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Last active April 22, 2016 23:03
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Geography Year Household_Count Average_Household_Income Average_Shelter_Cost Average_STIR
NEWFOUNDLAND and LABRADOR 2011 201875 70936 754 18.3
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 2011 53620 68301 817 20.1
NOVA SCOTIA 2011 369760 69362 838 20.7
NEW BRUNSWICK 2011 298955 67122 757 19
QUEBEC 2011 3224260 68926 834 21.3
ONTARIO 2011 4600055 89873 1175 22.8
MANITOBA 2011 423200 74940 846 19.2
SASKATCHEWAN 2011 359375 81353 910 19.6
ALBERTA 2011 1285165 106241 1249 21.1
BRITISH COLUMBIA 2011 1610540 82674 1136 23.4
YUKON 2011 12950 92906 1084 19.2
NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 2011 14150 116039 1350 17.5
NUNAVUT 2011 8545 100417 852 11.1
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<h1>Core Housing Need in Canada - Part 1</h1>
<p>A household is said to be in core housing need if its housing falls
below at least one of the adequacy, affordability or suitability,
standards and it would have to spend 30% or more of its total
before-tax income to pay the median rent of alternative local housing
that is acceptable (meets all three housing standards).<br>
- Adequate housing are reported by their residents as not requiring any
major repairs.<br>
- Affordable dwellings costs less than 30% of total before-tax
household income.<br>
- Suitable housing has enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of
resident households, according to National Occupancy Standard (NOS)
<h2>What do Canadians earn?</h2>
<p>Average Household Income ($) by Province and Territory - 2011<br>
Source: <a href="">Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation</a>, 2015</p>
<div id="chartbox">
<h1>Regional Profile</h1>
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