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Created March 13, 2024 06:07
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Challenge 1 : Interpretation ( Gemma )

This smart contracts is a multi-signature wallet that allows for the creation of transactions by multiple owners with different approval requirements based on their roles within an organization or group setting

Use Case:

The MultiSigWallet Contract enables organizations to manage assets collectively through shared ownership, ensuring secure and efficient decision making process. It facilitates seamless collaboration among members while maintaining control over funds due its multi-signature requirement for transaction execution . This contract is designed specifically with the Ethereum blockchain in mind , leveraging smart contracts capabilities


  • Deposit: Allows owners to contribute ether into a shared wallet, triggering an event detailing deposits and overall balance.

  • submitTransaction: Enables owner's submission of transactions specifying recipient address,, value and data associated for each transaction . This function generates unique index number that uniquely identifies the submitted tx in subsequent interactions

  • Confirm Transaction: Allows other owners to confirm a particular submittred trasaction by signing off on it. Once enough confirmations are received, this triggers an execution of said transactions through executeTransaction method

  • ``revokeConfirmation`: In case any owner changes their mind about confirming the transaction , they can revoke confirmation and reduce overall required approvals for its completion

  • Execute Transaction: Finalizes a confirmed tx by executing it on behalf if recipient address. This function verifies whether enough confirmations have been received to execute, calls the recipients smart contract with specified value & data associated owner

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