buildings surrounding the site were damaged.,1, 615,1389ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38740,07 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Agence France Presse,"Security forces killed twelve Islamic terrorists in an ambush near Tizi Ouzou, motivated by an August 3 terrorist bombing in Tizi Ouzou. The army seized a driving licence, an insurance card, five photographs of the terrorist Sahari Makhloufi, DVDs, documents, mobile phnes, and arms.",12, 615,1390ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38762,09 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Bir El Ater,,Bir El-Ater,34.744877,8.060239,1,Al-Jazeera,"Five military men, including two officers, were injured in the explosion of a bomb. The bomb exploded beside a lorry belonging to the army.",0, 615,1391ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38763,09 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785280,3.603610,1,Agence France Presse,"8 died and 19 were injured when a suicide bomber rammed a van full of explosives into a police post at Zemmouri el-Bahri, a popular beach. Recent attacks come three weeks before the beginning of Ramadan, considered a peak period for ""jihad"" or holy war.",8, 615,1392ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38771,10 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,Agence France Presse,"Three police officers were wounded when a bomb went off near a police station near the beach at Tighzirt. Earlier, security officers had defused two other bombs.",0, 615,1393ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38802,14 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,2,Agence France Presse,"Three died--an Algerian army commander, a soldier, and driver--by a roadside bomb that was remotely triggered in the mountains of Jejil. The region saw an assassination attempt toward General Ahcene Tafer, leader of the Algerian land forces, in March. One soldier sustained serious injuries.",3, 615,1394ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38803,14 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,El Watan,"One soldier was killed and another wounded when a homemade bomb exploded near the soldiers' sports stadium, adjacent to their military barracks. The same stadium was targetted by a suicide bomber attack involving a booby-trapped truck on July 11, 2007.",1, 615,1395ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38832,17 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,2,El Watan,"Twelve soldiers, four ""terrorists,"" and one civilian were killed in clashes when terrorist opened fire on, and began bombing, a military convoy in Skikda. Skirmishes lasted for a half-hour, during which terrorists retreated and were pursued by military soldiers (El Watan and Agence France Presse).",17, 615,1396ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38843,18 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Taguedit,,Souk el Khemis,36.019000,3.992500,1,Liberte,"A skirmish took place between a terrorist group and the security forces. Security forces ""ambushed"" a terrorist hideout in Souk-El-Khemis, destroying several blockhouses. Terrorists fled to the woods and there ignited a forest fire, which detonated several homemade bombs. No wounded reported.",0, 615,1397ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38849,19 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Issers,36.722650,3.667176,1,El Watan,48 died and 40 were wounded by a bombing outside of police school as students prepared for exams. A vehicle was packed with explosives and parked outside of the school's gates before it was detonated. The majority of the dead are civilians (fatality count revised per September 15 article by Agence France Presse).,48, 615,1398ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38850,19 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Les Issers,36.733300,3.666700,1,Africa Research Bulletin,suicide bomber,96, 615,1399ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38851,19 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Senegal),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Les Issers,36.733300,3.666700,1,Africa Research Bulletin,,0, 615,1400ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38867,20 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,1,Agence France Presse,"11 died and 31 were wounded in two separate car bombs in Bouira. The first bomb was detonated at a hotel in city center, while the second bomb exploded next to Bouira's military headquarters. Bouira is part of a so-called ""zone of death"" it forms with Algiers, Tizi Ouzou and Boumerdes where attacks have been rife. The distribution of fatalities between the two events was not specified.",5, 615,1401ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38868,20 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,Agence France Presse,"11 died and 31 were wounded in two separate car bombs in Bouira. The first bomb was detonated at a hotel in city center, while the second bomb exploded next to Bouira's military headquarters. Bouira is part of a so-called ""zone of death"" it forms with Algiers, Tizi Ouzou and Boumerdes where attacks have been rife. The distribution of fatalities between the two events was not specified.",6, 615,1402ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38869,20 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Government of Algeria (1999-),1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614700,1,Liberte,"A bomb exploded near a patrol from the National Gendarmerie, wounding one. The Health Minister was nearby with a delegation on mission for site inspection. Constantine is at the nexus of a East-West highway project contracted to the Japanese Coojal cooalition.",0, 615,1403ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38870,20 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,Agence France Presse,Twelve Algerian employees of the Canadian engineering firm SNC-Lavalin were killed and 15 others were wounded in a car bombing. The SNC-Lavalin staff were traveling to work on the Koudiat Acerdoune water treatment plant and distribution project (dam) when their bus was attacked.,12, 615,1404ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38923,24 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,Agence France Presse,"Algerian troops killed 10 Islamist militants during a security operation. Troops recovered five Kalashnikovs, four semi-automatic rifles and a grenade launcher.",10, 615,1405ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38924,24 August 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Associated Press,The army killed two Islamic militants during a sweep near Boumerdes.,2, 615,1406ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38930,25 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda,36.879200,6.906700,2,Associated Press,Four Islamic militants were killed by security forces in an air force strike on a militant base.,4, 615,1407ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38940,26 August 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Dellys,,Dellys,36.918600,3.887800,1,El Watan,"Two bombs were defused in Dellys. One bomb was hidden by the side of the road linking the village of El Beraret to the main town, while the second was buried on the road leading towards Oued Tiza.",0, 615,1408ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38941,26 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.724700,3.615300,1,Associated Press,"A bomb exploded on a highway, seriously injuring a truck driver. Three other roadside bombs apparently targeting police barracks and patrols were also defused in the same area.",0, 615,1409ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38953,27 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,Associated Press,A guard was killed by a bomb. Islamic militants are suspected.,1, 615,1410ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38954,27 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Bouderbala,,Bouderbala,36.597900,3.515600,2,El-Khabar,"Three terrorists, including one woman, were killed by the army in an ambush set up in Makhen forest in Lakhadaria. An ongoing search operation followed the event.",3, 615,1411ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38955,27 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,El-Khabar,"A military raid led to the death of the important AQIM operative and bomb-maker Derbal Amar Abderrahmane, aka Mourad Abdel Djabber, aka Abou Hodheifa. The victim is the suspected ""mastermind"" behind the Aug. 20 attack on workers of the Canadian contractor SNC-Lavalin. Two AQIM lieutenants and a four-year-old child also died in the skirmish. The child's mother sustained major injuries.",4, 615,1412ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38956,27 August 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746400,3.830300,1,Associated Press,"Two terrorist bombs detonated before reaching targets. Two suspected terrorist died when the bomb he was carrying exploded prematurely. Another bombs was defused in the same area before reaching its target, apparently a police barracks.",2, 615,1413ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38962,28 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Boghni,,Boghni,36.542200,3.953100,1,El Watan,"Islamic insurgents disguised as police officers enterred a local bar, robbed its patrons, and beheaded one of the patrons after discovering he worked as a prison guard. The group also kidnapped an Algerian-born emigrant in an apparent bid to win a ransom.",1, 615,1414ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38963,28 August 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746400,3.830300,1,El-Khabar,"Two bombs exploded near the Sunday Market, injuring one person.",0, 615,1415ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38964,28 August 2008,2008,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Morocco),,6,Police Forces of Morocco (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Foggaret Azzouia,,Smara,26.679170,3.953100,1,BBC Monitoring,"28 Aug 2008- BBC Mon- Demonstrations then kicked off on Friday [22 August] night into Saturday morning on two avenues of Smara, the cultural capital of Western Sahara, Saharan legal sources indicated to Sahara Press Service [SPS], the Saharan [news] agen",0, 615,1416ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38973,29 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,Deutsche Presse,Six Algerian soldiers and a lorry driver were killed in an ambush by roughly 40 Islamic militants from AQIM near Batna. 14 soldiers were injured in the attack. The gunfight broke out after security forces confronted militants who had set up a fake military checkpoint to stop and rob travelers.,7, 615,1417ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38979,30 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614700,1,El Watan,Security services killed a prominent AQIM militant in a shoot-out Sunday in downtown Constantine. Two of his militant companions escaped. The three combatants are suspected of having planned an attack around the time of security detection.,1, 615,1418ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,38992,31 August 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Thelidjene,,Tlidjen,35.118210,7.767220,1,El Watan,An Algerian police officer and a business contractor were killed in a roadside bombing as the two men were visiting a construction site for a new police building.,2, 615,1419ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39062,06 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Associated Press,"An alleged terrorist linked to the Algerian branch of al-Qaida was ambushed and killed by the Algerian military. The victim, Selami Abdelkader, was described as ""military adviser"" to the chief of AQIM.",1, 615,1420ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39084,07 September 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Boghni,,Boghni,36.542200,3.953100,1,Liberte,"A roadside bomb targetting the town gendarmes exploded, wounding two citizen passers-by.",0, 615,1421ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39085,07 September 2008,2008,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863190,2,Al-Jazeera,Security forces today foiled a plan by AQIM to carry out eight suicide attacks planned for September 11 in El-Oued Province. Security forces arrested 12 members of a cell affiliated with AQIM.,0, 615,1422ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39103,08 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,El Watan,"The terrorist Mohamed Doukhane, called Farid or Afiroune, was killed after an exchange of shots with the security forces.",1, 615,1423ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39104,08 September 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Ziama Mansouria,,Ziama Mansouriah,36.673239,5.481195,1,El Watan,A terrorist surrendered to security forces.,0, 615,1424ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39119,09 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Bordj Thar,36.749600,6.029500,2,El Watan,One terrorist was killed and another was wounded and fled during a skirmish with security forces.,1, 615,1425ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39174,14 September 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,3,El-Khabar,Algeria's Search and Intervention Brigade (BRI) thwarted a plot to blow up the Presidential Palace by dismantling a 15-person terrorist network which planned to attack the palace by a booby-trapped car. A recent raid by security forces in the Lakhdaria mountains uncovered planning materials for the attack.,0, 615,1426ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39175,14 September 2008,2008,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,3,Liberte,"Security forces seized terrorist supplies and informational documents after forest fires ravaged their hideouts country-wide. The fires resulted in the destruction of 100 or so bombs, more than 30 terrorist hideouts, and the discovery of major sums of money as well as CD-ROMs containing sensitive information.",0, 615,1427ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39193,15 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azazga,,Azazga,36.744700,4.372200,1,Agence France Presse,Four Algerian police officers were wounded when their car was hit by a roadside bomb blamed on Islamist militants. The militants fled the scene after a firefight.,0, 615,1428ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39194,15 September 2008,2008,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Bordj Thar,36.749600,6.029500,1,El Watan,One terrorist named Amar B. was killed by security forces.,1, 615,1429ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39195,15 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mekla,,Mekla,36.681780,4.263780,1,Le Jeune Independant,An ongoing standoff between Algerian military and Islamic militants occurred between Monday night and Tuesday. ,0, 615,1430ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39196,15 September 2008,2008,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Texenna,,Texenna,36.663000,5.789100,1,El Watan,One terrorist named Amar B. was killed by security forces.,1, 615,1431ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39213,16 September 2008,2008,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Le Jeune Independant,"Some leaders and members of AQIM have begun to pull out of the terrorist organization in the wake of the latest attacks perpetrated by Abdelmalek Droudkel's group on civilians in Bouira, Boumerdes, and Tizi Ouzou. In particular, some influential leaders like Abou-Mousab Abdelouadoud (alias) and Abou El-Walid withdrew in protest against AQIM's killing of 12 Algerian civilians working for a Canadian water utility company on August 20.",0, 615,1432ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39214,16 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mekla,,Mekla,36.681780,4.263780,1,Le Jeune Independant,An ongoing standoff between Algerian military and Islamic militants occurred between Monday night and Tuesday. ,0, 615,1433ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39309,24 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Boumedfaa,,Bou Medfaa,36.371436,2.476681,1,El Watan,One military soldier died and two were wounded in a skirmish between Islamic insurgents and military at a security checkpoint. 40 assailants blocked traffic before the checkpoint and fired upon the military.,1, 615,1434ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39323,26 September 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Iflissen,,Iflissen,36.866700,4.250000,1,El Watan,A veterinarian was abducted by an armed group in the village of Imessounen and was released one week later.,0, 615,1435ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39324,26 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,3,Xinhua General News,The army shot three armed militants near the Tunisian border. The militants are suspected of having killed a policeman in the province of Teresa earlier in September.,3, 615,1436ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39325,26 September 2008,2008,2,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,El Oued,Robbah,,Robbah,33.279700,6.909700,1,El Watan,An explosion of a homemade bomb under a bulldozer driver killed the driver. Security forces launched a large-scale search operation of the surrounding area following the explosion.,1, 615,1437ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39334,27 September 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,2,El Watan,"Security forces killed a ""terrorist."" No further details given.",1, 615,1438ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39335,27 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Associated Press,Three suspected insurgents were killed in a shootout with military during a sweep by army and police in Tebessa. Two of the slain men were accused of having previously killed a security officer.,3, 615,1439ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39336,27 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Xinhua General News,A group of militants killed two policemen after stopping their vehicle on a road in Tizi Ouzou province. The gunmen stopped a bus and controlled the documents of passengers on board before singling out the two policemen and killing them.,2, 615,1440ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39341,28 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Dellys,,Dellys,36.918600,3.887800,1,Agence France Presse,Three soldiers were killed and six others were wounded in a suicide attack after a bomber blew up a car packed with explosives. Two attackers attempted to ram a vehicle into a barrack in Dellys before being shot dead by security guards. One of these attackers blew himself up. The attack occurred during the Iftar. AQIM later claimed responsibility.,5, 615,1441ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39347,29 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Bordj Tahar,,Bordj Thar,36.749600,6.029500,1,El Watan,"Security forces killed a ""terrorist."" No further details given.",1, 615,1442ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39357,30 September 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,Le Soir d'Algerie,Six communal guards were killed by militants who ambushed the town of Tiaret. Victims were beheaded. The ambush follows similar attacks targeting communal guards that are part of an armed citizens' unit that patrols rural areas.,6, 615,1443ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39366,01 October 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Liberte,An army sweep left two Moroccan-born militants dead.,2, 615,1444ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39382,03 October 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483300,3.666700,1,Agence France Presse,"Around 5,000 people demonstrated at municipal headquarters in Ghardaia to demand urgent aid after flash floods killed 33 residents. The area is home to both Mozabites and mainstream Sunni Muslims; both groups protested, but did not mingle.",0, 615,1445ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39383,03 October 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Timizart,,Timizart,36.800000,4.266700,1,El Watan,"The headquarters of the municipal guard of Timizart was targeted by a bomb attack. The building was new and being prepared for opening. The ground floor is destroyed, no fatalities.",0, 615,1446ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39407,05 October 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,1,Agence France Presse,"A man was abducted in, and returned dead to, M'sila.",1, 615,1447ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39468,07 October 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,1,Agence France Presse,An Algerian army major died in a bomb attack blamed on Islamic militants. The bomb was hidden under the body of a man the militants had abducted a week earlier.,1, 615,1448ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39518,10 October 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483300,3.666700,1,Crisis Watch,Protest for food after flood,0, 615,1449ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39519,10 October 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian security services killed four suspected Islamist militants in an overnight raid.,4, 615,1450ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39623,18 October 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Liberte,Two armed Islamists were killed by security forces. A third terrorist was wounded and fled. The band had traveled from the community of Legata and were preparing to enter an apartment complex to kidnap a businessman.,2, 615,1451ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39675,23 October 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,El Watan,Two suspected members of AQIM were killed in an ambush by security forces 120 km from Tebessa.,2, 615,1452ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39729,29 October 2008,2008,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Med Basin Newsline,"At least three militants have been killed in a military operation, in which the army resumed helicopter strikes on suspected insurgency mountain strongholds surrounding Bourmerdes.",3, 615,1453ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39730,29 October 2008,2008,3,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Med Basin Newsline,A driver who delivered bread to the Algerian army in Bourmerdes was killed by terrorists.,1, 615,1454ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39755,01 November 2008,2008,3,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,El Oued,Debila,,Debila,33.513900,6.949400,1,Liberte,El-Oued's security agencies seized a blockhouse connected with international weapons trafficking network working on behalf of Algerian terrorists.,0, 615,1455ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39756,01 November 2008,2008,3,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,El Oued,Magrane,,Magrane,33.583300,6.950000,1,Liberte,"El-Oued's security agencies arrested 22 people for involvement in an international weapons trafficking network working on behalf of Algerian terrorists. A blockhouse was discovered in Magrane, where weapons were stored before transport to El-Oued and shipment to groups in Tebessa and Khenchela. ",0, 615,1456ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39786,05 November 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Ifelain Ilmathen,,Timezrit,36.637600,4.758400,1,Agence France Presse,Timezrit mayor was kidnapped by Islamist militants.,0, 615,1457ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39811,06 November 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Adetokunbo Fakeye Militia,7,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,BŽja•a,Ifelain Ilmathen,,Timezrit,36.637600,4.758400,1,Agence France Presse,Timezrit mayor Fateh Bouchibane was found dead after being kidnapped by Islamist militants one day prior. The mayor's body was found with a charred vehicle belonging to the local government.,1, 615,1458ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39838,08 November 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Bouassem,36.716900,4.049700,1,Al-Jazeera,An armed group killed a trader.,1, 615,1459ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39839,08 November 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Stah Guentis,,Djedida,34.904000,7.233700,1,Liberte,"Security foces arrested 14 members of a citizens' band that provided support to terrorist units. The citizens were based in towns of Hassi-Khelifa, Magrane, Debila, and Taleb-Larbi, and were mostly shepherds and peasants aged between 40 and 60. The arrested were found stocking a blockhouse full of arms, including TNT, for terrorist access in Djedida.",0, 615,1460ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39840,08 November 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In Guezzam,,In Guezzam‡,19.663280,5.733200,2,El-Khabar,Special security forces eliminated two terrorists in Tafsaset and halted an operation to smuggle arms into Niger.,2, 615,1461ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39841,08 November 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,2,Al-Jazeera,Combined forces from the Army and the Municipal Guard have killed an armed man in an area southeast of Jijel. Two men accompanying the victim fled.,1, 615,1462ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39967,20 November 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Liberte,An off-duty soldier in civilian dress was beat to death 2 kilometers outside of his miltary barracks. He succumbed to injuries a day later.,1, 615,1463ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39987,22 November 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Bouderbala,,Bouderbala,36.597900,3.515600,2,Liberte,A bomb was defused on RN-15 by security forces. The bomb apparently targeted one of the military convoys whose movements are very frequent on that road. Occurred between Tizi Ouzou and Ain el Hammam.,0, 615,1464ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,39988,22 November 2008,2008,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Tixter,,Larbaa Nath-Irathen,36.046610,5.131730,2,Liberte,"A bomb exploded on RN 15, five kilometres from the edge of the city of Larbaa Nath Irathen, killing and injuring none. The bomb supposedly targeted one of the military convoys whose movements are very frequent on that road.",0, 615,1465ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40069,01 December 2008,2008,3,Headquarters or base established,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,1,Liberte,"New military camps have been established in Tourarine, between El Hammam and Larbaa Nath Irathen. These camps hinder the operations of terrorists led by AQIM leaders. Analysts note that has recently led the group to resort to spectacular, headline-grabbing aggressions.",0, 615,1466ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40070,01 December 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Batna,N'Gaous,,N'gaous,35.561200,5.608100,2,Liberte,"A terrorist was killed by security forces in raids in the mountains surrounding Touta, Ouled Aouf, and N'gaous southwest of Batna. The raid was part of a series of operations conducted by the military over the past three months in the region to dissipate terrorist groups lodged there.",1, 615,1467ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40071,01 December 2008,2008,3,Headquarters or base established,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Liberte,"New military camps have been established in Tourarine, between El Hammam and Larbaa Nath Irathen. These camps hinder the operations of terrorists led by AQIM leaders. Analysts note that has recently led the group to resort to spectacular, headline-grabbing aggressions.",0, 615,1468ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40072,01 December 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Presse,Four suspected terrorists were killed after they opened fire on an army patrol that had been tailing their vehicle for 40 kilometers.,4, 615,1469ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40078,02 December 2008,2008,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483300,3.666700,1,Liberte,Four members of an organized trafficking ring that supplied armaments to desert terrorist groups were arrested by security forces during a raid.,0, 615,1470ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40159,09 December 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,El Watan,"Two roadside bombs exploded, wounding two soldiers. The second exploded after the first, as soldiers investigated the original disturbance.",0, 615,1471ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40160,09 December 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,El Tarf,Ben M'Hidi,,Sidi Kaci,36.760500,7.972800,2,El Watan,"A band of terrorists was raided when security forces detected their bungalow 20 km from Sidi Kaci. Several were killed--the total number of deaths is unspecified. The terrorists planned to attack the nearby Japanese Consortium for the Algerian Motorway, which is building a major segment of the West-East Highway. They belonged to a network of 20 terrorists operating between and El Tarf and El Oued, which was detected after the arrest of two terrorist leaders (date/location of arrest unspecified).",10, 615,1472ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40174,11 December 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Maghnia,,Maghnia,34.847200,-1.728600,1,El Watan,"A terrorist and his cousin were killed in a raid on their family home, where the former had sought shelter while preparig an attack on a western border region. An attack was launched after lengthy negotiation with the terrorist.",2, 615,1473ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40181,12 December 2008,2008,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Liberte,"AQIM leader's men have tried to reestablish themselves in former caves in close proximity to olive-picking regions, potentially threatening to set fire to olive trees and bee hives.",0, 615,1474ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40192,13 December 2008,2008,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Ain el Hammam,36.564709,4.306189,1,Liberte,"The ""Michelet"" group of AQIM terrorists operating near Yatafene stole the car of a civilian (at an unspecified location) and abandoned it in Ain el Hammam.",0, 615,1475ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40193,13 December 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Maghnia,,Maghnia,34.847200,-1.728600,1,Crisis Watch,shootout',0, 615,1476ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40237,18 December 2008,2008,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Adekar,36.691700,4.675000,2,Al-Arabiya,"Abdelmalek Droukdel, the leader of AQIM and ""most wanted man in the Maghreb, was seriously wounded after a military raid in the forested mountains between Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia provinces. Military forces received information on Droukdel's whereabouts from Salafi dissenters who opposed AQIM's tactics of suicide bombings on civilians.",0, 615,1477ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40247,19 December 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,21.326600,0.945800,1,El-Khabar,A special army unit killed three AQIM terrorists in a skirmish that errupted after the terrorists' vehicle refused to stop for border guards. Security forces recovered ammunitions from the vehicle.,3, 615,1478ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40248,19 December 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785280,3.603610,1,El Watan,A joint security force killed a terrorist and seized a Kalashnikov.,1, 615,1479ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40267,21 December 2008,2008,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Relizane,Relizane,,Relizane,35.742500,0.559200,1,Associated Press,Security services have killed three terrorists in western Algeria and seized several assault rifles along with explosive belts often used for suicide bombings. ,3, 615,1480ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40330,27 December 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Palestine News Network,"Students began a nation-wide advocacy movement against ""Arab silence and complicity"" in UN and US policies toward Israel's actions in Gaza. They have begun gathering 1,000,000 signatures in solidarity with Palestine.",0, 615,1481ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40373,30 December 2008,2008,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"100 people assembled outside the capital's press center to protest against Israel's aggressions in Gaza, which have killed over 360 people in recent days.",0, 615,1482ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40434,05 January 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Bou Lerdjaa,36.268100,1.967500,2,LibertŽ,"In the Bou Lerdjaa region, in the wilaya of Ain Defla, a military convoy was the target of a terrorist attack. Four soldiers were reportedly injured and taken to the hospital for care. An exchange of fire next occurred between the security forces and the elements from the Salafi Group for Call and Combat.",0, 615,1483ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40446,06 January 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Journalists (Algeria),7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,Reporters Sans Frontieres,"A group of hooded assailants armed with a knife attempted to murder Hafnaoui Ghoul, a journalist on the daily al-Wassat and a human rights activist, at his home in Djelfa ",0, 615,1484ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40447,06 January 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse,"Algerian security forces killed three armed Islamists as they prepared to commit a suicide attack in the eastern Kabylie region, according to a security official ",3, 615,1485ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40481,09 January 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Associated Press,"At least 30,000 people violently protested Israeli action in Gaza. 63 injured, including 23 police officers.",0, 615,1486ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40482,09 January 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Associated Press,Thousands of people violently protested Israeli action in Gaza. No information on injuries.,0, 615,1487ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40522,13 January 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,El Kharrouba,,Mount Bouzegza,36.654649,3.406766,1,El Watan,The security forces killed five AQIM members in the province of Boumerds. The latter were eliminated this past Tuesday. 2 soldiers were killed and about 10 others injured during this skirmish.,7, 615,1488ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40587,17 January 2009,2009,2,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Ain Defla,Miliana,,Miliana,36.305542,2.224800,1,Agence France Presse,"An Algerian customs officer was killed by armed Islamists west of Algier, at Miliana near Ain Defla.",1, 615,1489ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40612,19 January 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Boumerds,Ammal,,Ammal Maquis,36.634505,3.590080,1,LibertŽ,Major security operation conducted by the troops of the National People's Army [ANP]. ,0, 615,1490ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40672,24 January 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,2,Crisis Watch,Security services claimed 4 suspected militants killed in operations east of Algiers,4, 615,1491ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40673,24 January 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Corso,,Corso Tahtani,36.754722,3.442778,1,LibertŽ,"Kamel Zouak, considered to be the explosive-maker of El-Feth brigade affiliated to the former GSPC, and one of his deputies, were eliminated in Corso",2, 615,1492ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40792,31 January 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Berber Ethnic Militia (Algeria),,4,Chaamba Ethnic Militia (Algeria),,4,44,Algeria,Gharda•a,Berriane,,Berriane,32.826480,3.766895,1,El-Khabar,27 reported wounded in clashes between Mozabite Berbers and Arabs in Beriane,0, 615,1493ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40801,01 February 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730537,4.436456,1,Agence France Presse,"A leading member of Al-Qaeda's North African branch has surrendered to Algerian authorities, ",0, 615,1494ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40818,02 February 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Adrar,,Adrar,27.870924,-0.285634,1,El Watan,A homemade bomb exploded as a military convoy was going past . 5 soldiers seriously wounded.,0, 615,1495ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40875,09 February 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Al-Jazeera TV,"Founder of the Salafi Group for Call and Combat (GSPC) in Algeria has issued a new appeal to the armed men of AQLIM. In the appeal, Abu-Hamzah urges the armed men to turn themselves over in view of the reconciliation initiative.",0, 615,1496ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40922,12 February 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,Agence France Presse,Two bombs exploded in eastern Algeria (in Foum El-Metlag) killing 7,7, 615,1497ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40944,14 February 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,,,0,30,Algeria,Skikda,Collo,,Collo Massif,37.034444,6.531111,1,El Watan,"The patriots militia group members [state funded anti-terrorism militia] from the provinces of Annaba, El Tarf, and Skikda have become the recipients of a summons to take part in the searches that have been organized since yesterday [14 February] by the combined forces in the mountains of the Edough, Filfila, and the Collo massif.",0, 615,1498ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40945,14 February 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,,,0,30,Algeria,Annaba,Seraidi,,Edough,36.883333,7.616667,1,El Watan,"The patriots militia group members [state funded anti-terrorism militia] from the provinces of Annaba, El Tarf, and Skikda have become the recipients of a summons to take part in the searches that have been organized since yesterday [14 February] by the combined forces in the mountains of the Edough, Filfila, and the Collo massif.",0, 615,1499ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40946,14 February 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,,,0,30,Algeria,Skikda,Filfila,,Filfila,36.898056,7.097778,1,El Watan,"The patriots militia group members [state funded anti-terrorism militia] from the provinces of Annaba, El Tarf, and Skikda have become the recipients of a summons to take part in the searches that have been organized since yesterday [14 February] by the combined forces in the mountains of the Edough, Filfila, and the Collo massif.",0, 615,1500ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40962,15 February 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Mena•el,36.743276,3.717296,1,The Associated Press,"Suspected Islamists disguised as soldiers set up a fake check point, identified three off-duty soldiers, pulled them out and executed them",3, 615,1501ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40963,15 February 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,The Associated Press,Security officials said they killed an Islamist militant during an ambush. ,1, 615,1502ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40964,15 February 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Stah Guentis,35.404200,8.124200,1,The Associated Press,"A roadside bomb killed four soldiers and injured five during an army patrol in the Kentess Stah, eastern Tebessa region",4, 615,1503ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40984,17 February 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,Agence France Presse,Authorities in northeastern Algeria have killed three suspected Islamist fighters,3, 615,1504ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,40994,18 February 2009,2009,2,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (International),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,The Associated Press,"Al-Qaida's North Africa branch claimed it is holding hostage a senior U.N. peace envoy, his aide and four tourists kidnapped in the Sahara Desert in recent weeks.",0, 615,1505ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41054,23 February 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Private Security Forces (Algeria),,8,28,Algeria,Jijel,Ziama Mansouria,,Ziama Mansouriah,36.673239,5.481195,1,Agence France Presse,Nine members of a private security firm were killed when Islamist militants attacked their base near Jijel in northeastern Algeria,9, 615,1506ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41112,28 February 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Blida,Chebli,,Sulahane,36.583333,3.000000,2,Agence France Presse,Sixteen Islamist militants have been killed during an Algerian army operation in the mountains of Blida province,16, 615,1507ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41170,07 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Agence France Presse,Two people were killed and five others wounded in a suicide attack on the barracks of Algerian security forces at Tadmait near Tizi Ouzou,2, 615,1508ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41174,08 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse,Islamist militants shot dead a policeman and burned his body in Algeria's eastern Kabylia region,1, 615,1509ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41197,11 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group ,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Barika,,Barika,35.389008,5.365840,1,Agence France Presse,Suspected Islamist extremists shot and killed a police officer and wounded another in a shoot-out near Batna city,1, 615,1510ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41198,11 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group ,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Maatkas,,Souk El Tenine,36.611670,3.987902,1,Tout sur l'Algerie website,Three armed Islamists were shot dead by the security forces in the market of Souk El Tenine,3, 615,1511ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41215,13 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555278,6.178611,2,El Watan,Two other soldiers had been wounded by a roadside bomb in Batna Province,0, 615,1512ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41216,13 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.711825,4.045914,2,El Watan,"Police in Tizi Ouzou had killed two ""armed Islamists"" after combing operations",2, 615,1513ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41217,13 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.711825,4.045914,2,El Watan,"An army captain had been wounded in a ""terrorist attack"" ",0, 615,1514ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41239,14 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Haraza,,Beni Ouagueg,36.182220,4.249444,1,Associated Press Worldstream,A local police officer was killed and two colleagues seriously wounded in an attack near Beni Ouguig,1, 615,1515ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41249,15 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.711825,4.045914,2,El Watan,"A ""emir"" (leader) of Al-Qa'idah in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb (AQLIM) and one of his aides have been killed in the Berber province of Tizi Ouzou",2, 615,1516ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41261,16 