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# kdArrange v.005
import bmesh
import bpy
import mathutils
from mathutils import Vector
from collections import defaultdict
from BioBlender.table_values import values_fi
from BioBlender.BioBlender import scale_vdw
## helper functions
def bmesh_from_pyverts(verts):
bm =
add_vert =
bm_verts = [add_vert(co) for co in verts]
return bm
def build_ktree(v):
# documentation/blender_python_api_2_70_release/mathutils.kdtree.html
size = len(v)
kd = mathutils.kdtree.KDTree(size)
for i, vtx in enumerate(v):
kd.insert(Vector(vtx), i)
return kd
def get_vcol_layer(obj):
vcols =
if not ('fi_cols' in vcols):
vcol_layer ='fi_cols')
vcol_layer = vcols.get('fi_cols')
return vcol_layer
def get_specific_dict(filepath):
This generates a dict from the .pdb to remap the specific elements in a chain
to it's generic element type.
{'OD2': 'O', 'CD1': 'C', 'CH2': 'C', 'CG': 'C', 'HH': 'H', 'HD13': 'H', etc.. }
This is necessary for finding the radius of each element, when only the identifier
of the specific position inside the chain is known.
s_dict = {}
with open(filepath) as pdb_file:
for line in pdb_file:
if line.startswith('ATOM'):
specific = line[12:16].strip()
_element = line[76:78].strip()
if not (specific in s_dict):
s_dict[specific] = _element
return s_dict
# options.
use_nearest_after_failed_proximity = True
# nstr = '_4GE.001'
# fp = r'C:\Users\dealga\Documents\GitHub\BioBlender\Test_molecules\06_1L2Y_4GE.pdb'
nstr = 'yDNA'
fp = r'C:\Users\dealga\Documents\GitHub\BioBlender\Test_molecules\02_4IHVonlyDNA.pdb'
sd = get_specific_dict(filepath=fp)
surface_obj_name = 'SURFACE'
def vcols_from_nearest_fi(nstr, surface_obj_name):
[x] step : first store atoms as {element_name: [co,..], }
[x] step : generate singular ordered mesh by adding vertices
in clumps of element types. (H,H,H,H,H,H,O,O,O,O,O,O..)
[x] step : track start and end index for each element into mapper_obj
[x] step : get surface mesh.
[x] step : for every vertex on surface mesh find closest
vertex in proxy_ob, and fi value
[ ] step : for those surface vertices which have no elements within proximity
radius decide how to colour the mesh at that point.
normalize_and_make_numeric = True # affects idx to fi
## storage
atom_to_fi = defaultdict(list)
proxy_obj = defaultdict(list)
idx_to_fi = []
mapper_obj_invert = {}
verts = []
surface_verts_fi = {}
## aliasing
objs =
texts =
scene = bpy.context.scene
meshes =
children = objs[nstr].children
def generate_or_update(verts):
# -- get or create mesh
if "proxy_mesh" in meshes:
mesh = meshes["proxy_mesh"]
mesh ="proxy_mesh")
# -- inject mesh with verts
bm = bmesh_from_pyverts(verts)
# -- create or update object with new mesh data
if "proxy_obj" in objs:
obj = objs['proxy_obj'] = mesh
obj ="proxy_obj", mesh)
if not verts:
# fill `proxy_obj` and `atom_fo_fi`
for o in children:
_name = o.BBInfo[12:16].strip() # name in the chain
_amino = o.BBInfo[17:20].strip() # name of amino
fi = values_fi[_amino][_name]
co = o.location[:]
# fills `idx_to_fi` and `mapper_obj`
idx = 0
for key in sorted(proxy_obj.keys()):
start = len(verts)
end = len(verts)-1
mapper_obj_invert[(start, end)] = key
# mapper_obj_invert will fold range and specific element {(0, 97): 'C' ...}
if normalize_and_make_numeric:
n = lambda fi: round(((float(fi) + 3) * 0.25), 4)
idx_to_fi = [n(fi) for fi in idx_to_fi]
if verts:
print('no verts! - ending early')
if surface_obj_name and (surface_obj_name in objs):
obj = objs.get(surface_obj_name)
vcol_layer = get_vcol_layer(obj)
kd = build_ktree(verts)
max_dist = 2.7 # fudge, could test largest vdw in cloud.
def from_closest(vidx, coordinate, mdist):
# Each surface vertex is present in at least 3 polygons.
# To avoid repeating proximity search with kdtree this
# algorithm memoizes the index and resulting fi value.
# - this assumes that a lookup in a hashtable is more
# efficient than kdtree + tests..for a second and third
# time the vertex appears in a different polygon.
fi = surface_verts_fi.get(vidx)
if fi:
# return early, use a cached value
return fi
# -- if arrives here the value is not yet known.
closest_elements = []
# -- find_range returns in order of closest -> furthest
for (co, index, dist) in kd.find_range(coordinate, mdist):
# this is not efficient, but for testing will suffice.
# --- translate index to element
# k: index ranges..(0, 20), (21, 50), etc
# element: the element associated that range
for k, element in mapper_obj_invert.items():
if k[0] <= index <= k[1]:
radius = scale_vdw.get(element)
if not radius:
# element is too specific, lookup in conversion table
elementp = sd[element]
radius = scale_vdw.get(elementp)
radius = radius[0]
closest_elements.append([dist-radius, index])
# no need to search further
# -- establish fi for this surface vertex
if not closest_elements:
# search failure..
print('nothing within {0} of indexed surface vertex {1}'.format(mdist, vidx))
if use_nearest_after_failed_proximity:
co, idx, dist = kd.find(coordinate)
print('found at {0}'.format(dist))
fi = idx_to_fi[idx]
fi = None
if len(closest_elements) == 1:
idx = closest_elements[0][1]
# arrange nearest elements in order or dist-radius
# does not deal with interpolation of multiple close
list_member = sorted(closest_elements)[0]
idx = list_member[1]
# at this point we have a closest idx, we know its fi.
fi = idx_to_fi[idx]
surface_verts_fi[vidx] = fi
return fi
# mesh data of surface
surface_mesh =
i = 0
for poly in surface_mesh.polygons:
for idx, vidx in zip(poly.loop_indices, poly.vertices[:]):
coordinate = surface_mesh.vertices[vidx].co
c = from_closest(vidx, coordinate, mdist=max_dist)
rgb = (c, c, c) if isinstance(c, float) else (.5, .5, 1.)[i].color = rgb
i += 1
# set active to vcol fi_cols = vcol_layer
# end
vcols_from_nearest_fi(nstr, surface_obj_name)
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