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Last active February 12, 2020 13:58
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Aspose.3D for Java
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Each cube node has their own translation
Node cube1 = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("cube1", mesh);
// Find translation property on node's transform object
Property translation = cube1.getTransform().findProperty("Translation");
// Create a curve mapping based on translation property
CurveMapping mapping = new CurveMapping(scene, translation);
// Create the animation curve on X component of the scale
Curve curve;
mapping.bindCurve("X", curve = new Curve());
// Move node's translation to (10, 0, 10) at 0 sec using bezier interpolation
curve.add(0, 10.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
curve.add(0, 10.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
// Move node's translation to (20, 0, -10) at 3 sec
curve.add(3, 20.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
// Move node's translation to (30, 0, 0) at 5 sec
curve.add(5, 30.0f, Interpolation.LINEAR);
// Create the animation curve on Z component of the scale
mapping.bindCurve("Z", curve = new Curve());
// Move node's translation to (10, 0, 10) at 0 sec using bezier interpolation
curve.add(0, 10.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
// Move node's translation to (20, 0, -10) at 3 sec
curve.add(3, -10.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
// Move node's translation to (30, 0, 0) at 5 sec
curve.add(5, 0.0f, Interpolation.LINEAR);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("PropertyToDocument.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Get a child node object
Node cameraNode = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("camera", new Camera());
// Set camera node translation
cameraNode.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(100, 20, 0));
MyDir = MyDir + "camera-test.3ds";, FileFormat.DISCREET3DS);
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize cube node object
Node cubeNode = new Node("cube");
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Point node to the mesh
// Add cube to the scene
// Initiallize PhongMaterial object
PhongMaterial mat = new PhongMaterial();
// Initiallize Texture object
Texture diffuse = new Texture();
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Set local file path
diffuse.setFileName(MyDir + "");
// Set Texture of the material
mat.setTexture(Material.MAP_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
// Embed raw content data to FBX (only for FBX and optional)
// Set file name
// Set binary content
diffuse.setContent(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(MyDir, "aspose-logo.jpg")));
// Set color
mat.setSpecularColor(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
// Set brightness
// Set material property of the cube object
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("MaterialToCube.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Get a child node object
Node top = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
// Each cube node has their own translation
Node cube1 = top.createChildNode("cube1");
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Point node to the mesh
// Set first cube translation
cube1.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(-10, 0, 0));
Node cube2 = top.createChildNode("cube2");
// Point node to the mesh
// Set second cube translation
cube2.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(10, 0, 0));
// The rotated top node will affect all child nodes
top.getTransform().setRotation(Quaternion.fromEulerAngle(Math.PI, 4, 0));
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("NodeHierarchy.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize Node class object
Node cubeNode = new Node("cube");
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Point node to the Mesh geometry
// Euler angles
cubeNode.getTransform().setEulerAngles(new Vector3(0.3, 0.1, -0.5));
// Set translation
cubeNode.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(0, 0, 20));
// Add cube to the scene
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("TransformationToNode.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize Node class object
Node cubeNode = new Node("cube");
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Point node to the Mesh geometry
// Set rotation
cubeNode.getTransform().setRotation(Quaternion.fromRotation(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(0.3, 0.5, 0.1)));
// Set translation
cubeNode.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(0, 0, 20));
// Add cube to the scene
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("TransformationToNode.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize Node class object
Node cubeNode = new Node("cube");
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Point node to the Mesh geometry
// Set custom translation matrix
cubeNode.getTransform().setTransformMatrix(new Matrix4(
1, -0.3, 0, 0,
0.4, 1, 0.3, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 20, 0, 1
// Add cube to the scene
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("TransformationToNode.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// initialize a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// initialize PBR material object
PbrMaterial mat = new PbrMaterial();
// an almost metal material
// material surface is very rough
// create a box to which the material will be applied
Node boxNode = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("box", new Box());
// save 3d scene into STL format + "PBR_Material_Box_Out.stl", FileFormat.STLASCII);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
Scene scene = new Scene();
Quaternion q1 = Quaternion.fromEulerAngle(Math.PI * 0.5, 0, 0);
Vector3.X_AXIS.x = 3;
Quaternion q2 = Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(-Math.PI * 0.5, Vector3.X_AXIS);
// Concatenate q1 and q2. q1 and q2 rotate alone x-axis with same angle but different direction,
// So the concatenated result will be identity quaternion.
