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Save agentgt/3669307 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JOOQ Spring Transaction support.
package com.snaphop.jooq;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.jooq.ExecuteContext;
import org.jooq.impl.DefaultExecuteListener;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils;
public class SpringExceptionTranslationExecuteListener extends DefaultExecuteListener {
public void start(ExecuteContext ctx) {
DataSource dataSource = ctx.getDataSource();
Connection c = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSource);
public void exception(ExecuteContext ctx) {
SQLException ex = ctx.sqlException();
Statement stmt = ctx.statement();
Connection con = ctx.getConnection();
DataSource dataSource = ctx.getDataSource();
// This note and code below comes from
// org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute(StatementCallback<T>)
// Release Connection early, to avoid potential connection pool deadlock
// in the case when the exception translator hasn't been initialized yet.
stmt = null;
DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, dataSource);
con = null;
ctx.exception(getExceptionTranslator(dataSource).translate("jOOQ", ctx.sql(), ex));
* Return the exception translator for this instance.
* <p>Creates a default {@link SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator}
* for the specified DataSource if none set, or a
* {@link SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator} in case of no DataSource.
* @see #getDataSource()
public synchronized SQLExceptionTranslator getExceptionTranslator(DataSource dataSource) {
//This method probably does not need to be synchronized but in Spring it was
//because of a mutable field on the JdbcTemplate.
//Also I have no idea how expensive it is to create a translator as one will
//get created on every exception.
final SQLExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator;
if (dataSource != null) {
exceptionTranslator = new SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator(dataSource);
else {
exceptionTranslator = new SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator();
return exceptionTranslator;
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@agentgt: I'm looking at your implementation here in the context of jOOQ/jOOQ#3787.

I'm not so sure if I understand this correctly given that some of the API doesn't even exist (e.g. ctx.getDataSource() or ctx.setConnection()).

On the other hand, I don't think that this implementation of JdbcTemplate is sensible. It smells extremely fishy in my opinion and violates a couple of basic assumptions about JDBC contracts. I suspect that this just displays a flaw in Spring in general.

For instance: What if you want to fetch warnings from the statement? What if you want to execute the statement again?

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