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Last active July 28, 2016 12:35
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  • Save rveciana/e395f2ef1f872fa69c2182a57e127326 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rveciana/e395f2ef1f872fa69c2182a57e127326 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
isobands and isolines from a geotiff with d3js

This exampe shows the temperature at 840 hPa and the geopotential height at 850 hPa from the GFS model (date 27/7/2016).

The idea is showing how to use the d3-marching-squares library as in the previous example, but adding isolines.

The colors represent the temperature and the lines the geopotential height. The example should have a scale, but the d3-legend library doesn't seem to work with d3 v4. The isolines should be labaled too, and this is a quite difficult task.

The example is created with npm and browserify, so if you want to play a little with it:

  • Download the package.json, index.html and draw.js files
  • run npm install
  • change the things you want in the draw.js file
  • run browserify draw.js > bundle.js

Now you can see the changed page.

(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var d3_selection = require("d3-selection");
var d3_geo = require("d3-geo");
var d3_request = require("d3-request");
var d3_marching_squares = require("d3-marching-squares");
var topojson = require("topojson");
var GeoTIFF = require("geotiff");
var d3_scale_chromatic = require("d3-scale-chromatic");
var width = 680,
height = 500;
var projection = d3_geo.geoAzimuthalEqualArea()
.rotate([-55.5, -24])
var canvas ="body").append("canvas")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
var path = d3_geo.geoPath()
.get(function(error, tiffData){
d3_request.json("world-110m.json", function(error, topojsonData) {
var tiff = GeoTIFF.parse(tiffData.response);
var image = tiff.getImage();
var rasters = image.readRasters();
var tiepoint = image.getTiePoints()[0];
var pixelScale = image.getFileDirectory().ModelPixelScale;
var geoTransform = [tiepoint.x, pixelScale[0], 0, tiepoint.y, 0, -1*pixelScale[1]];
var zData = new Array(image.getHeight());
var tempData = new Array(image.getHeight());
for (var j = 0; j<image.getHeight(); j++){
zData[j] = new Array(image.getWidth());
tempData[j] = new Array(image.getWidth());
for (var i = 0; i<image.getWidth(); i++){
zData[j][i] = rasters[0][i + j*image.getWidth()];
tempData[j][i] = rasters[1][i + j*image.getWidth()];
var countries = topojson.feature(topojsonData, topojsonData.objects.countries);
context.strokeStyle = "#000";
var intervalsTemp = [14,17,20,23,26,29, 35, 38];
//var colorsTemp = ['#2166ac','#67a9cf','#d1e5f0','#f7f7f7','#fddbc7','#ef8a62','#b2182b'];
var bandsTemp = d3_marching_squares.isobands(tempData, geoTransform, intervalsTemp);
bandsTemp.features.forEach(function(d, i) {
context.globalAlpha = 0.9;
context.fillStyle = d3_scale_chromatic.interpolateRdBu(1-(i/(bandsTemp.features.length-1)));
var countries = topojson.feature(topojsonData, topojsonData.objects.countries);
context.strokeStyle = "#000";
context.lineWidth = 1.5;
context.globalAlpha = 0.5;
var intervalsZ = [1400, 1420, 1440, 1460, 1480, 1500, 1520, 1540];
var linesZ = d3_marching_squares.isolines(zData, geoTransform, intervalsZ);
linesZ.features.forEach(function(d, i) {
context.strokeStyle = "#000";
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.globalAlpha = 1;
// Version 1.0.0. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
function ascending(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN;
function bisector(compare) {
if (compare.length === 1) compare = ascendingComparator(compare);
return {
left: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
if (lo == null) lo = 0;
if (hi == null) hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (compare(a[mid], x) < 0) lo = mid + 1;
else hi = mid;
return lo;
right: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
if (lo == null) lo = 0;
if (hi == null) hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (compare(a[mid], x) > 0) hi = mid;
else lo = mid + 1;
return lo;
function ascendingComparator(f) {
return function(d, x) {
return ascending(f(d), x);
var ascendingBisect = bisector(ascending);
var bisectRight = ascendingBisect.right;
var bisectLeft = ascendingBisect.left;
function descending(a, b) {
return b < a ? -1 : b > a ? 1 : b >= a ? 0 : NaN;
function number(x) {
return x === null ? NaN : +x;
function variance(array, f) {
var n = array.length,
m = 0,
s = 0,
i = -1,
j = 0;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) {
if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) {
d = a - m;
m += d / ++j;
s += d * (a - m);
else {
while (++i < n) {
if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) {
d = a - m;
m += d / ++j;
s += d * (a - m);
if (j > 1) return s / (j - 1);
function deviation(array, f) {
var v = variance(array, f);
return v ? Math.sqrt(v) : v;
function extent(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = c = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null) {
if (a > b) a = b;
if (c < b) c = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = c = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null) {
if (a > b) a = b;
if (c < b) c = b;
return [a, c];
var array = Array.prototype;
var slice = array.slice;
var map =;
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
function identity(x) {
return x;
function range(start, stop, step) {
start = +start, stop = +stop, step = (n = arguments.length) < 2 ? (stop = start, start = 0, 1) : n < 3 ? 1 : +step;
var i = -1,
n = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((stop - start) / step)) | 0,
range = new Array(n);
while (++i < n) {
range[i] = start + i * step;
return range;
var e10 = Math.sqrt(50);
var e5 = Math.sqrt(10);
var e2 = Math.sqrt(2);
function ticks(start, stop, count) {
var step = tickStep(start, stop, count);
return range(
Math.ceil(start / step) * step,
Math.floor(stop / step) * step + step / 2, // inclusive
function tickStep(start, stop, count) {
var step0 = Math.abs(stop - start) / Math.max(0, count),
step1 = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(step0) / Math.LN10)),
error = step0 / step1;
if (error >= e10) step1 *= 10;
else if (error >= e5) step1 *= 5;
else if (error >= e2) step1 *= 2;
return stop < start ? -step1 : step1;
function sturges(values) {
return Math.ceil(Math.log(values.length) / Math.LN2) + 1;
function histogram() {
var value = identity,
domain = extent,
threshold = sturges;
function histogram(data) {
var i,
n = data.length,
values = new Array(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
values[i] = value(data[i], i, data);
var xz = domain(values),
x0 = xz[0],
x1 = xz[1],
tz = threshold(values, x0, x1);
// Convert number of thresholds into uniform thresholds.
if (!Array.isArray(tz)) tz = ticks(x0, x1, tz);
// Remove any thresholds outside the domain.
var m = tz.length;
while (tz[0] <= x0) tz.shift(), --m;
while (tz[m - 1] >= x1) tz.pop(), --m;
var bins = new Array(m + 1),
// Initialize bins.
for (i = 0; i <= m; ++i) {
bin = bins[i] = [];
bin.x0 = i > 0 ? tz[i - 1] : x0;
bin.x1 = i < m ? tz[i] : x1;
// Assign data to bins by value, ignoring any outside the domain.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
x = values[i];
if (x0 <= x && x <= x1) {
bins[bisectRight(tz, x, 0, m)].push(data[i]);
return bins;
histogram.value = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (value = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(_), histogram) : value;
histogram.domain = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (domain = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant([_[0], _[1]]), histogram) : domain;
histogram.thresholds = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (threshold = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : Array.isArray(_) ? constant( : constant(_), histogram) : threshold;
return histogram;
function quantile(array, p, f) {
if (f == null) f = number;
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
if ((p = +p) <= 0 || n < 2) return +f(array[0], 0, array);
if (p >= 1) return +f(array[n - 1], n - 1, array);
var n,
h = (n - 1) * p,
i = Math.floor(h),
a = +f(array[i], i, array),
b = +f(array[i + 1], i + 1, array);
return a + (b - a) * (h - i);
function freedmanDiaconis(values, min, max) {
values =, number).sort(ascending);
return Math.ceil((max - min) / (2 * (quantile(values, 0.75) - quantile(values, 0.25)) * Math.pow(values.length, -1 / 3)));
function scott(values, min, max) {
return Math.ceil((max - min) / (3.5 * deviation(values) * Math.pow(values.length, -1 / 3)));
function max(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b > a) a = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b > a) a = b;
return a;
function mean(array, f) {
var s = 0,
n = array.length,
i = -1,
j = n;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) s += a; else --j;
else {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) s += a; else --j;
if (j) return s / j;
function median(array, f) {
var numbers = [],
n = array.length,
i = -1;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) numbers.push(a);
else {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) numbers.push(a);
return quantile(numbers.sort(ascending), 0.5);
function merge(arrays) {
var n = arrays.length,
i = -1,
j = 0,
while (++i < n) j += arrays[i].length;
merged = new Array(j);
while (--n >= 0) {
array = arrays[n];
m = array.length;
while (--m >= 0) {
merged[--j] = array[m];
return merged;
function min(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && a > b) a = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && a > b) a = b;
return a;
function pairs(array) {
var i = 0, n = array.length - 1, p = array[0], pairs = new Array(n < 0 ? 0 : n);
while (i < n) pairs[i] = [p, p = array[++i]];
return pairs;
function permute(array, indexes) {
var i = indexes.length, permutes = new Array(i);
while (i--) permutes[i] = array[indexes[i]];
return permutes;
function scan(array, compare) {
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
var i = 0,
j = 0,
xj = array[j];
if (!compare) compare = ascending;
while (++i < n) if (compare(xi = array[i], xj) < 0 || compare(xj, xj) !== 0) xj = xi, j = i;
if (compare(xj, xj) === 0) return j;
function shuffle(array, i0, i1) {
var m = (i1 == null ? array.length : i1) - (i0 = i0 == null ? 0 : +i0),
while (m) {
i = Math.random() * m-- | 0;
t = array[m + i0];
array[m + i0] = array[i + i0];
array[i + i0] = t;
return array;
function sum(array, f) {
var s = 0,
n = array.length,
i = -1;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (a = +array[i]) s += a; // Note: zero and null are equivalent.
else {
while (++i < n) if (a = +f(array[i], i, array)) s += a;
return s;
function transpose(matrix) {
if (!(n = matrix.length)) return [];
for (var i = -1, m = min(matrix, length), transpose = new Array(m); ++i < m;) {
for (var j = -1, n, row = transpose[i] = new Array(n); ++j < n;) {
row[j] = matrix[j][i];
return transpose;
function length(d) {
return d.length;
function zip() {
return transpose(arguments);
exports.bisect = bisectRight;
exports.bisectRight = bisectRight;
exports.bisectLeft = bisectLeft;
exports.ascending = ascending;
exports.bisector = bisector;
exports.descending = descending;
exports.deviation = deviation;
exports.extent = extent;
exports.histogram = histogram;
exports.thresholdFreedmanDiaconis = freedmanDiaconis;
exports.thresholdScott = scott;
exports.thresholdSturges = sturges;
exports.max = max;
exports.mean = mean;
exports.median = median;
exports.merge = merge;
exports.min = min;
exports.pairs = pairs;
exports.permute = permute;
exports.quantile = quantile;
exports.range = range;
exports.scan = scan;
exports.shuffle = shuffle;
exports.sum = sum;
exports.ticks = ticks;
exports.tickStep = tickStep;
exports.transpose = transpose;
exports.variance = variance; = zip;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.0. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
var prefix = "$";
function Map() {}
Map.prototype = map.prototype = {
constructor: Map,
has: function(key) {
return (prefix + key) in this;
get: function(key) {
return this[prefix + key];
set: function(key, value) {
this[prefix + key] = value;
return this;
remove: function(key) {
var property = prefix + key;
return property in this && delete this[property];
clear: function() {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) delete this[property];
keys: function() {
var keys = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) keys.push(property.slice(1));
return keys;
values: function() {
var values = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) values.push(this[property]);
return values;
entries: function() {
var entries = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) entries.push({key: property.slice(1), value: this[property]});
return entries;
size: function() {
var size = 0;
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) ++size;
return size;
empty: function() {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) return false;
return true;
each: function(f) {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) f(this[property], property.slice(1), this);
function map(object, f) {
var map = new Map;
// Copy constructor.
if (object instanceof Map) object.each(function(value, key) { map.set(key, value); });
// Index array by numeric index or specified key function.
else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
var i = -1,
n = object.length,
if (f == null) while (++i < n) map.set(i, object[i]);
else while (++i < n) map.set(f(o = object[i], i, object), o);
// Convert object to map.
else if (object) for (var key in object) map.set(key, object[key]);
return map;
function nest() {
var keys = [],
sortKeys = [],
function apply(array, depth, createResult, setResult) {
if (depth >= keys.length) return rollup != null
? rollup(array) : (sortValues != null
? array.sort(sortValues)
: array);
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
key = keys[depth++],
valuesByKey = map(),
result = createResult();
while (++i < n) {
if (values = valuesByKey.get(keyValue = key(value = array[i]) + "")) {
} else {
valuesByKey.set(keyValue, [value]);
valuesByKey.each(function(values, key) {
setResult(result, key, apply(values, depth, createResult, setResult));
return result;
function entries(map, depth) {
if (++depth > keys.length) return map;
var array, sortKey = sortKeys[depth - 1];
if (rollup != null && depth >= keys.length) array = map.entries();
else array = [], map.each(function(v, k) { array.push({key: k, values: entries(v, depth)}); });
return sortKey != null ? array.sort(function(a, b) { return sortKey(a.key, b.key); }) : array;
return nest = {
object: function(array) { return apply(array, 0, createObject, setObject); },
map: function(array) { return apply(array, 0, createMap, setMap); },
entries: function(array) { return entries(apply(array, 0, createMap, setMap), 0); },
key: function(d) { keys.push(d); return nest; },
sortKeys: function(order) { sortKeys[keys.length - 1] = order; return nest; },
sortValues: function(order) { sortValues = order; return nest; },
rollup: function(f) { rollup = f; return nest; }
function createObject() {
return {};
function setObject(object, key, value) {
object[key] = value;
function createMap() {
return map();
function setMap(map, key, value) {
map.set(key, value);
function Set() {}
var proto = map.prototype;
Set.prototype = set.prototype = {
constructor: Set,
has: proto.has,
add: function(value) {
value += "";
this[prefix + value] = value;
return this;
remove: proto.remove,
clear: proto.clear,
values: proto.keys,
size: proto.size,
empty: proto.empty,
each: proto.each
function set(object, f) {
var set = new Set;
// Copy constructor.
if (object instanceof Set) object.each(function(value) { set.add(value); });
// Otherwise, assume it’s an array.
else if (object) {
var i = -1, n = object.length;
if (f == null) while (++i < n) set.add(object[i]);
else while (++i < n) set.add(f(object[i], i, object));
return set;
function keys(map) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in map) keys.push(key);
return keys;
function values(map) {
var values = [];
for (var key in map) values.push(map[key]);
return values;
function entries(map) {
var entries = [];
for (var key in map) entries.push({key: key, value: map[key]});
return entries;
exports.nest = nest;
exports.set = set; = map;
exports.keys = keys;
exports.values = values;
exports.entries = entries;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.0. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
function define(constructor, factory, prototype) {
constructor.prototype = factory.prototype = prototype;
prototype.constructor = constructor;
function extend(parent, definition) {
var prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
for (var key in definition) prototype[key] = definition[key];
return prototype;
function Color() {}
var darker = 0.7;
var brighter = 1 / darker;
var reHex3 = /^#([0-9a-f]{3})$/;
var reHex6 = /^#([0-9a-f]{6})$/;
var reRgbInteger = /^rgb\(\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*\)$/;
var reRgbPercent = /^rgb\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/;
var reRgbaInteger = /^rgba\(\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var reRgbaPercent = /^rgba\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var reHslPercent = /^hsl\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/;
var reHslaPercent = /^hsla\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var named = {
aliceblue: 0xf0f8ff,
antiquewhite: 0xfaebd7,
aqua: 0x00ffff,
aquamarine: 0x7fffd4,
azure: 0xf0ffff,
beige: 0xf5f5dc,
bisque: 0xffe4c4,
black: 0x000000,
blanchedalmond: 0xffebcd,
blue: 0x0000ff,
blueviolet: 0x8a2be2,
brown: 0xa52a2a,
burlywood: 0xdeb887,
cadetblue: 0x5f9ea0,
chartreuse: 0x7fff00,
chocolate: 0xd2691e,
coral: 0xff7f50,
cornflowerblue: 0x6495ed,
cornsilk: 0xfff8dc,
crimson: 0xdc143c,
cyan: 0x00ffff,
darkblue: 0x00008b,
darkcyan: 0x008b8b,
darkgoldenrod: 0xb8860b,
darkgray: 0xa9a9a9,
darkgreen: 0x006400,
darkgrey: 0xa9a9a9,
darkkhaki: 0xbdb76b,
darkmagenta: 0x8b008b,
darkolivegreen: 0x556b2f,
darkorange: 0xff8c00,
darkorchid: 0x9932cc,
darkred: 0x8b0000,
darksalmon: 0xe9967a,
darkseagreen: 0x8fbc8f,
darkslateblue: 0x483d8b,
darkslategray: 0x2f4f4f,
darkslategrey: 0x2f4f4f,
darkturquoise: 0x00ced1,
darkviolet: 0x9400d3,
deeppink: 0xff1493,
deepskyblue: 0x00bfff,
dimgray: 0x696969,
dimgrey: 0x696969,
dodgerblue: 0x1e90ff,
firebrick: 0xb22222,
floralwhite: 0xfffaf0,
forestgreen: 0x228b22,
fuchsia: 0xff00ff,
gainsboro: 0xdcdcdc,
ghostwhite: 0xf8f8ff,
gold: 0xffd700,
goldenrod: 0xdaa520,
gray: 0x808080,
green: 0x008000,
greenyellow: 0xadff2f,
grey: 0x808080,
honeydew: 0xf0fff0,
hotpink: 0xff69b4,
indianred: 0xcd5c5c,
indigo: 0x4b0082,
ivory: 0xfffff0,
khaki: 0xf0e68c,
lavender: 0xe6e6fa,
lavenderblush: 0xfff0f5,
lawngreen: 0x7cfc00,
lemonchiffon: 0xfffacd,
lightblue: 0xadd8e6,
lightcoral: 0xf08080,
lightcyan: 0xe0ffff,
lightgoldenrodyellow: 0xfafad2,
lightgray: 0xd3d3d3,
lightgreen: 0x90ee90,
lightgrey: 0xd3d3d3,
lightpink: 0xffb6c1,
lightsalmon: 0xffa07a,
lightseagreen: 0x20b2aa,
lightskyblue: 0x87cefa,
lightslategray: 0x778899,
lightslategrey: 0x778899,
lightsteelblue: 0xb0c4de,
lightyellow: 0xffffe0,
lime: 0x00ff00,
limegreen: 0x32cd32,
linen: 0xfaf0e6,
magenta: 0xff00ff,
maroon: 0x800000,
mediumaquamarine: 0x66cdaa,
mediumblue: 0x0000cd,
mediumorchid: 0xba55d3,
mediumpurple: 0x9370db,
mediumseagreen: 0x3cb371,
mediumslateblue: 0x7b68ee,
mediumspringgreen: 0x00fa9a,
mediumturquoise: 0x48d1cc,
mediumvioletred: 0xc71585,
midnightblue: 0x191970,
mintcream: 0xf5fffa,
mistyrose: 0xffe4e1,
moccasin: 0xffe4b5,
navajowhite: 0xffdead,
navy: 0x000080,
oldlace: 0xfdf5e6,
olive: 0x808000,
olivedrab: 0x6b8e23,
orange: 0xffa500,
orangered: 0xff4500,
orchid: 0xda70d6,
palegoldenrod: 0xeee8aa,
palegreen: 0x98fb98,
paleturquoise: 0xafeeee,
palevioletred: 0xdb7093,
papayawhip: 0xffefd5,
peachpuff: 0xffdab9,
peru: 0xcd853f,
pink: 0xffc0cb,
plum: 0xdda0dd,
powderblue: 0xb0e0e6,
purple: 0x800080,
rebeccapurple: 0x663399,
red: 0xff0000,
rosybrown: 0xbc8f8f,
royalblue: 0x4169e1,
saddlebrown: 0x8b4513,
salmon: 0xfa8072,
sandybrown: 0xf4a460,
seagreen: 0x2e8b57,
seashell: 0xfff5ee,
sienna: 0xa0522d,
silver: 0xc0c0c0,
skyblue: 0x87ceeb,
slateblue: 0x6a5acd,
slategray: 0x708090,
slategrey: 0x708090,
snow: 0xfffafa,
springgreen: 0x00ff7f,
steelblue: 0x4682b4,
tan: 0xd2b48c,
teal: 0x008080,
thistle: 0xd8bfd8,
tomato: 0xff6347,
turquoise: 0x40e0d0,
violet: 0xee82ee,
wheat: 0xf5deb3,
white: 0xffffff,
whitesmoke: 0xf5f5f5,
yellow: 0xffff00,
yellowgreen: 0x9acd32
define(Color, color, {
displayable: function() {
return this.rgb().displayable();
toString: function() {
return this.rgb() + "";
function color(format) {
var m;
format = (format + "").trim().toLowerCase();
return (m = reHex3.exec(format)) ? (m = parseInt(m[1], 16), new Rgb((m >> 8 & 0xf) | (m >> 4 & 0x0f0), (m >> 4 & 0xf) | (m & 0xf0), ((m & 0xf) << 4) | (m & 0xf), 1)) // #f00
: (m = reHex6.exec(format)) ? rgbn(parseInt(m[1], 16)) // #ff0000
: (m = reRgbInteger.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1], m[2], m[3], 1) // rgb(255, 0, 0)
: (m = reRgbPercent.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, 1) // rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)
: (m = reRgbaInteger.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]) // rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)
: (m = reRgbaPercent.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, m[4]) // rgb(100%, 0%, 0%, 1)
: (m = reHslPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, 1) // hsl(120, 50%, 50%)
: (m = reHslaPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, m[4]) // hsla(120, 50%, 50%, 1)
: named.hasOwnProperty(format) ? rgbn(named[format])
: format === "transparent" ? new Rgb(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0)
: null;
function rgbn(n) {
return new Rgb(n >> 16 & 0xff, n >> 8 & 0xff, n & 0xff, 1);
function rgba(r, g, b, a) {
if (a <= 0) r = g = b = NaN;
return new Rgb(r, g, b, a);
function rgbConvert(o) {
if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o);
if (!o) return new Rgb;
o = o.rgb();
return new Rgb(o.r, o.g, o.b, o.opacity);
function rgb(r, g, b, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? rgbConvert(r) : new Rgb(r, g, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Rgb(r, g, b, opacity) {
this.r = +r;
this.g = +g;
this.b = +b;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Rgb, rgb, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);
return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);
return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
return this;
displayable: function() {
return (0 <= this.r && this.r <= 255)
&& (0 <= this.g && this.g <= 255)
&& (0 <= this.b && this.b <= 255)
&& (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1);
toString: function() {
var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a));
return (a === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba(")
+ Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.r) || 0)) + ", "
+ Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.g) || 0)) + ", "
+ Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.b) || 0))
+ (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")");
function hsla(h, s, l, a) {
if (a <= 0) h = s = l = NaN;
else if (l <= 0 || l >= 1) h = s = NaN;
else if (s <= 0) h = NaN;
return new Hsl(h, s, l, a);
function hslConvert(o) {
if (o instanceof Hsl) return new Hsl(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity);
if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o);
if (!o) return new Hsl;
if (o instanceof Hsl) return o;
o = o.rgb();
var r = o.r / 255,
g = o.g / 255,
b = o.b / 255,
min = Math.min(r, g, b),
max = Math.max(r, g, b),
h = NaN,
s = max - min,
l = (max + min) / 2;
if (s) {
if (r === max) h = (g - b) / s + (g < b) * 6;
else if (g === max) h = (b - r) / s + 2;
else h = (r - g) / s + 4;
s /= l < 0.5 ? max + min : 2 - max - min;
h *= 60;
} else {
s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h;
return new Hsl(h, s, l, o.opacity);
function hsl(h, s, l, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? hslConvert(h) : new Hsl(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Hsl(h, s, l, opacity) {
this.h = +h;
this.s = +s;
this.l = +l;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Hsl, hsl, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);
return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);
return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
var h = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360,
s = isNaN(h) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s,
l = this.l,
m2 = l + (l < 0.5 ? l : 1 - l) * s,
m1 = 2 * l - m2;
return new Rgb(
hsl2rgb(h >= 240 ? h - 240 : h + 120, m1, m2),
hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2),
hsl2rgb(h < 120 ? h + 240 : h - 120, m1, m2),
displayable: function() {
return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s))
&& (0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1)
&& (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1);
/* From FvD 13.37, CSS Color Module Level 3 */
function hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2) {
return (h < 60 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60
: h < 180 ? m2
: h < 240 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60
: m1) * 255;
var deg2rad = Math.PI / 180;
var rad2deg = 180 / Math.PI;
var Kn = 18;
var Xn = 0.950470;
var Yn = 1;
var Zn = 1.088830;
var t0 = 4 / 29;
var t1 = 6 / 29;
var t2 = 3 * t1 * t1;
var t3 = t1 * t1 * t1;
function labConvert(o) {
if (o instanceof Lab) return new Lab(o.l, o.a, o.b, o.opacity);
if (o instanceof Hcl) {
var h = o.h * deg2rad;
return new Lab(o.l, Math.cos(h) * o.c, Math.sin(h) * o.c, o.opacity);
if (!(o instanceof Rgb)) o = rgbConvert(o);
var b = rgb2xyz(o.r),
a = rgb2xyz(o.g),
l = rgb2xyz(o.b),
x = xyz2lab((0.4124564 * b + 0.3575761 * a + 0.1804375 * l) / Xn),
y = xyz2lab((0.2126729 * b + 0.7151522 * a + 0.0721750 * l) / Yn),
z = xyz2lab((0.0193339 * b + 0.1191920 * a + 0.9503041 * l) / Zn);
return new Lab(116 * y - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z), o.opacity);
function lab(l, a, b, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? labConvert(l) : new Lab(l, a, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Lab(l, a, b, opacity) {
this.l = +l;
this.a = +a;
this.b = +b;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Lab, lab, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
return new Lab(this.l + Kn * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.a, this.b, this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
return new Lab(this.l - Kn * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.a, this.b, this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
var y = (this.l + 16) / 116,
x = isNaN(this.a) ? y : y + this.a / 500,
z = isNaN(this.b) ? y : y - this.b / 200;
y = Yn * lab2xyz(y);
x = Xn * lab2xyz(x);
z = Zn * lab2xyz(z);
return new Rgb(
xyz2rgb( 3.2404542 * x - 1.5371385 * y - 0.4985314 * z), // D65 -> sRGB
xyz2rgb(-0.9692660 * x + 1.8760108 * y + 0.0415560 * z),
xyz2rgb( 0.0556434 * x - 0.2040259 * y + 1.0572252 * z),
function xyz2lab(t) {
return t > t3 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : t / t2 + t0;
function lab2xyz(t) {
return t > t1 ? t * t * t : t2 * (t - t0);
function xyz2rgb(x) {
return 255 * (x <= 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * x : 1.055 * Math.pow(x, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055);
function rgb2xyz(x) {
return (x /= 255) <= 0.04045 ? x / 12.92 : Math.pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
function hclConvert(o) {
if (o instanceof Hcl) return new Hcl(o.h, o.c, o.l, o.opacity);
if (!(o instanceof Lab)) o = labConvert(o);
var h = Math.atan2(o.b, o.a) * rad2deg;
return new Hcl(h < 0 ? h + 360 : h, Math.sqrt(o.a * o.a + o.b * o.b), o.l, o.opacity);
function hcl(h, c, l, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? hclConvert(h) : new Hcl(h, c, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Hcl(h, c, l, opacity) {
this.h = +h;
this.c = +c;
this.l = +l;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Hcl, hcl, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
return new Hcl(this.h, this.c, this.l + Kn * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
return new Hcl(this.h, this.c, this.l - Kn * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
return labConvert(this).rgb();
var A = -0.14861;
var B = +1.78277;
var C = -0.29227;
var D = -0.90649;
var E = +1.97294;
var ED = E * D;
var EB = E * B;
var BC_DA = B * C - D * A;
function cubehelixConvert(o) {
if (o instanceof Cubehelix) return new Cubehelix(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity);
if (!(o instanceof Rgb)) o = rgbConvert(o);
var r = o.r / 255,
g = o.g / 255,
b = o.b / 255,
l = (BC_DA * b + ED * r - EB * g) / (BC_DA + ED - EB),
bl = b - l,
k = (E * (g - l) - C * bl) / D,
s = Math.sqrt(k * k + bl * bl) / (E * l * (1 - l)), // NaN if l=0 or l=1
h = s ? Math.atan2(k, bl) * rad2deg - 120 : NaN;
return new Cubehelix(h < 0 ? h + 360 : h, s, l, o.opacity);
function cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? cubehelixConvert(h) : new Cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity) {
this.h = +h;
this.s = +s;
this.l = +l;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Cubehelix, cubehelix, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);
return new Cubehelix(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);
return new Cubehelix(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
var h = isNaN(this.h) ? 0 : (this.h + 120) * deg2rad,
l = +this.l,
a = isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s * l * (1 - l),
cosh = Math.cos(h),
sinh = Math.sin(h);
return new Rgb(
255 * (l + a * (A * cosh + B * sinh)),
255 * (l + a * (C * cosh + D * sinh)),
255 * (l + a * (E * cosh)),
exports.color = color;
exports.rgb = rgb;
exports.hsl = hsl;
exports.lab = lab;
exports.hcl = hcl;
exports.cubehelix = cubehelix;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.0. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
var noop = {value: function() {}};
function dispatch() {
for (var i = 0, n = arguments.length, _ = {}, t; i < n; ++i) {
if (!(t = arguments[i] + "") || (t in _)) throw new Error("illegal type: " + t);
_[t] = [];
return new Dispatch(_);
function Dispatch(_) {
this._ = _;
function parseTypenames(typenames, types) {
return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) {
var name = "", i = t.indexOf(".");
if (i >= 0) name = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i);
if (t && !types.hasOwnProperty(t)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + t);
return {type: t, name: name};
Dispatch.prototype = dispatch.prototype = {
constructor: Dispatch,
on: function(typename, callback) {
var _ = this._,
T = parseTypenames(typename + "", _),
i = -1,
n = T.length;
// If no callback was specified, return the callback of the given type and name.
if (arguments.length < 2) {
while (++i < n) if ((t = (typename = T[i]).type) && (t = get(_[t], return t;
// If a type was specified, set the callback for the given type and name.
// Otherwise, if a null callback was specified, remove callbacks of the given name.
if (callback != null && typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback);
while (++i < n) {
if (t = (typename = T[i]).type) _[t] = set(_[t],, callback);
else if (callback == null) for (t in _) _[t] = set(_[t],, null);
return this;
copy: function() {
var copy = {}, _ = this._;
for (var t in _) copy[t] = _[t].slice();
return new Dispatch(copy);
call: function(type, that) {
if ((n = arguments.length - 2) > 0) for (var args = new Array(n), i = 0, n, t; i < n; ++i) args[i] = arguments[i + 2];
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type);
for (t = this._[type], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args);
apply: function(type, that, args) {
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type);
for (var t = this._[type], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args);
function get(type, name) {
for (var i = 0, n = type.length, c; i < n; ++i) {
if ((c = type[i]).name === name) {
return c.value;
function set(type, name, callback) {
for (var i = 0, n = type.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (type[i].name === name) {
type[i] = noop, type = type.slice(0, i).concat(type.slice(i + 1));
if (callback != null) type.push({name: name, value: callback});
return type;
exports.dispatch = dispatch;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.0. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
function objectConverter(columns) {
return new Function("d", "return {" +, i) {
return JSON.stringify(name) + ": d[" + i + "]";
}).join(",") + "}");
function customConverter(columns, f) {
var object = objectConverter(columns);
return function(row, i) {
return f(object(row), i, columns);
// Compute unique columns in order of discovery.
function inferColumns(rows) {
var columnSet = Object.create(null),
columns = [];
rows.forEach(function(row) {
for (var column in row) {
if (!(column in columnSet)) {
columns.push(columnSet[column] = column);
return columns;
function dsv(delimiter) {
var reFormat = new RegExp("[\"" + delimiter + "\n]"),
delimiterCode = delimiter.charCodeAt(0);
function parse(text, f) {
var convert, columns, rows = parseRows(text, function(row, i) {
if (convert) return convert(row, i - 1);
columns = row, convert = f ? customConverter(row, f) : objectConverter(row);
rows.columns = columns;
return rows;
function parseRows(text, f) {
var EOL = {}, // sentinel value for end-of-line
EOF = {}, // sentinel value for end-of-file
rows = [], // output rows
N = text.length,
I = 0, // current character index
n = 0, // the current line number
t, // the current token
eol; // is the current token followed by EOL?
function token() {
if (I >= N) return EOF; // special case: end of file
if (eol) return eol = false, EOL; // special case: end of line
// special case: quotes
var j = I, c;
if (text.charCodeAt(j) === 34) {
var i = j;
while (i++ < N) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i) === 34) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== 34) break;
I = i + 2;
c = text.charCodeAt(i + 1);
if (c === 13) {
eol = true;
if (text.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 10) ++I;
} else if (c === 10) {
eol = true;
return text.slice(j + 1, i).replace(/""/g, "\"");
// common case: find next delimiter or newline
while (I < N) {
var k = 1;
c = text.charCodeAt(I++);
if (c === 10) eol = true; // \n
else if (c === 13) { eol = true; if (text.charCodeAt(I) === 10) ++I, ++k; } // \r|\r\n
else if (c !== delimiterCode) continue;
return text.slice(j, I - k);
// special case: last token before EOF
return text.slice(j);
while ((t = token()) !== EOF) {
var a = [];
while (t !== EOL && t !== EOF) {
t = token();
if (f && (a = f(a, n++)) == null) continue;
return rows;
function format(rows, columns) {
if (columns == null) columns = inferColumns(rows);
return [].concat( {
return {
return formatValue(row[column]);
function formatRows(rows) {
function formatRow(row) {
function formatValue(text) {
return text == null ? ""
: reFormat.test(text += "") ? "\"" + text.replace(/\"/g, "\"\"") + "\""
: text;
return {
parse: parse,
parseRows: parseRows,
format: format,
formatRows: formatRows
var csv = dsv(",");
var csvParse = csv.parse;
var csvParseRows = csv.parseRows;
var csvFormat = csv.format;
var csvFormatRows = csv.formatRows;
var tsv = dsv("\t");
var tsvParse = tsv.parse;
var tsvParseRows = tsv.parseRows;
var tsvFormat = tsv.format;
var tsvFormatRows = tsv.formatRows;
exports.dsvFormat = dsv;
exports.csvParse = csvParse;
exports.csvParseRows = csvParseRows;
exports.csvFormat = csvFormat;
exports.csvFormatRows = csvFormatRows;
exports.tsvParse = tsvParse;
exports.tsvParseRows = tsvParseRows;
exports.tsvFormat = tsvFormat;
exports.tsvFormatRows = tsvFormatRows;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.1.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-array')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-array'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3));
}(this, function (exports,d3Array) { 'use strict';
// Adds floating point numbers with twice the normal precision.
// Reference: J. R. Shewchuk, Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and
// Fast Robust Geometric Predicates, Discrete & Computational Geometry 18(3)
// 305–363 (1997).
