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Created June 28, 2011 08:34
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compile log with 2.9.0-2-EFGFP
E:\code\doms>set SCRIPT_DIR=E:\software\bin\
E:\code\doms>java -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=nexus -Xmx1024M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xss4M -jar "E:\software\bin\sbt-launch.jar" "@file:///C:/software/bin/" reload clean compile
[info] Building project DOMS 0.29-SNAPSHOT against Scala 2.9.0-2-EFGFP
[info] using DomsParentProject with sbt 0.7.7 and Scala 2.7.7
[info] Building project DOMS 0.29-SNAPSHOT against Scala 2.9.0-2-EFGFP
[info] using DomsParentProject with sbt 0.7.7 and Scala 2.7.7
[info] == doms-api / clean-protobuf ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed
[info] == doms-api / clean-protobuf ==
[info] == doms-api / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-api\target
[info] == doms-api / clean ==
[info] == doms-util / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-util\target
[info] == doms-util / clean ==
[info] == doms-common / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-common\target
[info] == doms-common / clean ==
[info] == doms-ws / generate-wsdl-classes ==
[info] Generating sources from WSDLs
"Deleting 'E:\code\doms\doms-ws\src\main\resources\..\..\..\src_managed'..."
"Creating directory 'E:\code\doms\doms-ws\src\main\resources\..\..\..\src_managed'"
"Creating Java sources from Appian WSDLs..."
parsing WSDL...
generating code...
[info] Finished generating sources from WSDLs
[info] == doms-ws / generate-wsdl-classes ==
[info] == doms-core / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-core\target
[info] == doms-core / clean ==
[info] == doms-webserver / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-webserver\target
[info] == doms-webserver / clean ==
[info] == doms-swingx / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-swingx\target
[info] == doms-swingx / clean ==
[info] == doms-ws / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-ws\target
[info] == doms-ws / clean ==
[info] == doms-server / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-server\target
[info] == doms-server / clean ==
[info] == doms-gui / clean ==
[info] Deleting directory E:\code\doms\doms-gui\target
[info] == doms-gui / clean ==
[info] == DOMS / clean ==
[info] == DOMS / clean ==
[success] Successful.
[info] Total time: 4 s, completed 28.06.2011 07:40:14
[info] == doms-api / generate-protobuf ==
[info] Extracting dependent protobuf definitions from E:\code\doms\project\plugins\lib_managed\scala_2.7.7\protobuf-enricher-1.1.1.jar
[info] E:\code\doms\project\plugins\lib_managed\scala_2.7.7\protobuf-enricher-1.1.1.jar unzipped to .\doms-api\src_managed\protobuf-dependencies
[info] Extracting dependent protobuf definitions from .\doms-api\lib_managed\jar\compile\thirdparty-client-0.4.0.jar
[info] .\doms-api\lib_managed\jar\compile\thirdparty-client-0.4.0.jar unzipped to .\doms-api\src_managed\protobuf-dependencies
[info] Extracting dependent protobuf definitions from .\doms-api\lib_managed\jar\compile\model-1.4.12.jar
[info] .\doms-api\lib_managed\jar\compile\model-1.4.12.jar unzipped to .\doms-api\src_managed\protobuf-dependencies
[info] Extracting dependent protobuf definitions from .\doms-api\lib_managed\jar\compile\napoleon-client-0.18.jar
[info] .\doms-api\lib_managed\jar\compile\napoleon-client-0.18.jar unzipped to .\doms-api\src_managed\protobuf-dependencies
[info] Generating Java code for *.proto definitions...
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-users.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-webpage.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-product.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-validation.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-rudimentary-product.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-maturity.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-userservice.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-currency.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-order.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-core.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-subscription.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-thirdparties.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-monitoring.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-couponfrequency.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-staticdataservice.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-underlying.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-common.proto
[info] Compiling schema .\doms-api\src\main\protobuf\doms-country.proto
[info] Patching generated Java sources...
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\common\dto\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\common\dto\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\country\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\country\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\couponfrequency\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\couponfrequency\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\currency\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\currency\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\maturity\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\maturity\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\monitoring\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\monitoring\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\order\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\order\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\product\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\product\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\product\dto\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\product\dto\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\rudimentaryproduct\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\rudimentaryproduct\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\staticdataservice\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\staticdataservice\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\subscription\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\subscription\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\thirdparty\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\thirdparty\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\underlying\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\underlying\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\user\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\user\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\userservice\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\userservice\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\validation\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\validation\
[info] Running com.efgfp.district9.protobufenricher.ProtoGeneratedSourcePatcher E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\webpage\ false
Protobuf Enricher patches: E:\code\doms\doms-api\src_managed\com\efgfp\doms\api\webpage\
[info] == doms-api / generate-protobuf ==
[info] == doms-api / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 18 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 392 classes.
