require 'digest/md5' def gfm(text) # Extract pre blocks extractions = {} text.gsub!(%r{
}m) do |match| md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(match) extractions[md5] = match "{gfm-extraction-#{md5}}" end # prevent foo_bar_baz from ending up with an italic word in the middle text.gsub!(/(^(?! {4}|\t)\w+_\w+_\w[\w_]*)/) do |x| x.gsub('_', '\_') if x.split('').sort.to_s[0..1] == '__' end # in very clear cases, let newlines become
tags text.gsub!(/^[\w\<][^\n]*\n+/) do |x| x =~ /\n{2}/ ? x : (x.strip!; x << " \n") end # Insert pre block extractions text.gsub!(/\{gfm-extraction-([0-9a-f]{32})\}/) do "\n\n" + extractions[$1] end text end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'test/unit' require 'shoulda' class GFMTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "GFM" do should "not touch single underscores inside words" do assert_equal "foo_bar", gfm("foo_bar") end should "not touch underscores in code blocks" do assert_equal " foo_bar_baz", gfm(" foo_bar_baz") end should "not touch underscores in pre blocks" do assert_equal "\n\n
", gfm("
") end should "not treat pre blocks with pre-text differently" do a = "\n\n
\nthis is `a\\_test` and this\\_too\n
" b = "hmm
\nthis is `a\\_test` and this\\_too\n
" assert_equal gfm(a)[2..-1], gfm(b)[3..-1] end should "escape two or more underscores inside words" do assert_equal "foo\\_bar\\_baz", gfm("foo_bar_baz") end should "turn newlines into br tags in simple cases" do assert_equal "foo \nbar", gfm("foo\nbar") end should "convert newlines in all groups" do assert_equal "apple \npear \norange\n\nruby \npython \nerlang", gfm("apple\npear\norange\n\nruby\npython\nerlang") end should "convert newlines in even long groups" do assert_equal "apple \npear \norange \nbanana\n\nruby \npython \nerlang", gfm("apple\npear\norange\nbanana\n\nruby\npython\nerlang") end should "not convert newlines in lists" do assert_equal "# foo\n# bar", gfm("# foo\n# bar") assert_equal "* foo\n* bar", gfm("* foo\n* bar") end end end end