// Code adapted from GeographicLib by Charles F. F. Karney,
function adder() {
return new Adder;
function Adder() {
Adder.prototype = {
constructor: Adder,
reset: function() {
this.s = // rounded value
this.t = 0; // exact error
add: function(y) {
add(temp, y, this.t);
add(this, temp.s, this.s);
if (this.s) this.t += temp.t;
else this.s = temp.t;
valueOf: function() {
return this.s;
var temp = new Adder;
function add(adder, a, b) {
var x = adder.s = a + b,
bv = x - a,
av = x - bv;
adder.t = (a - av) + (b - bv);
var epsilon = 1e-6;
var epsilon2 = 1e-12;
var pi = Math.PI;
var halfPi = pi / 2;
var quarterPi = pi / 4;
var tau = pi * 2;
var degrees = 180 / pi;
var radians = pi / 180;
var abs = Math.abs;
var atan = Math.atan;
var atan2 = Math.atan2;
var cos = Math.cos;
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var exp = Math.exp;
var log = Math.log;
var pow = Math.pow;
var sin = Math.sin;
var sign = Math.sign || function(x) { return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0; };
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var tan = Math.tan;
function acos(x) {
return x > 1 ? 0 : x < -1 ? pi : Math.acos(x);
function asin(x) {
return x > 1 ? halfPi : x < -1 ? -halfPi : Math.asin(x);
function haversin(x) {
return (x = sin(x / 2)) * x;
function noop() {}
function streamGeometry(geometry, stream) {
if (geometry && streamGeometryType.hasOwnProperty(geometry.type)) {
streamGeometryType[geometry.type](geometry, stream);
var streamObjectType = {
Feature: function(feature, stream) {
streamGeometry(feature.geometry, stream);
FeatureCollection: function(object, stream) {
var features = object.features, i = -1, n = features.length;
while (++i < n) streamGeometry(features[i].geometry, stream);
var streamGeometryType = {
Sphere: function(object, stream) {
Point: function(object, stream) {
object = object.coordinates;
stream.point(object[0], object[1], object[2]);
MultiPoint: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) object = coordinates[i], stream.point(object[0], object[1], object[2]);
LineString: function(object, stream) {
streamLine(object.coordinates, stream, 0);
MultiLineString: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamLine(coordinates[i], stream, 0);
Polygon: function(object, stream) {
streamPolygon(object.coordinates, stream);
MultiPolygon: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamPolygon(coordinates[i], stream);
GeometryCollection: function(object, stream) {
var geometries = object.geometries, i = -1, n = geometries.length;
while (++i < n) streamGeometry(geometries[i], stream);
function streamLine(coordinates, stream, closed) {
var i = -1, n = coordinates.length - closed, coordinate;
while (++i < n) coordinate = coordinates[i], stream.point(coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2]);
function streamPolygon(coordinates, stream) {
var i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamLine(coordinates[i], stream, 1);
function stream(object, stream) {
if (object && streamObjectType.hasOwnProperty(object.type)) {
streamObjectType[object.type](object, stream);
} else {
streamGeometry(object, stream);
var areaRingSum;
var areaSum;
var lambda00;
var phi00;
var lambda0;
var cosPhi0;
var sinPhi0;
var areaStream = {
point: noop,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: function() {
areaStream.lineStart = areaRingStart;
areaStream.lineEnd = areaRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
var areaRing = +areaRingSum;
areaSum.add(areaRing < 0 ? tau + areaRing : areaRing);
this.lineStart = this.lineEnd = this.point = noop;
sphere: function() {
function areaRingStart() {
areaStream.point = areaPointFirst;
function areaRingEnd() {
areaPoint(lambda00, phi00);
function areaPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
areaStream.point = areaPoint;
lambda00 = lambda, phi00 = phi;
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
lambda0 = lambda, cosPhi0 = cos(phi = phi / 2 + quarterPi), sinPhi0 = sin(phi);
function areaPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
phi = phi / 2 + quarterPi; // half the angular distance from south pole
// Spherical excess E for a spherical triangle with vertices: south pole,
// previous point, current point. Uses a formula derived from Cagnoli’s
// theorem. See Todhunter, Spherical Trig. (1871), Sec. 103, Eq. (2).
var dLambda = lambda - lambda0,
sdLambda = dLambda >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
adLambda = sdLambda * dLambda,
cosPhi = cos(phi),
sinPhi = sin(phi),
k = sinPhi0 * sinPhi,
u = cosPhi0 * cosPhi + k * cos(adLambda),
v = k * sdLambda * sin(adLambda);
areaRingSum.add(atan2(v, u));
// Advance the previous points.
lambda0 = lambda, cosPhi0 = cosPhi, sinPhi0 = sinPhi;
function area(object) {
if (areaSum) areaSum.reset();
else areaSum = adder(), areaRingSum = adder();
stream(object, areaStream);
return areaSum * 2;
function spherical(cartesian) {
return [atan2(cartesian[1], cartesian[0]), asin(cartesian[2])];
function cartesian(spherical) {
var lambda = spherical[0], phi = spherical[1], cosPhi = cos(phi);
return [cosPhi * cos(lambda), cosPhi * sin(lambda), sin(phi)];
function cartesianDot(a, b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
function cartesianCross(a, b) {
return [a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]];
// TODO return a
function cartesianAddInPlace(a, b) {
a[0] += b[0], a[1] += b[1], a[2] += b[2];
function cartesianScale(vector, k) {
return [vector[0] * k, vector[1] * k, vector[2] * k];
// TODO return d
function cartesianNormalizeInPlace(d) {
var l = sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2]);
d[0] /= l, d[1] /= l, d[2] /= l;
var lambda0$1;
var phi0;
var lambda1;
var phi1;
var lambda2;
var lambda00$1;
var phi00$1;
var p0;
var deltaSum;
var ranges;
var range$1;
var boundsStream = {
point: boundsPoint,
lineStart: boundsLineStart,
lineEnd: boundsLineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
boundsStream.point = boundsRingPoint;
boundsStream.lineStart = boundsRingStart;
boundsStream.lineEnd = boundsRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
boundsStream.point = boundsPoint;
boundsStream.lineStart = boundsLineStart;
boundsStream.lineEnd = boundsLineEnd;
if (areaRingSum < 0) lambda0$1 = -(lambda1 = 180), phi0 = -(phi1 = 90);
else if (deltaSum > epsilon) phi1 = 90;
else if (deltaSum < -epsilon) phi0 = -90;
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
function boundsPoint(lambda, phi) {
ranges.push(range$1 = [lambda0$1 = lambda, lambda1 = lambda]);
if (phi < phi0) phi0 = phi;
if (phi > phi1) phi1 = phi;
function linePoint(lambda, phi) {
var p = cartesian([lambda * radians, phi * radians]);
if (p0) {
var normal = cartesianCross(p0, p),
equatorial = [normal[1], -normal[0], 0],
inflection = cartesianCross(equatorial, normal);
inflection = spherical(inflection);
var delta = lambda - lambda2,
sign = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1,
lambdai = inflection[0] * degrees * sign,
antimeridian = abs(delta) > 180;
if (antimeridian ^ (sign * lambda2 < lambdai && lambdai < sign * lambda)) {
phii = inflection[1] * degrees;
if (phii > phi1) phi1 = phii;
} else if (lambdai = (lambdai + 360) % 360 - 180, antimeridian ^ (sign * lambda2 < lambdai && lambdai < sign * lambda)) {
phii = -inflection[1] * degrees;
if (phii < phi0) phi0 = phii;
} else {
if (phi < phi0) phi0 = phi;
if (phi > phi1) phi1 = phi;
if (antimeridian) {
if (lambda < lambda2) {
if (angle(lambda0$1, lambda) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (angle(lambda, lambda1) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda0$1 = lambda;
} else {
if (lambda1 >= lambda0$1) {
if (lambda < lambda0$1) lambda0$1 = lambda;
if (lambda > lambda1) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (lambda > lambda2) {
if (angle(lambda0$1, lambda) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (angle(lambda, lambda1) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda0$1 = lambda;
} else {
boundsPoint(lambda, phi);
p0 = p, lambda2 = lambda;
function boundsLineStart() {
boundsStream.point = linePoint;
function boundsLineEnd() {
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
boundsStream.point = boundsPoint;
p0 = null;
function boundsRingPoint(lambda, phi) {
if (p0) {
var delta = lambda - lambda2;
deltaSum.add(abs(delta) > 180 ? delta + (delta > 0 ? 360 : -360) : delta);
} else {
lambda00$1 = lambda, phi00$1 = phi;
areaStream.point(lambda, phi);
linePoint(lambda, phi);
function boundsRingStart() {
function boundsRingEnd() {
boundsRingPoint(lambda00$1, phi00$1);
if (abs(deltaSum) > epsilon) lambda0$1 = -(lambda1 = 180);
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
p0 = null;
// Finds the left-right distance between two longitudes.
// This is almost the same as (lambda1 - lambda0 + 360°) % 360°, except that we want
// the distance between ±180° to be 360°.
function angle(lambda0, lambda1) {
return (lambda1 -= lambda0) < 0 ? lambda1 + 360 : lambda1;
function rangeCompare(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
function rangeContains(range, x) {
return range[0] <= range[1] ? range[0] <= x && x <= range[1] : x < range[0] || range[1] < x;
function bounds(feature) {
var i, n, a, b, merged, deltaMax, delta;
if (deltaSum) deltaSum.reset();
else deltaSum = adder();
phi1 = lambda1 = -(lambda0$1 = phi0 = Infinity);
ranges = [];
stream(feature, boundsStream);
// First, sort ranges by their minimum longitudes.
if (n = ranges.length) {
// Then, merge any ranges that overlap.
for (i = 1, a = ranges[0], merged = [a]; i < n; ++i) {
b = ranges[i];
if (rangeContains(a, b[0]) || rangeContains(a, b[1])) {
if (angle(a[0], b[1]) > angle(a[0], a[1])) a[1] = b[1];
if (angle(b[0], a[1]) > angle(a[0], a[1])) a[0] = b[0];
} else {
merged.push(a = b);
// Finally, find the largest gap between the merged ranges.
// The final bounding box will be the inverse of this gap.
for (deltaMax = -Infinity, n = merged.length - 1, i = 0, a = merged[n]; i <= n; a = b, ++i) {
b = merged[i];
if ((delta = angle(a[1], b[0])) > deltaMax) deltaMax = delta, lambda0$1 = b[0], lambda1 = a[1];
ranges = range$1 = null;
return lambda0$1 === Infinity || phi0 === Infinity
? [[NaN, NaN], [NaN, NaN]]
: [[lambda0$1, phi0], [lambda1, phi1]];
var W0;
var W1;
var X0;
var Y0;
var Z0;
var X1;
var Y1;
var Z1;
var X2;
var Y2;
var Z2;
var lambda00$2;
var phi00$2;
var x0;
var y0;
var z0;
// previous point
var centroidStream = {
sphere: noop,
point: centroidPoint,
lineStart: centroidLineStart,
lineEnd: centroidLineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
centroidStream.lineStart = centroidRingStart;
centroidStream.lineEnd = centroidRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
centroidStream.lineStart = centroidLineStart;
centroidStream.lineEnd = centroidLineEnd;
// Arithmetic mean of Cartesian vectors.
function centroidPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
centroidPointCartesian(cosPhi * cos(lambda), cosPhi * sin(lambda), sin(phi));
function centroidPointCartesian(x, y, z) {
X0 += (x - X0) / W0;
Y0 += (y - Y0) / W0;
Z0 += (z - Z0) / W0;
function centroidLineStart() {
centroidStream.point = centroidLinePointFirst;
function centroidLinePointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
x0 = cosPhi * cos(lambda);
y0 = cosPhi * sin(lambda);
z0 = sin(phi);
centroidStream.point = centroidLinePoint;
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidLinePoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cosPhi * cos(lambda),
y = cosPhi * sin(lambda),
z = sin(phi),
w = atan2(sqrt((w = y0 * z - z0 * y) * w + (w = z0 * x - x0 * z) * w + (w = x0 * y - y0 * x) * w), x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z);
W1 += w;
X1 += w * (x0 + (x0 = x));
Y1 += w * (y0 + (y0 = y));
Z1 += w * (z0 + (z0 = z));
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidLineEnd() {
centroidStream.point = centroidPoint;
// See J. E. Brock, The Inertia Tensor for a Spherical Triangle,
// J. Applied Mechanics 42, 239 (1975).
function centroidRingStart() {
centroidStream.point = centroidRingPointFirst;
function centroidRingEnd() {
centroidRingPoint(lambda00$2, phi00$2);
centroidStream.point = centroidPoint;
function centroidRingPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda00$2 = lambda, phi00$2 = phi;
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
centroidStream.point = centroidRingPoint;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
x0 = cosPhi * cos(lambda);
y0 = cosPhi * sin(lambda);
z0 = sin(phi);
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidRingPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cosPhi * cos(lambda),
y = cosPhi * sin(lambda),
z = sin(phi),
cx = y0 * z - z0 * y,
cy = z0 * x - x0 * z,
cz = x0 * y - y0 * x,
m = sqrt(cx * cx + cy * cy + cz * cz),
u = x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z,
v = m && -acos(u) / m, // area weight
w = atan2(m, u); // line weight
X2 += v * cx;
Y2 += v * cy;
Z2 += v * cz;
W1 += w;
X1 += w * (x0 + (x0 = x));
Y1 += w * (y0 + (y0 = y));
Z1 += w * (z0 + (z0 = z));
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroid(object) {
W0 = W1 =
X0 = Y0 = Z0 =
X1 = Y1 = Z1 =
X2 = Y2 = Z2 = 0;
stream(object, centroidStream);
var x = X2,
y = Y2,
z = Z2,
m = x * x + y * y + z * z;
// If the area-weighted ccentroid is undefined, fall back to length-weighted ccentroid.
if (m < epsilon2) {
x = X1, y = Y1, z = Z1;
// If the feature has zero length, fall back to arithmetic mean of point vectors.
if (W1 < epsilon) x = X0, y = Y0, z = Z0;
m = x * x + y * y + z * z;
// If the feature still has an undefined ccentroid, then return.
if (m < epsilon2) return [NaN, NaN];
return [atan2(y, x) * degrees, asin(z / sqrt(m)) * degrees];
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
function compose(a, b) {
function compose(x, y) {
return x = a(x, y), b(x[0], x[1]);
if (a.invert && b.invert) compose.invert = function(x, y) {
return x = b.invert(x, y), x && a.invert(x[0], x[1]);
return compose;
function rotationIdentity(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda > pi ? lambda - tau : lambda < -pi ? lambda + tau : lambda, phi];
rotationIdentity.invert = rotationIdentity;
function rotateRadians(deltaLambda, deltaPhi, deltaGamma) {
return (deltaLambda %= tau) ? (deltaPhi || deltaGamma ? compose(rotationLambda(deltaLambda), rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma))
: rotationLambda(deltaLambda))
: (deltaPhi || deltaGamma ? rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma)
: rotationIdentity);
function forwardRotationLambda(deltaLambda) {
return function(lambda, phi) {
return lambda += deltaLambda, [lambda > pi ? lambda - tau : lambda < -pi ? lambda + tau : lambda, phi];
function rotationLambda(deltaLambda) {
var rotation = forwardRotationLambda(deltaLambda);
rotation.invert = forwardRotationLambda(-deltaLambda);
return rotation;
function rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma) {
var cosDeltaPhi = cos(deltaPhi),
sinDeltaPhi = sin(deltaPhi),
cosDeltaGamma = cos(deltaGamma),
sinDeltaGamma = sin(deltaGamma);
function rotation(lambda, phi) {
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cos(lambda) * cosPhi,
y = sin(lambda) * cosPhi,
z = sin(phi),
k = z * cosDeltaPhi + x * sinDeltaPhi;
return [
atan2(y * cosDeltaGamma - k * sinDeltaGamma, x * cosDeltaPhi - z * sinDeltaPhi),
asin(k * cosDeltaGamma + y * sinDeltaGamma)
rotation.invert = function(lambda, phi) {
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cos(lambda) * cosPhi,
y = sin(lambda) * cosPhi,
z = sin(phi),
k = z * cosDeltaGamma - y * sinDeltaGamma;
return [
atan2(y * cosDeltaGamma + z * sinDeltaGamma, x * cosDeltaPhi + k * sinDeltaPhi),
asin(k * cosDeltaPhi - x * sinDeltaPhi)
return rotation;
function rotation(rotate) {
rotate = rotateRadians(rotate[0] * radians, rotate[1] * radians, rotate.length > 2 ? rotate[2] * radians : 0);
function forward(coordinates) {
coordinates = rotate(coordinates[0] * radians, coordinates[1] * radians);
return coordinates[0] *= degrees, coordinates[1] *= degrees, coordinates;
forward.invert = function(coordinates) {
coordinates = rotate.invert(coordinates[0] * radians, coordinates[1] * radians);
return coordinates[0] *= degrees, coordinates[1] *= degrees, coordinates;
return forward;
// Generates a circle centered at [0°, 0°], with a given radius and precision.
function circleStream(stream, radius, delta, direction, t0, t1) {
if (!delta) return;
var cosRadius = cos(radius),
sinRadius = sin(radius),
step = direction * delta;
if (t0 == null) {
t0 = radius + direction * tau;
t1 = radius - step / 2;
} else {
t0 = circleRadius(cosRadius, t0);
t1 = circleRadius(cosRadius, t1);
if (direction > 0 ? t0 < t1 : t0 > t1) t0 += direction * tau;
for (var point, t = t0; direction > 0 ? t > t1 : t < t1; t -= step) {
point = spherical([cosRadius, -sinRadius * cos(t), -sinRadius * sin(t)]);
stream.point(point[0], point[1]);
// Returns the signed angle of a cartesian point relative to [cosRadius, 0, 0].
function circleRadius(cosRadius, point) {
point = cartesian(point), point[0] -= cosRadius;
var radius = acos(-point[1]);
return ((-point[2] < 0 ? -radius : radius) + tau - epsilon) % tau;
function circle() {
var center = constant([0, 0]),
radius = constant(90),
precision = constant(6),
stream = {point: point};
function point(x, y) {
ring.push(x = rotate(x, y));
x[0] *= degrees, x[1] *= degrees;
function circle() {
var c = center.apply(this, arguments),
r = radius.apply(this, arguments) * radians,
p = precision.apply(this, arguments) * radians;
ring = [];
rotate = rotateRadians(-c[0] * radians, -c[1] * radians, 0).invert;
circleStream(stream, r, p, 1);
c = {type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ring]};
ring = rotate = null;
return c;
} = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (center = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant([+_[0], +_[1]]), circle) : center;
circle.radius = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (radius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), circle) : radius;
circle.precision = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (precision = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), circle) : precision;
return circle;
function clipBuffer() {
var lines = [],
return {
point: function(x, y) {
line.push([x, y]);
lineStart: function() {
lines.push(line = []);
lineEnd: noop,
rejoin: function() {
if (lines.length > 1) lines.push(lines.pop().concat(lines.shift()));
result: function() {
var result = lines;
lines = [];
line = null;
return result;
function clipLine(a, b, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
var ax = a[0],
ay = a[1],
bx = b[0],
by = b[1],
t0 = 0,
t1 = 1,
dx = bx - ax,
dy = by - ay,
r = x0 - ax;
if (!dx && r > 0) return;
r /= dx;
if (dx < 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
} else if (dx > 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
r = x1 - ax;
if (!dx && r < 0) return;
r /= dx;
if (dx < 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
} else if (dx > 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
r = y0 - ay;
if (!dy && r > 0) return;
r /= dy;
if (dy < 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
} else if (dy > 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
r = y1 - ay;
if (!dy && r < 0) return;
r /= dy;
if (dy < 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
} else if (dy > 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
if (t0 > 0) a[0] = ax + t0 * dx, a[1] = ay + t0 * dy;
if (t1 < 1) b[0] = ax + t1 * dx, b[1] = ay + t1 * dy;
return true;
function pointEqual(a, b) {
return abs(a[0] - b[0]) < epsilon && abs(a[1] - b[1]) < epsilon;
function Intersection(point, points, other, entry) {
this.x = point;
this.z = points;
this.o = other; // another intersection
this.e = entry; // is an entry?
this.v = false; // visited
this.n = this.p = null; // next & previous
// A generalized polygon clipping algorithm: given a polygon that has been cut
// into its visible line segments, and rejoins the segments by interpolating
// along the clip edge.
function clipPolygon(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, stream) {
var subject = [],
clip = [],
segments.forEach(function(segment) {
if ((n = segment.length - 1) <= 0) return;
var n, p0 = segment[0], p1 = segment[n], x;
// If the first and last points of a segment are coincident, then treat as a
// closed ring. TODO if all rings are closed, then the winding order of the
// exterior ring should be checked.
if (pointEqual(p0, p1)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) stream.point((p0 = segment[i])[0], p0[1]);
subject.push(x = new Intersection(p0, segment, null, true));
clip.push(x.o = new Intersection(p0, null, x, false));
subject.push(x = new Intersection(p1, segment, null, false));
clip.push(x.o = new Intersection(p1, null, x, true));
if (!subject.length) return;
for (i = 0, n = clip.length; i < n; ++i) {
clip[i].e = startInside = !startInside;
var start = subject[0],
while (1) {
// Find first unvisited intersection.
var current = start,
isSubject = true;
while (current.v) if ((current = current.n) === start) return;
points = current.z;
do {
current.v = current.o.v = true;
if (current.e) {
if (isSubject) {
for (i = 0, n = points.length; i < n; ++i) stream.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]);
} else {
interpolate(current.x, current.n.x, 1, stream);
current = current.n;
} else {
if (isSubject) {
points = current.p.z;
for (i = points.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) stream.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]);
} else {
interpolate(current.x, current.p.x, -1, stream);
current = current.p;
current = current.o;
points = current.z;
isSubject = !isSubject;
} while (!current.v);
function link(array) {
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
var n,
i = 0,
a = array[0],
while (++i < n) {
a.n = b = array[i];
b.p = a;
a = b;
a.n = b = array[0];
b.p = a;
var clipMax = 1e9;
var clipMin = -clipMax;
// TODO Use d3-polygon’s polygonContains here for the ring check?
// TODO Eliminate duplicate buffering in clipBuffer and polygon.push?
function clipExtent(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
function visible(x, y) {
return x0 <= x && x <= x1 && y0 <= y && y <= y1;
function interpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
var a = 0, a1 = 0;
if (from == null
|| (a = corner(from, direction)) !== (a1 = corner(to, direction))
|| comparePoint(from, to) < 0 ^ direction > 0) {
do stream.point(a === 0 || a === 3 ? x0 : x1, a > 1 ? y1 : y0);
while ((a = (a + direction + 4) % 4) !== a1);
} else {
stream.point(to[0], to[1]);
function corner(p, direction) {
return abs(p[0] - x0) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 0 : 3
: abs(p[0] - x1) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 2 : 1
: abs(p[1] - y0) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 1 : 0
: direction > 0 ? 3 : 2; // abs(p[1] - y1) < epsilon
function compareIntersection(a, b) {
return comparePoint(a.x, b.x);
function comparePoint(a, b) {
var ca = corner(a, 1),
cb = corner(b, 1);
return ca !== cb ? ca - cb
: ca === 0 ? b[1] - a[1]
: ca === 1 ? a[0] - b[0]
: ca === 2 ? a[1] - b[1]
: b[0] - a[0];
return function(stream) {
var activeStream = stream,
bufferStream = clipBuffer(),
x__, y__, v__, // first point
x_, y_, v_, // previous point
var clipStream = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: polygonStart,
polygonEnd: polygonEnd
function point(x, y) {
if (visible(x, y)) activeStream.point(x, y);
function polygonInside() {
var winding = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = polygon.length; i < n; ++i) {
for (var ring = polygon[i], j = 1, m = ring.length, point = ring[0], a0, a1, b0 = point[0], b1 = point[1]; j < m; ++j) {
a0 = b0, a1 = b1, point = ring[j], b0 = point[0], b1 = point[1];
if (a1 <= y1) { if (b1 > y1 && (b0 - a0) * (y1 - a1) > (b1 - a1) * (x0 - a0)) ++winding; }
else { if (b1 <= y1 && (b0 - a0) * (y1 - a1) < (b1 - a1) * (x0 - a0)) --winding; }
return winding;
// Buffer geometry within a polygon and then clip it en masse.
function polygonStart() {
activeStream = bufferStream, segments = [], polygon = [], clean = true;
function polygonEnd() {
var startInside = polygonInside(),
cleanInside = clean && startInside,
visible = (segments = d3Array.merge(segments)).length;
if (cleanInside || visible) {
if (cleanInside) {
interpolate(null, null, 1, stream);
if (visible) {
clipPolygon(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, stream);
activeStream = stream, segments = polygon = ring = null;
function lineStart() {
clipStream.point = linePoint;
if (polygon) polygon.push(ring = []);
first = true;
v_ = false;
x_ = y_ = NaN;
// TODO rather than special-case polygons, simply handle them separately.
// Ideally, coincident intersection points should be jittered to avoid
// clipping issues.
function lineEnd() {
if (segments) {
linePoint(x__, y__);
if (v__ && v_) bufferStream.rejoin();
clipStream.point = point;
if (v_) activeStream.lineEnd();
function linePoint(x, y) {
var v = visible(x, y);
if (polygon) ring.push([x, y]);
if (first) {
x__ = x, y__ = y, v__ = v;
first = false;
if (v) {
activeStream.point(x, y);
} else {
if (v && v_) activeStream.point(x, y);
else {
var a = [x_ = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, x_)), y_ = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, y_))],
b = [x = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, x)), y = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, y))];
if (clipLine(a, b, x0, y0, x1, y1)) {
if (!v_) {
activeStream.point(a[0], a[1]);
activeStream.point(b[0], b[1]);
if (!v) activeStream.lineEnd();
clean = false;
} else if (v) {
activeStream.point(x, y);
clean = false;
x_ = x, y_ = y, v_ = v;
return clipStream;
function extent() {
var x0 = 0,
y0 = 0,
x1 = 960,
y1 = 500,
return clip = {
stream: function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = clipExtent(x0, y0, x1, y1)(cacheStream = stream);
extent: function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x0 = +_[0][0], y0 = +_[0][1], x1 = +_[1][0], y1 = +_[1][1], cache = cacheStream = null, clip) : [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
var lengthSum;
var lambda0$2;
var sinPhi0$1;
var cosPhi0$1;
var lengthStream = {
sphere: noop,
point: noop,
lineStart: lengthLineStart,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: noop,
polygonEnd: noop
function lengthLineStart() {
lengthStream.point = lengthPointFirst;
lengthStream.lineEnd = lengthLineEnd;
function lengthLineEnd() {
lengthStream.point = lengthStream.lineEnd = noop;
function lengthPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
lambda0$2 = lambda, sinPhi0$1 = sin(phi), cosPhi0$1 = cos(phi);
lengthStream.point = lengthPoint;
function lengthPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var sinPhi = sin(phi),
cosPhi = cos(phi),
delta = abs(lambda - lambda0$2),
cosDelta = cos(delta),
sinDelta = sin(delta),
x = cosPhi * sinDelta,
y = cosPhi0$1 * sinPhi - sinPhi0$1 * cosPhi * cosDelta,
z = sinPhi0$1 * sinPhi + cosPhi0$1 * cosPhi * cosDelta;
lengthSum.add(atan2(sqrt(x * x + y * y), z));
lambda0$2 = lambda, sinPhi0$1 = sinPhi, cosPhi0$1 = cosPhi;
function length(object) {
if (lengthSum) lengthSum.reset();
else lengthSum = adder();
stream(object, lengthStream);
return +lengthSum;
var coordinates = [null, null];
var object = {type: "LineString", coordinates: coordinates};
function distance(a, b) {
coordinates[0] = a;
coordinates[1] = b;
return length(object);
function graticuleX(y0, y1, dy) {
var y = d3Array.range(y0, y1 - epsilon, dy).concat(y1);
return function(x) { return { return [x, y]; }); };
function graticuleY(x0, x1, dx) {
var x = d3Array.range(x0, x1 - epsilon, dx).concat(x1);
return function(y) { return { return [x, y]; }); };
function graticule() {
var x1, x0, X1, X0,
y1, y0, Y1, Y0,
dx = 10, dy = dx, DX = 90, DY = 360,
x, y, X, Y,
precision = 2.5;
function graticule() {
return {type: "MultiLineString", coordinates: lines()};
function lines() {
return d3Array.range(ceil(X0 / DX) * DX, X1, DX).map(X)
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(Y0 / DY) * DY, Y1, DY).map(Y))
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(x0 / dx) * dx, x1, dx).filter(function(x) { return abs(x % DX) > epsilon; }).map(x))
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(y0 / dy) * dy, y1, dy).filter(function(y) { return abs(y % DY) > epsilon; }).map(y));
graticule.lines = function() {
return lines().map(function(coordinates) { return {type: "LineString", coordinates: coordinates}; });
graticule.outline = function() {
return {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [
graticule.extent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return graticule.extentMinor();
return graticule.extentMajor(_).extentMinor(_);
graticule.extentMajor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [[X0, Y0], [X1, Y1]];
X0 = +_[0][0], X1 = +_[1][0];
Y0 = +_[0][1], Y1 = +_[1][1];
if (X0 > X1) _ = X0, X0 = X1, X1 = _;
if (Y0 > Y1) _ = Y0, Y0 = Y1, Y1 = _;
return graticule.precision(precision);
graticule.extentMinor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
x0 = +_[0][0], x1 = +_[1][0];
y0 = +_[0][1], y1 = +_[1][1];
if (x0 > x1) _ = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = _;
if (y0 > y1) _ = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = _;
return graticule.precision(precision);
graticule.step = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return graticule.stepMinor();
return graticule.stepMajor(_).stepMinor(_);
graticule.stepMajor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [DX, DY];
DX = +_[0], DY = +_[1];
return graticule;
graticule.stepMinor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [dx, dy];
dx = +_[0], dy = +_[1];
return graticule;
graticule.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return precision;
precision = +_;
x = graticuleX(y0, y1, 90);
y = graticuleY(x0, x1, precision);
X = graticuleX(Y0, Y1, 90);
Y = graticuleY(X0, X1, precision);
return graticule;
return graticule
.extentMajor([[-180, -90 + epsilon], [180, 90 - epsilon]])
.extentMinor([[-180, -80 - epsilon], [180, 80 + epsilon]]);
function interpolate(a, b) {
var x0 = a[0] * radians,
y0 = a[1] * radians,
x1 = b[0] * radians,
y1 = b[1] * radians,
cy0 = cos(y0),
sy0 = sin(y0),
cy1 = cos(y1),
sy1 = sin(y1),
kx0 = cy0 * cos(x0),
ky0 = cy0 * sin(x0),
kx1 = cy1 * cos(x1),
ky1 = cy1 * sin(x1),
d = 2 * asin(sqrt(haversin(y1 - y0) + cy0 * cy1 * haversin(x1 - x0))),
k = sin(d);
var interpolate = d ? function(t) {
var B = sin(t *= d) / k,
A = sin(d - t) / k,
x = A * kx0 + B * kx1,
y = A * ky0 + B * ky1,
z = A * sy0 + B * sy1;
return [
atan2(y, x) * degrees,
atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * degrees
} : function() {
return [x0 * degrees, y0 * degrees];
interpolate.distance = d;
return interpolate;
function identity(x) {
return x;
var areaSum$1 = adder();
var areaRingSum$1 = adder();
var x00;
var y00;
var x0$1;
var y0$1;
var areaStream$1 = {
point: noop,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: function() {
areaStream$1.lineStart = areaRingStart$1;
areaStream$1.lineEnd = areaRingEnd$1;
polygonEnd: function() {
areaStream$1.lineStart = areaStream$1.lineEnd = areaStream$1.point = noop;
result: function() {
var area = areaSum$1 / 2;
return area;
function areaRingStart$1() {
areaStream$1.point = areaPointFirst$1;
function areaPointFirst$1(x, y) {
areaStream$1.point = areaPoint$1;
x00 = x0$1 = x, y00 = y0$1 = y;
function areaPoint$1(x, y) {
areaRingSum$1.add(y0$1 * x - x0$1 * y);
x0$1 = x, y0$1 = y;
function areaRingEnd$1() {
areaPoint$1(x00, y00);
var x0$2 = Infinity;
var y0$2 = x0$2;
var x1 = -x0$2;
var y1 = x1;
var boundsStream$1 = {
point: boundsPoint$1,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: noop,
polygonEnd: noop,
result: function() {
var bounds = [[x0$2, y0$2], [x1, y1]];
x1 = y1 = -(y0$2 = x0$2 = Infinity);
return bounds;
function boundsPoint$1(x, y) {
if (x < x0$2) x0$2 = x;
if (x > x1) x1 = x;
if (y < y0$2) y0$2 = y;
if (y > y1) y1 = y;
var X0$1 = 0;
var Y0$1 = 0;
var Z0$1 = 0;
var X1$1 = 0;
var Y1$1 = 0;
var Z1$1 = 0;
var X2$1 = 0;
var Y2$1 = 0;
var Z2$1 = 0;
var x00$1;
var y00$1;
var x0$3;
var y0$3;
var centroidStream$1 = {
point: centroidPoint$1,
lineStart: centroidLineStart$1,
lineEnd: centroidLineEnd$1,
polygonStart: function() {
centroidStream$1.lineStart = centroidRingStart$1;
centroidStream$1.lineEnd = centroidRingEnd$1;
polygonEnd: function() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPoint$1;
centroidStream$1.lineStart = centroidLineStart$1;
centroidStream$1.lineEnd = centroidLineEnd$1;
result: function() {
var centroid = Z2$1 ? [X2$1 / Z2$1, Y2$1 / Z2$1]
: Z1$1 ? [X1$1 / Z1$1, Y1$1 / Z1$1]
: Z0$1 ? [X0$1 / Z0$1, Y0$1 / Z0$1]
: [NaN, NaN];
X0$1 = Y0$1 = Z0$1 =
X1$1 = Y1$1 = Z1$1 =
X2$1 = Y2$1 = Z2$1 = 0;
return centroid;
function centroidPoint$1(x, y) {
X0$1 += x;
Y0$1 += y;
function centroidLineStart$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointFirstLine;
function centroidPointFirstLine(x, y) {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointLine;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function centroidPointLine(x, y) {
var dx = x - x0$3, dy = y - y0$3, z = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
X1$1 += z * (x0$3 + x) / 2;
Y1$1 += z * (y0$3 + y) / 2;
Z1$1 += z;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function centroidLineEnd$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPoint$1;
function centroidRingStart$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointFirstRing;
function centroidRingEnd$1() {
centroidPointRing(x00$1, y00$1);
function centroidPointFirstRing(x, y) {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointRing;
centroidPoint$1(x00$1 = x0$3 = x, y00$1 = y0$3 = y);
function centroidPointRing(x, y) {
var dx = x - x0$3,
dy = y - y0$3,
z = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
X1$1 += z * (x0$3 + x) / 2;
Y1$1 += z * (y0$3 + y) / 2;
Z1$1 += z;
z = y0$3 * x - x0$3 * y;
X2$1 += z * (x0$3 + x);
Y2$1 += z * (y0$3 + y);
Z2$1 += z * 3;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function PathContext(context) {
var pointRadius = 4.5;
var stream = {
point: point,
// While inside a line, override point to moveTo then lineTo.
lineStart: function() { stream.point = pointLineStart; },
lineEnd: lineEnd,
// While inside a polygon, override lineEnd to closePath.
polygonStart: function() { stream.lineEnd = lineEndPolygon; },
polygonEnd: function() { stream.lineEnd = lineEnd; stream.point = point; },
pointRadius: function(_) {
pointRadius = _;
return stream;
result: noop
function point(x, y) {
context.moveTo(x + pointRadius, y);
context.arc(x, y, pointRadius, 0, tau);
function pointLineStart(x, y) {
context.moveTo(x, y);
stream.point = pointLine;
function pointLine(x, y) {
context.lineTo(x, y);
function lineEnd() {
stream.point = point;
function lineEndPolygon() {
return stream;
function PathString() {
var pointCircle = circle$1(4.5),
string = [];
var stream = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
stream.lineEnd = lineEndPolygon;
polygonEnd: function() {
stream.lineEnd = lineEnd;
stream.point = point;
pointRadius: function(_) {
pointCircle = circle$1(_);
return stream;
result: function() {
if (string.length) {
var result = string.join("");
string = [];
return result;
function point(x, y) {
string.push("M", x, ",", y, pointCircle);
function pointLineStart(x, y) {
string.push("M", x, ",", y);
stream.point = pointLine;
function pointLine(x, y) {
string.push("L", x, ",", y);
function lineStart() {
stream.point = pointLineStart;
function lineEnd() {
stream.point = point;
function lineEndPolygon() {
return stream;
function circle$1(radius) {
return "m0," + radius
+ "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + -2 * radius
+ "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + 2 * radius
+ "z";
function index() {
var pointRadius = 4.5,
function path(object) {
if (object) {
if (typeof pointRadius === "function") contextStream.pointRadius(+pointRadius.apply(this, arguments));
stream(object, projectionStream(contextStream));
return contextStream.result();
path.area = function(object) {
stream(object, projectionStream(areaStream$1));
return areaStream$1.result();
path.bounds = function(object) {
stream(object, projectionStream(boundsStream$1));
return boundsStream$1.result();
path.centroid = function(object) {
stream(object, projectionStream(centroidStream$1));
return centroidStream$1.result();
path.projection = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (projectionStream = (projection = _) == null ? identity :, path) : projection;
path.context = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return context;
contextStream = (context = _) == null ? new PathString : new PathContext(_);
if (typeof pointRadius !== "function") contextStream.pointRadius(pointRadius);
return path;
path.pointRadius = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return pointRadius;
pointRadius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : (contextStream.pointRadius(+_), +_);
return path;
return path.projection(null).context(null);
var sum = adder();
function polygonContains(polygon, point) {
var lambda = point[0],
phi = point[1],
normal = [sin(lambda), -cos(lambda), 0],
angle = 0,
winding = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = polygon.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (!(m = (ring = polygon[i]).length)) continue;
var ring,
point0 = ring[m - 1],
lambda0 = point0[0],
phi0 = point0[1] / 2 + quarterPi,
sinPhi0 = sin(phi0),
cosPhi0 = cos(phi0);
for (var j = 0; j < m; ++j, lambda0 = lambda1, sinPhi0 = sinPhi1, cosPhi0 = cosPhi1, point0 = point1) {
var point1 = ring[j],
lambda1 = point1[0],
phi1 = point1[1] / 2 + quarterPi,
sinPhi1 = sin(phi1),
cosPhi1 = cos(phi1),
delta = lambda1 - lambda0,
sign = delta >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
absDelta = sign * delta,
antimeridian = absDelta > pi,
k = sinPhi0 * sinPhi1;
sum.add(atan2(k * sign * sin(absDelta), cosPhi0 * cosPhi1 + k * cos(absDelta)));
angle += antimeridian ? delta + sign * tau : delta;
// Are the longitudes either side of the point’s meridian (lambda),
// and are the latitudes smaller than the parallel (phi)?
if (antimeridian ^ lambda0 >= lambda ^ lambda1 >= lambda) {
var arc = cartesianCross(cartesian(point0), cartesian(point1));
var intersection = cartesianCross(normal, arc);
var phiArc = (antimeridian ^ delta >= 0 ? -1 : 1) * asin(intersection[2]);
if (phi > phiArc || phi === phiArc && (arc[0] || arc[1])) {
winding += antimeridian ^ delta >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// First, determine whether the South pole is inside or outside:
// It is inside if:
// * the polygon winds around it in a clockwise direction.
// * the polygon does not (cumulatively) wind around it, but has a negative
// (counter-clockwise) area.
// Second, count the (signed) number of times a segment crosses a lambda
// from the point to the South pole. If it is zero, then the point is the
// same side as the South pole.
var contains = (angle < -epsilon || angle < epsilon && sum < -epsilon) ^ (winding & 1);
return contains;
function clip(pointVisible, clipLine, interpolate, start) {
return function(rotate, sink) {
var line = clipLine(sink),
rotatedStart = rotate.invert(start[0], start[1]),
ringBuffer = clipBuffer(),
ringSink = clipLine(ringBuffer),
polygonStarted = false,
var clip = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
clip.point = pointRing;
clip.lineStart = ringStart;
clip.lineEnd = ringEnd;
segments = [];
polygon = [];
polygonEnd: function() {
clip.point = point;
clip.lineStart = lineStart;
clip.lineEnd = lineEnd;
segments = d3Array.merge(segments);
var startInside = polygonContains(polygon, rotatedStart);
if (segments.length) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
clipPolygon(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, sink);
} else if (startInside) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
interpolate(null, null, 1, sink);
if (polygonStarted) sink.polygonEnd(), polygonStarted = false;
segments = polygon = null;
sphere: function() {
interpolate(null, null, 1, sink);
function point(lambda, phi) {
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
if (pointVisible(lambda = point[0], phi = point[1])) sink.point(lambda, phi);
function pointLine(lambda, phi) {
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
line.point(point[0], point[1]);
function lineStart() {
clip.point = pointLine;
function lineEnd() {
clip.point = point;
function pointRing(lambda, phi) {
ring.push([lambda, phi]);
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
ringSink.point(point[0], point[1]);
function ringStart() {
ring = [];
function ringEnd() {
pointRing(ring[0][0], ring[0][1]);
var clean = ringSink.clean(),
ringSegments = ringBuffer.result(),
i, n = ringSegments.length, m,
ring = null;
if (!n) return;
// No intersections.
if (clean & 1) {
segment = ringSegments[0];
if ((m = segment.length - 1) > 0) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) sink.point((point = segment[i])[0], point[1]);
// Rejoin connected segments.
