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Last active April 21, 2022 23:53
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Aspose.GIS for .NET
This Gist contains code snippets from examples of Aspose.GIS for .NET
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
private class AttributesConverterExample : IAttributesConverter
public void ModifyAttribute(FeatureAttribute attribute, AttributesConverterActions actions)
switch (attribute.Name)
case "name":
// rename and adjust width
attribute.Name = "nickname";
attribute.Width = 10;
case "age":
// change type and adjust width
attribute.DataType = AttributeDataType.String;
attribute.Width = 3;
attribute.Precision = 0;
case "dob":
// exclude attribute from destination file.
actions.Exclude = true;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
ConversionOptions options = new ConversionOptions();
options.AttributesConverter = new AttributesConverterExample();
VectorLayer.Convert(dataDir + "input.json", Drivers.GeoJson, dataDir + "ConvertGeoJSONToShapeFileWithAttributeAdjustment_out.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string sampleGeoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "sample.geojson";
var outputFilePath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "convertedSample_out.topojson";
VectorLayer.Convert(sampleGeoJsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson, outputFilePath, Drivers.TopoJson);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string sampleGeoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "sample.geojson";
var outputFilePath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "convertedSampleWithObjectName_out.topojson";
var options = new ConversionOptions
DestinationDriverOptions = new TopoJsonOptions
// specify the name of the object where features should be written
DefaultObjectName = "name_of_the_object",
VectorLayer.Convert(sampleGeoJsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson, outputFilePath, Drivers.TopoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string sampleGeoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "sample.geojson";
var outputFilePath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "convertedSampleWithGrouping_out.topojson";
var options = new ConversionOptions
DestinationDriverOptions = new TopoJsonOptions
// we set the attribute in GeoJSON layer by which we are going to group into objects
ObjectNameAttribute = "group",
// if value of "group" is unknown for some feature it should be placed into object with name "unnamed".
DefaultObjectName = "unnamed",
VectorLayer.Convert(sampleGeoJsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson, outputFilePath, Drivers.TopoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON with quantization - transforming doubles to integers
// to reduce file size.
string SampleGeoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "sample.geojson";
var outputFilePath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "convertedSampleWithQuantization_out.topojson";
var options = new ConversionOptions
DestinationDriverOptions = new TopoJsonOptions
// There are two ways to set quantization parameters - with Transform property or
// with quantization number. Here we specify quantization number.
// Quantization number specifies number of expressible values per dimension in a result
// coordinates.
QuantizationNumber = 100_000,
// Alternatively, 'Transform' property can be set (but not simultaneously with quantization number).
// Refer to TopoJSON specification for more details on transform object and quantization.
// Transform = new TopoJsonTransform(
// xTranslate: 0,
// yTranslate: 0,
// xScale: 0.0001000010000100001,
// yScale: 0.0001000010000100001),
VectorLayer.Convert(SampleGeoJsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson, outputFilePath, Drivers.TopoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
VectorLayer.Convert(shapefilePath, Drivers.Shapefile, jsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var sampleTopoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "sample.topojson";
var outputFilePath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "convertedSample_out.geojson";
VectorLayer.Convert(sampleTopoJsonPath, Drivers.TopoJson, outputFilePath, Drivers.GeoJson);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var decimalDegrees = GeoConvert.AsPointText(25.5, 45.5, PointFormats.DecimalDegrees);
var degreeDecimalMinutes = GeoConvert.AsPointText(25.5, 45.5, PointFormats.DegreeDecimalMinutes);
var degreeMinutesSeconds = GeoConvert.AsPointText(25.5, 45.5, PointFormats.DegreeMinutesSeconds);
var geoRef = GeoConvert.AsPointText(25.5, 45.5, PointFormats.GeoRef);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
if (GeoConvert.TryParsePointText("25.5°, 45.5°", out var point1))
Console.WriteLine("25.5°, 45.5° parsed as" + point1);
if (GeoConvert.TryParsePointText("25°30.00000', 045°30.00000'", out var point2))
Console.WriteLine("25°30.00000', 045°30.00000' parsed as" + point2);
if (GeoConvert.TryParsePointText("25°30'00.3000\", 045°30'00.3000\"", out var point3))
Console.WriteLine("25°30'00.3000\", 045°30'00.3000\" parsed as" + point3);
if (GeoConvert.TryParsePointText("RHAL30003000", out var point4))
Console.WriteLine("RHAL30003000 parsed as" + point4);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
ILineString readOnlyLine = (ILineString)Geometry.FromText("LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2)");
// Interfaces inherited from IGeometry represent read-only geometries, while
// concrete classes inherited from Geometry represent editable geometries.
