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Created August 31, 2012 13:01
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An implementation of a Pause monad from
I quite enjoyed this exercise. I tried to do it without looking at the answers,
and it was worth it. It took me considerable time, but the result is
surprisingly close to two of the other answers, as well as to
[monad-coroutine]( library.
So I guess this is somewhat natural solution to this problem. Without this
exercise, I wouldn't understand how _monad-coroutine_ really works.
To add some additional value, I'll explain the steps that eventually led me to
the solution.
**Recognizing the state monad**
Since we're dealing with states, it we look for patterns that can be
effectively described by the state monad. In particular, `s -> s` is isomorphic
to `s -> (s, ())`, so it could be replaced by `State s ()`. And function of
type `s -> x -> (s, y)` can be flipped to `x -> (s -> (s, y))`, which is
actually `x -> State s y`. This leads us to updated signatures
mutate :: State s () -> Pause s ()
step :: Pause s () -> State s (Maybe (Pause s ()))
Our `Pause` monad is currently parametrized by the state. However, now we see
that we don't really need the state for anything, nor we use any specifics of
the state monad. So we could try to make a more general solution that is
parametrized by any monad:
mutate :: (Monad m) => m () -> Pause m ()
yield :: (Monad m) => Pause m ()
step :: (Monad m) => Pause m () -> m (Maybe (Pause m ()))
Also, we could try to make `mutate` and `step` more general by allowing any
kind of value, not just `()`. And by realizing that `Maybe a` is isomorphic to
`Either a ()` we can finally generalize our signatures to
mutate :: (Monad m) => m a -> Pause m a
yield :: (Monad m) => Pause m ()
step :: (Monad m) => Pause m a -> m (Either (Pause m a) a)
so that `step` returns the intermediate value of the computation.
**Monad transformer**
Now, we see that we're actually trying to make a monad from a monad - add some
additional functionality. This is what is usually called a [monad
Moreover, `mutate`'s signature is exactly the same as
from `MonadTrans`. Most likely, we're on the right track.
**Finally the monad**
The `step` function seems to be the most important part of our monad, it
defines just what we need. Perhaps, this could be the new data structure? Let's
> import Control.Monad
> import Control.Monad.Cont
> import Control.Monad.State
> import Control.Monad.Trans
> data Pause m a
> = Pause { step :: m (Either (Pause m a) a) }
If the `Either` part is `Right`, it's just a monadic value, without any
suspensions. This leads us how to implement the easist thing - the `lift`
function from `MonadTrans`:
> instance MonadTrans Pause where
> lift k = Pause (liftM Right k)
and `mutate` is simply a specialization:
> mutate :: (Monad m) => m () -> Pause m ()
> mutate = lift
If the `Either` part is `Left`, it represents the continued computation after a
suspension. So let's create a function for that:
> suspend :: (Monad m) => Pause m a -> Pause m a
> suspend = Pause . return . Left
Now `yield`ing a computation is simple, we just suspend with an empty
> yield :: (Monad m) => Pause m ()
> yield = suspend (return ())
Still, we're missing the most important part. The `Monad` instance. Let's fix
it. Implementing `return` is simple, we just lift the inner monad. Implementing
`>>=` is a bit trickier. If the original `Pause` value was only a simple value
(`Right y`), then we just wrap `f y` as the result. If it is a paused
computation that can be continued (`Left p`), we recursively descend into it.
> instance (Monad m) => Monad (Pause m) where
> return x = lift (return x) -- Pause (return (Right x))
> (Pause s) >>= f
> = Pause $ s >>= \x -> case x of
> Right y -> step (f y)
> Left p -> return (Left (p >>= f))
Let's try to make some model function that uses and updates state, yielding
while inside the computation:
> test1 :: Int -> Pause (State Int) Int
> test1 y = do
> x <- lift get
> lift $ put (x * 2)
> yield
> return (y + x)
And a helper function that debugs the monad - prints its intermediate steps to
the console:
> debug :: Show s => s -> Pause (State s) a -> IO (s, a)
> debug s p = case runState (step p) s of
> (Left next, s') -> print s' >> debug s' next
> (Right r, s') -> return (s', r)
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> debug 1000 (test1 1 >>= test1 >>= test1) >>= print
The result is
as expected.
**Coroutines and _monad-coroutine_**
What we have implemented is a quite general monadic solution that implements
[Coroutines]( Perhaps not
surprisingly, someone had the idea before :-), and created the
[monad-coroutine]( package.
Less surprisingly, it's quite similar to what we created.
The package generalizes the idea even further. The continuing computation is
stored inside an arbitrary functor. This allows
(for example) to pass a return a value to the caller of
(we call this function `step`).
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