Quaternion q3 = q1.concat(q2);
// Create 3 cylinders to represent each quaternion
Node cylinder = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("cylinder-q1", new Cylinder(0.1, 1, 2));
cylinder.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(-5, 2, 0));
cylinder = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("cylinder-q2", new Cylinder(0.1, 1, 2));
cylinder.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(0, 2, 0));
cylinder = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("cylinder-q3", new Cylinder(0.1, 1, 2));
cylinder.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 2, 0));
MyDir = MyDir + "test_out.fbx";
// Save to file, FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize Node class object
Node cubeNode = new Node("cube");
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Point node to the Mesh geometry
// Add Node to a scene
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("CubeScene.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
List<Vector4> controlPoints = defineControlPoints();
// Initialize mesh object
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
// Add control points to the mesh
// Create polygons to mesh
// Front face (Z+)
mesh.createPolygon(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 });
// Right side (X+)
mesh.createPolygon(new int[] { 1, 5, 6, 2 });
// Back face (Z-)
mesh.createPolygon(new int[] { 5, 4, 7, 6 });
// Left side (X-)
mesh.createPolygon(new int[] { 4, 0, 3, 7 });
// Bottom face (Y-)
mesh.createPolygon(new int[] { 0, 4, 5, 1 });
// Top face (Y+)
mesh.createPolygon(new int[] { 3, 2, 6, 7 });
List<Vector4> controlPoints = defineControlPoints();
// Initialize mesh object
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
// Add control points to the mesh
// Indices of the vertices per each polygon
int[] indices = new int[]
0,1,2,3, // Front face (Z+)
1,5,6,2, // Right side (X+)
5,4,7,6, // Back face (Z-)
4,0,3,7, // Left side (X-)
0,4,5,1, // Bottom face (Y-)
3,2,6,7 // Top face (Y+)
int vertexId = 0;
PolygonBuilder builder = new PolygonBuilder(mesh);
for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++)
// Start defining a new polygon
for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++)
// The indice of vertice per each polygon
// Finished one polygon
// Initialize control points
Vector4List controlPoints = new Vector4List(8);
controlPoints.add(new Vector4( -5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0));
controlPoints.add(new Vector4( 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0));
controlPoints.add(new Vector4( 5.0, 10.0, 5.0, 1.0));
controlPoints.add(new Vector4( -5.0, 10.0, 5.0, 1.0));
controlPoints.add(new Vector4( -5.0, 0.0, -5.0, 1.0));
controlPoints.add(new Vector4( 5.0, 0.0, -5.0, 1.0));
controlPoints.add(new Vector4( 5.0, 10.0, -5.0, 1.0));
controlPoints.add(new Vector4( -5.0, 10.0, -5.0, 1.0));
// Raw normal data
Vector4[] normals = new Vector4[]
new Vector4(-0.577350258,-0.577350258, 0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.577350258,-0.577350258, 0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.577350258, 0.577350258, 0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4(-0.577350258, 0.577350258, 0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4(-0.577350258,-0.577350258,-0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.577350258,-0.577350258,-0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.577350258, 0.577350258,-0.577350258, 1.0),
new Vector4(-0.577350258, 0.577350258,-0.577350258, 1.0)
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
VertexElementNormal elementNormal = (VertexElementNormal)mesh.createElement(VertexElementType.NORMAL, MappingMode.CONTROL_POINT, ReferenceMode.DIRECT);
// Copy the data to the vertex element
// UVs
Vector4[] uvs = new Vector4[]
new Vector4( 0.0, 1.0,0.0, 1.0),
new Vector4( 1.0, 0.0,0.0, 1.0),
new Vector4( 0.0, 0.0,0.0, 1.0),
new Vector4( 1.0, 1.0,0.0, 1.0)
// Indices of the uvs per each polygon
int[] uvsId = new int[]
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Create UVset
VertexElementUV elementUV = mesh.createElementUV(TextureMapping.DIFFUSE, MappingMode.POLYGON_VERTEX, ReferenceMode.INDEX_TO_DIRECT);
// Copy the data to the UV vertex element
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Define color vectors
Vector3[] colors = new Vector3[] {
new Vector3(1, 0, 0),
new Vector3(0, 1, 0),
new Vector3(0, 0, 1)
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
int idx = 0;
for(Vector3 color : colors)
// Initialize cube node object
Node cube = new Node("cube");
LambertMaterial mat = new LambertMaterial();
// Set color
// Set material
// Set translation
cube.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(idx++ * 20, 0, 0));
// Add cube node
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("MeshGeometryData.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene(); + "document.fbx");
scene.getRootNode().accept(new NodeVisitor() {
public boolean call(Node node) {