// If you need to edit a geometry represented by an interface, 'ToEditable' method should be used to
// get an editable copy.
LineString editableLine = readOnlyLine.ToEditable();
// Line can be edited now
editableLine.AddPoint(3, 3);
Console.WriteLine(editableLine.AsText()); // LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2, 3 3)
// Initial geometry did not change
Console.WriteLine(readOnlyLine.AsText()); // LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Point point = new Point(40.7128, -74.006);
LineString line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(78.65, -32.65);
line.AddPoint(-98.65, 12.65);
GeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryCollection();
int geometriesCount = geometryCollection.Count;
Console.WriteLine(geometriesCount); // 2
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
LineString line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(78.65, -32.65);
line.AddPoint(-98.65, 12.65);
int pointsCount = line.Count;
Console.WriteLine(pointsCount); // 2
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "CreateCircularString_out.shp";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.Shapefile))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
// create a circle with center at (1,0) and radius 1.
var circularString = new CircularString();
circularString.AddPoint(0, 0);
circularString.AddPoint(1, 1);
circularString.AddPoint(2, 0);
circularString.AddPoint(1, -1);
circularString.AddPoint(0, 0);
feature.Geometry = circularString;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "CreateCompoundCurve_out.shp";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.Shapefile))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
// create an 'S' letter (starts at bottom left end)
var compoundCurve = new CompoundCurve();
var bottom = (ILineString)Geometry.FromText("LineString (0 0, 3 0)");
var firstArc = (ICircularString)Geometry.FromText("CircularString (3 0, 4 1, 3 2)");
var middle = (ILineString)Geometry.FromText("LineString (3 2, 1 2)");
var secondArc = (ICircularString)Geometry.FromText("CircularString (1 2, 0 3, 1 4)");
var top = (ILineString)Geometry.FromText("LineString (1 4, 4 4)");
feature.Geometry = compoundCurve;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "CreateCurvePolygon_out.shp";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.Shapefile))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
// create a torus with center at (0,0), radius equal to 2 and hole radius equal to 1
var curvePolygon = new CurvePolygon();
var exterior = new CircularString();
exterior.AddPoint(-2, 0);
exterior.AddPoint(0, 2);
exterior.AddPoint(2, 0);
exterior.AddPoint(0, -2);
exterior.AddPoint(-2, 0);
curvePolygon.ExteriorRing = exterior;
var interior = new CircularString();
interior.AddPoint(-1, 0);
interior.AddPoint(0, 1);
interior.AddPoint(1, 0);
interior.AddPoint(0, -1);
interior.AddPoint(-1, 0);
feature.Geometry = curvePolygon;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Point point = new Point(40.7128, -74.006);
LineString line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(78.65, -32.65);
line.AddPoint(-98.65, 12.65);
GeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryCollection();
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
LineString line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(78.65, -32.65);
line.AddPoint(-98.65, 12.65);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "CreateMultiCurve_out.shp";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.Shapefile))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
var multiCurve = new MultiCurve();
multiCurve.Add(Geometry.FromText("LineString (0 0, 1 0)"));
multiCurve.Add(Geometry.FromText("CircularString (2 2, 3 3, 4 2)"));
multiCurve.Add(Geometry.FromText("CompoundCurve ((0 1, 0 0), CircularString (0 0, 3 3, 6 0))"));
feature.Geometry = multiCurve;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
LineString firstLine = new LineString();
firstLine.AddPoint(7.5, -3.5);
firstLine.AddPoint(-9.6, 12.6);
LineString secondLine = new LineString();
secondLine.AddPoint(8.5, -2.6);
secondLine.AddPoint(-8.6, 1.5);
MultiLineString multiLineString = new MultiLineString();
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
MultiPoint multipoint = new MultiPoint();
multipoint.Add(new Point(1, 2));
multipoint.Add(new Point(3, 4));
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
LinearRing firstRing = new LinearRing();
firstRing.AddPoint(8.5, -2.5);
firstRing.AddPoint(-8.5, 2.5);
firstRing.AddPoint(8.5, -2.5);
