package = "stringext" version = "0.2-1" source = { url = "" } description = { summary = "C extension for string.split, string.strip", detailed = [[ Implementation of string.split and string.strip in the lua c-api as borrowed from the wiki and book. This was implemented as a learning exercise. Additions are welcome if the library is kept simple. Usage is: > require "stringext" -- adds to string methods > astr = " asdf " > = astr:strip() asdf -- split() returns a table/array. > bstr = "aXbXc" > table.concat(bstr.split("X"), "|") a|b|c ]], homepage = "", license = "MIT/X11" } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1" } build = { type = "builtin", modules = { stringext = "stringext.c" } }