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Created May 31, 2011 22:38
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An example using Collections.cfc to map, reduce and manipulate data
This example uses a combination of different methods in Collections.cfc
to find the most popular words being used in the description of the feeds
that aggregates. This approach is not the most
efficient way to reach the result but gives practical example of various
methods in the library
Grab the Collections.cfc from my repo
and place it in the same folder as this example.
body, table, td {font:10pt normal arial;}
.count{ width:35px; text-align:right; font-size:0.8em; color:maroon; padding-right:5px;}
<cfflush />
<!--- Create an instance of the Collections library, we will use it through out the example --->
<cfset collections = createObject("component","collections.Collections")>
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Obtain the dataset --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<!--- Get a list of the feeds that aggregates --->
<cfhttp method="get" url="">
<!--- Extract the blog 'items' containing the descriptions we are after --->
<cfset feedXML = xmlParse( cfhttp.filecontent )>
<cfset blogs = xmlSearch( feedXML, "/opml/body/outline")>
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- Got the feed and parsed it (#arraylen(blogs)# feeds)<br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Extract the descriptions --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Takes the description from our XML blog item and breaks it apart into an array of individual words --->
<cffunction name="getTheDescription" returnType="string">
<cfargument name="feed" type="any">
<cfreturn feed.XmlAttributes["description"]>
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<cfset descriptions = blogs, getTheDescription )>
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- Mapped the collection <br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Break down the descriptions --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Breaks a description into an array of individual words --->
<cffunction name="breakApartTheWords" returnType="void">
<cfargument name="description" type="any">
<cfargument name="index" type="any">
<cfargument name="collection" type="any">
<cfset arguments.collection[ arguments.index ] = listToArray( arguments.description, " ,") >
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<cfset collections.forEach( descriptions, breakApartTheWords ) >
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- ForEach'ed the collection <br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Flatten the Heirarchy --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<cfset individualWords = collections.flatten( descriptions )>
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- Flattened the collection (#arraylen(individualWords)# individual words)<br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- With the one dimensional array of individual words, lets reduce that set into --->
<!--- a new collection containing each of the counts of how many times each individual --->
<!--- words appears across all descriptions --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Count each word --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Keeps track of how many times a word appears our collection --->
<cffunction name="toWordCount" returnType="struct">
<cfargument name="wordcounts" type="any">
<cfargument name="word" type="any">
<!--- Keep track of our individual words --->
<cfif NOT structKeyExists( arguments.wordcounts, arguments.word )>
<cfset arguments.wordcounts[ arguments.word ] = {word=arguments.word, count=0}>
<!--- Bump the count for this word --->
<cfset arguments.wordcounts[ arguments.word ].count++ >
<!--- Return our word counts --->
<cfreturn arguments.wordcounts />
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<cfset wordCounts = collections.reduce( individualWords, toWordCount, {})>
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- Reduced the collection (#arraylen(structKeyArray(wordCounts))# unique words)<br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Ignore common words --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- lets filter out some common words, articles and symbols
from the collection so that we end up with more meaningful results. We can remove
items from a collection using either the filter() or reject() methods. Filter keeps
items that 'pass the test', where as reject() keeps those ' --->
<cffunction name="nonCommonWords" returnType="boolean">
<cfargument name="wordcount" type="any">
<cfargument name="word" type="any">
<cfreturn ! listFindNoCase("will,at,are,be,my,all,as,it,on,for,in,an,and,the,a,of,is,I,or,too,to,this,with,from,by,that,+,-,--,=,/,*,&", arguments.word) />
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<cfset wordCounts = collections.filter( wordCounts, nonCommonWords )>
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- Filtered the collection (#arraylen(structKeyArray(wordCounts))# unique words)<br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Now that we have counted how many times each individual word --->
<!--- appears in the descriptions, we can easily find the most popular --->
<!--- one by using the max() method --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Most Popular Word --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Returns the word count so it can be used for rank --->
<cffunction name="compareByCount" returnType="numeric">
<cfargument name="wordAndCount" type="any">
<cfargument name="word" type="any">
<cfreturn wordAndCount.count />
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<cfset mostPopular = collections.max( wordCounts, compareByCount )>
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- The most popular word was <b>"#mostPopular.index#"</b> and was used <b>#mostPopular.value.count#</b> times<br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Top 10 Popular Words --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- In order for to get the most popular words
<cffunction name="intoAnArray" returnType="array">
<cfargument name="wordCounts" type="any">
<cfargument name="wordAndCount" type="any">
<!--- add the word and it's count to the new collection --->
<cfset arrayAppend( arguments.wordCounts, arguments.wordAndCount )>
<cfreturn arguments.wordCounts />
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<cfset wordCountArray = collections.reduce( wordCounts, intoAnArray, [])>
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- Reduced the collection<br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Lets sort the collection --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<cffunction name="sortByCount" returnType="numeric">
<cfargument name="word1" type="any">
<cfargument name="word2" type="any">
<cfreturn word2.count - word1.count />
<cfset t = gettickcount()>
<cfset sortedWordCount = collections.sort( wordCountArray, sortByCount)>
<cfoutput><code>#gettickcount()-t#ms</code>- Sorted the collection<br></cfoutput>
<cfflush />
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- Display The top ten most popular words --->
<!--- -------------------------------------------------------------- --->
<h2>Top 40 Most Popular words</h2>
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<cfloop from="1" to="4" index="col">
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<cfloop from="#(10 * col) - 9#" to="#(10 * col)#" index="i">
<td class="count">#sortedWordCount[i].count#</td>
<td>#rereplace(sortedWordCount[i].word, '^(\w)(.*)', '\u\1\2')#</td>
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