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wanglichao 0532

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0532 /
Last active December 30, 2023 09:02
#author: 0532
#date: 2016-06-16
base_dir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")";pwd)
0532 / 1.html
Created April 14, 2015 03:54
github button 'star' 'fork' 'fellow' and 'fork me on github'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gh-fork-ribbon.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
.right .github-fork-ribbon {
background-color: #333;
0532 / convert.js
Created April 10, 2015 04:00
You can use this to convert a DOM element or a HTML string to markdown.
You can use this to convert a DOM element or a HTML string to markdown.
Usage examples:
var markdown = toMarkdown(document.getElementById("content"));
// With jQuery you can easily convert HTML strings
var markdown = toMarkdown($("<ul><li>Hi!</li></ul>")[0]);
0532 / git.alias
Last active November 18, 2021 12:48
git 命令常用别名,配置在.gitconfig文件下
s = status
st = status
sb = status -s -b
d = diff
di = diff
dc = diff --cached
dk = diff --check
dck = diff --cached --check
0532 /
Last active October 20, 2021 11:41
0532 / quicksort
Created October 10, 2014 02:50
Javascript recursive quicksort
function quickSort(A) {
var smaller = []; var larger = [];
if (A.length <= 1)
return A;
for (var i = 1; i < A.length; i++) {
if (A[i] < A[0])
if (A[i] >= A[0])
0532 / channel_v3.json
Created March 26, 2019 01:23
解决sublime text 3使用Install Package时出现There are no packages available for installation问题
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
{"schema_version": "3.0.0", "repositories": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
* 线程池管理
0532 /
Created January 9, 2019 03:32
feign请求copy 请求头,使用方法@FeignClient(url = "${feign.url.internal.securityService}", name = "deviceFingerPrintFeign" , configuration = FingerPrintFeignconfig.class)
public class FingerPrintFeignconfig implements RequestInterceptor {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
ServletRequestAttributes attributes = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder
HttpServletRequest request = attributes.getRequest();
Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
0532 /
Created December 21, 2018 04:35
显示当期服务器占用线程数 sh -p PID
# @Function
# Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java, and print the stack of these threads.
# @Usage
# $ ./show-busy-java-threads
# @online-doc
# @author Jerry Lee (oldratlee at gmail dot com)
# @author superhj1987 (superhj1987 at 126 dot com)