Polygon firstPolygon = new Polygon(firstRing);
LinearRing secondRing = new LinearRing();
secondRing.AddPoint(7.6, -3.6);
secondRing.AddPoint(-9.6, 1.5);
secondRing.AddPoint(7.6, -3.6);
Polygon secondPolygon = new Polygon(secondRing);
MultiPolygon multiPolygon = new MultiPolygon();
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "CreateMultiSurface_out.json";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.GeoJson))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
var multiSurface = new MultiSurface();
var polygon = Geometry.FromText("Polygon ((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))");
var curvePolygon = Geometry.FromText("CurvePolygon (CircularString (-2 0, 0 2, 2 0, 0 -2, -2 0))");
feature.Geometry = multiSurface;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Point point = new Point(40.7128, -74.006);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
LinearRing ring = new LinearRing();
ring.AddPoint(50.02, 36.22);
ring.AddPoint(49.99, 36.26);
ring.AddPoint(49.97, 36.23);
ring.AddPoint(49.98, 36.17);
ring.AddPoint(50.02, 36.22);
polygon.ExteriorRing = ring;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
LinearRing ring = new LinearRing();
ring.AddPoint(50.02, 36.22);
ring.AddPoint(49.99, 36.26);
ring.AddPoint(49.97, 36.23);
ring.AddPoint(49.98, 36.17);
ring.AddPoint(50.02, 36.22);
LinearRing hole = new LinearRing();
hole.AddPoint(50.00, 36.22);
hole.AddPoint(49.99, 36.20);
hole.AddPoint(49.98, 36.23);
hole.AddPoint(50.00, 36.24);
hole.AddPoint(50.00, 36.22);
polygon.ExteriorRing = ring;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometry1 = new MultiLineString
new LineString(new [] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1) }),
new LineString(new [] { new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 2) }),
var geometry2 = new LineString(new[]
new Point(0, 0), new Point(2, 2),
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.SpatiallyEquals(geometry2)); // True
geometry2.AddPoint(3, 3);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.SpatiallyEquals(geometry2)); // False
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometry1 = new LineString();
geometry1.AddPoint(0, 0);
geometry1.AddPoint(2, 2);
var geometry2 = new LineString();
geometry2.AddPoint(1, 1);
geometry2.AddPoint(3, 3);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Crosses(geometry2)); // False
var geometry3 = new LineString();
geometry3.AddPoint(0, 2);
geometry3.AddPoint(2, 0);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Crosses(geometry3)); // True
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometry1 = new Polygon(new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(0, 3),
new Point(3, 3),
new Point(3, 0),
new Point(0, 0),
var geometry2 = new Polygon(new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(1, 1),
new Point(1, 4),
new Point(4, 4),
new Point(4, 1),
new Point(1, 1),
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Intersects(geometry2)); // True
Console.WriteLine(geometry2.Intersects(geometry1)); // True
// 'Disjoint' is opposite to 'Intersects'
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Disjoint(geometry2)); // False
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometry1 = new LineString();
geometry1.AddPoint(0, 0);
geometry1.AddPoint(0, 2);
var geometry2 = new LineString();
geometry2.AddPoint(0, 2);
geometry2.AddPoint(0, 3);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Overlaps(geometry2)); // False
var geometry3 = new LineString();
geometry3.AddPoint(0, 1);
geometry3.AddPoint(0, 3);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Overlaps(geometry3)); // True
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometry1 = new LineString();
geometry1.AddPoint(0, 0);
geometry1.AddPoint(2, 2);
var geometry2 = new LineString();
geometry2.AddPoint(2, 2);
geometry2.AddPoint(3, 3);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Touches(geometry2)); // True
Console.WriteLine(geometry2.Touches(geometry1)); // True
var geometry3 = new Point(2, 2);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Touches(geometry3)); // True
var geometry4 = new LineString();
geometry4.AddPoint(1, 1);
geometry4.AddPoint(4, 4);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Touches(geometry4)); // False
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometryWithoutCurves = Geometry.FromText(@"GeometryCollection (LineString (0 0, 1 1, 2 0),CompoundCurve ((4 0, 5 1), (5 1, 6 2, 7 1)))");
// geometry does not contain circular string, so HasCurveGeometry returns false.
