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Created May 25, 2012 18:40
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VLSI signal coupling analysis with odeint
// Test of odeint using intersignal coupling
// Jeff Trull <> 2012-05-16
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
using namespace boost::numeric;
typedef vector<double> state_type;
struct signal_coupling {
double agg_r1_, agg_c1_; // aggressor first stage pi model (prior to coupling point)
double agg_r2_, agg_c2_; // aggressor second stage pi model (after coupling point)
double agg_cl_; // aggressor final load cap
double agg_slew_; // aggressor slew rate (V/s)
double agg_imp_; // aggressor driver impedance (placed after voltage source)
double agg_start_; // aggressor driver start time (the *center* of the ramp!)
double vic_r1_, vic_c1_; // victim first stage pi model (prior to coupling point)
double vic_r2_, vic_c2_; // victim second stage pi model (after coupling point)
double vic_cl_; // victim final load cap
double vic_slew_; // victim input slew rate (V/s)
double vic_imp_; // victim driver impedance
double vic_start_; // victim driver start time
double coup_c_; // coupling capacitance placed at central point
double v_; // power supply (and thus max) voltage
signal_coupling(double agg_r1, double agg_c1, double agg_r2, double agg_c2,
double agg_cl, double agg_slew, double agg_imp, double agg_start,
double vic_r1, double vic_c1, double vic_r2, double vic_c2,
double vic_cl, double vic_slew, double vic_imp, double vic_start,
double coup_c, double v) :
agg_r1_(agg_r1), agg_c1_(agg_c1), agg_r2_(agg_r2), agg_c2_(agg_c2),
agg_cl_(agg_cl), agg_slew_(agg_slew), agg_imp_(agg_imp), agg_start_(agg_start),
vic_r1_(vic_r1), vic_c1_(vic_c1), vic_r2_(vic_r2), vic_c2_(vic_c2),
vic_cl_(vic_cl), vic_slew_(vic_slew), vic_imp_(vic_imp), vic_start_(vic_start),
coup_c_(coup_c), v_(v) {}
void operator() (const state_type x, state_type& dxdt, double t) {
// state mapping (all voltages):
// 0 - aggressor voltage source
dxdt[0] = 0.0;
// slew of 0.0 means constant
if (agg_slew_ != 0.0) {
// find the "real" ramp starting point, since we use the center of the swing
double real_start = agg_start_ - ( ( v_ / fabs(agg_slew_) ) / 2.0 );
if ((t >= real_start) &&
(((agg_slew_ > 0.0) && (x[0] < v_)) ||
((agg_slew_ < 0.0) && (x[0] > 0.0)))) {
// we are past the starting point but haven't reached our final voltage
dxdt[0] = agg_slew_;
// 1 - aggressor driver output (past the impedance model resistor)
double cdrv_agg = agg_c1_ / 2.0;
dxdt[1] = ( ( (x[0] - x[1]) / agg_imp_ ) - // KCL for capacitor current
( (x[1] - x[2]) / agg_r1_ ) ) / cdrv_agg; // divided by capacitance
// 2 - aggressor coupling node - tricky because the currents on the coupled nodes
// are interrelated. Fortunately we have two equations (KCL) in two unknowns
// (dV/dt of each side) and we can solve for each dV/dt
// net resistor current into node (all other currents depend on dvdt)
double ires_agg = ( (x[1] - x[2]) / agg_r1_ ) - ( (x[2] - x[3]) / agg_r2_);
// we need the victim one too
double ires_vic = ( (x[5] - x[6]) / vic_r1_ ) - ( (x[6] - x[7]) / vic_r2_);
// ground-lumped (non-coupling) capacitive load
double clmp_agg = ( agg_c1_ + agg_c2_ ) / 2.0;
double clmp_vic = ( vic_c1_ + vic_c2_ ) / 2.0;
// coupling ratios (relates lumped and coupling)
double coupr_agg = (clmp_agg + coup_c_) / clmp_agg;
double coupr_vic = (clmp_vic + coup_c_) / clmp_vic;
// now the equation for dVa/dt - manually derived
dxdt[2] = ( ( coupr_vic * (ires_vic + ires_agg) - ires_vic ) /
( coupr_vic * clmp_agg + coup_c_ ) );
// 3 - aggressor receiver node
dxdt[3] = ( ( ( x[2] - x[3] ) / agg_r2_ ) / // current into receiver
( (agg_c2_ / 2.0) + agg_cl_) ); // load at receiver
// 4 - victim driving node
dxdt[4] = 0.0;
// slew of 0.0 means constant
if (vic_slew_ != 0.0) {
// find the "real" ramp starting point, since we use the center of the swing