Mesh mesh = (Mesh)node.getEntity();
if (mesh != null)
// Triangulate the mesh
Mesh newMesh = PolygonModifier.triangulate(mesh);
// Replace the old mesh
return true;
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("document.fbx");, FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
License license = new License();
License license = new License();
try(FileInputStream myStream = new FileInputStream("Aspose._3D.lic")) {
License lic = new License();
// Initialize a Metered license class object
Metered metered = new Metered();
// Set public and private keys
metered.setMeteredKey("your-public-key", "your-private-key");
License license = new License();
if (License.isLicenseSet()) {
System.out.println("License is Set!");
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
ColladaSaveOptions saveColladaopts = new ColladaSaveOptions();
// Generates indented XML document
// The style of node transformation
// Configure the lookup paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + "document.fbx";
// Create an object of the Scene class
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Save 3D scene document, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// the path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// detect format of 3D file
FileFormat inputFormat = FileFormat.detect(MyDir + "document.fbx");
// display the file format
System.out.println("File Format: " + inputFormat.toString());
// The code example uses the DummyFileSystem, so the material files are not created.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize Scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a child node
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("sphere", new Sphere()).setMaterial(new PhongMaterial());
// Set saving options
ObjSaveOptions opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
opt.setFileSystem(new DummyFileSystem());
// Save 3D scene + "DiscardSavingMaterial_out.obj", opt);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
Discreet3DSLoadOptions loadOpts = new Discreet3DSLoadOptions();
// Sets wheather to use the transformation defined in the first frame of animation track.
// Flip the coordinate system
// Prefer to use gamma-corrected color if a 3ds file provides both original color and gamma-corrected color.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize an object
Discreet3DSSaveOptions saveOpts = new Discreet3DSSaveOptions();
// The start base for generating new name for duplicated names.
// The format of the duplicated counter.
// The separator between object's name and the duplicated counter.
// Allows to export cameras
// Allows to export light
// Flip the coordinate system
// Prefer to use gamma-corrected color if a 3ds file provides both original color and gamma-corrected color.
// Use high-precise color which each color channel will use 32bit float.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// Set the master scale
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize Scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a child node
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("sphere", new Sphere());
// Initialize .DRC saving options.
DracoSaveOptions opts = new DracoSaveOptions();
// Quantization bits for position
// Quantization bits for texture coordinate
// Quantization bits for vertex color
// Quantization bits for normal vectors
// Set compression level
// Save Google Draco (.drc) file + "DRCSaveOptions_out.drc", opts);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize an object
FBXSaveOptions saveOpts = new FBXSaveOptions(FileFormat.ASE);
// Generates the legacy material properties.
// Fold repeated curve data using FBX's animation reference count
// Always generates material mapping information for geometries if the attached node contains materials.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// Generates a video object for texture.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize Scene class object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Set load options
GLTFLoadOptions loadOpt = new GLTFLoadOptions();
// The default value is true, usually we don't need to change it. Aspose.3D will automatically flip the V/T texture coordinate during load and save.
loadOpt.setFlipTexCoordV(true); MyDir + "Duck.gltf", loadOpt);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize Scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a child node
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("sphere", new Sphere());
// Set glTF saving options. The code example embeds all assets into the target file usually a glTF file comes with some dependencies, a bin file for model's vertex/indices, two .glsl files for vertex/fragment shaders
// Use opt.EmbedAssets to tells the Aspose.3D API to export scene and embed the dependencies inside the target file.
GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileContentType.ASCII);
// Use KHR_materials_common extension to define the material, thus no GLSL files are generated.