Console.WriteLine(geometryWithoutCurves.HasCurveGeometry); // False
var geometry = Geometry.FromText(@"GeometryCollection (LineString (0 0, 1 1, 2 0),CompoundCurve ((4 0, 5 1), CircularString (5 1, 6 2, 7 1)))");
// geometry contains circular string, so HasCurveGeometry returns true.
Console.WriteLine(geometry.HasCurveGeometry); // True
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometry1 = new Polygon();
geometry1.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(0, 4),
new Point(4, 4),
new Point(4, 0),
new Point(0, 0),
geometry1.AddInteriorRing(new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(1, 1),
new Point(1, 3),
new Point(3, 3),
new Point(3, 1),
new Point(1, 1),
var geometry2 = new Point(2, 2);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.SpatiallyContains(geometry2)); // False
var geometry3 = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.SpatiallyContains(geometry3)); // True
// 'a.SpatiallyContains(b)' equals to 'b.Within(a)'
Console.WriteLine(geometry3.Within(geometry1)); // True
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(0, 0);
line.AddPoint(1, 1);
var point = new Point(0, 0);
Console.WriteLine(line.Covers(point)); // True
Console.WriteLine(point.CoveredBy(line)); // True
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometry1 = new LineString();
geometry1.AddPoint(0, 0);
geometry1.AddPoint(0, 2);
var geometry2 = new LineString();
geometry2.AddPoint(0, 1);
geometry2.AddPoint(0, 3);
// Relate method takes a string representation of DE-9IM matrix
// (Dimensionally Extended Nine-Intersection Model matrix).
// see Simple Feature Access specification for more details on DE-9IM.
// this is the equivalent of 'geometry1.SpatiallyEquals(geometry2)'
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Relate(geometry2, "T*F**FFF*")); // False
// this is the equivalent of 'geometry1.Disjoint(geometry2)'
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Relate(geometry2, "FF*FF****")); // False
// this is the equivalent of 'geometry1.Overlaps(geometry2)'
Console.WriteLine(geometry1.Relate(geometry2, "1*T***T**")); // True
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// find intersection, union, difference and symmetric difference of two geometries.