March 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,TŽbessa,El Houidjbet,,El Houidjbet,35.283330,8.300000,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"An Algerian sheep farmer, three of his children and another person were killed in a bomb attack near the border with Tunisia. ",5, 615,1517ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41262,16 March 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,27,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Oued Essania,35.404200,8.124200,2,LibertŽ,"A bomb blast killed two people, south of Tebessa, 540 kilometres southeast of Algiers. The victims were a father and son.",2, 615,1518ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41275,17 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Agence France Presse,At least two Algerian soldiers were killed when their convoy was hit by roadside bombs in the east of the country,2, 615,1519ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41289,19 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Biskra,Lioua,,Biskra,34.666667,5.416667,2,El Khabar,A soldier was injured in a clash between the Algerian military and an armed group which took place in Biskra Province,0, 615,1520ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41290,19 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.264169,2.753926,2,El Khabar,A taxi driver transporting five soldiers was shot dead and a soldier was wounded in an ambush in Medea Province,1, 615,1521ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41307,20 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Municipal Guard,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Ouled Boufaha,36.800000,5.766700,1,El Khabar,A home-made road-side bomb exploded in Jijel Province leaving three soldiers and a municipal guard severely injured,0, 615,1522ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41315,21 March 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Baraki,,Baraki,36.666546,3.096064,1,El Watan,"Security services ""in charge of the fight against terrorism"" arrested on 21 March an activist ""who was supplying explosives for the GSPC""",0, 615,1523ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41316,21 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group ,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,Algeria's security forces killed two armed Islamists near Boumerds. The security forces recovered two Kalashnikov rifles and 5 soldiers were seriously wounded.,2, 615,1524ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41339,24 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group ,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian security forces have killed two armed Islamists close to where four others were killed last week,2, 615,1525ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41340,24 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet el Ameur,36.637090,3.694735,1,Jour d'Algerie,Five militants have been killed near Chaabet el Ameur,5, 615,1526ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41341,24 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ouacif,,Les Ouacifs,36.524191,4.205164,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"A squad of al-Qaida-linked militants has tried to storm a police station east of the Algerian capital, killing one officer and injuring three",1, 615,1527ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41342,24 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,M_Ziraa,,Sidi Masmoudi,34.849769,6.314584,1,LibertŽ,"Two suspected Islamic terrorists have died in Sidi Masmoudi, about 200 miles (450 kilometers) south of Algiers.",2, 615,1528ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41359,26 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azzefoun,,Azeffoun,36.893056,4.420000,1,The Associated Press,A lieutenant colonel was killed in an ambush near the town of Azeffoun while his troops were tracking down militants in the mountainous area some 60 kilometers (37 miles) northeast of the town of Tizi Ouzou.,1, 615,1529ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41360,26 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,GIA: Armed Islamic Group ,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,2,12,Algeria,Blida,Bouinan,,Hammam Melouane,36.486790,3.044486,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"Security forces raided a militant base near the Algerian capital, killing six suspected al-Qaida-linked Islamists and arresting 10 people from a support cell",6, 615,1530ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41389,29 March 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,M'Sila,Beni Ilmane,,Tamazirt,35.946391,4.088637,1,El Watan,"Elements from the Gendarmerie - who are entrusted with providing security for the Chinese company CITIC-CRCC, in charge of building El-Adjiba road, east of Bouira - were targeted by a terrorist group. One terrorist was killed by his own explosion",1, 615,1531ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41418,31 March 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Nichaud municipality,36.766700,3.477200,1,"Algerian Radio, Algiers","Three ""terrorists"", in possession of various kinds of weapons and munitions, are said to have turned themselves in to the Algerian security forces in the suburbs of Nichaud municipality",0, 615,1532ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41427,01 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,Associated Press Worldstream,One militant was killed in a battle last week between the army and a large group of militants near the remote desert town of Ouargla,1, 615,1533ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41446,02 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.073215,4.761080,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"Security forces clashed with a separate insurgency unit and killed four armed Islamists in a forest near Bordj-Bou Arreridj. One officer killed, three paramilitary police injured. ",5, 615,1534ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41447,02 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,1,El Watan and Liberte,"Combined forces wiped out a militant unit in a clash overnight Thursday near Bouira, some 120 kilometers (75 miles) east of Algiers",7, 615,1535ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41448,02 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Associated Press Worldstream,Several thousand people took to the streets to call for a boycott of the upcoming presidential race,0, 615,1536ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41464,04 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.750000,5.083300,1,El Watan,Several thousand people took to the streets to call for a boycott of the upcoming presidential race,0, 615,1537ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41476,05 April 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),GIA: Armed Islamic Group ,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,2,Al-Jazeera TV,Algerian security forces defused a bomb outside the home of the former GIA leader,0, 615,1538ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41483,06 April 2009,2009,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"The Algerian security services have arrested 35 ""jihadist terrorists"" from North Africa for ""weapon trafficking and links with Al-Qa'idah"", ",0, 615,1539ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41492,07 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Agence France Presse,A gendarme was killed Tuesday by a roadside bomb near Lakhdaria,1, 615,1540ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41502,08 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,33,Algeria,Jijel,El Aouana,,El Aouana,36.775127,5.599932,1,Agence France Presse,Three militiamen were killed where they were providing security for a Portuguese-Brazilian consortium building port and marina facilities,3, 615,1541ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41510,09 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,Agence France Presse,Two police officers watching over a polling station in Algeria were injured in a bomb blast near Boumerds ,0, 615,1542ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41519,10 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Bouira,Ahnif,,Ahnif,36.335870,4.262202,1,El Watan,"Several hundreds of people have taken to the streets in the Berber province of Bouira, 110 km southeast of Algiers, to denounce what they called ""yet another electoral masquerade"", ",0, 615,1543ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41555,13 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Oued Taourira,,Tagouraya,34.700000,-0.383333,1,El Watan,"An Algerian army captain has been killed by a roadside bomb in a ""terrorist"" attack ",1, 615,1544ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41566,15 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.750000,5.083300,1,Crisis Watch,Two guards were killed in armed attacks in Bejaia ,2, 615,1545ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41567,15 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Berber Ethnic Militia (Algeria),,4,Chaamba Ethnic Militia (Algeria),,4,44,Algeria,Gharda•a,Berriane,,Berriane,32.826480,3.766895,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"Confrontations pitted the two Mozabite and Chaamba communities, resulting in at least 30 or so wounded. One policeman was also wounded",0, 615,1546ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41568,15 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Biskra,Sidi Okba,,Sidi Okba,34.750000,5.900000,1,LibertŽ,"A ""terrorist"" has been shot dead in southern Algeria",1, 615,1547ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41583,16 April 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,El Aouana,,El Aouana,36.775127,5.599932,1,El Khabar,The Algeria army defused a home-made roadside bomb in Jijel,0, 615,1548ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41584,16 April 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.189937,-0.630846,1,El Khabar,"The Algerian army encircled a ""terrorist"" group in Sidi Blabbes",0, 615,1549ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41585,16 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tin Zaouatine,19.970000,2.920000,1,El Khabar,At least six people were arrested following disputes between local residents and riot police in the administrative district of Tin Zaouatine,0, 615,1550ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41629,18 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Adrar,Adrar,,Adrar,27.870924,-0.285634,2,El Khabar,An army unit killed two smugglers and recovered about 100 weapons in Adrar Province,2, 615,1551ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41646,20 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-) Municipal Guard,,3,23,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Laazib-El Hadj,36.691670,4.675000,1,Liberte,Terrorist attack on the Municipal Guard foiled,0, 615,1552ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41660,21 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Beni Amrane,36.667744,3.591152,1,Agence France Presse,A bomb blast killed a soldier and wounded two students ,1, 615,1553ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41661,21 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,El Tarf,Besbes,,Besbes,36.702283,7.843895,1,El Watan,young people besieged the Belahmar apartment complex ,0, 615,1554ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41662,21 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,El Tarf,Chebaita Mokhtar,,Chebaita Mokhtar,36.755803,7.742615,1,El Watan,demonstrators blocked access to the Racherache and Oued Sebaa apartment complexes. They were demanding the release of the young protesters who had been arrested the day before yesterday by the security agencies following the clashes,0, 615,1555ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41663,21 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,El Tarf,Chihani,,Chihani,36.646867,7.775531,1,El Watan,Protesters criticized the employment police in their municipality and the precariousness that they lived in,0, 615,1556ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41664,21 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,El Tarf,Drean,,Drean,36.684825,7.751108,1,El Watan,hundreds of young people besieged the premises of the National Employment Agency (ANEM). The miliary used firearms causing several injuries. 10 or so were reportedly arrested and released yesterday after being questioned by investigators from the Gendarmerie,0, 615,1557ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41665,21 April 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,El Tarf,Echatt,,Echatt,36.829417,7.874451,1,El Watan,"Protesters besieged the Ben Amar apartment complex, telling passers-by to leave the area. ",0, 615,1558ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41693,23 April 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,2,El Khabar,Algerian security forces have foiled a plan aiming to form a suicidal group during the 9 April presidential election,0, 615,1559ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41699,24 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Djemaa Beni Habibi,,Djemaa Beni Habibi,36.807223,6.122990,1,El Watan,"An army lieutenant was killed. During the clash, a terrorist was killed and a Kalashnikov submachine gun was recovered by the security forces",2, 615,1560ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41700,24 April 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,Military reinforcements sent to the province of Ouargla to tackle traffickers who try to smuggle weapons for the troops of Al-Qa'idah in the Islamic Maghreb,0, 615,1561ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41701,24 April 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Adrar,Timmimoun,,Timimoun,29.263883,0.230976,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,Military reinforcements sent to the provinces of Adrar. Several warplanes landed at the airport of Timimoune and the military personnel has been increased significantly to tackle traffickers who try to smuggle weapons from Niger and Mali for the troops of Al-Qa'idah in the Islamic Maghreb,0, 615,1562ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41712,25 April 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Azerou Kellat,36.587303,4.286039,1,Crisis Watch and El Watan,"a homemade bomb exploded in Azrou Kellal three kilometres from the main town of Ain El Hammam (40 km from Tizi Ouzou), killing one citizen and wounding three others, one of whom seriously.",1, 615,1563ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41724,26 April 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,El Marsa,,El Marsa,36.403561,0.916844,1,El Watan,Security forces arrested another terrorist between the municipalities of El Marsa and Chetaibi,0, 615,1564ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41725,26 April 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Negrine,,Garaa,34.500000,7.500000,1,El Watan,An AQIM terrorist was apprehended by elements from Annaba's Territorial Search and Investigations Centre (CTRI).,0, 615,1565ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41733,27 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Ait Khercha,36.698610,3.924125,1,El Soir; El Watan,An armed Islamist militant had been killed in the Tadmait region,1, 615,1566ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41734,27 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),Municipal Guard,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Tarik Ibn-Ziad,,Naaimia,35.993768,2.145579,1,El Watan,Several municipal guards were wounded in the explosion of a homemade bomb ,0, 615,1567ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41735,27 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),Unidentified Armed Group (Unknown),3,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,El Khabar,"Special forces from the National People's Army, ANP, killed two terrorists in the spot known as Taten, west of the city of Tamanrasset. ",2, 615,1568ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41745,28 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Municipal Guard,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mizrana,,Ait Iften,36.863837,4.065418,1,Agence France Presse,"A security post was hit by two homemade bombs in a town near Algiers on Tuesday, killing three guards and injuring another four.",3, 615,1569ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41746,28 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Aghbalou,,Takerbouzt,36.420000,4.338333,1,Associated Press Worldstream,Two guards were killed and four others injured when two homemade bombs exploded in the Kabylie region. ,2, 615,1570ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41756,30 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,A•n Defla,36.268100,1.967500,2,Associated Press Worldstream,A guard was killed and three others were wounded in roadside bomb blasts near the Algerian capital,1, 615,1571ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41757,30 April 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Associated Press Worldstream,"A suspected militant died in a separate clash with police in the Boumerds region, 40 miles (60 kilometers) east of Algiers",1, 615,1572ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41781,03 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri el Bahri,36.802780,3.565000,1,Associated Press Worldstream,"Islamist fighters ambushed a patrol of plainclothes police near the Algerian capital, killing the local police chief and an officer. Another was seriously injured.",2, 615,1573ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41801,05 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,33,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,Liberte,"A bomb exploded in Naciria, injuring three, two patriots [Patriot: Algerian government-sponsored militia] and one citizen. ",0, 615,1574ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41832,07 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Souk El Tenine,,Maatka,36.583333,4.000000,1,Agence France Presse,Three members of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb were killed by government troops on Thursday at Maatkas. Two soldiers died as well,5, 615,1575ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41839,08 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Agence France Presse,Three former leaders of the now defunct Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) called on armed Islamists still active in Algeria to lay down their weapons and surrender,0, 615,1576ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41840,08 May 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Associated Press Worldstream,Four other militants were found dead around Boumerds this week. ,4, 615,1577ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41841,08 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,El Kharrouba,,Kharrouba,36.655096,3.407092,1,Agence France Presse,"An Islamist was killed as security forces mounted a joint operation on an armed group at Kharrouba, near Boumerds",1, 615,1578ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41849,09 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555278,6.178611,2,El Khabar,combing operations are underway on the borders between eastern provinces of Batna,0, 615,1579ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41850,09 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.374894,3.901998,1,Associated Press Worldstream,An insurgent unit is reportedly negotiating surrender in the Bouira province as part of a government offer to pardon those who renounce violence.,0, 615,1580ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41851,09 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,El Oued,El Ogla,,El Ogla el Malha,33.233330,6.950000,1,El Khabar,Troops have been deployed into El-Ogla El-Malha in the neighbouring Tebessa Province.,0, 615,1581ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41852,09 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,2,El Khabar,combing operations are underway on the borders between eastern provinces of Khenchela,0, 615,1582ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41853,09 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Rejaouna,36.716900,4.049700,2,El Khabar,military units have launched a combing operation in Hrouza and Rejaouna forests in the Province of Tizi Ouzou,0, 615,1583ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41854,09 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.711825,4.045914,2,Associated Press Worldstream,A soldier and a suspected insurgent have been killed as the army continues raids against al-Qaida-linked terrorist strongholds.,2, 615,1584ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41860,10 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Kadiria,36.534440,3.682778,1,El Watan,Two homemade bombs were defused and blown near the community of Kadiria ,0, 615,1585ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41869,11 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghlia,36.816940,3.857222,1,Liberte,"A network providing support to the groups from the Salafi Group for Call and Combat [GSPC; the group now known as Al-Qa'idah in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb, or AQLIM] has been broken up in recent days in Baghlia, in the wilaya of Boumerds",0, 615,1586ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41870,11 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,Liberte,A terrorist group made up of at least 15 armed elements is surrounded by the security forces in the Sid-Ali Bounab maquis,0, 615,1587ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41871,11 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589722,2.447500,1,Associated Press Worldstream,Two Algerian soldiers died and one was wounded in a clash with suspected al-Qaida-linked militants,2, 615,1588ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41894,14 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Municipal Guard,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,El Ancer,,N'chama,36.798852,6.157214,1,Liberte,Three homemade bombs exploded as a freight train passed through in the spot known as N'chama. Two soldiers and one municipal guard were seriously wounded,0, 615,1589ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41923,17 May 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,El Watan,Algerian police break up conscripts' protest,0, 615,1590ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41924,17 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Draa-Ben-Khedda,,Draa Ben Khedda,36.736670,3.956111,1,El Khabar,"Security forces eliminated five terrorists and confiscated their weapons, in an ambush laid by for the terror group behind the headquarters of Cotitex factory north of Draa Ben Khedda town.",5, 615,1591ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41931,18 May 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Liberte,For the past three days the forces of the National People's Army [ANP] have been conducting a large-scale search operation in the entire central part that includes the mountain of the Blida Atlas and a portion of the Tamesguida forest ,0, 615,1592ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41932,18 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,El M'Hir,,El Mehir,36.100000,4.316667,1,El Khabar,"In Bourdj Bou Arreridj, security forces eliminated two terrorists in Mhair area near the border with Bouira Province",2, 615,1593ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41952,20 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ouled Antar,,Ain Dalia,35.949523,2.600327,1,Liberte,"An ambush laid by a terrorist group that had targeted a convoy of vehicles from the National Gendarmerie in Ain Dalia, killed five and wounded one",5, 615,1594ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41958,21 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Sidi Abed,,Tissemsilt,35.750000,1.750000,1,Al-Jazeera TV,"The Algerian security forces have killed three armed men in an ambush in Tissemsilt Province, west of the Algerian capital. Kalashnikov rifles and ammunition were recovered. ",3, 615,1595ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41965,22 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),Municipal Guard,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Maala,,Bouaroussa,36.493630,3.574333,1,El Watan,A municipal guard was killed and two others injured by a home-made bomb,1, 615,1596ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41966,22 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,El Watan,A bomb was found and defused by gendarmes in the Lakhdaria gorges some five kilometres northwest of the city.,0, 615,1597ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,41997,25 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Djebel Lahmar Khedou,34.850000,5.733300,1,El Khabar and El Watan,Nine Algerian soldiers were killed and seventeen others were wounded in an ambush. One terrorist was killed,10, 615,1598ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42028,29 May 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Tiberkanine,,Tiberkanine,36.151819,1.652878,1,El Watan,"Algerian army kills one terrorist in Ain Defla province, recovering a Kalashnikov rifle",1, 615,1599ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42043,01 June 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Meziraa,34.836914,5.720830,1,El Watan,An offensive by the troops of the National People's Army [ANP] eliminated several terrorists from a group of around 30 armed militants. ,10, 615,1600ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42050,02 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Timezrit,,Timezrit,36.672728,3.809560,1,El Watan; The Associated Press,A bomb attack on a convoy transporting school examination papers near the Algerian capital has killed eight police officers and two teachers,10, 615,1601ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42091,06 June 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555278,6.178611,1,Liberte,"The criminal tribunal at the Batna court sentenced 19 terrorists to capital punishment, Ali Mehira, alias Abou-Rouaha, being their leader, on charges of establishing an armed terrorist group and membership in an armed terrorist group.",0, 615,1602ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42111,09 June 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Gharda•a,Berriane,,Berriane,32.826480,3.766895,1,El-Khabar,"Confrontations in Berriane are said to have left 60 people injured, including 20 members of the police force",0, 615,1603ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42112,09 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.189937,-0.630846,1,Crisis Watch,Municipal guard killed,1, 615,1604ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42113,09 June 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Relizane,Sidi M'Hamed Benaouda,,Sidi Mohamed Benaouda,35.604091,0.588745,1,Le Quotidien d'Oran website,"Algerian ""terrorist"" surrenders to authorities ",0, 615,1605ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42134,13 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614700,1,Crisis Watch; The Associated Press,Five AQIM militants were killed near Constantine,5, 615,1606ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42135,13 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Municipal Guard,,3,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,23,Algeria,Bechar,Taghit,,Oued Sba,31.266700,-1.983300,1,Crisis Watch; El Watan,Municipal guard killed by armed group,1, 615,1607ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42147,14 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ifigha,,Ifigha,36.671100,4.411400,1,Crisis Watch; El Watan,Military forces intercepted an armed group near Assif Oucerdoune,0, 615,1608ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42152,15 June 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Mena•el,36.743276,3.717296,1,Le Quotidien d'Oran website,Special security agencies arrested six other suspects from the ex-Salafi Group for Call and Combat [AQLIM],0, 615,1609ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42153,15 June 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Timezrit,,Timezrit,36.672728,3.809560,1,Le Quotidien d'Oran website,Police arrest two presumed members of a terrorist network,0, 615,1610ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42168,16 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Beni K'Sila,,Beni Ksila,36.882161,4.661967,1,Crisis Watch; Liberte,Bombing by air forces on suspected terrorist areas,0, 615,1611ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42169,16 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Talaa Hamdoun,36.778113,4.676306,1,Crisis Watch; Liberte,Bombing by air forces on suspected terrorist areas,0, 615,1612ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42180,17 June 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,Boukadir,,Boukadir,36.066286,1.126022,1,Echourouk El Youmi,"A seven-strong terrorist cell dismantled in Boukadir, in Chlef",0, 615,1613ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42181,17 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,El M'Hir,,El Mehir,36.100000,4.316667,1,Agence France Presse,Islamist rebels ambushed and killed 18 Algerian police and a civilian after detonating two roadside bombs,19, 615,1614ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42198,18 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Africa Research Bulletin,,0, 615,1615ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42199,18 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Africa Research Bulletin,,38, 615,1616ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42200,18 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Chabet El Ameur,,Chabet el Ameur,36.637090,3.694735,1,Crisis Watch; Echourouk El Youmi,"Army shells terrorist strongholds in Boumerds, destroys several hideouts",0, 615,1617ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42201,18 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mizrana,,Foret de Mizrana,36.863837,4.065418,1,Echourouk El Youmi,Army shells terrorist strongholds in Boumerds,0, 615,1618ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42202,18 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Timezrit,,Timezrit,36.672728,3.809560,1,Echourouk El Youmi,"Army shells terrorist strongholds in Boumerds, destroys several hideouts",0, 615,1619ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42246,23 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,1,Crisis Watch,"5 paramilitary police reported killed, 2 kidnapped during ambush in Khenchela province 23 June;",5, 615,1620ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42253,24 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.073215,4.761080,2,Echourouk El Youmi,"The National People's Army killed 11 ""terrorists"" recovering five Kalashnikov rifles, uniforms of the National Gendarmerie and bullet-proof vests during the operation which took place in Bordj Bou-Arreridj Province",11, 615,1621ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42254,24 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tipaza,Merad,,Merad,36.474767,2.426245,1,El-Khabar,The Joint Security Forces eliminated two terrorists in Taghrara forest,2, 615,1622ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42255,24 June 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Daoud,36.855833,3.856667,1,Liberte,Algerian security forces break up Al-Qa'idah support network,0, 615,1623ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42266,25 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,33,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Idjeur,,Foret d? Akfadou,36.666667,4.583333,1,Liberte,A patriot [militia group member] was killed yesterday morning in a skirmish between the Patriots from the Idjeur region and a group of terrorists ,1, 615,1624ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42276,26 June 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Darguina,,Darguinah,36.564984,5.305953,1,El-Khabar,"Units of the [Algerian] army's Special Forces have been conducting a large scale search operation in Darguinah forests, searching for 12 terrorists ",0, 615,1625ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42286,28 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,El Tarf,Bougous,,A•n Touila,36.722500,8.416111,1,Liberte,Two terrorists have been killed by the combined security forces ,2, 615,1626ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42287,28 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.073215,4.761080,1,Agence France Presse,"AQIM operatives carried out an attack at Bordj Bou Arreridj, southeast of Algiers, killing 18 police officers and one civilian.",19, 615,1627ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42308,30 June 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Chechar,,Se•ar,34.837481,7.031111,1,Liberte,One soldier was killed and three injured in the explosion of a homemade bomb in the Siar region. One municipal guard was wounded in a second blast. ,1, 615,1628ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42359,04 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Boukhlifa,,Acherchour,36.679159,5.129044,1,El-Khabar,"The army killed three terrorists in Acherchour, Bouzfene municipality",3, 615,1629ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42360,04 July 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Oum el Bouaghi,Ain El Kercha,,Ain Kercha,35.920000,6.700000,1,El-Khabar,"Terrorists operating in the mountains bordering the eastern provinces of Batna, Tebessa, Khenchela and Oum el-Bouaghi, were killed by security forces",2, 615,1630ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42361,04 July 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Oum el Bouaghi,Souk Naamane,,Bir Chouhada,35.895833,6.395556,1,El-Khabar,"Terrorists operating in the mountains bordering the eastern provinces of Batna, Tebessa, Khenchela and Oum el-Bouaghi, were killed by security forces",3, 615,1631ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42369,05 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,33,Algeria,Batna,Taxlent,,Taxlent,35.616667,5.816667,1,Liberte,"Two people were wounded in the explosion of a homemade bomb in the spot known as Merkounda, in the municipality of Taxlente",0, 615,1632ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42381,07 July 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Annaba,El Hadjar,,El Hadjar,36.803772,7.736839,1,Agence France Presse,"7,000 steel workers strike in El Hadjar",0, 615,1633ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42397,10 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azazga,,Azazga,36.744722,4.372222,1,El Watan,"Six soldiers of the National People's Army, ANP, were injured in two bomb attacks which targeted a military convoy on National Road 12, near the town of Azazga. ",0, 615,1634ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42398,10 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azzefoun,,Azeffoun,36.893056,4.420000,1,El Watan,A soldier was killed and two others injured by the explosion of a home-made bomb in Azeffoun region,1, 615,1635ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42407,11 July 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Crisis Watch,Security forces arrested 9 members of suspected terror cell in eastern Algiers,0, 615,1636ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42413,12 July 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,37,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,El-Khabar,"Three people sustained injuries in the explosion of two bombs planted by ""terrorists"" near the water reservoir of Lakhdaria",0, 615,1637ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42479,18 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Beni-Douala,,Beni Douala,36.619538,4.082818,2,Tout sur l'Algerie,Two soldiers were killed by armed Islamists in Beni Aissi (Beni Douala),2, 615,1638ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42494,20 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Dellys,,Dellys,36.917160,3.913107,1,Agence France Presse,"Algerian security forces shot dead a man wearing a belt carrying explosives as he prepared a suicide bombing against the coast guard in the town of Dellys, ",1, 615,1639ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42535,24 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Municipal Guard,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555278,6.178611,2,El-Khabar,"An Algerian soldier was killed in an exchange of fire with a ""terrorist"" group in Batna province. Three municipal guard were also injured",1, 615,1640ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42549,25 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Municipal Guard,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Batna,Kimmel,,Kimmel,35.218056,6.541944,1,El Watan,Two soldiers and two municipal guards were wounded in an ambush laid by a terrorist group in the municipality of Kimmel,0, 615,1641ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42550,25 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bou Nab,36.700000,3.866667,1,El-Khabar,Algerian security forces have killed five armed Islamic extremists in the Sidi Ali Bou Nab,5, 615,1642ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42551,25 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.711825,4.045914,2,Crisis Watch,Security forces killed 4 militants in Tizi Ouzou province.,4, 615,1643ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42559,26 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Agence France Presse,A bomb blast killed one soldier and injured another as their convoy passed near Jijel,1, 615,1644ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42560,26 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),Private Security Forces (Algeria),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.396644,0.140270,2,Agence France Presse,Members of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb killed two local security officers in an ambush in the Mascara region ,2, 615,1645ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42574,27 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Batna,Arris,,Oued Aris,35.257500,6.351100,1,EL Watan; Liberte,The bodies of Islamists were discovered on Monday and Tuesday near Batna after army shelling followed by a ground operation,4, 615,1646ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42575,27 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Tamezguida,,Tamesguida,36.323563,2.688583,1,El-Khabar,Five Islamists had also been killed during a bombardment near Medea,5, 615,1647ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42576,27 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.711825,4.045914,1,Liberte,Armed Islamists were killed in two ambushes near Tizi Ouzou,2, 615,1648ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42598,28 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Batna,Arris,,Oued Aris,35.257500,6.351100,1,El Watan; Liberte,The bodies of Islamists were discovered on Monday and Tuesday near Batna after army shelling followed by a ground operation,4, 615,1649ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42599,28 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.711825,4.045914,1,Le Jeune Independant,Armed Islamists were killed in two ambushes near Tizi Ouzou,1, 615,1650ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42609,29 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Teniet El Abed,,Batna,35.281501,6.238586,2,El Watan Daily,Security forces killed at least 18 Islamist insurgents over the coures of three days in a given week by bombings in the Batna region. Two insurgents turned themselves in.,6, 615,1651ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42610,29 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Teniet El Abed,,Batna,35.281501,6.238586,2,El Watan Daily,Security forces killed at least 18 Islamist insurgents over the coures of three days by bombings in the Batna region. Two insurgents turned themselves in.,6, 615,1652ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42611,29 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Teniet El Abed,,Batna,35.281501,6.238586,2,El Watan Daily,Security forces killed at least 18 Islamist insurgents over the coures of three days by bombings in the Batna region. Two insurgents turned themselves in.,6, 615,1653ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42612,29 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Damous,,Damous,36.549330,1.705773,1,Agence France Presse; Tout sur l'Algerie; Associated Press Worldstream,At least 11 Algerian soldiers were killed in an ambush by Islamic extremists while they escorted a military convoy in Damous. 