// TODO reuse ringBuffer.rejoin()?
if (n > 1 && clean & 2) ringSegments.push(ringSegments.pop().concat(ringSegments.shift()));
return clip;
function validSegment(segment) {
return segment.length > 1;
// Intersections are sorted along the clip edge. For both antimeridian cutting
// and circle clipping, the same comparison is used.
function compareIntersection(a, b) {
return ((a = a.x)[0] < 0 ? a[1] - halfPi - epsilon : halfPi - a[1])
- ((b = b.x)[0] < 0 ? b[1] - halfPi - epsilon : halfPi - b[1]);
var clipAntimeridian = clip(
function() { return true; },
[-pi, -halfPi]
// Takes a line and cuts into visible segments. Return values: 0 - there were
// intersections or the line was empty; 1 - no intersections; 2 - there were
// intersections, and the first and last segments should be rejoined.
function clipAntimeridianLine(stream) {
var lambda0 = NaN,
phi0 = NaN,
sign0 = NaN,
clean; // no intersections
return {
lineStart: function() {
clean = 1;
point: function(lambda1, phi1) {
var sign1 = lambda1 > 0 ? pi : -pi,
delta = abs(lambda1 - lambda0);
if (abs(delta - pi) < epsilon) { // line crosses a pole
stream.point(lambda0, phi0 = (phi0 + phi1) / 2 > 0 ? halfPi : -halfPi);
stream.point(sign0, phi0);
stream.point(sign1, phi0);
stream.point(lambda1, phi0);
clean = 0;
} else if (sign0 !== sign1 && delta >= pi) { // line crosses antimeridian
if (abs(lambda0 - sign0) < epsilon) lambda0 -= sign0 * epsilon; // handle degeneracies
if (abs(lambda1 - sign1) < epsilon) lambda1 -= sign1 * epsilon;
phi0 = clipAntimeridianIntersect(lambda0, phi0, lambda1, phi1);
stream.point(sign0, phi0);
stream.point(sign1, phi0);
clean = 0;
stream.point(lambda0 = lambda1, phi0 = phi1);
sign0 = sign1;
lineEnd: function() {
lambda0 = phi0 = NaN;
clean: function() {
return 2 - clean; // if intersections, rejoin first and last segments
function clipAntimeridianIntersect(lambda0, phi0, lambda1, phi1) {
var cosPhi0,
sinLambda0Lambda1 = sin(lambda0 - lambda1);
return abs(sinLambda0Lambda1) > epsilon
? atan((sin(phi0) * (cosPhi1 = cos(phi1)) * sin(lambda1)
- sin(phi1) * (cosPhi0 = cos(phi0)) * sin(lambda0))
/ (cosPhi0 * cosPhi1 * sinLambda0Lambda1))
: (phi0 + phi1) / 2;
function clipAntimeridianInterpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
var phi;
if (from == null) {
phi = direction * halfPi;
stream.point(-pi, phi);
stream.point(0, phi);
stream.point(pi, phi);
stream.point(pi, 0);
stream.point(pi, -phi);
stream.point(0, -phi);
stream.point(-pi, -phi);
stream.point(-pi, 0);
stream.point(-pi, phi);
} else if (abs(from[0] - to[0]) > epsilon) {
var lambda = from[0] < to[0] ? pi : -pi;
phi = direction * lambda / 2;
stream.point(-lambda, phi);
stream.point(0, phi);
stream.point(lambda, phi);
} else {
stream.point(to[0], to[1]);
function clipCircle(radius, delta) {
var cr = cos(radius),
smallRadius = cr > 0,
notHemisphere = abs(cr) > epsilon; // TODO optimise for this common case
function interpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
circleStream(stream, radius, delta, direction, from, to);
function visible(lambda, phi) {
return cos(lambda) * cos(phi) > cr;
// Takes a line and cuts into visible segments. Return values used for polygon
// clipping: 0 - there were intersections or the line was empty; 1 - no
// intersections 2 - there were intersections, and the first and last segments
// should be rejoined.
function clipLine(stream) {
var point0, // previous point
c0, // code for previous point
v0, // visibility of previous point
v00, // visibility of first point
clean; // no intersections
return {
lineStart: function() {
v00 = v0 = false;
clean = 1;
point: function(lambda, phi) {
var point1 = [lambda, phi],
v = visible(lambda, phi),
c = smallRadius
? v ? 0 : code(lambda, phi)
: v ? code(lambda + (lambda < 0 ? pi : -pi), phi) : 0;
if (!point0 && (v00 = v0 = v)) stream.lineStart();
// Handle degeneracies.
// TODO ignore if not clipping polygons.
if (v !== v0) {
point2 = intersect(point0, point1);
if (pointEqual(point0, point2) || pointEqual(point1, point2)) {
point1[0] += epsilon;
point1[1] += epsilon;
v = visible(point1[0], point1[1]);
if (v !== v0) {
clean = 0;
if (v) {
// outside going in
point2 = intersect(point1, point0);
stream.point(point2[0], point2[1]);
} else {
// inside going out
point2 = intersect(point0, point1);
stream.point(point2[0], point2[1]);
point0 = point2;
} else if (notHemisphere && point0 && smallRadius ^ v) {
var t;
// If the codes for two points are different, or are both zero,
// and there this segment intersects with the small circle.
if (!(c & c0) && (t = intersect(point1, point0, true))) {
clean = 0;
if (smallRadius) {
stream.point(t[0][0], t[0][1]);
stream.point(t[1][0], t[1][1]);
} else {
stream.point(t[1][0], t[1][1]);
stream.point(t[0][0], t[0][1]);
if (v && (!point0 || !pointEqual(point0, point1))) {
stream.point(point1[0], point1[1]);
point0 = point1, v0 = v, c0 = c;
lineEnd: function() {
if (v0) stream.lineEnd();
point0 = null;
// Rejoin first and last segments if there were intersections and the first
// and last points were visible.
clean: function() {
return clean | ((v00 && v0) << 1);
// Intersects the great circle between a and b with the clip circle.
function intersect(a, b, two) {
var pa = cartesian(a),
pb = cartesian(b);
// We have two planes, n1.p = d1 and n2.p = d2.
// Find intersection line p(t) = c1 n1 + c2 n2 + t (n1 ⨯ n2).
var n1 = [1, 0, 0], // normal
n2 = cartesianCross(pa, pb),
n2n2 = cartesianDot(n2, n2),
n1n2 = n2[0], // cartesianDot(n1, n2),
determinant = n2n2 - n1n2 * n1n2;
// Two polar points.
if (!determinant) return !two && a;
var c1 = cr * n2n2 / determinant,
c2 = -cr * n1n2 / determinant,
n1xn2 = cartesianCross(n1, n2),
A = cartesianScale(n1, c1),
B = cartesianScale(n2, c2);
cartesianAddInPlace(A, B);
// Solve |p(t)|^2 = 1.
var u = n1xn2,
w = cartesianDot(A, u),
uu = cartesianDot(u, u),
t2 = w * w - uu * (cartesianDot(A, A) - 1);
if (t2 < 0) return;
var t = sqrt(t2),
q = cartesianScale(u, (-w - t) / uu);
cartesianAddInPlace(q, A);
q = spherical(q);
if (!two) return q;
// Two intersection points.
var lambda0 = a[0],
lambda1 = b[0],
phi0 = a[1],
phi1 = b[1],
if (lambda1 < lambda0) z = lambda0, lambda0 = lambda1, lambda1 = z;
var delta = lambda1 - lambda0,
polar = abs(delta - pi) < epsilon,
meridian = polar || delta < epsilon;
if (!polar && phi1 < phi0) z = phi0, phi0 = phi1, phi1 = z;
// Check that the first point is between a and b.
if (meridian
? polar
? phi0 + phi1 > 0 ^ q[1] < (abs(q[0] - lambda0) < epsilon ? phi0 : phi1)
: phi0 <= q[1] && q[1] <= phi1
: delta > pi ^ (lambda0 <= q[0] && q[0] <= lambda1)) {
var q1 = cartesianScale(u, (-w + t) / uu);
cartesianAddInPlace(q1, A);
return [q, spherical(q1)];
// Generates a 4-bit vector representing the location of a point relative to
// the small circle's bounding box.
function code(lambda, phi) {
var r = smallRadius ? radius : pi - radius,
code = 0;
if (lambda < -r) code |= 1; // left
else if (lambda > r) code |= 2; // right
if (phi < -r) code |= 4; // below
else if (phi > r) code |= 8; // above
return code;
return clip(visible, clipLine, interpolate, smallRadius ? [0, -radius] : [-pi, radius - pi]);
function transform(prototype) {
return {
stream: transform$1(prototype)
function transform$1(prototype) {
function T() {}
var p = T.prototype = Object.create(Transform.prototype);
for (var k in prototype) p[k] = prototype[k];
return function(stream) {
var t = new T; = stream;
return t;
function Transform() {}
Transform.prototype = {
point: function(x, y) {, y); },
sphere: function() {; },
lineStart: function() {; },
lineEnd: function() {; },
polygonStart: function() {; },
polygonEnd: function() {; }
var maxDepth = 16;
var cosMinDistance = cos(30 * radians);
// cos(minimum angular distance)
function resample(project, delta2) {
return +delta2 ? resample$1(project, delta2) : resampleNone(project);
function resampleNone(project) {
return transform$1({
point: function(x, y) {
x = project(x, y);[0], x[1]);
function resample$1(project, delta2) {
function resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x1, y1, lambda1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream) {
var dx = x1 - x0,
dy = y1 - y0,
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (d2 > 4 * delta2 && depth--) {
var a = a0 + a1,
b = b0 + b1,
c = c0 + c1,
m = sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c),
phi2 = asin(c /= m),
lambda2 = abs(abs(c) - 1) < epsilon || abs(lambda0 - lambda1) < epsilon ? (lambda0 + lambda1) / 2 : atan2(b, a),
p = project(lambda2, phi2),
x2 = p[0],
y2 = p[1],
dx2 = x2 - x0,
dy2 = y2 - y0,
dz = dy * dx2 - dx * dy2;
if (dz * dz / d2 > delta2 // perpendicular projected distance
|| abs((dx * dx2 + dy * dy2) / d2 - 0.5) > 0.3 // midpoint close to an end
|| a0 * a1 + b0 * b1 + c0 * c1 < cosMinDistance) { // angular distance
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x2, y2, lambda2, a /= m, b /= m, c, depth, stream);
stream.point(x2, y2);
resampleLineTo(x2, y2, lambda2, a, b, c, x1, y1, lambda1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream);
return function(stream) {
var lambda00, x00, y00, a00, b00, c00, // first point
lambda0, x0, y0, a0, b0, c0; // previous point
var resampleStream = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() { stream.polygonStart(); resampleStream.lineStart = ringStart; },
polygonEnd: function() { stream.polygonEnd(); resampleStream.lineStart = lineStart; }
function point(x, y) {
x = project(x, y);
stream.point(x[0], x[1]);
function lineStart() {
x0 = NaN;
resampleStream.point = linePoint;
function linePoint(lambda, phi) {
var c = cartesian([lambda, phi]), p = project(lambda, phi);
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x0 = p[0], y0 = p[1], lambda0 = lambda, a0 = c[0], b0 = c[1], c0 = c[2], maxDepth, stream);
stream.point(x0, y0);
function lineEnd() {
resampleStream.point = point;
function ringStart() {
resampleStream.point = ringPoint;
resampleStream.lineEnd = ringEnd;
function ringPoint(lambda, phi) {
linePoint(lambda00 = lambda, phi), x00 = x0, y00 = y0, a00 = a0, b00 = b0, c00 = c0;
resampleStream.point = linePoint;
function ringEnd() {
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x00, y00, lambda00, a00, b00, c00, maxDepth, stream);
resampleStream.lineEnd = lineEnd;
return resampleStream;
var transformRadians = transform$1({
point: function(x, y) { * radians, y * radians);
function projection(project) {
return projectionMutator(function() { return project; })();
function projectionMutator(projectAt) {
var project,
k = 150, // scale
x = 480, y = 250, // translate
dx, dy, lambda = 0, phi = 0, // center
deltaLambda = 0, deltaPhi = 0, deltaGamma = 0, rotate, projectRotate, // rotate
theta = null, preclip = clipAntimeridian, // clip angle
x0 = null, y0, x1, y1, postclip = identity, // clip extent
delta2 = 0.5, projectResample = resample(projectTransform, delta2), // precision
function projection(point) {
point = projectRotate(point[0] * radians, point[1] * radians);
return [point[0] * k + dx, dy - point[1] * k];
function invert(point) {
point = projectRotate.invert((point[0] - dx) / k, (dy - point[1]) / k);
return point && [point[0] * degrees, point[1] * degrees];
function projectTransform(x, y) {
return x = project(x, y), [x[0] * k + dx, dy - x[1] * k];
} = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = transformRadians(preclip(rotate, projectResample(postclip(cacheStream = stream))));
projection.clipAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (preclip = +_ ? clipCircle(theta = _ * radians, 6 * radians) : (theta = null, clipAntimeridian), reset()) : theta * degrees;
projection.clipExtent = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (postclip = _ == null ? (x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = null, identity) : clipExtent(x0 = +_[0][0], y0 = +_[0][1], x1 = +_[1][0], y1 = +_[1][1]), reset()) : x0 == null ? null : [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
projection.scale = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (k = +_, recenter()) : k;
projection.translate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x = +_[0], y = +_[1], recenter()) : [x, y];
}; = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (lambda = _[0] % 360 * radians, phi = _[1] % 360 * radians, recenter()) : [lambda * degrees, phi * degrees];
projection.rotate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (deltaLambda = _[0] % 360 * radians, deltaPhi = _[1] % 360 * radians, deltaGamma = _.length > 2 ? _[2] % 360 * radians : 0, recenter()) : [deltaLambda * degrees, deltaPhi * degrees, deltaGamma * degrees];
projection.precision = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (projectResample = resample(projectTransform, delta2 = _ * _), reset()) : sqrt(delta2);
function recenter() {
projectRotate = compose(rotate = rotateRadians(deltaLambda, deltaPhi, deltaGamma), project);
var center = project(lambda, phi);
dx = x - center[0] * k;
dy = y + center[1] * k;
return reset();
function reset() {
cache = cacheStream = null;
return projection;
return function() {
project = projectAt.apply(this, arguments);
projection.invert = project.invert && invert;
return recenter();
function conicProjection(projectAt) {
var phi0 = 0,
phi1 = pi / 3,
m = projectionMutator(projectAt),
p = m(phi0, phi1);
p.parallels = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? m(phi0 = _[0] * radians, phi1 = _[1] * radians) : [phi0 * degrees, phi1 * degrees];
return p;
function conicEqualAreaRaw(y0, y1) {
var sy0 = sin(y0),
n = (sy0 + sin(y1)) / 2,
c = 1 + sy0 * (2 * n - sy0),
r0 = sqrt(c) / n;
function project(x, y) {
var r = sqrt(c - 2 * n * sin(y)) / n;
return [r * sin(x *= n), r0 - r * cos(x)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var r0y = r0 - y;
return [atan2(x, r0y) / n, asin((c - (x * x + r0y * r0y) * n * n) / (2 * n))];
return project;
function conicEqualArea() {
return conicProjection(conicEqualAreaRaw)
.center([0, 33.6442]);
function albers() {
return conicEqualArea()
.parallels([29.5, 45.5])
.translate([480, 250])
.rotate([96, 0])
.center([-0.6, 38.7]);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].point(x, y); },
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].sphere(); },
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineStart(); },
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineEnd(); },
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonStart(); },
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonEnd(); }
// A composite projection for the United States, configured by default for
// 960×500. The projection also works quite well at 960×600 if you change the
// scale to 1285 and adjust the translate accordingly. The set of standard
// parallels for each region comes from USGS, which is published here:
function albersUsa() {
var cache,
lower48 = albers(), lower48Point,
alaska = conicEqualArea().rotate([154, 0]).center([-2, 58.5]).parallels([55, 65]), alaskaPoint, // EPSG:3338
hawaii = conicEqualArea().rotate([157, 0]).center([-3, 19.9]).parallels([8, 18]), hawaiiPoint, // ESRI:102007
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
function albersUsa(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(lower48Point.point(x, y), point)
|| (alaskaPoint.point(x, y), point)
|| (hawaiiPoint.point(x, y), point);
albersUsa.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = lower48.scale(),
t = lower48.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
return (y >= 0.120 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.425 && x < -0.214 ? alaska
: y >= 0.166 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.214 && x < -0.115 ? hawaii
: lower48).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex([ = stream),,]);
albersUsa.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.precision();
lower48.precision(_), alaska.precision(_), hawaii.precision(_);
return albersUsa;
albersUsa.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.scale();
lower48.scale(_), alaska.scale(_ * 0.35), hawaii.scale(_);
return albersUsa.translate(lower48.translate());
albersUsa.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.translate();
var k = lower48.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
lower48Point = lower48
.clipExtent([[x - 0.455 * k, y - 0.238 * k], [x + 0.455 * k, y + 0.238 * k]])
alaskaPoint = alaska
.translate([x - 0.307 * k, y + 0.201 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.425 * k + epsilon, y + 0.120 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.214 * k - epsilon, y + 0.234 * k - epsilon]])
hawaiiPoint = hawaii
.translate([x - 0.205 * k, y + 0.212 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.214 * k + epsilon, y + 0.166 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.115 * k - epsilon, y + 0.234 * k - epsilon]])
return albersUsa;
return albersUsa.scale(1070);
function azimuthalRaw(scale) {
return function(x, y) {
var cx = cos(x),
cy = cos(y),
k = scale(cx * cy);
return [
k * cy * sin(x),
k * sin(y)
function azimuthalInvert(angle) {
return function(x, y) {
var z = sqrt(x * x + y * y),
c = angle(z),
sc = sin(c),
cc = cos(c);
return [
atan2(x * sc, z * cc),
asin(z && y * sc / z)
var azimuthalEqualAreaRaw = azimuthalRaw(function(cxcy) {
return sqrt(2 / (1 + cxcy));
azimuthalEqualAreaRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return 2 * asin(z / 2);
function azimuthalEqualArea() {
return projection(azimuthalEqualAreaRaw)
.clipAngle(180 - 1e-3);
var azimuthalEquidistantRaw = azimuthalRaw(function(c) {
return (c = acos(c)) && c / sin(c);
azimuthalEquidistantRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return z;
function azimuthalEquidistant() {
return projection(azimuthalEquidistantRaw)
.clipAngle(180 - 1e-3);
function mercatorRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda, log(tan((halfPi + phi) / 2))];
mercatorRaw.invert = function(x, y) {
return [x, 2 * atan(exp(y)) - halfPi];
function mercator() {
return mercatorProjection(mercatorRaw)
.scale(961 / tau);
function mercatorProjection(project) {
var m = projection(project),
scale = m.scale,
translate = m.translate,
clipExtent = m.clipExtent,
m.scale = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (scale(_), clipAuto && m.clipExtent(null), m) : scale();
m.translate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (translate(_), clipAuto && m.clipExtent(null), m) : translate();
m.clipExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return clipAuto ? null : clipExtent();
if (clipAuto = _ == null) {
var k = pi * scale(),
t = translate();
_ = [[t[0] - k, t[1] - k], [t[0] + k, t[1] + k]];
return m;
return m.clipExtent(null);
function tany(y) {
return tan((halfPi + y) / 2);
function conicConformalRaw(y0, y1) {
var cy0 = cos(y0),
n = y0 === y1 ? sin(y0) : log(cy0 / cos(y1)) / log(tany(y1) / tany(y0)),
f = cy0 * pow(tany(y0), n) / n;
if (!n) return mercatorRaw;
function project(x, y) {
if (f > 0) { if (y < -halfPi + epsilon) y = -halfPi + epsilon; }
else { if (y > halfPi - epsilon) y = halfPi - epsilon; }
var r = f / pow(tany(y), n);
return [r * sin(n * x), f - r * cos(n * x)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var fy = f - y, r = sign(n) * sqrt(x * x + fy * fy);
return [atan2(x, fy) / n, 2 * atan(pow(f / r, 1 / n)) - halfPi];
return project;
function conicConformal() {
return conicProjection(conicConformalRaw)
.parallels([30, 30]);
function equirectangularRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda, phi];
equirectangularRaw.invert = equirectangularRaw;
function equirectangular() {
return projection(equirectangularRaw)
function conicEquidistantRaw(y0, y1) {
var cy0 = cos(y0),
n = y0 === y1 ? sin(y0) : (cy0 - cos(y1)) / (y1 - y0),
g = cy0 / n + y0;
if (abs(n) < epsilon) return equirectangularRaw;
function project(x, y) {
var gy = g - y, nx = n * x;
return [gy * sin(nx), g - gy * cos(nx)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var gy = g - y;
return [atan2(x, gy) / n, g - sign(n) * sqrt(x * x + gy * gy)];
return project;
function conicEquidistant() {
return conicProjection(conicEquidistantRaw)
.center([0, 13.9389]);
function gnomonicRaw(x, y) {
var cy = cos(y), k = cos(x) * cy;
return [cy * sin(x) / k, sin(y) / k];
gnomonicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(atan);
function gnomonic() {
return projection(gnomonicRaw)
function orthographicRaw(x, y) {
return [cos(y) * sin(x), sin(y)];
orthographicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(asin);
function orthographic() {
return projection(orthographicRaw)
.clipAngle(90 + epsilon);
function stereographicRaw(x, y) {
var cy = cos(y), k = 1 + cos(x) * cy;
return [cy * sin(x) / k, sin(y) / k];
stereographicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return 2 + atan(z);
function stereographic() {
return projection(stereographicRaw)
function transverseMercatorRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [log(tan((halfPi + phi) / 2)), -lambda];
transverseMercatorRaw.invert = function(x, y) {
return [-y, 2 * atan(exp(x)) - halfPi];
function transverseMercator() {
var m = mercatorProjection(transverseMercatorRaw),
center =,
rotate = m.rotate; = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? center([-_[1], _[0]]) : (_ = center(), [_[1], -_[0]]);
m.rotate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? rotate([_[0], _[1], _.length > 2 ? _[2] + 90 : 90]) : (_ = rotate(), [_[0], _[1], _[2] - 90]);
return rotate([0, 0, 90])
exports.geoArea = area;
exports.geoBounds = bounds;
exports.geoCentroid = centroid;
exports.geoCircle = circle;
exports.geoClipExtent = extent;
exports.geoDistance = distance;
exports.geoGraticule = graticule;
exports.geoInterpolate = interpolate;
exports.geoLength = length;
exports.geoPath = index;
exports.geoAlbers = albers;
exports.geoAlbersUsa = albersUsa;
exports.geoAzimuthalEqualArea = azimuthalEqualArea;
exports.geoAzimuthalEqualAreaRaw = azimuthalEqualAreaRaw;
exports.geoAzimuthalEquidistant = azimuthalEquidistant;
exports.geoAzimuthalEquidistantRaw = azimuthalEquidistantRaw;
exports.geoConicConformal = conicConformal;
exports.geoConicConformalRaw = conicConformalRaw;
exports.geoConicEqualArea = conicEqualArea;
exports.geoConicEqualAreaRaw = conicEqualAreaRaw;
exports.geoConicEquidistant = conicEquidistant;
exports.geoConicEquidistantRaw = conicEquidistantRaw;
exports.geoEquirectangular = equirectangular;
exports.geoEquirectangularRaw = equirectangularRaw;
exports.geoGnomonic = gnomonic;
exports.geoGnomonicRaw = gnomonicRaw;
exports.geoProjection = projection;
exports.geoProjectionMutator = projectionMutator;
exports.geoMercator = mercator;
exports.geoMercatorRaw = mercatorRaw;
exports.geoOrthographic = orthographic;
exports.geoOrthographicRaw = orthographicRaw;
exports.geoStereographic = stereographic;
exports.geoStereographicRaw = stereographicRaw;
exports.geoTransverseMercator = transverseMercator;
exports.geoTransverseMercatorRaw = transverseMercatorRaw;
exports.geoRotation = rotation;
exports.geoStream = stream;
exports.geoTransform = transform;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.1.0. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-color')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-color'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3));
}(this, function (exports,d3Color) { 'use strict';
function basis(t1, v0, v1, v2, v3) {
var t2 = t1 * t1, t3 = t2 * t1;
return ((1 - 3 * t1 + 3 * t2 - t3) * v0
+ (4 - 6 * t2 + 3 * t3) * v1
+ (1 + 3 * t1 + 3 * t2 - 3 * t3) * v2
+ t3 * v3) / 6;
function basis$1(values) {
var n = values.length - 1;
return function(t) {
var i = t <= 0 ? (t = 0) : t >= 1 ? (t = 1, n - 1) : Math.floor(t * n),
v1 = values[i],
v2 = values[i + 1],
v0 = i > 0 ? values[i - 1] : 2 * v1 - v2,
v3 = i < n - 1 ? values[i + 2] : 2 * v2 - v1;
return basis((t - i / n) * n, v0, v1, v2, v3);
function basisClosed(values) {
var n = values.length;
return function(t) {
var i = Math.floor(((t %= 1) < 0 ? ++t : t) * n),
v0 = values[(i + n - 1) % n],
v1 = values[i % n],
v2 = values[(i + 1) % n],
v3 = values[(i + 2) % n];
return basis((t - i / n) * n, v0, v1, v2, v3);
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
function linear(a, d) {
return function(t) {
return a + t * d;
function exponential(a, b, y) {
return a = Math.pow(a, y), b = Math.pow(b, y) - a, y = 1 / y, function(t) {
return Math.pow(a + t * b, y);
function hue(a, b) {
var d = b - a;
return d ? linear(a, d > 180 || d < -180 ? d - 360 * Math.round(d / 360) : d) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);
function gamma(y) {
return (y = +y) === 1 ? nogamma : function(a, b) {
return b - a ? exponential(a, b, y) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);
function nogamma(a, b) {
var d = b - a;
return d ? linear(a, d) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);
var rgb$1 = (function rgbGamma(y) {
var color = gamma(y);
function rgb(start, end) {
var r = color((start = d3Color.rgb(start)).r, (end = d3Color.rgb(end)).r),
g = color(start.g, end.g),
b = color(start.b, end.b),
opacity = color(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.r = r(t);
start.g = g(t);
start.b = b(t);
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
rgb.gamma = rgbGamma;
return rgb;
function rgbSpline(spline) {
return function(colors) {
var n = colors.length,
r = new Array(n),
g = new Array(n),
b = new Array(n),
i, color;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
color = d3Color.rgb(colors[i]);
r[i] = color.r || 0;
g[i] = color.g || 0;
b[i] = color.b || 0;
r = spline(r);
g = spline(g);
b = spline(b);
color.opacity = 1;
return function(t) {
color.r = r(t);
color.g = g(t);
color.b = b(t);
return color + "";
var rgbBasis = rgbSpline(basis$1);
var rgbBasisClosed = rgbSpline(basisClosed);
function array(a, b) {
var nb = b ? b.length : 0,
na = a ? Math.min(nb, a.length) : 0,
x = new Array(nb),
c = new Array(nb),
for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) x[i] = value(a[i], b[i]);
for (; i < nb; ++i) c[i] = b[i];
return function(t) {
for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) c[i] = x[i](t);
return c;
function date(a, b) {
var d = new Date;
return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) {
return d.setTime(a + b * t), d;
function number(a, b) {
return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) {
return a + b * t;
function object(a, b) {
var i = {},
c = {},
if (a === null || typeof a !== "object") a = {};
if (b === null || typeof b !== "object") b = {};
for (k in b) {
if (k in a) {
i[k] = value(a[k], b[k]);
} else {
c[k] = b[k];
return function(t) {
for (k in i) c[k] = i[k](t);
return c;
var reA = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g;
var reB = new RegExp(reA.source, "g");
function zero(b) {
return function() {
return b;
function one(b) {
return function(t) {
return b(t) + "";
function string(a, b) {
var bi = reA.lastIndex = reB.lastIndex = 0, // scan index for next number in b
am, // current match in a
bm, // current match in b
bs, // string preceding current number in b, if any
i = -1, // index in s
s = [], // string constants and placeholders
q = []; // number interpolators
// Coerce inputs to strings.
a = a + "", b = b + "";
// Interpolate pairs of numbers in a & b.
while ((am = reA.exec(a))
&& (bm = reB.exec(b))) {
if ((bs = bm.index) > bi) { // a string precedes the next number in b
bs = b.slice(bi, bs);
if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; // coalesce with previous string
else s[++i] = bs;
if ((am = am[0]) === (bm = bm[0])) { // numbers in a & b match
if (s[i]) s[i] += bm; // coalesce with previous string
else s[++i] = bm;
} else { // interpolate non-matching numbers
s[++i] = null;
q.push({i: i, x: number(am, bm)});
bi = reB.lastIndex;
// Add remains of b.
if (bi < b.length) {
bs = b.slice(bi);
if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; // coalesce with previous string
else s[++i] = bs;
// Special optimization for only a single match.
// Otherwise, interpolate each of the numbers and rejoin the string.
return s.length < 2 ? (q[0]
? one(q[0].x)
: zero(b))
: (b = q.length, function(t) {
for (var i = 0, o; i < b; ++i) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t);
return s.join("");
function value(a, b) {
var t = typeof b, c;
return b == null || t === "boolean" ? constant(b)
: (t === "number" ? number
: t === "string" ? ((c = d3Color.color(b)) ? (b = c, rgb$1) : string)
: b instanceof d3Color.color ? rgb$1
: b instanceof Date ? date
: Array.isArray(b) ? array
: isNaN(b) ? object
: number)(a, b);
function round(a, b) {
return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) {
return Math.round(a + b * t);
var degrees = 180 / Math.PI;
var identity = {
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
rotate: 0,
skewX: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
function decompose(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var scaleX, scaleY, skewX;
if (scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)) a /= scaleX, b /= scaleX;
if (skewX = a * c + b * d) c -= a * skewX, d -= b * skewX;
if (scaleY = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d)) c /= scaleY, d /= scaleY, skewX /= scaleY;
if (a * d < b * c) a = -a, b = -b, skewX = -skewX, scaleX = -scaleX;
return {
translateX: e,
translateY: f,
rotate: Math.atan2(b, a) * degrees,
skewX: Math.atan(skewX) * degrees,
scaleX: scaleX,
scaleY: scaleY
var cssNode;
var cssRoot;
var cssView;
var svgNode;
function parseCss(value) {
if (value === "none") return identity;
if (!cssNode) cssNode = document.createElement("DIV"), cssRoot = document.documentElement, cssView = document.defaultView; = value;
value = cssView.getComputedStyle(cssRoot.appendChild(cssNode), null).getPropertyValue("transform");
value = value.slice(7, -1).split(",");
return decompose(+value[0], +value[1], +value[2], +value[3], +value[4], +value[5]);
function parseSvg(value) {
if (value == null) return identity;
if (!svgNode) svgNode = document.createElementNS("", "g");
svgNode.setAttribute("transform", value);
if (!(value = svgNode.transform.baseVal.consolidate())) return identity;
value = value.matrix;
return decompose(value.a, value.b, value.c, value.d, value.e, value.f);
function interpolateTransform(parse, pxComma, pxParen, degParen) {
function pop(s) {
return s.length ? s.pop() + " " : "";
function translate(xa, ya, xb, yb, s, q) {
if (xa !== xb || ya !== yb) {
var i = s.push("translate(", null, pxComma, null, pxParen);
q.push({i: i - 4, x: number(xa, xb)}, {i: i - 2, x: number(ya, yb)});
} else if (xb || yb) {
s.push("translate(" + xb + pxComma + yb + pxParen);
function rotate(a, b, s, q) {
if (a !== b) {
if (a - b > 180) b += 360; else if (b - a > 180) a += 360; // shortest path
q.push({i: s.push(pop(s) + "rotate(", null, degParen) - 2, x: number(a, b)});
} else if (b) {
s.push(pop(s) + "rotate(" + b + degParen);
function skewX(a, b, s, q) {
if (a !== b) {
q.push({i: s.push(pop(s) + "skewX(", null, degParen) - 2, x: number(a, b)});
} else if (b) {
s.push(pop(s) + "skewX(" + b + degParen);
function scale(xa, ya, xb, yb, s, q) {
if (xa !== xb || ya !== yb) {
var i = s.push(pop(s) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")");
q.push({i: i - 4, x: number(xa, xb)}, {i: i - 2, x: number(ya, yb)});
} else if (xb !== 1 || yb !== 1) {
s.push(pop(s) + "scale(" + xb + "," + yb + ")");
return function(a, b) {
var s = [], // string constants and placeholders
q = []; // number interpolators
a = parse(a), b = parse(b);
translate(a.translateX, a.translateY, b.translateX, b.translateY, s, q);
rotate(a.rotate, b.rotate, s, q);
skewX(a.skewX, b.skewX, s, q);
scale(a.scaleX, a.scaleY, b.scaleX, b.scaleY, s, q);
a = b = null; // gc
return function(t) {
var i = -1, n = q.length, o;
while (++i < n) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t);
return s.join("");
var interpolateTransformCss = interpolateTransform(parseCss, "px, ", "px)", "deg)");
var interpolateTransformSvg = interpolateTransform(parseSvg, ", ", ")", ")");
var rho = Math.SQRT2;
var rho2 = 2;
var rho4 = 4;
var epsilon2 = 1e-12;
function cosh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(x)) + 1 / x) / 2;
function sinh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(x)) - 1 / x) / 2;
function tanh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(2 * x)) - 1) / (x + 1);
// p0 = [ux0, uy0, w0]
// p1 = [ux1, uy1, w1]
function zoom(p0, p1) {
var ux0 = p0[0], uy0 = p0[1], w0 = p0[2],
ux1 = p1[0], uy1 = p1[1], w1 = p1[2],
dx = ux1 - ux0,
dy = uy1 - uy0,
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy,
// Special case for u0 ≅ u1.
if (d2 < epsilon2) {
S = Math.log(w1 / w0) / rho;
i = function(t) {
return [
ux0 + t * dx,
uy0 + t * dy,
w0 * Math.exp(rho * t * S)
// General case.
else {
var d1 = Math.sqrt(d2),
b0 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + rho4 * d2) / (2 * w0 * rho2 * d1),
b1 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 - rho4 * d2) / (2 * w1 * rho2 * d1),
r0 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b0 * b0 + 1) - b0),
r1 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b1 * b1 + 1) - b1);
S = (r1 - r0) / rho;
i = function(t) {
var s = t * S,
coshr0 = cosh(r0),
u = w0 / (rho2 * d1) * (coshr0 * tanh(rho * s + r0) - sinh(r0));
return [
ux0 + u * dx,
uy0 + u * dy,
w0 * coshr0 / cosh(rho * s + r0)
i.duration = S * 1000;
return i;
function hsl$1(hue) {
return function(start, end) {
var h = hue((start = d3Color.hsl(start)).h, (end = d3Color.hsl(end)).h),
s = nogamma(start.s, end.s),
l = nogamma(start.l, end.l),
opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.h = h(t);
start.s = s(t);
start.l = l(t);
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
var hsl$2 = hsl$1(hue);
var hslLong = hsl$1(nogamma);
function lab$1(start, end) {
var l = nogamma((start = d3Color.lab(start)).l, (end = d3Color.lab(end)).l),
a = nogamma(start.a, end.a),
b = nogamma(start.b, end.b),
opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.l = l(t);
start.a = a(t);
start.b = b(t);
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
function hcl$1(hue) {
return function(start, end) {
var h = hue((start = d3Color.hcl(start)).h, (end = d3Color.hcl(end)).h),
c = nogamma(start.c, end.c),
l = nogamma(start.l, end.l),
opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.h = h(t);
start.c = c(t);
start.l = l(t);
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
var hcl$2 = hcl$1(hue);
var hclLong = hcl$1(nogamma);
function cubehelix$1(hue) {
return (function cubehelixGamma(y) {
y = +y;
function cubehelix(start, end) {
var h = hue((start = d3Color.cubehelix(start)).h, (end = d3Color.cubehelix(end)).h),
s = nogamma(start.s, end.s),
l = nogamma(start.l, end.l),
opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.h = h(t);
start.s = s(t);
start.l = l(Math.pow(t, y));
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
cubehelix.gamma = cubehelixGamma;
return cubehelix;
var cubehelix$2 = cubehelix$1(hue);
var cubehelixLong = cubehelix$1(nogamma);
function quantize(interpolator, n) {
var samples = new Array(n);
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) samples[i] = interpolator(i / (n - 1));
return samples;
exports.interpolate = value;
exports.interpolateArray = array;
exports.interpolateBasis = basis$1;
exports.interpolateBasisClosed = basisClosed;
exports.interpolateDate = date;
exports.interpolateNumber = number;
exports.interpolateObject = object;
exports.interpolateRound = round;
exports.interpolateString = string;
exports.interpolateTransformCss = interpolateTransformCss;
exports.interpolateTransformSvg = interpolateTransformSvg;
exports.interpolateZoom = zoom;
exports.interpolateRgb = rgb$1;
exports.interpolateRgbBasis = rgbBasis;
exports.interpolateRgbBasisClosed = rgbBasisClosed;
exports.interpolateHsl = hsl$2;
exports.interpolateHslLong = hslLong;
exports.interpolateLab = lab$1;
exports.interpolateHcl = hcl$2;
exports.interpolateHclLong = hclLong;
exports.interpolateCubehelix = cubehelix$2;
exports.interpolateCubehelixLong = cubehelixLong;
exports.quantize = quantize;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3marchingsquares = global.d3marchingsquares || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
var isobands = function(data, geoTransform, intervals){
var bands = { "type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": []
for(var i=1; i<intervals.length; i++){
var lowerValue = intervals[i-1];
var upperValue = intervals[i];
var coords = projectedIsoband(data, geoTransform, lowerValue, upperValue - lowerValue);
//Change clockwise
for(var j=0; j< coords.length; j++)
bands['features'].push({"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": coords},
"properties": [{"lowerValue": lowerValue, "upperValue": upperValue}]}
return bands;
var projectedIsoband = function(data, geoTransform, minV, bandwidth){
if(typeof(geoTransform) != typeof(new Array()) || geoTransform.length != 6)
throw new Error("GeoTransform must be a 6 elements array");
var coords = isoband(data, minV, bandwidth);
for(var i = 0; i<coords.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j<coords[i].length; j++){
var coordsGeo = applyGeoTransform(coords[i][j][0], coords[i][j][1], geoTransform);
coords[i][j][0]= coordsGeo[0];
coords[i][j][1]= coordsGeo[1];
return coords;
Xgeo = GT(0) + Xpixel*GT(1) + Yline*GT(2)
Ygeo = GT(3) + Xpixel*GT(4) + Yline*GT(5)
var applyGeoTransform = function(x, y, geoTransform){
var xgeo = geoTransform[0] + x*geoTransform[1] + y*geoTransform[2];
var ygeo = geoTransform[3] + x*geoTransform[4] + y*geoTransform[5];
return [xgeo, ygeo];
Compute isobands(s) of a scalar 2D field given a certain
threshold and a bandwidth by applying the Marching Squares
Algorithm. The function returns a list of path coordinates
either for individual polygons within each grid cell, or the
outline of connected polygons.