// Customize the name of the buffer file which defines model
// Save glTF file + "glTFSaveOptions_out.gltf", opt);
// Save a binary glTF file using KHR_binary_glTF extension + "glTFSaveOptions_out.glb", FileFormat.GLTF__BINARY);
// Developers may use saving options to create a binary glTF file using KHR_binary_glTF extension
GLTFSaveOptions opts = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileContentType.BINARY); + "Test_out.glb", opts);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
/* initialize a new 3D scene */
Scene s = new Scene();
Box box = new Box();
PhongMaterial mat = new PhongMaterial();
mat.setDiffuseColor(new Vector3(1, 0, 1));
s.getRootNode().createChildNode("box1", box).setMaterial(mat);
GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileFormat.GLTF2);
//Custom material converter to convert PhongMaterial to PbrMaterial
opt.setMaterialConverter(new MaterialConverter() {
public Material call(Material material) {
PhongMaterial m = (PhongMaterial) material;
PbrMaterial ret = new PbrMaterial();
return ret;
// save in GLTF 2.0 format + "Non_PBRtoPBRMaterial_Out.gltf", opt);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize an object
ObjLoadOptions loadObjOpts = new ObjLoadOptions();
// Import materials from external material library file
// Flip the coordinate system.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize an object
ObjSaveOptions saveObjOpts = new ObjSaveOptions();
// Import materials from external material library file
// Flip the coordinate system.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// Serialize W component in model's vertex position
// Generate comments for each section
// the path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// initialize Scene class object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// initialize an object
PlyLoadOptions loadPLYOpts = new PlyLoadOptions();
// Flip the coordinate system.
// load 3D Ply model + "vase-v2.ply", loadPLYOpts);
// the path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize a Scene class object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Load an existing 3D document + "document.fbx");
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Load a 3D document into Aspose.3D
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Open an existing 3D scene + "document.fbx");
// Save Scene to a stream
try (MemoryStream dstStream = new MemoryStream()) {, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// Save Scene to a local path + "output_out.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// The code example uses the LocalFileSystem class to save dependencies to the local directory.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize Scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a child node
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("sphere", new Sphere()).setMaterial(new PhongMaterial());
// Set saving options
ObjSaveOptions opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
opt.setFileSystem(new LocalFileSystem(MyDir));
// Save 3D scene + "SavingDependenciesInLocalDirectory_out.obj", opt);
// The code example uses the MemoryFileSystem to intercepts the dependencies writing.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize Scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a child node
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("sphere", new Sphere()).setMaterial(new PhongMaterial());
// Set saving options
ObjSaveOptions opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
MemoryFileSystem mfs = new MemoryFileSystem();
// Save 3D scene + "SavingDependenciesInMemoryFileSystem_out.obj", opt);
// Get the test.mtl file content
byte[] mtl = mfs.getFileContent(MyDir + "SavingDependenciesInMemoryFileSystem_out.mtl");
Files.write(Paths.get(MyDir, "Material.mtl"), mtl);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize an object
STLLoadOptions loadSTLOpts = new STLLoadOptions();
// Flip the coordinate system.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize an object
STLSaveOptions saveSTLOpts = new STLSaveOptions();
// Flip the coordinate system.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize an object
U3DLoadOptions loadU3DOpts = new U3DLoadOptions();
// Flip the coordinate system.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize an object
U3DSaveOptions saveU3DOptions = new U3DSaveOptions();
// Export normal data.
// Export the texture coordinates.
// Export the vertex diffuse color.
// Export vertex specular color
// Flip the coordinate system.
// Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
// Compress the mesh data
// the path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// initialize Scene class object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// initialize an object
XLoadOptions loadXOpts = new XLoadOptions(FileContentType.ASCII);
// flip the coordinate system.
// load 3D X file + "warrior.x", loadXOpts);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + "test.fbx";
// Load a 3D file
Scene scene = new Scene(MyDir);
// Split all meshes
PolygonModifier.splitMesh(scene, SplitMeshPolicy.CLONE_DATA);
// Save file
MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir() + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("test-splitted.fbx");, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// Create a mesh of box(A box is composed by 6 planes)
Mesh box = (new Box()).toMesh();
// Create a material element on this mesh
VertexElementMaterial mat = (VertexElementMaterial) box.createElement(VertexElementType.MATERIAL, MappingMode.POLYGON, ReferenceMode.INDEX);
// and specify different material index for each plane
mat.setIndices(new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
// Now split it into 6 sub meshes, we specified 6 different materials on each plane, each plane will become a sub mesh.
// We used the CloneData policy, each plane will has the same control point information or control point-based vertex element information.
