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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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#' Creates a block grid of a given data type
#' @param nrow number of rows
#' @param ncol number of columns
#' @param type data type of object
#' @param fill default fill color
#' @export
#' @examples
#' grid1 = block_grid(10, 10)
#' grid1 = block_grid(10, 10, 'matrix')
#' grid1[1] = 'red'
#' grid1
#' grid1 = block_grid(10, type = 'vector')
#' grid1[1] = 'red'
#' grid1
block_grid = function(nrow, ncol = nrow, type = 'data.frame', fill = get_fill("")){
data_ = matrix(fill, nrow, ncol)
blk = switch(type,
"data.frame" =, stringsAsFactors = F),
"matrix" = data_,
"vector" = rep(fill, nrow)
#' Print a block object as raw data
#' @param x object to print
#' @export
print_raw = function(x){
class(x) = class(x)[-1]
#' Add block class to an object
#' @param x object to add block class to
#' @keywords internal
as.block = function(x){
class(x) = c('block', class(x))
#' Print a block object as a grid
#' @param x block object to display
#' @export
print.block = function(x){
#' Display a block grid
#' @param block an object of block class
#' @export
#' The implementation here is borrowed from sna::plot.sociomatrix
display = function(block, show_values = F, xlab = "", fills = NULL, ...){
values = block
if (!('block' %in% class(block))){
block = make_block(block)
show_values = TRUE
fills = getFills(values)
kv = c(integer = 'blue', factor = 'lightblue', character = 'green',
logical = 'red'
gap = 0.5
if (!is.atomic(block) && is.null(dim(block))){
maxLen = max(sapply(block, length))
data ='white', maxLen, length(block)))
datavalues ='', maxLen, length(block)))
if (!is.null(names(block))) names(data) = names(block)
for (i in seq_along(block)){
data[i] <- c(
rep('white', maxLen - length(block[[i]]))
datavalues[i] <- c(
rep("", maxLen - length(values[[i]]))
} else if (length(dim(block)) < 2){
data <- matrix('white', length(block), length(block))
datavalues <- matrix('', length(block), length(block))
data[1,] = block
datavalues[1,] = values
} else {
data = block
datavalues = values
n = dim(data)[1]; o = dim(data)[2]
drawlines = TRUE
cur_mar = par('mar')
par(mar = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
plot(1, 1, xlim = c(0, o + 1), ylim = c(n + 1, 0), type = "n",
axes = FALSE, xlab = xlab, ylab = "", asp = 1
if ({
segments(1, 0, o, 0, col = 'darkgray')
# points(1:n, rep(0, o), pch = 16)
text(1:o, rep(0, o), labels = names(data), font = 2, ...)
# points(1:o, rep(0, o), pch = 21)
segments(1:o, 0.1, 1:o, 0.5, col = 'darkgray')
gap = 0.45
if (!is.null(fills)){
data = fills
for (i in 1:n){
for (j in 1:o) {
rect(j - gap, i + gap, j + gap, i - gap,
col = data[i, j], xpd = TRUE, border = 'white'
# text(i, j, labels = paste("(", i, ",", j, ")"))
# text(j, i, labels = paste("(", j, ",", i, ")"))
if (show_values){
for (i in 1:NCOL(datavalues)){
for (j in 1:NROW(datavalues)) {
text(i, j, labels = datavalues[j, i], ...)
rect(0.5, 0.5, o + 0.5, n + 0.5, col = NA, xpd = TRUE, border = 'white')
par(mar = cur_mar)
getFills <- function(x){
} <- function(x){
fills =, nrow = NROW(x), ncol = NCOL(x)))
for (i in 1:NROW(x)){
for(j in 1:NCOL(x)){
fills[i, j] = fill_fun(x[i, j])
getFills.matrix <- function(x){
fills = matrix(NA, nrow = NROW(x), ncol = NCOL(x))
for (i in 1:NROW(x)){
for(j in 1:NCOL(x)){
fills[i, j] = fill_fun(x[i, j])
fill_fun <- function(x){
'integer' = '#91bfdb',
'numeric' = '#4575b4',
'double' = '#4575b4',
'factor' = '#fee090',
'logical' = '#fc8d59',
getFills.list <- function(x){
NROWS = max(sapply(x, length))
lapply(x, function(y){
rep(fill_fun(y), length(y)),
rep('white', NROWS - length(y))
}), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
getFills.default <- function(x){
y <- matrix('white', nrow = length(x), ncol = length(x))
y[1,] <- rep(fill_fun(x), length(x))
make_block <- function(x, ...){
make_block.list <- function(x, ...){
as.block(lapply(x, function(xi){
rep(get_fill(xi), length(xi))
make_block.matrix <- function(x, ...){
as.block(apply(x, 2, function(xi){
rep(get_fill(xi), length(xi))
} = function(x, ...){
as.block(, function(xi){
rep(get_fill(xi), length(xi))
}), stringsAsFactors = F))
# make_block.default = function(x){
# as.block(rep(get_fill(mode(xi)), length(x)))
# }
make_block.default = function(x, ...){
if (length(x) > 1){
return(as.block(rep(get_fill(x), length(x))))
dotlist = list(nrow = x, ...)
if (!("type" %in% names(dotlist))){
dotlist$type = infer_type(x)
if (dotlist$type == 'vector'){
dotlist$ncol = x
}'block_grid', dotlist)
fill_by <- function(f){
switch(f(x), 'numeric' = "#a6cee3", 'logical' = "#1f78b4", "#b2df8a")
get_fill = function(x){
getOption('fill_by', function(x){return("#b2df8a")})(x)
infer_type = function(x){
if ({
} else if (is.matrix(x)){
} else if (is.list(x)) {
} else {
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