5 extremists were killed. ,16, 615,1654ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42613,29 July 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Damous,,Damous,36.547500,1.703900,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"A military convoy has been ambushed outside the coastal town of Damous, near Tipaza. The convoy was escorting a group of Chinese workers who were buliding a nearby major motorway.",11, 615,1655ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42634,31 July 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,A•n Defla,36.268100,1.967500,2,Tout sur l'Algerie,"5,000 soldiers deployed within Tipaza, Ain Defla and Chlef following attack on soldiers",0, 615,1656ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42635,31 July 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef,36.165253,1.334523,2,Tout sur l'Algerie,"5,000 soldiers deployed within Tipaza, Ain Defla and Chlef following attack on soldiers",0, 615,1657ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42636,31 July 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589722,2.447500,2,Tout sur l'Algerie,"5,000 soldiers deployed within Tipaza, Ain Defla and Chlef following attack on soldiers",0, 615,1658ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42663,03 August 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Rioters (Algeria),,5,55,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Chinese and Algerian traders clashed after an altercation between two traders in a suburb 15 km from the city center. Chinese traders were armed with knives and metal rods. None killed but one injured.,0, 615,1659ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42664,03 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Teniet El Abed,,Batna,35.281501,6.238586,2,El-Khabar,The Algerian army has killed eight Islamic extremist guerrillas in an operation near Batna in a military sweep involving ground troops and air support. Military forces killed at least 14 Islamists last week in the same highland region.,8, 615,1660ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42665,03 August 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"Citizens of Tadmait, criticizing ""a delay in the security forces' intervention"" after four civilians were killed by AQIM, attacked the Tadmait police station and barricaded National Road [RN] 12. Observers suspect AQIM is attempting to seed anger against the police forces among civilians by conducting attacks that appear to be police actions.",0, 615,1661ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42666,03 August 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Agence France Presse,Presumed Islamists of AQIM opened fire on a vehicle three kilometres (two miles) from Tadmait near Tizi Ouzou killing the four passengers.,4, 615,1662ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42667,03 August 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,2,Tout sur l'Algerie,"armed actors killed four civilians in the village of Kichkalem, near Tadmait, in the afternoon.",4, 615,1663ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42682,05 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.755870,5.084332,2,El Watan,Three armed Islamist militants were killed in clashes with the army overnight Wednesday to Thursday as Algerian soldiers conducted a search in woods outside the city of Bejaia. Algerian military has recently incurred heavy losses from armed actors hiding in the northeastern Kabylie region and the eastern part of the country.,2, 615,1664ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42698,06 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.755870,5.084332,2,El Watan,Three armed Islamist militants were killed in clashes with the army as Algerian soldiers conducted a search overnight Wednesday to Thursday in woods outside the city of Bejaia. Algerian military has recently incurred heavy losses from armed actors hiding in the northeastern Kabylie region and the eastern part of the country.,1, 615,1665ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42699,06 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Gharghour,36.564255,3.594220,1,El-Khabar,"armed actors planted a traditionally made bomb near the entrance of ""Base Life,"" a base occupied by Chinese contractors building a motorway and surveyed by Algerian military forces. The military defused the bomb after noticing the foreign object at the gates of the camp.",0, 615,1666ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42723,08 August 2009,2009,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Batna,Teniet El Abed,,Batna,35.281501,6.238586,2,Echourouk El Youmi,A would-be suicide bomber who is wanted by the security forces - surrendered himself to the security services of Batna Province. He provided information on planned suicide bombings in the Eastern part of Algiera.,0, 615,1667ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42752,12 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.073215,4.761080,2,Agence France Presse,Three suspected Islamic militants were killed by the Algerian army in a region believed to be a transit zone for Al-Qaeda linked groups. They were travelling in three cars when they were intercepted by troops following a tip-off. Homemade bombs and weapons were recovered.,3, 615,1668ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42769,13 August 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Batna,Teniet El Abed,,Batna,35.281501,6.238586,2,El Watan,"Five Islamic militants of ages 28 to 47 gave themselves up with their weapons so as to be able to benefit from a national reconciliation programme, which allows militants who surrender with their arms to enjoy an amnesty.",0, 615,1669ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42796,15 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,Agence France Presse,An explosion followed by gunfire left one police officer dead and two others wounded at an observation post at the entrance of a beach in northern Algeria. The source of the explosion is unknown.,1, 615,1670ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42805,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1671ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42806,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1672ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42807,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1673ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42808,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1674ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42809,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1675ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42810,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1676ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42811,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1677ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42812,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1678ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42813,16 August 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El-Khabar,"Security forces foiled 17 armed actor operations this month associated with elements of 'Al Qaeda in the Naciria area. The intended targets of Al Qaeda operations were primarily the army, police and gendarmerie in Boumerdes Province.",0, 615,1679ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42821,17 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Damous,,Damous,36.547500,1.703900,1,Liberte,Three Islamists associated with the July 29 attacks on an army convoy by AQIM were killed in an ambush after a search operation that lasted several days.,3, 615,1680ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42822,17 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730540,4.436460,1,El Watan,"Fundamentalists planted a homemade bomb at at the headquarters of the municipal guard of Yakouren in Tizi Ouzou province. The bomb wounded one officer, which prompted a major search operation by security forces in the Yakouren forest.",0, 615,1681ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42845,19 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,33,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tadmait,,Sidi Ali Bounab,36.706550,3.874887,1,Al-Sharq al-Awsat,"Armed skirmishes occurred last week between gunmen that refuse to give up terrorism and comrades of theirs that have expressed the desire to join the ""reconciliation"". According to one of the gunmen, who surrendered to police in Boumerdes Province, the internal clashes left some dead or wounded (unspecified number).",0, 615,1682ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42859,20 August 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,El Watan,Three members of a unit affiliated with AQIM living in the Bachedjarah neighbourhood were intercepted as the armed actors were planning a suicide-bombing operation against the headquarters of the General National Security Directorate. The plans were uncovered after security forces began questioning a man (one of the arrested armed actors) filming the headquarters on his cell phone. Police have begun to conduct raids on Bachdjarrah and La Glaciere neighborhoods in preparation for a armed actor surge during Ramadan.,0, 615,1683ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42899,24 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,A•n Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,El Watan,One gendarme was killed and his brigade chief seriously wounded in the explosion of a bomb. The officers came across the bomb hidden under a corpse as they investigated the killing of a member of a civil defense group in the region.,1, 615,1684ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42900,24 August 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Leghata,,Leghata,36.749029,3.683206,1,Echorouk,"A former local guard member was killed Monday night by an armed group at Legata, near Boumerdes. The area is considered an active zone of low-level guerrilla warfare by Muslim fundamentalists.",1, 615,1685ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42908,25 August 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Six members of a armed actor group surrendered, entering Algeria from the greater Sahara where Al-Qa'idah is operating. The armed actors operated under the leadership of Abou Haroun Lakhdari. They hope to benefit from Algeria's reconciliation law, which grants amnesty to surrendering armed actors under certain circumstances. Four other armed actors surrendered in Bouira recently (no date specified).",0, 615,1686ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,42909,25 August 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,El Watan,National People's Army [ANP] killed two armed actors during a military operation in their Tikourbaz hideouts. The military used tear gas to enervate the armed actors before mounting their attack.,2, 615,1687ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43005,04 September 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Echourouk El Youmi,"Military operations nationwide throughout the month of Ramadan thwarted numerous schemes under Islamist guerrilla leadership by Abdelmalek Droukdel to intensify attacks during Ramadan. Tactics to combat armed actor attacks included precise military operations, dismantling support and assignment networks, and the arrest of armed actors who were planning to carry out armed actor attacks in the capital. AQIM, however, claims it killed or injured 80 military members and civilians in 29 separate attacks and bombings over the past two months, though the Algerian media estimates around half that amount. ",0, 615,1688ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43125,13 September 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,A•n Defla,36.268100,1.967500,2,Liberte,"Military forces launched an ambush and killed Madani Meslous (alias Abou Assam), the 64-year-old ""amir"" of the Protectors of Salafi Call. Three other of his henchmen were also killed in the attack, which was preceded by bombing of their hideoout in the Amrouna moutains.",4, 615,1689ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43143,15 September 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Maala,,Maala,36.500736,3.583504,1,Liberte,"10 were wounded in a armed actors attack on a military convoy in the spot known as Ouled Bechali, in the municipality of Maala. A homemade bomb hidden by the side of the road was triggered remotely as a military convoy drove past. Wounds are not critical. The event triggered a huge search operation was kicked off on the heights of Maala.",0, 615,1690ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43232,28 September 2009,2009,3,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Liberte,"Nine armed actors led by Abou El Abbas, whose real name is Ali B., the emir of the Bordj Meneiel group, are engaged in talks with security forces to negotiate terms of surrender. For the past week the group has been in a place that has been kept secret in the Boumerdes Province for the needs of the negotiations. Negotiations are prompted by the recent surrender of several repentants in the Bouira and Boumerdes Provinces (date not specified).",0, 615,1691ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43257,30 September 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Teniet El Abed,,Batna,35.281501,6.238586,2,El-Khabar,Military forces killed at least 14 Islamic extremist guerrillas in an operation in the highland region near Batna.,14, 615,1692ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43294,02 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Associated Press,Security forces claimed they killed eight suspected Islamist fighters over the weekend. Five killings occurred on Sunday. Algerian media have reported that security forces have killed at least two dozen suspected insurgents since early August.,2, 615,1693ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43295,02 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.312200,2,El Watan,"Three armed actors have been killed by the security services in southern Algeria. Acting on a tip off, the security services ambushed the group on board a vehicle which was transporting firearms, explosives and fuel. The car exploded in the ""violent exchange of fire."" ",3, 615,1694ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43305,03 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Associated Press,Security forces claimed they killed eight suspected Islamist fighters over the weekend. Five killings occurred on Sunday. Algerian media have reported that security forces have killed at least two dozen suspected insurgents since early August.,1, 615,1695ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43322,04 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,Associated Press,"Security forces killed five suspected armed actors and captured one. The militants were traveling in a van that was tailed by plainclothes police, who alerted a security checkpoint down the road. The armed actors opened fire and were counter-attacked.",5, 615,1696ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43323,04 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863190,2,El Watan,"Security forces in Algeria killed three armed Islamists in a desert ambush in the early hours of Sunday. The trio was travelling in an all-terrain vehicle loaded with weapons, ammunition and fuel when they were cornered in the El Oued district.",3, 615,1697ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43324,04 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Djelfa,Hassi Fedoul,,Hassi Fedoul,35.434309,2.216565,1,El Watan,Four armed Islamists were killed by Algerian security forces in Hassi Fedoul.,4, 615,1698ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43333,05 October 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,,,0,30,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863190,1,El Watan,A 10-strong group of armed actors dismantled a telephone telecommunications radar north of El Oued.,0, 615,1699ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43334,05 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,Algiers Liberte Online,"A soldier was seriously wounded on Monday night when a homemade bomb exploded in the municipality of Chekfa, in Jiijel. The soldier was hospitalized in Constantine.",0, 615,1700ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43344,06 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Afir,,Afir,36.835531,3.999684,1,El Watan,A 30-year old man suspected of being a armed actor was killed in an ambush early in the morning by security officers. One firearm was recovered from among his possessions.,1, 615,1701ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43359,07 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,El Bayadh,El Bayadh,,El Bayadh,33.686100,1.013900,1,Agence France Presse,"Security forces killed Mourad Louzai, a commander of the primary AQIM unit in Algeria's central region and one of the oldest leaders of Algerian Islamist groups, in an operation close to the town of El Bayadh. The military located Louzai through infiltrating the AQIM with intelligence operatives.",1, 615,1702ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43380,09 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bechar,Beni Abbes,,Beni Abbes,30.134364,-2.166637,1,Associated Press,Security forces Friday killed 10 Islamist militants as they transported arms to their base in the Sahara desert. 3 soldiers also died in the assault. The joint police and army attacked a three-vehicle convoy laden with arms. Authorities seized several heavy machine guns and large quantities of ammunition and medicine after the clash.,13, 615,1703ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43418,15 October 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Liberte,"Four bombs were planted by AQIM militants around a billet of the El-Heria municipal guard. Three of the bombs did not explode, and a fourth was disposed by an explosives expert.",0, 615,1704ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43419,15 October 2009,2009,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba,36.900000,7.766667,1,Agence France Presse,"Protests were observed this week, part of a wave of demonstrations over housing conditions, the state of roads, and gas and electricity cuts. Authorities insist that Algeria's 2010 budget allots significant spending to health infrastructure, habitat and town planning, and social services like water, gas, electricity and urban transport.",0, 615,1705ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43420,15 October 2009,2009,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,"Protests were observed this week, part of a wave of demonstrations over housing conditions, the state of roads, and gas and electricity cuts. Authorities insist that Algeria's 2010 budget allots significant spending to health infrastructure, habitat and town planning, and social services like water, gas, electricity and urban transport.",0, 615,1706ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43421,15 October 2009,2009,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Presse,"Protests were observed this week, part of a wave of demonstrations over housing conditions, the state of roads, and gas and electricity cuts. Authorities insist that Algeria's 2010 budget allots significant spending to health infrastructure, habitat and town planning, and social services like water, gas, electricity and urban transport.",0, 615,1707ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43441,16 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Bellaa,,Bouhatem,36.223227,5.907692,2,Tout sur l'Algerie,"An armed Islamist was killed and two arrested in a search operation by security forces on the border between Mila and Setif. Two Kalashnikov-type weapons and some munitions were recovered. The victim is suspected to be Abou Zakaria, the leader of the Al Itassam brigade active in eastern Algeria.",1, 615,1708ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43442,16 October 2009,2009,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,El Bayadh,El Bayadh,,El Bayadh,33.686100,1.013900,1,El Watan,"Security forces killed Nouh Abou Koutada Essalafi (real name Mourad Louzai), the ""coordinator"" between the leadership of the GSPC and its different zones. This armed actor leader had gone into hiding in October.",1, 615,1709ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43457,18 October 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.755870,5.084332,2,Tout sur l'Algerie,"Security forces kicked off a search operation in the Akfadou forest in the west of the wilaya. According to a security source, an armed group has been located on site.",0, 615,1710ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43458,18 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Setif,Ain Arnat,,Bouira,36.215600,5.278300,2,Tout sur l'Algerie,One armed actor was killed in a skirmish on the borders between Bordj Bou Arreridj and Bouira provinces. One Kalashnikov-type weapon and some munitions were recovered in the course of that operation.,1, 615,1711ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43459,18 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,Agence France Presse,Residents of the small community of Rouissat near Ouargla blocked roads with stones and burned tires to protest against damage caused to their environment by major public health works on the water supply.,0, 615,1712ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43473,19 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Residents of the Diar Echems working-class district of Algiers protested against their squalid housing and demanded new homes.,0, 615,1713ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43474,19 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Government of Algeria (1999-),6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,El Watan,"500 servicemen (active and contractual retired)staged a day-long sit-in before the headquarters of the Ministry of Defence to demand financial damages based on degree of injuries, an upgrade of the disability allowance, and an upgrade of military pension according to the rank and seniority.",0, 615,1714ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43475,19 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.854101,5.733782,2,Echourouk El Youmi,"Riots spanning three days occurred in Biskra province at road junctures connecting different towns in the province. 300 demonstrators blocked roads in protest against poor health services, inaccessible schooling, and poor electricity supply. Police attempted to disperse the crowd with tear gas, prompting demonstrators to retaliate. Several police officers and rioters were injured in the riots.",0, 615,1715ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43476,19 October 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Setif,Maaouia,,Mechtat el Hammama,36.411900,5.705800,2,Le Quotidien d'Oran,"A ""armed actor"" was killed in a clash with the army in Setif Province.",1, 615,1716ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43484,20 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Rioters (Algeria),,5,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Youths from a slum in Algiers clashed with police in a protest against their housing conditions, leaving at least 11 policemen injured. The youths threw stones and other projectiles at police, wounding 11 officers before reinforcements arrived.",0, 615,1717ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43485,20 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.854101,5.733782,2,Echourouk El Youmi,"Riots spanning three days occurred in Biskra province at road junctures connecting different towns in the province. 300 demonstrators blocked roads in protest against poor health services, inaccessible schooling, and poor electricity supply. Police attempted to disperse the crowd with tear gas, prompting demonstrators to retaliate. Several police officers and rioters were injured in the riots.",0, 615,1718ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43486,20 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.375800,1.313100,1,Al-Jazeera,Riots errupted in Tiaret over housing conditions and unemployment. The riots were described as some of the worst civil unrest the country has seen in years.,0, 615,1719ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43497,21 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.854101,5.733782,2,Echourouk El Youmi,"Riots spanning three days occurred in Biskra province at road junctures connecting different towns in the province. 300 demonstrators blocked roads in protest against poor health services, inaccessible schooling, and poor electricity supply. Police attempted to disperse the crowd with tear gas, prompting demonstrators to retaliate. Several police officers and rioters were injured in the riots.",0, 615,1720ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43513,22 October 2009,2009,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Ain Temouchent,Ain Temouchent,,A•n Temouchent,35.303428,-1.145166,1,Echourouk El Youmi,"Security forces seized a maritime arms smuggling operation designed to channel explosives, TNT, and chemicals used in manufacturing bombs to Salafist AQIM units in Tizi Ouzou. The arms were traveling on a fishing boat from Bouzedjar port in Ain Temouchent to Boumerdes.",0, 615,1721ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43514,22 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Private Security Forces (Algeria),,8,28,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.755870,5.084332,2,Associated Press Worldstream,"20 armed militants ambushed private security guards working for a Canadian company east of the Algerian capital, killing seven and injuring two. The ambush occurred as guards were driving to escort workers at a construction site operated by the Canadian firm SNC Lavalin. No Canadians were killed in the attack.",7, 615,1722ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43520,24 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Setif,Maaouia,,Mechtat el Hammama,36.411900,5.705800,2,Le Quotidien d'Oran,The military killed one armed actor in Setif Province during a search operation.,1, 615,1723ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43527,25 October 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azazga,,Azazga,36.744700,4.372200,1,El Watan,"A bomb detonated, injuring one 25-year-old man.",0, 615,1724ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43528,25 October 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,2,El Watan,"A home-made bomb exploded on Tuesday on the rail track linking the province of Tizi Ouzou and Algiers, causing significant damage to the track and halting rail service.",0, 615,1725ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43541,27 October 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614700,1,Liberte,"Three Islamist militants were slain in clashes between security agents and AQIM. After several days of surveillance, security agents found the hideout of a small group of at least nine armed actors who had infiltrated Constantine during Ramadan to perpetrate attacks.",3, 615,1726ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43542,27 October 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,2,La Tribune,"Clashes broke out between protesters and anti-riot forces backed by National Gendarmerie following demonstrations against the use of explosives in, and pollution by, a quarry situated close to a residential area. Protesters also ransacked several buildings and buses. 30 people, including several security officers, were injured. ",0, 615,1727ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43594,31 October 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,2,Liberte,Security forces (the units associated with the Nov. 14 disruption of a armed actor group) stated that the search was the third of its kind over the past month.,0, 615,1728ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43595,31 October 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,2,Liberte,Security forces associated with the Nov. 14 disruption of a network providing support to a armed actor group stated that the search was the third of its kind over the past month.,0, 615,1729ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43599,01 November 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Iferhounene,,Iferhounene,36.534192,4.369723,1,El Watan,"Security forces killed three armed actors in Iferhounene at the start of this past month of November. During the same operation, another armed Islamist was arrested.",3, 615,1730ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43616,02 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.755870,5.084332,2,Liberte,"Toufik Ghazi, alias Tahar, the ""emir"" from the Tarik-Ibn-Ziad phalange of AQIM, was killed Monday in a skirmish with the forces of the National People's Army [ANP] near the mountains surrounding the community of R'mila near Bejaia. No other deaths occurred.",1, 615,1731ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43625,03 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,El Watan,"An operation by Algerian forces in the Boumerdes region, about 50 kilometres from the capital, left two Islamist militants dead. Since June the Algerian army has launched numerous operations to wipe out the bases where the militants hide after their attacks.",2, 615,1732ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43638,05 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Adrar,,Adrar,27.870924,-0.285634,2,El-Khabar,"The Algerian Army seriously wounded Hamadou Obeid, alias Hamid Essoufi, and arrested his lieutenants. Obeid is one of the most wanted armed actors of AQIM in Algeria, implicated for killing the British hostage Edwin Dyer and facilitating an attack that killed 13 gendarmes. The wounded Obeid is said to have fled to Mali with likely fatal wounds. Two other armed actors were arrested and one killed during the operation.",0, 615,1733ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43639,05 November 2009,2009,1,Violence against civilians,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Sidi Daoud,36.878522,3.720576,2,Liberte,Several homemade bombs exploded near the Cap Djinet aggregates quarry. A car overturned along the roadway near Cap Djinet and civilians noticed bombs surrounding the car as they approached to aid passengers. A member of the security forces was killed when he approached the vehicle--only one bomb of several exploded.,1, 615,1734ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43659,07 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,El Watan,"Abou Sofiane, emir of the Sidi Ali Bounab company of AQIM, was killed by security officers working from intelligence information in Taourirt Moussa, near the Ait Mahmoud region in Tizi Ouzou. An RPG7 and a Kalashnikov semi-automatic rifle as well as subversive documents were recovered. Sofiane was preparing to commit a armed actor operation when intercepted.",1, 615,1735ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43660,07 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,El Watan,Three Islamist militants were killed in an ambush by Algerian security forces near Tizi Ouzou. Since June the Algerian army has launched numerous operations to wipe out the bases where the militants hide after their attacks.,3, 615,1736ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43670,08 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1737ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43675,09 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1738ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43676,09 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Guerrouma,,Guerrouma,36.433989,3.427041,2,Al-Jazeera,"Two Algerian soldiers, including one army major, were killed and five others injured in a bomb blast in Lakhdaria. The blast happened when Algerian army units were conducting combing operations in the area.",2, 615,1739ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43687,10 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1740ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43699,11 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1741ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43723,12 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1742ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43724,12 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,1,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Tinedbar,,Tinebdar,36.625757,4.680985,2,Liberte,"A home-made bomb detonated, injuring one Patriot and one military member.",0, 615,1743ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43729,13 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1744ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43730,13 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,3,El Watan,"Five Algerian soldiers were injured by a road-side bomb during a search operation at Ait Toudert, around 40 km from Tizi Ouzou city.",0, 615,1745ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43737,14 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1746ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43743,15 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1747ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43744,15 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.267500,2.750000,2,Liberte,Elements from the Medea Province Judicial Police managed to break up a network providing support to a armed actor group active in the Kherbet Siouf Municipality.,0, 615,1748ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43755,16 November 2009,2009,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,El-Khabar,"Algerian teachers nationwide started a week-long strike on 8 November, demanding an increase in pay and protesting against the Education Ministry's policy not to pay allowances and compensations retrospectively. Six unions organized the strike, though the national union for education workers boycotted the protests and said it preferred to join the strike for one day on 16 November. ",0, 615,1749ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43756,16 November 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Dellys,,Dellys,36.918600,3.887800,1,El Watan,"Security forces killed a ""armed actor,"" the 22-year-old Amrouche Yahia, in an ambush. A home-made bomb suposedly linked to Yahia exploded earlier that day in the same town but created no casualties.",1, 615,1750ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43801,24 November 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,A•n Defla,36.268100,1.967500,2,El Watan,"A ""armed actor"" was killed and another wounded in an ambush by the army forces in Ain Defla Province. The military intervention was carried out following a tip off by residents about an armed group's movement in the region. Two Kalashnikovs were recovered during the operation.",1, 615,1751ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43827,27 November 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Liberte,Four armed actors were slain this week in Timezrit in the province of Boumerdes and several blockhouses were destroyed.,4, 615,1752ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43835,29 November 2009,2009,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Batna,Arris,,Baraki,35.257500,6.351100,1,Liberte,Two armed actors surrendered to security forces in Baraki. They had been enlisted in the Essedik Brigade.,0, 615,1753ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43836,29 November 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Liberte,"Security agencies defused several bombs in the armed actor stronghold of the province of Boumerdes, in Timezrit, Boudoukhane, Mizrana, and Azrou in particular.",0, 615,1754ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43837,29 November 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Liberte,"Security agencies defused several bombs in the armed actor stronghold of the province of Boumerdes, in Timezrit, Boudoukhane, Mizrana, and Azrou in particular.",0, 615,1755ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43838,29 November 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Liberte,"Security agencies defused several bombs in the armed actor stronghold of the province of Boumerdes, in Timezrit, Boudoukhane, Mizrana, and Azrou in particular.",0, 615,1756ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43839,29 November 2009,2009,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Liberte,"Security agencies defused several bombs in the armed actor stronghold of the province of Boumerdes, in Timezrit, Boudoukhane, Mizrana, and Azrou in particular.",0, 615,1757ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43846,01 December 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Ait Yahia,36.571251,4.309510,1,El Watan,Two armed activists were slain and another wounded yesterday in an ambush laid by some soldiers near the village of Tagnit. The security forces recovered two Kalashnikov-type weapons from these armed actors.,2, 615,1758ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43847,01 December 2009,2009,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Liberte,Security forces arrested two armed actors who had been working on behalf of the El-Feth Brigade.,0, 615,1759ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43889,06 December 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Theniet El Had,,Menaceur,35.871100,2.028100,2,El Watan,"One Patriot was killed and two others were wounded after an incursion by a armed actor group that took place in the evening of December 6 in the douar of Sidi Abdellah, near Menaceur. The victims came upon a armed actor ambush. After the attacks, security forces went to the scene to conduct a search operation in the bordering mountains.",1, 615,1760ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43890,06 December 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,M'Sila,Sidi Aissa,,Sidi A•ssa,35.883678,3.766612,1,El Watan,"Two policemen in charge of security of the cattle market of Sidi Aissa in M'sila Province were killed when a ""armed actor"" armed with a Kalashnikov (or, potentially, a group) shot at them at night.",2, 615,1761ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,43996,17 December 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.709723,4.544804,1,El Watan,"Security forces killed four armed Islamist militants overnight near Msila. Acting on a tip-off, security intercepted the four men as they were driving towards Msila.",4, 615,1762ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44041,24 December 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730540,4.436460,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,One bomb was detonated and three more defused in Yakouren. None were injured.,0, 615,1763ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44043,25 December 2009,2009,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Aghribs,36.793610,4.311580,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"One soldier was killed and two civilians injured when a bomb exploded as an army convoy was driving past near the village of Taboudoucht. The convoy made up of several trucks was on its way to take part in an anti-armed actor operation in this area. The bomb, which had been planted on the road, was remotely detonated.",1, 615,1764ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44112,02 January 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Kuwait News,"02/01/2010 Kuwait News Agency- The Algerian army on Saturday clashed with and killed four militants, affiliated with Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb, in eastern Algeria, local sources said. Meanwhile, '",4, 615,1765ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44113,02 January 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.193900,-0.641400,1,Kuwait News,"02/01/2010 Kuwait News Agency-Al-Khabar' daily quoted security sources as saying that experts defused a large bomb placed under a suspension bridge connecting three districts; Wahran, Ein Timoshent, and Sidi Bilabas.",0, 615,1766ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44188,07 January 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Morning Star,"8 January 2010 Morning Star Online Hundreds of striking protesters were trying to march through the centre of Rouiba, an industrial zone in the east of the capital, when baton-wielding police waded in, battering and kicking protesters to the ground.",0, 615,1767ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44222,10 January 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,1,The Mirror,"11/01/2010 Mirror- ALGERIAN security forces have killed 10 Islamist rebels in an ambush, it was reported yesterday.Acting on a tip off, they ambushed the insurgents yesterday in the region of M'sila, 400km east of Algiers.",10, 615,1768ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44272,13 January 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Bouandas,,Bejaia,36.500000,5.150000,1,BBC Monitoring,"14 January 2010 BBC Mon- Two Algerian army officers, ""the commander of the military zone of [the Berber province of] Bejaia [290 km east of Algiers] and a colonel of the DRS [Intelligence and Security Department]"" have been killed and a gendarme wounded,",2, 615,1769ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44341,18 January 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Laghouat,Aflou,,Aflou,34.108900,2.101900,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 January 2010 BBC MonitoringThe fever of protests has spread to the region of Aflou, in Laghouat Province",0, 615,1770ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44342,18 January 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 January 2010 BBC MonitoringIn the province of Ain Defla, dozens of citizens, residents in the area of Bouhdod in the municipality of Ben Allal, staged a sit-in outside the town hall to protest against what they described as marginalization and the apa",0, 615,1771ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44343,18 January 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 January 2010 BBC Monitoring Middle East About 200 people gathered yesterday morning in front of the headquarters of the agency AADL to protest against the delay in receiving the apartments which were promised to them",0, 615,1772ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44344,18 January 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,BBC Monitoring,"19 January 2010 BBC Monitoring In the village of Akoilal, in the province of Bouira , the residents expressed their anger due to the isolation that they are suffering from, in addition to the problems of transport , the health centre and water and the de",0, 615,1773ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44345,18 January 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tipaza,Gouraya,,Tipaza,36.515800,1.913600,1,BBC Monitoring,19 January 2010 BBC Monitoring The traders of the daily market of El Hadjout municipality gathered in front of the headquarters of Tipaza Municipality after news circulated that the procedures of the resettlement process will not affect all merchants wit,0, 615,1774ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44406,23 January 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.724700,3.615300,1,BBC Monitoring,"25 January 2010 BBC Monitoring- on 23 January Four days after the elimination of three terrorists, yesterday, in the same locality, the security forces were successful in killing one of the most dangerous terrorists in the region while his henchman was c",1, 615,1775ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44456,27 January 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,BBC Monitoring,"1 February 2010 BBC Monitoring- Two people from the same family were killed in a terrorist attack on Wednesday [27 January] in downtown Oglat Gassas, the main town in the municipality located 80 kilometres west of Tebessa [600 km to the southeast of Algi",2, 615,1776ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44470,28 January 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,23,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Thenia,36.128300,1.448600,1,BBC Monitoring,"1 February 2010 BBC Monitoring- One Patriot [civilian militia group member] was killed and four others wounded in a bomb explosion yesterday morning on National Road [RN] 5, midway between Thenia and Souk El Had [50 km east of Algiers], in Boumerdes Prov",1, 615,1777ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44523,01 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Oued Djemaa,,Oued Djemaa,36.129200,2.267500,1,BBC Monitoring,"2 February 2010 BBC Monitoring- Three soldiers, among them one commander and one municipal guard, were wounded yesterday morning in the explosion of a bomb in the municipality of Oued Djemaa to the southeast of the main town in the Province of Ain Defla",0, 615,1778ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44556,02 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,Xinhua,Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- Algerian security forces killed on Tuesday seven terrorist in the north-central province of Djelfa. The troops were conducting an operation in Charek,7, 615,1779ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44610,06 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza,36.589700,2.447500,1,Xinhua,"Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- Algerian army has killed four terrorists in clashes in the northern province of Tipaza in Wad Herar which also left an army officer dead, local el-Khabar newspaper reported Saturday",5, 615,1780ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44666,09 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Patriot Militia of Algerian Government,,3,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,23,Algeria,BŽja•a,Boudjellil,,Hamda,36.327200,4.436400,1,BBC Monitoring,"11 February 2010 BBC Monitoring- A terrorist was slain in the morning of the day before yesterday [9 February] by Patriots [militia group members] from the Tazmalt region who were on a search operation in the forest of the municipality of Boudjellil, it",1, 615,1781ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44710,11 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Iflissen,,Iflissen,36.866700,4.250000,1,BBC Monitoring,"13 Feb 2010 BBC Monitoring Two terrorists were killed by the security agencies this past Thursday [11 February], we have learned from several sources. The two armed Islamists were neutralized during a skirmish that occurred in the village of Imsounen, so",2, 615,1782ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44852,18 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Iflissen,,Iflissen,36.866700,4.250000,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 February 2010 BBC Monitoring- Early Thursday [18 