var isoband = function(data, minV, bandwidth, options){
var settings = {};
var defaultSettings = {
successCallback: null,
progressCallback: null,
verbose: false
/* process options */
options = options ? options : {};
var optionKeys = Object.keys(defaultSettings);
for(var i = 0; i < optionKeys.length; i++){
var key = optionKeys[i];
var val = options[key];
val = ((typeof val !== 'undefined') && (val !== null)) ? val : defaultSettings[key];
settings[key] = val;
console.log("computing isobands for [" + minV + ":" + (minV + bandwidth) + "]");
var grid = computeBandGrid(data, minV, bandwidth);
var ret = BandGrid2AreaPaths(grid);
return ret;
Thats all for the public interface, below follows the actual
/* Some private variables */
var Node0 = 64;
var Node1 = 16;
var Node2 = 4;
var Node3 = 1;
/* For isoBands, each square is defined by the three states
of its corner points. However, since computers use power-2
values, we use 2bits per trit, i.e.:
00 ... below minV
01 ... between minV and maxV
10 ... above maxV
Hence we map the 4-trit configurations as follows:
0000 => 0
0001 => 1
0002 => 2
0010 => 4
0011 => 5
0012 => 6
0020 => 8
0021 => 9
0022 => 10
0100 => 16
0101 => 17
0102 => 18
0110 => 20
0111 => 21
0112 => 22
0120 => 24
0121 => 25
0122 => 26
0200 => 32
0201 => 33
0202 => 34
0210 => 36
0211 => 37
0212 => 38
0220 => 40
0221 => 41
0222 => 42
1000 => 64
1001 => 65
1002 => 66
1010 => 68
1011 => 69
1012 => 70
1020 => 72
1021 => 73
1022 => 74
1100 => 80
1101 => 81
1102 => 82
1110 => 84
1111 => 85
1112 => 86
1120 => 88
1121 => 89
1122 => 90
1200 => 96
1201 => 97
1202 => 98
1210 => 100
1211 => 101
1212 => 102
1220 => 104
1221 => 105
1222 => 106
2000 => 128
2001 => 129
2002 => 130
2010 => 132
2011 => 133
2012 => 134
2020 => 136
2021 => 137
2022 => 138
2100 => 144
2101 => 145
2102 => 146
2110 => 148
2111 => 149
2112 => 150
2120 => 152
2121 => 153
2122 => 154
2200 => 160
2201 => 161
2202 => 162
2210 => 164
2211 => 165
2212 => 166
2220 => 168
2221 => 169
2222 => 170
The look-up tables for tracing back the contour path
of isoBands
var isoBandNextXTL = [];
var isoBandNextYTL = [];
var isoBandNextOTL = [];
var isoBandNextXTR = [];
var isoBandNextYTR = [];
var isoBandNextOTR = [];
var isoBandNextXRT = [];
var isoBandNextYRT = [];
var isoBandNextORT = [];
var isoBandNextXRB = [];
var isoBandNextYRB = [];
var isoBandNextORB = [];
var isoBandNextXBL = [];
var isoBandNextYBL = [];
var isoBandNextOBL = [];
var isoBandNextXBR = [];
var isoBandNextYBR = [];
var isoBandNextOBR = [];
var isoBandNextXLT = [];
var isoBandNextYLT = [];
var isoBandNextOLT = [];
var isoBandNextXLB = [];
var isoBandNextYLB = [];
var isoBandNextOLB = [];
isoBandNextXRT[85] = isoBandNextXRB[85] = -1;
isoBandNextYRT[85] = isoBandNextYRB[85] = 0;
isoBandNextORT[85] = isoBandNextORB[85] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[85] = isoBandNextXLB[85] = 1;
isoBandNextYLT[85] = isoBandNextYLB[85] = 0;
isoBandNextOLT[85] = isoBandNextOLB[85] = 1;
isoBandNextXTL[85] = isoBandNextXTR[85] = 0;
isoBandNextYTL[85] = isoBandNextYTR[85] = -1;
isoBandNextOTL[85] = isoBandNextOBL[85] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[85] = isoBandNextXBL[85] = 0;
isoBandNextYBR[85] = isoBandNextYBL[85] = 1;
isoBandNextOTR[85] = isoBandNextOBR[85] = 1;
/* triangle cases */
isoBandNextXLB[1] = isoBandNextXLB[169] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[1] = isoBandNextYLB[169] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[1] = isoBandNextOLB[169] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[1] = isoBandNextXBL[169] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[1] = isoBandNextYBL[169] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[1] = isoBandNextOBL[169] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[4] = isoBandNextXRB[166] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[4] = isoBandNextYRB[166] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[4] = isoBandNextORB[166] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[4] = isoBandNextXBR[166] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[4] = isoBandNextYBR[166] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[4] = isoBandNextOBR[166] = 0;
isoBandNextXRT[16] = isoBandNextXRT[154] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[16] = isoBandNextYRT[154] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[16] = isoBandNextORT[154] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[16] = isoBandNextXTR[154] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[16] = isoBandNextYTR[154] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[16] = isoBandNextOTR[154] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[64] = isoBandNextXLT[106] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[64] = isoBandNextYLT[106] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[64] = isoBandNextOLT[106] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[64] = isoBandNextXTL[106] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[64] = isoBandNextYTL[106] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[64] = isoBandNextOTL[106] = 1;
/* single trapezoid cases */
isoBandNextXLT[2] = isoBandNextXLT[168] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[2] = isoBandNextYLT[168] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[2] = isoBandNextOLT[168] = 1;
isoBandNextXLB[2] = isoBandNextXLB[168] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[2] = isoBandNextYLB[168] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[2] = isoBandNextOLB[168] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[2] = isoBandNextXBL[168] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[2] = isoBandNextYBL[168] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[2] = isoBandNextOBL[168] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[2] = isoBandNextXBR[168] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[2] = isoBandNextYBR[168] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[2] = isoBandNextOBR[168] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[8] = isoBandNextXRT[162] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[8] = isoBandNextYRT[162] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[8] = isoBandNextORT[162] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[8] = isoBandNextXRB[162] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[8] = isoBandNextYRB[162] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[8] = isoBandNextORB[162] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[8] = isoBandNextXBL[162] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[8] = isoBandNextYBL[162] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[8] = isoBandNextOBL[162] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[8] = isoBandNextXBR[162] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[8] = isoBandNextYBR[162] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[8] = isoBandNextOBR[162] = 0;
isoBandNextXRT[32] = isoBandNextXRT[138] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[32] = isoBandNextYRT[138] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[32] = isoBandNextORT[138] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[32] = isoBandNextXRB[138] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[32] = isoBandNextYRB[138] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[32] = isoBandNextORB[138] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[32] = isoBandNextXTL[138] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[32] = isoBandNextYTL[138] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[32] = isoBandNextOTL[138] = 0;
isoBandNextXTR[32] = isoBandNextXTR[138] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[32] = isoBandNextYTR[138] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[32] = isoBandNextOTR[138] = 1;
isoBandNextXLB[128] = isoBandNextXLB[42] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[128] = isoBandNextYLB[42] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[128] = isoBandNextOLB[42] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[128] = isoBandNextXLT[42] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[128] = isoBandNextYLT[42] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[128] = isoBandNextOLT[42] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[128] = isoBandNextXTL[42] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[128] = isoBandNextYTL[42] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[128] = isoBandNextOTL[42] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[128] = isoBandNextXTR[42] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[128] = isoBandNextYTR[42] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[128] = isoBandNextOTR[42] = 0;
/* single rectangle cases */
isoBandNextXRB[5] = isoBandNextXRB[165] = -1;
isoBandNextYRB[5] = isoBandNextYRB[165] = 0;
isoBandNextORB[5] = isoBandNextORB[165] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[5] = isoBandNextXLB[165] = 1;
isoBandNextYLB[5] = isoBandNextYLB[165] = 0;
isoBandNextOLB[5] = isoBandNextOLB[165] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[20] = isoBandNextXBR[150] = 0;
isoBandNextYBR[20] = isoBandNextYBR[150] = 1;
isoBandNextOBR[20] = isoBandNextOBR[150] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[20] = isoBandNextXTR[150] = 0;
isoBandNextYTR[20] = isoBandNextYTR[150] = -1;
isoBandNextOTR[20] = isoBandNextOTR[150] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[80] = isoBandNextXRT[90] = -1;
isoBandNextYRT[80] = isoBandNextYRT[90] = 0;
isoBandNextORT[80] = isoBandNextORT[90] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[80] = isoBandNextXLT[90] = 1;
isoBandNextYLT[80] = isoBandNextYLT[90] = 0;
isoBandNextOLT[80] = isoBandNextOLT[90] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[65] = isoBandNextXBL[105] = 0;
isoBandNextYBL[65] = isoBandNextYBL[105] = 1;
isoBandNextOBL[65] = isoBandNextOBL[105] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[65] = isoBandNextXTL[105] = 0;
isoBandNextYTL[65] = isoBandNextYTL[105] = -1;
isoBandNextOTL[65] = isoBandNextOTL[105] = 0;
isoBandNextXRT[160] = isoBandNextXRT[10] = -1;
isoBandNextYRT[160] = isoBandNextYRT[10] = 0;
isoBandNextORT[160] = isoBandNextORT[10] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[160] = isoBandNextXRB[10] = -1;
isoBandNextYRB[160] = isoBandNextYRB[10] = 0;
isoBandNextORB[160] = isoBandNextORB[10] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[160] = isoBandNextXLB[10] = 1;
isoBandNextYLB[160] = isoBandNextYLB[10] = 0;
isoBandNextOLB[160] = isoBandNextOLB[10] = 0;
isoBandNextXLT[160] = isoBandNextXLT[10] = 1;
isoBandNextYLT[160] = isoBandNextYLT[10] = 0;
isoBandNextOLT[160] = isoBandNextOLT[10] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[130] = isoBandNextXBR[40] = 0;
isoBandNextYBR[130] = isoBandNextYBR[40] = 1;
isoBandNextOBR[130] = isoBandNextOBR[40] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[130] = isoBandNextXBL[40] = 0;
isoBandNextYBL[130] = isoBandNextYBL[40] = 1;
isoBandNextOBL[130] = isoBandNextOBL[40] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[130] = isoBandNextXTL[40] = 0;
isoBandNextYTL[130] = isoBandNextYTL[40] = -1;
isoBandNextOTL[130] = isoBandNextOTL[40] = 0;
isoBandNextXTR[130] = isoBandNextXTR[40] = 0;
isoBandNextYTR[130] = isoBandNextYTR[40] = -1;
isoBandNextOTR[130] = isoBandNextOTR[40] = 1;
/* single hexagon cases */
isoBandNextXRB[37] = isoBandNextXRB[133] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[37] = isoBandNextYRB[133] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[37] = isoBandNextORB[133] = 1;
isoBandNextXLB[37] = isoBandNextXLB[133] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[37] = isoBandNextYLB[133] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[37] = isoBandNextOLB[133] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[37] = isoBandNextXTL[133] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[37] = isoBandNextYTL[133] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[37] = isoBandNextOTL[133] = 0;
isoBandNextXTR[37] = isoBandNextXTR[133] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[37] = isoBandNextYTR[133] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[37] = isoBandNextOTR[133] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[148] = isoBandNextXBR[22] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[148] = isoBandNextYBR[22] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[148] = isoBandNextOBR[22] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[148] = isoBandNextXLB[22] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[148] = isoBandNextYLB[22] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[148] = isoBandNextOLB[22] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[148] = isoBandNextXLT[22] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[148] = isoBandNextYLT[22] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[148] = isoBandNextOLT[22] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[148] = isoBandNextXTR[22] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[148] = isoBandNextYTR[22] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[148] = isoBandNextOTR[22] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[82] = isoBandNextXRT[88] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[82] = isoBandNextYRT[88] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[82] = isoBandNextORT[88] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[82] = isoBandNextXBR[88] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[82] = isoBandNextYBR[88] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[82] = isoBandNextOBR[88] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[82] = isoBandNextXBL[88] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[82] = isoBandNextYBL[88] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[82] = isoBandNextOBL[88] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[82] = isoBandNextXLT[88] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[82] = isoBandNextYLT[88] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[82] = isoBandNextOLT[88] = 0;
isoBandNextXRT[73] = isoBandNextXRT[97] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[73] = isoBandNextYRT[97] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[73] = isoBandNextORT[97] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[73] = isoBandNextXRB[97] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[73] = isoBandNextYRB[97] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[73] = isoBandNextORB[97] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[73] = isoBandNextXBL[97] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[73] = isoBandNextYBL[97] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[73] = isoBandNextOBL[97] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[73] = isoBandNextXTL[97] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[73] = isoBandNextYTL[97] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[73] = isoBandNextOTL[97] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[145] = isoBandNextXRT[25] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[145] = isoBandNextYRT[25] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[145] = isoBandNextORT[25] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[145] = isoBandNextXBL[25] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[145] = isoBandNextYBL[25] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[145] = isoBandNextOBL[25] = 1;
isoBandNextXLB[145] = isoBandNextXLB[25] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[145] = isoBandNextYLB[25] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[145] = isoBandNextOLB[25] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[145] = isoBandNextXTR[25] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[145] = isoBandNextYTR[25] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[145] = isoBandNextOTR[25] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[70] = isoBandNextXRB[100] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[70] = isoBandNextYRB[100] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[70] = isoBandNextORB[100] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[70] = isoBandNextXBR[100] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[70] = isoBandNextYBR[100] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[70] = isoBandNextOBR[100] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[70] = isoBandNextXLT[100] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[70] = isoBandNextYLT[100] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[70] = isoBandNextOLT[100] = 1;
isoBandNextXTL[70] = isoBandNextXTL[100] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[70] = isoBandNextYTL[100] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[70] = isoBandNextOTL[100] = 0;
/* single pentagon cases */
isoBandNextXRB[101] = isoBandNextXRB[69] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[101] = isoBandNextYRB[69] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[101] = isoBandNextORB[69] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[101] = isoBandNextXTL[69] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[101] = isoBandNextYTL[69] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[101] = isoBandNextOTL[69] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[149] = isoBandNextXLB[21] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[149] = isoBandNextYLB[21] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[149] = isoBandNextOLB[21] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[149] = isoBandNextXTR[21] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[149] = isoBandNextYTR[21] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[149] = isoBandNextOTR[21] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[86] = isoBandNextXBR[84] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[86] = isoBandNextYBR[84] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[86] = isoBandNextOBR[84] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[86] = isoBandNextXLT[84] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[86] = isoBandNextYLT[84] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[86] = isoBandNextOLT[84] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[89] = isoBandNextXRT[81] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[89] = isoBandNextYRT[81] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[89] = isoBandNextORT[81] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[89] = isoBandNextXBL[81] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[89] = isoBandNextYBL[81] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[89] = isoBandNextOBL[81] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[96] = isoBandNextXRT[74] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[96] = isoBandNextYRT[74] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[96] = isoBandNextORT[74] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[96] = isoBandNextXRB[74] = -1;
isoBandNextYRB[96] = isoBandNextYRB[74] = 0;
isoBandNextORB[96] = isoBandNextORB[74] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[96] = isoBandNextXLT[74] = 1;
isoBandNextYLT[96] = isoBandNextYLT[74] = 0;
isoBandNextOLT[96] = isoBandNextOLT[74] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[96] = isoBandNextXTL[74] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[96] = isoBandNextYTL[74] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[96] = isoBandNextOTL[74] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[24] = isoBandNextXRT[146] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[24] = isoBandNextYRT[146] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[24] = isoBandNextORT[146] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[24] = isoBandNextXBR[146] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[24] = isoBandNextYBR[146] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[24] = isoBandNextOBR[146] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[24] = isoBandNextXBL[146] = 0;
isoBandNextYBL[24] = isoBandNextYBL[146] = 1;
isoBandNextOBL[24] = isoBandNextOBL[146] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[24] = isoBandNextXTR[146] = 0;
isoBandNextYTR[24] = isoBandNextYTR[146] = -1;
isoBandNextOTR[24] = isoBandNextOTR[146] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[6] = isoBandNextXRB[164] = -1;
isoBandNextYRB[6] = isoBandNextYRB[164] = 0;
isoBandNextORB[6] = isoBandNextORB[164] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[6] = isoBandNextXBR[164] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[6] = isoBandNextYBR[164] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[6] = isoBandNextOBR[164] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[6] = isoBandNextXLB[164] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[6] = isoBandNextYLB[164] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[6] = isoBandNextOLB[164] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[6] = isoBandNextXLT[164] = 1;
isoBandNextYLT[6] = isoBandNextYLT[164] = 0;
isoBandNextOLT[6] = isoBandNextOLT[164] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[129] = isoBandNextXBL[41] = 0;
isoBandNextYBL[129] = isoBandNextYBL[41] = 1;
isoBandNextOBL[129] = isoBandNextOBL[41] = 1;
isoBandNextXLB[129] = isoBandNextXLB[41] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[129] = isoBandNextYLB[41] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[129] = isoBandNextOLB[41] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[129] = isoBandNextXTL[41] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[129] = isoBandNextYTL[41] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[129] = isoBandNextOTL[41] = 0;
isoBandNextXTR[129] = isoBandNextXTR[41] = 0;
isoBandNextYTR[129] = isoBandNextYTR[41] = -1;
isoBandNextOTR[129] = isoBandNextOTR[41] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[66] = isoBandNextXBR[104] = 0;
isoBandNextYBR[66] = isoBandNextYBR[104] = 1;
isoBandNextOBR[66] = isoBandNextOBR[104] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[66] = isoBandNextXBL[104] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[66] = isoBandNextYBL[104] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[66] = isoBandNextOBL[104] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[66] = isoBandNextXLT[104] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[66] = isoBandNextYLT[104] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[66] = isoBandNextOLT[104] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[66] = isoBandNextXTL[104] = 0;
isoBandNextYTL[66] = isoBandNextYTL[104] = -1;
isoBandNextOTL[66] = isoBandNextOTL[104] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[144] = isoBandNextXRT[26] = -1;
isoBandNextYRT[144] = isoBandNextYRT[26] = 0;
isoBandNextORT[144] = isoBandNextORT[26] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[144] = isoBandNextXLB[26] = 1;
isoBandNextYLB[144] = isoBandNextYLB[26] = 0;
isoBandNextOLB[144] = isoBandNextOLB[26] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[144] = isoBandNextXLT[26] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[144] = isoBandNextYLT[26] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[144] = isoBandNextOLT[26] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[144] = isoBandNextXTR[26] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[144] = isoBandNextYTR[26] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[144] = isoBandNextOTR[26] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[36] = isoBandNextXRB[134] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[36] = isoBandNextYRB[134] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[36] = isoBandNextORB[134] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[36] = isoBandNextXBR[134] = 0;
isoBandNextYBR[36] = isoBandNextYBR[134] = 1;
isoBandNextOBR[36] = isoBandNextOBR[134] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[36] = isoBandNextXTL[134] = 0;
isoBandNextYTL[36] = isoBandNextYTL[134] = -1;
isoBandNextOTL[36] = isoBandNextOTL[134] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[36] = isoBandNextXTR[134] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[36] = isoBandNextYTR[134] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[36] = isoBandNextOTR[134] = 0;
isoBandNextXRT[9] = isoBandNextXRT[161] = -1;
isoBandNextYRT[9] = isoBandNextYRT[161] = 0;
isoBandNextORT[9] = isoBandNextORT[161] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[9] = isoBandNextXRB[161] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[9] = isoBandNextYRB[161] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[9] = isoBandNextORB[161] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[9] = isoBandNextXBL[161] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[9] = isoBandNextYBL[161] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[9] = isoBandNextOBL[161] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[9] = isoBandNextXLB[161] = 1;
isoBandNextYLB[9] = isoBandNextYLB[161] = 0;
isoBandNextOLB[9] = isoBandNextOLB[161] = 1;
/* 8-sided cases */
isoBandNextXRT[136] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[136] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[136] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[136] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[136] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[136] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[136] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[136] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[136] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[136] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[136] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[136] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[136] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[136] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[136] = 0;
isoBandNextXLT[136] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[136] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[136] = 1;
isoBandNextXTL[136] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[136] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[136] = 0;
isoBandNextXTR[136] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[136] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[136] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[34] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[34] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[34] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[34] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[34] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[34] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[34] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[34] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[34] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[34] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[34] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[34] = 1;
isoBandNextXLB[34] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[34] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[34] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[34] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[34] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[34] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[34] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[34] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[34] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[34] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[34] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[34] = 0;
isoBandNextXRT[35] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[35] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[35] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[35] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[35] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[35] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[35] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[35] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[35] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[35] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[35] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[35] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[35] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[35] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[35] = 0;
isoBandNextXLT[35] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[35] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[35] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[35] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[35] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[35] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[35] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[35] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[35] = 1;
/* 6-sided cases */
isoBandNextXRT[153] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[153] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[153] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[153] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[153] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[153] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[153] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[153] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[153] = 0;
isoBandNextXTR[153] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[153] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[153] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[102] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[102] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[102] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[102] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[102] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[102] = 0;
isoBandNextXLT[102] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[102] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[102] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[102] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[102] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[102] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[155] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[155] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[155] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[155] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[155] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[155] = 1;
isoBandNextXLB[155] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[155] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[155] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[155] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[155] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[155] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[103] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[103] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[103] = 0;
isoBandNextXBR[103] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[103] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[103] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[103] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[103] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[103] = 1;
isoBandNextXTL[103] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[103] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[103] = 0;
/* 7-sided cases */
isoBandNextXRT[152] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[152] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[152] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[152] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[152] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[152] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[152] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[152] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[152] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[152] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[152] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[152] = 0;
isoBandNextXLT[152] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[152] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[152] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[152] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[152] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[152] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[156] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[156] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[156] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[156] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[156] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[156] = 1;
isoBandNextXBL[156] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[156] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[156] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[156] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[156] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[156] = 0;
isoBandNextXLT[156] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[156] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[156] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[156] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[156] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[156] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[137] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[137] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[137] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[137] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[137] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[137] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[137] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[137] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[137] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[137] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[137] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[137] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[137] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[137] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[137] = 0;
isoBandNextXTR[137] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[137] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[137] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[139] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[139] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[139] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[139] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[139] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[139] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[139] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[139] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[139] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[139] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[139] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[139] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[139] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[139] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[139] = 0;
isoBandNextXTR[139] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[139] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[139] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[98] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[98] = -1;
isoBandNextORT[98] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[98] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[98] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[98] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[98] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[98] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[98] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[98] = 1;
isoBandNextYBL[98] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[98] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[98] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[98] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[98] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[98] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[98] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[98] = 1;
isoBandNextXRT[99] = 0;
isoBandNextYRT[99] = 1;
isoBandNextORT[99] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[99] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[99] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[99] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[99] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[99] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[99] = 0;
isoBandNextXBL[99] = -1;
isoBandNextYBL[99] = 0;
isoBandNextOBL[99] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[99] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[99] = -1;
isoBandNextOLT[99] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[99] = 1;
isoBandNextYTL[99] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[99] = 1;
isoBandNextXRB[38] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[38] = -1;
isoBandNextORB[38] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[38] = 1;
isoBandNextYBR[38] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[38] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[38] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[38] = 1;
isoBandNextOLB[38] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[38] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[38] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[38] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[38] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[38] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[38] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[38] = -1;
isoBandNextYTR[38] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[38] = 0;
isoBandNextXRB[39] = 0;
isoBandNextYRB[39] = 1;
isoBandNextORB[39] = 1;
isoBandNextXBR[39] = -1;
isoBandNextYBR[39] = 0;
isoBandNextOBR[39] = 0;
isoBandNextXLB[39] = 0;
isoBandNextYLB[39] = -1;
isoBandNextOLB[39] = 1;
isoBandNextXLT[39] = 0;
isoBandNextYLT[39] = 1;
isoBandNextOLT[39] = 0;
isoBandNextXTL[39] = -1;
isoBandNextYTL[39] = 0;
isoBandNextOTL[39] = 1;
isoBandNextXTR[39] = 1;
isoBandNextYTR[39] = 0;
isoBandNextOTR[39] = 0;
The lookup tables for edge number given the polygon
is entered at a specific location
var isoBandEdgeRT = [];
var isoBandEdgeRB = [];
var isoBandEdgeBR = [];
var isoBandEdgeBL = [];
var isoBandEdgeLB = [];
var isoBandEdgeLT = [];
var isoBandEdgeTL = [];
var isoBandEdgeTR = [];
/* triangle cases */
isoBandEdgeBL[1] = isoBandEdgeLB[1] = 18;
isoBandEdgeBL[169] = isoBandEdgeLB[169] = 18;
isoBandEdgeBR[4] = isoBandEdgeRB[4] = 12;
isoBandEdgeBR[166] = isoBandEdgeRB[166] = 12;
isoBandEdgeRT[16] = isoBandEdgeTR[16] = 4;
isoBandEdgeRT[154] = isoBandEdgeTR[154] = 4;
isoBandEdgeLT[64] = isoBandEdgeTL[64] = 22;
isoBandEdgeLT[106] = isoBandEdgeTL[106] = 22;
/* trapezoid cases */
isoBandEdgeBR[2] = isoBandEdgeLT[2] = 17;
isoBandEdgeBL[2] = isoBandEdgeLB[2] = 18;
isoBandEdgeBR[168] = isoBandEdgeLT[168] = 17;
isoBandEdgeBL[168] = isoBandEdgeLB[168] = 18;
isoBandEdgeRT[8] = isoBandEdgeBL[8] = 9;
isoBandEdgeRB[8] = isoBandEdgeBR[8] = 12;
isoBandEdgeRT[162] = isoBandEdgeBL[162] = 9;
isoBandEdgeRB[162] = isoBandEdgeBR[162] = 12;
isoBandEdgeRT[32] = isoBandEdgeTR[32] = 4;
isoBandEdgeRB[32] = isoBandEdgeTL[32] = 1;
isoBandEdgeRT[138] = isoBandEdgeTR[138] = 4;
isoBandEdgeRB[138] = isoBandEdgeTL[138] = 1;
isoBandEdgeLB[128] = isoBandEdgeTR[128] = 21;
isoBandEdgeLT[128] = isoBandEdgeTL[128] = 22;
isoBandEdgeLB[42] = isoBandEdgeTR[42] = 21;
isoBandEdgeLT[42] = isoBandEdgeTL[42] = 22;
/* rectangle cases */
isoBandEdgeRB[5] = isoBandEdgeLB[5] = 14;
isoBandEdgeRB[165] = isoBandEdgeLB[165] = 14;
isoBandEdgeBR[20] = isoBandEdgeTR[20] = 6;
isoBandEdgeBR[150] = isoBandEdgeTR[150] = 6;
isoBandEdgeRT[80] = isoBandEdgeLT[80] = 11;
isoBandEdgeRT[90] = isoBandEdgeLT[90] = 11;
isoBandEdgeBL[65] = isoBandEdgeTL[65] = 3;
isoBandEdgeBL[105] = isoBandEdgeTL[105] = 3;
isoBandEdgeRT[160] = isoBandEdgeLT[160] = 11;
isoBandEdgeRB[160] = isoBandEdgeLB[160] = 14;
isoBandEdgeRT[10] = isoBandEdgeLT[10] = 11;
isoBandEdgeRB[10] = isoBandEdgeLB[10] = 14;
isoBandEdgeBR[130] = isoBandEdgeTR[130] = 6;
isoBandEdgeBL[130] = isoBandEdgeTL[130] = 3;
isoBandEdgeBR[40] = isoBandEdgeTR[40] = 6;
isoBandEdgeBL[40] = isoBandEdgeTL[40] = 3;
/* pentagon cases */
isoBandEdgeRB[101] = isoBandEdgeTL[101] = 1;
isoBandEdgeRB[69] = isoBandEdgeTL[69] = 1;
isoBandEdgeLB[149] = isoBandEdgeTR[149] = 21;
isoBandEdgeLB[21] = isoBandEdgeTR[21] = 21;
isoBandEdgeBR[86] = isoBandEdgeLT[86] = 17;
isoBandEdgeBR[84] = isoBandEdgeLT[84] = 17;
isoBandEdgeRT[89] = isoBandEdgeBL[89] = 9;
isoBandEdgeRT[81] = isoBandEdgeBL[81] = 9;
isoBandEdgeRT[96] = isoBandEdgeTL[96] = 0;
isoBandEdgeRB[96] = isoBandEdgeLT[96] = 15;
isoBandEdgeRT[74] = isoBandEdgeTL[74] = 0;
isoBandEdgeRB[74] = isoBandEdgeLT[74] = 15;
isoBandEdgeRT[24] = isoBandEdgeBR[24] = 8;
isoBandEdgeBL[24] = isoBandEdgeTR[24] = 7;
isoBandEdgeRT[146] = isoBandEdgeBR[146] = 8;
isoBandEdgeBL[146] = isoBandEdgeTR[146] = 7;
isoBandEdgeRB[6] = isoBandEdgeLT[6] = 15;
isoBandEdgeBR[6] = isoBandEdgeLB[6] = 16;
isoBandEdgeRB[164] = isoBandEdgeLT[164] = 15;
isoBandEdgeBR[164] = isoBandEdgeLB[164] = 16;
isoBandEdgeBL[129] = isoBandEdgeTR[129] = 7;
isoBandEdgeLB[129] = isoBandEdgeTL[129] = 20;
isoBandEdgeBL[41] = isoBandEdgeTR[41] = 7;
isoBandEdgeLB[41] = isoBandEdgeTL[41] = 20;
isoBandEdgeBR[66] = isoBandEdgeTL[66] = 2;
isoBandEdgeBL[66] = isoBandEdgeLT[66] = 19;
isoBandEdgeBR[104] = isoBandEdgeTL[104] = 2;
isoBandEdgeBL[104] = isoBandEdgeLT[104] = 19;
isoBandEdgeRT[144] = isoBandEdgeLB[144] = 10;
isoBandEdgeLT[144] = isoBandEdgeTR[144] = 23;
isoBandEdgeRT[26] = isoBandEdgeLB[26] = 10;
isoBandEdgeLT[26] = isoBandEdgeTR[26] = 23;
isoBandEdgeRB[36] = isoBandEdgeTR[36] = 5;
isoBandEdgeBR[36] = isoBandEdgeTL[36] = 2;
isoBandEdgeRB[134] = isoBandEdgeTR[134] = 5;
isoBandEdgeBR[134] = isoBandEdgeTL[134] = 2;
isoBandEdgeRT[9] = isoBandEdgeLB[9] = 10;
isoBandEdgeRB[9] = isoBandEdgeBL[9] = 13;
isoBandEdgeRT[161] = isoBandEdgeLB[161] = 10;
isoBandEdgeRB[161] = isoBandEdgeBL[161] = 13;
/* hexagon cases */
isoBandEdgeRB[37] = isoBandEdgeTR[37] = 5;
isoBandEdgeLB[37] = isoBandEdgeTL[37] = 20;
isoBandEdgeRB[133] = isoBandEdgeTR[133] = 5;
isoBandEdgeLB[133] = isoBandEdgeTL[133] = 20;
isoBandEdgeBR[148] = isoBandEdgeLB[148] = 16;
isoBandEdgeLT[148] = isoBandEdgeTR[148] = 23;
isoBandEdgeBR[22] = isoBandEdgeLB[22] = 16;
isoBandEdgeLT[22] = isoBandEdgeTR[22] = 23;
isoBandEdgeRT[82] = isoBandEdgeBR[82] = 8;
isoBandEdgeBL[82] = isoBandEdgeLT[82] = 19;
isoBandEdgeRT[88] = isoBandEdgeBR[88] = 8;
isoBandEdgeBL[88] = isoBandEdgeLT[88] = 19;
isoBandEdgeRT[73] = isoBandEdgeTL[73] = 0;
isoBandEdgeRB[73] = isoBandEdgeBL[73] = 13;
isoBandEdgeRT[97] = isoBandEdgeTL[97] = 0;
isoBandEdgeRB[97] = isoBandEdgeBL[97] = 13;
isoBandEdgeRT[145] = isoBandEdgeBL[145] = 9;
isoBandEdgeLB[145] = isoBandEdgeTR[145] = 21;
isoBandEdgeRT[25] = isoBandEdgeBL[25] = 9;
isoBandEdgeLB[25] = isoBandEdgeTR[25] = 21;
isoBandEdgeRB[70] = isoBandEdgeTL[70] = 1;
isoBandEdgeBR[70] = isoBandEdgeLT[70] = 17;
isoBandEdgeRB[100] = isoBandEdgeTL[100] = 1;
isoBandEdgeBR[100] = isoBandEdgeLT[100] = 17;
/* 8-sided cases */
isoBandEdgeRT[34] = isoBandEdgeBL[34] = 9;
isoBandEdgeRB[34] = isoBandEdgeBR[34] = 12;
isoBandEdgeLB[34] = isoBandEdgeTR[34] = 21;
isoBandEdgeLT[34] = isoBandEdgeTL[34] = 22;
isoBandEdgeRT[136] = isoBandEdgeTR[136] = 4;
isoBandEdgeRB[136] = isoBandEdgeTL[136] = 1;
isoBandEdgeBR[136] = isoBandEdgeLT[136] = 17;
isoBandEdgeBL[136] = isoBandEdgeLB[136] = 18;
isoBandEdgeRT[35] = isoBandEdgeTR[35] = 4;
isoBandEdgeRB[35] = isoBandEdgeBR[35] = 12;