[info] == doms-api / compile ==
[info] == doms-util / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 2 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
Enabling statistics, measuring overhead = 1065.2787ns to 2660.0867ns per timer
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase parser
[info] #created tree nodes : 1119
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase typer
[info] #created tree nodes : 2895
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 984
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 261, TypeTree: 138, Apply: 109, Ident: 100, This: 83, ValDef: 67, : 58, DefDef: 47, Literal: 37, If: 26, Block: 12, Template: 8, Import: 8, ClassDef: 5, TypeApply: 4, Super: 4, ModuleDef: 3, New: 3, PackageDef: 3, Function: 3, TypeDef: 2, Typed: 1, Try: 1, Assign: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 359
[info] #typechecked selections : 287
[info] #typechecked applications: 111
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 2590
[info] #symbols : 30160
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] time spent typechecking : 1 spans, 871378625ns (100.0%)
[info] time classfilereading : 233 spans, 342187345ns (39.3%)
[info] time spent in implicits : 38 spans, 312055583ns (35.8%)
[info] successful in scope : 19 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] failed in scope : 38 spans, 191086858ns (21.9%)
[info] successful of type : 19 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] failed of type : 38 spans, 6992790ns (0.8%)
[info] assembling parts : 12 spans, 6503339ns (0.7%)
[info] matchesPT : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] implicit cache hits : 26 (68.4%)
[info] time spent in failed : 105 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] failed apply : 105 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] failed op= : 55 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Apply: 449839, ModuleDef: 146357, Select: 83015, Ident: 57190, ClassDef: 51163, DefDef: 25321, AppliedTypeTree: 25002, Function: 5320, PackageDef: 5271, TypeApply: 3308, New: 3134, ExistentialTypeTree: 3031, If: 2426, Literal: 2243, Block: 2020, ValDef: 957, Super: 891, TypeDef: 845, Try: 625, TypeTree: 604, TypeBoundsTree: 319, This: 194, Typed: 110, Assign: 53)
[info] #visits by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Ident: 433, Select: 326, Apply: 130, AppliedTypeTree: 70, TypeTree: 65, Literal: 52, DefDef: 50, Block: 26, If: 26, This: 10, TypeBoundsTree: 10, ValDef: 10, New: 7, Function: 6, ClassDef: 5, TypeDef: 4, Super: 4, ExistentialTypeTree: 4, ModuleDef: 3, PackageDef: 3, TypeApply: 1, Typed: 1, Try: 1, Assign: 1)
[info] avg micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(ModuleDef: 48785, ClassDef: 10232, Apply: 3460, TypeApply: 3308, PackageDef: 1757, Function: 886, ExistentialTypeTree: 757, Try: 625, DefDef: 506, New: 447, AppliedTypeTree: 357, Select: 254, Super: 222, TypeDef: 211, Ident: 132, Typed: 110, ValDef: 95, If: 93, Block: 77, Assign: 53, Literal: 43, TypeBoundsTree: 31, This: 19, TypeTree: 9)
[info] time spent in <:< : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in findmember : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in asSeenFrom : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] #implicit searches : 38
[info] #tried, plausible, matching, typed, found implicits: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[info] #implicit improves tests : 0
[info] #implicit improves cached: 0
[info] #implicit inscope hits : 0
[info] #implicit oftype hits : 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase erasure
[info] #created tree nodes : 4919
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 1417
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 285, TypeTree: 255, Apply: 203, : 139, ValDef: 114, Ident: 93, This: 92, DefDef: 90, Literal: 40, If: 26, Block: 22, ClassDef: 14, Template: 14, TypeApply: 8, Super: 7, New: 6, Typed: 3, PackageDef: 3, Assign: 2, Try: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 449
[info] #typechecked selections : 576
[info] #typechecked applications: 343
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 9469
[info] #symbols : 54186
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase cleanup
[info] #created tree nodes : 6090
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 2101
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 487, TypeTree: 352, Apply: 243, Ident: 223, : 223, ValDef: 193, DefDef: 118, This: 82, Literal: 56, Block: 31, If: 30, ClassDef: 14, Template: 14, Assign: 8, TypeApply: 7, Super: 7, New: 6, Typed: 3, PackageDef: 3, Try: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 496
[info] #typechecked selections : 627
[info] #typechecked applications: 382
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 9640
[info] #symbols : 55068
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 16 classes.
[info] == doms-util / compile ==
[info] == doms-common / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 19 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase parser
[info] #created tree nodes : 4568
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase typer
[info] #created tree nodes : 21585
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 10253
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(TypeTree: 2002, Select: 1660, Apply: 935, Literal: 913, Ident: 906, DefDef: 875, This: 712, : 433, ValDef: 391, Block: 176, CaseDef: 173, TypeApply: 172, Template: 164, Super: 152, New: 146, ModuleDef: 107, Match: 92, ClassDef: 57, If: 57, Throw: 43, Import: 30, PackageDef: 19, Bind: 11, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 10, Function: 8, ApplyImplicitView: 6, Typed: 2, TypeDef: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 2480
[info] #typechecked selections : 2141
[info] #typechecked applications: 1344
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 9411
[info] #symbols : 38226
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] time spent typechecking : 2 spans, 2042031041ns (100.0%)
[info] time classfilereading : 714 spans, 722767838ns (35.4%)
[info] time spent in implicits : 110 spans, 551415893ns (27.0%)
