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Last active April 20, 2021 20:31
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Save jewelsea/2030464 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sample ColorChooser for JavaFX
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.*;
import javafx.geometry.*;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.stage.StageStyle;
* Sample application for using the color chooser
public class ColorChooserSample extends Application {
public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
// initialize the stage.
stage.setTitle("Color Chooser");
// create a new color chooser sized to the stage.
final String[][] smallPalette = {
{"aliceblue", "#f0f8ff"}, {"antiquewhite", "#faebd7"}, {"aqua", "#00ffff"}, {"aquamarine", "#7fffd4"},
{"azure", "#f0ffff"}, {"beige", "#f5f5dc"}, {"bisque", "#ffe4c4"}, {"black", "#000000"},
{"blanchedalmond", "#ffebcd"}, {"blue", "#0000ff"}, {"blueviolet", "#8a2be2"}, {"brown", "#a52a2a"},
{"burlywood", "#deb887"}, {"cadetblue", "#5f9ea0"}, {"chartreuse", "#7fff00"}, {"chocolate", "#d2691e"},
{"coral", "#ff7f50"}, {"cornflowerblue", "#6495ed"}, {"cornsilk", "#fff8dc"}, {"crimson", "#dc143c"},
{"cyan", "#00ffff"}, {"darkblue", "#00008b"}, {"darkcyan", "#008b8b"}, {"darkgoldenrod", "#b8860b"},
// final ColorChooser colorChooser = new ColorChooser(smallPalette);
// to use the full web palette, just use the default constructor.
final ColorChooser colorChooser = new ColorChooser();
final Scene scene = new Scene(colorChooser, 600, 500);
// show the stage.
// monitor the color chooser's chosen color and respond to it.
colorChooser.chosenColorProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldColor, newColor) ->
System.out.println("Chose: " + colorChooser.getChosenColorName() + " " + colorChooser.getChosenColor())
public static void main(String[] args) {
* A Color Chooser Component - allows the user to select a color from a palette.
class ColorChooser extends VBox {
private final double GOLDEN_RATIO = 1.618;
private final double MIN_TILE_SIZE = 5;
private final double nColumns;
private final double nRows;
* The color the user has selected or the default initial color (the first color in the palette)
private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<Color> chosenColor = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<Color>();
public Color getChosenColor() {
return chosenColor.get();
public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Color> chosenColorProperty() {
return chosenColor.getReadOnlyProperty();
* Friendly name for the chosen color
private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<String> chosenColorName = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<String>();
public String getChosenColorName() {
return chosenColorName.get();
* Preferred size for a web palette tile
private DoubleProperty prefTileSize = new SimpleDoubleProperty(MIN_TILE_SIZE);
* A palette of colors from
private static final String[][] webPalette = {
{"aliceblue", "#f0f8ff"}, {"antiquewhite", "#faebd7"}, {"aqua", "#00ffff"}, {"aquamarine", "#7fffd4"},
{"azure", "#f0ffff"}, {"beige", "#f5f5dc"}, {"bisque", "#ffe4c4"}, {"black", "#000000"},
{"blanchedalmond", "#ffebcd"}, {"blue", "#0000ff"}, {"blueviolet", "#8a2be2"}, {"brown", "#a52a2a"},
{"burlywood", "#deb887"}, {"cadetblue", "#5f9ea0"}, {"chartreuse", "#7fff00"}, {"chocolate", "#d2691e"},
{"coral", "#ff7f50"}, {"cornflowerblue", "#6495ed"}, {"cornsilk", "#fff8dc"}, {"crimson", "#dc143c"},