isoBandEdgeBL[35] = isoBandEdgeLB[35] = 18;
isoBandEdgeLT[35] = isoBandEdgeTL[35] = 22;
/* 6-sided cases */
isoBandEdgeRT[153] = isoBandEdgeTR[153] = 4;
isoBandEdgeBL[153] = isoBandEdgeLB[153] = 18;
isoBandEdgeRB[102] = isoBandEdgeBR[102] = 12;
isoBandEdgeLT[102] = isoBandEdgeTL[102] = 22;
isoBandEdgeRT[155] = isoBandEdgeBL[155] = 9;
isoBandEdgeLB[155] = isoBandEdgeTR[155] = 23;
isoBandEdgeRB[103] = isoBandEdgeTL[103] = 1;
isoBandEdgeBR[103] = isoBandEdgeLT[103] = 17;
/* 7-sided cases */
isoBandEdgeRT[152] = isoBandEdgeTR[152] = 4;
isoBandEdgeBR[152] = isoBandEdgeLT[152] = 17;
isoBandEdgeBL[152] = isoBandEdgeLB[152] = 18;
isoBandEdgeRT[156] = isoBandEdgeBR[156] = 8;
isoBandEdgeBL[156] = isoBandEdgeLB[156] = 18;
isoBandEdgeLT[156] = isoBandEdgeTR[156] = 23;
isoBandEdgeRT[137] = isoBandEdgeTR[137] = 4;
isoBandEdgeRB[137] = isoBandEdgeTL[137] = 1;
isoBandEdgeBL[137] = isoBandEdgeLB[137] = 18;
isoBandEdgeRT[139] = isoBandEdgeTR[139] = 4;
isoBandEdgeRB[139] = isoBandEdgeBL[139] = 13;
isoBandEdgeLB[139] = isoBandEdgeTL[139] = 20;
isoBandEdgeRT[98] = isoBandEdgeBL[98] = 9;
isoBandEdgeRB[98] = isoBandEdgeBR[98] = 12;
isoBandEdgeLT[98] = isoBandEdgeTL[98] = 22;
isoBandEdgeRT[99] = isoBandEdgeTL[99] = 0;
isoBandEdgeRB[99] = isoBandEdgeBR[99] = 12;
isoBandEdgeBL[99] = isoBandEdgeLT[99] = 19;
isoBandEdgeRB[38] = isoBandEdgeBR[38] = 12;
isoBandEdgeLB[38] = isoBandEdgeTR[38] = 21;
isoBandEdgeLT[38] = isoBandEdgeTL[38] = 22;
isoBandEdgeRB[39] = isoBandEdgeTR[39] = 5;
isoBandEdgeBR[39] = isoBandEdgeLB[39] = 16;
isoBandEdgeLT[39] = isoBandEdgeTL[39] = 22;
/* 0212 with flipped == 1 || 2010 with flipped == 1 */
Some small helper functions
/* assume that x1 == 1 && x0 == 0 */
function interpolateX(y, y0, y1){
return (y - y0) / (y1 - y0);
Below is the actual Marching Squares implementation
var computeBandGrid = function(data, minV, bandwidth){
var rows = data.length - 1;
var cols = data[0].length - 1;
var BandGrid = { rows: rows, cols: cols, cells: [] };
var maxV = minV + Math.abs(bandwidth);
for(var j = 0; j < rows; ++j){
BandGrid.cells[j] = [];
for(var i = 0; i < cols; ++i){
/* compose the 4-trit corner representation */
var cval = 0;
var tl = data[j+1][i];
var tr = data[j+1][i+1];
var br = data[j][i+1];
var bl = data[j][i];
if(isNaN(tl) || isNaN(tr) || isNaN(br) || isNaN(bl)){
cval |= (tl < minV) ? 0 : (tl > maxV) ? 128 : 64;
cval |= (tr < minV) ? 0 : (tr > maxV) ? 32 : 16;
cval |= (br < minV) ? 0 : (br > maxV) ? 8 : 4;
cval |= (bl < minV) ? 0 : (bl > maxV) ? 2 : 1;
var cval_real = +cval;
/* resolve ambiguity via averaging */
var flipped = 0;
if( (cval == 17) /* 0101 */
|| (cval == 18) /* 0102 */
|| (cval == 33) /* 0201 */
|| (cval == 34) /* 0202 */
|| (cval == 38) /* 0212 */
|| (cval == 68) /* 1010 */
|| (cval == 72) /* 1020 */
|| (cval == 98) /* 1202 */
|| (cval == 102) /* 1212 */
|| (cval == 132) /* 2010 */
|| (cval == 136) /* 2020 */
|| (cval == 137) /* 2021 */
|| (cval == 152) /* 2120 */
|| (cval == 153) /* 2121 */
var average = (tl + tr + br + bl) / 4;
/* set flipped state */
flipped = (average > maxV) ? 2 : (average < minV) ? 0 : 1;
/* adjust cval for flipped cases */
/* 8-sided cases */
if(cval === 34){
if(flipped === 1){
cval = 35;
} else if(flipped === 0){
cval = 136;
} else if(cval === 136){
if(flipped === 1){
cval = 35;
flipped = 4;
} else if(flipped === 0){
cval = 34;
/* 6-sided polygon cases */
else if(cval === 17){
if(flipped === 1){
cval = 155;
flipped = 4;
} else if(flipped === 0){
cval = 153;
} else if(cval === 68){
if(flipped === 1){
cval = 103;
flipped = 4;
} else if(flipped === 0){
cval = 102;
} else if(cval === 153){
if(flipped === 1)
cval = 155;
} else if(cval === 102){
if(flipped === 1)
cval = 103;
/* 7-sided polygon cases */
else if(cval === 152){
if(flipped < 2){
cval = 156;
flipped = 1;
} else if(cval === 137){
if(flipped < 2){
cval = 139;
flipped = 1;
} else if(cval === 98){
if(flipped < 2){
cval = 99;
flipped = 1;
} else if(cval === 38){
if(flipped < 2){
cval = 39;
flipped = 1;
} else if(cval === 18){
if(flipped > 0){
cval = 156;
flipped = 4;
} else {
cval = 152;
} else if(cval === 33){
if(flipped > 0){
cval = 139;
flipped = 4;
} else {
cval = 137;
} else if(cval === 72){
if(flipped > 0){
cval = 99;
flipped = 4;
} else {
cval = 98;
} else if(cval === 132){
if(flipped > 0){
cval = 39;
flipped = 4;
} else {
cval = 38;
/* add cell to BandGrid if it contains at least one polygon-side */
if((cval != 0) && (cval != 170)){
var topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright,
righttop, rightbottom, lefttop, leftbottom;
topleft = topright = bottomleft = bottomright = righttop
= rightbottom = lefttop = leftbottom = 0.5;
var edges = [];
/* do interpolation here */
/* 1st Triangles */
if(cval === 1){ /* 0001 */
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 169){ /* 2221 */
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
} else if(cval === 4){ /* 0010 */
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
} else if(cval === 166){ /* 2212 */
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
} else if(cval === 16){ /* 0100 */
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 154){ /* 2122 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 64){ /* 1000 */
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 106){ /* 1222 */
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
/* 2nd Trapezoids */
else if(cval === 168){ /* 2220 */
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
} else if(cval === 2){ /* 0002 */
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 162){ /* 2202 */
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
} else if(cval === 8){ /* 0020 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
} else if(cval === 138){ /* 2022 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 32){ /* 0200 */
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 42){ /* 0222 */
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 128){ /* 2000 */
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
/* 3rd rectangle cases */
if(cval === 5){ /* 0011 */
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 165){ /* 2211 */
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
} else if(cval === 20){ /* 0110 */
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 150){ /* 2112 */
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 80){ /* 1100 */
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
} else if(cval === 90){ /* 1122 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 65){ /* 1001 */
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 105){ /* 1221 */
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 160){ /* 2200 */
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
} else if(cval === 10){ /* 0022 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 130){ /* 2002 */
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 40){ /* 0220 */
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
/* 4th single pentagon cases */
else if(cval === 101){ /* 1211 */
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 69){ /* 1011 */
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 149){ /* 2111 */
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 21){ /* 0111 */
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 86){ /* 1112 */
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 84){ /* 1110 */
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
} else if(cval === 89){ /* 1121 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
} else if(cval === 81){ /* 1101 */
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
} else if(cval === 96){ /* 1200 */
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 74){ /* 1022 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1- interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 24){ /* 0120 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 146){ /* 2102 */
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 6){ /* 0012 */
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 164){ /* 2210 */
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
} else if(cval === 129){ /* 2001 */
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 41){ /* 0221 */
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 66){ /* 1002 */
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 104){ /* 1220 */
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 144){ /* 2100 */
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 26){ /* 0122 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 36){ /* 0210 */
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 134){ /* 2012 */
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 9){ /* 0021 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 161){ /* 2201 */
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
/* 5th single hexagon cases */
else if(cval === 37){ /* 0211 */
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
leftbottom = 1- interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 133){ /* 2011 */
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 148){ /* 2110 */
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 22){ /* 0112 */
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 82){ /* 1102 */
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1- interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
} else if(cval === 88){ /* 1120 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
} else if(cval === 73){ /* 1021 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 97){ /* 1201 */
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 145){ /* 2101 */
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 25){ /* 0121 */
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 70){ /* 1012 */
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 100){ /* 1210 */
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
/* 8-sided cases */
else if(cval === 34){ /* 0202 || 2020 with flipped == 0 */
if(flipped === 0){
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else {
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 35){ /* flipped == 1 state for 0202, and 2020 with flipped == 4*/
if(flipped === 4){
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else {
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 136){ /* 2020 || 0202 with flipped == 0 */
if(flipped === 0){
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else {
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
/* 6-sided polygon cases */
else if(cval === 153){ /* 0101 with flipped == 0 || 2121 with flipped == 2 */
if(flipped === 0){
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else {
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 102){ /* 1010 with flipped == 0 || 1212 with flipped == 2 */
if(flipped === 0){
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else {
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 155){ /* 0101 with flipped == 4 || 2121 with flipped == 1 */
if(flipped === 4){
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else {
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 103){ /* 1010 with flipped == 4 || 1212 with flipped == 1 */
if(flipped === 4){
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else {
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
/* 7-sided polygon cases */
else if(cval === 152){ /* 2120 with flipped == 2 || 0102 with flipped == 0 */
if(flipped === 0){
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else {
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 156){ /* 2120 with flipped == 1 || 0102 with flipped == 4 */
if(flipped === 4){
righttop = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topright = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
} else {
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 137){ /* 2021 with flipped == 2 || 0201 with flipped == 0 */
if(flipped === 0){
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else {
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 139){ /* 2021 with flipped == 1 || 0201 with flipped == 4 */
if(flipped === 4){
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else {
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else if(cval === 98){ /* 1202 with flipped == 2 || 1020 with flipped == 0 */
if(flipped === 0){
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else {
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 99){ /* 1202 with flipped == 1 || 1020 with flipped == 4 */
if(flipped === 4){
righttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(maxV, bl, br);
bottomleft = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
lefttop = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else {
righttop = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
rightbottom = interpolateX(minV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, br, bl);
bottomleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 38){ /* 0212 with flipped == 2 || 2010 with flipped == 0 */
if(flipped === 0){
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else {
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
} else if(cval === 39){ /* 0212 with flipped == 1 || 2010 with flipped == 4 */
if(flipped === 4){
rightbottom = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, br);
bottomright = interpolateX(minV, bl, br);
leftbottom = interpolateX(minV, bl, tl);
lefttop = interpolateX(maxV, bl, tl);
topleft = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tr, tl);
topright = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tr, tl);
} else {
rightbottom = interpolateX(maxV, br, tr);
bottomright = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, br, bl);
leftbottom = 1 - interpolateX(maxV, tl, bl);
lefttop = 1 - interpolateX(minV, tl, bl);
topleft = interpolateX(minV, tl, tr);
topright = interpolateX(maxV, tl, tr);
else if(cval === 85){
righttop = 1;
rightbottom = 0;
bottomright = 1;
bottomleft = 0;
leftbottom = 0;
lefttop = 1;
topleft = 0;
topright = 1;
if(topleft < 0 || topleft > 1 || topright < 0 || topright > 1 || righttop < 0 || righttop > 1 || bottomright < 0 || bottomright > 1 || leftbottom < 0 || leftbottom > 1 || lefttop < 0 || lefttop > 1){
console.log(cval + " " + cval_real + " " + tl + "," + tr + "," + br + "," + bl + " " + flipped + " " + topleft + " " + topright + " " + righttop + " " + rightbottom + " " + bottomright + " " + bottomleft + " " + leftbottom + " " + lefttop);
BandGrid.cells[j][i] = {
cval: cval,
cval_real: cval_real,
flipped: flipped,
topleft: topleft,
topright: topright,
righttop: righttop,
rightbottom: rightbottom,
bottomright: bottomright,
bottomleft: bottomleft,
leftbottom: leftbottom,
lefttop: lefttop,
edges: edges
return BandGrid;
function BandGrid2AreaPaths(grid){
var areas = [];
var area_idx = 0;
var rows = grid.rows;
var cols = grid.cols;
var currentPolygon = [];
for(var j = 0; j < rows; j++){
for(var i = 0; i < cols; i++){
if((typeof grid.cells[j][i] !== 'undefined') && (grid.cells[j][i].edges.length > 0)){
/* trace back polygon path starting from this cell */
var o = 0,
x = i,
y = j;
var cell = grid.cells[j][i];
/* get start coordinates */
var cval = cell.cval;
var prev = getStartXY(cell),
next = null,
p = i,
q = j;
if(prev !== null){
currentPolygon.push([ prev.p[0] + p, prev.p[1] + q ]);
//console.log("coords: " + (prev.p[0] + p) + " " + (prev.p[1] + q));
//console.log(p + "," + q);
//console.log("from : " + prev.x + " " + prev.y + " " + prev.o);
next = getExitXY(grid.cells[q][p], prev.x, prev.y, prev.o);
if(next !== null){
//console.log("coords: " + (next.p[0] + p) + " " + (next.p[1] + q));
currentPolygon.push([ next.p[0] + p, next.p[1] + q ]);
p += next.x;
q += next.y;
prev = next;
} else {
//console.log("getExitXY() returned null!");
//console.log("to : " + next.x + " " + next.y + " " + next.o);
/* special case, where we've reached the grid boundaries */
if((q < 0) || (q >= rows) || (p < 0) || (p >= cols) || (typeof grid.cells[q][p] === 'undefined')){
/* to create a closed path, we need to trace our way
arround the missing data, until we find an entry
point again
/* set back coordinates of current cell */
p -= next.x;
q -= next.y;
//console.log("reached boundary at " + p + " " + q);
var missing = traceOutOfGridPath(grid, p, q, next.x, next.y, next.o);
if(missing !== null){
//console.log("coords: " + (pp[0]) + " " + (pp[1]));
p = missing.i;
q = missing.j;
prev = missing;
} else {
} while( (typeof grid.cells[q][p] !== 'undefined')
&& (grid.cells[q][p].edges.length > 0));
//console.log("next polygon");
currentPolygon = [];
if(grid.cells[j][i].edges.length > 0)
return areas;
function traceOutOfGridPath(grid, i, j, d_x, d_y, d_o){
var cell = grid.cells[j][i];
var cval = cell.cval_real;
var p = i + d_x,
q = j + d_y;
var path = [];
var rows = grid.rows;
var cols = grid.cols;
var closed = false;
//console.log("processing cell " + p + "," + q + " " + d_x + " " + d_y + " " + d_o);
if((typeof grid.cells[q] === 'undefined') || (typeof grid.cells[q][p] === 'undefined')){
//console.log("which is undefined");
/* we can't move on, so we have to change direction to proceed further */
/* go back to previous cell */
q -= d_y;
p -= d_x;
cell = grid.cells[q][p];
cval = cell.cval_real;
/* check where we've left defined cells of the grid... */
if(d_y === -1){ /* we came from top */
if(d_o === 0){ /* exit left */
if(cval & Node3){ /* lower left node is within range, so we move left */
path.push([p, q]);
d_x = -1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 0;
} else if(cval & Node2){ /* lower right node is within range, so we move right */
path.push([p + 1, q]);
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 0;
} else { /* close the path */
path.push([p + cell.bottomright, q]);
d_x = 0;
d_y = 1;
d_o = 1;
closed = true;
} else {
if(cval & Node3){
path.push([p, q]);
d_x = -1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 0;
} else if(cval & Node2){
path.push([p + cell.bottomright, q]);
d_x = 0;
d_y = 1;
d_o = 1;
closed = true;
} else {
path.push([p + cell.bottomleft, q]);
d_x = 0;
d_y = 1;
d_o = 0;
closed = true;
} else if(d_y === 1){ /* we came from bottom */
//console.log("we came from bottom and hit a non-existing cell " + (p + d_x) + "," + (q + d_y) + "!");
if(d_o === 0){ /* exit left */
if(cval & Node1){ /* top right node is within range, so we move right */
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 1;
} else if(!(cval & Node0)){ /* found entry within same cell */
path.push([p + cell.topright, q + 1]);
d_x = 0;
d_y = -1;
d_o = 1;
closed = true;
//console.log("found entry from bottom at " + p + "," + q);
} else {
path.push([p + cell.topleft, q + 1]);
d_x = 0;
d_y = -1;
d_o = 0;
closed = true;
} else {
if(cval & Node1){
path.push([p+1, q+1]);
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 1;
} else { /* move right */
path.push([p+1, q+1]);
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 1;
} else if(d_x === -1){ /* we came from right */
//console.log("we came from right and hit a non-existing cell at " + (p + d_x) + "," + (q + d_y) + "!");
if(d_o === 0){
//console.log("continue at bottom");
if(cval & Node0){
d_x = 0;
d_y = 1;
d_o = 0;
//console.log("moving upwards to " + (p + d_x) + "," + (q + d_y) + "!");
} else if(!(cval & Node3)){ /* there has to be an entry into the regular grid again! */
//console.log("exiting top");
path.push([p, q + cell.lefttop]);
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 1;
closed = true;
} else {
//console.log("exiting bottom");
path.push([p, q + cell.leftbottom]);
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 0;
closed = true;
} else {
//console.log("continue at top");
if(cval & Node0){
d_x = 0;
d_y = 1;
d_o = 0;
//console.log("moving upwards to " + (p + d_x) + "," + (q + d_y) + "!");
} else { /* */
} else if(d_x === 1){ /* we came from left */
//console.log("we came from left and hit a non-existing cell " + (p + d_x) + "," + (q + d_y) + "!");
if(d_o === 0){ /* exit bottom */
if(cval & Node2){
d_x = 0;
d_y = -1;
d_o = 1;
} else {
d_x = -1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 0;
closed = true;
} else { /* exit top */
if(cval & Node2){
d_x = 0;
d_y = -1;
d_o = 1;
} else if(!(cval & Node1)){
path.push([p + 1, q + cell.rightbottom]);
d_x = -1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 0;
closed = true;
} else {
d_x = -1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 1;
} else { /* we came from the same cell */
console.log("we came from nowhere!");
} else { /* try to find an entry into the regular grid again! */
cell = grid.cells[q][p];
cval = cell.cval_real;
//console.log("which is defined");
if(d_x === -1){
if(d_o === 0){
/* try to go downwards */
if((typeof grid.cells[q - 1] !== 'undefined') && (typeof grid.cells[q - 1][p] !== 'undefined')){
d_x = 0;
d_y = -1;
d_o = 1;
} else if(cval & Node3){ /* proceed searching in x-direction */
//console.log("proceeding in x-direction!");
path.push([p, q]);
} else { /* we must have found an entry into the regular grid */
path.push([p + cell.bottomright, q]);
d_x = 0;
d_y = 1;
d_o = 1;
closed = true;
//console.log("found entry from bottom at " + p + "," + q);
} else {
if(cval & Node0) { /* proceed searchin in x-direction */
console.log("proceeding in x-direction!");
} else { /* we must have found an entry into the regular grid */
console.log("found entry from top at " + p + "," + q);
} else if(d_x === 1){
if(d_o === 0){
} else {
/* try to go upwards */
if((typeof grid.cells[q+1] !== 'undefined') && (typeof grid.cells[q+1][p] !== 'undefined')){
d_x = 0;
d_y = 1;
d_o = 0;
} else if(cval & Node1){
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 1;
} else { /* found an entry point into regular grid! */
path.push([p+cell.topleft, q + 1]);
d_x = 0;
d_y = -1;
d_o = 0;
closed = true;
//console.log("found entry from bottom at " + p + "," + q);
} else if(d_y === -1){
if(d_o === 1){
/* try to go right */
if(typeof grid.cells[q][p+1] !== 'undefined'){
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 1;
} else if(cval & Node2){
d_x = 0;
d_y = -1;
d_o = 1;
} else { /* found entry into regular grid! */
path.push([p+1, q + cell.righttop]);
d_x = -1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 1;
closed = true;
//console.log("found entry from top at " + p + "," + q);
} else {
} else if(d_y === 1){
if(d_o === 0){
//console.log("we came from bottom left and proceed to the left");
/* try to go left */
if(typeof grid.cells[q][p - 1] !== 'undefined'){
d_x = -1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 0;
} else if(cval & Node0){
d_x = 0;
d_y = 1;
d_o = 0;
} else { /* found an entry point into regular grid! */
path.push([p, q + cell.leftbottom]);
d_x = 1;
d_y = 0;
d_o = 0;
closed = true;
//console.log("found entry from bottom at " + p + "," + q);
} else {
//console.log("we came from bottom right and proceed to the right");
} else {
console.log("where did we came from???");
p += d_x;
q += d_y;
//console.log("going on to " + p + "," + q + " via " + d_x + " " + d_y + " " + d_o);
if((p === i) && (q === j)){ /* bail out, once we've closed a circle path */
//console.log("exit with " + p + "," + q + " " + d_x + " " + d_y + " " + d_o);
return { path: path, i: p, j: q, x: d_x, y: d_y, o: d_o };
function deleteEdge(cell, edgeIdx){
delete cell.edges[edgeIdx];
for(var k = edgeIdx + 1; k < cell.edges.length; k++){
cell.edges[k-1] = cell.edges[k];
function getStartXY(cell){
if(cell.edges.length > 0){
var e = cell.edges[cell.edges.length - 1];
//console.log("starting with edge " + e);
var cval = cell.cval_real;
case 0: if(cval & Node1){ /* node 1 within range */
return {p: [1, cell.righttop], x: -1, y: 0, o: 1};
} else { /* node 1 below or above threshold */
return {p: [cell.topleft, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 0};
case 1: if(cval & Node2){
return {p: [cell.topleft, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [1, cell.rightbottom], x: -1, y: 0, o: 0};
case 2: if(cval & Node2){
return {p: [cell.bottomright, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [cell.topleft, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 0};
case 3: if(cval & Node3){
return {p: [cell.topleft, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [cell.bottomleft, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 0};
case 4: if(cval & Node1){
return {p: [1, cell.righttop], x: -1, y: 0, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [cell.topright, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 1};
case 5: if(cval & Node2){
return {p: [cell.topright, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [1, cell.rightbottom], x: -1, y: 0, o: 0};
case 6: if(cval & Node2){
return {p: [cell.bottomright, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [cell.topright, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 1};
case 7: if(cval & Node3){
return {p: [cell.topright, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [cell.bottomleft, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 0};
case 8: if(cval & Node2){
return {p: [cell.bottomright], x: 0, y: 1, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [1, cell.righttop], x: -1, y: 0, o: 1};
case 9: if(cval & Node3){
return {p: [1, cell.righttop], x: -1, y: 0, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [cell.bottomleft, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 0};
case 10: if(cval & Node3){
return {p: [0, cell.leftbottom], x: 1, y: 0, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [1, cell.righttop], x: -1, y: 0, o: 1};
case 11: if(cval & Node0){
return {p: [1, cell.righttop], x: -1, y: 0, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [0, cell.lefttop], x: 1, y: 0, o: 1};
case 12: if(cval & Node2){
return {p: [cell.bottomright, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [1, cell.rightbottom], x: -1, y: 0, o: 0};
case 13: if(cval & Node3){
return {p: [1, cell.rightbottom], x: -1, y: 0, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [cell.bottomleft, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 0};
case 14: if(cval & Node3){
return {p: [0, cell.leftbottom], x: 1, y: 0, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [1, cell.rightbottom], x: -1, y: 0, o: 0};
case 15: if(cval & Node0){
return {p: [1, cell.rightbottom], x: -1, y: 0, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [0, cell.lefttop], x: 1, y: 0, o: 1};
case 16: if(cval & Node2){
return {p: [cell.bottomright, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [0, cell.leftbottom], x: 1, y: 0, o: 0};
case 17: if(cval & Node0){
return {p: [cell.bottomright, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [0, cell.lefttop], x: 1, y: 0, o: 1};
case 18: if(cval & Node3){
return {p: [0, cell.leftbottom], x: 1, y: 0, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [cell.bottomleft, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 0};
case 19: if(cval & Node0){
return {p: [cell.bottomleft, 0], x: 0, y: 1, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [0, cell.lefttop], x: 1, y: 0, o: 1};
case 20: if(cval & Node0){
return {p: [cell.topleft, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [0, cell.leftbottom], x: 1, y: 0, o: 0};
case 21: if(cval & Node1){
return {p: [0, cell.leftbottom], x: 1, y: 0, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [cell.topright, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 1};
case 22: if(cval & Node0){
return {p: [cell.topleft, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 0};
} else {
return {p: [0, cell.lefttop], x: 1, y: 0, o: 1};
case 23: if(cval & Node1){
return {p: [0, cell.lefttop], x: 1, y: 0, o: 1};
} else {
return {p: [cell.topright, 1], x: 0, y: -1, o: 1};
default: console.log("edge index out of range!");
return null;
function getExitXY(cell, x, y, o){
var e, id_x, x, y, d_x, d_y, cval = cell.cval;
var d_o;
case -1: switch(o){
case 0: e = isoBandEdgeRB[cval];
d_x = isoBandNextXRB[cval];
d_y = isoBandNextYRB[cval];
d_o = isoBandNextORB[cval];
default: e = isoBandEdgeRT[cval];
d_x = isoBandNextXRT[cval];
d_y = isoBandNextYRT[cval];
d_o = isoBandNextORT[cval];
case 1: switch(o){
case 0: e = isoBandEdgeLB[cval];
d_x = isoBandNextXLB[cval];
d_y = isoBandNextYLB[cval];
d_o = isoBandNextOLB[cval];
default: e = isoBandEdgeLT[cval];
d_x = isoBandNextXLT[cval];
d_y = isoBandNextYLT[cval];
d_o = isoBandNextOLT[cval];
default: switch(y){
case -1: switch(o){
case 0: e = isoBandEdgeTL[cval];
d_x = isoBandNextXTL[cval];
d_y = isoBandNextYTL[cval];
d_o = isoBandNextOTL[cval];
default: e = isoBandEdgeTR[cval];
d_x = isoBandNextXTR[cval];
d_y = isoBandNextYTR[cval];
d_o = isoBandNextOTR[cval];
case 1: switch(o){
case 0: e = isoBandEdgeBL[cval];
d_x = isoBandNextXBL[cval];
d_y = isoBandNextYBL[cval];
d_o = isoBandNextOBL[cval];
default: e = isoBandEdgeBR[cval];
d_x = isoBandNextXBR[cval];
d_y = isoBandNextYBR[cval];
d_o = isoBandNextOBR[cval];
default: break;
id_x = cell.edges.indexOf(e);
if(typeof cell.edges[id_x] !== 'undefined'){
deleteEdge(cell, id_x);
} else {
//console.log("wrong edges...");
//console.log(x + " " + y + " " + o);
return null;
cval = cell.cval_real;
case 0: if(cval & Node1){ /* node 1 within range */
x = cell.topleft;
y = 1;
} else { /* node 1 below or above threshold */
x = 1;
y = cell.righttop;
case 1: if(cval & Node2){
x = 1;
y = cell.rightbottom;
} else {
x = cell.topleft;
y = 1;
case 2: if(cval & Node2){
x = cell.topleft;
y = 1;
} else {
x = cell.bottomright;
y = 0;
case 3: if(cval & Node3){
x = cell.bottomleft;
y = 0;
} else {
x = cell.topleft;
y = 1;
case 4: if(cval & Node1){
x = cell.topright;
y = 1;
} else {
x = 1;
y = cell.righttop;
case 5: if(cval & Node2){
x = 1;
y = cell.rightbottom;
} else {
x = cell.topright;
y = 1;
case 6: if(cval & Node2){
x = cell.topright;
y = 1;
} else {
x = cell.bottomright;
y = 0;
case 7: if(cval & Node3){
x = cell.bottomleft;
y = 0;
} else {
x = cell.topright;
y = 1;
case 8: if(cval & Node2){
x = 1;
y = cell.righttop;
} else {
x = cell.bottomright;
y = 0;
case 9: if(cval & Node3){
x = cell.bottomleft;
y = 0;
} else {
x = 1;
y = cell.righttop;
case 10: if(cval & Node3){
x = 1;
y = cell.righttop;
} else {
x = 0;
y = cell.leftbottom;
case 11: if(cval & Node0){
x = 0;
y = cell.lefttop;
} else {
x = 1;
y = cell.righttop;
case 12: if(cval & Node2){
x = 1;
y = cell.rightbottom;
} else {
x = cell.bottomright;
y = 0;
case 13: if(cval & Node3){
x = cell.bottomleft;
y = 0;
} else {
x = 1;
y = cell.rightbottom;
case 14: if(cval & Node3){
x = 1;
y = cell.rightbottom;
} else {
x = 0;
y = cell.leftbottom;
case 15: if(cval & Node0){
x = 0;
y = cell.lefttop;
} else {
x = 1;
y = cell.rightbottom;
case 16: if(cval & Node2){
x = 0;
y = cell.leftbottom;
} else {
x = cell.bottomright;
y = 0;
case 17: if(cval & Node0){
x = 0;
y = cell.lefttop;
} else {
x = cell.bottomright;
y = 0;
case 18: if(cval & Node3){
x = cell.bottomleft;
y = 0;
} else {
x = 0;
y = cell.leftbottom;
case 19: if(cval & Node0){
x = 0;
y = cell.lefttop;
} else {
x = cell.bottomleft;
y = 0;
case 20: if(cval & Node0){
x = 0;
y = cell.leftbottom;
} else {
x = cell.topleft;
y = 1;
case 21: if(cval & Node1){
x = cell.topright;
y = 1;
} else {
x = 0;
y = cell.leftbottom;
case 22: if(cval & Node0){
x = 0;
y = cell.lefttop;
} else {
x = cell.topleft;
y = 1;
case 23: if(cval & Node1){
x = cell.topright;
y = 1;
} else {
x = 0;
y = cell.lefttop;
default: console.log("edge index out of range!");
return null;
if((typeof x === 'undefined') || (typeof y === 'undefined') || (typeof d_x === 'undefined') || (typeof d_y === 'undefined') || (typeof d_o === 'undefined')){
console.log("undefined value!");
console.log(x + " " + y + " " + d_x + " " + d_y + " " + d_o);
return {p: [x, y], x: d_x, y: d_y, o: d_o};
function BandGrid2Areas(grid){
var areas = [];
var area_idx = 0;
var rows = grid.rows;
var cols = grid.cols;
grid.cells.forEach(function(g, j){
g.forEach(function(gg, i){
if(typeof gg !== 'undefined'){
var a = polygon_table[gg.cval](gg);
if((typeof a === 'object') && isArray(a)){
if((typeof a[0] === 'object') && isArray(a[0])){
if((typeof a[0][0] === 'object') && isArray(a[0][0])){
aaa[0] += i;
aaa[1] += j;
areas[area_idx++] = aa;
} else {
aa[0] += i;
aa[1] += j;
areas[area_idx++] = a;
} else {
console.log("bandcell polygon with malformed coordinates");
} else {
console.log("bandcell polygon with null coordinates");
return areas;
var isolines = function(data, geoTransform, intervals){
var lines = { "type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": []
for(var i=0; i<intervals.length; i++){
var value = intervals[i];
var coords = projectedIsoline(data, geoTransform, value);
lines.features.push({"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "MultiLineString",
"coordinates": coords},
"properties": [{"value": value}]}
return lines;
var projectedIsoline = function(data, geoTransform, value){
if(typeof(geoTransform) != typeof(new Array()) || geoTransform.length != 6)
throw new Error("GeoTransform must be a 6 elements array");
var coords = isoline(data, value);
for(var i = 0; i<coords.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j<coords[i].length; j++){
var coordsGeo = applyGeoTransform$1(coords[i][j][0], coords[i][j][1], geoTransform);
coords[i][j][0]= coordsGeo[0];
coords[i][j][1]= coordsGeo[1];
return coords;
Xgeo = GT(0) + Xpixel*GT(1) + Yline*GT(2)
Ygeo = GT(3) + Xpixel*GT(4) + Yline*GT(5)
var applyGeoTransform$1 = function(x, y, geoTransform){
var xgeo = geoTransform[0] + x*geoTransform[1] + y*geoTransform[2];
var ygeo = geoTransform[3] + x*geoTransform[4] + y*geoTransform[5];
return [xgeo, ygeo];
var isoline = function(data, threshold, options){
var defaultSettings = {
successCallback: null,
progressCallback: null,
verbose: false
var settings = {};
/* process options */
options = options ? options : {};
var optionKeys = Object.keys(defaultSettings);
for(var i = 0; i < optionKeys.length; i++){
var key = optionKeys[i];
var val = options[key];
val = ((typeof val !== 'undefined') && (val !== null)) ? val : defaultSettings[key];
settings[key] = val;
console.log("computing isocontour for " + threshold);
var ret = ContourGrid2Paths(computeContourGrid(data, threshold));
if(typeof settings.successCallback === 'function')
return ret;
Thats all for the public interface, below follows the actual
Isocontour implementation below
/* assume that x1 == 1 && x0 == 0 */
function interpolateX$1(y, y0, y1){
return (y - y0) / (y1 - y0);
/* compute the isocontour 4-bit grid */
function computeContourGrid(data, threshold){
var rows = data.length - 1;
var cols = data[0].length - 1;
var ContourGrid = { rows: rows, cols: cols, cells: [] };
for(var j = 0; j < rows; ++j){
ContourGrid.cells[j] = [];
for(var i = 0; i < cols; ++i){
/* compose the 4-bit corner representation */
var cval = 0;
var tl = data[j+1][i];
var tr = data[j+1][i+1];
var br = data[j][i+1];
var bl = data[j][i];
if(isNaN(tl) || isNaN(tr) || isNaN(br) || isNaN(bl)){
cval |= ((tl >= threshold) ? 8 : 0);
cval |= ((tr >= threshold) ? 4 : 0);
cval |= ((br >= threshold) ? 2 : 0);
cval |= ((bl >= threshold) ? 1 : 0);
/* resolve ambiguity for cval == 5 || 10 via averaging */
var flipped = false;
if(cval == 5 || cval == 10){
var average = (tl + tr + br + bl) / 4;
if(cval == 5 && (average < threshold)){
cval = 10;
flipped = true;
} else if(cval == 10 && (average < threshold)){
cval = 5;
flipped = true;
/* add cell to ContourGrid if it contains edges */
if(cval !== 0 && cval !== 15){
var top, bottom, left, right;
top = bottom = left = right = 0.5;
/* interpolate edges of cell */
if(cval == 1){
left = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tl, bl);
bottom = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, br, bl);
} else if(cval == 2){
bottom = interpolateX$1(threshold, bl, br);
right = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tr, br);
} else if(cval == 3){
left = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tl, bl);
right = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tr, br);
} else if(cval == 4){
top = interpolateX$1(threshold, tl, tr);
right = interpolateX$1(threshold, br, tr);
} else if(cval == 5){
top = interpolateX$1(threshold, tl, tr);
right = interpolateX$1(threshold, br, tr);
bottom = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, br, bl);
left = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tl, bl);
} else if(cval == 6){
bottom = interpolateX$1(threshold, bl, br);
top = interpolateX$1(threshold, tl, tr);
} else if(cval == 7){
left = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tl, bl);
top = interpolateX$1(threshold, tl, tr);
} else if(cval == 8){
left = interpolateX$1(threshold, bl, tl);
top = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tr, tl);
} else if(cval == 9){
bottom = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, br, bl);
top = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tr, tl);
} else if(cval == 10){
top = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tr, tl);
right = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tr, br);
bottom = interpolateX$1(threshold, bl, br);
left = interpolateX$1(threshold, bl, tl);
} else if(cval == 11){
top = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tr, tl);
right = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, tr, br);
} else if(cval == 12){
left = interpolateX$1(threshold, bl, tl);
right = interpolateX$1(threshold, br, tr);
} else if(cval == 13){
bottom = 1 - interpolateX$1(threshold, br, bl);
right = interpolateX$1(threshold, br, tr);
} else if(cval == 14){
left = interpolateX$1(threshold, bl, tl);
bottom = interpolateX$1(threshold, bl, br);
} else {
console.log("Illegal cval detected: " + cval);
ContourGrid.cells[j][i] = {
cval: cval,
flipped: flipped,
top: top,
right: right,
bottom: bottom,
left: left
return ContourGrid;
function isSaddle(cell){
return cell.cval == 5 || cell.cval == 10;
function isTrivial(cell){
return cell.cval === 0 || cell.cval == 15;
function clearCell(cell){
if((!isTrivial(cell)) && (cell.cval != 5) && (cell.cval != 10)){
cell.cval = 15;
function getXY(cell, edge){
if(edge === "top"){
return [, 1.0];
} else if(edge === "bottom"){
return [cell.bottom, 0.0];
} else if(edge === "right"){
return [1.0, cell.right];
} else if(edge === "left"){
return [0.0, cell.left];
function ContourGrid2Paths(grid){
var paths = [];
var path_idx = 0;
var rows = grid.rows;
var cols = grid.cols;
var epsilon = 1e-7;
grid.cells.forEach(function(g, j){
g.forEach(function(gg, i){
if((typeof gg !== 'undefined') && (!isSaddle(gg)) && (!isTrivial(gg))){
var p = tracePath(grid.cells, j, i);
var merged = false;
/* we may try to merge paths at this point */
if( == "mergeable"){
search backwards through the path array to find an entry
that starts with where the current path ends...
var x = p.path[p.path.length - 1][0],
y = p.path[p.path.length - 1][1];
for(var k = path_idx - 1; k >= 0; k--){
if((Math.abs(paths[k][0][0] - x) <= epsilon) && (Math.abs(paths[k][0][1] - y) <= epsilon)){
for(var l = p.path.length - 2; l >= 0; --l){
merged = true;
paths[path_idx++] = p.path;
return paths;
construct consecutive line segments from starting cell by
walking arround the enclosed area clock-wise
function tracePath(grid, j, i){
var maxj = grid.length;
var p = [];
var dxContour = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1, 0];
var dyContour = [0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0];
var dx, dy;
var startEdge = ["none", "left", "bottom", "left", "right", "none", "bottom", "left", "top", "top", "none", "top", "right", "right", "bottom", "none"];
var nextEdge = ["none", "bottom", "right", "right", "top", "top", "top", "top", "left", "bottom", "right", "right", "left", "bottom", "left", "none"];
var startCell = grid[j][i];
var currentCell = grid[j][i];
var cval = currentCell.cval;
var edge = startEdge[cval];
var pt = getXY(currentCell, edge);
/* push initial segment */
p.push([i + pt[0], j + pt[1]]);
edge = nextEdge[cval];
pt = getXY(currentCell, edge);
p.push([i + pt[0], j + pt[1]]);
/* now walk arround the enclosed area in clockwise-direction */
var k = i + dxContour[cval];
var l = j + dyContour[cval];
var prev_cval = cval;
while((k >= 0) && (l >= 0) && (l < maxj) && ((k != i) || (l != j))){
currentCell = grid[l][k];
if(typeof currentCell === 'undefined'){ /* path ends here */
//console.log(k + " " + l + " is undefined, stopping path!");
cval = currentCell.cval;
if((cval === 0) || (cval === 15)){
return { path: p, info: "mergeable" };
edge = nextEdge[cval];
dx = dxContour[cval];
dy = dyContour[cval];
if((cval == 5) || (cval == 10)){
/* select upper or lower band, depending on previous cells cval */
if(cval == 5){
if(currentCell.flipped){ /* this is actually a flipped case 10 */
if(dyContour[prev_cval] == -1){
edge = "left";
dx = -1;
dy = 0;
} else {
edge = "right";
dx = 1;
dy = 0;
} else { /* real case 5 */
if(dxContour[prev_cval] == -1){
edge = "bottom";
dx = 0;
dy = -1;
} else if(cval == 10){
if(currentCell.flipped){ /* this is actually a flipped case 5 */
if(dxContour[prev_cval] == -1){
edge = "top";
dx = 0;
dy = 1;
} else {
edge = "bottom";
dx = 0;
dy = -1;
} else { /* real case 10 */
if(dyContour[prev_cval] == 1){
edge = "left";
dx = -1;
dy = 0;
pt = getXY(currentCell, edge);
p.push([k + pt[0], l + pt[1]]);
k += dx;
l += dy;
prev_cval = cval;
return { path: p, info: "closed" };
exports.isoband = isoband;
exports.projectedIsoband = projectedIsoband;
exports.isobands = isobands;
exports.isoline = isoline;
exports.projectedIsoline = projectedIsoline;
exports.isolines = isolines;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-collection'), require('d3-dispatch'), require('d3-dsv')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-collection', 'd3-dispatch', 'd3-dsv'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3,global.d3,global.d3));
}(this, function (exports,d3Collection,d3Dispatch,d3Dsv) { 'use strict';
function request(url, callback) {
var request,
event = d3Dispatch.dispatch("beforesend", "progress", "load", "error"),
headers =,
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest,
user = null,
password = null,
timeout = 0;
// If IE does not support CORS, use XDomainRequest.
if (typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined"
&& !("withCredentials" in xhr)
&& /^(http(s)?:)?\/\//.test(url)) xhr = new XDomainRequest;
"onload" in xhr
? xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = xhr.ontimeout = respond
: xhr.onreadystatechange = function(o) { xhr.readyState > 3 && respond(o); };
function respond(o) {
var status = xhr.status, result;
if (!status && hasResponse(xhr)
|| status >= 200 && status < 300
|| status === 304) {
if (response) {
try {
result =, xhr);
} catch (e) {"error", request, e);
} else {
result = xhr;
}"load", request, result);
} else {"error", request, o);
xhr.onprogress = function(e) {"progress", request, e);
request = {
header: function(name, value) {
name = (name + "").toLowerCase();
if (arguments.length < 2) return headers.get(name);
if (value == null) headers.remove(name);
else headers.set(name, value + "");
return request;
// If mimeType is non-null and no Accept header is set, a default is used.
mimeType: function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return mimeType;
mimeType = value == null ? null : value + "";
return request;
// Specifies what type the response value should take;
// for instance, arraybuffer, blob, document, or text.
responseType: function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return responseType;
responseType = value;
return request;
timeout: function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return timeout;
timeout = +value;
return request;
user: function(value) {
return arguments.length < 1 ? user : (user = value == null ? null : value + "", request);
password: function(value) {
return arguments.length < 1 ? password : (password = value == null ? null : value + "", request);
// Specify how to convert the response content to a specific type;
// changes the callback value on "load" events.
response: function(value) {
response = value;
return request;
// Alias for send("GET", …).
get: function(data, callback) {
return request.send("GET", data, callback);
// Alias for send("POST", …).
post: function(data, callback) {
return request.send("POST", data, callback);
// If callback is non-null, it will be used for error and load events.