February] evening the security forces eliminated two terrorists in the Azeffoun region, around 60 kilometres to the northeast of Tizi Ouzou",2, 615,1783ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44910,21 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,BBC Monitoring,"21 February 2010 BBC Monitoring - A soldier was killed and five others were injured when two home-made bombs went off in Boumerdes Province, the daily El-Watan reported on 21 February.",1, 615,1784ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44924,22 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,BBC Monitoring,"23 February 2010 BBC Monitoring -The trainer of the main suicide bombers of the GSPC had been killed during an operation carried out by the armed forces in the western heights of Lakhdaria, in Boumerdes province, 45 km east of Algiers, on 22 February.",1, 615,1785ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,44954,24 February 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,BBC Monitoring,"2 March 2010 BBC Monitoring- Two terrorists were eliminated on Wednesday [24 February] night into Thursday morning in the Larbaa Mountains region, in the municipality of F'dhala, in the south of the province of Batna.",2, 615,1786ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45016,02 March 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,BBC Monitoring,"3 March 2010 BBC Monitoring- On Tuesday, 2 March, slightly before 0800 hours in the morning, the Judicial Police Mobile Brigade (BMPJ) of Tigzirt, a community located 35 kilometres north of the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, was attacked by heb heb (homemade rock",0, 615,1787ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45056,06 March 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,Khemis el Khechna,36.648600,3.330600,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 March 2010 BBC Monitoring- Six terrorists were killed by the army on Saturday, 6 March, in the course of a search operation in the Kedara region, in the municipality of Khemis El Khechna, in the Province of Boumerdes",6, 615,1788ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45231,17 March 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,BBC Monitoring,20 March 2010 BBC Monitoring- Four terrorists have been slain in the wilaya of Tebessa. Last Wednesday [17 March] a 40-year-old terrorist was slain by the security services in the hamlet of Serdias 45 kilometres from the wilaya's main town. Several hours,5, 615,1789ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45302,23 March 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,"23 March 2010 BBC Monitoring- The riots that recently erupted in Birkhadem, GuT de Constantine and Eucalyptus, and ignited parts of Algiers resulted in the arrest of at least 40 people. Rioters were protesting the nsecure conditions of Algerian youth.",0, 615,1790ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45316,24 March 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Ifelain Ilmathen,,Timezrit Il Maten,36.650000,4.773600,1,BBC Monitoring,"27 March 2010 BBC Monitoring- Two terrorists were slain on Wednesday [ 24 March] evening in Timezrit, in the province of Boumerdes, and another was captured alive, it has been learned from security sources.",2, 615,1791ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45350,28 March 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tiaret,Sebt,,Ain el Mizab,35.683300,1.383300,1,BBC Monitoring,"30 March 2010 BBC Monitoring- Two young shepherds were seriously wounded on 28 March by a homemade bomb in the mountains of Mizab, near Tebessa province [630 km east of Algiers].",2, 615,1792ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45411,01 April 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Ain Zaouia,36.548900,3.893900,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"1 April 2010 Agence France Presse- A makeshift bomb killed a taxi driver and his passenger on Thursday in Algeria's Kabylie region east of the capital, residents in the area said.",2, 615,1793ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45439,02 April 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,BBC Monitoring,"4 April 2010 BBC Monitoring- ""Search by the National People's Army in Tlemcen: one explosives expert from the Salafi Group for Call and Combat slain""",1, 615,1794ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45449,03 April 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia,36.750000,5.083300,1,The Canadian Press,"4 April 2010 The Canadian Press- Islamic militants killed seven Algerian security guards in an ambush on their van. Liberte newspaper says the van was fired on Saturday in the Bejaia region.",7, 615,1795ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45497,06 April 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Constantine,Zighoud Youcef,,Zighoud Youcef,36.532200,6.711900,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 April 2010 BBC Monitoring- terrorist was slain on Tuesday [6 April] night into Wednesday morning by the forces of the National People's Army [ANP] in the spot known as Laarimi, which is not far from the municipality of Zighoud-Youcef, in Constantine",1, 615,1796ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45522,08 April 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.729700,3.498900,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 April 2010 BBC Monitoring - Two gendarmes have been killed and two girls wounded in a ""terrorist attack"" east of Algiers on 8 April. the attack took place the previous day in the municipality of Tidjelabine, near Boumerdes (45 km, east of Algiers), whe",2, 615,1797ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45523,08 April 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Tidjelabine,,Tidjelabine,36.729700,3.498900,1,BBC Monitoring,"8 April 2010 BBC Monitoring - Two gendarmes have been killed and two girls wounded in a ""terrorist attack"" east of Algiers on 8 April. the attack took place the previous day in the municipality of Tidjelabine, near Boumerdes (45 km, east of Algiers), whe",0, 615,1798ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45587,14 April 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.075000,4.775000,1,BBC Monitoring,"14 April 2010 BBC Monitoring- security forces had eliminated 12 terrorists in the region of Ouled Sidi Brahim in the province of Bordj Bou Arreridj, adjacent to Bouira Province",12, 615,1799ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45631,18 April 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,BBC Monitoring,21 April 2010 BBC Monitoring- The forces of the National People's Army [ANP] skirmished with an armed group on Sunday [18 April] at sunset in the Bouarous region six kilometres north of the main town in the municipality of Ain Bouyahia to the west of Ain,1, 615,1800ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45771,27 April 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,Khemis el Khechna,36.648600,3.330600,1,BBC Monitoring,"28 April 2010 BBC Monitoring- near Khemis El-Kechna at the end of the day yesterday [27 April], according to well informed sources, following an operation conducted by the Judicial Police Mobile Brigade [BMPJ], and supported by elements from the National",4, 615,1801ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45860,04 May 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,BBC Monitoring,6 May 2010 BBC Monitoring- Algerian army kills senior AQLIM figure in Tizi Ouzou,1, 615,1802ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45913,09 May 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Iflissen,,Iflissen,36.866700,4.250000,1,BBC Monitoring,"9 May 2010 BBC Monitoring- A thirty year old patriot and his son were killed at the end of Saturday afternoon in the district of Iflissen, 50 km north of Tizi Ouzou [50 km, east of Algiers].",2, 615,1803ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,45940,12 May 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Djelfa,Selmana,,Selmana,34.183300,3.600000,1,BBC Monitoring,"16 May 2010 BBC Monitoring- Five terrorists were slain by the combined forces on Wednesday [12 May] night into Thursday morning in the spot known as Oum Lkhachem, in the municipality of Selmana",5, 615,1804ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46041,19 May 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Batna,Batna,,Batna,35.555300,6.178600,1,BBC Monitoring,19 May 2010 BBC Monitoring- Three terrorists were eliminated by the security agencies in the Batna province in a huge military operation,3, 615,1805ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46042,19 May 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.724700,3.615300,1,BBC Monitoring,"20 May 2010 BBC Monitoring Middle East A homemade bomb exploded yesterday [ 19 May] as a military patrol was driving past on National Road [RN] 29 in Si Mustapha, killing two among the soldiers and wounding more than 18, three of them citizens",2, 615,1806ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46043,19 May 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si Mustapha,36.724700,3.615300,1,BBC Monitoring,"20 May 2010 BBC Monitoring Middle East A homemade bomb exploded yesterday [ 19 May] as a military patrol was driving past on National Road [RN] 29 in Si Mustapha, killing two among the soldiers and wounding more than 18, three of them citizens",0, 615,1807ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46052,20 May 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Tifra,,Tifra,36.666400,4.697200,1,BBC Monitoring,"22 May 2010 BBC Monitoring- [20 May], starting at 1600 hours, military aviation undertook intensive shelling of the maquis overlooking the village of Taourirt-Amrouche in the municipality of Tifra, suspecting the presence of a group of terrorists in the",0, 615,1808ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46053,20 May 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,BBC Monitoring,22 May 2010 BBC Monitoring- A homemade bomb was defused on Thursday [20 May] at about 1400 hours on the western edge of the city of Tigzirt.,0, 615,1809ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46075,22 May 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Bordj El Emir Abdelkader,,Bordj Emir Abdelkader,35.865800,2.270300,1,BBC Monitoring,"25 May 2010BBC Monitoring- A municipal guard was wounded in the explosion of a homemade bomb this past Saturday [22 May] in the hamlet of Draa Touil in the municipality of Bordj Emir Abdelkader (northeast of the main town in the Province of Tissemsilt)",0, 615,1810ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46076,22 May 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878300,-1.315000,1,BBC Monitoring,"25 May BBC Monitoring- hundreds of Algerians in the Boukanoun region, Tlemcen Governorate, burned more than 300 vehicles at the premises of the Algerian customs service, and a customs agent suffered a head injury.",0, 615,1811ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46109,25 May 2010,2010,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Morocco (1999-),,1,,,0,80,Algeria,Tlemcen,Azails,,Tlemcen,34.666670,-1.416670,2,BBC Monitoring,"25 May 2010- BBC Mon-The border area between Morocco and Algeria last Saturday [22 May] was the scene of a major mobilization of the Moroccan border guards in the area of Ahfir. This came against the background of an uprising in the region of Boukanoun,",0, 615,1812ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46132,28 May 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,BBC Monitoring,"31 May 2010 BBC Monitoring- A citizen in his thirties was injured on Friday [28 May] evening by the explosion of a home-made bomb in the village of Mehaga, Idjeur municipality, Bouzguene district, at about 50 km south of Tizi Ouzou.",0, 615,1813ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46177,01 June 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Canadian Press,2 June 2010 The Canadian Press- Police in Algeria have blocked a small demonstration of intellectuals and journalists from gathering in front of the U.S. Embassy to protest Israel's raid on an aid flotilla heading to Gaza.,0, 615,1814ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46238,05 June 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Tikjda,36.560200,3.589600,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"5 June 2010 Agence France Presse- Algerian security forces killed two armed Islamists in an ambush in the country's east, a security source said Saturday. The two men died in the ambush at Tikdjda, about 120 kilometres (75 miles) southeast of Algiers ove",2, 615,1815ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46245,06 June 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Taskriout,,Darguina,36.571900,5.298100,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 June 2010 BBC Monitoring- A municipal guard and a citizen were killed yesterday at 0700 hours [0600 gmt] following the explosion of a bomb in the village of Ait Felkai, in the municipality of Darguina.",1, 615,1816ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46246,06 June 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,BŽja•a,Taskriout,,Darguina,36.571900,5.298100,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 June 2010 BBC Monitoring- A municipal guard and a citizen were killed yesterday at 0700 hours [0600 gmt] following the explosion of a bomb in the village of Ait Felkai, in the municipality of Darguina.",1, 615,1817ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46284,09 June 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,Xinhua,"10 June 2010 Xinhua News Agency- The military operation took place from 9 p.m. (1900 GMT) on Wednesday near the village Talla Toughraste in northeast Algerian province of Tizi Ouzou, resulting in the killing of the seven terrorists early Thursday morning",7, 615,1818ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46310,11 June 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"11 June 2010 Agence France Presse- At least two gendarmes and a Chinese man were killed when a lorry driver set off a bomb at a roadblock near Lakhdaria at about 11:00 pm (2200 GMT), residents said.",2, 615,1819ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46311,11 June 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"11 June 2010 Agence France Presse- At least two gendarmes and a Chinese man were killed when a lorry driver set off a bomb at a roadblock near Lakhdaria at about 11:00 pm (2200 GMT), residents said.",1, 615,1820ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46312,11 June 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Timizart,,Timizart,36.800000,4.266700,1,Al Jazeera English,11 June 2010 Al Jazeera- lAt least nine people have been killed in a village east of the Algeria's capital after a suicide bomber drove a lorry into the barracks of an elite police unit.The bombing happened on Friday in the town of Timizar in the Kabylia,10, 615,1821ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46450,23 June 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Skikda,Beni Zid,,Kharbouch,36.906400,6.530300,1,BBC Monitoring,"24 June 2010 BBC Monitoring - A homemade bomb exploded yesterday [23 June] as a military vehicle drove by, it was learned from matching sources in the Ain Defla province.The attack occurred in the spot known as Kharbouch, located about five kilometres fr",0, 615,1822ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46459,24 June 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,BBC Monitoring,"26 June 2010 BBC Monitoring- A terrorist group on Thursday night, 24 June, killed five people at a wedding in Ain Gherab village in Sath Fentis Municipality in Tebessa Province (600 km to the east of Algiers), privately-owned Algerian newspaper El-Khabar",5, 615,1823ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46467,25 June 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Beni Amrane,36.666700,3.583300,1,BBC Monitoring,"27 June 2010 BBC Monitoring- [25 June] the security agencies eliminated a terrorist and recovered his Kalashnikov-type weapon in Beni Amrane [50 km to the east of Algiers], to the southeast of the main town in the province of Boumerdes.",1, 615,1824ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46482,27 June 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Foret de Mizrana,36.548900,3.893900,1,BBC Monitoring,"28 June 2010 BBC Monitoring- A homemade bomb exploded at about 2000 hours on Sunday, 27 June, in Tala Mimoune, in the municipality of Mizrana, 40 or so kilometres north of Tizi Ouzou",0, 615,1825ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46525,30 June 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In M'Guel,,Tamanghasset,23.750000,4.666700,1,BBC Monitoring,"1 July BBC Monitoring- The Tinzaouatine region, located in the wilaya of Tamanrasset, about 40 kilometres from the border between Algeria and Mali, was the scene of a violent ambush that was laid early in the morning yesterday [30 June] for a column of b",11, 615,1826ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46548,02 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,BBC Monitoring,"3 July 2010 BBC Monitoring - Yesterday [2 July] afternoon an officer from the National People's Army [ANP] was wounded in a violent skirmish with a major terrorist group near the village of Ichekrane, in the municipality of Draa El Mizan, 50 or so kilome",0, 615,1827ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46552,03 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Maaouia,,Mechtat el Hammama,36.411900,5.705800,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 July 2010 BBC Monitoring- A group of 10 or so terrorists is currently surrounded by the army in the area between the villages of El Hammam and Sanana, located between Mkira and Draa El Mizan in the south of Tizi Ouzou province",0, 615,1828ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46558,04 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,1,BBC Monitoring,"5 July 2010 BBC Monitoring- Three gendarmes were killed and two others wounded on Sunday, 4 July, early in the morning near Ziama Mansouriah, between Jijel and Bejaia",3, 615,1829ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46559,04 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Maaouia,,Mechtat el Hammama,36.411900,5.705800,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 July 2010 BBC Monitoring- A group of 10 or so terrorists is currently surrounded by the army in the area between the villages of El Hammam and Sanana, located between Mkira and Draa El Mizan in the south of Tizi Ouzou province",0, 615,1830ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46573,05 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,1,Xinhua,"July 6 (Xinhua) -- Algerian security forces killed three militants in clashes in the northern city of M'Sila, official APS news agency reported.",3, 615,1831ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46574,05 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Maaouia,,Mechtat el Hammama,36.411900,5.705800,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 July 2010 BBC Monitoring- A group of 10 or so terrorists is currently surrounded by the army in the area between the villages of El Hammam and Sanana, located between Mkira and Draa El Mizan in the south of Tizi Ouzou province",0, 615,1832ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46587,06 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Maaouia,,Mechtat el Hammama,36.411900,5.705800,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 July 2010 BBC Monitoring- A group of 10 or so terrorists is currently surrounded by the army in the area between the villages of El Hammam and Sanana, located between Mkira and Draa El Mizan in the south of Tizi Ouzou province",0, 615,1833ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46595,07 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Setif,Maaouia,,Mechtat el Hammama,36.411900,5.705800,1,BBC Monitoring,"7 July 2010 BBC Monitoring- A group of 10 or so terrorists is currently surrounded by the army in the area between the villages of El Hammam and Sanana, located between Mkira and Draa El Mizan in the south of Tizi Ouzou province",0, 615,1834ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46691,16 July 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"16 July 2010 AFP- 4 victims, local traders who were part of a hunting party, were travelling between the towns of Khenchela and Tebessa, near the border with Tunisia, at the time of the blast.",4, 615,1835ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46749,25 July 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Adrar,Ksar Kaddour,,Beni Aissi,29.594960,0.252320,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A civilian security guard is killed and eight others wounded when a suicide bomber drives a car near police headquarters. ,1, 615,1836ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46750,25 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-Government regains territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"25 July 2010 AFP- A suicide bomber killed at least one person in Algeria's eastern Kabylie region Sunday by driving a car rigged with explosives into a building used by security forces, local residents said. The attack occurred in the early hours of Sund",2, 615,1837ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46751,25 July 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tigzirt,36.893900,4.122500,1,Agence France Press(AFP),"25 July 2010 AFP- A suicide bomber killed at least one person in Algeria's eastern Kabylie region Sunday by driving a car rigged with explosives into a building used by security forces, local residents said. The attack occurred in the early hours of Sund",2, 615,1838ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46782,27 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Three soldiers are wounded when an homemade bomb detonates in a rural forest. ,0, 615,1839ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46791,28 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"An unknown group attacks a prison transport van, wounding two guards. ",0, 615,1840ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46799,29 July 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,AQLMI claims responsibility after five soldiers are killed in a blast. They claim the act as revenge for an attack on their organization in 2007 by the Algerian military. ,5, 615,1841ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46826,01 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Military members lay ambush to an individual suspected of terrorist activities following a tip by a local. ,0, 615,1842ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46880,06 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Chechar,,Chechar,35.016670,7.016670,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Five soldiers are seriously wounded when a remote bomb is detonated. ,0, 615,1843ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46888,07 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azzefoun,,Azeffoun,36.893060,4.420000,1,Xinhua News Agency,A soldier and a suspected member of a terrorist organization a killed during a shootout. ,2, 615,1844ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,46903,09 August 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghila,36.816940,3.857220,1,IHS Global Insight Daily Analysis,Militants assassinate the mayor (National Liberation Front) of a town.,1, 615,1845ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47007,19 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghila,36.816940,3.857220,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Three soldiers are killed and four wounded when a roadside bomb detonates. It is unclear who is responsible for the act, though it is suspected the perpetrators are either members of the Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb (AQLMI).",3, 615,1846ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47022,21 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Ras El Oued,,Ras el Oued,35.944100,5.031070,1,Trend News Agency (Azerbaijan),Two police officers and a civilian are killed during a shootout with members of Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb.,2, 615,1847ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47023,21 August 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Ras El Oued,,Ras el Oued,35.944100,5.031070,1,Trend News Agency (Azerbaijan),Two police officers and a civilian are killed during a shootout with members of Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb.,1, 615,1848ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47030,22 August 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two civilians were found with their throats slit at the hands a suspected terrorist organization. ,2, 615,1849ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47051,25 August 2010,2010,2,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algeria,36.766000,3.050000,2,Agence France Presse,AQLMI executes an Algerian customs officer who had been in their custody for several months. ,1, 615,1850ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47068,26 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Arhribs,36.793610,4.311580,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,One member of the military is dead and two wounded when suspected members of a terror organization attacked their vehicle. ,1, 615,1851ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47069,26 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Xinhua News Agency,Algerian forces kill three members of a suspected terror organization. ,3, 615,1852ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47074,27 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Members of the army kill two of an armed group of men. ,2, 615,1853ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47082,29 August 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Beni Yenni,,Beni Yenni,36.583330,4.200000,2,Reuters News,Military members kill 10 members of AQLMI and seize a large cache of weapons. ,10, 615,1854ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47098,31 August 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Ain Defla,El Abadia,,El Abadia,36.269510,1.686090,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,One civilians is killed and eight others wounded in an apparent terror attack. ,1, 615,1855ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47104,01 September 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785280,3.603610,1,Reuters News,Two people were killed and several wounded in Algeria on Wednesday when a suicide bomber drove a vehicle packed with explosives into a military convoy.,2, 615,1856ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47117,02 September 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,Two soldiers are killed and 26 injured following a suicide bombing. AQLMI publically claimed responsibility following the incident. ,2, 615,1857ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47140,05 September 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Thelidjene,,Tlidjen,35.118210,7.767220,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two soldiers are killed and three wounded after a homemade bomb detonated next to a military patrol. ,2, 615,1858ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47197,11 September 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Adekar,36.691700,4.675000,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two soldiers are wounded after a bomb is detonated by an unknown group. ,0, 615,1859ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47204,12 September 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A city guard is killed and three others are wound when they are ambushed by an unknown group. ,1, 615,1860ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47211,13 September 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,Agence France Presse,"Two ""Islamic Extremists"" are killed by Algerian forces. ",2, 615,1861ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47280,21 September 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,Agence France Presse,"An explosive detonates in a rural town, killing two police officers and injuring three others. It is unclear who is responsible for the action. ",2, 615,1862ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47521,23 October 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,El-Farouk Brigade,,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Soldiers kill two members of a terror group, while a civilian is wounded by an explosive.",2, 615,1863ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47522,23 October 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,El-Farouk Brigade,,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Soldiers kill two members of a terror group, while a civilian is wounded by an explosive.",0, 615,1864ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47544,25 October 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Si Mustapha,,Si-Mustapha,36.723280,3.618070,1,BBC Monitoring Newsfile,"Two soldiers are killed, two wounded when a bomb exploded while they were on patrol. It is assumed the AQLMI is involved, as they typically operate in the area. ",2, 615,1865ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47586,29 October 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Oued El Berdi,,Bouira,36.250000,3.916670,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"An Army Officer and two soldiers are wounded when an explosive detonates along a rural, mountainous road. ",0, 615,1866ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47645,06 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghila,36.816940,3.857220,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two members of an unknown armed group are killed by members of the military. ,2, 615,1867ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47651,07 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Leghata,,Ouled Ziane,36.800560,3.689720,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A person believed to be with AQLMI is killed and two soldiers are wounded during a shootout. It was later discovered that the deceased was a high level AQLMI operative. ,1, 615,1868ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47683,10 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Yakouren,36.730540,4.436460,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A six hour shootout resulted in the death of two AQLMI members. ,2, 615,1869ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47704,12 November 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Boghni,,Boghni,36.542220,3.953060,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A bomb planted by an unknown group kills one and wounds four. The victims were employees of the SNC Lavallin Company.,1, 615,1870ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47720,14 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yatafene,,Ait Ouabane,36.466670,4.283330,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Algerian forces kill five members of AQLMI.,5, 615,1871ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47721,14 November 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863190,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,One civilians is killed and three others are wounded by a roadside explosion. ,1, 615,1872ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47735,15 November 2010,2010,2,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Aghrib,36.802200,4.322700,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A man is abducted by a militant group, then released one week later. ",0, 615,1873ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47736,15 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Three gendarmes are wounded when a roadside bomb is detonated remotely. ,0, 615,1874ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47774,16 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Telagh,,Sidi Bel Abbes Province,34.833330,-0.500000,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A soldier is wounded in a bomb explosion. ,0, 615,1875ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47775,16 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In Salah,,Tademait Plateau,28.500000,2.250000,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Security forces kill a known terrorist, however the article is silent as to the organization the perpetrator belonged. ",1, 615,1876ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47845,22 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"The Algerian army killed Izza Rezki, who is a close associate of the leader of AQIM.",1, 615,1877ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47846,22 November 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Freha,36.752340,4.315500,1,Reuters News,"About 2,500 people demonstrated in a remote part of Algeria on Monday to demand that security forces do more to protect them from al Qaeda-linked militants who use the area as a stronghold. This is in reaction to a civilian's recent abduction by the AQLMI.",0, 615,1878ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47854,23 November 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,IHS Global Insight Daily Analysis,Rioters clash with government security forces after it had been determined many illegally built housing units were to be torn down despite a housing shortage. Dozens of men threw rocks and bottles at security forces who accompanied municipal workers carrying out the demolitions.,0, 615,1879ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47855,23 November 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,IHS Global Insight Daily Analysis,Rioters clash with government security forces after it had been determined many illegally built housing units were to be torn down despite a housing shortage. Dozens of men threw rocks and bottles at security forces who accompanied municipal workers carrying out the demolitions.,0, 615,1880ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47882,25 November 2010,2010,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,TŽbessa,Negrine,,Zarif El Ouar,34.306560,7.671640,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A civilian is killed and three wounded after a pair of twin bombs explode in a rural area. ,1, 615,1881ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47891,26 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Six soldiers, two police are wounded in a skirmish with an armed group in Ammal (unincorporated).",0, 615,1882ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47892,26 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Cap Djinet,36.877760,3.720500,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two police are wounded when an explosive is detonated. ,0, 615,1883ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47908,28 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Chlef,Oued Goussine,,Boucheghal,36.535760,1.443400,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Four soldiers are killed during a shootout with members of AQLMI, two killed plus wounded. ",2, 615,1884ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,47925,29 November 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Leghata,,Ouled Ziane,36.800560,3.689720,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two militants are shot and killed by soldiers. ,2, 615,1885ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48033,10 December 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,The Canadian Press,"The military carry out a ""major"" offensive, and kill 12 members plus wounded of AQLMI. The dead include Amir Abd Nasser, the organization's second in command.",12, 615,1886ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48054,13 December 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Setif,Babor,,Tababort Mountains,36.550000,5.466670,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Three members of AQLMI are killed when they are ambushed by members of the military. ,3, 615,1887ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48205,26 December 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.800000,5.766700,2,Xinhua News Agency,Two AQLMI militants are killed and five wounded in a shootout with soldiers. ,2, 615,1888ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48228,29 December 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Al Jazeera English,53 people are injured and 29 arrested during a protest over inadequate housing. ,0, 615,1889ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48229,29 December 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Civilians (Algeria),,7,57,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Al Jazeera English,53 people are injured and 29 arrested during a protest over inadequate housing. ,0, 615,1890ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48230,29 December 2010,2010,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Al Jazeera English,53 people are injured and 29 arrested during a protest over inadequate housing. ,0, 615,1891ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48245,30 December 2010,2010,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Kuwait News Agency,Security forces kill a member of a terror organization and wound two others during a raid on their compound. ,1, 615,1892ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48312,05 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Al Arabiya,"Rioters gather in the streets over the rise of food prices, unemployment, and a perceived deterioration of basic government services, clashing with police.",0, 615,1893ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48313,05 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Al Arabiya,"Rioters gather in the streets over the rise of food prices, unemployment, and a perceived deterioration of basic government services, clashing with police. Police guard mosques. ",0, 615,1894ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48314,05 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran City,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Al Arabiya,"Protesters gather in the streets over the rise of food prices, unemployment, and a perceived deterioration of basic government services.",0, 615,1895ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48315,05 January 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Security forces kill a militant and wound several others after they surround them. ,1, 615,1896ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48316,05 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tipaza,Tipaza,,Tipaza City,36.589720,2.449500,1,Al Arabiya,"Protesters gather in the streets over the rise of food prices, unemployment, and a perceived deterioration of basic government services.",0, 615,1897ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48317,05 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Zeralda,,Zeralda,36.711690,2.842440,1,Al Arabiya,"Protesters gather in the streets over the rise of food prices, unemployment, and a perceived deterioration of basic government services.",0, 615,1898ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48329,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,BŽja•a,Akbou,,Akbou,36.457500,4.534940,1,Agence France Presse,"Rioters block roads and torch police stations and other government buildings in several towns in reaction to rising food costs and high unemployment. In many cases rocks are thrown at shops and other privately owned buildings. Over several days three died, 800 were injured and 1,000 arrests were made. ",1, 615,1899ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48330,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Rioters block roads and torch police stations and other government buildings in several towns in reaction to rising food costs and high unemployment. In many cases rocks are thrown at shops and other privately owned buildings. Over several days three died, 800 were injured and 1,000 arrests were made. ",0, 615,1900ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48331,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,All Africa,"Rioters block roads and torch police stations and other government buildings in several towns in reaction to rising food costs and high unemployment. In many cases rocks are thrown at shops and other privately owned buildings. Over several days three died, 800 were injured and 1,000 arrests were made. ",1, 615,1901ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48332,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Bab El Oued,36.792390,3.052170,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Rioters assemble in the Bab El Oued neighborhood of Algiers, arm themselves with iron bars, and burn tires in protest of the increased cost of living. ",0, 615,1902ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48333,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia,36.755870,5.084330,1,Agence France Presse,"Rioters block roads and torch police stations and other government buildings in several towns in reaction to rising food costs and high unemployment. In many cases rocks are thrown at shops and other privately owned buildings. Over several days three died, 800 were injured and 1,000 arrests were made. ",0, 615,1903ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48334,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,"Rioters block roads and torch police stations and other government buildings in several towns in reaction to rising food costs and high unemployment. In many cases rocks are thrown at shops and other privately owned buildings. Over several days three died, 800 were injured and 1,000 arrests were made. ",1, 615,1904ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48335,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614720,1,Agence France Presse,"Rioters block roads and torch police stations and other government buildings in several towns in reaction to rising food costs and high unemployment. In many cases rocks are thrown at shops and other privately owned buildings. Over several days three died, 800 were injured and 1,000 arrests were made. ",0, 615,1905ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48336,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Les Eucalyptus,,El Harrach,36.720280,3.145000,1,Associated Press Newswires,"Rioters assemble in the El Harrach neighborhood of Algiers, and in other parts of the city.",0, 615,1906ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48337,06 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Tork,,Hammam Righa,36.379720,2.298890,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Protesters contract a barricade on a major highway linking two large towns. ,0, 615,1907ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48338,06 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse,"Rioters block roads and torch police stations and other government buildings in several towns in reaction to rising food costs and high unemployment. In many cases rocks are thrown at shops and other privately owned buildings. Over several days three died, 800 were injured and 1,000 arrests were made. ",3, 615,1908ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48339,06 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Ain Defla,Khemis Miliana,,Khemis Miliana,36.261040,2.220150,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Protesters barricade a road and vandalize much of the area surrounding it. ,0, 615,1909ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48340,06 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Relizane,Sidi M'Hamed Benali,,Renault,36.143290,0.843340,1,The Canadian Press,Rioters torch a car dealership to protest the increased cost of living. ,0, 615,1910ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48341,06 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tiaret,Ain