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Glenn 'devalias' Grant 0xdevalias

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0xdevalias /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Testing web service libraries
0xdevalias /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
A quick little hack to automagically mine unicoins ( April Fools 2014) <3 /dev/alias (

First, go to then define this in your Javascript console:

var hackMeSomeUnicoins = function(myFkey) {
  console.log("Ok, let's hack you some shiny unicoins! <3 /dev/alias (")
  console.log("The powers that be say you can only mine a rock every 10sec, so we do it every 11sec to be sure.")
    $.get( "", function( data ) {
      var rockId = data.rock;
      $.post( "" + rockId, { fkey: myFkey })
 .done(function( data ) {

Using Lombok with Play! 2.2x

  • This is mostly a note for me to help save a TON of time screwing around again.
  • Play 2.2.x works 'out of the box' just by including lombok in your dependencies
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
0xdevalias /
Created April 23, 2014 04:55
Example code for accessing methods on a Java annotation using reflection
// TODO: Example code for accessing variables/etc in annotations.
// TODO: Could this be done nicely with a 'map' type functional extraction?
Method m;
m = Class.forName("MyClass").getMethod("someMethod"); // Class/method that are annotated
MyAnnotation a = m.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class); // Annotation class
String someString = a.aStringMethod(); // Thing we want to access
catch (SecurityException e)
if ('check-in')) {'check-in').addEvent('click', function () {
if (!window.signedIn) {
Cookie.write('checkinEpisode', '1');
window.signInMessage = 'You need to sign in before you can check into this episode!<br /><a href="#" onclick="resetForms();\'header-join\').fireEvent(\'click\'); return false;">Join for free</a> if you don\'t have an account already.';'header-signin').fireEvent('click');
return false;
0xdevalias / buildHTML utility
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00 — forked from 1Marc/buildHTML utility
Simple little method to build a html element form the given data object.
/* buildHtml - Helper method to construct html tags easily */
var buildHtml = function(tag, attrs, innerHtml) {
var h = '<' + tag;
for (var attr in attrs) {
if(attrs[attr] === false) {
h += ' ' + attr + '="' + attrs[attr] + '"';
return h += innerHtml ? '>' + innerHtml + '</' + tag + '>' : '/>';