send: function(method, data, callback) {, url, true, user, password);
if (mimeType != null && !headers.has("accept")) headers.set("accept", mimeType + ",*/*");
if (xhr.setRequestHeader) headers.each(function(value, name) { xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value); });
if (mimeType != null && xhr.overrideMimeType) xhr.overrideMimeType(mimeType);
if (responseType != null) xhr.responseType = responseType;
if (timeout > 0) xhr.timeout = timeout;
if (callback == null && typeof data === "function") callback = data, data = null;
if (callback != null && callback.length === 1) callback = fixCallback(callback);
if (callback != null) request.on("error", callback).on("load", function(xhr) { callback(null, xhr); });"beforesend", request, xhr);
xhr.send(data == null ? null : data);
return request;
abort: function() {
return request;
on: function() {
var value = event.on.apply(event, arguments);
return value === event ? request : value;
if (callback != null) {
if (typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback);
return request.get(callback);
return request;
function fixCallback(callback) {
return function(error, xhr) {
callback(error == null ? xhr : null);
function hasResponse(xhr) {
var type = xhr.responseType;
return type && type !== "text"
? xhr.response // null on error
: xhr.responseText; // "" on error
function type(defaultMimeType, response) {
return function(url, callback) {
var r = request(url).mimeType(defaultMimeType).response(response);
if (callback != null) {
if (typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback);
return r.get(callback);
return r;
var html = type("text/html", function(xhr) {
return document.createRange().createContextualFragment(xhr.responseText);
var json = type("application/json", function(xhr) {
return JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var text = type("text/plain", function(xhr) {
return xhr.responseText;
var xml = type("application/xml", function(xhr) {
var xml = xhr.responseXML;
if (!xml) throw new Error("parse error");
return xml;
function dsv(defaultMimeType, parse) {
return function(url, row, callback) {
if (arguments.length < 3) callback = row, row = null;
var r = request(url).mimeType(defaultMimeType);
r.row = function(_) { return arguments.length ? r.response(responseOf(parse, row = _)) : row; };
return callback ? r.get(callback) : r;
function responseOf(parse, row) {
return function(request) {
return parse(request.responseText, row);
var csv = dsv("text/csv", d3Dsv.csvParse);
var tsv = dsv("text/tab-separated-values", d3Dsv.tsvParse);
exports.request = request;
exports.html = html;
exports.json = json;
exports.text = text;
exports.xml = xml;
exports.csv = csv;
exports.tsv = tsv;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-interpolate')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-interpolate'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3));
}(this, function (exports,d3Interpolate) { 'use strict';
function colors(colors) {
return colors.match(/.{6}/g).map(function(x) {
return "#" + x;
var Accent = colors("7fc97fbeaed4fdc086ffff99386cb0f0027fbf5b17666666");
var Dark2 = colors("1b9e77d95f027570b3e7298a66a61ee6ab02a6761d666666");
var Paired = colors("a6cee31f78b4b2df8a33a02cfb9a99e31a1cfdbf6fff7f00cab2d66a3d9affff99b15928");
var Pastel1 = colors("fbb4aeb3cde3ccebc5decbe4fed9a6ffffcce5d8bdfddaecf2f2f2");
var Pastel2 = colors("b3e2cdfdcdaccbd5e8f4cae4e6f5c9fff2aef1e2cccccccc");
var Set1 = colors("e41a1c377eb84daf4a984ea3ff7f00ffff33a65628f781bf999999");
var Set2 = colors("66c2a5fc8d628da0cbe78ac3a6d854ffd92fe5c494b3b3b3");
var Set3 = colors("8dd3c7ffffb3bebadafb807280b1d3fdb462b3de69fccde5d9d9d9bc80bdccebc5ffed6f");
function ramp(range) {
return d3Interpolate.interpolateRgbBasis(colors(range));
var BrBG = ramp("5430058c510abf812ddfc27df6e8c3f5f5f5c7eae580cdc135978f01665e003c30");
var PRGn = ramp("40004b762a839970abc2a5cfe7d4e8f7f7f7d9f0d3a6dba05aae611b783700441b");
var PiYG = ramp("8e0152c51b7dde77aef1b6dafde0eff7f7f7e6f5d0b8e1867fbc414d9221276419");
var PuOr = ramp("7f3b08b35806e08214fdb863fee0b6f7f7f7d8daebb2abd28073ac5427882d004b");
var RdBu = ramp("67001fb2182bd6604df4a582fddbc7f7f7f7d1e5f092c5de4393c32166ac053061");
var RdGy = ramp("67001fb2182bd6604df4a582fddbc7ffffffe0e0e0bababa8787874d4d4d1a1a1a");
var RdYlBu = ramp("a50026d73027f46d43fdae61fee090ffffbfe0f3f8abd9e974add14575b4313695");
var RdYlGn = ramp("a50026d73027f46d43fdae61fee08bffffbfd9ef8ba6d96a66bd631a9850006837");
var Spectral = ramp("9e0142d53e4ff46d43fdae61fee08bffffbfe6f598abdda466c2a53288bd5e4fa2");
var BuGn = ramp("f7fcfde5f5f9ccece699d8c966c2a441ae76238b45006d2c00441b");
var BuPu = ramp("f7fcfde0ecf4bfd3e69ebcda8c96c68c6bb188419d810f7c4d004b");
var GnBu = ramp("f7fcf0e0f3dbccebc5a8ddb57bccc44eb3d32b8cbe0868ac084081");
var OrRd = ramp("fff7ecfee8c8fdd49efdbb84fc8d59ef6548d7301fb300007f0000");
var PuBuGn = ramp("fff7fbece2f0d0d1e6a6bddb67a9cf3690c002818a016c59014636");
var PuBu = ramp("fff7fbece7f2d0d1e6a6bddb74a9cf3690c00570b0045a8d023858");
var PuRd = ramp("f7f4f9e7e1efd4b9dac994c7df65b0e7298ace125698004367001f");
var RdPu = ramp("fff7f3fde0ddfcc5c0fa9fb5f768a1dd3497ae017e7a017749006a");
var YlGnBu = ramp("ffffd9edf8b1c7e9b47fcdbb41b6c41d91c0225ea8253494081d58");
var YlGn = ramp("ffffe5f7fcb9d9f0a3addd8e78c67941ab5d238443006837004529");
var YlOrBr = ramp("ffffe5fff7bcfee391fec44ffe9929ec7014cc4c02993404662506");
var YlOrRd = ramp("ffffccffeda0fed976feb24cfd8d3cfc4e2ae31a1cbd0026800026");
var Blues = ramp("f7fbffdeebf7c6dbef9ecae16baed64292c62171b508519c08306b");
var Greens = ramp("f7fcf5e5f5e0c7e9c0a1d99b74c47641ab5d238b45006d2c00441b");
var Greys = ramp("fffffff0f0f0d9d9d9bdbdbd969696737373525252252525000000");
var Purples = ramp("fcfbfdefedf5dadaebbcbddc9e9ac8807dba6a51a354278f3f007d");
var Reds = ramp("fff5f0fee0d2fcbba1fc9272fb6a4aef3b2ccb181da50f1567000d");
var Oranges = ramp("fff5ebfee6cefdd0a2fdae6bfd8d3cf16913d94801a636037f2704");
exports.schemeAccent = Accent;
exports.schemeDark2 = Dark2;
exports.schemePaired = Paired;
exports.schemePastel1 = Pastel1;
exports.schemePastel2 = Pastel2;
exports.schemeSet1 = Set1;
exports.schemeSet2 = Set2;
exports.schemeSet3 = Set3;
exports.interpolateBrBG = BrBG;
exports.interpolatePRGn = PRGn;
exports.interpolatePiYG = PiYG;
exports.interpolatePuOr = PuOr;
exports.interpolateRdBu = RdBu;
exports.interpolateRdGy = RdGy;
exports.interpolateRdYlBu = RdYlBu;
exports.interpolateRdYlGn = RdYlGn;
exports.interpolateSpectral = Spectral;
exports.interpolateBuGn = BuGn;
exports.interpolateBuPu = BuPu;
exports.interpolateGnBu = GnBu;
exports.interpolateOrRd = OrRd;
exports.interpolatePuBuGn = PuBuGn;
exports.interpolatePuBu = PuBu;
exports.interpolatePuRd = PuRd;
exports.interpolateRdPu = RdPu;
exports.interpolateYlGnBu = YlGnBu;
exports.interpolateYlGn = YlGn;
exports.interpolateYlOrBr = YlOrBr;
exports.interpolateYlOrRd = YlOrRd;
exports.interpolateBlues = Blues;
exports.interpolateGreens = Greens;
exports.interpolateGreys = Greys;
exports.interpolatePurples = Purples;
exports.interpolateReds = Reds;
exports.interpolateOranges = Oranges;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.0. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
var xhtml = "";
var namespaces = {
svg: "",
xhtml: xhtml,
xlink: "",
xml: "",
xmlns: ""
function namespace(name) {
var prefix = name += "", i = prefix.indexOf(":");
if (i >= 0 && (prefix = name.slice(0, i)) !== "xmlns") name = name.slice(i + 1);
return namespaces.hasOwnProperty(prefix) ? {space: namespaces[prefix], local: name} : name;
function creatorInherit(name) {
return function() {
var document = this.ownerDocument,
uri = this.namespaceURI;
return uri === xhtml && document.documentElement.namespaceURI === xhtml
? document.createElement(name)
: document.createElementNS(uri, name);
function creatorFixed(fullname) {
return function() {
return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(, fullname.local);
function creator(name) {
var fullname = namespace(name);
return (fullname.local
? creatorFixed
: creatorInherit)(fullname);
var nextId = 0;
function local() {
return new Local;
function Local() {
this._ = "@" + (++nextId).toString(36);
Local.prototype = local.prototype = {
constructor: Local,
get: function(node) {
var id = this._;
while (!(id in node)) if (!(node = node.parentNode)) return;
return node[id];
set: function(node, value) {
return node[this._] = value;
remove: function(node) {
return this._ in node && delete node[this._];
toString: function() {
return this._;
var matcher = function(selector) {
return function() {
return this.matches(selector);
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
var element = document.documentElement;
if (!element.matches) {
var vendorMatches = element.webkitMatchesSelector
|| element.msMatchesSelector
|| element.mozMatchesSelector
|| element.oMatchesSelector;
matcher = function(selector) {
return function() {
return, selector);
var matcher$1 = matcher;
var filterEvents = {};
exports.event = null;
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
var element$1 = document.documentElement;
if (!("onmouseenter" in element$1)) {
filterEvents = {mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout"};
function filterContextListener(listener, index, group) {
listener = contextListener(listener, index, group);
return function(event) {
var related = event.relatedTarget;
if (!related || (related !== this && !(related.compareDocumentPosition(this) & 8))) {, event);
function contextListener(listener, index, group) {
return function(event1) {
var event0 = exports.event; // Events can be reentrant (e.g., focus).
exports.event = event1;
try {, this.__data__, index, group);
} finally {
exports.event = event0;
function parseTypenames(typenames) {
return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) {
var name = "", i = t.indexOf(".");
if (i >= 0) name = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i);
return {type: t, name: name};
function onRemove(typename) {
return function() {
var on = this.__on;
if (!on) return;
for (var j = 0, i = -1, m = on.length, o; j < m; ++j) {
if (o = on[j], (!typename.type || o.type === typename.type) && === {
this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.capture);
} else {
on[++i] = o;
if (++i) on.length = i;
else delete this.__on;
function onAdd(typename, value, capture) {
var wrap = filterEvents.hasOwnProperty(typename.type) ? filterContextListener : contextListener;
return function(d, i, group) {
var on = this.__on, o, listener = wrap(value, i, group);
if (on) for (var j = 0, m = on.length; j < m; ++j) {
if ((o = on[j]).type === typename.type && === {
this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.capture);
this.addEventListener(o.type, o.listener = listener, o.capture = capture);
o.value = value;
this.addEventListener(typename.type, listener, capture);
o = {type: typename.type, name:, value: value, listener: listener, capture: capture};
if (!on) this.__on = [o];
else on.push(o);
function selection_on(typename, value, capture) {
var typenames = parseTypenames(typename + ""), i, n = typenames.length, t;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var on = this.node().__on;
if (on) for (var j = 0, m = on.length, o; j < m; ++j) {
for (i = 0, o = on[j]; i < n; ++i) {
if ((t = typenames[i]).type === o.type && === {
return o.value;
on = value ? onAdd : onRemove;
if (capture == null) capture = false;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) this.each(on(typenames[i], value, capture));
return this;
function customEvent(event1, listener, that, args) {
var event0 = exports.event;
event1.sourceEvent = exports.event;
exports.event = event1;
try {
return listener.apply(that, args);
} finally {
exports.event = event0;
function sourceEvent() {
var current = exports.event, source;
while (source = current.sourceEvent) current = source;
return current;
function point(node, event) {
var svg = node.ownerSVGElement || node;
if (svg.createSVGPoint) {
var point = svg.createSVGPoint();
point.x = event.clientX, point.y = event.clientY;
point = point.matrixTransform(node.getScreenCTM().inverse());
return [point.x, point.y];
var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
return [event.clientX - rect.left - node.clientLeft, event.clientY - - node.clientTop];
function mouse(node) {
var event = sourceEvent();
if (event.changedTouches) event = event.changedTouches[0];
return point(node, event);
function none() {}
function selector(selector) {
return selector == null ? none : function() {
return this.querySelector(selector);
function selection_select(select) {
if (typeof select !== "function") select = selector(select);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, subnode, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) && (subnode =, node.__data__, i, group))) {
if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__;
subgroup[i] = subnode;
return new Selection(subgroups, this._parents);
function empty() {
return [];
function selectorAll(selector) {
return selector == null ? empty : function() {
return this.querySelectorAll(selector);
function selection_selectAll(select) {
if (typeof select !== "function") select = selectorAll(select);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = [], parents = [], j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
subgroups.push(, node.__data__, i, group));
return new Selection(subgroups, parents);
function selection_filter(match) {
if (typeof match !== "function") match = matcher$1(match);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = [], node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) &&, node.__data__, i, group)) {
return new Selection(subgroups, this._parents);
function sparse(update) {
return new Array(update.length);
function selection_enter() {
return new Selection(this._enter ||, this._parents);
function EnterNode(parent, datum) {
this.ownerDocument = parent.ownerDocument;
this.namespaceURI = parent.namespaceURI;
this._next = null;
this._parent = parent;
this.__data__ = datum;
EnterNode.prototype = {
constructor: EnterNode,
appendChild: function(child) { return this._parent.insertBefore(child, this._next); },
insertBefore: function(child, next) { return this._parent.insertBefore(child, next); },
querySelector: function(selector) { return this._parent.querySelector(selector); },
querySelectorAll: function(selector) { return this._parent.querySelectorAll(selector); }
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
var keyPrefix = "$"; // Protect against keys like “__proto__”.
function bindIndex(parent, group, enter, update, exit, data) {
var i = 0,
groupLength = group.length,
dataLength = data.length;
// Put any non-null nodes that fit into update.
// Put any null nodes into enter.
// Put any remaining data into enter.
for (; i < dataLength; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
node.__data__ = data[i];
update[i] = node;
} else {
enter[i] = new EnterNode(parent, data[i]);
// Put any non-null nodes that don’t fit into exit.
for (; i < groupLength; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
exit[i] = node;
function bindKey(parent, group, enter, update, exit, data, key) {
var i,
nodeByKeyValue = {},
groupLength = group.length,
dataLength = data.length,
keyValues = new Array(groupLength),
// Compute the key for each node.
// If multiple nodes have the same key, the duplicates are added to exit.
for (i = 0; i < groupLength; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
keyValues[i] = keyValue = keyPrefix +, node.__data__, i, group);
if (keyValue in nodeByKeyValue) {
exit[i] = node;
} else {
nodeByKeyValue[keyValue] = node;
// Compute the key for each datum.
// If there a node associated with this key, join and add it to update.
// If there is not (or the key is a duplicate), add it to enter.
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; ++i) {
keyValue = keyPrefix +, data[i], i, data);
if (node = nodeByKeyValue[keyValue]) {
update[i] = node;
node.__data__ = data[i];
nodeByKeyValue[keyValue] = null;
} else {
enter[i] = new EnterNode(parent, data[i]);
// Add any remaining nodes that were not bound to data to exit.
for (i = 0; i < groupLength; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) && (nodeByKeyValue[keyValues[i]] === node)) {
exit[i] = node;
function selection_data(value, key) {
if (!value) {
data = new Array(this.size()), j = -1;
this.each(function(d) { data[++j] = d; });
return data;
var bind = key ? bindKey : bindIndex,
parents = this._parents,
groups = this._groups;
if (typeof value !== "function") value = constant(value);
for (var m = groups.length, update = new Array(m), enter = new Array(m), exit = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
var parent = parents[j],
group = groups[j],
groupLength = group.length,
data =, parent && parent.__data__, j, parents),
dataLength = data.length,
enterGroup = enter[j] = new Array(dataLength),
updateGroup = update[j] = new Array(dataLength),
exitGroup = exit[j] = new Array(groupLength);
bind(parent, group, enterGroup, updateGroup, exitGroup, data, key);
// Now connect the enter nodes to their following update node, such that
// appendChild can insert the materialized enter node before this node,
// rather than at the end of the parent node.
for (var i0 = 0, i1 = 0, previous, next; i0 < dataLength; ++i0) {
if (previous = enterGroup[i0]) {
if (i0 >= i1) i1 = i0 + 1;
while (!(next = updateGroup[i1]) && ++i1 < dataLength);
previous._next = next || null;
update = new Selection(update, parents);
update._enter = enter;
update._exit = exit;
return update;
function selection_exit() {
return new Selection(this._exit ||, this._parents);
function selection_merge(selection) {
for (var groups0 = this._groups, groups1 = selection._groups, m0 = groups0.length, m1 = groups1.length, m = Math.min(m0, m1), merges = new Array(m0), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group0 = groups0[j], group1 = groups1[j], n = group0.length, merge = merges[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group0[i] || group1[i]) {
merge[i] = node;
for (; j < m0; ++j) {
merges[j] = groups0[j];
return new Selection(merges, this._parents);
function selection_order() {
for (var groups = this._groups, j = -1, m = groups.length; ++j < m;) {
for (var group = groups[j], i = group.length - 1, next = group[i], node; --i >= 0;) {
if (node = group[i]) {
if (next && next !== node.nextSibling) next.parentNode.insertBefore(node, next);
next = node;
return this;
function selection_sort(compare) {
if (!compare) compare = ascending;
function compareNode(a, b) {
return a && b ? compare(a.__data__, b.__data__) : !a - !b;
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, sortgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, sortgroup = sortgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
sortgroup[i] = node;
return new Selection(sortgroups, this._parents).order();
function ascending(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN;
function selection_call() {
var callback = arguments[0];
arguments[0] = this;
callback.apply(null, arguments);
return this;
function selection_nodes() {
var nodes = new Array(this.size()), i = -1;
this.each(function() { nodes[++i] = this; });
return nodes;
function selection_node() {
for (var groups = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; ++i) {
var node = group[i];
if (node) return node;
return null;
function selection_size() {
var size = 0;
this.each(function() { ++size; });
return size;
function selection_empty() {
return !this.node();
function selection_each(callback) {
for (var groups = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length, node; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]), node.__data__, i, group);
return this;
function attrRemove(name) {
return function() {
function attrRemoveNS(fullname) {
return function() {
this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local);
function attrConstant(name, value) {
return function() {
this.setAttribute(name, value);
function attrConstantNS(fullname, value) {
return function() {
this.setAttributeNS(, fullname.local, value);
function attrFunction(name, value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (v == null) this.removeAttribute(name);
else this.setAttribute(name, v);
function attrFunctionNS(fullname, value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (v == null) this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local);
else this.setAttributeNS(, fullname.local, v);
function selection_attr(name, value) {
var fullname = namespace(name);
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var node = this.node();
return fullname.local
? node.getAttributeNS(, fullname.local)
: node.getAttribute(fullname);
return this.each((value == null
? (fullname.local ? attrRemoveNS : attrRemove) : (typeof value === "function"
? (fullname.local ? attrFunctionNS : attrFunction)
: (fullname.local ? attrConstantNS : attrConstant)))(fullname, value));
function defaultView(node) {
return (node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView) // node is a Node
|| (node.document && node) // node is a Window
|| node.defaultView; // node is a Document
function styleRemove(name) {
return function() {;
function styleConstant(name, value, priority) {
return function() {, value, priority);
function styleFunction(name, value, priority) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (v == null);
else, v, priority);
function selection_style(name, value, priority) {
var node;
return arguments.length > 1
? this.each((value == null
? styleRemove : typeof value === "function"
? styleFunction
: styleConstant)(name, value, priority == null ? "" : priority))
: defaultView(node = this.node())
.getComputedStyle(node, null)
function propertyRemove(name) {
return function() {
delete this[name];
function propertyConstant(name, value) {
return function() {
this[name] = value;
function propertyFunction(name, value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (v == null) delete this[name];
else this[name] = v;
function selection_property(name, value) {
return arguments.length > 1
? this.each((value == null
? propertyRemove : typeof value === "function"
? propertyFunction
: propertyConstant)(name, value))
: this.node()[name];
function classArray(string) {
return string.trim().split(/^|\s+/);
function classList(node) {
return node.classList || new ClassList(node);
function ClassList(node) {
this._node = node;
this._names = classArray(node.getAttribute("class") || "");
ClassList.prototype = {
add: function(name) {
var i = this._names.indexOf(name);
if (i < 0) {
this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" "));
remove: function(name) {
var i = this._names.indexOf(name);
if (i >= 0) {
this._names.splice(i, 1);
this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" "));
contains: function(name) {
return this._names.indexOf(name) >= 0;
function classedAdd(node, names) {
var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length;
while (++i < n) list.add(names[i]);
function classedRemove(node, names) {
var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length;
while (++i < n) list.remove(names[i]);
function classedTrue(names) {
return function() {
classedAdd(this, names);
function classedFalse(names) {
return function() {
classedRemove(this, names);
function classedFunction(names, value) {
return function() {
(value.apply(this, arguments) ? classedAdd : classedRemove)(this, names);
function selection_classed(name, value) {
var names = classArray(name + "");
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var list = classList(this.node()), i = -1, n = names.length;
while (++i < n) if (!list.contains(names[i])) return false;
return true;
return this.each((typeof value === "function"
? classedFunction : value
? classedTrue
: classedFalse)(names, value));
function textRemove() {
this.textContent = "";
function textConstant(value) {
return function() {
this.textContent = value;
function textFunction(value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
this.textContent = v == null ? "" : v;
function selection_text(value) {
return arguments.length
? this.each(value == null
? textRemove : (typeof value === "function"
? textFunction
: textConstant)(value))
: this.node().textContent;
function htmlRemove() {
this.innerHTML = "";
function htmlConstant(value) {
return function() {
this.innerHTML = value;
function htmlFunction(value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
this.innerHTML = v == null ? "" : v;
function selection_html(value) {
return arguments.length
? this.each(value == null
? htmlRemove : (typeof value === "function"
? htmlFunction
: htmlConstant)(value))
: this.node().innerHTML;
function raise() {
if (this.nextSibling) this.parentNode.appendChild(this);
function selection_raise() {
return this.each(raise);
function lower() {
if (this.previousSibling) this.parentNode.insertBefore(this, this.parentNode.firstChild);
function selection_lower() {
return this.each(lower);
function selection_append(name) {
var create = typeof name === "function" ? name : creator(name);
return {
return this.appendChild(create.apply(this, arguments));
function constantNull() {
return null;
function selection_insert(name, before) {
var create = typeof name === "function" ? name : creator(name),
select = before == null ? constantNull : typeof before === "function" ? before : selector(before);
return {
return this.insertBefore(create.apply(this, arguments), select.apply(this, arguments) || null);
function remove() {
var parent = this.parentNode;
if (parent) parent.removeChild(this);
function selection_remove() {
return this.each(remove);
function selection_datum(value) {
return arguments.length
?"__data__", value)
: this.node().__data__;
function dispatchEvent(node, type, params) {
var window = defaultView(node),
event = window.CustomEvent;
if (event) {
event = new event(type, params);
} else {
event = window.document.createEvent("Event");
if (params) event.initEvent(type, params.bubbles, params.cancelable), event.detail = params.detail;
else event.initEvent(type, false, false);
function dispatchConstant(type, params) {
return function() {
return dispatchEvent(this, type, params);
function dispatchFunction(type, params) {
return function() {
return dispatchEvent(this, type, params.apply(this, arguments));
function selection_dispatch(type, params) {
return this.each((typeof params === "function"
? dispatchFunction
: dispatchConstant)(type, params));
var root = [null];
function Selection(groups, parents) {
this._groups = groups;
this._parents = parents;
function selection() {
return new Selection([[document.documentElement]], root);
Selection.prototype = selection.prototype = {
constructor: Selection,
select: selection_select,
selectAll: selection_selectAll,
filter: selection_filter,
data: selection_data,
enter: selection_enter,
exit: selection_exit,
merge: selection_merge,
order: selection_order,
sort: selection_sort,
call: selection_call,
nodes: selection_nodes,
node: selection_node,
size: selection_size,
empty: selection_empty,
each: selection_each,
attr: selection_attr,
style: selection_style,
property: selection_property,
classed: selection_classed,
text: selection_text,
html: selection_html,
raise: selection_raise,
lower: selection_lower,
append: selection_append,
insert: selection_insert,
remove: selection_remove,
datum: selection_datum,
on: selection_on,
dispatch: selection_dispatch
function select(selector) {
return typeof selector === "string"
? new Selection([[document.querySelector(selector)]], [document.documentElement])
: new Selection([[selector]], root);
function selectAll(selector) {
return typeof selector === "string"
? new Selection([document.querySelectorAll(selector)], [document.documentElement])
: new Selection([selector == null ? [] : selector], root);
function touch(node, touches, identifier) {
if (arguments.length < 3) identifier = touches, touches = sourceEvent().changedTouches;
for (var i = 0, n = touches ? touches.length : 0, touch; i < n; ++i) {
if ((touch = touches[i]).identifier === identifier) {
return point(node, touch);
return null;
function touches(node, touches) {
if (touches == null) touches = sourceEvent().touches;
for (var i = 0, n = touches ? touches.length : 0, points = new Array(n); i < n; ++i) {
points[i] = point(node, touches[i]);
return points;
exports.creator = creator;
exports.local = local;
exports.matcher = matcher$1;
exports.mouse = mouse;
exports.namespace = namespace;
exports.namespaces = namespaces; = select;
exports.selectAll = selectAll;
exports.selection = selection;
exports.selector = selector;
exports.selectorAll = selectorAll;
exports.touch = touch;
exports.touches = touches;
exports.window = defaultView;
exports.customEvent = customEvent;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
"use strict";
function AbstractDecoder() { }
AbstractDecoder.prototype = {
isAsync: function() {
// TODO: check if async reading func is enabled or not.
return (typeof this.decodeBlock === "undefined");
module.exports = AbstractDecoder;
"use strict";
var AbstractDecoder = require("../abstractdecoder.js");
var Buffer = require('buffer');
var inflate = require('inflate');
var through = require('through');
function DeflateDecoder() { }
DeflateDecoder.prototype = Object.create(AbstractDecoder.prototype);
DeflateDecoder.prototype.constructor = DeflateDecoder;
DeflateDecoder.prototype.decodeBlockAsync = function(buffer, callback) {
// through(function (data) {
// this.queue(new Buffer(new Uint8Array(buffer)));
// },
// function() {
// this.queue(null);
// })
// .pipe(inflate())
// /*.pipe(function() {
// alert(arguments);
// })*/
// .on("data", function(data) {
// buffers.push(data);
// })
// .on("end", function() {
// var buffer = Buffer.concat(buffers);
// var arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(buffer.length);
// var view = new Uint8Array(ab);
// for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) {
// view[i] = buffer[i];
// }
// callback(null, arrayBuffer);
// })
// .on("error", function(error) {
// callback(error, null)
// });
throw new Error("DeflateDecoder is not yet implemented.");
module.exports = DeflateDecoder;
"use strict";
//var lzwCompress = require("lzwcompress");
var AbstractDecoder = require("../abstractdecoder.js");
function LZWDecoder() { }
LZWDecoder.prototype = Object.create(AbstractDecoder.prototype);
LZWDecoder.prototype.constructor = LZWDecoder;
LZWDecoder.prototype.decodeBlock = function(buffer) {
throw new Error("LZWDecoder is not yet implemented");
//return lzwCompress.unpack( Uint8Array(buffer)));
module.exports = LZWDecoder;
"use strict";
var AbstractDecoder = require("../abstractdecoder.js");
function PackbitsDecoder() { }
PackbitsDecoder.prototype = Object.create(AbstractDecoder.prototype);
PackbitsDecoder.prototype.constructor = PackbitsDecoder;
PackbitsDecoder.prototype.decodeBlock = function(buffer) {
var dataView = new DataView(buffer);
var out = [];
var i, j;
for (i=0; i < buffer.byteLength; ++i) {
var header = dataView.getInt8(i);
if (header < 0) {
var next = dataView.getUint8(i+1);
header = -header;
for (j=0; j<=header; ++j) {
i += 1;
else {
for (j=0; j<=header; ++j) {
i += header + 1;
return new Uint8Array(out).buffer;
module.exports = PackbitsDecoder;
"use strict";
var AbstractDecoder = require("../abstractdecoder.js");
function RawDecoder() { }
RawDecoder.prototype = Object.create(AbstractDecoder.prototype);
RawDecoder.prototype.constructor = RawDecoder;
RawDecoder.prototype.decodeBlock = function(buffer) {
return buffer;
module.exports = RawDecoder;
"use strict";
var globals = require("./globals.js");
var GeoTIFFImage = require("./geotiffimage.js");
var fieldTypes = globals.fieldTypes,
fieldTagNames = globals.fieldTagNames,
arrayFields = globals.arrayFields,
geoKeyNames = globals.geoKeyNames;
* The abstraction for a whole GeoTIFF file.
* @constructor
* @param {ArrayBuffer} rawData the raw data stream of the file as an ArrayBuffer.
* @param {Object} [options] further options.
* @param {Boolean} [options.cache=false] whether or not decoded tiles shall be cached.
function GeoTIFF(rawData, options) {
this.dataView = new DataView(rawData);
options = options || {};
this.cache = options.cache || false;
var BOM = this.dataView.getUint16(0, 0);
if (BOM === 0x4949) {
this.littleEndian = true;
else if (BOM === 0x4D4D) {
this.littleEndian = false;
else {
throw new TypeError("Invalid byte order value.");
if (this.dataView.getUint16(2, this.littleEndian) !== 42) {
throw new TypeError("Invalid magic number.");
this.fileDirectories = this.parseFileDirectories(
this.dataView.getUint32(4, this.littleEndian)
GeoTIFF.prototype = {
getFieldTypeLength: function(fieldType) {
switch (fieldType) {
case fieldTypes.BYTE: case fieldTypes.ASCII: case fieldTypes.SBYTE: case fieldTypes.UNDEFINED:
return 1;
case fieldTypes.SHORT: case fieldTypes.SSHORT:
return 2;
case fieldTypes.LONG: case fieldTypes.SLONG: case fieldTypes.FLOAT:
return 4;
case fieldTypes.RATIONAL: case fieldTypes.SRATIONAL: case fieldTypes.DOUBLE:
return 8;
throw new RangeError("Invalid field type: " + fieldType);
getValues: function(fieldType, count, offset) {
var values = null;
var readMethod = null;
var fieldTypeLength = this.getFieldTypeLength(fieldType);
var i;
switch (fieldType) {
case fieldTypes.BYTE: case fieldTypes.ASCII: case fieldTypes.UNDEFINED:
values = new Uint8Array(count); readMethod = this.dataView.getUint8;
case fieldTypes.SBYTE:
values = new Int8Array(count); readMethod = this.dataView.getInt8;
case fieldTypes.SHORT:
values = new Uint16Array(count); readMethod = this.dataView.getUint16;
case fieldTypes.SSHORT:
values = new Int16Array(count); readMethod = this.dataView.getInt16;
case fieldTypes.LONG:
values = new Uint32Array(count); readMethod = this.dataView.getUint32;
case fieldTypes.SLONG:
values = new Int32Array(count); readMethod = this.dataView.getInt32;
case fieldTypes.RATIONAL:
values = new Uint32Array(count*2); readMethod = this.dataView.getUint32;
case fieldTypes.SRATIONAL:
values = new Int32Array(count*2); readMethod = this.dataView.getInt32;
case fieldTypes.FLOAT:
values = new Float32Array(count); readMethod = this.dataView.getFloat32;
case fieldTypes.DOUBLE:
values = new Float64Array(count); readMethod = this.dataView.getFloat64;
throw new RangeError("Invalid field type: " + fieldType);
// normal fields
if (!(fieldType === fieldTypes.RATIONAL || fieldType === fieldTypes.SRATIONAL)) {
for (i=0; i < count; ++i) {
values[i] =
this.dataView, offset + (i*fieldTypeLength), this.littleEndian
else {
for (i=0; i < (count*2); i+=2) {
values[i] =
this.dataView, offset + (i*fieldTypeLength), this.littleEndian
values[i+1] =
this.dataView, offset + ((i+1)*fieldTypeLength), this.littleEndian
if (fieldType === fieldTypes.ASCII) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, values);
return values;
getFieldValues: function(fieldTag, fieldType, typeCount, valueOffset) {
var fieldValues;
var fieldTypeLength = this.getFieldTypeLength(fieldType);
if (fieldTypeLength * typeCount <= 4) {
fieldValues = this.getValues(fieldType, typeCount, valueOffset);
else {
var actualOffset = this.dataView.getUint32(valueOffset, this.littleEndian);
fieldValues = this.getValues(fieldType, typeCount, actualOffset);
if (typeCount === 1 && arrayFields.indexOf(fieldTag) === -1 && !(fieldType === fieldTypes.RATIONAL || fieldType === fieldTypes.SRATIONAL)) {
return fieldValues[0];
return fieldValues;
parseGeoKeyDirectory: function(fileDirectory) {
var rawGeoKeyDirectory = fileDirectory.GeoKeyDirectory;
if (!rawGeoKeyDirectory) {
return null;
var geoKeyDirectory = {};
for (var i = 4; i < rawGeoKeyDirectory[3] * 4; i += 4) {
var key = geoKeyNames[rawGeoKeyDirectory[i]],
location = (rawGeoKeyDirectory[i+1]) ? (fieldTagNames[rawGeoKeyDirectory[i+1]]) : null,
count = rawGeoKeyDirectory[i+2],
offset = rawGeoKeyDirectory[i+3];
var value = null;
if (!location) {
value = offset;
else {
value = fileDirectory[location];
if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
throw new Error("Could not get value of geoKey '" + key + "'.");
else if (typeof value === "string") {
value = value.substring(offset, offset + count - 1);
else if (value.subarray) {
value = value.subarray(offset, offset + count - 1);
geoKeyDirectory[key] = value;
return geoKeyDirectory;
parseFileDirectories: function(byteOffset) {
var nextIFDByteOffset = byteOffset;
var fileDirectories = [];
while (nextIFDByteOffset !== 0x00000000) {
var numDirEntries = this.dataView.getUint16(nextIFDByteOffset, this.littleEndian);
var fileDirectory = {};
for (var i = byteOffset + 2, entryCount = 0; entryCount < numDirEntries; i += 12, ++entryCount) {
var fieldTag = this.dataView.getUint16(i, this.littleEndian);
var fieldType = this.dataView.getUint16(i + 2, this.littleEndian);
var typeCount = this.dataView.getUint32(i + 4, this.littleEndian);
fileDirectory[fieldTagNames[fieldTag]] = this.getFieldValues(
fieldTag, fieldType, typeCount, i + 8
fileDirectory, this.parseGeoKeyDirectory(fileDirectory)
nextIFDByteOffset = this.dataView.getUint32(i, this.littleEndian);
return fileDirectories;
* Get the n-th internal subfile a an image. By default, the first is returned.
* @param {Number} [index=0] the index of the image to return.
* @returns {GeoTIFFImage} the image at the given index
getImage: function(index) {
index = index || 0;
var fileDirectoryAndGeoKey = this.fileDirectories[index];
if (!fileDirectoryAndGeoKey) {
throw new RangeError("Invalid image index");
return new GeoTIFFImage(fileDirectoryAndGeoKey[0], fileDirectoryAndGeoKey[1], this.dataView, this.littleEndian, this.cache);
* Returns the count of the internal subfiles.
* @returns {Number} the number of internal subfile images
getImageCount: function() {
return this.fileDirectories.length;
module.exports = GeoTIFF;
"use strict";
var globals = require("./globals.js");
var RawDecoder = require("./compression/raw.js");
var LZWDecoder = require("./compression/lzw.js");
var DeflateDecoder = require("./compression/deflate.js");
var PackbitsDecoder = require("./compression/packbits.js");
var sum = function(array, start, end) {
var s = 0;
for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
s += array[i];
return s;
var arrayForType = function(format, bitsPerSample, size) {
switch (format) {
case 1: // unsigned integer data
switch (bitsPerSample) {
case 8:
return new Uint8Array(size);
case 16:
return new Uint16Array(size);
case 32:
return new Uint32Array(size);
case 2: // twos complement signed integer data
switch (bitsPerSample) {
case 8:
return new Int8Array(size);
case 16:
return new Int16Array(size);
case 32:
return new Int32Array(size);
case 3: // floating point data
switch (bitsPerSample) {
case 32:
return new Float32Array(size);
case 64:
return new Float64Array(size);
throw Error("Unsupported data format/bitsPerSample");
* GeoTIFF sub-file image.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} fileDirectory The parsed file directory
* @param {Object} geoKeys The parsed geo-keys
* @param {DataView} dataView The DataView for the underlying file.
* @param {Boolean} littleEndian Whether the file is encoded in little or big endian
* @param {Boolean} cache Whether or not decoded tiles shall be cached
function GeoTIFFImage(fileDirectory, geoKeys, dataView, littleEndian, cache) {
this.fileDirectory = fileDirectory;
this.geoKeys = geoKeys;
this.dataView = dataView;
this.littleEndian = littleEndian;
this.tiles = cache ? {} : null;
this.isTiled = (fileDirectory.StripOffsets) ? false : true;
var planarConfiguration = fileDirectory.PlanarConfiguration;
this.planarConfiguration = (typeof planarConfiguration === "undefined") ? 1 : planarConfiguration;
if (this.planarConfiguration !== 1 && this.planarConfiguration !== 2) {
throw new Error("Invalid planar configuration.");
switch (this.fileDirectory.Compression) {
case 1: // no compression
this.decoder = new RawDecoder();
case 5: // LZW
this.decoder = new LZWDecoder();
case 6: // JPEG
throw new Error("JPEG compression not supported.");
case 8: // Deflate
this.decoder = new DeflateDecoder();
//case 32946: // deflate ??
// throw new Error("Deflate compression not supported.");
case 32773: // packbits
this.decoder = new PackbitsDecoder();
throw new Error("Unknown compresseion method identifier: " + this.fileDirectory.Compression);
GeoTIFFImage.prototype = {
* Returns the associated parsed file directory.
* @returns {Object} the parsed file directory
getFileDirectory: function() {
return this.fileDirectory;
* Returns the associated parsed geo keys.
* @returns {Object} the parsed geo keys
getGeoKeys: function() {
return this.geoKeys;
* Returns the width of the image.
* @returns {Number} the width of the image
getWidth: function() {
return this.fileDirectory.ImageWidth;
* Returns the height of the image.
* @returns {Number} the height of the image
getHeight: function() {
return this.fileDirectory.ImageLength;
* Returns the number of samples per pixel.
* @returns {Number} the number of samples per pixel
getSamplesPerPixel: function() {
return this.fileDirectory.SamplesPerPixel;
* Returns the width of each tile.