El Hadid,,Sidi Boumedfaa,35.095650,0.861470,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Protesters barricade a major road. ,0, 615,1911ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48345,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algeria,36.766000,3.050000,3,Al Arabiya,"Over the course of several days more than 300 police are injured, 800 rioters injured, 1,000 arrested, and eight dead (some report three dead, others eleven) throughout the country. As a result of the protests the government suspended several duties on staple goods. ",8, 615,1912ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48346,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. The riot took place in the Belcourt District of the capital. ,0, 615,1913ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48347,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. ,0, 615,1914ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48348,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba City,36.900000,7.766667,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. ,0, 615,1915ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48349,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba City,36.900000,7.766667,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. ,0, 615,1916ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48350,07 January 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Protesters (Algeria),7,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,17,Algeria,Tipaza,Bou Ismail,,Bou Ismail,36.642620,2.690070,1,Agence France Presse,A cost of living protester is shot and killed by police. ,1, 615,1917ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48351,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tipaza,Bou Ismail,,Bou Ismail,36.642620,2.690070,1,Agence France Presse,A cost of living protester is shot and killed by police. ,1, 615,1918ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48352,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira City,36.374890,3.902000,1,All Africa,Unemployment rioters clash with police. One dead.,1, 615,1919ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48353,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira City,36.374890,3.902000,1,All Africa,Unemployment rioters clash with police. One dead.,1, 615,1920ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48354,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,El Biar,36.767700,3.025840,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters destroy buildings and other private property in protest over increased living conditions. ,0, 615,1921ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48355,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Jijel,Selma Benziada,,El Msila,36.659440,5.671860,1,Reuters News,One is dead when unemployment protesters clash with police. ,1, 615,1922ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48356,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Jijel,Selma Benziada,,El Msila,36.659440,5.671860,1,Reuters News,One is dead when unemployment protesters clash with police. ,0, 615,1923ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48357,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat City,33.800000,2.865140,1,Reuters News,Unemployment rioters demonstrators gather in Laghouat. ,0, 615,1924ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48358,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,2,Al Arabiya,"Two are dead when police clash with rioters who were protesting rising food prices. Many others wounded, including police. Teargas implemented. ",2, 615,1925ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48359,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,M'Sila,M'Sila,,M'Sila,35.705800,4.541900,2,Al Arabiya,"Two are dead when police clash with rioters who were protesting rising food prices. Many others wounded, including police. ",0, 615,1926ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48360,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran City,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. One protester reported dead. ,1, 615,1927ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48361,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran City,35.691100,-0.641700,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. ,0, 615,1928ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48362,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Ras El Oued,,Ras el Oued,35.944100,5.031070,1,Reuters News,"Unemployment rioters severely damaging government buildings, including the state-run gas authority. ",0, 615,1929ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48363,07 January 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Foggaret Azzouia,,Sidi Daoud,26.855830,3.856670,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two gendarmes wounded in car bomb explosion near their headquarters. ,0, 615,1930ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48364,07 January 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Sidi Doud,36.855830,3.856670,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two gendarmes are wounded by a bomb explosion. ,0, 615,1931ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48365,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. ,0, 615,1932ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48366,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. ,0, 615,1933ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48367,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou City,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. ,0, 615,1934ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48368,07 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou City,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting high unemployment and rising food costs clash with police in multiple cities and towns. ,0, 615,1935ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48383,08 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,One rioter is dead in Boumerdes following a clash with police. ,1, 615,1936ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48384,08 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,One rioter is dead in Boumerdes following a clash with police. ,1, 615,1937ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48401,09 January 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tipaza,Gouraya,,Gouraya,36.571720,1.903540,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Members of the military shoot and kill a wanted ""terrorist"" and recover an AK-47. ",1, 615,1938ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48448,12 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,Reuters News,"A man commits suicide by fire after the mayor of his town failed to secure him a house. He died four days later, succumbing to burns.",1, 615,1939ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48535,16 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters News,A man commits suicide by fire after police confiscated his vegetable cart. His protest was in a larger since a protest of governmental policies. ,1, 615,1940ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48536,16 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel City,36.820550,5.766710,1,Reuters News,A man douses himself in gasoline and lights himself on fire in protest of government polices. ,1, 615,1941ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48567,19 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Telagh,,Sidi Bel Abbes Province,34.833330,-0.500000,2,Agence France Presse,A woman sets herself on fire in view of city hall in protest after being denied housing aid. ,1, 615,1942ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48593,22 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),RCD: Rally for Culture and Democracy Party,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Police broke up a banned pro-democracy demonstration, organized by the opposition political party, leaving 19 people injured, including seven police officers and six arrested. The demonstration was in defiance of Algeria's recent ban on public gatherings.",0, 615,1943ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48594,22 January 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),RCD: Rally for Culture and Democracy Party,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Police broke up a banned pro-democracy demonstration, organized by the opposition political party, leaving 19 people injured, including seven police officers and six arrested. The demonstration was in defiance of Algeria's recent ban on public gatherings.",0, 615,1944ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48618,24 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,TŽbessa,Boukhadra,,Boukhadra,35.744600,8.032400,1,Agence France Presse,"Bouterfif had set himself on fire in front of the town hall of Boukhadra, near Tebessa, near the border with Tunisia, to protest the mayor's refusal to meet him over jobs and housing.",1, 615,1945ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48721,29 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Alger Province,36.766000,3.050000,2,Agence France Presse,"Colleagues prevented a man, a bank employee, from setting himself alight after dousing himself with petrol in front of his employer's headquarters in an Algiers suburb. ",0, 615,1946ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48722,29 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614720,1,Agence France Presse,A unemployed homeless man set himself ablaze after being denied financial aid. ,1, 615,1947ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48723,29 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),RCD: Rally for Culture and Democracy Party,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,1,Agence France Presse,Members of the RCD opposition party march in favor of a regime change. ,0, 615,1948ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48747,30 January 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia,36.755870,5.084330,1,Agence France Presse,"More than 10,000 protesters marched against authorities in Algeria's northeastern city of Bejaia in favor of governmental change. ",0, 615,1949ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48757,31 January 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Chlef,Chlef,,Chlef City,36.165250,1.334520,1,Agence France Presse,Police kill two Islamist militants and seize a large cache of weapons. ,2, 615,1950ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48800,02 February 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (International),,7,27,Algeria,Illizi,Djanet,,Djanet,24.552740,9.485820,1,The Canadian Press,"An Italian tourist is abducted by a group of men with automatic weapons, while three others she was traveling with were freed. There is no immediate claim of responsibility, however authorities believe AQLMI is involved due to their history of operations in the region. ",0, 615,1951ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48801,02 February 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,El Adjiba,,Semmach,36.349920,4.156050,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Police kill three Islamist militants in an ambush and raid their hideout. ,3, 615,1952ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48855,04 February 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Relizane,Sidi M'Hamed Benaouda,,Arar Bouira,35.568060,0.674440,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian forces have killed a senior Islamic militant of the AQLMI linked with two attacks in 2007 in the capital Algiers that left dozens dead. He was known under the aliases of Kamel Bourihane and Abou Hafs. ,1, 615,1953ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48911,06 February 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Bir El Ater,,Bir El-Ater,34.744877,8.060239,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Algerian forces kill two Islamist militants during a skirmish with soldiers. ,2, 615,1954ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,48988,11 February 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Mila,Ouled Khelouf,,Tafrent,35.991930,6.068940,1,Agence France Presse,Security forces kill three militants of the GIA organization in a mountainous region. ,3, 615,1955ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49009,12 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Al Arabiya,"Scuffles broke out and security forces arrested 400 demonstrators early in the day as around 2,000 of pro-democracy protesters assembled for a banned march calling for regime change in Algeria. The protesters were reportedly inspired by the effectiveness of the tactic in Egypt. Of the arrested was the leader (Ali Benhadj) of a banned political party, the FIS. The demonstrators chanted ÒBouteflika out!Ó",0, 615,1956ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49010,12 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),FIS: Islamic Salvation Front,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Al Arabiya,"Scuffles broke out and security forces arrested 400 demonstrators early in the day as around 2,000 of pro-democracy protesters assembled for a banned march calling for regime change in Algeria. The protesters were reportedly inspired by the effectiveness of the tactic in Egypt. Of the arrested was the leader (Ali Benhadj) of a banned political party, the FIS. The demonstrators chanted ÒBouteflika out!Ó",0, 615,1957ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49011,12 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Sunday Independent (IRE),"Inspired by the outcry in Egypt, thousands gather in the capital's May 1st Square to protest, despite the national ban, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Police are able to quickly disperse the crowd. ",0, 615,1958ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49012,12 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,The Sunday Independent (IRE),"Inspired by the outcry in Egypt, thousands gather in the capital's May 1st Square to protest, despite the national ban, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Police are able to quickly disperse the crowd. ",0, 615,1959ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49023,13 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba City,36.900000,7.766667,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting unemployment opportunities throw stones at police trying to quell them. Four police officers hurt. ,0, 615,1960ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49024,13 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba City,36.900000,7.766667,1,Agence France Presse,Rioters protesting unemployment opportunities throw stones at police trying to quell them. Four police officers hurt. ,0, 615,1961ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49038,14 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,1,BBC Monitoring Newsfile,"Rioters protest in front of a local courthouse for unknown reasons, many clash with police who try to disperse them.",0, 615,1962ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49039,14 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amizour,,Amizour,36.633333,4.916667,1,BBC Monitoring Newsfile,"Rioters protest in front of a local courthouse for unknown reasons, many clash with police who try to disperse them.",0, 615,1963ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49040,14 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,BŽja•a,Tinedbar,,Sidi Aich,36.609270,4.691250,1,BBC Monitoring Newsfile,Members of the CNCD clash with police when they attempt to protest the overthrow of the national government. ,0, 615,1964ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49041,14 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,BŽja•a,Tinedbar,,Sidi Aich,36.609270,4.691250,1,BBC Monitoring Newsfile,Members of the CNCD clash with police when they attempt to protest the overthrow of the national government. ,0, 615,1965ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49154,19 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"2,000 anti-regime protesters, organized by the CNCD, fill the May 1st Square where they are met by riot police. Many of the protesters barricaded streets. The police eventually push back and disperse the protesters without reported violence. ",0, 615,1966ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49259,23 February 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Ain el Hamra,36.797780,3.717500,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A group of men, armed with AK-47s, are shot and killed by members of the military. ",2, 615,1967ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49374,26 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Dow Jones News Service,A lawmaker of the Rally for Culture and Democracy Party is injured and six students are arrested when they are confronted by police as they protest the regime. The remaining protesters were dispersed. ,0, 615,1968ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49375,26 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),RCD: Rally for Culture and Democracy Party,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Dow Jones News Service,A lawmaker of the Rally for Culture and Democracy Party is injured and six students are arrested when they are confronted by police as they protest the regime. ,0, 615,1969ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49426,28 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),RCD: Rally for Culture and Democracy Party,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Euronews,Members of the RCD attempt to stage another protest against the regime before it is quickly dispersed by the police. ,0, 615,1970ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49427,28 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Euronews,Members of the RCD attempt to stage another protest against the regime before it is quickly dispersed by the police. ,0, 615,1971ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49428,28 February 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Tenira,36.073220,4.761080,1,Agence France Presse,A man sets himself on fire while protesting a problem with his identity card.,1, 615,1972ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49516,04 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Wall Street Journal,"The RCD, an opposition umbrella group holds a rally along with a socialist group for government reforms, including higher wages and better housing. Nearly 3,000 attended. ",0, 615,1973ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49540,05 March 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,,3,NLF: National Liberation Front,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),3,33,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Members of the CNCD attempt to protest before they are surrounded and dispersed by pro-regime supporters and the police. The counter-demonstrators threatened to ""lynch"" supporters of CNCD. ",0, 615,1974ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49541,05 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Members of the CNCD attempt to protest before they are surrounded and dispersed by pro-regime supporters and the police. ,0, 615,1975ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49578,07 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"A coalition of police officers stage a protest, demanding higher wages. ",0, 615,1976ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49579,07 March 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Military members kill AQIM leader Tala Oubrid. Several AK-47s were recovered following the operation.,1, 615,1977ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49580,07 March 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa City,34.672790,3.263000,1,Agence France Presse,A roadside explosive detonated along side a vehicle killing five people. ,5, 615,1978ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49701,12 March 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Anti-riot police put down an anti Bouteflika protest before it is able to begin. ,0, 615,1979ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49702,12 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Anti-riot police put down an anti Bouteflika protest before it is able to begin. ,0, 615,1980ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49743,14 March 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Ali Boussidi,,Sidi Ali Boussidi,35.102800,-0.830340,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"The military kills a known ""terrorist"" in an ambush. ",1, 615,1981ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49794,16 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,A group of youths clash with police when they begin throwing rocks and petrol bombs at them in protest of the condition of their dilapidated homes. There is no report of injury or death. ,0, 615,1982ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49795,16 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,A group of youths clash with police when they begin throwing rocks and petrol bombs at them in protest of the condition of their dilapidated homes. There is no report of injury or death. ,0, 615,1983ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49820,17 March 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Xinhua News Agency,An unknown group kills two with a roadside bomb. ,2, 615,1984ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49973,23 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Rioters (Algeria),,5,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Rioters, protesting the demolition of houses, clashes with police, leaving 21 police injured, one rioter injured and the death of seven month old baby girl, asphyxiated by the police's tear gas.",2, 615,1985ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49974,23 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Rioters, protesting the demolition of houses, clashes with police, leaving 21 police injured, one rioter injured and the death of seven month old baby girl dead, asphyxiated by the police's tear gas.",0, 615,1986ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,49975,23 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Rioters, protesting the demolition of houses, clashes with police, leaving 21 police injured, one rioter injured and the death of seven month old baby girl dead, asphyxiated by the police's tear gas.",0, 615,1987ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50045,26 March 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Police again scuffle with reform protesters.,0, 615,1988ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50046,26 March 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Police again scuffle with reform protesters.,0, 615,1989ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50070,27 March 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Illizi,Illizi,,Illizi,26.483300,8.466700,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Military forces kill a ""terrorist"" who crossed the border from Libya armed with AK-47s. ",1, 615,1990ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50231,02 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Morocco),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bechar,Bechar,,Bechar City,31.616670,-2.216670,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Border guards clash with Moroccan drug smugglers at a border town. No report of injury, arrests, or death, ",0, 615,1991ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50423,12 April 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Voice of America Press Releases and Documents,Thousands of anti-regime students marched at the Presidential Palace. No report of a response from police. ,0, 615,1992ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50480,15 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azazga,,Azazga,36.744720,4.372220,1,Agence France Presse,An AQIM attack on a military guard post kills 14 soldiers and one of their assailants. ,15, 615,1993ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50553,17 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Reuters News,Militants kill a gendarme during an attack. ,1, 615,1994ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50614,19 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In Guezzam,,Guezam,19.773330,5.773330,1,Philippines News Agency,"Four Libyan militants are killed, two arrested in a clash with soldiers. ",4, 615,1995ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50615,19 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Illizi,Illizi,,Illizi,26.483300,8.466700,2,Philippines News Agency,Two Libyan militants are killed in a clash with soldiers. ,2, 615,1996ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50786,27 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,A bomb kills two soldiers as they were traveling in their vehicle. ,2, 615,1997ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50808,28 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Ain Zaouia,36.548278,3.894160,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Soldiers kill three weapon smugglers, two Algerian, one Mauritanian along the border. ",3, 615,1998ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50809,28 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Boumlin,36.830000,3.699170,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Three police are killed in an ambush. ,3, 615,1999ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50810,28 April 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Relizane,Oued El Djemaa,,Oued el Djemaa,35.797760,0.681290,1,BBC Monitoring Newsfile,Five security guards killed and four wounded when they are attacked by unknown persons. ,5, 615,2000ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50875,02 May 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Daily Star (Lebanon),Security forces clash with student anti-regime protesters in front of the capital building. More than 20 hurt. ,0, 615,2001ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50890,03 May 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624810,3.477880,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A militant is killed by security forces. ,1, 615,2002ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50947,06 May 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghila,36.816940,3.857220,1,Reuters News,A reporter is shot dead by militants. ,1, 615,2003ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,50948,06 May 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel City,36.820550,5.766710,1,Xinhua News Agency,Five soldiers are killed and another five wounded in a militant's bomb explosion. ,5, 615,2004ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51008,11 May 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Police block a protest by striking doctors and health care students who were demanding new government rules in their profession,",0, 615,2005ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51039,13 May 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Ziama Mansouria,,Tizrarane,36.676390,5.510510,1,Agence France Presse,"Seven soldiers and three militants are killed, one missing, when a military barracks came under assault. ",10, 615,2006ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51055,14 May 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Agence France Presse,Two militants and a soldier are killed in a skirmish. ,3, 615,2007ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51068,15 May 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira City,36.374890,3.902000,1,Agence France Presse,"Security forces kill two ""Islamist Militants"" in a gunfight. ",2, 615,2008ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51069,15 May 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"One soldier is killed, two wounded during a gunfight with militants. ",1, 615,2009ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51199,22 May 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou City,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Presse,"A large group protests a recent kidnapping with a strike, demanding his release. ",0, 615,2010ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51219,23 May 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Kadiria,36.533333,3.683333,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two soldiers are killed by a roadside bomb triggered by remote control. 6,2, 615,2011ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51277,26 May 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yatafene,,Ait Saada,36.524070,4.278270,1,Xinhua News Agency,Local police foil a suicide bomber from entering their police station. The unknown individual was shot and killed. ,0, 615,2012ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51409,04 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Xinhua News Agency,Four police are killed by a roadside bomb in a rural area. ,4, 615,2013ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51424,05 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Sidi Abdelaziz,,Sidi Abdelaziz,36.850000,6.050000,1,Times of Oman,A group of armed men kill three soldiers. They are believed to be part of the AQIM network. ,3, 615,2014ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51566,13 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Arhribs,36.793610,4.311580,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A soldier is killed, two are wounded when a buried bomb is detonated remotely. ",1, 615,2015ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51653,16 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Ifelain Ilmathen,,El-Hed,36.650000,4.773610,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A police officer is wounded by a roadside bomb blast. ,0, 615,2016ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51700,20 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,GLD: Legitimate Defence Groups Militia,,3,33,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda City,36.876170,6.909210,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A soldier and two militia members are wounded when a homemade bomb is detonated. ,0, 615,2017ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51737,23 June 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Souamaa,,Souama,36.641690,4.341620,1,Agence France Presse,"Soldiers mistakenly shoot and kill a father of five, thinking he was a suicide bomber. ",1, 615,2018ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51738,23 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A military convoy is attacked, six soldiers wounded, one soldier and one civilian killed. ",1, 615,2019ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51739,23 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A military convoy is attacked, six soldiers wounded, one soldier and one civilian killed. ",1, 615,2020ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51757,25 June 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azazga,,Azazga,36.744720,4.372220,1,Agence France Presse,Villagers go on strike in protest of a father of five who was killed by mistake by the police who thought he was a suicide bomber. ,0, 615,2021ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51773,26 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,IHS Global Insight Daily Analysis,Two soldiers are killed and five injured when a roadside explosion is detonated 40 km east of Algiers. One civilians was also injured in the blast. ,2, 615,2022ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51774,26 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,IHS Global Insight Daily Analysis,Two soldiers are killed and five injured when a roadside explosion is detonated 40 km east of Algiers. One civilians was also injured in the blast. ,2, 615,2023ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51804,28 June 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Tixter,,Larbaa,36.046610,5.131730,1,Xinhua News Agency,"Security forces kill two armed militants, believed to be of the AQIM organization. ",2, 615,2024ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51878,02 July 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Euronews,"A man attempts to set himself on fire over a lack of employment, but stopped before he is able to accomplish this. ",0, 615,2025ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51900,04 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Ain el Hammam,36.564709,4.306189,1,Agence France Presse,A police officer is killed and another wounded during a clash with militants. ,1, 615,2026ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51981,10 July 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,El Achour,,"Hydra, Algiers",36.756200,3.024700,1,Agence France Presse,Two protesters are hurt by police's rubber bullets and tear gas when they demonstrate against a building project that would replace a nearby park. ,0, 615,2027ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51982,10 July 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,El Achour,,"Hydra, Algiers",36.756200,3.024700,1,Agence France Presse,Two protesters are hurt by police's rubber bullets and tear gas when they demonstrate against a building project that would replace a nearby park. ,0, 615,2028ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51983,10 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,GLD: Legitimate Defence Groups Militia,,3,33,Algeria,TŽbessa,Ouenza,,Oued Bou Sbaa,35.885200,8.124760,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A member of a militia is assassinated by an armed group when he is shot not far from his home. ,1, 615,2029ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,51984,10 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In M'Guel,,Tamanghasset,23.750000,4.666670,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Soldiers go on a search & destroy mission for AQIM. Two killed, seven arrested. ",2, 615,2030ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52007,11 July 2011,2011,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Reuters,"Employees of Algeria's state run airline strike for a number of days, causing flight delays. ",0, 615,2031ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52063,15 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Ogla Melha,,Boudjellal Djebel Mountain,35.131100,8.065830,2,Agence France Presse,Security forces shoot and kill two gunmen close to the border of Tunisia. ,2, 615,2032ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52104,16 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,The Canadian Press,"Two are killed and fifteen wounded in a pair of suicide attacks from AQIM, including a car bomb near a police station. ",2, 615,2033ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52105,16 July 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,BBC Monitoring Middle Newsfile,"Two are killed and fifteen wounded in a pair of suicide attacks from AQIM, including a car bomb near a police station. ",0, 615,2034ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52150,19 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Kadiria,36.534440,3.682780,1,Agence France Presse,"Eleven soldiers are wounded, two of the seriously, when a roadside bomb is detonated west of the city of Bouira. ",0, 615,2035ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52226,23 July 2011,2011,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Police arrest seven suspected of organizing a recent police station bombing.,0, 615,2036ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52261,25 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725440,3.556650,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Army kills three armed militants. ,3, 615,2037ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52272,26 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Amalou,,Bouhamza,36.489700,4.606800,1,Daily Star (Lebanon),A suicide bomber blows himself up to avoid arrest. There were no other injuries or causalities. ,1, 615,2038ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52284,27 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,FIS: Islamic Salvation Front,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Alger Province,36.766000,3.050000,2,Agence France Presse,"The son of former FIS leader Ali Belhadj, Abdelkahar Belhadj, now of AQIM, was killed by security forces while he was travelling with a group of armed men en route to Algiers. ",1, 615,2039ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52297,28 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia City,36.755870,5.084330,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Police forces arrest several members of an armed gang that specializes in stealing transport trucks and selling the inventory they hold. ,0, 615,2040ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52298,28 July 2011,2011,3,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Bouzeguene,,Sahel,36.599500,4.460840,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Security forces confiscate 218 pieces of western weaponry smuggled out of Libya over the course of a month. The weapons were presumably intended for Libyan rebels. ,0, 615,2041ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52352,31 July 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Ziama Mansouria,,Taza,36.705310,5.545300,1,Agence France Presse,Two soldiers are killed and several others injured when AQIM detonates an explosive alongside their convoy. ,2, 615,2042ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52451,07 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Oued El Berdi,,Bouira,36.250000,3.916670,2,Xinhua News Agency,"Security forces seize several handmade bombs, explosive belts and other ammunition in a warehouse raid. ",0, 615,2043ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52467,08 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,22,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In M'Guel,,Tamanghasset,23.750000,4.666670,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Four killed in an internal clash among al-Qaeda branches. ,4, 615,2044ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52557,14 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou City,36.716900,4.049700,1,Xinhua News Agency,"Thirty-three people, including eleven police are injured when a suicide attacker targeted a police station in a heavily trafficked downtown area. AQIM claimed responsibility.",0, 615,2045ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52558,14 August 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),Civilians (China),7,27,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou City,36.716900,4.049700,1,Xinhua News Agency,"Thirty-three people, including eleven police are injured when a suicide attacker targeted a police station in a heavily trafficked downtown area. Four Chinese nationals were among the wounded. AQIM claimed responsibility. ",0, 615,2046ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52628,16 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira City,36.374890,3.902000,1,Xinhua News Agency,Security forces foil a bomb attack that was planted under a car in a garage. ,0, 615,2047ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52674,18 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Xinhua News Agency,The driver for a local police chief and a road transport operator are killed when they are ambushed by an unnamed terror group. ,0, 615,2048ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52675,18 August 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,2,Xinhua News Agency,"The driver for a local police chief, a road transport operator and a hospital worker are killed when they are ambushed by an unnamed terror group. ",1, 615,2049ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52743,21 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Agence France Presse,"Security forces kill two militants, recover several AK-47 rifles. ",2, 615,2050ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52761,22 August 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Bouira,Sour El Ghouzlane,,Sour el Ghozlane,36.147660,3.691230,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"An armed group attacks a medical clinic, steals medicine. ",0, 615,2051ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52779,23 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Hasnaoua,,Hasnaoua,36.152500,4.795278,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Two police are targeted and killed by an armed group, a civilian is wounded. ",2, 615,2052ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52780,23 August 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Hasnaoua,36.083330,4.750000,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Two police are targeted and killed by an armed group, a civilian is wounded. ",1, 615,2053ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52818,26 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tipaza,Cherchel,,Cherchell,36.605000,2.190830,1,BBC Monitoring Middle Newsfile,"Nine military officers and two civilians are killed, 26 others wounded when a suicide attacker targets a military academy. AQIM claims responsibility for the attack. ",9, 615,2054ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52819,26 August 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tipaza,Cherchel,,Cherchell,36.605000,2.190830,1,BBC Monitoring Middle Newsfile,"Nine military officers and two civilians are killed, 26 others wounded when a suicide attacker targets a military academy. AQIM claims responsibility for the attack. ",2, 615,2055ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52867,29 August 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Souk El Had,,Souk el Had,36.690610,3.589120,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A soldier is killed and a second wounded in a bomb blast delivered remotely, under an automobile. ",1, 615,2056ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52993,05 September 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Youths riot over the demolition of housing structures, throwing rocks and glass bottles, eventually getting into a long battle with police forces. Several injuries. ",0, 615,2057ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,52994,05 September 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Youths riot over the demolition of housing structures, throwing rocks and glass bottles, eventually getting into a long battle with police forces. Several injuries. ",0, 615,2058ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53123,12 September 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Guelma,Ben Djerrah,,Guelma Province,36.416670,7.416670,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Security forces foil an attempt by an armed group of smuggle explosives. ,0, 615,2059ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53142,13 September 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Beni-Douala,,Beni Douala,36.619540,4.082820,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Security forces and a militant group exchange fire. No report of death or injury. ,0, 615,2060ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53163,15 September 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,Agence France Presse,A small village hold a protest demanding members of the military leave. ,0, 615,2061ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53196,16 September 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Leghata,,Ouled Ziane,36.800560,3.689720,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Gunmen wound two civilians when they are ambushed. ,0, 615,2062ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53209,17 September 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,13,Algeria,Illizi,Illizi,,Illizi,26.833300,8.166670,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Security