[info] successful in scope : 58 spans, 92522932ns (4.5%)
[info] failed in scope : 107 spans, 215403075ns (10.5%)
[info] successful of type : 57 spans, 118440192ns (5.8%)
[info] failed of type : 99 spans, 9911872ns (0.5%)
[info] assembling parts : 45 spans, 100747997ns (4.9%)
[info] matchesPT : 374 spans, 22547830ns (1.1%)
[info] implicit cache hits : 59 (56.7%)
[info] time spent in failed : 995 spans, 1775086ns (0.1%)
[info] failed apply : 979 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] failed op= : 672 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Apply: 751223, Select: 691758, ModuleDef: 369731, Ident: 200473, ClassDef: 146025, DefDef: 116475, AppliedTypeTree: 31728, If: 16094, Block: 14338, Literal: 12212, TypeApply: 10152, PackageDef: 9461, TypeTree: 6769, Function: 6590, Match: 6107, New: 5116, This: 4661, ValDef: 4338, ExistentialTypeTree: 3031, Super: 2749, Typed: 1441, Try: 1326, TypeDef: 845, Throw: 619, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 612, TypeBoundsTree: 599, ApplyImplicitView: 355, AssignOrNamedArg: 346, Bind: 286, Assign: 271, : 105)
[info] #visits by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 3419, Ident: 3010, TypeTree: 1909, Apply: 1471, Literal: 1238, DefDef: 1124, This: 700, Block: 570, AppliedTypeTree: 214, Super: 166, New: 162, TypeApply: 148, ValDef: 127, If: 116, ModuleDef: 110, Match: 92, ClassDef: 79, Throw: 43, : 37, PackageDef: 25, Function: 21, AssignOrNamedArg: 15, TypeBoundsTree: 12, ApplyImplicitView: 12, Assign: 12, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 11, Bind: 11, Typed: 9, TypeDef: 4, ExistentialTypeTree: 4, Try: 3)
[info] avg micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(ModuleDef: 3361, ClassDef: 1848, ExistentialTypeTree: 757, Apply: 510, Try: 442, PackageDef: 378, Function: 313, TypeDef: 211, Select: 202, Typed: 160, AppliedTypeTree: 148, If: 138, DefDef: 103, TypeApply: 68, Ident: 66, Match: 66, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 55, TypeBoundsTree: 49, ValDef: 34, New: 31, ApplyImplicitView: 29, Bind: 26, Block: 25, AssignOrNamedArg: 23, Assign: 22, Super: 16, Throw: 14, Literal: 9, This: 6, TypeTree: 3, : 2)
[info] time spent in <:< : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in findmember : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in asSeenFrom : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] #implicit searches : 110
[info] #tried, plausible, matching, typed, found implicits: 0, 16, 16, 16, 16
[info] #implicit improves tests : 48
[info] #implicit improves cached: 26
[info] #implicit inscope hits : 6
[info] #implicit oftype hits : 10
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase erasure
[info] #created tree nodes : 40923
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 12536
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(TypeTree: 2626, Select: 2036, Apply: 1637, DefDef: 958, Literal: 926, Ident: 855, This: 810, ValDef: 528, Block: 466, TypeApply: 334, : 325, New: 196, ClassDef: 180, Template: 180, Super: 162, If: 122, ArrayValue: 61, Throw: 46, CaseDef: 28, PackageDef: 19, Typed: 16, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 10, ApplyImplicitView: 6, Match: 6, LabelDef: 3)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 3291
[info] #typechecked selections : 3876
[info] #typechecked applications: 3161
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 16370
[info] #symbols : 61490
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase cleanup
[info] #created tree nodes : 46154
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 14556
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 2805, TypeTree: 2782, Apply: 1711, Ident: 1173, DefDef: 1118, This: 1085, Literal: 937, ValDef: 641, : 483, Block: 474, TypeApply: 235, New: 196, ClassDef: 180, Template: 180, Super: 162, If: 126, Assign: 73, ArrayValue: 61, Throw: 46, CaseDef: 28, PackageDef: 19, Typed: 16, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 10, ApplyImplicitView: 6, Match: 6, LabelDef: 3)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 3416
[info] #typechecked selections : 4183
[info] #typechecked applications: 3389
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 16598
[info] #symbols : 63227
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 241 classes.
[info] == doms-common / compile ==
[info] == doms-core / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 185 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase parser
[info] #created tree nodes : 71462
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[warn] E:\code\doms\doms-core\src\main\scala\com\efgfp\doms\core\persistence\UsertypeRecordMetaDataFactory.scala:64: type org.squeryl.annotations.ColumnBase in type org.squeryl.annotations.package.Column is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn] val colAnnotation = annotations.find(a => a.isInstanceOf[Column]).map(a => a.asInstanceOf[Column])
[warn] ^
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase typer
[info] #created tree nodes : 300506
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 140161
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 35097, TypeTree: 21957, Ident: 18419, Apply: 13030, This: 8837, ValDef: 7526, DefDef: 6932, Literal: 6445, : 5989, TypeApply: 2897, CaseDef: 1822, Block: 1672, Import: 1303, New: 1161, Template: 850, Bind: 832, ApplyImplicitView: 782, Match: 711, Super: 700, If: 586, ClassDef: 512, Function: 500, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 387, ModuleDef: 338, Throw: 302, PackageDef: 236, Typed: 119, TypeDef: 110, Assign: 68, Try: 19, Alternative: 8, UnApply: 7, AppliedTypeTree: 4, Return: 3)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 39664
[info] #typechecked selections : 30106
[info] #typechecked applications: 18833
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 165482
[info] #symbols : 286115
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] time spent typechecking : 3 spans, 14433623548ns (100.0%)
[info] time classfilereading : 2130 spans, 2206477917ns (15.3%)
[info] time spent in implicits : 2704 spans, 5247730941ns (36.4%)
[info] successful in scope : 1827 spans, 3115063226ns (21.6%)