* @returns {Number} the width of each tile
getTileWidth: function() {
return this.isTiled ? this.fileDirectory.TileWidth : this.getWidth();
* Returns the height of each tile.
* @returns {Number} the height of each tile
getTileHeight: function() {
return this.isTiled ? this.fileDirectory.TileLength : this.fileDirectory.RowsPerStrip;
* Calculates the number of bytes for each pixel across all samples. Only full
* bytes are supported, an exception is thrown when this is not the case.
* @returns {Number} the bytes per pixel
getBytesPerPixel: function() {
var bitsPerSample = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample.length; ++i) {
var bits = this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample[i];
if ((bits % 8) !== 0) {
throw new Error("Sample bit-width of " + bits + " is not supported.");
else if (bits !== this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample[0]) {
throw new Error("Differing size of samples in a pixel are not supported.");
bitsPerSample += bits;
return bitsPerSample / 8;
getSampleByteSize: function(i) {
if (i >= this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample.length) {
throw new RangeError("Sample index " + i + " is out of range.");
var bits = this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample[i];
if ((bits % 8) !== 0) {
throw new Error("Sample bit-width of " + bits + " is not supported.");
return (bits / 8);
getReaderForSample: function(sampleIndex) {
var format = this.fileDirectory.SampleFormat[sampleIndex];
var bitsPerSample = this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample[sampleIndex];
switch (format) {
case 1: // unsigned integer data
switch (bitsPerSample) {
case 8:
return DataView.prototype.getUint8;
case 16:
return DataView.prototype.getUint16;
case 32:
return DataView.prototype.getUint32;
case 2: // twos complement signed integer data
switch (bitsPerSample) {
case 8:
return DataView.prototype.getInt8;
case 16:
return DataView.prototype.getInt16;
case 32:
return DataView.prototype.getInt32;
case 3:
switch (bitsPerSample) {
case 32:
return DataView.prototype.getFloat32;
case 64:
return DataView.prototype.getFloat64;
getArrayForSample: function(sampleIndex, size) {
var format = this.fileDirectory.SampleFormat[sampleIndex];
var bitsPerSample = this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample[sampleIndex];
return arrayForType(format, bitsPerSample, size);
getDecoder: function() {
return this.decoder;
* Returns the decoded strip or tile.
* @param {Number} x the strip or tile x-offset
* @param {Number} y the tile y-offset (0 for stripped images)
* @param {Number} plane the planar configuration (1: "chunky", 2: "separate samples")
* @returns {(Int8Array|Uint8Array|Int16Array|Uint16Array|Int32Array|Uint32Array|Float32Array|Float64Array)}
getTileOrStrip: function(x, y, sample, callback) {
var numTilesPerRow = Math.ceil(this.getWidth() / this.getTileWidth());
var numTilesPerCol = Math.ceil(this.getHeight() / this.getTileHeight());
var index;
var tiles = this.tiles;
if (this.planarConfiguration === 1) {
index = y * numTilesPerRow + x;
else if (this.planarConfiguration === 2) {
index = sample * numTilesPerRow * numTilesPerCol + y * numTilesPerRow + x;
if (tiles !== null && index in tiles) {
if (callback) {
return callback(null, {x: x, y: y, sample: sample, data: tiles[index]});
return tiles[index];
else {
var offset, byteCount;
if (this.isTiled) {
offset = this.fileDirectory.TileOffsets[index];
byteCount = this.fileDirectory.TileByteCounts[index];
else {
offset = this.fileDirectory.StripOffsets[index];
byteCount = this.fileDirectory.StripByteCounts[index];
var slice = this.dataView.buffer.slice(offset, offset + byteCount);
if (callback) {
return this.getDecoder().decodeBlockAsync(slice, function(error, data) {
if (!error && tiles !== null) {
tiles[index] = data;
callback(error, {x: x, y: y, sample: sample, data: data});
var block = this.getDecoder().decodeBlock(slice);
if (tiles !== null) {
tiles[index] = block;
return block;
_readRasterAsync: function(imageWindow, samples, valueArrays, interleave, callback, callbackError) {
var tileWidth = this.getTileWidth();
var tileHeight = this.getTileHeight();
var minXTile = Math.floor(imageWindow[0] / tileWidth);
var maxXTile = Math.ceil(imageWindow[2] / tileWidth);
var minYTile = Math.floor(imageWindow[1] / tileHeight);
var maxYTile = Math.ceil(imageWindow[3] / tileHeight);
var numTilesPerRow = Math.ceil(this.getWidth() / tileWidth);
var windowWidth = imageWindow[2] - imageWindow[0];
var windowHeight = imageWindow[3] - imageWindow[1];
var bytesPerPixel = this.getBytesPerPixel();
var imageWidth = this.getWidth();
var srcSampleOffsets = [];
var sampleReaders = [];
for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; ++i) {
if (this.planarConfiguration === 1) {
srcSampleOffsets.push(sum(this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample, 0, samples[i]) / 8);
else {
var allStacked = false;
var unfinishedTiles = 0;
var littleEndian = this.littleEndian;
var globalError = null;
function onTileGot(error, tile) {
if (!error) {
var dataView = new DataView(;
var firstLine = tile.y * tileHeight;
var firstCol = tile.x * tileWidth;
var lastLine = (tile.y + 1) * tileHeight;
var lastCol = (tile.x + 1) * tileWidth;
var sampleIndex = tile.sample;
for (var y = Math.max(0, imageWindow[1] - firstLine); y < Math.min(tileHeight, tileHeight - (lastLine - imageWindow[3])); ++y) {
for (var x = Math.max(0, imageWindow[0] - firstCol); x < Math.min(tileWidth, tileWidth - (lastCol - imageWindow[2])); ++x) {
var pixelOffset = (y * tileWidth + x) * bytesPerPixel;
var value = sampleReaders[_sampleIndex].call(dataView, pixelOffset + srcSampleOffsets[_sampleIndex], littleEndian);
var windowCoordinate;
if (interleave) {
windowCoordinate =
(y + firstLine - imageWindow[1]) * windowWidth * samples.length +
(x + firstCol - imageWindow[0]) * samples.length +
valueArrays[windowCoordinate] = value;
else {
windowCoordinate = (
y + firstLine - imageWindow[1]
) * windowWidth + x + firstCol - imageWindow[0];
valueArrays[_sampleIndex][windowCoordinate] = value;
else {
globalError = error;
// check end condition and call callbacks
unfinishedTiles -= 1;
function checkFinished() {
if (allStacked && unfinishedTiles === 0) {
if (globalError) {
else {
for (var yTile = minYTile; yTile <= maxYTile; ++yTile) {
for (var xTile = minXTile; xTile <= maxXTile; ++xTile) {
for (var sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < samples.length; ++sampleIndex) {
var sample = samples[sampleIndex];
if (this.planarConfiguration === 2) {
bytesPerPixel = this.getSampleByteSize(sample);
var _sampleIndex = sampleIndex;
unfinishedTiles += 1;
this.getTileOrStrip(xTile, yTile, sample, onTileGot);
allStacked = true;
_readRaster: function(imageWindow, samples, valueArrays, interleave, callback, callbackError) {
try {
var tileWidth = this.getTileWidth();
var tileHeight = this.getTileHeight();
var minXTile = Math.floor(imageWindow[0] / tileWidth);
var maxXTile = Math.ceil(imageWindow[2] / tileWidth);
var minYTile = Math.floor(imageWindow[1] / tileHeight);
var maxYTile = Math.ceil(imageWindow[3] / tileHeight);
var numTilesPerRow = Math.ceil(this.getWidth() / tileWidth);
var windowWidth = imageWindow[2] - imageWindow[0];
var windowHeight = imageWindow[3] - imageWindow[1];
var bytesPerPixel = this.getBytesPerPixel();
var imageWidth = this.getWidth();
var srcSampleOffsets = [];
var sampleReaders = [];
for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; ++i) {
if (this.planarConfiguration === 1) {
srcSampleOffsets.push(sum(this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample, 0, samples[i]) / 8);
else {
for (var yTile = minYTile; yTile < maxYTile; ++yTile) {
for (var xTile = minXTile; xTile < maxXTile; ++xTile) {
var firstLine = yTile * tileHeight;
var firstCol = xTile * tileWidth;
var lastLine = (yTile + 1) * tileHeight;
var lastCol = (xTile + 1) * tileWidth;
for (var sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < samples.length; ++sampleIndex) {
var sample = samples[sampleIndex];
if (this.planarConfiguration === 2) {
bytesPerPixel = this.getSampleByteSize(sample);
var tile = new DataView(this.getTileOrStrip(xTile, yTile, sample));
for (var y = Math.max(0, imageWindow[1] - firstLine); y < Math.min(tileHeight, tileHeight - (lastLine - imageWindow[3])); ++y) {
for (var x = Math.max(0, imageWindow[0] - firstCol); x < Math.min(tileWidth, tileWidth - (lastCol - imageWindow[2])); ++x) {
var pixelOffset = (y * tileWidth + x) * bytesPerPixel;
var value = sampleReaders[sampleIndex].call(tile, pixelOffset + srcSampleOffsets[sampleIndex], this.littleEndian);
var windowCoordinate;
if (interleave) {
windowCoordinate =
(y + firstLine - imageWindow[1]) * windowWidth * samples.length +
(x + firstCol - imageWindow[0]) * samples.length +
valueArrays[windowCoordinate] = value;
else {
windowCoordinate = (
y + firstLine - imageWindow[1]
) * windowWidth + x + firstCol - imageWindow[0];
valueArrays[sampleIndex][windowCoordinate] = value;
return valueArrays;
catch (error) {
return callbackError(error);
* This callback is called upon successful reading of a GeoTIFF image. The
* resulting arrays are passed as a single argument.
* @callback GeoTIFFImage~readCallback
* @param {(TypedArray|TypedArray[])} array the requested data as a either a
* single typed array or a list of
* typed arrays, depending on the
* 'interleave' option.
* This callback is called upon encountering an error while reading of a
* GeoTIFF image
* @callback GeoTIFFImage~readErrorCallback
* @param {Error} error the encountered error
* Reads raster data from the image. This function reads all selected samples
* into separate arrays of the correct type for that sample. When provided,
* only a subset of the raster is read for each sample.
* @param {Object} [options] optional parameters
* @param {Array} [options.window=whole image] the subset to read data from.
* @param {Array} [options.samples=all samples] the selection of samples to read from.
* @param {Boolean} [options.interleave=false] whether the data shall be read
* in one single array or separate
* arrays.
* @param {GeoTIFFImage~readCallback} [callback] the success callback. this
* parameter is mandatory for
* asynchronous decoders (some
* compression mechanisms).
* @param {GeoTIFFImage~readErrorCallback} [callbackError] the error callback
* @returns {(TypedArray|TypedArray[]|null)} in synchonous cases, the decoded
* array(s) is/are returned. In
* asynchronous cases, nothing is
* returned.
readRasters: function(/* arguments are read via the 'arguments' object */) {
// parse the arguments
var options, callback, callbackError;
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (typeof arguments[0] === "function") {
callback = arguments[0];
else {
options = arguments[0];
case 2:
if (typeof arguments[0] === "function") {
callback = arguments[0];
callbackError = arguments[1];
else {
options = arguments[0];
callback = arguments[1];
case 3:
options = arguments[0];
callback = arguments[1];
callbackError = arguments[2];
throw new Error("Invalid number of arguments passed.");
// set up default arguments
options = options || {};
callbackError = callbackError || function(error) { console.error(error); };
var imageWindow = options.window || [0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()],
samples = options.samples,
interleave = options.interleave;
// check parameters
if (imageWindow[0] < 0 ||
imageWindow[1] < 0 ||
imageWindow[2] > this.getWidth() ||
imageWindow[3] > this.getHeight()) {
throw new Error("Select window is out of image bounds.");
else if (imageWindow[0] > imageWindow[2] || imageWindow[1] > imageWindow[3]) {
throw new Error("Invalid subsets");
var imageWindowWidth = imageWindow[2] - imageWindow[0];
var imageWindowHeight = imageWindow[3] - imageWindow[1];
var numPixels = imageWindowWidth * imageWindowHeight;
var i;
if (!samples) {
samples = [];
for (i=0; i < this.fileDirectory.SamplesPerPixel; ++i) {
else {
for (i = 0; i < samples.length; ++i) {
if (samples[i] >= this.fileDirectory.SamplesPerPixel) {
throw new RangeError("Invalid sample index '" + samples[i] + "'.");
var valueArrays;
if (interleave) {
var format = Math.max.apply(null, this.fileDirectory.SampleFormat),
bitsPerSample = Math.max.apply(null, this.fileDirectory.BitsPerSample);
valueArrays = arrayForType(format, bitsPerSample, numPixels * samples.length);
else {
valueArrays = [];
for (i = 0; i < samples.length; ++i) {
valueArrays.push(this.getArrayForSample(samples[i], numPixels));
// start reading data, sync or async
var decoder = this.getDecoder();
if (decoder.isAsync()) {
if (!callback) {
throw new Error("No callback specified for asynchronous raster reading.");
return this._readRasterAsync(
imageWindow, samples, valueArrays, interleave, callback, callbackError
else {
callback = callback || function() {};
return this._readRaster(
imageWindow, samples, valueArrays, interleave, callback, callbackError
* Returns an array of tiepoints.
* @returns {Object[]}
getTiePoints: function() {
if (!this.fileDirectory.ModelTiepoint) {
return [];
var tiePoints = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.fileDirectory.ModelTiepoint.length; i += 6) {
i: this.fileDirectory.ModelTiepoint[i],
j: this.fileDirectory.ModelTiepoint[i+1],
k: this.fileDirectory.ModelTiepoint[i+2],
x: this.fileDirectory.ModelTiepoint[i+3],
y: this.fileDirectory.ModelTiepoint[i+4],
z: this.fileDirectory.ModelTiepoint[i+5]
return tiePoints;
* Returns the parsed GDAL metadata items.
* @returns {Object}
getGDALMetadata: function() {
var metadata = {};
if (!this.fileDirectory.GDAL_METADATA) {
return null;
var string = this.fileDirectory.GDAL_METADATA;
var xmlDom = globals.parseXml(string.substring(0, string.length-1));
var result = xmlDom.evaluate(
"GDALMetadata/Item", xmlDom, null,
for (var i=0; i < result.snapshotLength; ++i) {
var node = result.snapshotItem(i);
metadata[node.getAttribute("name")] = node.textContent;
return metadata;
module.exports = GeoTIFFImage;
"use strict";
var fieldTagNames = {
// TIFF Baseline
0x013B: 'Artist',
0x0102: 'BitsPerSample',
0x0109: 'CellLength',
0x0108: 'CellWidth',
0x0140: 'ColorMap',
0x0103: 'Compression',
0x8298: 'Copyright',
0x0132: 'DateTime',
0x0152: 'ExtraSamples',
0x010A: 'FillOrder',
0x0121: 'FreeByteCounts',
0x0120: 'FreeOffsets',
0x0123: 'GrayResponseCurve',
0x0122: 'GrayResponseUnit',
0x013C: 'HostComputer',
0x010E: 'ImageDescription',
0x0101: 'ImageLength',
0x0100: 'ImageWidth',
0x010F: 'Make',
0x0119: 'MaxSampleValue',
0x0118: 'MinSampleValue',
0x0110: 'Model',
0x00FE: 'NewSubfileType',
0x0112: 'Orientation',
0x0106: 'PhotometricInterpretation',
0x011C: 'PlanarConfiguration',
0x0128: 'ResolutionUnit',
0x0116: 'RowsPerStrip',
0x0115: 'SamplesPerPixel',
0x0131: 'Software',
0x0117: 'StripByteCounts',
0x0111: 'StripOffsets',
0x00FF: 'SubfileType',
0x0107: 'Threshholding',
0x011A: 'XResolution',
0x011B: 'YResolution',
// TIFF Extended
0x0146: 'BadFaxLines',
0x0147: 'CleanFaxData',
0x0157: 'ClipPath',
0x0148: 'ConsecutiveBadFaxLines',
0x01B1: 'Decode',
0x01B2: 'DefaultImageColor',
0x010D: 'DocumentName',
0x0150: 'DotRange',
0x0141: 'HalftoneHints',
0x015A: 'Indexed',
0x015B: 'JPEGTables',
0x011D: 'PageName',
0x0129: 'PageNumber',
0x013D: 'Predictor',
0x013F: 'PrimaryChromaticities',
0x0214: 'ReferenceBlackWhite',
0x0153: 'SampleFormat',
0x0154: 'SMinSampleValue',
0x0155: 'SMaxSampleValue',
0x022F: 'StripRowCounts',
0x014A: 'SubIFDs',
0x0124: 'T4Options',
0x0125: 'T6Options',
0x0145: 'TileByteCounts',
0x0143: 'TileLength',
0x0144: 'TileOffsets',
0x0142: 'TileWidth',
0x012D: 'TransferFunction',
0x013E: 'WhitePoint',
0x0158: 'XClipPathUnits',
0x011E: 'XPosition',
0x0211: 'YCbCrCoefficients',
0x0213: 'YCbCrPositioning',
0x0212: 'YCbCrSubSampling',
0x0159: 'YClipPathUnits',
0x011F: 'YPosition',
0x9202: 'ApertureValue',
0xA001: 'ColorSpace',
0x9004: 'DateTimeDigitized',
0x9003: 'DateTimeOriginal',
0x8769: 'Exif IFD',
0x9000: 'ExifVersion',
0x829A: 'ExposureTime',
0xA300: 'FileSource',
0x9209: 'Flash',
0xA000: 'FlashpixVersion',
0x829D: 'FNumber',
0xA420: 'ImageUniqueID',
0x9208: 'LightSource',
0x927C: 'MakerNote',
0x9201: 'ShutterSpeedValue',
0x9286: 'UserComment',
0x83BB: 'IPTC',
// ICC
0x8773: 'ICC Profile',
// XMP
0x02BC: 'XMP',
0xA481: 'GDAL_NODATA',
// Photoshop
0x8649: 'Photoshop',
// GeoTiff
0x830E: 'ModelPixelScale',
0x8482: 'ModelTiepoint',
0x85D8: 'ModelTransformation',
0x87AF: 'GeoKeyDirectory',
0x87B0: 'GeoDoubleParams',
0x87B1: 'GeoAsciiParams'
var key;
var fieldTags = {};
for (key in fieldTagNames) {
fieldTags[fieldTagNames[key]] = parseInt(key);
var arrayFields = [
var fieldTypeNames = {
0x0001: 'BYTE',
0x0002: 'ASCII',
0x0003: 'SHORT',
0x0004: 'LONG',
0x0005: 'RATIONAL',
0x0006: 'SBYTE',
0x0007: 'UNDEFINED',
0x0008: 'SSHORT',
0x0009: 'SLONG',
0x000A: 'SRATIONAL',
0x000B: 'FLOAT',
0x000C: 'DOUBLE'
var fieldTypes = {};
for (key in fieldTypeNames) {
fieldTypes[fieldTypeNames[key]] = parseInt(key);
var geoKeyNames = {
1024: 'GTModelTypeGeoKey',
1025: 'GTRasterTypeGeoKey',
1026: 'GTCitationGeoKey',
2048: 'GeographicTypeGeoKey',
2049: 'GeogCitationGeoKey',
2050: 'GeogGeodeticDatumGeoKey',
2051: 'GeogPrimeMeridianGeoKey',
2052: 'GeogLinearUnitsGeoKey',
2053: 'GeogLinearUnitSizeGeoKey',
2054: 'GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey',
2055: 'GeogAngularUnitSizeGeoKey',
2056: 'GeogEllipsoidGeoKey',
2057: 'GeogSemiMajorAxisGeoKey',
2058: 'GeogSemiMinorAxisGeoKey',
2059: 'GeogInvFlatteningGeoKey',
2060: 'GeogAzimuthUnitsGeoKey',
2061: 'GeogPrimeMeridianLongGeoKey',
2062: 'GeogTOWGS84GeoKey',
3072: 'ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey',
3073: 'PCSCitationGeoKey',
3074: 'ProjectionGeoKey',
3075: 'ProjCoordTransGeoKey',
3076: 'ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey',
3077: 'ProjLinearUnitSizeGeoKey',
3078: 'ProjStdParallel1GeoKey',
3079: 'ProjStdParallel2GeoKey',
3080: 'ProjNatOriginLongGeoKey',
3081: 'ProjNatOriginLatGeoKey',
3082: 'ProjFalseEastingGeoKey',
3083: 'ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey',
3084: 'ProjFalseOriginLongGeoKey',
3085: 'ProjFalseOriginLatGeoKey',
3086: 'ProjFalseOriginEastingGeoKey',
3087: 'ProjFalseOriginNorthingGeoKey',
3088: 'ProjCenterLongGeoKey',
3089: 'ProjCenterLatGeoKey',
3090: 'ProjCenterEastingGeoKey',
3091: 'ProjCenterNorthingGeoKey',
3092: 'ProjScaleAtNatOriginGeoKey',
3093: 'ProjScaleAtCenterGeoKey',
3094: 'ProjAzimuthAngleGeoKey',
3095: 'ProjStraightVertPoleLongGeoKey',
3096: 'ProjRectifiedGridAngleGeoKey',
4096: 'VerticalCSTypeGeoKey',
4097: 'VerticalCitationGeoKey',
4098: 'VerticalDatumGeoKey',
4099: 'VerticalUnitsGeoKey'
var geoKeys = {};
for (key in geoKeyNames) {
geoKeys[geoKeyNames[key]] = parseInt(key);
var parseXml;
// node.js version
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
parseXml = function(xmlStr) {
// requires xmldom module
var DOMParser = require('xmldom').DOMParser;
return ( new DOMParser() ).parseFromString(xmlStr, "text/xml");
else if (typeof window.DOMParser !== "undefined") {
parseXml = function(xmlStr) {
return ( new window.DOMParser() ).parseFromString(xmlStr, "text/xml");
else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject !== "undefined" && new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")) {
parseXml = function(xmlStr) {
var xmlDoc = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = "false";
return xmlDoc;
module.exports = {
fieldTags: fieldTags,
fieldTagNames: fieldTagNames,
arrayFields: arrayFields,
fieldTypes: fieldTypes,
fieldTypeNames: fieldTypeNames,
geoKeys: geoKeys,
geoKeyNames: geoKeyNames,
parseXml: parseXml
"use strict";
var GeoTIFF = require("./geotiff.js");
* Main parsing function for GeoTIFF files.
* @param {(string|ArrayBuffer)} data Raw data to parse the GeoTIFF from.
* @param {Object} [options] further options.
* @param {Boolean} [options.cache=false] whether or not decoded tiles shall be cached.
* @returns {GeoTIFF} the parsed geotiff file.
var parse = function(data, options) {
var rawData, i, strLen, view;
if (typeof data === "string" || data instanceof String) {
rawData = new ArrayBuffer(data.length * 2); // 2 bytes for each char
view = new Uint16Array(rawData);
for (i=0, strLen=data.length; i<strLen; ++i) {
view[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
rawData = data;
else {
throw new Error("Invalid input data given.");
return new GeoTIFF(rawData, options);
if (typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof module.exports !== "undefined") {
module.exports.parse = parse;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
window["GeoTIFF"] = {parse:parse};
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.topojson = global.topojson || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
function noop() {}
function transformAbsolute(transform) {
if (!transform) return noop;
var x0,
kx = transform.scale[0],
ky = transform.scale[1],
dx = transform.translate[0],
dy = transform.translate[1];
return function(point, i) {
if (!i) x0 = y0 = 0;
point[0] = (x0 += point[0]) * kx + dx;
point[1] = (y0 += point[1]) * ky + dy;
function transformRelative(transform) {
if (!transform) return noop;
var x0,
kx = transform.scale[0],
ky = transform.scale[1],
dx = transform.translate[0],
dy = transform.translate[1];
return function(point, i) {
if (!i) x0 = y0 = 0;
var x1 = Math.round((point[0] - dx) / kx),
y1 = Math.round((point[1] - dy) / ky);
point[0] = x1 - x0;
point[1] = y1 - y0;
x0 = x1;
y0 = y1;
function reverse(array, n) {
var t, j = array.length, i = j - n;
while (i < --j) t = array[i], array[i++] = array[j], array[j] = t;
function bisect(a, x) {
var lo = 0, hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (a[mid] < x) lo = mid + 1;
else hi = mid;
return lo;
function feature(topology, o) {
return o.type === "GeometryCollection" ? {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: { return feature$1(topology, o); })
} : feature$1(topology, o);
function feature$1(topology, o) {
var f = {
type: "Feature",
properties: || {},
geometry: object(topology, o)
if ( == null) delete;
return f;
function object(topology, o) {
var absolute = transformAbsolute(topology.transform),
arcs = topology.arcs;
function arc(i, points) {
if (points.length) points.pop();
for (var a = arcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i], k = 0, n = a.length, p; k < n; ++k) {
points.push(p = a[k].slice());
absolute(p, k);
if (i < 0) reverse(points, n);
function point(p) {
p = p.slice();
absolute(p, 0);
return p;
function line(arcs) {
var points = [];
for (var i = 0, n = arcs.length; i < n; ++i) arc(arcs[i], points);
if (points.length < 2) points.push(points[0].slice());
return points;
function ring(arcs) {
var points = line(arcs);
while (points.length < 4) points.push(points[0].slice());
return points;
function polygon(arcs) {
function geometry(o) {
var t = o.type;
return t === "GeometryCollection" ? {type: t, geometries:}
: t in geometryType ? {type: t, coordinates: geometryType[t](o)}
: null;
var geometryType = {
Point: function(o) { return point(o.coordinates); },
MultiPoint: function(o) { return; },
LineString: function(o) { return line(o.arcs); },
MultiLineString: function(o) { return; },
Polygon: function(o) { return polygon(o.arcs); },
MultiPolygon: function(o) { return; }
return geometry(o);
function stitchArcs(topology, arcs) {
var stitchedArcs = {},
fragmentByStart = {},
fragmentByEnd = {},
fragments = [],
emptyIndex = -1;
// Stitch empty arcs first, since they may be subsumed by other arcs.
arcs.forEach(function(i, j) {
var arc = topology.arcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i], t;
if (arc.length < 3 && !arc[1][0] && !arc[1][1]) {
t = arcs[++emptyIndex], arcs[emptyIndex] = i, arcs[j] = t;
arcs.forEach(function(i) {
var e = ends(i),
start = e[0],
end = e[1],
f, g;
if (f = fragmentByEnd[start]) {
delete fragmentByEnd[f.end];
f.end = end;
if (g = fragmentByStart[end]) {
delete fragmentByStart[g.start];
var fg = g === f ? f : f.concat(g);
fragmentByStart[fg.start = f.start] = fragmentByEnd[fg.end = g.end] = fg;
} else {
fragmentByStart[f.start] = fragmentByEnd[f.end] = f;
} else if (f = fragmentByStart[end]) {
delete fragmentByStart[f.start];
f.start = start;
if (g = fragmentByEnd[start]) {
delete fragmentByEnd[g.end];
var gf = g === f ? f : g.concat(f);
fragmentByStart[gf.start = g.start] = fragmentByEnd[gf.end = f.end] = gf;
} else {
fragmentByStart[f.start] = fragmentByEnd[f.end] = f;
} else {
f = [i];
fragmentByStart[f.start = start] = fragmentByEnd[f.end = end] = f;
function ends(i) {
var arc = topology.arcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i], p0 = arc[0], p1;
if (topology.transform) p1 = [0, 0], arc.forEach(function(dp) { p1[0] += dp[0], p1[1] += dp[1]; });
else p1 = arc[arc.length - 1];
return i < 0 ? [p1, p0] : [p0, p1];
function flush(fragmentByEnd, fragmentByStart) {
for (var k in fragmentByEnd) {
var f = fragmentByEnd[k];
delete fragmentByStart[f.start];
delete f.start;
delete f.end;
f.forEach(function(i) { stitchedArcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i] = 1; });
flush(fragmentByEnd, fragmentByStart);
flush(fragmentByStart, fragmentByEnd);
arcs.forEach(function(i) { if (!stitchedArcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i]) fragments.push([i]); });
return fragments;
function mesh(topology) {
return object(topology, meshArcs.apply(this, arguments));
function meshArcs(topology, o, filter) {
var arcs = [];
function arc(i) {
var j = i < 0 ? ~i : i;
(geomsByArc[j] || (geomsByArc[j] = [])).push({i: i, g: geom});
function line(arcs) {
function polygon(arcs) {
function geometry(o) {
if (o.type === "GeometryCollection") o.geometries.forEach(geometry);
else if (o.type in geometryType) geom = o, geometryType[o.type](o.arcs);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var geomsByArc = [],
var geometryType = {
LineString: line,
MultiLineString: polygon,
Polygon: polygon,
MultiPolygon: function(arcs) { arcs.forEach(polygon); }
geomsByArc.forEach(arguments.length < 3
? function(geoms) { arcs.push(geoms[0].i); }
: function(geoms) { if (filter(geoms[0].g, geoms[geoms.length - 1].g)) arcs.push(geoms[0].i); });
} else {
for (var i = 0, n = topology.arcs.length; i < n; ++i) arcs.push(i);
return {type: "MultiLineString", arcs: stitchArcs(topology, arcs)};
function cartesianTriangleArea(triangle) {
var a = triangle[0], b = triangle[1], c = triangle[2];
return Math.abs((a[0] - c[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]) - (a[0] - b[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]));
function ring(ring) {
var i = -1,
n = ring.length,
b = ring[n - 1],
area = 0;
while (++i < n) {
a = b;
b = ring[i];
area += a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
return area / 2;
function merge(topology) {
return object(topology, mergeArcs.apply(this, arguments));
function mergeArcs(topology, objects) {
var polygonsByArc = {},
polygons = [],
components = [];
objects.forEach(function(o) {
if (o.type === "Polygon") register(o.arcs);
else if (o.type === "MultiPolygon") o.arcs.forEach(register);
function register(polygon) {
polygon.forEach(function(ring$$) {
ring$$.forEach(function(arc) {
(polygonsByArc[arc = arc < 0 ? ~arc : arc] || (polygonsByArc[arc] = [])).push(polygon);
function area(ring$$) {
return Math.abs(ring(object(topology, {type: "Polygon", arcs: [ring$$]}).coordinates[0]));
polygons.forEach(function(polygon) {
if (!polygon._) {
var component = [],
neighbors = [polygon];
polygon._ = 1;
while (polygon = neighbors.pop()) {
polygon.forEach(function(ring$$) {
ring$$.forEach(function(arc) {
polygonsByArc[arc < 0 ? ~arc : arc].forEach(function(polygon) {
if (!polygon._) {
polygon._ = 1;
polygons.forEach(function(polygon) {
delete polygon._;
return {
type: "MultiPolygon",
arcs: {
var arcs = [], n;
// Extract the exterior (unique) arcs.
polygons.forEach(function(polygon) {
polygon.forEach(function(ring$$) {
ring$$.forEach(function(arc) {
if (polygonsByArc[arc < 0 ? ~arc : arc].length < 2) {
// Stitch the arcs into one or more rings.
arcs = stitchArcs(topology, arcs);
// If more than one ring is returned,
// at most one of these rings can be the exterior;
// choose the one with the greatest absolute area.
if ((n = arcs.length) > 1) {
for (var i = 1, k = area(arcs[0]), ki, t; i < n; ++i) {
if ((ki = area(arcs[i])) > k) {
t = arcs[0], arcs[0] = arcs[i], arcs[i] = t, k = ki;
return arcs;
function neighbors(objects) {
var indexesByArc = {}, // arc index -> array of object indexes
neighbors = { return []; });
function line(arcs, i) {
arcs.forEach(function(a) {
if (a < 0) a = ~a;
var o = indexesByArc[a];
if (o) o.push(i);
else indexesByArc[a] = [i];
function polygon(arcs, i) {
arcs.forEach(function(arc) { line(arc, i); });
function geometry(o, i) {
if (o.type === "GeometryCollection") o.geometries.forEach(function(o) { geometry(o, i); });
else if (o.type in geometryType) geometryType[o.type](o.arcs, i);
var geometryType = {
LineString: line,
MultiLineString: polygon,
Polygon: polygon,
MultiPolygon: function(arcs, i) { arcs.forEach(function(arc) { polygon(arc, i); }); }
for (var i in indexesByArc) {
for (var indexes = indexesByArc[i], m = indexes.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var k = j + 1; k < m; ++k) {
var ij = indexes[j], ik = indexes[k], n;
if ((n = neighbors[ij])[i = bisect(n, ik)] !== ik) n.splice(i, 0, ik);
if ((n = neighbors[ik])[i = bisect(n, ij)] !== ij) n.splice(i, 0, ij);
return neighbors;
function compareArea(a, b) {
return a[1][2] - b[1][2];
function minAreaHeap() {
var heap = {},
array = [],
size = 0;
heap.push = function(object) {
up(array[object._ = size] = object, size++);
return size;
heap.pop = function() {
if (size <= 0) return;
var removed = array[0], object;
if (--size > 0) object = array[size], down(array[object._ = 0] = object, 0);
return removed;
heap.remove = function(removed) {
var i = removed._, object;
if (array[i] !== removed) return; // invalid request
if (i !== --size) object = array[size], (compareArea(object, removed) < 0 ? up : down)(array[object._ = i] = object, i);
return i;
function up(object, i) {
while (i > 0) {
var j = ((i + 1) >> 1) - 1,
parent = array[j];
if (compareArea(object, parent) >= 0) break;
array[parent._ = i] = parent;
array[object._ = i = j] = object;
function down(object, i) {
while (true) {
var r = (i + 1) << 1,
l = r - 1,
j = i,
child = array[j];
if (l < size && compareArea(array[l], child) < 0) child = array[j = l];
if (r < size && compareArea(array[r], child) < 0) child = array[j = r];
if (j === i) break;
array[child._ = i] = child;
array[object._ = i = j] = object;
return heap;
function presimplify(topology, triangleArea) {
var absolute = transformAbsolute(topology.transform),
relative = transformRelative(topology.transform),
heap = minAreaHeap();
if (!triangleArea) triangleArea = cartesianTriangleArea;
topology.arcs.forEach(function(arc) {
var triangles = [],
maxArea = 0,
// To store each point’s effective area, we create a new array rather than
// extending the passed-in point to workaround a Chrome/V8 bug (getting
// stuck in smi mode). For midpoints, the initial effective area of
// Infinity will be computed in the next step.
for (i = 0, n = arc.length; i < n; ++i) {
p = arc[i];
absolute(arc[i] = [p[0], p[1], Infinity], i);
for (i = 1, n = arc.length - 1; i < n; ++i) {
triangle = arc.slice(i - 1, i + 2);
triangle[1][2] = triangleArea(triangle);
for (i = 0, n = triangles.length; i < n; ++i) {
triangle = triangles[i];
triangle.previous = triangles[i - 1]; = triangles[i + 1];
while (triangle = heap.pop()) {
var previous = triangle.previous,
next =;
// If the area of the current point is less than that of the previous point
// to be eliminated, use the latter's area instead. This ensures that the
// current point cannot be eliminated without eliminating previously-
// eliminated points.
if (triangle[1][2] < maxArea) triangle[1][2] = maxArea;
else maxArea = triangle[1][2];
if (previous) { = next;
previous[2] = triangle[2];
if (next) {
next.previous = previous;
next[0] = triangle[0];
function update(triangle) {
triangle[1][2] = triangleArea(triangle);
return topology;
var version = "1.6.26";
exports.version = version;
exports.mesh = mesh;
exports.meshArcs = meshArcs;
exports.merge = merge;
exports.mergeArcs = mergeArcs;
exports.feature = feature;
exports.neighbors = neighbors;
exports.presimplify = presimplify;
function DOMParser(options){
this.options = options ||{locator:{}};
DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString = function(source,mimeType){
var options = this.options;
var sax = new XMLReader();
var domBuilder = options.domBuilder || new DOMHandler();//contentHandler and LexicalHandler
var errorHandler = options.errorHandler;
var locator = options.locator;
var defaultNSMap = options.xmlns||{};
var entityMap = {'lt':'<','gt':'>','amp':'&','quot':'"','apos':"'"}
sax.errorHandler = buildErrorHandler(errorHandler,domBuilder,locator);
sax.domBuilder = options.domBuilder || domBuilder;
entityMap.nbsp = '\xa0';
entityMap.copy = '\xa9';
defaultNSMap['']= '';
defaultNSMap.xml = defaultNSMap.xml || '';
sax.errorHandler.error("invalid document source");
return domBuilder.document;
function buildErrorHandler(errorImpl,domBuilder,locator){
if(domBuilder instanceof DOMHandler){
return domBuilder;
errorImpl = domBuilder ;
var errorHandler = {}
var isCallback = errorImpl instanceof Function;
locator = locator||{}
function build(key){
var fn = errorImpl[key];
if(!fn && isCallback){
fn = errorImpl.length == 2?function(msg){errorImpl(key,msg)}:errorImpl;
errorHandler[key] = fn && function(msg){
fn('[xmldom '+key+']\t'+msg+_locator(locator));
return errorHandler;
* +ContentHandler+ErrorHandler
* +LexicalHandler+EntityResolver2
* -DeclHandler-DTDHandler
* DefaultHandler:EntityResolver, DTDHandler, ContentHandler, ErrorHandler
* DefaultHandler2:DefaultHandler,LexicalHandler, DeclHandler, EntityResolver2
* @link
function DOMHandler() {
this.cdata = false;
function position(locator,node){
node.lineNumber = locator.lineNumber;
node.columnNumber = locator.columnNumber;
* @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startDocument
* @link
DOMHandler.prototype = {
startDocument : function() {
this.document = new DOMImplementation().createDocument(null, null, null);
if (this.locator) {
this.document.documentURI = this.locator.systemId;
startElement:function(namespaceURI, localName, qName, attrs) {
var doc = this.document;
var el = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qName||localName);
var len = attrs.length;
appendElement(this, el);
this.currentElement = el;
this.locator && position(this.locator,el)
for (var i = 0 ; i < len; i++) {
var namespaceURI = attrs.getURI(i);
var value = attrs.getValue(i);
var qName = attrs.getQName(i);
var attr = doc.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qName);
if( attr.getOffset){
attr.value = attr.nodeValue = value;
endElement:function(namespaceURI, localName, qName) {
var current = this.currentElement
var tagName = current.tagName;
this.currentElement = current.parentNode;
startPrefixMapping:function(prefix, uri) {
endPrefixMapping:function(prefix) {
processingInstruction:function(target, data) {
var ins = this.document.createProcessingInstruction(target, data);
this.locator && position(this.locator,ins)
appendElement(this, ins);
ignorableWhitespace:function(ch, start, length) {
characters:function(chars, start, length) {
chars = _toString.apply(this,arguments)
if(this.currentElement && chars){
if (this.cdata) {
var charNode = this.document.createCDATASection(chars);
} else {
var charNode = this.document.createTextNode(chars);
this.locator && position(this.locator,charNode)
skippedEntity:function(name) {
endDocument:function() {
setDocumentLocator:function (locator) {
if(this.locator = locator){// && !('lineNumber' in locator)){
locator.lineNumber = 0;
comment:function(chars, start, length) {
chars = _toString.apply(this,arguments)
var comm = this.document.createComment(chars);
this.locator && position(this.locator,comm)
appendElement(this, comm);
startCDATA:function() {
//used in characters() methods
this.cdata = true;
endCDATA:function() {
this.cdata = false;
startDTD:function(name, publicId, systemId) {
var impl = this.document.implementation;
if (impl && impl.createDocumentType) {
var dt = impl.createDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId);
this.locator && position(this.locator,dt)
appendElement(this, dt);
* @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler
* @link
warning:function(error) {
console.warn('[xmldom warning]\t'+error,_locator(this.locator));
error:function(error) {
console.error('[xmldom error]\t'+error,_locator(this.locator));
fatalError:function(error) {
console.error('[xmldom fatalError]\t'+error,_locator(this.locator));
throw error;
function _locator(l){
return '\n@'+(l.systemId ||'')+'#[line:'+l.lineNumber+',col:'+l.columnNumber+']'
function _toString(chars,start,length){
if(typeof chars == 'string'){
return chars.substr(start,length)
}else{//java sax connect width xmldom on rhino(what about: "? && !(chars instanceof String)")
if(chars.length >= start+length || start){
return new java.lang.String(chars,start,length)+'';
return chars;
* @link
* used method of org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler:
* #comment(chars, start, length)
* #startCDATA()
* #endCDATA()
* #startDTD(name, publicId, systemId)
* IGNORED method of org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler:
* #endDTD()
* #startEntity(name)
* #endEntity(name)
* @link
* IGNORED method of org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler
* #attributeDecl(eName, aName, type, mode, value)
* #elementDecl(name, model)
* #externalEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId)
* #internalEntityDecl(name, value)
* @link
* IGNORED method of org.xml.sax.EntityResolver2
* #resolveEntity(String name,String publicId,String baseURI,String systemId)
* #resolveEntity(publicId, systemId)
* #getExternalSubset(name, baseURI)
* @link
* IGNORED method of org.xml.sax.DTDHandler
* #notationDecl(name, publicId, systemId) {};
* #unparsedEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId, notationName) {};
DOMHandler.prototype[key] = function(){return null}
/* Private static helpers treated below as private instance methods, so don't need to add these to the public API; we might use a Relator to also get rid of non-standard public properties */
function appendElement (hander,node) {
if (!hander.currentElement) {
} else {
}//appendChild and setAttributeNS are preformance key
if(typeof require == 'function'){
var XMLReader = require('./sax').XMLReader;
var DOMImplementation = exports.DOMImplementation = require('./dom').DOMImplementation;
exports.XMLSerializer = require('./dom').XMLSerializer ;
exports.DOMParser = DOMParser;
* DOM Level 2
* Object DOMException
* @see
* @see
function copy(src,dest){
for(var p in src){
dest[p] = src[p];
function _extends(Class,Super){
var pt = Class.prototype;
var ppt = Object.create(Super.prototype)
pt.__proto__ = ppt;
if(!(pt instanceof Super)){
function t(){};
t.prototype = Super.prototype;
t = new t();
Class.prototype = pt = t;
if(pt.constructor != Class){
if(typeof Class != 'function'){
console.error("unknow Class:"+Class)
pt.constructor = Class
var htmlns = '' ;
// Node Types
var NodeType = {}
var TEXT_NODE = NodeType.TEXT_NODE = 3;
// ExceptionCode
var ExceptionCode = {}
var ExceptionMessage = {};
var INDEX_SIZE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INDEX_SIZE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[1]="Index size error"),1);
var DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = ExceptionCode.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[2]="DOMString size error"),2);
var HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = ExceptionCode.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[3]="Hierarchy request error"),3);
var WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = ExceptionCode.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[4]="Wrong document"),4);
var INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[5]="Invalid character"),5);
var NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[6]="No data allowed"),6);
var NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[7]="No modification allowed"),7);
var NOT_FOUND_ERR = ExceptionCode.NOT_FOUND_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[8]="Not found"),8);
var NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[9]="Not supported"),9);
var INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[10]="Attribute in use"),10);
var INVALID_STATE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_STATE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[11]="Invalid state"),11);
var SYNTAX_ERR = ExceptionCode.SYNTAX_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[12]="Syntax error"),12);
var INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[13]="Invalid modification"),13);
var NAMESPACE_ERR = ExceptionCode.NAMESPACE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[14]="Invalid namespace"),14);
var INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[15]="Invalid access"),15);
function DOMException(code, message) {
if(message instanceof Error){
var error = message;
error = this;, ExceptionMessage[code]);
this.message = ExceptionMessage[code];
if(Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, DOMException);
error.code = code;
if(message) this.message = this.message + ": " + message;
return error;
DOMException.prototype = Error.prototype;
* @see
* The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented. NodeList objects in the DOM are live.