Mesh[] planes = PolygonModifier.splitMesh(box, SplitMeshPolicy.CLONE_DATA);
mat.setIndices(new int[]{0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1});
// Now split it into 2 sub meshes, first mesh will contains 0/1/2 planes, and second mesh will contains the 3/4/5th planes.
// We used the CompactData policy, each plane will has its own control point information or control point-based vertex element information.
planes = PolygonModifier.splitMesh(box, SplitMeshPolicy.COMPACT_DATA);
// Initialize a 3D scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Set application/tool name
// Set application/tool vendor name
// We use ancient egyption measurement unit Pole
// One Pole equals to 60cm
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("InformationToScene.fbx");
// Save scene to 3D supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize a Scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a Box model
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("box", new Box());
// Create a Cylinder model
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("cylinder", new Cylinder());
// Save drawing in the FBX format
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("test.fbx");, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// load a 3D file
Scene scene = new Scene(MyDir + "test.fbx");
* 3D format demonstration is simple
* struct File {
* MeshBlock blocks[];
* };
* struct Vertex {
* float x;
* float y;
* float z;
* };
* struct Triangle {
* int a;
* int b;
* int c;
* };
* struct MeshBlock {
* int numControlPoints;
* int numTriangles;
* Vertex vertices[numControlPoints];
* Triangle faces[numTriangles];
* };
// open file for writing in binary mode
try (DataOutputStream writer = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(MyDir + "Save3DMeshesInCustomBinaryFormat_out"))))
// visit each descent nodes
scene.getRootNode().accept(new NodeVisitor(){
public boolean call(Node node) {
try {
for (Entity entity : node.getEntities()) {
// only convert meshes, lights/camera and other stuff will be ignored
if (!(entity instanceof IMeshConvertible))
Mesh m = ((IMeshConvertible) entity).toMesh();
List<Vector4> controlPoints = m.getControlPoints();
// triangulate the mesh, so triFaces will only store triangle indices
int[][] triFaces = PolygonModifier.triangulate(controlPoints, m.getPolygons());
// gets the global transform matrix
Matrix4 transform = node.getGlobalTransform().getTransformMatrix();
// write number of control points and triangle indices
// write control points
for (int i = 0; i < controlPoints.size(); i++) {
// calculate the control points in world space and save them to file
Vector4 cp = Matrix4.mul(transform, controlPoints.get(i));
writer.writeFloat((float) cp.x);
writer.writeFloat((float) cp.y);
writer.writeFloat((float) cp.z);
// write triangle indices
for (int i = 0; i < triFaces.length; i++) {
} catch(Exception e) {
return true;
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Load an existing 3D file
Scene scene = new Scene( MyDir + "document.fbx");
// Triangulate a scene
// Save 3D scene + "BuildTangentAndBinormalData_out.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize Node class object
Node cubeNode = new Node("box");
// Get mesh of the Box
Mesh box = (new Box()).toMesh();
// Create a customized vertex layout
VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();
VertexField position = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR4, VertexFieldSemantic.POSITION);
vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.NORMAL);
// Get a triangle mesh
TriMesh triMesh = TriMesh.fromMesh(box);
// ExEnd:ConvertBoxMeshtoTriangleMeshCustomMemoryLayout
// Point node to the Mesh geometry
// Add Node to a scene
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir() + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("BoxToTriangleMeshCustomMemoryLayoutScene.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
// Initialize object by Box class
IMeshConvertible convertible = new Box();
// Convert a Box to Mesh
Mesh mesh = convertible.toMesh();
// Initialize object by Cylinder class
IMeshConvertible convertible = new Cylinder();
// Convert a Cylinder to Mesh
Mesh mesh = convertible.toMesh();
// Initialize object by Plane class
IMeshConvertible convertible = new Plane();
// Convert a Plane to Mesh
Mesh mesh = convertible.toMesh();
// Initialize object by Sphere class
IMeshConvertible convertible = new Sphere();
// Convert a Sphere to Mesh
Mesh mesh = convertible.toMesh();
// Initialize object by Torus class
IMeshConvertible convertible = new Torus();
// Convert a Torus to Mesh
Mesh mesh = convertible.toMesh();
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Create a sphere
Sphere sphere = new Sphere();
// Encode the sphere to Google Draco raw data using optimal compression level.