[info] failed in scope : 2230 spans, 1317133617ns (9.1%)
[info] successful of type : 1075 spans, 662574990ns (4.6%)
[info] failed of type : 1557 spans, 37306687ns (0.3%)
[info] assembling parts : 399 spans, 229103426ns (1.6%)
[info] matchesPT : 38161 spans, 880483480ns (6.1%)
[info] implicit cache hits : 1242 (75.7%)
[info] time spent in failed : 16047 spans, 219064402ns (1.5%)
[info] failed apply : 14801 spans, 71292579ns (0.5%)
[info] failed op= : 9426 spans, 20332471ns (0.1%)
[info] micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 5488403, Apply: 3981975, Ident: 2481545, DefDef: 615058, ClassDef: 473176, ModuleDef: 457108, TypeApply: 242106, AppliedTypeTree: 240444, If: 224978, Match: 181918, Literal: 117376, Block: 93988, ValDef: 73931, Typed: 66854, TypeTree: 51495, Function: 50402, PackageDef: 48416, ApplyImplicitView: 42585, This: 30510, AssignOrNamedArg: 28463, New: 27104, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 20462, Super: 12450, Bind: 11289, Throw: 9337, ExistentialTypeTree: 5070, TypeBoundsTree: 4365, ArrayValue: 4359, Assign: 2722, TypeDef: 2435, Try: 1923, LabelDef: 1879, SelectFromTypeTree: 1580, CompoundTypeTree: 1244, Alternative: 765, : 730, Annotated: 231, Return: 147)
[info] #visits by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Ident: 45976, Select: 45538, Apply: 19050, TypeTree: 18214, Literal: 10963, DefDef: 10275, This: 5983, Block: 4970, AppliedTypeTree: 3544, ValDef: 2676, TypeApply: 2265, New: 1590, ApplyImplicitView: 1369, AssignOrNamedArg: 1176, Super: 1040, If: 1015, Match: 872, Bind: 846, Function: 824, ClassDef: 781, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 484, ModuleDef: 448, Throw: 438, TypeBoundsTree: 297, PackageDef: 280, : 254, Assign: 198, LabelDef: 170, Typed: 152, ArrayValue: 122, TypeDef: 56, ExistentialTypeTree: 52, Try: 27, Alternative: 8, SelectFromTypeTree: 5, Return: 3, Annotated: 3, CompoundTypeTree: 1)
[info] avg micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(CompoundTypeTree: 1244, ModuleDef: 1020, ClassDef: 605, Typed: 439, SelectFromTypeTree: 316, If: 221, Apply: 209, Match: 208, PackageDef: 172, Select: 120, TypeApply: 106, ExistentialTypeTree: 97, Alternative: 95, Annotated: 77, Try: 71, AppliedTypeTree: 67, Function: 61, DefDef: 59, Ident: 53, Return: 49, TypeDef: 43, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 42, ArrayValue: 35, ApplyImplicitView: 31, ValDef: 27, AssignOrNamedArg: 24, Throw: 21, Block: 18, New: 17, TypeBoundsTree: 14, Assign: 13, Bind: 13, LabelDef: 11, Super: 11, Literal: 10, This: 5, TypeTree: 2, : 2)
[info] time spent in <:< : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in findmember : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in asSeenFrom : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] #implicit searches : 2705
[info] #tried, plausible, matching, typed, found implicits: 0, 1565, 1565, 1372, 1310
[info] #implicit improves tests : 1899
[info] #implicit improves cached: 1247
[info] #implicit inscope hits : 949
[info] #implicit oftype hits : 396
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[warn] E:\code\doms\doms-core\src\main\scala\com\efgfp\doms\core\order\update\tasks\OrderTransactionTaskManagement.scala:65: match is not exhaustive!
[warn] missing combination BookTransactionsInSophis
[warn] action match {
[warn] ^
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase erasure
[info] #created tree nodes : 630796
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 218373
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 41918, TypeTree: 41323, Apply: 30372, Ident: 20020, This: 14499, ValDef: 13667, DefDef: 12286, : 9095, Literal: 7832, Block: 7022, TypeApply: 4411, New: 3798, ClassDef: 2039, Template: 2039, Super: 1826, If: 1662, Typed: 1261, ApplyImplicitView: 744, CaseDef: 585, Throw: 426, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 387, ArrayValue: 378, LabelDef: 283, PackageDef: 236, Match: 121, Assign: 105, Try: 19, Bind: 16, Return: 3)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 60171
[info] #typechecked selections : 72087
[info] #typechecked applications: 55360
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 189842
[info] #symbols : 395023
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase cleanup
[info] #created tree nodes : 862666
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 382680
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 93081, TypeTree: 62711, Ident: 43850, Apply: 41240, This: 29077, ValDef: 26610, : 22778, DefDef: 21820, Literal: 10030, Block: 7975, New: 4158, TypeApply: 3228, Assign: 2938, If: 2472, ClassDef: 2039, Template: 2039, Super: 1858, Typed: 1261, ApplyImplicitView: 744, Throw: 744, CaseDef: 585, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 386, ArrayValue: 378, LabelDef: 283, PackageDef: 236, Match: 121, Try: 19, Bind: 16, Return: 3)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 73408
[info] #typechecked selections : 88651
[info] #typechecked applications: 68031
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 201769
[info] #symbols : 457706
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[warn] two warnings found
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 2099 classes.
[info] == doms-core / compile ==
[info] == doms-swingx / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 54 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase parser
[info] #created tree nodes : 6462
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase typer
[info] #created tree nodes : 19566
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 7518
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 1912, TypeTree: 1082, Ident: 803, Apply: 687, This: 539, DefDef: 388, : 364, ValDef: 345, Literal: 294, Block: 187, Import: 158, Template: 86, Super: 85, New: 82, TypeApply: 72, ClassDef: 70, CaseDef: 66, PackageDef: 62, If: 35, TypeDef: 34, Bind: 34, Match: 34, Function: 26, Try: 17, ModuleDef: 16, ApplyImplicitView: 13, Return: 6, Assign: 6, Throw: 6, Typed: 5, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 2, AppliedTypeTree: 1, UnApply: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 75767
[info] #typechecked selections : 90265
