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Glenn 'devalias' Grant 0xdevalias

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0xdevalias / Hacker News : 'Basic SEO'
Created February 22, 2012 03:06
Relevant comments from Hacker News 'Basic SEO' post
andrewljohnson 715 days ago | link
0. The zeroth rule of SEO is get your site listed for a search for your site. If your site is, make sure if someone searches for Bob's Fishing Tips, you get found. This means simply getting at least one real site to link the name of your site to you, or maybe a couple sites if you have some common word like Yelp.
1. After that, make sure people link to you with proper anchor text for other keywords. If you want people to search for "fishing tips" and find you, then several people will need to link you something like this:
This site has great <a href=>fishing tips</a>.
0xdevalias /
Last active December 14, 2015 16:19
Some info/links I found useful in regards to iOS Delegates, Delegation Chaining and Notifications
0xdevalias /
Last active December 14, 2015 16:19
A gist to keep track of the slide/side menu/panel implementations I come across in some kind of central/manageable way
0xdevalias / 1_console
Last active December 18, 2015 13:38
Things I learned the hard way with Rails # 1. Generate your model, make all manual edits, and only AFTER you have done this, run rake db:migrate
rails g model identity name:string email:string password_digest:string
0xdevalias /
Last active September 26, 2016 12:45
A very simple script to make nmap scanning a little quicker to kick off.By Glenn '/dev/alias' Grant (
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "A very simple script to make nmap scanning a little quicker to kick off"
echo "By Glenn '/dev/alias' Grant ("
echo "v0.3"
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
_now=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M")
_nmapopts="-A -vvv ${@:2}"
0xdevalias / Powershell_Reverse-SecureString.ps1
Created July 29, 2013 03:05
A little PowerShell function and example to show how easy it is to reverse a 'SecureString' when you store the password and key in a script for automation purposes.
# Reverse-SecureString
# Version: 1.0 (20130729)
# Created By: Glenn 'devalias' Grant (
# License: The MIT License (MIT) - Copyright (c) 2013 Glenn 'devalias' Grant (see for full license text)
function Reverse-SecureString([string]$secureString,[string]$key)
$objSecString=ConvertTo-SecureString -String $secureString -Key ([Byte[]]$key.Split(" "))
return $plaintext
0xdevalias / erpscan_automator.bat
Last active September 24, 2016 15:55
A quick little windows batch file to automate scanning a site with [ERPScan SAP Pentesting Tool](
@echo off
@rem ----------------
@rem Config - Banner
@rem ----------------
set BAT_VER=0.1 (20130703)
set BANNER_DASH=--------------------------------
set BANNER_NAMEVER=Erpscan Automator v%BAT_VER%
set BANNER_BY=Created By: Glenn 'devalias' Grant (
set BANNER_UPDATES=Updates at:
set BANNER_LICENSE=License: The MIT License (MIT) - Copyright (c) 2013 Glenn 'devalias' Grant (see for full license text)
0xdevalias /
Created November 12, 2013 09:10
Python snippet showing how to enable NTLM authentication for urllib2 (Requires
def enable_ntlm_authentication(user = "", password = "", url = ""):
print "[+][] Enabling NTLM authentication support"
# Import ntlm library
# import ntlm
from ntlm import HTTPNtlmAuthHandler
print "[+][][NTLM Authentication] NTLM Support Library Loaded!"
except ImportError:
print "[-][][NTLM Authentication] Program could not find module : ntlm (Is the ntlm library installed/available locally?"
sys.exit (1)
0xdevalias / homebrew-metasploit-custom-requirement-example.rb
Created November 17, 2013 08:42
Example of how to create/use a custom requirement for homebrew (in this case, checking the version of the installed ruby version) Note: Code isn't necessarily 100% complete/clean, but should give you the basic idea.
require 'formula'
require 'requirement'
class Ruby192EqualGreater < Requirement
fatal true
# default_formula 'ruby'
satisfy {
ruby_ver_required ='1.9.2')
0xdevalias /
Last active December 28, 2015 20:09
vFeed ( wrapper/helper scripts I put together to save a little time. For more info, see