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Created August 19, 2014 09:03
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[ Launch: NodeViewVectorDraw ] fb845bc32d86c65c7480 by zeffii
[ Launch: coffee_templatefux ] ab7d5243e84885fe7131 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor_coffee ] 6399870 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor_coffee ] 6382272 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor_coffee ] 6382237 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor_coffee ] 6379220 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor ] 6376715 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion2 ] 6365156 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion ] 6364686 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick ] 6364584 by zeffii
[ Launch: zeffii default ] 6364028 by zeffii
[ Launch: zeffii default ] 5033869 by zeffii

svg ="svg")
svg.append("rect").attr({width:"100%", height:"100%", fill: '#c6c6c6'})
group1 = svg.append('g')
.classed('group1', true)
transform: 'translate(' + [69, 65] + ')'
theme =
rx: 10
ry: 10
col_body: '#f7f7f7'
col_header: '#e5e7e3'
col_head_text: '#343'
col_main_dividers: '#686868'
row_height: 20
VerticesSocket: '#e79b78'
StringsSocket: '#94e372'
Socket_radius: 8
slider_bg: '#222'
slider_text_color: '#eee'
socket_label_color: '#565656'
lr_padding: 32
slider_nudge_color: '#fff'
slider_nudge_trangle_height: 10
label_text_y_offset: 3
node_dict =
width: 185
name: 'Circle'
outputs: [
{name:'Vertices', default:'', typed:'VerticesSocket'}
{name:'Edges', default:'', typed:'StringsSocket'}
{name:'Polygons', default:'', typed:'StringsSocket'}
params: [
{name:'Mode', default:'true', typed:'bool'}
inputs: [
{name:'Radius', default:'1.00', typed:'StringsSocket'}
{name:'N Vertices', default:'24', typed:'StringsSocket'}
{name:'Degrees', default:'360º', typed:'StringsSocket'}
node_vis_defaults =
header_y_fill: 18
slider_height: theme.row_height * 0.92
# some aliases
style_header =
fill: theme.col_header
stroke: theme.col_main_dividers
'stroke-width': 1
style_body =
fill: theme.col_body
stroke: theme.col_main_dividers
'stroke-width': 1
style_socket =
stroke: theme.col_main_dividers
'stroke-width': 1
# additional parsing should happen, params might be complicated
# for certain nodes; think of boxes in layouts..
num_rows = (node_dict.outputs.length) + (node_dict.inputs.length)
# top header
draw_node = (node_dict) ->
h = body_height = num_rows * theme.row_height
fillet = theme.ry
half_rounded_rect = (x, y, dir, h, w, f, sw) ->
'M ' + [0,y] +
'l ' + [0, h*dir] +
'a ' + [f, f, 0, 0, sw, f,(f*dir)] +
'l ' + [w - (2*f), 0] +
'a ' + [f, f, 0, 0, sw, f,(-f*dir)] +
'l ' + [0, -h*dir] +
''' header '''
group1.append('path').classed('node-header', true)
d: () ->
f = theme.ry
w = node_dict.width
h = node_vis_defaults.header_y_fill
y = f + h
half_rounded_rect(0, y, -1, h, w, f, 1)
.style style_header
group1.append('path').classed('node-header-min', true)
d: () ->
l = theme.lr_padding/2/2 # horizontal offset
u = -2 # vertical offset
dim = 12 # triangle dimension
dim2 = dim/2
'M ' + [l, dim+u] + 'l ' + [dim, 0, -dim2, dim] +
group1.append('text').classed('node-header-text', true)
x: theme.lr_padding
y: 20
''' body '''
group1.append('path').classed('node-body', true)
d: () ->
f = theme.ry
w = node_dict.width
h = num_rows * theme.row_height + (1.7*theme.ry)
y = f + node_vis_defaults.header_y_fill
half_rounded_rect(0, y, 1, h, w, f, 0)
.style style_body
draw_sockets = (sockets, xpos, ypos) ->
ratio = 0.828
r = theme.Socket_radius
for socket, idx in sockets
this_style_socket = style_socket
this_style_socket.fill = theme[socket.typed]
sheight = node_vis_defaults.slider_height
y = ypos + (theme.row_height *idx) + (1.5*r)
label_text_y_offset = theme.Socket_radius - theme.label_text_y_offset
group1.append('circle').classed('socket-in', true)
r: r
cy: y
cx: xpos
.style this_style_socket
xloc = theme.lr_padding/2
if mode == 'outputs'
x: node_dict.width - (theme.lr_padding/2)
y: y + label_text_y_offset
'text-anchor': 'end'
'font-size': sheight * 0.6
fill: theme.socket_label_color
if (mode == 'inputs') and (socket.default)
''' slider background '''
rx: 8
ry: 8
width: (node_dict.width - theme.lr_padding)
height: sheight
x: xloc
y: y - 8
fill: '#333'
stroke: '#555'
''' arrows '''
d: () ->
self_xpos = theme.lr_padding/2
a = theme.slider_nudge_trangle_height
b = a/2
x1 = self_xpos + 2
x2 = node_dict.width - x1
path = 'M ' + [x1, b] + 'l' + [a, -b, 0, a] + 'z'
path += 'M ' + [x2, b] + 'l' + [-a, -b, 0, a] + 'z'
transform: () ->
self_ypos = y - (theme.slider_nudge_trangle_height/2)
'translate(' + [0, self_ypos] + ')'
fill: '#aaaaaa'
stroke: '#111'
'''label '''
x: theme.lr_padding
y: y + label_text_y_offset
'text-anchor': 'left'
'font-size': sheight * 0.6
fill: theme.slider_text_color
'''value display '''
x: node_dict.width - theme.lr_padding
y: y + label_text_y_offset
'text-anchor': 'end'
'font-size': sheight * 0.6
fill: theme.slider_text_color
''' output sockets '''
mode = 'outputs'
ypos = theme.ry + node_vis_defaults.header_y_fill
xpos = node_dict.width
draw_sockets(node_dict.outputs, xpos, ypos)
''' internal body params '''
body_size_between_sockets =
sockets = (theme.row_height * (node_dict.params.length + node_dict.outputs.length))
# special parsing would happen here
for item, idx in node_dict.params
if item.typed == 'bool' # if 'box'..
y: theme.row_height * (idx + node_dict.outputs.length) + 44
x: theme.lr_padding
'font-size': theme.row_height*0.6
rx:3, ry:3, height: 11, width: 11,
x: theme.lr_padding/2
y: theme.row_height * (idx + node_dict.outputs.length) + 34
fill: '#ddd'
stroke: '#333'
'''output sockets '''
mode = 'inputs'
xpos = node_dict.width
draw_sockets(node_dict.inputs, 0, ypos + body_size_between_sockets)
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