[info] #typechecked applications: 68756
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 12624
[info] #symbols : 52925
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] time spent typechecking : 4 spans, 15525529084ns (100.0%)
[info] time classfilereading : 2869 spans, 3656388459ns (23.6%)
[info] time spent in implicits : 2868 spans, 5449277226ns (35.1%)
[info] successful in scope : 1916 spans, 3152506531ns (20.3%)
[info] failed in scope : 2386 spans, 1418608801ns (9.1%)
[info] successful of type : 1150 spans, 663309999ns (4.3%)
[info] failed of type : 1705 spans, 98323938ns (0.6%)
[info] assembling parts : 455 spans, 286883672ns (1.8%)
[info] matchesPT : 38496 spans, 895830423ns (5.8%)
[info] implicit cache hits : 1334 (74.6%)
[info] time spent in failed : 41246 spans, 278736791ns (1.8%)
[info] failed apply : 39999 spans, 71292579ns (0.5%)
[info] failed op= : 34390 spans, 80146777ns (0.5%)
[info] micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 7224164, Apply: 6353220, Ident: 3108910, DefDef: 1631517, ClassDef: 834009, ModuleDef: 486270, TypeApply: 410348, Block: 378789, If: 320591, AppliedTypeTree: 258442, TypeTree: 255748, Literal: 205453, Match: 203561, This: 188673, ValDef: 186181, New: 91898, Typed: 88876, Function: 69487, ApplyImplicitView: 63162, PackageDef: 59461, Super: 34480, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 34467, Assign: 31731, AssignOrNamedArg: 28463, LabelDef: 28419, ArrayValue: 20672, Throw: 17238, Bind: 13192, ExistentialTypeTree: 6030, TypeBoundsTree: 5783, Try: 4151, TypeDef: 3680, Annotated: 2376, : 1934, SelectFromTypeTree: 1580, CompoundTypeTree: 1244, Alternative: 765, Return: 301, SingletonTypeTree: 181)
[info] #visits by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 144182, TypeTree: 100866, Ident: 95526, Apply: 77944, This: 50266, DefDef: 37224, Literal: 28247, Block: 25280, ValDef: 15550, New: 8517, TypeApply: 8358, If: 6586, Super: 4164, ClassDef: 4017, AppliedTypeTree: 3806, Assign: 3601, ApplyImplicitView: 2628, Typed: 2572, LabelDef: 2356, Throw: 1606, Match: 1497, Function: 1467, AssignOrNamedArg: 1176, Bind: 1021, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 1003, ArrayValue: 878, : 745, PackageDef: 578, ModuleDef: 464, TypeBoundsTree: 413, Try: 92, TypeDef: 91, ExistentialTypeTree: 73, Annotated: 73, Return: 12, Alternative: 8, SingletonTypeTree: 6, SelectFromTypeTree: 5, CompoundTypeTree: 1)
[info] avg micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(CompoundTypeTree: 1244, ModuleDef: 1047, SelectFromTypeTree: 316, ClassDef: 207, Match: 135, PackageDef: 102, Alternative: 95, ExistentialTypeTree: 82, Apply: 81, AppliedTypeTree: 67, Select: 50, TypeApply: 49, If: 48, Function: 47, Try: 45, DefDef: 43, TypeDef: 40, Typed: 34, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 34, Ident: 32, Annotated: 32, SingletonTypeTree: 30, Return: 25, ApplyImplicitView: 24, AssignOrNamedArg: 24, ArrayValue: 23, TypeBoundsTree: 14, Block: 14, LabelDef: 12, Bind: 12, ValDef: 11, New: 10, Throw: 10, Super: 8, Assign: 8, Literal: 7, This: 3, TypeTree: 2, : 2)
[info] time spent in <:< : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in findmember : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in asSeenFrom : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] #implicit searches : 2869
[info] #tried, plausible, matching, typed, found implicits: 0, 1583, 1583, 1390, 1328
[info] #implicit improves tests : 1916
[info] #implicit improves cached: 1247
[info] #implicit inscope hits : 964
[info] #implicit oftype hits : 397
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase erasure
[info] #created tree nodes : 41762
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 12605
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 2458, TypeTree: 2416, Apply: 1775, This: 1047, DefDef: 795, Ident: 790, ValDef: 697, : 637, Block: 415, Literal: 350, TypeApply: 337, New: 173, ClassDef: 136, Template: 136, Super: 133, If: 78, PackageDef: 62, Typed: 58, Throw: 27, Try: 17, CaseDef: 15, ApplyImplicitView: 13, Assign: 13, ArrayValue: 7, Bind: 7, Return: 6, LabelDef: 5, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 2)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 76641
[info] #typechecked selections : 92577
[info] #typechecked applications: 70851
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 24490
[info] #symbols : 87401
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase cleanup
[info] #created tree nodes : 74088
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 39682
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 9140, TypeTree: 6704, Ident: 5250, Apply: 3831, This: 3415, ValDef: 2997, : 2987, DefDef: 2903, Literal: 498, Block: 481, Assign: 242, New: 208, TypeApply: 196, Super: 161, If: 143, ClassDef: 136, Template: 136, PackageDef: 62, Throw: 62, Typed: 58, Try: 17, CaseDef: 15, ApplyImplicitView: 13, ArrayValue: 7, Bind: 7, Return: 6, LabelDef: 5, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 2)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 78938
[info] #typechecked selections : 95221
[info] #typechecked applications: 73164
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 27827
[info] #symbols : 100465
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 138 classes.
[info] == doms-swingx / compile ==
[info] == doms-webserver / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 1 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase parser
[info] #created tree nodes : 274
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase typer
[info] #created tree nodes : 703
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 148
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 57, Ident: 18, TypeTree: 17, Apply: 9, Import: 8, ValDef: 7, This: 6, : 5, Literal: 4, DefDef: 4, Block: 4, ClassDef: 2, Super: 2, Template: 2, TypeApply: 1, New: 1, PackageDef: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 78984
[info] #typechecked selections : 95260
[info] #typechecked applications: 73173
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 1749
[info] #symbols : 16305
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] time spent typechecking : 5 spans, 15608912587ns (100.0%)
