pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo geminstaller Invoking gem install for Selenium, version 1.1.14. Invoking gem install for actionmailer, version 2.1.0. Rubygems automatically installed dependency gem activesupport-2.1.0 Rubygems automatically installed dependency gem actionpack-2.1.0 [RubyGems:stderr] ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError) Errno::EPIPE: Broken pipe (http://gems.rubyforge.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/activerecord-2.2.2.gemspec.rz) Error: Could not find remote gem to install. Gem name = 'activerecord', Gem version = '2.1.0', install options = '--include-dependencies--no-rdoc' pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo gem install rails --version=2.1.0 Successfully installed rake-0.8.3 Successfully installed activerecord-2.1.0 Successfully installed activeresource-2.1.0 Successfully installed rails-2.1.0 4 gems installed Installing ri documentation for rake-0.8.3... Installing ri documentation for activerecord-2.1.0... Installing ri documentation for activeresource-2.1.0... Installing RDoc documentation for rake-0.8.3... Installing RDoc documentation for activerecord-2.1.0... Installing RDoc documentation for activeresource-2.1.0... pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo geminstaller Invoking gem install for capistrano, version 2.4.0. ^C RDoc failure in lib/net/ssh/transport/hmac/abstract.rb at or around line 41 column 35 Before reporting this, could you check that the file you're documenting compiles cleanly--RDoc is not a full Ruby parser, and gets confused easily if fed invalid programs. The internal error was: [RubyGems:stderr] ERROR: Interrupted Rubygems automatically installed dependency gem net-ssh-2.0.6 Rubygems automatically installed dependency gem net-sftp-2.0.1 Rubygems automatically installed dependency gem net-scp-1.0.1 Rubygems automatically installed dependency gem net-ssh-gateway-1.0.0 Rubygems automatically installed dependency gem highline-1.5.0 ^C[RubyGems:stderr] ERROR: Interrupted Error: Could not find remote gem to install. Gem name = 'capistrano-ext', Gem version = '1.2.0', install options = '--include-dependencies--no-rdoc' pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo geminstaller Invoking gem install for capistrano-ext, version 1.2.0. Invoking gem install for colored, version 1.1. Invoking gem install for desert, version 0.3.2. Invoking gem install for eycap, version 0.3.7. [RubyGems:stderr] ERROR: Error installing eycap: eycap requires hoe (>= 1.5.1, runtime) Error: Could not find remote gem to install. Gem name = 'fastercsv', Gem version = '1.4.0', install options = '--include-dependencies' pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo gem install hoe Successfully installed rubyforge-1.0.1 Successfully installed hoe-1.8.2 2 gems installed Installing ri documentation for rubyforge-1.0.1... Installing ri documentation for hoe-1.8.2... Installing RDoc documentation for rubyforge-1.0.1... Installing RDoc documentation for hoe-1.8.2... pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo gem install fastercsv Successfully installed fastercsv-1.4.0 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for fastercsv-1.4.0... Installing RDoc documentation for fastercsv-1.4.0... pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo geminstaller Invoking gem install for eycap, version 0.3.7. Error: Could not find remote gem to install. Gem name = 'gem_plugin', Gem version = '0.2.3', install options = '--include-dependencies' pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo gem install gem_plugin Successfully installed gem_plugin-0.2.3 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for gem_plugin-0.2.3... Installing RDoc documentation for gem_plugin-0.2.3... pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$ sudo geminstaller Invoking gem install for hpricot, version 0.6.164. Invoking gem install for json, version 1.1.3. No definition for cState_configure No definition for cState_configure [RubyGems:stderr] ERROR: While generating documentation for json-1.1.3 [RubyGems:stderr] ... MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=33, text="Collapse" [RubyGems:stderr] ... RDOC args: --ri --op /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/json-1.1.3/ri --title JSON -- A JSON implemention --main JSON --line-numbers --quiet ext/json/ext ext lib [RubyGems:stderr] (continuing with the rest of the installation) No definition for cState_configure No definition for cState_configure Invoking gem install for mime-types, version 1.15. [RubyGems:stderr] ERROR: While generating documentation for mime-types-1.15 [RubyGems:stderr] ... MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=33, text="The" [RubyGems:stderr] ... RDOC args: --ri --op /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/mime-types-1.15/ri --title MIME::Types --main README --line-numbers --quiet lib README ChangeLog Install [RubyGems:stderr] (continuing with the rest of the installation) Invoking gem install for mislav-will_paginate, version 2.3.5. [RubyGems:stderr] ERROR: While generating documentation for mislav-will_paginate-2.3.5 [RubyGems:stderr] ... MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=33, text="You" [RubyGems:stderr] ... RDOC args: --ri --op /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/mislav-will_paginate-2.3.5/ri --main README.rdoc --inline-source --charset=UTF-8 --quiet lib README.rdoc LICENSE CHANGELOG.rdoc [RubyGems:stderr] (continuing with the rest of the installation) Error: Could not find remote gem to install. Gem name = 'mocha', Gem version = '0.5.6', install options = '--include-dependencies' pivotal@mariposa ~/workspace/cookstr(svn::cookstr/trunk)$