forces arrest two and charge them with providing smuggled Libyan weaponry to elements of AQIM. ,0, 615,2063ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53252,20 September 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Skikda,Skikda,,Skikda City,36.876170,6.909210,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,An attack injures three security forces. ,0, 615,2064ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53267,21 September 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou City,36.716900,4.049700,1,Agence France Presse,"Security forces kill a ""key"" AQIM member.",1, 615,2065ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53296,24 September 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A member of the military kills a member of AQIM.,1, 615,2066ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53297,24 September 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,El Bayadh,Ghassoul,,Chouicha (Land Feature),33.502620,1.246170,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Security forces kill five members of AQIM as they tried to flee following a gunfight on a hill near Legata. Among the dead was Adel Bourai, a top lieutenant. ",5, 615,2067ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53298,24 September 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Jijel,Emir Abdelkader,,Jijel Achouat (Airport),36.795140,5.873610,1,Agence France Presse,"An unknown individual fired an RPG into an airport, but failed to make any damage or cause injury. ",0, 615,2068ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53326,27 September 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zemmouri,36.785280,3.603610,1,Reuters News,The military kills five members of AQIM after a prolonged chase. ,5, 615,2069ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53431,06 October 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azzefoun,,Azeffoun,36.893060,4.420000,1,Agence France Presse,Two Algerian Marines are killed when they drove over an explosive believed to placed there by AQIM. ,2, 615,2070ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53439,07 October 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ouezra,,Bouira,36.250000,2.916670,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Four militants are killed by security forces. ,4, 615,2071ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53462,09 October 2011,2011,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,CNCD: National Coordination for Change and Democracy,,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Police arrest 25 members of the CNDCC, an unemployment rights group, as they protest for their cause. ",0, 615,2072ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53463,09 October 2011,2011,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Police arrest 25 members of the CNDCC, an unemployment rights group, as they protest for their cause. ",0, 615,2073ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53494,11 October 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mekla,,Mekla,36.681780,4.263780,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A bomb, targeted at military forces, instead injures four civilians. It is unclear who detonated the device. ",0, 615,2074ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53556,17 October 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Ait Slimane,36.678400,3.858050,1,Agence France Presse,"A bomb, believed to be planted by the AQIM explodes, kills a woman and injures others, including a child. ",1, 615,2075ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53585,20 October 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Chlef,Zeboudja,,Zeboudja,36.350850,1.431000,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Four gendarmes are injured in a roadside style bomb blast as they were returning to this barracks in an adjacent town. ,4, 615,2076ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53621,23 October 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Polisario Front,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,3,Civilians (Algeria),Civilians (International),7,37,Algeria,Tindouf,Tindouf,,Tindouf,27.671110,-8.147440,1,UMCI News,"Three aid workers, two Spaniards and one Italian are kidnapped from the Saharawi refugee camps where they worked by military uniform wearing of members of the Polisario Front who they believe have financial backing from Al Qaeda. ",0, 615,2077ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53637,24 October 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Polisario Front,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tindouf,Tindouf,,Tindouf Province,27.416670,-5.833330,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Military forces shoot and kill four gunmen believed to be involved with recent abduction of three European aid workers. ,4, 615,2078ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53711,30 October 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algeria,36.766000,3.050000,3,Agence France Presse,Members of the military kill four members of AQIM in an unknown location.,4, 615,2079ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53757,03 November 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,GIA: Armed Islamic Group,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bechar,Tabelbala,,Ksar Chraia,29.417500,-3.279440,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Military forces kill a wanted ""terrorist"" named Amir Abdelmouam, a member of the GIA. ",1, 615,2080ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53774,05 November 2011,2011,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanghasset,22.785000,5.522780,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Members of the Army arrest a member of AQIM. ,0, 615,2081ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,53853,11 November 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Illizi,Debdeb,,Illizi,29.833330,8.166670,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A military unit captured five gunmen near the border with Libya and recovered 70 pieces of various kinds of weaponry smuggled out of Libya and a quantity of ammunition on board of a four-wheel-drive truck stolen from the Libyan army.,0, 615,2082ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54038,24 November 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,Agence France Presse,Algeria forces shoot and kill 6 suspected members of AQIM in the south. The six men were armed. Conflicting report claims eight were killed. ,6, 615,2083ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54125,30 November 2011,2011,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Skikda,Emjez Edchich,,Skikda,36.750000,6.833330,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Members of a suspected terror group shoot and kill an ambulance driver in a rural area. ,1, 615,2084ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54185,05 December 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,23,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863190,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,An unknown anti-Islamic group or individual shot and killed a regional leader of AQIM in a remote area. ,0, 615,2085ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54218,07 December 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,8,38,Algeria,Bouira,Aomar,,Aomar,36.501000,3.773960,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,One member of the military is killed and another injured when a bomb detonates. It is unclear who set the explosive.,0, 615,2086ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54299,13 December 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,8,38,Algeria,Illizi,Debdeb,,Illizi,29.833330,8.166670,1,The Canadian Press,Security forces arrest a group of Libyan weapons smugglers in the eastern desert. ,0, 615,2087ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54446,23 December 2011,2011,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,8,38,Algeria,Illizi,Djanet,,Djanet,24.552740,9.485820,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Algerian authorities arrest a group of arms dealers from Libya near the border.,0, 615,2088ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54558,02 January 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.711820,4.045910,1,Agence France Presse,A security official is killed during an ambush on a AQIM position. ,1, 615,2089ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54574,03 January 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Freha,,Tizi Ouzou,36.750000,4.250000,2,Agence France Presse,Algerian security forces have shot dead a senior operative of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). ,1, 615,2090ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54639,06 January 2012,2012,3,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Illizi,Illizi,,Illizi Province,26.833330,8.166670,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Four employees of a energy corporation are kidnapped by former Libyan fighters near the border of the two nations. The group was released three days later. ,0, 615,2091ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54640,06 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.865140,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Thousands of youths gather near the provincial headquarters to protest the access to housing units given to non-residents of the province. The protest lasts for several days. ,0, 615,2092ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54657,07 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.865140,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Housing unit protest continues. ,0, 615,2093ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54658,07 January 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,Khemis el Kechna,36.649970,3.330800,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Two AQIM members were killed over a two day operation, including a prominent leader, Mohamed Nacef, the ""amir.""",1, 615,2094ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54677,08 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.865140,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Housing unit protest continues. ,0, 615,2095ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54678,08 January 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Khemis El Khechna,,Khemis el Kechna,36.649970,3.330800,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Two AQIM members were killed over a two day operation, including a prominent leader, Mohamed Nacef, the ""amir.""",1, 615,2096ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54694,09 January 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Benouali,36.838610,3.732780,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Algerian security kill two armed members of AQIM east of the capital.,2, 615,2097ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54695,09 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.865140,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Housing unit protest continues. Arrests by police reported. ,0, 615,2098ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54719,10 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.865140,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Following several days of protests to cancel the list of recipients of housing units assigned to families who do not reside in the province, clashes erupt with police when they refuse to disperse. Several hurt and over thirty arrested. Teargas implemented. ",0, 615,2099ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54749,11 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.865140,1,UMCI News,"Following clashes with police, protesters reassemble near the capital building to protest housing given to non-provincial taxpayers. Police do not physically engage the group. ",0, 615,2100ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54750,11 January 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.725440,3.556650,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two customs agents are wounded in a remotely detonated bomb explosion. ,0, 615,2101ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,54837,15 January 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Souk El Had,,Souk el Had,36.690610,3.589120,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Attackers targeted a freight train with a homemade explosive, but failed to do any damage. ",0, 615,2102ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55108,26 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.371030,1.316990,1,Agence France Presse,A trader commits suicide in protest of a police officer kicking over this selling booth. ,1, 615,2103ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55147,28 January 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Jijel,Chekfa,,Chekfa,36.772300,5.957280,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Military shoot and kill a suspected member of AQIM. ,1, 615,2104ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55203,31 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Cheraga,,Cheraga,36.767750,2.959240,1,Reuters News,Rioting residents clash with police after they believe the local forces had not done enough to investigate the stabbing of a local man. One death reported. ,1, 615,2105ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55204,31 January 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.371030,1.316990,1,Agence France Presse,"Residents riot, clash with police following the funeral of a man who committed suicide on January 26th in protest of police action. The rioting the clashes with police lasted over the course of several days. ",0, 615,2106ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55217,01 February 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Rahaouiya,35.375000,1.325000,2,Agence France Presse,Riots and clashes with police in protest of the suicide of a hawker spread to nearby towns. ,0, 615,2107ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55218,01 February 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tiaret,Sougueur,,Sougueur,35.185680,1.496120,1,Agence France Presse,Riots and clashes with police in protest of the suicide of a hawker spread to nearby towns. ,0, 615,2108ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55219,01 February 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tiaret,Tiaret,,Tiaret,35.371030,1.316990,1,Agence France Presse,"Residents continue their clashes with police, block roads.",0, 615,2109ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55333,06 February 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Police dispersed 60 al-Assad protesters outside the Syrian embassy in the capital. ,0, 615,2110ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55363,07 February 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Mali (2002-2012),,1,MNLA: National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad,,2,12,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,The government of Mali and Tuared rebel leaders hold a peace summit in Algiers. ,0, 615,2111ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55364,07 February 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes Province,36.767360,3.477170,2,Kuwait News Agency (Kuna),Algerian forces kill two AQIM gunmen in a place 70km east of Algiers.,2, 615,2112ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55440,11 February 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,MNLA: National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Adrar,In Zghmir,,Bouassi,27.000000,-1.000000,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Military forces kill seven MNLA near the border with Mali. One militant was injured. ,7, 615,2113ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55494,14 February 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tin Zaouatine,19.953700,2.970100,1,Agence France Presse,Military forces kill for members of AQIM near the border with Mali who where trying to funnel weapons to the MNLA. ,4, 615,2114ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55622,19 February 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,1,Agence France Presse,Military forces kill four AQIM members in two days in the same area. The group had suspected ties to a roadside bombing of a civilian bus. One soldier killed. ,2, 615,2115ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55623,19 February 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Illizi,In Amenas,,I-n-Amenas,28.043710,9.541120,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"The security forces have found a large quantity of arms, including shoulder-launched missiles, believed to have been smuggled into Algeria from Libya. The cache was discovered 60km south of I-n-Amenas.",0, 615,2116ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55624,19 February 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Les Issers,36.722180,3.667190,1,Agence France Presse,A roadside bomb kills four and injures seven who were travelling on a bus outside of Les Issers. ,4, 615,2117ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55639,20 February 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Beni Amrane,36.667740,3.591150,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Security forces have shot dead seven militants in a forest near the capital Algiers.,7, 615,2118ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55640,20 February 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Agence France Presse,Military forces kill four AQIM members in two days in the same area. The group had suspected ties to a roadside bombing of a civilian bus. One soldier killed. ,4, 615,2119ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55662,21 February 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Leghata,,Beni Khelifa,36.750000,3.666670,2,AAP Bulletins,Security forces have shot dead seven militants in a town.,7, 615,2120ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55793,27 February 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Military forces shoot and kill two suspected members of AQIM. ,2, 615,2121ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55901,03 March 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,MUJAO: Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa,,2,Civilians (Algeria),,7,27,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522780,1,Agence France Presse,A suicide bomber drove a car laden with explosives into a police headquarters injuring 14 civilians and 10 police. The bomber died in the attack. ,1, 615,2122ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55919,04 March 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes Province,36.767360,3.477170,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A roadside bomb kills a soldier.,1, 615,2123ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,55920,04 March 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522780,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Police arrest two believed to be in connection with yesterday's bomb attack. ,0, 615,2124ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56038,08 March 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Les Issers,36.722180,3.667190,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A roadside bomb kills one soldier and wounds another who were on a search mission. ,1, 615,2125ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56243,16 March 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Aiech,36.707100,3.842580,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Three militants were slain by the forces of the National People's Army in Sidi ali Bounab, less than 5km east of Aiech. Organization name not given or unknown. ",3, 615,2126ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56260,17 March 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi-Ghenif,,Tizi Gheniff,36.588390,3.774450,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A municipal guard was killed on the road linking Draa El Mizan with Tizi Ghenif, 50 or so kilometers south of Tizi Ouzou.",1, 615,2127ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56277,18 March 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,All Africa,Two journalists are assaulted by police. ,0, 615,2128ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56380,23 March 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,Bordj Emir Khaled,,Bordj Emir Khaled,36.121390,2.204440,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A municipal guard is killed and another wounded when they came under surprise attack. ,1, 615,2129ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56463,27 March 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Dellys,,Dellys,36.917160,3.913110,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Five military members are wounded in a AQIM roadside attack. ,0, 615,2130ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56505,30 March 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes Province,36.767360,3.477170,2,Kuwait News Agency (Kuna),Military kills two AQIM members at a location 60km east of Algiers.,2, 615,2131ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56529,01 April 2012,2012,2,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Chechar,,Boudokhane,34.715913,7.199725,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Five soldiers were wounded in the explosion of a homemade bomb in the commune of Boudokhane, in the southeast of the province of Khenchela.",0, 615,2132ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56530,01 April 2012,2012,2,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Khenchela,Chechar,,Khenchela Province,35.000000,7.000000,3,BBC Monitoring Middle East,At least nine terrorists were killed in operations carried out by the forces of the National People's Army [ANP] in the southern region of the province of Khenchela.,9, 615,2133ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56614,05 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Police officer killed, one wounded in a ""terrorist"" attack in Tizi Ouzou.",1, 615,2134ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56688,10 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie,36.817000,4.300000,2,The Canadian Press,"Roadside bomb in Algeria's mountains kills soldier, wounds 2 others.",1, 615,2135ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56852,18 April 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),RCD: Rally for Culture and Democracy Party,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Dozens of youth members of the RCD march in downtown Algiers to call for a boycott of upcoming elections. Police forces break up rally.,0, 615,2136ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56905,21 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Guentiss,35.433330,7.133330,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A roadside explosion wounds a soldier. ,0, 615,2137ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56925,22 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Toudja,,Toudja,36.746880,4.872830,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A homemade bomb exploded late in the afternoon when a military convoy drove past. Two wounded. ,0, 615,2138ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,56938,23 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Siar,35.433330,7.133330,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A homemade bomb exploded in the community of Siar, in the daira of Checher, located 75 kilometers from Khenchela, when three soldiers were seriously wounded and transported to a nearby hospital. Military officials called the action the work of ""terrorists.""",0, 615,2139ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57007,26 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Skikda,Ain Bouziane,,Ain Bouziane,36.598380,6.750800,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A homemade bomb wounds several police. ,0, 615,2140ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57061,28 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghilia,36.816940,3.857220,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two policemen and two civilians were wounded in the explosion of a home-made bomb on the local police station.,0, 615,2141ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57077,29 April 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,NECN News,Teachers protest for two days for better pay. ,0, 615,2142ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57078,29 April 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Youths working on fixed-term contracts for the government took to the streets on Sunday threatening to boycott the 10 May polls if they were not awarded permanent jobs.,0, 615,2143ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57079,29 April 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Jijel,Jijel,,Jijel,36.820550,5.766710,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Riots broke out following the attempted immolation of a young man of 25 years old in the neighborhood of Moussa after security forces forced him to close his shop. 11 police officers were burned or injured during the riots.,1, 615,2144ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57080,29 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,MUJAO: Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa,,2,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tin Zaouatine,19.953700,2.970100,1,CBS News,Not less than 20 gunmen of the Monotheism and Jihad Movement in West Africa were killed in an air raid carried out by Algeria fighter planes. ,20, 615,2145ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57098,30 April 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,NECN News,Day two of teacher protest. ,0, 615,2146ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57099,30 April 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mekla,,Mekla,36.681780,4.263780,1,Agence France Presse,Gunmen in Algeria's restive Kabylie region on Monday shot dead four policemen and seriously wounded another two.,4, 615,2147ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57132,01 May 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.755870,5.084332,1,L'Expression,Employees of Cevital on hunger strike protest alongside other workers who joined in solidarity.,0, 615,2148ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57164,02 May 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,Political activist Tarek Mameri detained by Police Forces of Algeria (1999-) for leading a YouTube camapign in which he harshly criticizes officials & calls for a boycott of upcoming legislative elections.,0, 615,2149ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57165,02 May 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,African Union Forces (2002-),Government of Algeria (1999-),8,,,0,80,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,All Africa,President of the AU Commission holds talks in Algiers regarding the situation in Mali.,0, 615,2150ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57166,02 May 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,MUJAO: Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Tindouf,Tindouf,,Tindouf,27.671109,-8.147435,3,Agence France Presse,"MUJAO demands Û45m ransoms for 2 European women aid workers & 7 Algerian diplomats taken hostage, the group's spokesman said Wednesday. Current location unknown.",0, 615,2151ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57195,03 May 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,"Abdelkader Kherba, an activist from the National Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Unemployed (CNDDC) and the Algerian League for the Defence of Human Rights (LADDH), was sentenced to a one-year suspended prison sentence for his part in a demonstration at court in front of the Sidi M'Hamed tribunal in Algiers. ",0, 615,2152ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57196,03 May 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),National Initiative for the Dignity of the Journalist,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,L'Expression,"20 journalists, members of the National Initiative for the dignity of the journalist gather in Liberty Square on World Day of freedom of the press to demand better social conditions.",0, 615,2153ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57197,03 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Military forces kill two AQIM members in a search and capture mission. ,2, 615,2154ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57220,04 May 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring,"Political activist Tarek Mameri released from detainment by Police Forces of Algeria (1999-) following 2 days of questioning. His trial will commence 30 May on charges of destruction of administrative documents, incitement to riot, and insulting a government agency. ",0, 615,2155ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57221,04 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624812,3.477879,1,BBC Monitoring,"An unidentified armed group (Algeria) planted a homemade bomb near Keddara by the side of the road which exploded as an army patrol went past at 11am, killing 2 officers.",2, 615,2156ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57266,06 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,El Asnam,,Qarareeb,36.300739,3.985977,2,Kuwait News Agency (Kuna),A security personnel was killed and another was injured in aÊbombÊ,1, 615,2157ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57314,08 May 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Isser,,Issers,36.724163,3.667202,1,ANSAmed- English,Hand made explosive device found and neutralised near a school in Issers. ,0, 615,2158ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57371,10 May 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Chlef,Oued Goussine,,Oued Sahridj,36.500805,1.461182,2,ANSAmed- English,Two polling stations in the Algerian town of Sahridj have been attacked shortly after their opening by dozens of youths. The ballot boxes were removed from the schools where polling stations had been set up and set on fire.,0, 615,2159ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57402,11 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,33,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Three militia group members were injured in the explosion of a homemadeÊbombÊhidden on Wilaya Road. A thirdÊbombÊwas defused several meters further away.,0, 615,2160ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57463,14 May 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Oran,Bir El Djir,,Bir-El-Djir,35.722406,-0.545368,1,Adnkronos International,Police arrested five suspected Al-Qaeda operatives who were poised to launch anÊattackÊon a group of international observers,0, 615,2161ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57548,16 May 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azzefoun,,Azeffoun,36.899116,4.420280,1,ANSAmed- English,A sailor was killed in a remote controlled bomb explosion that hit his passing car,1, 615,2162ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57573,17 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Jijel,Chekfa,,Chekfa,36.776292,5.934162,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,A soldier was killed and two others were severely wounded in a home-madeÊbombÊexplosion,1, 615,2163ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57596,18 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azzefoun,,Azeffoun,36.895513,4.420066,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Two Algerian soldiers have been killed in a home-madeÊbombÊexplosion, the third explosion in as many days",2, 615,2164ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57614,19 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mizrana,,Tala Toughrast,36.843224,4.043999,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,ecurity forces succeeded in eliminating a terrorist in the municipality of Mizrana. A Kalashnikov type weapon was recovered. ,1, 615,2165ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57642,20 May 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian security services arrested a large number of Algerian Islamists armed with Kalashnikovs in the country's northeastern Tebessa region as they were preparing to enter Libya. ,0, 615,2166ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57749,24 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Chlef,Dahra,,Tacheta,36.262511,0.763668,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,Two municipal guards seriously injured after a remotely triggered bomb exploded,0, 615,2167ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57770,25 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Sidi Daoud,,Baghilia,36.821791,3.850193,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"A member of the state-sponsored Communal Guards was killed ""by elements of the ex-GSPC [AQLIM] in the Berber area of Baghlia, 50 km east of Boumerdes ",1, 615,2168ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57771,25 May 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Libya),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),,3,37,Algeria,Illizi,Illizi,,Debdeb,26.512362,8.499298,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,More than 55 Tuareg from Ghadamis and neighbouring villages have entered Algerian territory in the last two days out of fear of a revenge war waged by armed groups specifically against Tuareg families.,0, 615,2169ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57772,25 May 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),FIS: Islamic Salvation Front,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Kouba,36.734444,3.084722,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,ex-Islamic Salvation front (FIS) marched in Kouba to demand the dissolution of the new National People's Assembly (APN). Several demonstrators were detained by police.,0, 615,2170ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57773,25 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Mekla,,Mekla,36.681783,4.263781,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Two terrorists were killed in anÊambushÊby the Algerian army at a spot between the villages of Amazoul and Agouni Bouafir, in Tizi Ouzou Province. 2 Kalashnikovs were seized",2, 615,2171ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57785,26 May 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,"Dozens of opposition lawmakers walked out of the first session ofÊAlgeria'sÊnew parliament Saturday, condemning alleged fraud in this month's elections.",0, 615,2172ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57812,27 May 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Ain Defla,El Amra,,Aghbal Commune,36.382596,1.856689,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"The joint security forces in Tipaza succeeded in eliminating a terrorist in the heights of Aghbal municipality, precisely near Douar Ztima in which a firearm, 2 hand grenades and a mobile phone were recovered.",1, 615,2173ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57883,30 May 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,GSPC: Salafist Group for Call and Combat,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Thirteen people suspected of ""having provided the ex GSPC with foodstuff and tip offs on the movement of the security services in return for considerable sums of money have been arrested",0, 615,2174ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,57920,01 June 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Rioters (Algeria),,5,55,Algeria,Annaba,El Hadjar,,El Hadjar,36.800033,7.733291,1,La Tribune (Algiers),"a battle between supporters of workers Aissa Menadi the former general secretary of ArcelorMittal union members and those headed by self Sma•n Kouadria. Iron bars, clubs, knives and other sharp objects were used as weapons to terrorize the opposing party in order to take control of the union body. A dozen injured, a worker found in a serious condition and taken to hospital.",0, 615,2175ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58017,05 June 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba,36.900000,7.766667,1,La Tribune (Algiers),"about twenty women, and their children gathered in protest to require authorities to be relocated, saying they have waited enough for years and they and their families can not wait.",0, 615,2176ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58049,06 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Aghrib,,Kabylie Region (Tamgout),36.817000,4.300000,1,"ANSAmed, BBC Monitoring Middle East & Tout sur l'Algerie website",Algerian government engaged in one of most important counter-terrorism actions since 1990s. At least one thousand soldiers were deployed at the base of the Yakouren spur. Dozens of mortars were placed along the route followed by the R12 national highway bombarding the woods concentrating on an area where AQIM headquarters might be located according to intelligence reports.,0, 615,2177ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58082,07 June 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Oran,Oran,,Oran,35.691100,-0.641700,1,,An Algerian man has died after setting himself ablaze inÊprotestÊwhen a policeman took away his driver's license in the Mascara region,1, 615,2178ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58207,11 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tifera‡,36.841122,4.145339,1,BBC Monitoring Middle,Three terrorists were killed in an army ambush on the edge of the Mizrana forest,3, 615,2179ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58409,16 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ouacif,,Ouacifs,36.521992,4.204931,1,Xinhua General News Service,"Two Algerian police officers were killed and five others, including three civilians, injured in an attack against a police barrack ",2, 615,2180ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58410,16 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yatafene,,Yatafen,36.526433,4.277480,2,Xinhua General News Service,army troops clashed with another group of gunmen at the entrance of the city of Yattafen,0, 615,2181ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58446,17 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Xinhua General News Service,"security forces killed a third militant Sunday believed to be part of AQIM and slightly injured another one, ",1, 615,2182ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58489,18 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Xinhua General News Service,"Algerian security forces killed two militants, including a senior member of a local terror group",2, 615,2183ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58563,20 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,3,El-Khabar,4 terrorists were killed and one injured arrested after security forces combed the area,4, 615,2184ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58564,20 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Blida,Mouzaia,,Djebel Menoura,36.463263,2.684441,2,BBC Monitoring Middle East,3 terrorists were killed after the National Army conducted combining operations to oust strongholds of AQIM,3, 615,2185ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58565,20 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Irdjen,,Taksebt dam,36.678194,4.118242,1,La Tribune (Algiers),11 terrorists were killed and 1 captured in an ambush by Algerian security forces near the Taksebt Dam,11, 615,2186ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58597,21 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.370088,3.899374,1,Trend Daily News (Azerbaijan),One Algerian police officer was killed and two others injured in a terror attack in downtown Bouira,1, 615,2187ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58851,29 June 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Municipal Guard,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,Agence France Presse,Some three thousand municipal guards continue their open sit-in in the province of Blida inÊprotestÊagainst the stalling of the Ministry of Interior to respond to their demands. The protesters vow to invade the capital in an anger march as soon as the rest of the agents arrive from the different provinces.,0, 615,2188ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58852,29 June 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,MUJAO: Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,Xinhua General News Service,One security officer died and three wounded in a suicide attack in front of the headquarters of the National Gendarmerie in Algeria's Ouargla province,1, 615,2189ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58893,30 June 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Rioters (Algeria),,5,15,Algeria,Biskra,Ouled Djellal,,Ouled Djellal,34.433107,5.059805,1,El Watan,"Seven people who took part in riots last Tuesday, the municipality of Ouled Djellal, were placed yesterday in custody by order of the prosecutor",0, 615,2190ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58918,01 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Municipal Guard,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,"Echourouk El Youmi website, Algiers",Hundreds of Municipal Guard officers withdrew from security barriers in many provinces and abandoned their duties at checkpoints in the mountains and rural areas to join a sit-in with their colleagues at the municipality in preparation to march on the capital.,0, 615,2191ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58919,01 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),6,,,0,60,Algeria,Bouira,El Asnam,,Bouira,36.283910,3.987823,1,El Watan,"Fifty communal guards, detachments from the 98 the province of Bouira, observed on Sunday 1st July 2012, a sit-in outside the seat of the wilaya.",0, 615,2192ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58920,01 July 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Mostaganem,Mostaganem,,El Houria,35.917555,0.072956,1,El Watan,The judicial police under the second Urban Safety arrested a group of burglars.,0, 615,2193ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58921,01 July 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Sidi Bel Abbes,Sidi Bel Abbes,,Sidi Bel Abbes,35.199763,-0.633602,1,El Watan,"A gang guilty of several offenses which include, inter alia, assault weapons white, burglary, destruction of property of others, attempted murder, indecent assault and false imprisonment, possession of drugs, etc..Êwere placed in custody. ÊÊ ÊÊÊ ÊÊÊ ÊÊÊÊ",0, 615,2194ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,58953,02 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Bouzeguene,,Bouzeguene,36.616750,4.479375,1,El Watan,The villagers in the town of Bouzegune closed the headquarters of the CPA to demand their right to benefit from the project of natural gas.,0, 615,2195ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59020,04 July 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Babar,,Babar,35.169213,7.101202,1,El Watan,Two soldiers were seriously injured following the explosion of a homemade bomb ,0, 615,2196ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59021,04 July 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Beni Douala,36.698154,4.073181,1,El Watan,A group of terrorists clashed with the army. No casualties were reported.,0, 615,2197ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59022,04 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Batna,Gosbat,,El Djezzar,35.552619,5.420723,1,El Watan,25 demonstrators in the town of El Djezzar were arrested after protesting for demand of rural electrification and water ,0, 615,2198ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59023,04 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Chlef,Zeboudja,,Ouled El Hadj,36.386327,1.502767,1,El Watan,Protesters blocked the road connecting the town of wilaya Abdelmalek Ramadhan in the chief town of Mostaganem,0, 615,2199ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59048,05 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,El Watan,"Twenty men, removed from the army, were arrested Wednesday night before their planned rally yesterday at the Ministry of Defence.