[info] time classfilereading : 3176 spans, 4726168557ns (30.3%)
[info] time spent in implicits : 2869 spans, 5450419830ns (34.9%)
[info] successful in scope : 1917 spans, 3152506531ns (20.2%)
[info] failed in scope : 2387 spans, 1419100763ns (9.1%)
[info] successful of type : 1151 spans, 663953377ns (4.3%)
[info] failed of type : 1706 spans, 98323938ns (0.6%)
[info] assembling parts : 455 spans, 286883672ns (1.8%)
[info] matchesPT : 38496 spans, 895830423ns (5.7%)
[info] implicit cache hits : 1334 (74.6%)
[info] time spent in failed : 43458 spans, 278736791ns (1.8%)
[info] failed apply : 42210 spans, 71292579ns (0.5%)
[info] failed op= : 36598 spans, 80146777ns (0.5%)
[info] micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 7496371, Apply: 6539388, Ident: 3163606, DefDef: 1759535, ClassDef: 853949, ModuleDef: 486270, TypeApply: 422065, Block: 392313, If: 325380, TypeTree: 275975, AppliedTypeTree: 258442, Literal: 241719, This: 206441, Match: 204356, ValDef: 190992, New: 95275, Typed: 89925, Function: 70095, ApplyImplicitView: 63509, PackageDef: 61027, Super: 36110, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 34534, Assign: 34054, LabelDef: 29006, AssignOrNamedArg: 28463, ArrayValue: 20985, Throw: 17930, Bind: 13612, ExistentialTypeTree: 6030, TypeBoundsTree: 5783, Try: 4818, TypeDef: 3680, Annotated: 3249, : 2076, SelectFromTypeTree: 1580, CompoundTypeTree: 1244, UnApply: 805, Alternative: 765, Return: 473, SingletonTypeTree: 181)
[info] #visits by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 154501, TypeTree: 108570, Ident: 99266, Apply: 82968, This: 54908, DefDef: 40371, Literal: 29122, Block: 26365, ValDef: 16108, New: 8849, TypeApply: 8803, If: 6916, Super: 4421, ClassDef: 4201, Assign: 3895, AppliedTypeTree: 3806, Typed: 2677, ApplyImplicitView: 2652, LabelDef: 2430, Throw: 1697, Match: 1528, Function: 1487, AssignOrNamedArg: 1176, Bind: 1046, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 1007, ArrayValue: 891, : 817, PackageDef: 641, ModuleDef: 464, TypeBoundsTree: 413, Try: 130, Annotated: 103, TypeDef: 91, ExistentialTypeTree: 73, Return: 18, Alternative: 8, SingletonTypeTree: 6, SelectFromTypeTree: 5, UnApply: 2, CompoundTypeTree: 1)
[info] avg micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(CompoundTypeTree: 1244, ModuleDef: 1047, UnApply: 402, SelectFromTypeTree: 316, ClassDef: 203, Match: 133, Alternative: 95, PackageDef: 95, ExistentialTypeTree: 82, Apply: 78, AppliedTypeTree: 67, Select: 48, TypeApply: 47, Function: 47, If: 47, DefDef: 43, TypeDef: 40, Try: 37, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 34, Typed: 33, Ident: 31, Annotated: 31, SingletonTypeTree: 30, Return: 26, AssignOrNamedArg: 24, ArrayValue: 23, ApplyImplicitView: 23, TypeBoundsTree: 14, Block: 14, Bind: 13, LabelDef: 11, ValDef: 11, New: 10, Throw: 10, Super: 8, Literal: 8, Assign: 8, This: 3, TypeTree: 2, : 2)
[info] time spent in <:< : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in findmember : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in asSeenFrom : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] #implicit searches : 2870
[info] #tried, plausible, matching, typed, found implicits: 0, 1583, 1583, 1390, 1328
[info] #implicit improves tests : 1916
[info] #implicit improves cached: 1247
[info] #implicit inscope hits : 964
[info] #implicit oftype hits : 398
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase erasure
[info] #created tree nodes : 1326
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 158
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 41, TypeTree: 29, Apply: 18, This: 11, Ident: 9, ValDef: 9, DefDef: 8, : 7, Block: 6, Literal: 5, ClassDef: 3, Super: 3, Template: 3, TypeApply: 2, New: 2, Typed: 1, PackageDef: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 78993
[info] #typechecked selections : 95298
[info] #typechecked applications: 73193
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 6584
[info] #symbols : 38424
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase cleanup
[info] #created tree nodes : 1934
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 708
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 235, TypeTree: 101, Ident: 86, ValDef: 54, : 53, Apply: 52, This: 48, DefDef: 36, Literal: 13, Block: 10, Assign: 4, ClassDef: 3, Super: 3, Template: 3, New: 2, If: 2, TypeApply: 1, Typed: 1, PackageDef: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 79039
[info] #typechecked selections : 95339
[info] #typechecked applications: 73227
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 6614
[info] #symbols : 38711
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 3 classes.
[info] == doms-webserver / compile ==
[info] == doms-ws / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 30 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase parser
[info] #created tree nodes : 4241
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase typer
[info] #created tree nodes : 7558
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 4378
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 1450, Ident: 997, Apply: 329, TypeTree: 304, ValDef: 213, Import: 187, Literal: 184, DefDef: 168, This: 155, Template: 60, : 49, AppliedTypeTree: 45, ModuleDef: 30, ClassDef: 30, PackageDef: 30, Block: 22, CaseDef: 20, TypeApply: 19, New: 17, ApplyImplicitView: 17, Bind: 16, Function: 9, Try: 6, Match: 6, If: 5, Super: 4, Typed: 2, UnApply: 2, Assign: 1, Throw: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 79761
[info] #typechecked selections : 95754
[info] #typechecked applications: 73597
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 6509
[info] #symbols : 31920
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] time spent typechecking : 6 spans, 15961869458ns (100.0%)
[info] time classfilereading : 3583 spans, 4992130295ns (31.3%)
[info] time spent in implicits : 2904 spans, 5532861037ns (34.7%)
[info] successful in scope : 1943 spans, 3188175589ns (20.0%)
[info] failed in scope : 2414 spans, 1464746232ns (9.2%)
[info] successful of type : 1160 spans, 663953377ns (4.2%)
[info] failed of type : 1724 spans, 99258972ns (0.6%)
