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Last active April 13, 2017 17:13
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Simple XQuery recipe to get the counts of a thing
xquery version "3.0";
declare default element namespace "";
declare namespace tei="";
declare namespace wwp="";
declare namespace output="";
declare option output:method "text";
(: Change $sortByCount to false() in order to sort by result value. :)
declare variable $sortByCount := true();
(: Change $sortWithArticles to true() in order to sort results with any
leading articles. This will not affect your results, just the order in
which they display. :)
declare variable $sortWithArticles := false();
(: Create variables referencing the files or folders you wish to query. :)
(: To get one file: doc('FILEPATH/FILENAME') :)
(: To get one directory: collection('FILEPATH/?select=*.xml') :)
(: To get more than one: ( DOC | DOC | DIR ) :)
declare variable $DESCRIPTIVE_NAME := collection('file:///Users/ashleyclark/WWP/dev/reception/on_deck/?select=*.xml');
(: Change this to your XPath query. (Or your XQuery!) :)
(: For example: $VARIABLE/XPATH :)
declare variable $query := $DESCRIPTIVE_NAME//text//title;
(: ...documentation coming soon... :)
(: HEY! LISTEN: The code below powers your report-making robot. For most
queries, you won't need to change anything after this point. :)
(: This function strips out leading articles from a string value for sorting.
It also lower-cases the string, since capital letters will have an effect on
sort order. :)
declare function local:get-sortable-string($str as xs:string) {
replace(lower-case(normalize-space($str)), '^(the|an|a|la|le|el|lo|las|los) ','')
let $distinctValues := distinct-values($query)
let $listOfCounts := for $value in $distinctValues
let $count := count($query[. eq $value])
let $sortVal := if ( not($sortWithArticles) and $value castable as xs:string ) then
else $value
order by
if ( $sortByCount ) then () else $sortVal,
$count descending,
(: Tab-delimited data within rows. :)
concat($count, '	', $value)
(: Separate each row with a newline. :)
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