DracoSaveOptions opt = new DracoSaveOptions();
byte[] b = FileFormat.DRACO.encode(sphere.toMesh(), opt);
// Save the raw bytes to file
Files.write(Paths.get(MyDir, "SphereMeshtoDRC_Out.drc"), b);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Load a 3ds file, 3ds file doesn't have normal data, but it has smoothing group
Scene s = new Scene(MyDir + "camera.3ds");
// Visit all nodes and create normal data for all meshes
s.getRootNode().accept(new NodeVisitor() {
public boolean call(Node node) {
Mesh mesh = (Mesh)node.getEntity();
if (mesh != null)
VertexElementNormal normals = PolygonModifier.generateNormal(mesh);
return true;
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Load an existing 3D file
Scene scene = new Scene(MyDir + "document.fbx");
// Triangulate a scene
// Save 3D scene + "triangulated_out.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7400ASCII);
Gist for Aspose.3D for Java
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a Scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a cylinder
Cylinder fan = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
// Set GenerateGanCylinder to true
// Set ThetaLength
// Create ChildNode
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(fan).getTransform().setTranslation(10, 0, 0);
// Create a cylinder without a fan
Cylinder nonfan = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
// Create ChildNode
// Save scene "CreateFanCylinder.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize cylinder
Cylinder cylinder1 = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
// Set OffsetTop
cylinder1.setOffsetTop(new Vector3(5, 3, 0));
// Create ChildNode
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(cylinder1).getTransform().setTranslation(10, 0, 0);
// Initialize second cylinder without customized OffsetTop
Cylinder cylinder2 = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
// Create ChildNode
// Save "CustomizedOffsetTopCylinder.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create cylinder 1
Cylinder cylinder1 = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
// Customized shear bottom for cylinder 1
cylinder1.setShearBottom(new Vector2(0, 0.83));// shear 47.5deg in xy plane(z-axis)
// Add cylinder 1 to the scene
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(cylinder1).getTransform().setTranslation(10, 0, 0);
// Create cylinder 2
Cylinder cylinder2 = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
// Add cylinder to without a ShearBottom to the scene
// Save scene "CustomizedShearBottomCylinder.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.createMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Each cube node has their own translation
Node cube1 = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("cube1", mesh);
// Find translation property on node's transform object
Property translation = cube1.getTransform().findProperty("Translation");
// Create a bind point based on translation property
BindPoint bindPoint = new BindPoint(scene, translation);
// Create the animation curve on X component of the scale
KeyframeSequence kfs = new KeyframeSequence();
// Move node's translation to (10, 0, 10) at 0 sec using bezier interpolation
kfs.add(0, 10.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
// Move node's translation to (20, 0, -10) at 3 sec
kfs.add(3, 20.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
// Move node's translation to (30, 0, 0) at 5 sec
kfs.add(5, 30.0f, Interpolation.LINEAR);
bindPoint.bindKeyframeSequence("X", kfs);
kfs = new KeyframeSequence();
// Move node's translation to (10, 0, 10) at 0 sec using bezier interpolation
kfs.add(0, 10.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
// Move node's translation to (20, 0, -10) at 3 sec
kfs.add(3, -10.0f, Interpolation.BEZIER);
// Move node's translation to (30, 0, 0) at 5 sec
kfs.add(5, 0.0f, Interpolation.LINEAR);
bindPoint.bindKeyframeSequence("Z", kfs);
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
MyDir = MyDir + RunExamples.getOutputFilePath("PropertyToDocument.fbx");
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize node
Node n = new Node();
// Get Geometric Translation
n.getTransform().setGeometricTranslation(new Vector3(10, 0, 0));
// The first Console.WriteLine will output the transform matrix that includes the geometric transformation
// while the second one will not.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape();
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
// Create right node
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0));
// If Center property is true, the extrusion range is from -Height/2 to Height/2, otherwise the extrusion is from 0 to Height
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using center and slices property
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) {{ setCenter(false); setSlices(3); }});
// Set ground plane for reference
left.createChildNode(new Box(0.01, 3, 3));
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using center and slices property
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) {{ setCenter(true); setSlices(3); }});
// Set ground plane for reference
right.createChildNode(new Box(0.01, 3, 3));
// Save 3D scene + "CenterInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape();
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
// Create right node
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0));
// Direction property defines the direction of the extrusion.