[info] assembling parts : 461 spans, 287736295ns (1.8%)
[info] matchesPT : 38923 spans, 917063004ns (5.7%)
[info] implicit cache hits : 1346 (74.5%)
[info] time spent in failed : 43840 spans, 279092422ns (1.7%)
[info] failed apply : 42586 spans, 71292579ns (0.4%)
[info] failed op= : 36810 spans, 80146777ns (0.5%)
[info] micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 7683960, Apply: 6748438, Ident: 3280990, DefDef: 1764354, ClassDef: 858673, ModuleDef: 486847, TypeApply: 446590, Block: 394049, If: 327285, TypeTree: 276801, AppliedTypeTree: 260421, Literal: 243826, This: 206798, Match: 205417, ValDef: 194348, New: 95809, Typed: 89950, Function: 70814, ApplyImplicitView: 64061, PackageDef: 61739, Super: 36175, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 34534, Assign: 34114, LabelDef: 29006, AssignOrNamedArg: 28644, ArrayValue: 20985, Throw: 17947, Bind: 13798, ExistentialTypeTree: 6030, TypeBoundsTree: 5783, Try: 4988, TypeDef: 3680, Annotated: 3346, : 2076, SelectFromTypeTree: 1580, CompoundTypeTree: 1244, UnApply: 805, Alternative: 765, Return: 473, SingletonTypeTree: 181)
[info] #visits by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 155219, TypeTree: 108868, Ident: 100092, Apply: 83370, This: 54989, DefDef: 40468, Literal: 29350, Block: 26412, ValDef: 16197, New: 8871, TypeApply: 8810, If: 6924, Super: 4429, ClassDef: 4207, Assign: 3900, AppliedTypeTree: 3824, ApplyImplicitView: 2684, Typed: 2679, LabelDef: 2430, Throw: 1698, Match: 1534, Function: 1506, AssignOrNamedArg: 1182, Bind: 1062, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 1007, ArrayValue: 891, : 817, PackageDef: 643, ModuleDef: 466, TypeBoundsTree: 413, Try: 136, Annotated: 105, TypeDef: 91, ExistentialTypeTree: 73, Return: 18, Alternative: 8, SingletonTypeTree: 6, SelectFromTypeTree: 5, UnApply: 2, CompoundTypeTree: 1)
[info] avg micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(CompoundTypeTree: 1244, ModuleDef: 1044, UnApply: 402, SelectFromTypeTree: 316, ClassDef: 204, Match: 133, PackageDef: 96, Alternative: 95, ExistentialTypeTree: 82, Apply: 80, AppliedTypeTree: 68, TypeApply: 50, Select: 49, Function: 47, If: 47, DefDef: 43, TypeDef: 40, Try: 36, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 34, Typed: 33, Ident: 32, Annotated: 31, SingletonTypeTree: 30, Return: 26, AssignOrNamedArg: 24, ArrayValue: 23, ApplyImplicitView: 23, TypeBoundsTree: 14, Block: 14, Bind: 12, LabelDef: 11, ValDef: 11, New: 10, Throw: 10, Super: 8, Literal: 8, Assign: 8, This: 3, TypeTree: 2, : 2)
[info] time spent in <:< : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in findmember : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in asSeenFrom : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] #implicit searches : 2905
[info] #tried, plausible, matching, typed, found implicits: 0, 1603, 1603, 1410, 1348
[info] #implicit improves tests : 1953
[info] #implicit improves cached: 1247
[info] #implicit inscope hits : 981
[info] #implicit oftype hits : 398
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase erasure
[info] #created tree nodes : 19217
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 8304
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 1927, TypeTree: 1258, Ident: 1068, Apply: 907, DefDef: 525, This: 511, ValDef: 430, Literal: 288, : 235, Block: 223, Import: 167, Template: 148, ClassDef: 120, New: 118, Super: 92, Typed: 89, AppliedTypeTree: 45, PackageDef: 30, ModuleDef: 28, TypeApply: 27, ApplyImplicitView: 17, If: 16, CaseDef: 12, Try: 6, Throw: 6, ArrayValue: 4, Assign: 3, Bind: 2, LabelDef: 1, Match: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 80176
[info] #typechecked selections : 97003
[info] #typechecked applications: 74687
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 12687
[info] #symbols : 52234
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase cleanup
[info] #created tree nodes : 23887
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 10871
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 2743, TypeTree: 1482, Ident: 1322, Apply: 1111, This: 784, ValDef: 614, DefDef: 505, : 426, Literal: 379, Block: 249, New: 182, Import: 167, Template: 148, Assign: 139, ClassDef: 120, Super: 92, Typed: 89, If: 84, Throw: 66, AppliedTypeTree: 45, PackageDef: 30, ModuleDef: 28, TypeApply: 23, ApplyImplicitView: 17, CaseDef: 12, Try: 6, ArrayValue: 4, Bind: 2, LabelDef: 1, Match: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 80456
[info] #typechecked selections : 97412
[info] #typechecked applications: 74890
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 13081
[info] #symbols : 53998
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 122 classes.
[info] == doms-ws / compile ==
[info] == doms-server / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 27 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase parser
[info] #created tree nodes : 5672
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase typer
[info] #created tree nodes : 20084
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 9237
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 3136, TypeTree: 1357, Ident: 1015, Apply: 763, This: 599, ValDef: 385, DefDef: 312, TypeApply: 296, Literal: 247, : 217, Block: 196, Import: 190, New: 92, Template: 66, Function: 66, Super: 61, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 55, ClassDef: 49, PackageDef: 28, CaseDef: 28, ApplyImplicitView: 20, ModuleDef: 17, Bind: 15, Match: 13, If: 6, Try: 4, Throw: 4)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 82222
[info] #typechecked selections : 99242
[info] #typechecked applications: 75750
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 13844
[info] #symbols : 65172
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] time spent typechecking : 7 spans, 17256886842ns (100.0%)
[info] time classfilereading : 4324 spans, 5769634702ns (33.4%)
[info] time spent in implicits : 2992 spans, 5686445916ns (33.0%)
[info] successful in scope : 1993 spans, 3220160100ns (18.7%)
[info] failed in scope : 2496 spans, 1535729560ns (8.9%)
[info] successful of type : 1227 spans, 712389984ns (4.1%)
[info] failed of type : 1771 spans, 100858619ns (0.6%)
[info] assembling parts : 473 spans, 307764818ns (1.8%)