double real_start = vic_start_ - ( ( v_ / fabs(vic_slew_) ) / 2.0 );
if ((t >= real_start) &&
(((vic_slew_ > 0.0) && (x[0] < v_)) ||
((vic_slew_ < 0.0) && (x[0] > 0.0)))) {
// we are past the starting point but haven't reached our final voltage
dxdt[4] = vic_slew_;
double real_vic_start = vic_start_ - ( ( v_ / fabs(vic_slew_) ) / 2.0 );
dxdt[4] = 0.0;
if (t >= real_vic_start) {
if (((vic_slew_ > 0.0) && (x[4] < v_)) ||
((vic_slew_ < 0.0) && (x[4] > 0.0))) {
dxdt[4] = vic_slew_;
// 5 - victim driver output
double cdrv_vic = vic_c1_ / 2.0;
dxdt[5] = ( ( (x[4] - x[5]) / vic_imp_ ) - // KCL for capacitor current
( (x[5] - x[6]) / vic_r1_ ) ) / cdrv_vic; // divided by capacitance
// 6 - victim coupling node
dxdt[6] = ( ( coupr_agg * (ires_agg + ires_vic) - ires_agg ) /
( coupr_agg * clmp_vic + coup_c_ ) );
// 7 - victim receiver node
dxdt[7] = ( ( ( x[6] - x[7] ) / vic_r2_ ) / // current into receiver
( (vic_c2_ / 2.0) + vic_cl_) ); // load at receiver
// observer to record times and state values
struct push_back_state_and_time
vector< state_type >& m_states;
vector< double >& m_times;
push_back_state_and_time( vector< state_type > &states , vector< double > &times )
: m_states( states ) , m_times( times ) { }
void operator()( const state_type &x , double t )
m_states.push_back( x );
m_times.push_back( t );
// some measurement routines
double max_voltage(const vector<state_type>& history, size_t idx) {
return (*max_element(history.begin(), history.end(),
[idx](state_type helt1, state_type helt2) {
return helt1[idx] < helt2[idx]; }))[idx];
enum SignalPairDirections { RiseRise, FallFall, RiseFall, FallRise };
// measure delay between two signals
double delay(const vector<double>& times,
const vector<state_type>& history,
double measurement_point,
size_t start_idx,
size_t stop_idx,
SignalPairDirections dirs) {
// locate the first point at which the first (reference) signal passes the requested voltage
// BOZO this would be a good place to do some error checking
auto start_point = find_if(history.begin(), history.end(),
[start_idx, dirs, measurement_point](state_type helt) {
if ((dirs == RiseRise) || (dirs == RiseFall))
return helt[start_idx] >= measurement_point;
return helt[start_idx] <= measurement_point;
double start_time = times[distance(history.begin(), start_point)];
auto stop_point = find_if(history.begin(), history.end(),
[stop_idx, dirs, measurement_point](state_type helt) {
if ((dirs == RiseRise) || (dirs == RiseFall))
return helt[stop_idx] >= measurement_point;
return helt[stop_idx] <= measurement_point;
double stop_time = times[distance(history.begin(), stop_point)];
return stop_time - start_time;
int main() {
// pick some seemingly sensible values
double v = 1.0;
double slew = v / 200e-12; // 200ps rise/fall times
double drvr_r = 100;
double pi_r = 1000; // resistance per segment
double pi_c = 100e-15; // 100fF
double coupling_c = 100e-15;
double rcvr_c = 20e-15;
double drvr_start = 100e-12;
signal_coupling ckt(pi_r, pi_c, pi_r, pi_c, rcvr_c, slew, drvr_r, drvr_start,
pi_r, pi_c, pi_r, pi_c, rcvr_c, 0.0, drvr_r, drvr_start, // quiescent victim
coupling_c, v);
// initial state: all low
state_type x({0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
vector<state_type> state_history;
vector<double> times;
size_t steps = odeint::integrate( ckt, x, 0.0, 1000e-12, 1e-12,
push_back_state_and_time( state_history, times ) );
for (size_t i = 0; i < times.size(); ++i) {
// format for gnuplot. look at driver waveform, victim coupling node, and victim receiver node
cout << times[i] << " " << state_history[i][0] << " " << state_history[i][6] << " " << state_history[i][7] << endl;
// find the highest voltage on the victim (which is supposed to be low)
cerr << "max victim excursion is: " << max_voltage(state_history, 7) << endl;
cerr << "driver delay is: " << delay(times, state_history, v/2.0, 1, 3, RiseRise) << endl;
return 0;
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