ÊFrom the interior of the country, they were arrested by police in the capital.",0, 615,2200ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59049,05 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Bouzeguene,,Bouzeguene,36.616750,4.479375,1,El Watan,Villagers continued their protest over gas access by blocking both the Sonelgaz and the headquarters of the Daira.,0, 615,2201ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59050,05 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Souk El Tenine,,Maatka,36.583333,4.000000,1,El Watan,Citizens of the town of Maatkas expressed their anger about the disastrous state of their road.,0, 615,2202ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59051,05 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Place du 1er Mai,36.760410,3.056517,1,El Watan,"Forty families of disappeared persons, mostly women, had gathered yesterday in the first place in Algiers in May, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of independence.ÊIn the morning, five people who tried to attend this event were arrested",0, 615,2203ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59052,05 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Telemly,36.771360,3.048856,1,El Watan,Forty activists of the National Committee for the rights of unemployed (CNDDC) were arrested by police at the end of the rally they held ,0, 615,2204ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59108,07 July 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,2,Xinhua General News Service,Two police officers were injured in an armed attack on Saturday night in Algeria's province of Boumerdes,0, 615,2205ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59109,07 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.438051,7.146521,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Protests about the same social problems as Blida, Tizi Ouzou and Tipaza were staged in Khenchela which led to many injuries among the citizens and the police",0, 615,2206ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59182,09 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1, and Xinhua General News Service,"Thousands of police auxiliaries, who once helped in the fight against armed Islamist groups, tried on Monday to march on the capital to demand pay rises and other job benefits but were blocked by police. AFP reported that an Algerian police auxiliary wounded in clashes this week during a march to demand pay rises and other benefits has died of his injuries",1, 615,2207ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59183,09 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Blida,Blida,,Blida,36.468600,2.828900,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Protests erupted in Blida about housing shortages, electricity cuts and social problems that concern living conditions",0, 615,2208ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59184,09 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Alger,Sidi Moussa,,Sidi Moussa,36.601403,3.081493,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"The residents of the northern and southern districts in the village of Sidi Moussa, Nador Municipality, in Tipaza Province closed National Highway 11 by setting rubber tyres on fire and placing them on the road which paralysed traffic inÊprotestÊagainst water and electricity cuts and to demand the re-establishment of speed bumps which were removed during the president's visit to the All Forces Military Academy in Cherchell.",0, 615,2209ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59185,09 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"Protests erupted in Tizi Ouzou about housing shortages, electricity cuts and social problems that concern living conditions. The protesters set fire to rubber tyres, blocked roads and shut down headquarters of local administrations as called for their demands to be met.",0, 615,2210ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59220,10 July 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,37,Algeria,Bechar,Taghit,,Taghit,30.917027,-2.034101,1,El Watan,"Municipal Guard Abducted by Terrorists in Taghit, Khenchela",0, 615,2211ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59247,11 July 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,El Asnam,,Bouira,36.283510,3.987836,3,Tout sur l'Algerie website and Xinhua General News Service,A terror group raided a unit of the National Gendarmerie with handmade rockets in the province of Bouira,0, 615,2212ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59290,12 July 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.741670,3.723078,1,Xinhua General News Service,Four National Gendarmerie officials of Algeria were injured in a roadside bomb attack ,0, 615,2213ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59353,14 July 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Annaba,Annaba,,Annaba,36.886503,7.712950,1,El-Khabar website,"Abdelmalek Sellami, the most dangerous terrorism emir of the Al-Qa'idah in the Islamic Maghreb [AQMI] as part of the Edough brigade was arrested by the intelligence and security services of the National People's Army in Annaba ",0, 615,2214ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59381,15 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,Biskra,34.849875,5.731430,1,ANSA English Media Service,"Hundreds of people, most of them young, took to the streets in Beskra and El Kantara over the weekend, throwing stones and Molotov cocktails as the police responded with tear gas, resulting in several injuries and arrests.",0, 615,2215ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59382,15 July 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Biskra,El Kentara,,El Kantara,35.223588,5.706110,1,ANSA English Media Service,"Hundreds of people, most of them young, took to the streets in Beskra and El Kantara over the weekend, throwing stones and Molotov cocktails as the police responded with tear gas, resulting in several injuries and arrests.",0, 615,2216ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59515,18 July 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Leghata,,Koudiat Laaris,36.748788,3.683188,1,Agence France Presse,"Two suspected Islamists, including a local head of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, were killed in an army ambush overnight east of Algiers",2, 615,2217ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59609,21 July 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,BBC Monitoring Middle East,"An Algerian policeman has been killed, his father and brother injured, in anÊattackÊby ""a terrorist group"" east of Algiers",1, 615,2218ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59676,23 July 2012,2012,3,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Timiaouine,,Timiaouine,20.438354,1.809654,1,Xinhua General News Service,Algerian army killed eight militants on border with Mali ,8, 615,2219ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59709,24 July 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Al-Agwat,33.805112,2.877388,1,Qatar News Agency,"Algerian authorities stepped up security measures near oil and gas fields located in the southern state of Al Agwat, as well as intensifying desert combing operations in the area, in anticipation of a potential ""terroristÊattack"".",0, 615,2220ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59710,24 July 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Ath Mansour Taourirt,,Ath Mansour Taourirt‡,36.328472,4.310546,1,El Watan,"a terrorist group attacked a military billet located in the community of Passala, in the municipality of Ath Mansour 50 kilometres to the east of the province of Bouira",0, 615,2221ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59807,27 July 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.713155,4.063740,1,El Watan,"Eight Algerian soldiers have been wounded in anÊattackÊon their convoy by ""a group of armed men"" in the Berber province of Tizi Ouzou, ",0, 615,2222ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,59954,01 August 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Blida,Boufarik,,Boufarik,36.574125,2.912142,1,Algeria Press Service,"The communal guards (police auxiliaries) removed Wednesday theÊprotestÊcamp they had set up on July 19 in Boufarik, province of Blida (50-km southwest of Algiers), as a resulty of guarantees they received that their socio-professional demands would be met",0, 615,2223ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60023,03 August 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Djelfa,Djelfa,,Djelfa,34.666700,3.250000,1,Xinhua General News Service,At least two police officers were injured after a group of gunmen attacked a barack,0, 615,2224ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60024,03 August 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tlemcen,Beni Boussaid,,Oued Zouia,34.602699,-1.683232,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,Four Algerian border guards have been killed by unidentified gunmen in anÊambushÊnear the frontier with Morocco,4, 615,2225ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60153,07 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tipaza,Kolea,,Kolea,36.638600,2.773300,1,Xinhua General News Service,Residents launchedÊdemonstrationsÊafter being out of power and drinking water for several days.,0, 615,2226ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60154,07 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Jijel,Sidi Abdelaziz,,Sidi Abdelaziz,36.850000,6.050000,1,Xinhua General News Service,"power cuts in Jijel province on Tuesday triggeredÊprotests,Êas youngsters from the neighborhoods of Sidi Abdelaziz, Ayrebdj and Sakhr El Balh took to streets shortly after the fast- breaking",0, 615,2227ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60232,09 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614722,1,Xinhua General News Service,"In Constantine province, protesters blocked several roads, resulting in major traffic jam due to electrical blackouts",0, 615,2228ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60316,12 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Bachdjerrah,36.721996,3.119038,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,protestsÊabout the frequent power cuts with many blocked main roads and burning tyres ,0, 615,2229ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60317,12 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Djasr Kasentina,,Bourouba,36.716251,3.112980,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,protestsÊabout the frequent power cuts with many blocked main roads and burning tyres ,0, 615,2230ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60318,12 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Cheraga,,Dely Ibrahim,36.750164,2.983343,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,protestsÊabout the frequent power cuts with many blocked main roads and burning tyres ,0, 615,2231ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60319,12 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Constantine,Didouche Mourad,,Didouche Mourad,36.446108,6.634105,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,protestsÊabout the frequent power cuts with many blocked main roads and burning tyres ,0, 615,2232ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60320,12 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,El Madania,36.741291,3.066255,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,protestsÊabout the frequent power cuts with many blocked main roads and burning tyres ,0, 615,2233ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60321,12 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Tessala-El-Merdja,,Tessala El Merdja,36.622141,2.922509,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,protestsÊabout the frequent power cuts with many blocked main roads and burning tyres ,0, 615,2234ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60364,13 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,The residents of three buildings in Didouche Mourad Street in the heart of Algiers went out to the street and blocked the traffic inÊprotestÊabout power cuts. ,0, 615,2235ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60365,13 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Baraki,,Baraki,36.666546,3.096064,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,protestsÊabout the frequent power cuts with many blocked main roads and burning tyres ,0, 615,2236ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60366,13 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,El Madania,36.741291,3.066255,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,Residents of high-rise buildings in Yasmin District in Madnia blocked the road that links their district with Madnia inÊprotestÊabout repeated power cuts and lack of water in higher level apartments for seven months. ,0, 615,2237ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60367,13 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Kouba District,36.734401,3.084816,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,Residents blocked the road in protest of electricity cuts,0, 615,2238ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60433,15 August 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Gharda•a,Berriane,,Berriane,32.826480,3.766900,1,Algeria Press Service,"Three dangerous terrorists, including a leading member of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), were arrested at a checkpoint",0, 615,2239ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60434,15 August 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,1,Xinhua General News Service,Four militants were killed during a one-week combing operation conducted by Algerian army in Algerian-Tunisian border area,4, 615,2240ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60435,15 August 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Xinhua General News Service,Four militants were killed during a one-week combing operation conducted by Algerian army in Algerian-Tunisian border area,4, 615,2241ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60560,17 August 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Jijel,El Milia,,Boumahrane estate,36.754722,6.272500,1,BBC Monitoring Middle East & Agence France Presse,"Four Algerian ""terrorists"" have been killed and their weapons seized",4, 615,2242ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60606,19 August 2012,2012,2,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Ammal,,Ammal,36.634505,3.589869,1,El Watan,"The Algerian army has killed three ""terrorists"" in two separateÊattacksÊin the east of Algiers",3, 615,2243ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60620,19 August 2012,2012,2,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,El Watan,"The Algerian army has killed three ""terrorists"" in two separateÊattacksÊin the east of Algiers",3, 615,2244ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60681,21 August 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ksar El Boukhari,,Ksar el-Boukhari,35.883209,2.749303,1,Agence France Presse,"Algerian human rights activist Abdelkader Kherba, who was arrested earlier this week while trying to film aÊprotestÊagainst water cuts, is on hunger strike",0, 615,2245ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60741,23 August 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Blida,Bougara,,Bougara,36.540600,3.085300,1,Algeria Press Service,"Three terrorists were arrested by the special forces of the People's National Army (ANP), one soldier was injured in the arrest. ",0, 615,2246ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60902,28 August 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Tissemsilt,Layoune,,Laayoune,35.696684,1.996643,1,Agence France Presse,A woman protester was beaten by police and hospitalised,0, 615,2247ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60903,28 August 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,A terrorist was killed by a special unit fighting terrorism. A Kalashnikov was recovered ,1, 615,2248ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,60930,29 August 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes City,36.766700,3.477200,3,Algerian TV,"The Algerian army has killed nine ""terrorists"" in the eastern province of Boumerdes",9, 615,2249ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61006,01 September 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Beni Amrane,,Jebel Djerrah,36.667744,3.591152,1,Agence France Presse,"Nine AQIM members including a chief named as Boubeker Zemmouri, 29, were killed by soldiers in a special operation at Jebel Djerrah",9, 615,2250ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61031,02 September 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Bouihi,,Bourousse,36.287909,1.766967,1,Liberte,"Algerian ""terrorists"" raid Ain Defla community; steal food, clothing",0, 615,2251ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61032,02 September 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,,,0,10,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,Echourouk El Youmi website,The Ministry of National Defence had decided to move several [rapid] intervention groups from the special forces and to put them on alert in the Tamenrasset Province region in a new military measure which could precede the launch of raids against elements and leaders of the Tawhid and Jihad [monotheism and holy war] movement in northern Mali.,0, 615,2252ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61359,13 September 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,,,0,10,Algeria,Alger,El Achour,,Ben Aknoun,36.757453,3.009825,1,Echourouk El Youmi website,"The security services in Algiers received strict instructions to reinforce the perimeter of the US embassy with security barriers in El Biar, Hydra, El Madania and Ben Aknoun [districts of Algiers] and to raise the alert level to prevent demonstrations and protests outside the building after activists on Facebook called for protest outside the embassy headquarters.",0, 615,2253ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61378,14 September 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Bab El Oued,36.792390,3.052174,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"Hundreds of young people tried to march towards the centre of Algiers but they were blocked by the forces of law and order, who were strongly deployed around El Kettani Square",0, 615,2254ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61379,14 September 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Kouba,36.734401,3.084816,1,Bikya Masr,About 60 people demonstrated peacefully on Friday in the town of Kouba to denounce the film.,0, 615,2255ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61409,15 September 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Beni Zmenzer,,Taourirt Bagour,36.638397,4.038763,1,El Watan,"A terrorist group, whose number was not determined, carried off an incursion. Initially they proceeded to check the identities of the customers, who were stripped of their money and other valuable objects",0, 615,2256ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61485,17 September 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Belouizdad,36.753671,3.062181,1,El Khabar,"A number of citizens went on a protest march before the evening prayer yesterday [17 September] in the popular district of Belouizdad, near El Mouaminine Mosque in Algiers. Security forces surrounded the area and dispersed the protesters. ",0, 615,2257ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61502,18 September 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3,Al-Jazeera TV,Algerian army kills seven suspected militants.,7, 615,2258ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61537,20 September 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,2,El-Khabar,"Al-Qa'idah's Salah Naceri decides to surrender to the security services on Algerian-Mali border, three attempts on his life made by his comrades this month",0, 615,2259ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61622,24 September 2012,2012,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),6,,,0,60,Algeria,Bouira,Oued El Berdi,,Bouira,36.250000,3.916667,1,Africa News,"Representatives of the 94,000 communal guards have called forÊdemonstrationsÊover inadequate compensation offered by the government.ÊProtestsÊhave already begun in Bouira",0, 615,2260ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61623,24 September 2012,2012,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzou,36.716900,4.049700,1,Africa News,"Representatives of the 94,000 communal guards have called forÊdemonstrationsÊover inadequate compensation offered by the government.ÊProtestsÊhave already begun in Tizi Ouzou",0, 615,2261ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61760,29 September 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Dozens of families demonstrated Saturday in Algiers to demand the truth about the thousands of disappeared from the civil war in Algeria,0, 615,2262ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61808,01 October 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ouadhia,,Ouadhias,36.556111,4.089722,1,Africa News,The emir of al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb's (AQIM) El Forkane Brigade surrendered to Algerian security forces after spending more than 20 years on the run.,0, 615,2263ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61809,01 October 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),LADDH: Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights,7,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,17,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,The Associated Press,A member of a leading human rights organization has been beaten and arrested in a southern Algerian city,0, 615,2264ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61810,01 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,13,Algeria,Bouira,Kadiria,,Tiliouine,36.534444,3.682778,1,El Watan,Two elements from the municipal guard died following the explosion of a homemadeÊbombÊin the community of Tiliouine,2, 615,2265ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61906,03 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Baghlia,,Baghilia,36.816940,3.857220,1,El Watan,A gendarme was wounded in the explosion of a homemadeÊbombÊat the edge of the city of Baghlia,0, 615,2266ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61953,04 October 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),LADDH: Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Africa News,Algerian human rights activists stagedÊprotestsÊin the city of Algiers calling for liberation of their colleague Yacine Zaid,0, 615,2267ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61954,04 October 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),LADDH: Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.865140,1,Africa News,Algerian human rights activists stagedÊprotestsÊin the city of Laghouat calling for liberation of their colleague Yacine Zaid,0, 615,2268ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61955,04 October 2012,2012,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,1,Africa News,The Algerian Interior Ministry said in a statement that 24 people suspected of providing material and support to AQIM-affiliated armed groups were arrested in the last 24 hours in Tebessa province,0, 615,2269ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,61980,05 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522780,1,El-Khabar website,A special military unit arrested one of the most important people wanted in smuggling cases after aÊclashÊwith his aides near the Malian-Algerian border. An aide of the suspect was killed and one of the arrested was injured in the operation,1, 615,2270ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62029,07 October 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,3, website,The organization of Al-Qa'idah in the Islamic Maghreb Countries appointed Yahya Abu El Hemmam as its new amir for the Desert Region,0, 615,2271ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62030,07 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Border Guards (Algeria),1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tinouani,19.953700,2.970100,1,El-Khabar website,4 terrorists were killed when an army force accompanied by a unit of the border guard at Tinouani [as transliterated] area west of Tin Zaouatine clashed with a terrorist group,4, 615,2272ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62087,09 October 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.396644,0.140270,1,El-Khabar website,"Clashes between the security forces and the angry youths in the 8th Region District after violent confrontations on Tuesday to Wednesday night, following the death of a young man, who was in police custody, at the emergency unit of Muslim Tayyib [as transliterated] Hospital",1, 615,2273ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62124,10 October 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Mascara,Mascara,,Mascara,35.396644,0.140270,1,El-Khabar website,Clashes continue for a second day after youths death in Mascara,0, 615,2274ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62207,12 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Yakourene,,Azrou,36.709322,4.465799,1,Agence France Presse,A militant charged with liaising between Al-Qaeda and its North African branch Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has been killed in an ambush by Algerian forces,1, 615,2275ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62275,14 October 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),Protesters (Algeria),7,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,17,Algeria,Tlemcen,Tlemcen,,Tlemcen,34.878333,-1.315000,1,El Watan,Nearly 400 student protesters were violently prevented from reaching the headquarters of the province in order to denounce their precarious situation in the new residence where they live in the aftermath of a gas explosion. ,0, 615,2276ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62302,15 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Tadmait,36.548900,3.893900,1,Agence France Presse,Security forces intercepted a vehicle heading towards Algiers killing two Islamic militants,2, 615,2277ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62375,16 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-El-Hammam,,Ain El Hamam,36.564709,4.306189,1,Agence France Presse,Police ambushed and killed another two armed Islamists in Ain El Hamam. A policeman was injured and Kalashnikov assault rifles were recovered,2, 615,2278ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62440,18 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Boumerdes,,Boumerdes Province,36.767360,3.477170,2,Agence France Presse,Militants linked to Al-Qaeda have killed two Algerian soldiers,2, 615,2279ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62506,20 October 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Ouled Aissa,36.533300,3.650000,1,Tout sur l'Algerie website,A citizen was assassinated by Algerian terrorists in the municipality of Ouled Aissa east of Boumerdes,1, 615,2280ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62633,25 October 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Adekar,36.691700,4.675000,1,Tout sur l'Algerie website,"One soldier was killed and another wounded by terrorists near Adekar, to the west of Bejaia",1, 615,2281ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,62898,03 November 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Ansar Dine,MNLA: National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,2,Agence France Presse,"Envoys from one of the radical Islamist groups controlling northern Mali, Ansar Dine, hold peace talks in Algeria and Burkina Faso, as international forces plan a military intervention. ",0, 615,2282ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63035,07 November 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Ain-Zaouia,,Ait Yahia,36.581133,3.888334,1,Magharebia (Washington DC),Two civilians were injured in a remotely-detonate bomb explosion on Wednesday (November 7th) in Ait Yahia Moussa,0, 615,2283ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63146,10 November 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Mohamed Belouizdad,36.736541,3.124631,1,El-Khabar website,"Scores of activists of the Awareness of the Sons of Mosques Movement gathered near the Mouminine Mosque in Belouizdad District in the centre of the capital in a sit-in against ""plans for war in Mali"".",0, 615,2284ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63147,10 November 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,El Watan,Ouargla witnessed a demonstration by dozens of unemployed youths outside the province's local government building for lack of jobs,0, 615,2285ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63174,11 November 2012,2012,2,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.433333,7.133333,2,El-Khabar website,"Last week, the troops of the National Popular Army destroyed three hideouts of groups belonging to the Al-Qa'idah in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb (AQLIM) organization, in the Boudkhane area, in the south of the Khenchla Province, during a wide combing operation in which they used helicopters. 21 soldiers were injured",0, 615,2286ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63233,13 November 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,,,0,10,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tin Zaouatine,19.953700,2.970100,2,"Al-Jazeera TV, Doha",Algeria to tighten security on border with Mali,0, 615,2287ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63383,16 November 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Adekar,,Aghoulad,36.723415,4.534725,1,Xinhua General News Service; : Tout sur l'Algerie website,Algerian troops killed three militants in the province of Bejaia. One of those killed was Al-Qa'idah in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb military official for Kabylie,3, 615,2288ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63384,16 November 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,2,FARS News Agency,"Pro-Palestinian activists protested Friday in several world capitals against Israeli assault on Gaza under the banner, ""Free Palestine""",0, 615,2289ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63452,18 November 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Adrar,Adrar,,Adrar,27.870924,-0.285634,2,Magharebia (Washington DC),"The Algerian army recently raised the alert level for units stationed along the southern frontier in preparation for a West African intervention in Mali, commanders were reportedly told to mobilise military vehicles and heavy equipment to border areas ",0, 615,2290ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63453,18 November 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Illizi,Illizi,,Illizi,26.833333,8.166667,2,Magharebia (Washington DC),"The Algerian army raised the alert level for units stationed along the southern frontier in preparation for a West African intervention in Mali, commanders were reportedly told to mobilise military vehicles and heavy equipment to border areas ",0, 615,2291ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63454,18 November 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,Magharebia (Washington DC),"The Algerian army recently raised the alert level for units stationed along the southern frontier in preparation for a West African intervention in Mali, commanders were reportedly told to mobilise military vehicles and heavy equipment to border areas ",0, 615,2292ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63485,19 November 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,3,El-Khabar website,Algerian forces intercept arms destined for Islamists in northern Mali. Two of the Abou Zaid group were killed and two 4WD vehicles were destroyed. The military recovered at least 10 Katyusha rockets ,2, 615,2293ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63588,21 November 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Bordj Menaiel,,Bordj Menaiel,36.743280,3.717300,1,Agence France Presse,Algerian soldiers killed four armed Islamists during a raid in the Boumerdes region ,4, 615,2294ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63772,26 November 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Adrar,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,21.343056,0.926389,1,El-Khabar website,The joint security forces deployed along the border have begun to partially close the border between Algeria and the State of Mali. Security forces began to dig trenches at the border crossings of Bordj Bedji Mokhtar ,0, 615,2295ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63773,26 November 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Adrar,Timiaouine,,Timiaouine,20.440833,1.807500,1,El-Khabar website,The joint security forces deployed along the border have begun to partially close the border between Algeria and the State of Mali. Security forces began to dig trenches at the border crossings of Timiaouine.,0, 615,2296ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63812,27 November 2012,2012,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),Algerian Workers Party,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Oran,Boutlelis,,Bou Tlelis,35.572716,-0.899596,1,El-Khabar website,"Representative of the Workers' Party, and the head of the Municipal Commission for Monitoring the Local Elections in Bouteles Municipality, western Oran, were assaulted",0, 615,2297ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63813,27 November 2012,2012,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),NLF: National Liberation Front,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tiaret,Ain El Hadid,,Chehaima,35.233333,0.800000,2,El-Khabar website,FLN activists closed down El-Cheheima municipality building and prevented the staff from going to work in protest against the disqualification of the FLN list in the forthcoming local elections by the administration,0, 615,2298ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63814,27 November 2012,2012,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),NLF: National Liberation Front,5,Rioters (Algeria),RND: National Rally for Democracy,5,55,Algeria,Biskra,Biskra,,El Alia,34.868005,5.739618,1,El-Khabar website,At least three people sustained varying injuries in clashes between supporters of the FLN and RND [Democratic National Rally] on the 10th day of the electoral campaign in Elalia District in Biskra,0, 615,2299ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63815,27 November 2012,2012,2,Violence against civilians,Rioters (Algeria),RND: National Rally for Democracy,5,Civilians (Algeria),,7,57,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,1,El-Khabar website,"More than 50 citizens in Khenchela attacked the hustings of the RND candidate, who was the head of the municipality, and cold steel was used which injured some citizens",0, 615,2300ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63816,27 November 2012,2012,2,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,,,0,50,Algeria,Souk Ahras,Ouled Driss,,Ouled Driss,36.350000,8.016667,1,El-Khabar website,"The FLN branch headquarters in Ouled Driss, eastern Souk Ahras, was set on fire",0, 615,2301ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,63918,29 November 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Bouira,Aghbalou,,Takerbouzt,36.420000,4.338333,1,Agence France Presse; El Watan,Twenty people were wounded in clashes between Algerian police and youth activists who tried to disrupt local elections,0, 615,2302ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64080,03 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Naciria,,Naciria,36.746246,3.831634,1,El Watan,Two terrorists were killed by the security forces in the municipality of Naciria,2, 615,2303ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64124,04 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Illizi,Illizi,,Illizi,26.833333,8.166667,2,El-Khabar,military units embarked on two combing operations in large areas in the Sahara in the south of the Tamanrasset and Illizi Provinces in search for the traces of any armed elements that may have infiltrated intoÊAlgeria.,0, 615,2304ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64125,04 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,2,El-Khabar,military units embarked on two combing operations in large areas in the Sahara in the south of the Tamanrasset and Illizi Provinces in search for the traces of any armed elements that may have infiltrated intoÊAlgeria.,0, 615,2305ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64126,04 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,MUJAO: Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa,,2,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Toundra,22.785000,5.522778,2,El-Khabar,Two terrorists were killed and a prominent figure of MUJAO was arrested in a security operation,2, 615,2306ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64183,05 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,12,Algeria,Adrar,Timmimoun,,Timimoun,29.263883,0.230976,1,Magharebia (Washington DC),A Mauritanian terrorist and 7 others from al-Qaeda's El Moulethemine brigade surrendered to Algerian security forces,0, 615,2307ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64241,06 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Adrar,Adrar,,Adrar,27.870924,-0.285634,2,El-Khabar,Aviation units destroyed a vehicle which tried to infiltrateÊAlgeria in a desert region to the extreme south of the Adrar Province. Found near the wreckage of the destroyed vehicle were four terrorist bodies wearing Afghan-like clothes and an anti-aircraft weapon,4, 615,2308ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64392,10 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Adrar,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,,Bordj Mokhtar,21.343056,0.926389,1,El-Khabar,A combing campaign was launched in areas adjacent to theÊAlgeria'sÊborder with Mali in search of a third 4WD vehicle which disappeared directly after the joint security forces began to pursue the armed terrorist groups,0, 615,2309ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64393,10 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,MUJAO: Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,,Bordj Mokhtar,21.343056,0.926389,1,El-Khabar,"Six terrorists arrested along the Algerian-Malian border, four RPG missiles, six Kalashnikovs and a large quantity of ammunition seized ",0, 615,2310ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64431,11 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,,,0,10,Algeria,TŽbessa,Tebessa,,Tebessa,35.404167,8.124167,2,Xinhua General News Service,Algerian authorities closed some of the border crossings with Tunisia following theÊclashesÊoccurred on Monday between Tunisian security forces and an armed militant group ,0, 615,2311ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64474,12 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tipaza,Damous,,Beni Melleuk,36.549330,1.705773,1,El-Khabar; Magharebia (Washington DC),"Algerian troops killed a terrorist in the town of Beni-Melleuk, Damous in Chlef. Officers recovered weapons during theÊambushÊoperation.",1, 615,2312ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64512,13 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Libya),Unidentified Armed Group (Tunisia),3,13,Algeria,Illizi,Illizi,,Illizi,26.833333,8.166667,3,El-Khabar,"The army eliminated two Libyan terrorists and a person with Tunisian identity paper in his possession who were about to move a consignment of weapons from Libya at the point where the Libyan, Algerian and Niger border meet. A brief clashÊtook place with the smugglers and the two vehicles were partially destroyed",3, 615,2313ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64597,16 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Bouira,Chorfa,,Cheurfa,36.365053,4.326360,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,The Al-Qa'idah Maghreb second-in-command was arrested by Algerian security agencies ,0, 615,2314ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64702,19 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Ahnif,,Ahnif,36.335870,4.262202,1,Magharebia (Washington DC); Agence France Presse,An Algerian army colonel was killed in aÊclashÊwith terrorists in Ahnif. A communal guard was also injured in the attack.,1, 615,2315ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64755,21 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,MNLA: National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad,,2,Ansar Dine,,2,22,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Magharebia (Washington DC),Two Malian rebel groups met in Algiers said they were committed to suspending hostilities and holding peace talks,0, 615,2316ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64790,22 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ouled Daid,,Bouhmama,36.083333,3.000000,2,Qatar News Agency,Four AQIM members were killed inÊclashesÊwith security forces in the mountainous region of Bouhmama of the State of Medea,4, 615,2317ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64850,24 December 2012,2012,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,MUJAO: Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa,,2,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,El-Khabar,"The military arrested three terrorists and recovered three Kalashnikov rifles, in addition to a 4x4 vehicle and a considerable quantity of ammunitions and photos of security stations",0, 615,2318ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64916,26 December 2012,2012,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Sidi Zahar,,Sidi M?regueb,36.033431,3.367662,1,,AÊbombÊintended to take out soldiers killed two youths from the same family in the Bouira region,2, 615,2319ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64957,27 December 2012,2012,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,"Al-Jazeera TV, Doha","An Algerian organization condemned what it called the ""brutal"" security crackdown by police for dispersing by force hundreds of unemployed youths who were protesting in Ouargla.",0, 615,2320ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,64978,28 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Boumerds,Zemmouri,,Zaatra,36.767500,3.606944,1,Magharebia (Washington DC); Qatar News Agency,The Algerian army killed a terrorist ,1, 615,2321ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65012,29 December 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,"Al-Jazeera TV, Doha",Unemployed in southern Algerian cityÊprotestÊoutside oil firm Sonatrach,0, 615,2322ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65066,31 December 2012,2012,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,"Al-Jazeera TV, Doha",Unemployed continueÊprotestsÊinÊAlgeria'sÊsouthern region of Ouargla,0, 615,2323ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65067,31 December 2012,2012,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Bouzegza Keddara,,Keddara,36.624720,3.477770,1,Magharebia (WashingtonÊDC),A total of thirteen terrorists were killed in two separate operations carried out by security forces ,6, 615,2324ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65094,01 January 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Djinet,,Oued Bahara,36.818330,3.753330,1,Magharebia (WashingtonÊDC),A total of