var polygon1 = new Polygon();
polygon1.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(0, 2),
new Point(2, 2),
new Point(2, 0),
new Point(0, 0),
var polygon2 = new Polygon();
polygon2.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(1, 1),
new Point(1, 3),
new Point(3, 3),
new Point(3, 1),
new Point(1, 1),
var intersection = polygon1.Intersection(polygon2);
Console.WriteLine("Intersection type is {0}", intersection.GeometryType); // Polygon
// [0] - (1 1)
// [1] - (1 2)
// [2] - (2 2)
// [3] - (2 1)
// [4] - (1 1)
var union = polygon1.Union(polygon2);
Console.WriteLine("Union type is {0}", union.GeometryType); // Polygon
// [0] - (0 0)
// [1] - (0 2)
// [2] - (1 2)
// [3] - (1 3)
// [4] - (3 3)
// [5] - (3 1)
// [6] - (2 1)
// [7] - (2 0)
// [8] - (0 0)
var difference = polygon1.Difference(polygon2);
Console.WriteLine("Difference type is {0}", difference.GeometryType); // Polygon
// [0] - (0 0)
// [1] - (0 2)
// [2] - (1 2)
// [3] - (1 1)
// [4] - (2 1)
// [5] - (2 0)
// [6] - (0 0)
var symDifference = polygon1.SymDifference(polygon2);
Console.WriteLine("Symmetric Difference type is {0}", symDifference.GeometryType); // MultiPolygon
var multiPolygon = (IMultiPolygon)symDifference;
Console.WriteLine("Polygons count is {0}", multiPolygon.Count); // 2
// [0] - (0 0)
// [1] - (0 2)
// [2] - (1 2)
// [3] - (1 1)
// [4] - (2 1)
// [5] - (2 0)
// [6] - (0 0)
// [0] - (1 2)
// [1] - (1 3)
// [2] - (3 3)
// [3] - (3 1)
// [4] - (2 1)
// [5] - (2 2)
// [6] - (1 2)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
LineString lineString = new LineString();
bool simple = lineString.IsSimple; // simple == true
lineString.AddPoint(0, 0);
lineString.AddPoint(1, 0);
simple = lineString.IsSimple; // simple == true
lineString.AddPoint(0.5, 0);
simple = lineString.IsSimple; // simple == false (line string crosses itself)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
LinearRing linearRing = new LinearRing();
linearRing.AddPoint(0, 0);
linearRing.AddPoint(0, 1);
linearRing.AddPoint(1, 0);
bool valid = linearRing.IsValid; // valid == false
linearRing.AddPoint(0, 0);
valid = linearRing.IsValid; // valid == true
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var exteriorRing = new LinearRing();
exteriorRing.AddPoint(0, 0);
exteriorRing.AddPoint(0, 1);
exteriorRing.AddPoint(1, 1);
exteriorRing.AddPoint(1, 0);
exteriorRing.AddPoint(0, 0);
var interiorRing = new LinearRing();
interiorRing.AddPoint(0.5, 0.5);
interiorRing.AddPoint(1, 0.5);
interiorRing.AddPoint(1, 1);
interiorRing.AddPoint(0.5, 1);
interiorRing.AddPoint(0.5, 0.5);
var invalidPolygon = new Polygon();
invalidPolygon.ExteriorRing = exteriorRing;
// invalidPolygon.IsValid == false, since polygon rings share segments (have infinite number of intersection points)
GeoJsonOptions options = new GeoJsonOptions();
options.ValidateGeometriesOnWrite = false; // false is default
File.Delete(dataDir + "not_validated_data_out.shp");
using (var nonValidatingLayer = Drivers.GeoJson.CreateLayer(dataDir + "not_validated_data_out.shp", options))
Feature feature = nonValidatingLayer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = invalidPolygon;
// no exception is thrown, since ValidateGeometriesOnWrite == false, and GeoJson specification doesn't say that rings of polygon can't share segments.
options.ValidateGeometriesOnWrite = true;
File.Delete(dataDir + "validated_data_out.shp");
using (var validatingLayer = Drivers.GeoJson.CreateLayer(dataDir + "validated_data_out.shp", options))
Feature feature = validatingLayer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = invalidPolygon;
validatingLayer.Add(feature); // GisException is thrown, since polygon is not valid
catch (GisException e)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
LineString lineStrinWithOnePoint = new LineString();
lineStrinWithOnePoint.AddPoint(0, 0);
GeoJsonOptions options = new GeoJsonOptions();
options.ValidateGeometriesOnWrite = false;
using (var layer = Drivers.GeoJson.CreateLayer(dataDir + "ValidateOnWriteObeyingSpecifications_out.json", options))
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
// GeoJSON specification says that line string must have at least two coordinates.
