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arquivos <- readLines("ftps://") %>%
str_extract("RAIS.+") %>%
str_subset("ESTAB",negate = TRUE) %>%
arquivos <- c("",
arquivos <- c("")
purrr::walk(.x = arquivos, .f = download.file, destfile = "C:/Users/arthur/Desktop/t/RAIS_VINC_PUB_CENTRO_OESTE.7z")
Para dezipar
# install.packages("archive") # Para dezipar
arq <- list.files("C:/Users/arthur/Desktop/t/",
full.names = T,
pattern = ".txt")
# lê arquivos
df <- data.table::fread(arq[1],
nrows = 1000)
df <- df %>%
janitor::clean_names() # limpa nomes das colunas
df <- df %>%
mutate(across(starts_with("vl"), ~{str_remove_all(.x, "\\.") %>%
str_replace(",", ".") %>%
# criar tabela
dbCreateTable(conn, "rais_2016", df)
# inserir valores em batches
df2 <- readr::read_delim(arq[1],
n_max = 1000,
delim = ";",
locale = locale(encoding = "latin1"))
# função callback
f_call <- function(x, pos){
x %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(across(starts_with("vl"), ~{str_remove_all(.x, "\\.") %>%
str_replace(",", ".") %>%
)) %>%
dbx::dbxInsert(conn, "rais_2016", .)
# iterar sobre arquivos
walk(arq, ~readr::read_delim_chunked(.x,
delim = ";",
locale = locale(encoding = "latin1"),
callback = readr::DataFrameCallback$new(f_call),
chunk_size = 50000)
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