thirteen terrorists were killed in two separate operations carried out by security forces ,7, 615,2325ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65133,02 January 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,BŽja•a,Melbou,,Boulzazene,36.620620,5.367180,1,Associated Press,Algerian security forces killed two radical Islamist insurgents on Wednesday in the same locality east of the capital where seven were killed a day earlier.,2, 615,2326ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65134,02 January 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Amnesty International ,"A campaigner on behalf of unemployed people has been arrested and detained in Algeria, amid continuing repression of social and economic rights activists.",0, 615,2327ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65168,03 January 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Protesters (Algeria),,6,16,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Amnesty International ,"Activits arrested in the southern town of Ouargla on 2 January, after police dispersed a reportedly peaceful protest that demanded jobs and the departure of local officials in charge of tackling unemployment.",0, 615,2328ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65275,07 January 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Protesters (Algeria),CNDDC: National Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Unemployed,6,16,Algeria,Ouargla,Ouargla,,Ouargla,31.966435,5.342051,1,Tout sur l'Algerie ,"Eleven unemployed men were arrested this Monday, 7 January by the police after having blocked a national road, Tahar Belabes, from the National Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Unemployed (CNDDC).",0, 615,2329ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65507,12 January 2013,2013,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.766000,3.050000,1,Agence France Presse,Algeria permitted military forces of France to use its airspace for bombing campaigns in neighbouring Northern Mali.,0, 615,2330ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65567,14 January 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Ouled Daid,,Bouhmama,36.083333,3.000000,2,Associated Press Online,3 militants killed near southern border,3, 615,2331ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65568,14 January 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Adrar,Timiaouine,,Mali Border,21.432617,1.439209,3,Agence France Presse,"Algeria has closed its border with Mali, where an aerial assault by the French military is targeting armed Islamist groups occupying the north of the country. No details of location / post - estimation. ",0, 615,2332ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65618,15 January 2013,2013,1,Violence against civilians,Those Who Signed in Blood,,3,Civilians (International),,7,37,Algeria,Illizi,In Amenas,,In Amenas,28.043714,9.541124,2,Agence France Presse,Islamist gunmen killed two people and took 41 Western hostages Wednesday in Algeria in what they said was a revenge attack on the country for opening its airspace to French warplanes hitting Islamists in Mali.,2, 615,2333ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65669,16 January 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Those Who Signed in Blood,,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Illizi,In Amenas,,In Amenas,28.043714,9.541124,2,Algeria Press Service,"Algerian workers held hostages by the terrorist group who attacked a gas processing facility in Tigantourine (40 km from In-Amenas) Wednesday morning have been released, in small groups, by their abductors.",0, 615,2334ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65715,17 January 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Those Who Signed in Blood,,3,Civilians (International),,7,37,Algeria,Illizi,In Amenas,,In Amenas,28.043714,9.541124,2,Algeria Press Service,"At least 20 foreign hostages escaped Thursday from Islamist militants who had taken over an Algerian natural gas complex in the Sahara desert, an Algerian security official reported.",0, 615,2335ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65716,17 January 2013,2013,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Those Who Signed in Blood,,3,13,Algeria,Illizi,In Amenas,,In Amenas,28.043714,9.541124,2,Tunis Afrique Presse,"Algerian forces on Thursday reportedly mounted a military operation against the Islamists,killing several hostages and kidnappers, according to media reports. The Algerian helicopter attacks left 35 hostages and 15 captors dead. Algerian military secured part of teh hostage site in the battle.",50, 615,2336ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65740,18 January 2013,2013,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Those Who Signed in Blood,,3,13,Algeria,Illizi,In Amenas,,In Amenas,28.043714,9.541124,2,Xinhua,"Four foreign hostages, including a U.S. national, were killed on Friday, the second day of the Algerian army's rescue operation at a gas facility in the southern province of Illizi.",4, 615,2337ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65774,19 January 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Illizi,In Amenas,,In Amenas,28.043714,9.541124,2,Algeria Press Service,"A mine clearance operation of the Tiguentourine gas plant, near In Amenas in the province of Illizi, attacked and mined Wednesday by a terrorist group is currently underway.",0, 615,2338ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,65775,19 January 2013,2013,1,Battle-Government regains territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Those Who Signed in Blood,,3,13,Algeria,Illizi,In Amenas,,In Amenas,28.043714,9.541124,2,Agence France Presse,"Algerian military conduct a final assault on In Amenas facility, secure the site. 18 killed (11 militants, 7 hostages) killed in final attack.",18, 615,2339ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66090,27 January 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,El-Farouk Brigade,,3,Patriots Militia,,3,33,Algeria,Bouira,Djebahia,,Djebahia,36.476413,3.758767,1,Tout sur l'Algerie ,An attack Sunday night in Djebahia left three Patriots Militia guards dead and seven injured. The victims reportedly prevented al-Qaeda's El Farouk brigade from blowing up the Sonatrach gas pipeline between Bouira and Tizi Ouzou.,3, 615,2340ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66373,03 February 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),National Committee for the Rights of the Unemployed,7,17,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Agence France Presse,"Algerian court sentenced to one month in jail an activist, Tahar Belabes, who is coordinator for the National Committee for the Rights of the Unemployed, known for defending the rights of the unemployed on charges of holding ""an unarmed gathering,""",0, 615,2341ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66418,04 February 2013,2013,3,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,"Agence France Presse, BBC Monitoring",Algerian army sent reinforcements to border with Mali in order to prevent the infiltration of armed combatant groups.,0, 615,2342ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66507,06 February 2013,2013,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,37,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,1,"BBC Monitoring, Africa News, Agence France Presse","Local sources suggest the attack was planned starting from the abduction of two civilians, one of whom was the driver of a truck with food supplies for the barracks and it was used to storm the barracks.",0, 615,2343ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66508,06 February 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Khenchela,Khenchela,,Khenchela,35.435833,7.143333,1,"BBC Monitoring, Africa News, Agence France Presse","A group of 50 armed combatants on Wednesday [6 February] night launched an attack on a military barracks in southeastern Khenchela Province, during which heavy RPG weapons were used. The army responded with field artillery and military planes. Two armed combatants were killed and a third sustained injuries. Six soldiers were injured. AFP reported the attackers as Islamist.",2, 615,2344ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66545,07 February 2013,2013,1,Violence against civilians,Civilians (Algeria),,7,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,17,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,3,Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (Cairo),The prison administration Algeria punished 40 prisoners who have been in hunger strike for three days protesting against squalid conditions and in solidarity with the political detainee Mohamed Babah Nagar.,0, 615,2345ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66575,08 February 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tin Zaouatine,,Tin Zaouatine,19.953700,2.970100,1,"Agence France Presse, Africa News","The Algerian army arrested two al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) suicide bombers in Tinzouatine,",0, 615,2346ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66680,11 February 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Azzefoun,,Ihnouchene,36.868189,4.302349,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"Two die in skirmish with forces of the People's National Army [ANP] near the village of Ihnouchene, in the Aghribs region",2, 615,2347ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66798,14 February 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Arabic Network for Human Rights Information,The authorities arrested 16 protesters from the unemployed workers on the back ground of the closure of a workshop in Debish in Warqla,0, 615,2348ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66832,15 February 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Chlef,Sidi Akkacha,,Sidi Akkacha,36.466667,1.300000,1,El Moudjahid,"Algerian security services killed an armed combatant on Friday night in Sidi Akkacha, 43km north of Chlef, El Moudjahid reported. The armed combatant was in a stolen vehicle earlier in the day when he killed a police officer who stopped him for an identity check.",2, 615,2349ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66881,16 February 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),Free Awakening Front,7,17,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,Magharebia,"Algerian authorities barred the ""Free Awakening Front"" from holding its founding convention. The Algerian Interior Ministry refused to license the first salafist party in the country.",0, 615,2350ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66882,16 February 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),Military Forces of Algeria (1999-) Border Guard,1,Ansar Dine,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,21.343056,0.926389,1,El-Khabar,"People's National Army, supported by units of the National Gendarmerie Forces' Border Guard, killed four armed combatants in the early hours of the morning on the day before yesterday. The armed combatants belonged to Ansar Eddine Movement in Northern Mali.",4, 615,2351ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66920,17 February 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tiaret,Ksar Chellala,,Chellala,35.216667,2.316667,1,L'Expression,ANP troops on Sunday killed two armed combatants in the Batna town of Chellala.,2, 615,2352ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,66921,17 February 2013,2013,1,Violence against civilians,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,Civilians (Algeria),,7,37,Algeria,Boumerds,Thenia,,Thenia,36.727778,3.553889,1,El Watan,"A bomb explosion left an Algerian woman with serious injuries. The victim reportedly stepped on the explosive device, buried by armed combatants in an olive grove near ThŽnia, 15km south of Boumerds.",0, 615,2353ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67040,20 February 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,,,0,10,Algeria,Adrar,Sebaa,,Sbaa,28.211940,-0.175000,1,El-Khabar,"The army surrounded the Sbaa refinery, to secure and protect the refinery from any attack, as well as the protection of foreigners.",0, 615,2354ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67072,21 February 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Beja•a,36.750000,5.066667,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,An Algerian soldier was wounded in a bomb blast west of Bejaia on Thursday. The incident happened during an army sweep operation in the Adekar region.,0, 615,2355ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67073,21 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.883333,1,Al Jazeera,"Meanwhile, scores of protestors gathered outside a courthouse in Laghouat, central Algeria, to demand the release of people held during a demonstration organized by the unemployed to demand jobs.",0, 615,2356ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67074,21 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Al Jazeera,The National Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Unemployed staged a stand-up protest outside the courthouse in the eastern Algerian province of Ouargla against the arrest of two youths during a peaceful demonstration to demand jobs.,0, 615,2357ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67104,22 February 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Chlef,Sidi Akkacha,,Boukaal Medajadji,36.466667,1.300000,1,"Magharebia, La Tribune (Algiers)",ANP soldiers eliminated four Chlef armed combatants in Boukaal Medajadji.,4, 615,2358ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67105,22 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.883333,1,Al Jazeera,"Scores of people have staged protests in Algeria's gas-rich region of Laghouat to demand the release of a number of unemployed youths. The demonstrators said police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse them, leaving some of them with breathing difficulty, according to Al-Jazeera.",0, 615,2359ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67137,23 February 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Boumerds,Timezrit,,Timezrit,36.673333,3.806389,1,"Magharebia, La Tribune (Algiers)","Eight other al-Qaeda fighters died Saturday morning in the Boumerds town of Timezrit. One of the twelve armed combatants killed by Algerian security forces at the week-end was identified as the al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) emir in Bordj Mena•el, Tout sur l'Algerie reported on Sunday.",8, 615,2360ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67179,24 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Kouba,,Kouba,36.733333,3.100000,1,La Tribune (Algiers)," Students at a national maths school in Kouba (Algiers) continued their protest, begun last week, against the high school administration. ",0, 615,2361ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67209,25 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,Al Jazeera,Several people have been arrested in Algeria during protests organized by an association for the unemployed in several cities,0, 615,2362ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67210,25 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.883333,1,Al Jazeera,Several people have been arrested in Algeria during protests organized by an association for the unemployed in several cities,0, 615,2363ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67211,25 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Medea,36.266667,2.750000,1,Al Jazeera,Several people have been arrested in Algeria during protests organized by an association for the unemployed in several cities,0, 615,2364ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67212,25 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Al Jazeera,Several people have been arrested in Algeria during protests organized by an association for the unemployed in several cities,0, 615,2365ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67297,27 February 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Bordj Bou Arreridj,Bordj Bou Arreridj,,Bordj Bou Arreridj,36.066667,4.766667,1,Agence France Presse,"People angry over the allocation of subsidised housing have clashed with police in a town east of the Algerian capital, leaving 52 people injured. Riot police responded with tear gas to disperse protestors.",0, 615,2366ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67536,04 March 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Thala Bouanane,36.711825,4.045914,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"A violent skirmish took place between soldiers and a terrorist group this Monday, 4 March, at 1630 hours in Thala Bouanane, at the southern entrance to the city of Tizi Ouzou. No toll has leaked out yet but the search operation was still ongoing at 1900 hours to locate the armed Islamists.",0, 615,2367ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67537,04 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Annaba,36.833333,7.583333,1,La Tribune (Algiers),"Workers from Ferrovial besieged the headquarters of the General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA) of the province of Annaba, demanding the dissolution of the Ferrovial trade union, saying it cannot represent them.",0, 615,2368ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67602,05 March 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzo,36.711825,4.045914,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"A bomb blast in Tizi Ouzou wounded an Algerian army officer on Tuesday (March 5th), Tout sur l'Algerie reported. The explosive device went off while soldiers were conducting a search operation between Azazga and Yakourene.",0, 615,2369ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67700,07 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,A•t Douala,36.711825,4.045914,1,La Tribune (Algiers),"Hundreds of people marched on Thursday morning, in A•t Douala, about fifteen kilometers from Tizi Ouzou, calling for the release of Laceuk Ali, a young man from the village Tala Khelil, in the municipality of Ait Douala, missing since February 23 last.",0, 615,2370ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67783,09 March 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,,Bordj Badji Mokthar,21.343056,0.926389,1,Echorouk,"Algerian security services on Saturday (March 9th) broke up an al-Qaeda terror cell in the town of Bordj Badji Mokthar along the Mali border, Echorouk reported. Seven people, including two Malians, were arrested.",0, 615,2371ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67784,09 March 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Laarama,36.333333,6.666667,1,El Watan,"Two ""terrorists"" have been killed by the Algerian security services in an ambush in Laarama, in the municipality of Badis, some 40 km southeast of Constantine",2, 615,2372ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,67927,12 March 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.883333,1,Agence France Presse,"An Algerian court on Tuesday sentenced to jail four unemployed people on charges of ""illegal gathering"" after they held a protest last month to demand jobs, while 13 others were acquitted, their lawyer said. The four, who were also accused of using force against police, were sentenced each to one month in prison, lawyer Naima Saci told AFP after the verdict was announced at a court in Laghouat, southern Algeria.",0, 615,2373ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68015,14 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,El Meniaa,,El-Golea,30.566667,2.883333,1,El-Khabar,"More than 200 unemployed people congregated yesterday morning outside the offices of Tamanrasset Province in support of the participants in the Ouargla march. Scores of protesters demonstrated outside employment offices in Ghardaia, Metlili and El-Golea to express their support for the Regaining Dignity march in Ouargla",0, 615,2374ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68016,14 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,1,El-Khabar,"More than 200 unemployed people congregated yesterday morning outside the offices of Tamanrasset Province in support of the participants in the Ouargla march. Scores of protesters demonstrated outside employment offices in Ghardaia, Metlili and El-Golea to express their support for the Regaining Dignity march in Ouargla",0, 615,2375ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68017,14 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Metlili,33.937081,2.901409,1,El-Khabar,"More than 200 unemployed people congregated yesterday morning outside the offices of Tamanrasset Province in support of the participants in the Ouargla march. Scores of protesters demonstrated outside employment offices in Ghardaia, Metlili and El-Golea to express their support for the Regaining Dignity march in Ouargla",0, 615,2376ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68018,14 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Agence France Presse,"Thousands of unemployed Algerians protested on Thursday in the southern town of Ouargla, near the country's most important oilfield, to demand jobs and an end to lawsuits against them, sources said",0, 615,2377ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68019,14 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,El-Khabar,"More than 200 unemployed people congregated yesterday morning outside the offices of Tamanrasset Province in support of the participants in the Ouargla march. Scores of protesters demonstrated outside employment offices in Ghardaia, Metlili and El-Golea to express their support for the Regaining Dignity march in Ouargla",0, 615,2378ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68096,16 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"On Saturday [16 March] dozens of young people held a rally in Tamanrasset to demand the ""right to work and dignity"".",0, 615,2379ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68129,17 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Oran,Arzew,,Arzew,35.851700,-0.321400,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"On Sunday dozens of others criss-crossed the arteries of the [western] city of Arzew to demand work and the implementation of the Sellal instructions, which provide that priority ought to be given to the unemployed of the region",0, 615,2380ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68130,17 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Constantine,Constantine,,Constantine,36.365000,6.614722,1,"El-Khabar, Al-Jazeera",Thousands protest in Algeria to denounce rise in child abduction cases. The city of Constantine yesterday was the scene of confrontations between demonstrators and security forces outside the offices of the judicial Council after an attempt by hundreds of youths to storm the council offices which resulted in 23 police officers hurt suffering various degrees of injuries. reliable sources said that many leading members of the dissolved so-called Islamic Salvation Army tried to exploit the situation and the call for a day of mourning. ,0, 615,2381ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68131,17 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"On the same day young people, university graduates for the most part, held a rally in front of the of Ghardaia's Province headquarters to demand jobs",0, 615,2382ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68132,17 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tindouf,Tindouf,,Tindouf,27.675278,-8.128611,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"In Tindouf, a march ""for dignity"" attracted hundreds of young people.",0, 615,2383ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68175,18 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,Al Jazeera,"Algerian security forces have held 20 youths who took part in a demonstration in the capital Algiers against their fixed-term contracts and demanded permanent jobs, Al-Jazeera reported on 18 March.",0, 615,2384ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68176,18 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzo,36.711825,4.045914,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"They demonstrated as well for improving living conditions and security conditions, as did the march that was organized this Monday [18 March] by students in Tizi-Ouzou.",0, 615,2385ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68217,19 March 2013,2013,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In Salah,,Ain Salah,27.193508,2.460691,1,El-Khabar,"Scores of unemployed people gathered outside the Employment Agency offices in Tamanrasset and Ain Salah, holding banners with slogans condemning the policy followed in the sphere of employment.",0, 615,2386ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68218,19 March 2013,2013,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,1,El-Khabar,Out-of-work activists within the Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Unemployed prevented by force a meeting of members of parliament for southern provinces in the Ghardaia Province offices. The protesters managed to enter the main meeting hall and disrupted the parliamentarians' meeting which was subsequently cancelled.,0, 615,2387ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68219,19 March 2013,2013,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,El-Khabar,"Scores of unemployed people congregated outside the TV branch offices in Ouargla, holding banners with slogans condemning the parliamentary committee which had scheduled many meetings with representatives from civil society and unemployed people in Ouargla",0, 615,2388ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68220,19 March 2013,2013,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,El-Khabar,"Scores of unemployed people gathered outside the Employment Agency offices in Tamanrasset and Ain Salah, holding banners with slogans condemning the policy followed in the sphere of employment.",0, 615,2389ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68221,19 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Nezla,,Touggourt,33.100000,6.066700,1,El-Khabar,Hundreds of unemployed youths gathered yesterday morning outside the Employment Agency offices in Touggourt,0, 615,2390ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68318,21 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,Agence France Presse,"Covered from head to toe in white, their faces partly masked by embroidered triangular cloths, Algerian women marched through the capital Thursday to defend their traditional Islamic dress.",0, 615,2391ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68387,23 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Laghouat,Laghouat,,Laghouat,33.800000,2.883333,1,"Magharebia, Al Jazeera",Thousands of demonstrators on Saturday (March 23rd) swarmed the Place de la RŽsistance in Laghouat in southern Algeria to press for jobs and recruitment transparency.,0, 615,2392ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68415,24 March 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,AQIM: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,3,Ennahar TV,"Al-Qaeda has named Djamel Okacha, a 34-year-old Algerian also known as Yahia Aboul Hammam, as replacement for Abdelhamid Abou Zeid, a key commander of its North African branch who was killed in fighting with French-led forces in northern Mali.",0, 615,2393ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68416,24 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tamanghasset,In Salah,,Ain Salah,27.193508,2.460691,1,Al Jazeera,"Meanwhile, political activists joined a protest in the southern city of In Salah in solidarity with Laghouat demonstrators,",0, 615,2394ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68437,25 March 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Makouda,,Attouche,36.783333,4.066667,1,"Agence France Presse, L'Expression","On Monday night into Tuesday morning [25-26 March], a violent clash pitted the security forces against a terrorist group near the community of Attouche, in the municipality of Makouda [northern Algeria]. Yesterday morning, local sources noted that three terrorists were slain while operations were still ongoing. ",3, 615,2395ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68438,25 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,La Tribune (Algiers),"Throughout the day yesterday, the town hall of Sidi M'hamed in Algiers, was closed to the public due to a strike of workers at different positions, which began last Sunday. ",0, 615,2396ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68469,26 March 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Makouda,,Attouche,36.783333,4.066667,1,"Agence France Presse, L'Expression","Algerian security forces have killed five Islamists on Monday evening and Tuesday in a raid on the village of Attouche, in the Makouda area, Among those killed were Badache Said, 39, who led the Ibn el-Moqafa militia, and Nouali Hamza, both of whom were handed death sentences in absentia last week along with 33 others, including Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb chief Abdelmalek Droukdel.",2, 615,2397ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68470,26 March 2013,2013,2,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Government of Algeria (1999-),,1,Civilians (Algeria),,7,17,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Annaba,36.833333,7.583333,1,Amnesty International,"The Algerian authorities have prevented a delegation of 96 trade unionists and civil society activists from crossing the border into Tunisia to attend the World Social Forum this week, violating their right to freedom of movement, Amnesty International said today. Members of these groups have been repeatedly harassed by the Algerian authorities, who continue to restrict freedom of assembly and association in law and practice, as protests over poverty, unemployment and corruption have increased in the country during the past two years.",0, 615,2398ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68471,26 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ain Defla,Ain Defla,,Ain Defla,36.268100,1.967500,1,La Tribune (Algiers),"Financial services workers from the province of A•n Defla went on strike yesterday at the behest of their union representative, an affiliate of UGTA. ",0, 615,2399ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68472,26 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"Clashes between demonstrators and the police were persisting early in the evening on Tuesday 26 March in Ghardaia, it was learned from local sources. Police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the demonstrators, who were angry over the arrest in the morning of 20 or so unemployed and human rights defenders.",0, 615,2400ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68506,27 March 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tleta Hidoussen,36.711825,4.045914,1,"Magharebia, L'Expression","On Wednesday another terrorist was killed by soldiers in Tleta Hidoussen, near Tizi Ouzou.",1, 615,2401ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68531,28 March 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Oued Guergour,36.711825,4.045914,1,"Magharebia, L'Expression","A terrorist was killed and his weapons recovered at the end of an ambush by soldiers in the municipality of Oued Guergour, between Tadmait and Draa Ben Khedda, in the province of Tizi Ouzou.",1, 615,2402ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68593,30 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,El-Khabar,"The strike of the Algiers Municipality workers which has entered its eighth day has drowned many districts of the capital in a sea of refuse, put the authorities in trouble and made them hire trucks to collect the refuse. ",0, 615,2403ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68594,30 March 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,El Oued,El Oued,,El Oued,33.356080,6.863186,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"The unemployed are continuing their protest movement in the provinces of the south. Several hundred unemployed gathered this Saturday 30 March on Martyr Monument Square in the downtown of the El Oued Province, ",0, 615,2404ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68662,01 April 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,MUJAO: Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa,,2,12,Algeria,Adrar,Bordj Badji Mokhtar,,Bordj Badji Mokthar,21.343056,0.926389,2,Magharebia,"Nine terrorists at least were slain by the security forces on the Algerian-Malian border this past Monday. The skirmish between elements from the ANP and the terrorist group, identified as a phalange from the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa [MUJAO], allegedly lasted more than an hour. The terrorists were of Libyan, Nigerien, Burkinabe, and Malian descent. It was in the Disderine region, also known by the name of the border triangle between Algeria, Mali, and Mauritania.",9, 615,2405ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68663,01 April 2013,2013,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Annaba,Oued El Aneb,,Annaba,36.833333,7.583333,1,El-Khabar,"A group of unemployed youths who are residents of Sidi Ammar Municipality, Annaba Province, attempted mass suicide by threatening to jump off the roof of the Municipal People's Council building in protest at delays by the local authorities in providing suitable employment for them. According to eyewitnesses the protesters yesterday used daggers and cold steel to mutilate their bodies as a means of getting the attention of the local authorities to find a solution to their demands quickly. ",0, 615,2406ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68664,01 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,1,Magharebia,"Activists in Ghardaia launched a hunger strike on Monday (April 1st), the latest in a series of actions aimed at calling attention to conditions in southern Algeria.",0, 615,2407ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68739,03 April 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Islamist Militia (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,MŽdŽa,Medea,,Mezghena,36.267500,2.750000,1,"Agence France Presse, Xinhua General News Service","A policeman was killed and two wounded on Wednesday when they were ambushed by Islamists in the Medea region 90 kilometres (55 miles) south of the capital, a security source told the APS news agency. The attack came as police were providing security for the convoy of a local official, the source said, adding that one police officer died instantly when the gunmen opened fire. ",1, 615,2408ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68812,05 April 2013,2013,1,Battle-No change of territory,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tigzirt,,Tikiouache,36.841122,4.145339,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"Four soldiers were wounded, one of whom lost his two legs, in the explosion of a homemade bomb this Friday [5 April] near the village of Tikiouache, in the municipality of Mizrana 40 kilometres north of Tizi Ouzou",0, 615,2409ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68925,08 April 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Military Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,Unidentified Armed Group (Algeria),,3,13,Algeria,Bouira,Lakhdaria,,Lakhdaria,36.560200,3.589600,1,Tout sur l'Algerie,"A homemade bomb was defused by soldiers this Monday, 8 April, at about 1530 hours near the railway station in Lakhdaria, north of Bouira ",0, 615,2410ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68926,08 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Hassi Messaoud,,Hassi Messaoud,31.701900,6.054400,1,El-Khabar,"Hundreds of unemployed people in Hassi Massaoud yesterday morning blocked the entrance to the headquarters of the partnership section BSB. The protesters demanded employment and an end to their marginalization.",0, 615,2411ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,68927,08 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Hassi Messaoud,,Hassi Messaoud,31.701900,6.054400,1,El-Khabar,Scores of unemployed people in Hassi Massaoud organized a protest yesterday morning outside the National Geophysical Company at the industrial estate in Hassi Massaoud and blocked the entrance to the company in protest at their exclusion from 20 jobs which the company had previously asked the local employment agency to fill.,0, 615,2412ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69001,10 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,"Tout sur l'Algerie, Al Jazeera","Algerian police, demonstrators clashed in second day of protests over housing. New clashes broke out this Thursday, 11 April, between residents and the forces of law and order in downtown Ouargla.The demonstrators set fire to several administrative institutions, he said. ",0, 615,2413ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69045,11 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Rioters (Algeria),,5,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,15,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,"Tout sur l'Algerie, Al Jazeera","Algerian police, demonstrators clashed in second day of protests over housing. New clashes broke out this Thursday, 11 April, between residents and the forces of law and order in downtown Ouargla.The demonstrators set fire to several administrative institutions, he said. ",0, 615,2414ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69106,13 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Gharda•a,Ghardaia,,Ghardaia,32.483333,3.666667,1,Al Jazeera,Protestors in southern Algerian town of Ghardaia demand jobs. ,0, 615,2415ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69107,13 April 2013,2013,2,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,1,Al Jazeera,Youth in the southern Algeria town of Ghardaia have demonstrated to demand jobs and housing days after a series of similar protests were staged in Ouargla and Tamanrasset.,0, 615,2416ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69129,14 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,3,La Tribune (Algiers),"Principals and directors of secondary schools have been on strike for four days in different provinces of the country. They also consider themselves aggrieved in their rights to a fair promotion, depending on their rank and years of work.",0, 615,2417ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69130,14 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Ouargla,Rouissat,,Ouargla,31.935022,5.322329,1,Al Jazeera,Scores gather outside Ourgla courthouse to demand release of youths held during protests against housing allocations. ,0, 615,2418ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69162,15 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,Agence France Presse ,"Algeria was hit Tuesday by a series of strikes, including high school teachers and employees of the health sector demanding better wages, reported a union official and the press. The strikers demanded including higher wages and regularization of contractual employees and contractors. The wave of protest has also affected the transport sector with a strike by employees of the Algiers tramway, which began on Monday but ended Tuesday night. According to press reports, the strikers demanded the departure of the management team of the company Setram, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Algiers metro.",0, 615,2419ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69163,15 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,3,La Tribune (Algiers),"Principals and directors of secondary schools have been on strike for four days in different provinces of the country. They also consider themselves aggrieved in their rights to a fair promotion, depending on their rank and years of work.",0, 615,2420ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69217,16 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,Agence France Presse ,"Algeria was hit Tuesday by a series of strikes, including high school teachers and employees of the health sector demanding better wages, reported a union official and the press. The strikers demanded including higher wages and regularization of contractual employees and contractors. The wave of protest has also affected the transport sector with a strike by employees of the Algiers tramway, which began on Monday but ended Tuesday night. According to press reports, the strikers demanded the departure of the management team of the company Setram, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Algiers metro.",0, 615,2421ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69218,16 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,3,La Tribune (Algiers),"Principals and directors of secondary schools have been on strike for four days in different provinces of the country. They also consider themselves aggrieved in their rights to a fair promotion, depending on their rank and years of work.",0, 615,2422ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69255,17 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,3,La Tribune (Algiers),"Principals and directors of secondary schools have been on strike for four days in different provinces of the country. They also consider themselves aggrieved in their rights to a fair promotion, depending on their rank and years of work.",0, 615,2423ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69376,20 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,1,Tout sur l'Algerie ,"In downtown Algiers, a special presence was put in place, in the morning, on Rue Didouche Mourad near the Central [University] Faculty in anticipation of a student demonstration designed to celebrate the anniversary of the Berber Spring, it was noted on site. Policemen proceeded to stop several students.",0, 615,2424ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69377,20 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,BŽja•a,Bejaia,,Bejaia,36.750000,5.083300,1,Tout sur l'Algerie ,"In Bejaia, activists from the MAK and the RCD [Rally for Culture and Democracy] marched together to celebrate 20 April and demand official status for Tamazight. The march moved from Targa-Ouzemour University to the province headquarters.",0, 615,2425ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69378,20 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,Police Forces of Algeria (1999-),,1,16,Algeria,Bouira,Bouira,,Bouira,36.380000,3.901400,1,Tout sur l'Algerie ,"In Bouira, several people were arrested by the police as they were taking part in the march organized by the Movement for the Autonomy of Kabylie (MAK) on the occasion of 20 April.",0, 615,2426ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69379,20 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Tizi Ouzou,Tizi Ouzou,,Tizi Ouzo,36.711825,4.045914,1,Tout sur l'Algerie ,"In Tizi Ouzou, the two marches that the MAK and the RCD called for to celebrate the April 1980 Berber Spring attracted between 8,000 and 10,000 people, according to organizers. The two marches broke up at 1400 hours, calmly.",0, 615,2427ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69386,20 April 2013,2013,1,Non-violent activity by a conflict actor,Ansar Dine,,2,,,0,20,Algeria,Tamanghasset,Tamenghasset,,Tamanrasset,22.785000,5.522778,2,El-Watan,"Islamist fighters ousted from their strongholds in northern Mali by a French-led military offensive in the region are now hiding and regrouping in Libya, according to a Malian army officer cited by Al-Jazeera on 19 April. Leaders of Mali's Islamist armed group, Ansar Eddine, have gone into the region of Tamanrasset in Algeria's far south, ",0, 615,2428ALGÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ê,69404,21 April 2013,2013,1,Riots/Protests,Protesters (Algeria),,6,,,0,60,Algeria,Alger,Bouzareah,,Algiers,36.763100,3.050600,3,La
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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