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(360); setSlices(100); }});
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist, slices, and direction property
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(360); setSlices(100); setDirection(new Vector3(0.3, 0.2, 1));}});
// Save 3D scene + "DirectionInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize the base shape to be extruded
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape();
// Perform Linear extrusion by passing a 2D shape as input and extend the shape in the 3rd dimension
LinearExtrusion extrusion = new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setSlices(100); setCenter(true); setTwist(360); setTwistOffset(new Vector3(10, 0, 0));}};
extrusion.setTwistOffset(new Vector3(10, 0, 0));
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a child node by passing extrusion
// Save 3D scene + "LinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape();
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
// Create right node
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0));
// Slices parameter defines the number of intermediate points along the path of the extrusion
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using slices property
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) {{setSlices(2);}});
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using slices property
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) {{setSlices(10);}});
// Save 3D scene + "SlicesInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape();
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
// Create right node
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0));
// Twist property defines the degree of the rotation while extruding the profile
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(0); setSlices(100); }});
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist and slices property
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(90); setSlices(100); }});
// Save 3D scene + "TwistInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape();
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
// Create right node
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode();
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0));
// TwistOffset property is the translate offset while rotating the extrusion.
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(360); setSlices(100); }});
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist, twist offset and slices property
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{setTwist(360); setSlices(100); setTwistOffset(new Vector3(3, 0, 0));}});
// Save 3D scene + "TwistOffsetInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String dataDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
//This will output all properties defined in GlobalSettings in FBX file.
Scene scene = new Scene();
FBXLoadOptions opt = new FBXLoadOptions();
opt.setKeepBuiltinGlobalSettings(true); + "test.FBX", opt);
for(Property property:scene.getRootNode().getAssetInfo().getProperties())
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String dataDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
Scene scene = new Scene(dataDir + "att-test.rvm");
FileFormat.RVM_BINARY.loadAttributes(scene, dataDir + "att-test.att");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize a node
Node node = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(new Cylinder());
// Set child node properites
LambertMaterial mat = new LambertMaterial();
mat.setDiffuseColor(new Vector3(0.34,0.59, 0.41));
Light light = new Light();
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(light).getTransform().setTranslation(10, 0, 10);
// Initialize HTML5SaveOptions
HTML5SaveOptions opt = new HTML5SaveOptions();
// Turn off the grid
//Turn off the user interface
opt.setShowUI(false); + "html5SaveOption.html", FileFormat.HTML5);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize 3D scene
Scene scene = new Scene(new Sphere());
// Initialize GLTFSaveOptions
GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileFormat.GLTF2);
// opt.prettyPrint = true; //Old code
// The JSON content of GLTF file is indented for human reading, default value is false
// Use setter to change this configuration.
// Save 3D Scene + "prettyPrintInGltfSaveOption.gltf", opt);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String dataDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
Scene scene = new Scene();
Node node = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("Box", new Box());
node.setProperty("rvm:Refno", "=3462123");
node.setProperty("rvm:Description", "This is the description of the box");
//The RVM attribute's prefix is rvm:, all properties that starts with rvm: will be exported to .att file(the prefix will be removed)
RvmSaveOptions opt = new RvmSaveOptions();
opt.setAttributePrefix( "rvm:");
opt.setExportAttributes(true); + "test.rvm", opt);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize Mesh
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
//The old CreatePolygon needs to create a temporary array for holding the face indices
//mesh.createPolygon(new int[] { 0, 1, 2 });
//The new overloads doesn't need extra allocation, and it's optimized internally.
mesh.createPolygon(0, 1, 2);
//Or You can create a polygon using 4 vertices(quad)
//mesh.CreatePolygon(0, 1, 2, 3);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// initialize a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// initialize a Sphere
Sphere sphere = new Sphere();
// set radius
// add sphere to the scene
// save scene"sphere.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//Create a scene for testing
Scene s = new Scene();
// Create a child node
Node a = s.getRootNode().createChildNode("a");
// Create a sub-child node
// Create a sub-child node
// Create a child node
// Create a child node
Node c = s.getRootNode().createChildNode("c");
// Create a sub-child node
c.createChildNode("c1").addEntity(new Camera("cam"));
// Create a sub-child node
c.createChildNode("c2").addEntity(new Light("light"));
The hierarchy of the scene looks like:
- Root
- a
- a1
- a2
- b
- c
- c1
- cam
- c2
- light
//select objects that has type Camera or name is 'light' whatever it's located.
