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Created October 22, 2011 16:40
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Save mvance/1306186 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A bash script to set up Quickstart as a continuous integration appliance.
# Follow the steps below to configure Quickstart as a continuous integration appliance, complete with Jenkins,
# Selenium Builder, Selenium Server, PHPUnit, and Selenium Zoetrope. The script also configures and runs an
# example Jenkins test job for Quickstart's site, including Simpletest module testing and
# Coder module checks.
# 1. Download Quickstart and follow the installation instructions:
# 2. Open a Terminal window (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and run the following command:
# $ wget -q -O - | bash
# 3. As the script runs, read and follow the directions that appear in the pop-up boxes.
# 4. When the script completes, Jenkins should open in Firefox. If not, enter the following URL in Firefox:
# http://localhost:8081
# 5. Add a variable (Manage Jenkins > Configure System > check Environment variables > click Add)
# name: DISPLAY
# value: :0.0
jenkins_check() {
while [ $rc -ne 0 ]; do
sleep 5
wget --spider http://localhost:8081 > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "###############################################"
echo "Removing mis-configured local proxy"
echo "###############################################"
# For more info:
sudo sed -i '/http_proxy.*/d' /etc/environment
unset http_proxy
echo "###############################################"
echo "Updating Firefox"
echo "###############################################"
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
sudo apt-get update
echo "y" | sudo apt-get install firefox
echo "###############################################"
echo "Installing Selenium Builder"
echo "###############################################"
wget -O /tmp/se-builder.xpi
firefox /tmp/se-builder.xpi &
sleep 12
zenity --info --text="Firefox will start.\n\n1) Please accept the installation of the Selenium Builder extension.\n2) Then restart Firefox." &
echo "###############################################"
echo "Installing Simpletest & tools to"
echo "###############################################"
cd /home/quickstart/websites/
drush dl -l simpletest
# Apply patch file required to run tests in Drupal 6
patch -p0 < sites/all/modules/simpletest/D6-core-simpletest.patch
drush -y -l en simpletest
# Use pre-patched script bundled with Pressflow
cd /home/quickstart/websites/
echo "###############################################"
echo "Installing Coder module on"
echo "###############################################"
cd /home/quickstart/websites/
# Use -dev version because of checkstyle additions
# For more info:
drush dl -l coder-6.x-2.x-dev
drush -y -l en coder
echo "###############################################"
echo "Installing Selenium Server"
echo "###############################################"
mkdir /home/quickstart/selenium-server-2.15.0/
wget -O /home/quickstart/selenium-server-2.15.0/selenium-server.jar
echo "###############################################"
echo "Installing Selenium Zoetrope dependencies"
echo "###############################################"
echo "y" | sudo apt-get install xvfb
echo "y" | sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo pear upgrade PEAR
sudo pear channel-update
sudo pear config-set auto_discover 1
sudo pear install
sudo pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium
echo "###############################################"
echo "Installing Selenium Zoetrope"
echo "###############################################"
# For more info:
cd /home/quickstart/
bzr branch lp:selenium-zoetrope
echo "###############################################"
echo "Running separate Jenkins installation script"
echo "###############################################"
# For more info:
cd /home/quickstart/
git clone git://
cp 1477667/ /home/quickstart/quickstart/contrib/
chmod 755 /home/quickstart/quickstart/contrib/
rm -rf 1477667/
echo "y" | . /home/quickstart/quickstart/contrib/
echo "###############################################"
echo "Installing Jenkins plugins"
echo "###############################################"
# Give Jenkins time to start up
# Manually run Updatecenter
# For more info:
wget -O default.js
sed '1d;$d' default.js > default.json
curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -d @default.json http://localhost:8081/updateCenter/byId/default/postBack --verbose
java -jar /var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8081 install-plugin xunit
java -jar /var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8081 install-plugin git
java -jar /var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8081 install-plugin checkstyle
echo "###############################################"
echo "Adding Jenkins job"
echo "###############################################"
cd /home/quickstart/jenkins/jobs/
git clone git://
# Restart so jobs get loaded
java -jar /var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8081 safe-restart
# Give Jenkins time to restart
wget http://localhost:8081/job/ex6devtest/buildWithParameters -o /dev/null
while [ ! -e /home/quickstart/jenkins/jobs/ex6devtest/workspace/test-results ]
printf "."
sleep 1
cd /home/quickstart/jenkins/jobs/ex6devtest/
# Jenkins wipes out the job's workspace directory when first run, so we need to recover the necessary subdirectories
git checkout -- workspace/selenium/.
echo "###############################################"
echo "Loading Jenkins interface in Firefox"
echo "###############################################"
firefox http://localhost:8081 &
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stisti commented Dec 9, 2011

There's no way this will work:

sed -e "/http_proxy.*/d" /etc/environment | sudo tee /etc/environment

When the shell creates a pipeline, it must start the processes from the right end of the pipeline. In this case, it would first run "tee /etc/environment", which truncates the file. Then the shell will run the sed command that reads from the truncated file. Of course, if sed starts up faster than tee can truncate the file, it might work, sometimes.

Consider using the -i option of sed to edit files in place.

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mvance commented Dec 9, 2011

@stisti Thanks for the tip! I've now updated the script.

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@mvance thanks very much for sharing this. This has been really useful and has saved me hours of strife!

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