{"cyan", "#00ffff"}, {"darkblue", "#00008b"}, {"darkcyan", "#008b8b"}, {"darkgoldenrod", "#b8860b"},
{"darkgray", "#a9a9a9"}, {"darkgreen", "#006400"}, {"darkgrey", "#a9a9a9"}, {"darkkhaki", "#bdb76b"},
{"darkmagenta", "#8b008b"}, {"darkolivegreen", "#556b2f"}, {"darkorange", "#ff8c00"}, {"darkorchid", "#9932cc"},
{"darkred", "#8b0000"}, {"darksalmon", "#e9967a"}, {"darkseagreen", "#8fbc8f"}, {"darkslateblue", "#483d8b"},
{"darkslategray", "#2f4f4f"}, {"darkslategrey", "#2f4f4f"}, {"darkturquoise", "#00ced1"}, {"darkviolet", "#9400d3"},
{"deeppink", "#ff1493"}, {"deepskyblue", "#00bfff"}, {"dimgray", "#696969"}, {"dimgrey", "#696969"},
{"dodgerblue", "#1e90ff"}, {"firebrick", "#b22222"}, {"floralwhite", "#fffaf0"}, {"forestgreen", "#228b22"},
{"fuchsia", "#ff00ff"}, {"gainsboro", "#dcdcdc"}, {"ghostwhite", "#f8f8ff"}, {"gold", "#ffd700"},
{"goldenrod", "#daa520"}, {"gray", "#808080"}, {"green", "#008000"}, {"greenyellow", "#adff2f"},
{"grey", "#808080"}, {"honeydew", "#f0fff0"}, {"hotpink", "#ff69b4"}, {"indianred", "#cd5c5c"},
{"indigo", "#4b0082"}, {"ivory", "#fffff0"}, {"khaki", "#f0e68c"}, {"lavender", "#e6e6fa"},
{"lavenderblush", "#fff0f5"}, {"lawngreen", "#7cfc00"}, {"lemonchiffon", "#fffacd"}, {"lightblue", "#add8e6"},
{"lightcoral", "#f08080"}, {"lightcyan", "#e0ffff"}, {"lightgoldenrodyellow", "#fafad2"}, {"lightgray", "#d3d3d3"},
{"lightgreen", "#90ee90"}, {"lightgrey", "#d3d3d3"}, {"lightpink", "#ffb6c1"}, {"lightsalmon", "#ffa07a"},
{"lightseagreen", "#20b2aa"}, {"lightskyblue", "#87cefa"}, {"lightslategray", "#778899"}, {"lightslategrey", "#778899"},
{"lightsteelblue", "#b0c4de"}, {"lightyellow", "#ffffe0"}, {"lime", "#00ff00"}, {"limegreen", "#32cd32"},
{"linen", "#faf0e6"}, {"magenta", "#ff00ff"}, {"maroon", "#800000"}, {"mediumaquamarine", "#66cdaa"},
{"mediumblue", "#0000cd"}, {"mediumorchid", "#ba55d3"}, {"mediumpurple", "#9370db"}, {"mediumseagreen", "#3cb371"},
{"mediumslateblue", "#7b68ee"}, {"mediumspringgreen", "#00fa9a"}, {"mediumturquoise", "#48d1cc"}, {"mediumvioletred", "#c71585"},
{"midnightblue", "#191970"}, {"mintcream", "#f5fffa"}, {"mistyrose", "#ffe4e1"}, {"moccasin", "#ffe4b5"},
{"navajowhite", "#ffdead"}, {"navy", "#000080"}, {"oldlace", "#fdf5e6"}, {"olive", "#808000"},
{"olivedrab", "#6b8e23"}, {"orange", "#ffa500"}, {"orangered", "#ff4500"}, {"orchid", "#da70d6"},
{"palegoldenrod", "#eee8aa"}, {"palegreen", "#98fb98"}, {"paleturquoise", "#afeeee"}, {"palevioletred", "#db7093"},
{"papayawhip", "#ffefd5"}, {"peachpuff", "#ffdab9"}, {"peru", "#cd853f"}, {"pink", "#ffc0cb"},
{"plum", "#dda0dd"}, {"powderblue", "#b0e0e6"}, {"purple", "#800080"}, {"red", "#ff0000"},
{"rosybrown", "#bc8f8f"}, {"royalblue", "#4169e1"}, {"saddlebrown", "#8b4513"}, {"salmon", "#fa8072"},
{"sandybrown", "#f4a460"}, {"seagreen", "#2e8b57"}, {"seashell", "#fff5ee"}, {"sienna", "#a0522d"},
{"silver", "#c0c0c0"}, {"skyblue", "#87ceeb"}, {"slateblue", "#6a5acd"}, {"slategray", "#708090"},
{"slategrey", "#708090"}, {"snow", "#fffafa"}, {"springgreen", "#00ff7f"}, {"steelblue", "#4682b4"},
{"tan", "#d2b48c"}, {"teal", "#008080"}, {"thistle", "#d8bfd8"}, {"tomato", "#ff6347"},
{"turquoise", "#40e0d0"}, {"violet", "#ee82ee"}, {"wheat", "#f5deb3"}, {"white", "#ffffff"},
{"whitesmoke", "#f5f5f5"}, {"yellow", "#ffff00"}, {"yellowgreen", "#9acd32"}
public ColorChooser() {
public ColorChooser(String[][] colors) {
// create a pane for showing info on the chosen color.