[info] matchesPT : 39093 spans, 925803229ns (5.4%)
[info] implicit cache hits : 1362 (74.2%)
[info] time spent in failed : 45160 spans, 279092422ns (1.6%)
[info] failed apply : 43906 spans, 71292579ns (0.4%)
[info] failed op= : 37887 spans, 80146777ns (0.5%)
[info] micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 8307867, Apply: 7082734, Ident: 3721215, DefDef: 1805146, ClassDef: 890341, ModuleDef: 496655, TypeApply: 453004, Block: 410323, If: 332795, TypeTree: 284938, AppliedTypeTree: 274027, Literal: 252138, This: 212617, Match: 206273, ValDef: 201594, New: 101335, Typed: 91576, Function: 79097, PackageDef: 65374, ApplyImplicitView: 65285, Super: 37857, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 37421, Assign: 35446, LabelDef: 29193, AssignOrNamedArg: 28644, ArrayValue: 21134, Throw: 18666, Bind: 14054, ExistentialTypeTree: 6030, TypeBoundsTree: 5783, Try: 5427, TypeDef: 3680, Annotated: 3346, : 2091, SelectFromTypeTree: 1580, CompoundTypeTree: 1296, UnApply: 805, Alternative: 765, Return: 473, SingletonTypeTree: 181)
[info] #visits by tree node : ArrayBuffer(Select: 159944, TypeTree: 112041, Ident: 102915, Apply: 85891, This: 56643, DefDef: 41652, Literal: 30554, Block: 27440, ValDef: 16733, New: 9242, TypeApply: 9051, If: 7039, Super: 4678, ClassDef: 4436, Assign: 4103, AppliedTypeTree: 3881, Typed: 2856, ApplyImplicitView: 2756, LabelDef: 2450, Throw: 1776, Function: 1669, Match: 1553, AssignOrNamedArg: 1182, Bind: 1081, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 1066, ArrayValue: 898, : 823, PackageDef: 672, ModuleDef: 483, TypeBoundsTree: 413, Try: 151, Annotated: 105, TypeDef: 91, ExistentialTypeTree: 73, Return: 18, Alternative: 8, SingletonTypeTree: 6, SelectFromTypeTree: 5, CompoundTypeTree: 3, UnApply: 2)
[info] avg micros by tree node : ArrayBuffer(ModuleDef: 1028, CompoundTypeTree: 432, UnApply: 402, SelectFromTypeTree: 316, ClassDef: 200, Match: 132, PackageDef: 97, Alternative: 95, ExistentialTypeTree: 82, Apply: 82, AppliedTypeTree: 70, Select: 51, TypeApply: 50, Function: 47, If: 47, DefDef: 43, TypeDef: 40, Ident: 36, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 35, Try: 35, Typed: 32, Annotated: 31, SingletonTypeTree: 30, Return: 26, AssignOrNamedArg: 24, ArrayValue: 23, ApplyImplicitView: 23, TypeBoundsTree: 14, Block: 14, Bind: 13, ValDef: 12, LabelDef: 11, New: 10, Throw: 10, Super: 8, Literal: 8, Assign: 8, This: 3, TypeTree: 2, : 2)
[info] time spent in <:< : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in findmember : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] time spent in asSeenFrom : 0 spans, 0ns (0.0%)
[info] #implicit searches : 2993
[info] #tried, plausible, matching, typed, found implicits: 0, 1625, 1625, 1432, 1370
[info] #implicit improves tests : 1973
[info] #implicit improves cached: 1251
[info] #implicit inscope hits : 993
[info] #implicit oftype hits : 456
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase erasure
[info] #created tree nodes : 47834
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 15067
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 3153, TypeTree: 2944, Apply: 2019, This: 1318, DefDef: 972, Ident: 823, ValDef: 759, Block: 579, : 542, Literal: 417, New: 283, ClassDef: 235, Template: 235, Super: 229, TypeApply: 226, Typed: 169, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 55, PackageDef: 28, ApplyImplicitView: 20, If: 20, ArrayValue: 16, CaseDef: 7, Throw: 6, Try: 4, Bind: 4, LabelDef: 3, Match: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 83048
[info] #typechecked selections : 102342
[info] #typechecked applications: 78228
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 26198
[info] #symbols : 130747
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] *** Cumulative statistics at phase cleanup
[info] #created tree nodes : 76303
[info] #created tree nodes by type: ArrayBuffer()
[info] #retained nodes : 38499
[info] #retained nodes by type : ArrayBuffer(Select: 11131, TypeTree: 5826, Ident: 3995, Apply: 3538, This: 3067, ValDef: 2556, : 2535, DefDef: 2084, Literal: 864, Block: 806, Assign: 365, New: 345, ClassDef: 235, Template: 235, Super: 229, If: 181, Typed: 169, TypeApply: 141, Throw: 59, ApplyToImplicitArgs: 55, PackageDef: 28, ApplyImplicitView: 20, ArrayValue: 16, CaseDef: 7, Try: 4, Bind: 4, LabelDef: 3, Match: 1)
[info] #typechecked identifiers : 84908
[info] #typechecked selections : 104458
[info] #typechecked applications: 79817
[info] #raw type creations : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #unique types : 27485
[info] #symbols : 140864
[info] of which type symbols : 0
[info] of which class symbols : 0
[info] #base type seqs : 0
[info] avg base type seq length : NaN
[info] #singleton base type seqs: 0
[info] #compound base type seqs : 0
[info] #typeref base type seqs : 0
[info] #findMember ops : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] #notfound member : 0
[info] #multiple member : 0
[info] #asSeenFrom ops : 0
[info] #subtype : 0
[info] of which in failed : 0
[info] of which in implicits : 0
[info] of which in app impl : 0
[info] of which in improv : 0
[info] #sametype : 0
[info] ms type-flow-analysis: 0
[info] #ctr1 : 0
[info] #ctr2 : 0
[info] #ctr3 : 0
[info] #ctr4 : 0
[info] #counter1 : 0
[info] #counter2 : 0
[info] #timer1 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] #timer2 : 0 spans, 0ns
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 248 classes.
[info] == doms-server / compile ==
[info] == doms-gui / compile ==
[info] Source analysis: 226 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[error] Note: E:\code\doms\doms-gui\src\main\java\com\efgfp\jgoodies\binding\adapter\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[error] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[info] Compilation successful.
[info] Post-analysis: 1477 classes.
[info] == doms-gui / compile ==
[info] == DOMS / compile ==
[info] == DOMS / compile ==
[success] Successful.
[info] Total time: 111 s, completed 28.06.2011 07:42:05
[info] Total session time: 116 s, completed 28.06.2011 07:42:05
[success] Build completed successfully.
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