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Created August 23, 2019 18:55
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Test if a IP address is part of the Office 365 endpoints
param (
# IP Address to check against Office 365 Range
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
Position = 0)]
# Port to check
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
Position = 1)]
Begin {
#region Functions
# Please note i took inspiration form
# The function will check ip to ip, ip to subnet, subnet to ip or subnet to subnet belong to each other and return true or false and the direction of the check
function checkSubnet ([string]$addr1, [string]$addr2) {
# Separate the network address and lenght
$network1, [int]$subnetlen1 = $addr1.Split('/')
$network2, [int]$subnetlen2 = $addr2.Split('/')
#Convert network address to binary
[uint32] $unetwork1 = NetworkToBinary $network1
[uint32] $unetwork2 = NetworkToBinary $network2
#Check if subnet length exists and is less then 32(/32 is host, single ip so no calculation needed) if so convert to binary
if ($subnetlen1 -lt 32) {
[uint32] $mask1 = SubToBinary $subnetlen1
if ($subnetlen2 -lt 32) {
[uint32] $mask2 = SubToBinary $subnetlen2
#Compare the results
if ($mask1 -and $mask2) {
# If both inputs are subnets check which is smaller and check if it belongs in the larger one
if ($mask1 -lt $mask2) {
return CheckSubnetToNetwork $unetwork1 $mask1 $unetwork2
} else {
return CheckNetworkToSubnet $unetwork2 $mask2 $unetwork1
} ElseIf ($mask1) {
# If second input is address and first input is subnet check if it belongs
return CheckSubnetToNetwork $unetwork1 $mask1 $unetwork2
} ElseIf ($mask2) {
# If first input is address and second input is subnet check if it belongs
return CheckNetworkToSubnet $unetwork2 $mask2 $unetwork1
} Else {
# If both inputs are ip check if they match
CheckNetworkToNetwork $unetwork1 $unetwork2
function CheckNetworkToSubnet ([uint32]$un2, [uint32]$ma2, [uint32]$un1) {
$ReturnArray = "" | Select-Object -Property Condition, Direction
if ($un2 -eq ($ma2 -band $un1)) {
$ReturnArray.Condition = $True
$ReturnArray.Direction = "Addr1ToAddr2"
return $ReturnArray
} else {
$ReturnArray.Condition = $False
$ReturnArray.Direction = "Addr1ToAddr2"
return $ReturnArray
function CheckSubnetToNetwork ([uint32]$un1, [uint32]$ma1, [uint32]$un2) {
$ReturnArray = "" | Select-Object -Property Condition, Direction
if ($un1 -eq ($ma1 -band $un2)) {
$ReturnArray.Condition = $True
$ReturnArray.Direction = "Addr2ToAddr1"
return $ReturnArray
} else {
$ReturnArray.Condition = $False
$ReturnArray.Direction = "Addr2ToAddr1"
return $ReturnArray
function CheckNetworkToNetwork ([uint32]$un1, [uint32]$un2) {
$ReturnArray = "" | Select-Object -Property Condition, Direction
if ($un1 -eq $un2) {
$ReturnArray.Condition = $True
$ReturnArray.Direction = "Addr1ToAddr2"
return $ReturnArray
} else {
$ReturnArray.Condition = $False
$ReturnArray.Direction = "Addr1ToAddr2"
return $ReturnArray
function SubToBinary ([int]$sub) {
return ((-bnot [uint32]0) -shl (32 - $sub))
function NetworkToBinary ($network) {
$a = [uint32[]]$network.split('.')
return ($a[0] -shl 24) + ($a[1] -shl 16) + ($a[2] -shl 8) + $a[3]
# Generate GUID to query
$GUID = [guid]::NewGuid()
# Retreive
$Office365IPRanges = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$GUID&NoIPv6"
$IPAddressInSubnet = $false
$AllIPAddresses = $Office365IPRanges.ips | Select-Object -Unique
Process {
foreach ($Subnet in $AllIPAddresses) {
if ( (checkSubnet $IPAddress $Subnet).Condition ) {
Write-Verbose "$IPAddress is part of $Subnet"
$IPAddressInSubnet = $true
if ($IPAddressInSubnet) {
$MatchingServices = $Office365IPRanges | Where-Object { $Subnet -in $_.ips } | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Subnet" -NotePropertyValue $Subnet -PassThru | Select-Object serviceAreaDisplayName, category, subnet, tcpPorts, required, @{e={"$IPAddress"};n="IPAddress"}
if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Port')) {
$MatchingServices = $MatchingServices | Where-Object { $_.tcpPorts -match $port -or $_.udpPorts -match $port }
# Output result
if ($MatchingServices) {
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Did not find $IPAddress"
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