final HBox colorInfo = new HBox();
final Label selectedColorName = new Label();
HBox.setMargin(selectedColorName, new Insets(2, 0, 2, 10));
chosenColorName.addListener((observableValue, oldName, newName) -> {
if (newName != null) {
colorInfo.setStyle("-fx-background-color: " + newName + ";");
// create a color swatch.
final GridPane swatch = new GridPane();
// calculate the number of columns and rows based on the number of colors and a golden ratio for layout.
nColumns = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(colors.length) * 2 / GOLDEN_RATIO);
nRows = Math.ceil(colors.length / nColumns);
// create a bunch of button controls for color selection.
int i = 0;
for (String[] namedColor : colors) {
final String colorName = namedColor[0];
final String colorHex = namedColor[1];
// create a button for choosing a color.
final Button colorChoice = new Button();
// position the button in the grid.
GridPane.setRowIndex(colorChoice, i / (int) nColumns);
GridPane.setColumnIndex(colorChoice, i % (int) nColumns);
colorChoice.setMinSize(MIN_TILE_SIZE, MIN_TILE_SIZE);
colorChoice.setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
// add a mouseover tooltip to display more info on the colour being examined.
// todo it would be nice to be able to have the tooltip appear immediately on mouseover, but there is no easy way to do this, (file jira feature request?)
final Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(colorName);
tooltip.setStyle("-fx-font-size: 14");
final Rectangle graphic = new Rectangle(30, 30, Color.web(colorHex));
// color the button appropriately and change it's hover functionality (doing some of this in a css sheet would be better).
final String backgroundStyle = "-fx-background-color: " + colorHex + "; -fx-background-insets: 0; -fx-background-radius: 0;";
colorChoice.setOnMouseEntered(mouseEvent -> {
final String borderStyle = "-fx-border-color: ladder(" + colorHex + ", whitesmoke 49%, darkslategrey 50%); -fx-border-width: 2;";
colorChoice.setStyle(backgroundStyle + borderStyle);
colorChoice.setOnMouseExited(mouseEvent -> {
final String borderStyle = "-fx-border-width: 0; -fx-border-insets: 2;";
colorChoice.setStyle(backgroundStyle + borderStyle);
// choose the color when the button is clicked.
colorChoice.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
chosenColorName.set((String) colorChoice.getUserData());
// add the color choice to the swatch selection.
// select the first color in the chooser.
((Button) swatch.getChildren().get(0)).fire();
// layout the color picker.
getChildren().addAll(swatch, colorInfo);
VBox.setVgrow(swatch, Priority.ALWAYS);
setStyle("-fx-background-color: black; -fx-font-size: 16;");
swatch.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldBounds, newBounds) -> {
prefTileSize.set(Math.max(MIN_TILE_SIZE, Math.min(newBounds.getWidth() / nColumns, newBounds.getHeight() / nRows)));
for (Node child : swatch.getChildrenUnmodifiable()) {
Control tile = (Control) child;
final double margin = prefTileSize.get() / 10;
tile.setPrefSize(prefTileSize.get() - 2 * margin, prefTileSize.get() - 2 * margin);
GridPane.setMargin(child, new Insets(margin));
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