List<A3DObject> objects = s.getRootNode().selectObjects("//*[(@Type = 'Camera') or (@Name = 'light')]");
//Select single camera object under the child nodes of node named 'c' under the root node
A3DObject c1 = s.getRootNode().selectSingleObject("/c/*/<Camera>");
// Select node named 'a1' under the root node, even if the 'a1' is not a directly child node of the
A3DObject obj = s.getRootNode().selectSingleObject("a1");
//Select the node itself, since the '/' is selected directly on the root node, so the root node is selected.
obj = s.getRootNode().selectSingleObject("/");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
PointCloud pointCloud = (PointCloud) FileFormat.DRACO.decode(RunExamples.getDataDir() + "point_cloud_no_qp.drc");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Geometry geom = FileFormat.PLY.decode(RunExamples.getDataDir() + "sphere.ply");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
FileFormat.DRACO.encode(new Sphere(), RunExamples.getDataDir() + "sphere.drc");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
FileFormat.PLY.encode(new Sphere(), RunExamples.getDataDir() + "sphere.ply");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
DracoSaveOptions opt = new DracoSaveOptions();
FileFormat.DRACO.encode(new Sphere(), RunExamples.getDataDir()+"sphere.drc", opt);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize Scene
Scene scene = new Scene(new Sphere());
// Initialize ObjSaveOptions
ObjSaveOptions opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
// To export 3D scene as point cloud setPointCould
// Save "export3DSceneAsPointCloud.obj", opt);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
PlySaveOptions opt = new PlySaveOptions();
FileFormat.PLY.encode(new Sphere(),RunExamples.getDataDir() + "sphere.ply", opt);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
Scene scene = new Scene();
//since all primitive entities in Aspose.3D will have builtin UV generation
//here we manually remove it to assume we have a mesh without UV data
Mesh mesh = (new Box()).toMesh();
//then we can manually generate UV for it
VertexElement uv = PolygonModifier.generateUV(mesh);
//generated UV data is not associated with the mesh, we should manually do this
//put it to the scene
Node node = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(mesh);
//then save it + "test.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize Scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Initialize Plane
Plane plane = new Plane();
// Set Vector
plane.setUp(new Vector3(1, 1, 3));
//This will generate a plane that has customized orientation"ChangePlaneOrientation.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
Scene scene = new Scene();
Box box = new Box();
Transform tr = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(box).getTransform();
tr.setScale(new Vector3(12, 12, 12));
tr.setTranslation(new Vector3(10, 0, 0));
tr = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(box).getTransform();
tr.setScale(new Vector3(5, 5, 5));
tr.setEulerAngles(new Vector3(50, 10, 0));
AMFSaveOptions opt = new AMFSaveOptions();
opt.setEnableCompression(false); + "test.amf", opt);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String dataDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
Scene scene = new Scene(dataDir+ "EmbeddedTexture.fbx");
Material material = scene.getRootNode().getChildNodes().get(0).getMaterial();
PropertyCollection props = material.getProperties();
//List all properties using for loop
for (Property prop:props)
System.out.println("Name" + prop.getName() + " Value = " + prop.getValue());
//or using ordinal for loop
for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); i++)
Property prop = props.get(i);
System.out.println("Name" + prop.getName() + " Value = " + prop.getValue());
//Get property value by name
Object diffuse = (Vector3)props.get("Diffuse");
//modify property value by name
props.set("Diffuse", new Vector3(1, 0, 1));
//Get property instance by name
Property pdiffuse = props.findProperty("Diffuse");
//Since Property is also inherited from A3DObject
//It's possible to get the property of the property
System.out.println("Property flags = " + pdiffuse.getProperty("flags"));
//and some properties that only defined in FBX file:
System.out.println("Label = " + pdiffuse.getProperty("label"));
System.out.println("Type Name = " + pdiffuse.getProperty("typeName"));
//so traversal on property's property is possible
for (Property pp: pdiffuse.getProperties())
System.out.println("Diffuse. " + pp.getName() + " = " + pp.getValue());
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// initialize a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// open Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) file format MyDir + "test.wrl");
// work with VRML file format...
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