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Created April 5, 2011 13:35
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// Build the https based part & read the key and crt file that is required to encrypte the server / client connection
var ssl = https.createServer({
key: fs.readFileSync( "./ssl/ssl.private.key" ).toString()
, cert: fs.readFileSync( "./ssl/ssl.crt" ).toString()
// This is the part what it's all about, we are going to route all
// https based requires to the default app handler
ssl.addListener( "request", function sllRequestListener( req, res ){
req.ssl = true; // just add an extra flag so we can see if it was forwarded from https
app.emit( "request", req, res ); // app is my express instance
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I cannot get this to work. It reports Can't set headers after they are sent and node dies:

    throw new Error("Can't set headers after they are sent.");
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
    at ServerResponse.<anonymous> (http.js:536:11)
    at ServerResponse.setHeader (/root/ssl/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/patch.js:62:20)
    at next (/root/ssl/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/http.js:171:13)
    at HTTPServer.handle (/root/ssl/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/http.js:217:3)
    at HTTPServer.emit (events.js:70:17)
    at HTTPSServer.<anonymous> (/root/ssl/ssl4.js:33:7)
    at HTTPSServer.emit (events.js:88:20)
    at HTTPParser.onIncoming (http.js:1610:12)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete [as onHeadersComplete] (http.js:91:29)
    at CleartextStream.ondata (http.js:1506:22)

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3rd-Eden commented Jun 5, 2012

Looks to me that you are trying to handle a request hat is already handled.

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Here's my complete code:

var sys = require('util'),
express = require('express'),
fs = require('fs'),
connect = require('connect')
var pkey = fs.readFileSync('oated.key').toString();
var cert = fs.readFileSync('').toString();
var dad1 = fs.readFileSync('gd_bundle1.crt').toString();
var dad2 = fs.readFileSync('gd_bundle2.crt').toString();
var apps = express.createServer({key: pkey, cert: cert, ca: [dad1,dad2]});
var app = express.createServer();

app.configure(function () {

app.get('/', function(req, res){
if (req.ssl)
res.end('Hello HTTPS');
res.end('Hello HTTP');

apps.addListener( "request", function sslRequestListener( req, res ){
req.ssl = true; // just add an extra flag so we can see if it was forwarded from https
app.emit( "request", req, res ); // app is my express instance

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