* The items in the NodeList are accessible via an integral index, starting from 0.
function NodeList() {
NodeList.prototype = {
* The number of nodes in the list. The range of valid child node indices is 0 to length-1 inclusive.
* @standard level1
* Returns the indexth item in the collection. If index is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in the list, this returns null.
* @standard level1
* @param index unsigned long
* Index into the collection.
* @return Node
* The node at the indexth position in the NodeList, or null if that is not a valid index.
item: function(index) {
return this[index] || null;
for(var buf = [], i = 0;i<this.length;i++){
return buf.join('');
function LiveNodeList(node,refresh){
this._node = node;
this._refresh = refresh
function _updateLiveList(list){
var inc = list._node._inc || list._node.ownerDocument._inc;
if(list._inc != inc){
var ls = list._refresh(list._node);
list._inc = inc;
LiveNodeList.prototype.item = function(i){
return this[i];
* Objects implementing the NamedNodeMap interface are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name. Note that NamedNodeMap does not inherit from NodeList; NamedNodeMaps are not maintained in any particular order. Objects contained in an object implementing NamedNodeMap may also be accessed by an ordinal index, but this is simply to allow convenient enumeration of the contents of a NamedNodeMap, and does not imply that the DOM specifies an order to these Nodes.
* NamedNodeMap objects in the DOM are live.
* used for attributes or DocumentType entities
function NamedNodeMap() {
function _findNodeIndex(list,node){
var i = list.length;
if(list[i] === node){return i}
function _addNamedNode(el,list,newAttr,oldAttr){
list[_findNodeIndex(list,oldAttr)] = newAttr;
list[list.length++] = newAttr;
newAttr.ownerElement = el;
var doc = el.ownerDocument;
oldAttr && _onRemoveAttribute(doc,el,oldAttr);
function _removeNamedNode(el,list,attr){
var i = _findNodeIndex(list,attr);
var lastIndex = list.length-1
list[i] = list[++i]
list.length = lastIndex;
var doc = el.ownerDocument;
attr.ownerElement = null;
throw DOMException(NOT_FOUND_ERR,new Error())
NamedNodeMap.prototype = {
getNamedItem: function(key) {
// if(key.indexOf(':')>0 || key == 'xmlns'){
// return null;
// }
var i = this.length;
var attr = this[i];
if(attr.nodeName == key){
return attr;
setNamedItem: function(attr) {
var el = attr.ownerElement;
if(el && el!=this._ownerElement){
throw new DOMException(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);
var oldAttr = this.getNamedItem(attr.nodeName);
return oldAttr;
/* returns Node */
var el = attr.ownerElement, oldAttr;
if(el && el!=this._ownerElement){
throw new DOMException(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);
oldAttr = this.getNamedItemNS(attr.namespaceURI,attr.localName);
return oldAttr;
/* returns Node */
removeNamedItem: function(key) {
var attr = this.getNamedItem(key);
return attr;
//for level2
var attr = this.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI,localName);
return attr;
getNamedItemNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) {
var i = this.length;
var node = this[i];
if(node.localName == localName && node.namespaceURI == namespaceURI){
return node;
return null;
* @see
function DOMImplementation(/* Object */ features) {
this._features = {};
if (features) {
for (var feature in features) {
this._features = features[feature];
DOMImplementation.prototype = {
hasFeature: function(/* string */ feature, /* string */ version) {
var versions = this._features[feature.toLowerCase()];
if (versions && (!version || version in versions)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
createDocument:function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype){// raises:INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,NAMESPACE_ERR,WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR
var doc = new Document();
doc.implementation = this;
doc.childNodes = new NodeList();
doc.doctype = doctype;
var root = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName);
return doc;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
createDocumentType:function(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId){// raises:INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,NAMESPACE_ERR
var node = new DocumentType(); = qualifiedName;
node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
node.publicId = publicId;
node.systemId = systemId;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
//readonly attribute DOMString internalSubset;
// readonly attribute NamedNodeMap entities;
// readonly attribute NamedNodeMap notations;
return node;
* @see
function Node() {
Node.prototype = {
firstChild : null,
lastChild : null,
previousSibling : null,
nextSibling : null,
attributes : null,
parentNode : null,
childNodes : null,
ownerDocument : null,
nodeValue : null,
namespaceURI : null,
prefix : null,
localName : null,
// Modified in DOM Level 2:
insertBefore:function(newChild, refChild){//raises
return _insertBefore(this,newChild,refChild);
replaceChild:function(newChild, oldChild){//raises
return _removeChild(this,oldChild);
return this.insertBefore(newChild,null);
return this.firstChild != null;
return cloneNode(this.ownerDocument||this,this,deep);
// Modified in DOM Level 2:
var child = this.firstChild;
var next = child.nextSibling;
if(next && next.nodeType == TEXT_NODE && child.nodeType == TEXT_NODE){
child = next;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
isSupported:function(feature, version){
return this.ownerDocument.implementation.hasFeature(feature,version);
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
return this.attributes.length>0;
var el = this;
var map = el._nsMap;
for(var n in map){
if(map[n] == namespaceURI){
return n;
el = el.nodeType == 2?el.ownerDocument : el.parentNode;
return null;
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
var el = this;
var map = el._nsMap;
if(prefix in map){
return map[prefix] ;
el = el.nodeType == 2?el.ownerDocument : el.parentNode;
return null;
// Introduced in DOM Level 3:
var prefix = this.lookupPrefix(namespaceURI);
return prefix == null;
function _xmlEncoder(c){
return c == '<' && '&lt;' ||
c == '>' && '&gt;' ||
c == '&' && '&amp;' ||
c == '"' && '&quot;' ||
* @param callback return true for continue,false for break
* @return boolean true: break visit;
function _visitNode(node,callback){
return true;
if(node = node.firstChild){
if(_visitNode(node,callback)){return true}
function Document(){
function _onAddAttribute(doc,el,newAttr){
doc && doc._inc++;
var ns = newAttr.namespaceURI ;
if(ns == ''){
//update namespace
el._nsMap[newAttr.prefix?newAttr.localName:''] = newAttr.value
function _onRemoveAttribute(doc,el,newAttr,remove){
doc && doc._inc++;
var ns = newAttr.namespaceURI ;
if(ns == ''){
//update namespace
delete el._nsMap[newAttr.prefix?newAttr.localName:'']
function _onUpdateChild(doc,el,newChild){
if(doc && doc._inc){
//update childNodes
var cs = el.childNodes;
cs[cs.length++] = newChild;
var child = el.firstChild;
var i = 0;
cs[i++] = child;
child =child.nextSibling;
cs.length = i;
* attributes;
* children;
* writeable properties:
* nodeValue,Attr:value,CharacterData:data
* prefix
function _removeChild(parentNode,child){
var previous = child.previousSibling;
var next = child.nextSibling;
previous.nextSibling = next;
parentNode.firstChild = next
next.previousSibling = previous;
parentNode.lastChild = previous;
return child;
* preformance key(refChild == null)
function _insertBefore(parentNode,newChild,nextChild){
var cp = newChild.parentNode;
cp.removeChild(newChild);//remove and update
if(newChild.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE){
var newFirst = newChild.firstChild;
if (newFirst == null) {
return newChild;
var newLast = newChild.lastChild;
newFirst = newLast = newChild;
var pre = nextChild ? nextChild.previousSibling : parentNode.lastChild;
newFirst.previousSibling = pre;
newLast.nextSibling = nextChild;
pre.nextSibling = newFirst;
parentNode.firstChild = newFirst;
if(nextChild == null){
parentNode.lastChild = newLast;
nextChild.previousSibling = newLast;
newFirst.parentNode = parentNode;
}while(newFirst !== newLast && (newFirst= newFirst.nextSibling))
//console.log(parentNode.lastChild.nextSibling == null)
if (newChild.nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
newChild.firstChild = newChild.lastChild = null;
return newChild;
function _appendSingleChild(parentNode,newChild){
var cp = newChild.parentNode;
var pre = parentNode.lastChild;
cp.removeChild(newChild);//remove and update
var pre = parentNode.lastChild;
var pre = parentNode.lastChild;
newChild.parentNode = parentNode;
newChild.previousSibling = pre;
newChild.nextSibling = null;
pre.nextSibling = newChild;
parentNode.firstChild = newChild;
parentNode.lastChild = newChild;
return newChild;
//console.log("__aa",parentNode.lastChild.nextSibling == null)
Document.prototype = {
//implementation : null,
nodeName : '#document',
doctype : null,
documentElement : null,
_inc : 1,
insertBefore : function(newChild, refChild){//raises
if(newChild.nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE){
var child = newChild.firstChild;
var next = child.nextSibling;
child = next;
return newChild;
if(this.documentElement == null && newChild.nodeType == 1){
this.documentElement = newChild;
return _insertBefore(this,newChild,refChild),(newChild.ownerDocument = this),newChild;
removeChild : function(oldChild){
if(this.documentElement == oldChild){
this.documentElement = null;
return _removeChild(this,oldChild);
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
importNode : function(importedNode,deep){
return importNode(this,importedNode,deep);
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
getElementById : function(id){
var rtv = null;
if(node.nodeType == 1){
if(node.getAttribute('id') == id){
rtv = node;
return true;
return rtv;
//document factory method:
createElement : function(tagName){
var node = new Element();
node.ownerDocument = this;
node.nodeName = tagName;
node.tagName = tagName;
node.childNodes = new NodeList();
var attrs = node.attributes = new NamedNodeMap();
attrs._ownerElement = node;
return node;
createDocumentFragment : function(){
var node = new DocumentFragment();
node.ownerDocument = this;
node.childNodes = new NodeList();
return node;
createTextNode : function(data){
var node = new Text();
node.ownerDocument = this;
return node;
createComment : function(data){
var node = new Comment();
node.ownerDocument = this;
return node;
createCDATASection : function(data){
var node = new CDATASection();
node.ownerDocument = this;
return node;
createProcessingInstruction : function(target,data){
var node = new ProcessingInstruction();
node.ownerDocument = this;
node.tagName = = target;
node.nodeValue= = data;
return node;
createAttribute : function(name){
var node = new Attr();
node.ownerDocument = this; = name;
node.nodeName = name;
node.localName = name;
node.specified = true;
return node;
createEntityReference : function(name){
var node = new EntityReference();
node.ownerDocument = this;
node.nodeName = name;
return node;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
createElementNS : function(namespaceURI,qualifiedName){
var node = new Element();
var pl = qualifiedName.split(':');
var attrs = node.attributes = new NamedNodeMap();
node.childNodes = new NodeList();
node.ownerDocument = this;
node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
node.tagName = qualifiedName;
node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
if(pl.length == 2){
node.prefix = pl[0];
node.localName = pl[1];
//el.prefix = null;
node.localName = qualifiedName;
attrs._ownerElement = node;
return node;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
createAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI,qualifiedName){
var node = new Attr();
var pl = qualifiedName.split(':');
node.ownerDocument = this;
node.nodeName = qualifiedName; = qualifiedName;
node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
node.specified = true;
if(pl.length == 2){
node.prefix = pl[0];
node.localName = pl[1];
//el.prefix = null;
node.localName = qualifiedName;
return node;
function Element() {
this._nsMap = {};
Element.prototype = {
nodeType : ELEMENT_NODE,
hasAttribute : function(name){
return this.getAttributeNode(name)!=null;
getAttribute : function(name){
var attr = this.getAttributeNode(name);
return attr && attr.value || '';
getAttributeNode : function(name){
return this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
setAttribute : function(name, value){
var attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttribute(name);
attr.value = attr.nodeValue = "" + value;
removeAttribute : function(name){
var attr = this.getAttributeNode(name)
attr && this.removeAttributeNode(attr);
//four real opeartion method
if(newChild.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE){
return this.insertBefore(newChild,null);
return _appendSingleChild(this,newChild);
setAttributeNode : function(newAttr){
return this.attributes.setNamedItem(newAttr);
setAttributeNodeNS : function(newAttr){
return this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(newAttr);
removeAttributeNode : function(oldAttr){
return this.attributes.removeNamedItem(oldAttr.nodeName);
//get real attribute name,and remove it by removeAttributeNode
removeAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
var old = this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName);
old && this.removeAttributeNode(old);
hasAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
return this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName)!=null;
getAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
var attr = this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName);
return attr && attr.value || '';
setAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value){
var attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
attr.value = attr.nodeValue = "" + value;
getAttributeNodeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
return this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
getElementsByTagName : function(tagName){
return new LiveNodeList(this,function(base){
var ls = [];
if(node !== base && node.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE && (tagName === '*' || node.tagName == tagName)){
return ls;
getElementsByTagNameNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
return new LiveNodeList(this,function(base){
var ls = [];
if(node !== base && node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && (namespaceURI === '*' || node.namespaceURI === namespaceURI) && (localName === '*' || node.localName == localName)){
return ls;
Document.prototype.getElementsByTagName = Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName;
Document.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = Element.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS;
function Attr() {
Attr.prototype.nodeType = ATTRIBUTE_NODE;
function CharacterData() {
CharacterData.prototype = {
data : '',
substringData : function(offset, count) {
return, offset+count);
appendData: function(text) {
text =;
this.nodeValue = = text;
this.length = text.length;
insertData: function(offset,text) {
//if(!(newChild instanceof CharacterData)){
throw new Error(ExceptionMessage[3])
return Node.prototype.appendChild.apply(this,arguments)
deleteData: function(offset, count) {
replaceData: function(offset, count, text) {
var start =,offset);
var end =;
text = start + text + end;
this.nodeValue = = text;
this.length = text.length;
function Text() {
Text.prototype = {
nodeName : "#text",
nodeType : TEXT_NODE,
splitText : function(offset) {
var text =;
var newText = text.substring(offset);
text = text.substring(0, offset); = this.nodeValue = text;
this.length = text.length;
var newNode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newText);
this.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, this.nextSibling);
return newNode;
function Comment() {
Comment.prototype = {
nodeName : "#comment",
function CDATASection() {
CDATASection.prototype = {
nodeName : "#cdata-section",
function DocumentType() {
DocumentType.prototype.nodeType = DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE;
function Notation() {
Notation.prototype.nodeType = NOTATION_NODE;
function Entity() {
Entity.prototype.nodeType = ENTITY_NODE;
function EntityReference() {
EntityReference.prototype.nodeType = ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE;
function DocumentFragment() {
DocumentFragment.prototype.nodeName = "#document-fragment";
DocumentFragment.prototype.nodeType = DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
function ProcessingInstruction() {
ProcessingInstruction.prototype.nodeType = PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE;
function XMLSerializer(){}
XMLSerializer.prototype.serializeToString = function(node,attributeSorter){
return node.toString(attributeSorter);
Node.prototype.toString =function(attributeSorter){
var buf = [];
return buf.join('');
function serializeToString(node,buf,attributeSorter,isHTML){
var attrs = node.attributes;
var len = attrs.length;
var child = node.firstChild;
var nodeName = node.tagName;
isHTML = (htmlns === node.namespaceURI) ||isHTML
buf.sort.apply(attrs, attributeSorter);
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
if(child || isHTML && !/^(?:meta|link|img|br|hr|input|button)$/i.test(nodeName)){
//if is cdata child node
if(isHTML && /^script$/i.test(nodeName)){
child = child.nextSibling;
var child = node.firstChild;
child = child.nextSibling;
return buf.push(' ',,'="',node.value.replace(/[<&"]/g,_xmlEncoder),'"');
return buf.push([<&]/g,_xmlEncoder));
return buf.push( '<![CDATA[',,']]>');
return buf.push( "<!--",,"-->");
var pubid = node.publicId;
var sysid = node.systemId;
buf.push('<!DOCTYPE ',;
buf.push(' PUBLIC "',pubid);
if (sysid && sysid!='.') {
buf.push( '" "',sysid);
}else if(sysid && sysid!='.'){
buf.push(' SYSTEM "',sysid,'">');
var sub = node.internalSubset;
buf.push(" [",sub,"]");
return buf.push( "<?",," ",,"?>");
return buf.push( '&',node.nodeName,';');
function importNode(doc,node,deep){
var node2;
switch (node.nodeType) {
node2 = node.cloneNode(false);
node2.ownerDocument = doc;
//var attrs = node2.attributes;
//var len = attrs.length;
//for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
deep = true;
////case TEXT_NODE:
// deep = false;
// break;
//cannot be imported.
//can not hit in level3
//default:throw e;
node2 = node.cloneNode(false);//false
node2.ownerDocument = doc;
node2.parentNode = null;
var child = node.firstChild;
child = child.nextSibling;
return node2;
//var _relationMap = {firstChild:1,lastChild:1,previousSibling:1,nextSibling:1,
// attributes:1,childNodes:1,parentNode:1,documentElement:1,doctype,};
function cloneNode(doc,node,deep){
var node2 = new node.constructor();
for(var n in node){
var v = node[n];
if(typeof v != 'object' ){
if(v != node2[n]){
node2[n] = v;
node2.childNodes = new NodeList();
node2.ownerDocument = doc;
switch (node2.nodeType) {
var attrs = node.attributes;
var attrs2 = node2.attributes = new NamedNodeMap();
var len = attrs.length
attrs2._ownerElement = node2;
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
deep = true;
var child = node.firstChild;
child = child.nextSibling;
return node2;
function __set__(object,key,value){
object[key] = value
//do dynamic
return this.$$length;
return getTextContent(this);
case 1:
case 11:
if(data || String(data)){
//TODO: = data;
this.value = value;
this.nodeValue = data;
function getTextContent(node){
case 1:
case 11:
var buf = [];
node = node.firstChild;
if(node.nodeType!==7 && node.nodeType !==8){
node = node.nextSibling;
return buf.join('');
return node.nodeValue;
__set__ = function(object,key,value){
object['$$'+key] = value
if(typeof require == 'function'){
exports.DOMImplementation = DOMImplementation;
exports.XMLSerializer = XMLSerializer;
//[4] NameStartChar ::= ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [#xC0-#xD6] | [#xD8-#xF6] | [#xF8-#x2FF] | [#x370-#x37D] | [#x37F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xEFFFF]
//[4a] NameChar ::= NameStartChar | "-" | "." | [0-9] | #xB7 | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040]
//[5] Name ::= NameStartChar (NameChar)*
var nameStartChar = /[A-Z_a-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]///\u10000-\uEFFFF
var nameChar = new RegExp("[\\-\\.0-9"+nameStartChar.source.slice(1,-1)+"\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\\u203F-\u2040]");
var tagNamePattern = new RegExp('^'+nameStartChar.source+nameChar.source+'*(?:\:'+nameStartChar.source+nameChar.source+'*)?$');
//var tagNamePattern = /^[a-zA-Z_][\w\-\.]*(?:\:[a-zA-Z_][\w\-\.]*)?$/
//var handlers = 'resolveEntity,getExternalSubset,characters,endDocument,endElement,endPrefixMapping,ignorableWhitespace,processingInstruction,setDocumentLocator,skippedEntity,startDocument,startElement,startPrefixMapping,notationDecl,unparsedEntityDecl,error,fatalError,warning,attributeDecl,elementDecl,externalEntityDecl,internalEntityDecl,comment,endCDATA,endDTD,endEntity,startCDATA,startDTD,startEntity'.split(',')
//S_ATTR_S, S_E, S_S, S_C
var S_TAG = 0;//tag name offerring
var S_ATTR = 1;//attr name offerring
var S_ATTR_S=2;//attr name end and space offer
var S_EQ = 3;//=space?
var S_V = 4;//attr value(no quot value only)
var S_E = 5;//attr value end and no space(quot end)
var S_S = 6;//(attr value end || tag end ) && (space offer)
var S_C = 7;//closed el<el />
function XMLReader(){
XMLReader.prototype = {
var domBuilder = this.domBuilder;
_copy(defaultNSMap ,defaultNSMap = {})
function parse(source,defaultNSMapCopy,entityMap,domBuilder,errorHandler){
function fixedFromCharCode(code) {
// String.prototype.fromCharCode does not supports
// > 2 bytes unicode chars directly
if (code > 0xffff) {
code -= 0x10000;
var surrogate1 = 0xd800 + (code >> 10)
, surrogate2 = 0xdc00 + (code & 0x3ff);
return String.fromCharCode(surrogate1, surrogate2);
} else {
return String.fromCharCode(code);
function entityReplacer(a){
var k = a.slice(1,-1);
if(k in entityMap){
return entityMap[k];
}else if(k.charAt(0) === '#'){
return fixedFromCharCode(parseInt(k.substr(1).replace('x','0x')))
errorHandler.error('entity not found:'+a);
return a;
function appendText(end){//has some bugs
var xt = source.substring(start,end).replace(/&#?\w+;/g,entityReplacer);
start = end
function position(p,m){
while(p>=lineEnd && (m = linePattern.exec(source))){
lineStart = m.index;
lineEnd = lineStart + m[0].length;
locator.columnNumber = p-lineStart+1;
var lineStart = 0;
var lineEnd = 0;
var linePattern = /.+(?:\r\n?|\n)|.*$/g
var locator = domBuilder.locator;
var parseStack = [{currentNSMap:defaultNSMapCopy}]
var closeMap = {};
var start = 0;
var tagStart = source.indexOf('<',start);
var doc = domBuilder.document;
var text = doc.createTextNode(source.substr(start));
domBuilder.currentElement = text;
case '/':
var end = source.indexOf('>',tagStart+3);
var tagName = source.substring(tagStart+2,end);
var config = parseStack.pop();
var localNSMap = config.localNSMap;
if(config.tagName != tagName){
errorHandler.fatalError("end tag name: "+tagName+' is not match the current start tagName:'+config.tagName );
for(var prefix in localNSMap){
domBuilder.endPrefixMapping(prefix) ;
// end elment
case '?':// <?...?>
end = parseInstruction(source,tagStart,domBuilder);
case '!':// <!doctype,<![CDATA,<!--
end = parseDCC(source,tagStart,domBuilder,errorHandler);
var el = new ElementAttributes();
var end = parseElementStartPart(source,tagStart,el,entityReplacer,errorHandler);
var len = el.length;
//attribute position fixed
for(var i = 0;i<len;i++){
var a = el[i];
a.offset = copyLocator(locator,{});
if(!el.closed && fixSelfClosed(source,end,el.tagName,closeMap)){
el.closed = true;
errorHandler.warning('unclosed xml attribute');
if(el.uri === '' && !el.closed){
end = parseHtmlSpecialContent(source,end,el.tagName,entityReplacer,domBuilder)
errorHandler.error('element parse error: '+e);
end = -1;
start = end;
//TODO: 这里有可能sax回退,有位置错误风险
function copyLocator(f,t){
t.lineNumber = f.lineNumber;
t.columnNumber = f.columnNumber;
return t;
* @see #appendElement(source,elStartEnd,el,selfClosed,entityReplacer,domBuilder,parseStack);
* @return end of the elementStartPart(end of elementEndPart for selfClosed el)
function parseElementStartPart(source,start,el,entityReplacer,errorHandler){
var attrName;
var value;
var p = ++start;
var s = S_TAG;//status
var c = source.charAt(p);
case '=':
if(s === S_ATTR){//attrName
attrName = source.slice(start,p);
s = S_EQ;
}else if(s === S_ATTR_S){
s = S_EQ;
//fatalError: equal must after attrName or space after attrName
throw new Error('attribute equal must after attrName');
case '\'':
case '"':
if(s === S_EQ){//equal
start = p+1;
p = source.indexOf(c,start)
value = source.slice(start,p).replace(/&#?\w+;/g,entityReplacer);
s = S_E;
//fatalError: no end quot match
throw new Error('attribute value no end \''+c+'\' match');
}else if(s == S_V){
value = source.slice(start,p).replace(/&#?\w+;/g,entityReplacer);
errorHandler.warning('attribute "'+attrName+'" missed start quot('+c+')!!');
start = p+1;
s = S_E
//fatalError: no equal before
throw new Error('attribute value must after "="');
case '/':
case S_TAG:
case S_E:
case S_S:
case S_C:
s = S_C;
el.closed = true;
case S_V:
case S_ATTR:
case S_ATTR_S:
//case S_EQ:
throw new Error("attribute invalid close char('/')")
case ''://end document
//throw new Error('unexpected end of input')
errorHandler.error('unexpected end of input');
case '>':
case S_TAG:
case S_E:
case S_S:
case S_C:
case S_V://Compatible state
case S_ATTR:
value = source.slice(start,p);
if(value.slice(-1) === '/'){
el.closed = true;
value = value.slice(0,-1)
case S_ATTR_S:
if(s === S_ATTR_S){
value = attrName;
if(s == S_V){
errorHandler.warning('attribute "'+value+'" missed quot(")!!');
errorHandler.warning('attribute "'+value+'" missed value!! "'+value+'" instead!!')
case S_EQ:
throw new Error('attribute value missed!!');
// console.log(tagName,tagNamePattern,tagNamePattern.test(tagName))
return p;
/*xml space '\x20' | #x9 | #xD | #xA; */
case '\u0080':
c = ' ';
if(c<= ' '){//space
case S_TAG:
s = S_S;
case S_ATTR:
attrName = source.slice(start,p)
s = S_ATTR_S;
case S_V:
var value = source.slice(start,p).replace(/&#?\w+;/g,entityReplacer);
errorHandler.warning('attribute "'+value+'" missed quot(")!!');
case S_E:
s = S_S;
//case S_S:
//case S_EQ:
//case S_ATTR_S:
// void();break;
//case S_C:
//ignore warning
}else{//not space
//S_ATTR_S, S_E, S_S, S_C
//case S_TAG:void();break;
//case S_ATTR:void();break;
//case S_V:void();break;
case S_ATTR_S:
errorHandler.warning('attribute "'+attrName+'" missed value!! "'+attrName+'" instead!!')
start = p;
s = S_ATTR;
case S_E:
errorHandler.warning('attribute space is required"'+attrName+'"!!')
case S_S:
s = S_ATTR;
start = p;
case S_EQ:
s = S_V;
start = p;
case S_C:
throw new Error("elements closed character '/' and '>' must be connected to");
* @return end of the elementStartPart(end of elementEndPart for selfClosed el)
function appendElement(el,domBuilder,parseStack){
var tagName = el.tagName;
var localNSMap = null;
var currentNSMap = parseStack[parseStack.length-1].currentNSMap;
var i = el.length;
var a = el[i];
var qName = a.qName;
var value = a.value;
var nsp = qName.indexOf(':');
var prefix = a.prefix = qName.slice(0,nsp);
var localName = qName.slice(nsp+1);
var nsPrefix = prefix === 'xmlns' && localName
localName = qName;
prefix = null
nsPrefix = qName === 'xmlns' && ''
//can not set prefix,because prefix !== ''
a.localName = localName ;
//prefix == null for no ns prefix attribute
if(nsPrefix !== false){//hack!!
if(localNSMap == null){
localNSMap = {}
currentNSMap[nsPrefix] = localNSMap[nsPrefix] = value;
a.uri = ''
domBuilder.startPrefixMapping(nsPrefix, value)
var i = el.length;
a = el[i];
var prefix = a.prefix;
if(prefix){//no prefix attribute has no namespace
if(prefix === 'xml'){
a.uri = '';
}if(prefix !== 'xmlns'){
a.uri = currentNSMap[prefix]
var nsp = tagName.indexOf(':');
prefix = el.prefix = tagName.slice(0,nsp);
localName = el.localName = tagName.slice(nsp+1);
prefix = null;//important!!
localName = el.localName = tagName;
//no prefix element has default namespace
var ns = el.uri = currentNSMap[prefix || ''];
//endPrefixMapping and startPrefixMapping have not any help for dom builder
//localNSMap = null
for(prefix in localNSMap){
el.currentNSMap = currentNSMap;
el.localNSMap = localNSMap;
function parseHtmlSpecialContent(source,elStartEnd,tagName,entityReplacer,domBuilder){
var elEndStart = source.indexOf('</'+tagName+'>',elStartEnd);
var text = source.substring(elStartEnd+1,elEndStart);
return elEndStart;
}//}else{//text area
text = text.replace(/&#?\w+;/g,entityReplacer);
return elEndStart;
return elStartEnd+1;
function fixSelfClosed(source,elStartEnd,tagName,closeMap){
//if(tagName in closeMap){
var pos = closeMap[tagName];
if(pos == null){
pos = closeMap[tagName] = source.lastIndexOf('</'+tagName+'>')
return pos<elStartEnd;
function _copy(source,target){
for(var n in source){target[n] = source[n]}
function parseDCC(source,start,domBuilder,errorHandler){//sure start with '<!'
var next= source.charAt(start+2)
case '-':
if(source.charAt(start + 3) === '-'){
var end = source.indexOf('-->',start+4);
//append comment source.substring(4,end)//<!--
return end+3;
errorHandler.error("Unclosed comment");
return -1;
return -1;
if(source.substr(start+3,6) == 'CDATA['){
var end = source.indexOf(']]>',start+9);
return end+3;
//startDTD(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId)
var matchs = split(source,start);
var len = matchs.length;
if(len>1 && /!doctype/i.test(matchs[0][0])){
var name = matchs[1][0];
var pubid = len>3 && /^public$/i.test(matchs[2][0]) && matchs[3][0]
var sysid = len>4 && matchs[4][0];
var lastMatch = matchs[len-1]
domBuilder.startDTD(name,pubid && pubid.replace(/^(['"])(.*?)\1$/,'$2'),
sysid && sysid.replace(/^(['"])(.*?)\1$/,'$2'));
return lastMatch.index+lastMatch[0].length
return -1;
function parseInstruction(source,start,domBuilder){
var end = source.indexOf('?>',start);
var match = source.substring(start,end).match(/^<\?(\S*)\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*$/);
var len = match[0].length;
domBuilder.processingInstruction(match[1], match[2]) ;
return end+2;
return -1;
return -1;
* @param source
function ElementAttributes(source){
ElementAttributes.prototype = {
throw new Error('invalid tagName:'+tagName)
this.tagName = tagName
throw new Error('invalid attribute:'+qName)
this[this.length++] = {qName:qName,value:value,offset:offset}
getLocalName:function(i){return this[i].localName},
getOffset:function(i){return this[i].offset},
getQName:function(i){return this[i].qName},
getURI:function(i){return this[i].uri},
getValue:function(i){return this[i].value}
// ,getIndex:function(uri, localName)){
// if(localName){
// }else{
// var qName = uri
// }
// },
// getValue:function(){return this.getValue(this.getIndex.apply(this,arguments))},
// getType:function(uri,localName){}
// getType:function(i){},
function _set_proto_(thiz,parent){
thiz.__proto__ = parent;
return thiz;
if(!(_set_proto_({},_set_proto_.prototype) instanceof _set_proto_)){
_set_proto_ = function(thiz,parent){
function p(){};
p.prototype = parent;
p = new p();
for(parent in thiz){
p[parent] = thiz[parent];
return p;
function split(source,start){
var match;
var buf = [];
var reg = /'[^']+'|"[^"]+"|[^\s<>\/=]+=?|(\/?\s*>|<)/g;
reg.lastIndex = start;
reg.exec(source);//skip <
while(match = reg.exec(source)){
if(match[1])return buf;
if(typeof require == 'function'){
exports.XMLReader = XMLReader;
var d3_selection = require("d3-selection");
var d3_geo = require("d3-geo");
var d3_request = require("d3-request");
var d3_marching_squares = require("d3-marching-squares");
var topojson = require("topojson");
var GeoTIFF = require("geotiff");
var d3_scale_chromatic = require("d3-scale-chromatic");
var width = 680,
height = 500;
var projection = d3_geo.geoAzimuthalEqualArea()
.rotate([-55.5, -24])
var canvas ="body").append("canvas")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
var path = d3_geo.geoPath()
.get(function(error, tiffData){
d3_request.json("world-110m.json", function(error, topojsonData) {
var tiff = GeoTIFF.parse(tiffData.response);
var image = tiff.getImage();
var rasters = image.readRasters();
var tiepoint = image.getTiePoints()[0];
var pixelScale = image.getFileDirectory().ModelPixelScale;
var geoTransform = [tiepoint.x, pixelScale[0], 0, tiepoint.y, 0, -1*pixelScale[1]];
var zData = new Array(image.getHeight());
var tempData = new Array(image.getHeight());
for (var j = 0; j<image.getHeight(); j++){
zData[j] = new Array(image.getWidth());
tempData[j] = new Array(image.getWidth());
for (var i = 0; i<image.getWidth(); i++){
zData[j][i] = rasters[0][i + j*image.getWidth()];
tempData[j][i] = rasters[1][i + j*image.getWidth()];
var countries = topojson.feature(topojsonData, topojsonData.objects.countries);
context.strokeStyle = "#000";
var intervalsTemp = [14,17,20,23,26,29, 35, 38];
var bandsTemp = d3_marching_squares.isobands(tempData, geoTransform, intervalsTemp);
bandsTemp.features.forEach(function(d, i) {
context.globalAlpha = 0.9;
context.fillStyle = d3_scale_chromatic.interpolateRdBu(1-(i/(bandsTemp.features.length-1)));
var countries = topojson.feature(topojsonData, topojsonData.objects.countries);
context.strokeStyle = "#000";
context.lineWidth = 1.5;
context.globalAlpha = 0.5;
var intervalsZ = [1400, 1420, 1440, 1460, 1480, 1500, 1520, 1540];
var linesZ = d3_marching_squares.isolines(zData, geoTransform, intervalsZ);
linesZ.features.forEach(function(d, i) {
context.strokeStyle = "#000";
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.globalAlpha = 1;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="map"></div>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
"name": "isobandsisolines",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "draw.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"d3-geo": "^1.1.1",
"d3-marching-squares": "0.0.4",
"d3-request": "^1.0.1",
"d3-scale-chromatic": "^1.0.1",
"d3-selection": "^1.0.0",
"d3-svg-legend": "^1.12.0",
"geotiff": "^0.3.3",
"topojson": "^1.6.26"
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