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Forked from finiterank/Gender Parity
Created May 31, 2014 04:22
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edx <- read.csv("data//HMXPC13_DI_v2_5-14-14.csv")
gender.table <- ddply(edx, .(final_cc_cname_DI, gender), summarise, number = length(userid_DI))
levels(gender.table$gender) <- c("none", "female", "male", "other")
gender.table <- dcast(gender.table, final_cc_cname_DI ~ gender, value.var="number")
gender.table$parity <- gender.table$female / gender.table$male
ggplot(gender.table, aes(x=parity, y=reorder(final_cc_cname_DI,parity))) +
geom_point(size=5, shape=15, color="orangered") +
xlab(expression(frac(Males, Females))) +
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Should the expression on the x label be frac(Females, Males) instead?

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