feature.Geometry = lineStrinWithOnePoint;
// Geometry of feature doesn't match data format specification, so exception is thrown
// regardless what ValidateGeometriesOnWrite option is.
catch (GisException e)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var triangleRing = new LinearRing();
triangleRing.AddPoint(4, 6);
triangleRing.AddPoint(1, 3);
triangleRing.AddPoint(8, 7);
triangleRing.AddPoint(4, 6);
var triangle = new Polygon(triangleRing);
var squareRing = new LinearRing();
squareRing.AddPoint(0, 9);
squareRing.AddPoint(0, 7);
squareRing.AddPoint(2, 7);
squareRing.AddPoint(2, 9);
squareRing.AddPoint(0, 9);
var square = new Polygon(squareRing);
var multiPolygon = new MultiPolygon { triangle, square };
Console.WriteLine("{0:F}", triangle.GetArea()); // 4.50
Console.WriteLine("{0:F}", square.GetArea()); // 4.00
Console.WriteLine("{0:F}", multiPolygon.GetArea()); // 8.50
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(1, 0),
new Point(2, 2),
new Point(0, 4),
new Point(5, 5),
new Point(6, 1),
new Point(1, 0),
IPoint centroid = polygon.GetCentroid();
Console.WriteLine("{0:F} {1:F}", centroid.X, centroid.Y); // 3.33 2.58
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geometry = new MultiPoint
new Point(3, 2),
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(6, 5),
new Point(5, 10),
new Point(10, 0),
new Point(8, 2),
new Point(4, 3),
var convexHull = geometry.GetConvexHull();
// [0] = (0 0)
// [1] = (5 10)
// [2] = (10 0)
// [3] = (0 0)
var ring = (ILinearRing)convexHull;
for (int i = 0; i < ring.Count; ++i)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] = ({1} {2})", i, ring[i].X, ring[i].Y);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(0, 1),
new Point(1, 1),
new Point(1, 0),
new Point(0, 0),
var line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(2, 0);
line.AddPoint(1, 3);
double distance = polygon.GetDistanceTo(line);
Console.WriteLine(distance.ToString("F")); // 0.63
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(0, 0);
line.AddPoint(3, 3);
// buffer with positive distance contains all points whose distance to input geometry is less or equal to 'distance' argument.
var lineBuffer = line.GetBuffer(distance: 1);
Console.WriteLine(lineBuffer.SpatiallyContains(new Point(1, 2))); // True
Console.WriteLine(lineBuffer.SpatiallyContains(new Point(3.1, 3.1))); // True
var polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(0, 3),
new Point(3, 3),
new Point(3, 0),
new Point(0, 0),
// buffer with negative distance 'shrinks' geometry.
var polygonBuffer = (IPolygon)polygon.GetBuffer(distance: -1);
// [0] = (1 1)
// [1] = (1 2)
// [2] = (2 2)
// [3] = (2 1)
// [4] = (1 1)
var ring = polygonBuffer.ExteriorRing;
for (int i = 0; i < ring.Count; ++i)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] = ({1} {2})", i, ring[i].X, ring[i].Y);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Point point = new Point(40.7128, -74.006);
GeometryType geometryType = point.GeometryType;
Console.WriteLine(geometryType); // Point
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(0, 0);
line.AddPoint(2, 2);
line.AddPoint(2, 0);
Console.WriteLine("{0:F}", line.GetLength()); // 4.83
var rectangle = new Polygon(new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(0, 1),
new Point(1, 1),
new Point(1, 0),
new Point(0, 0),
// GetLength() returns perimeter for polygons
Console.WriteLine("{0:F}", rectangle.GetLength()); // 4.00
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var polygon = new Polygon();
polygon.ExteriorRing = new LinearRing(new[]
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(0, 1),
new Point(1, 1),
new Point(0, 0),
IPoint pointOnSurface = polygon.GetPointOnSurface();
// point on surface is guaranteed to be inside a polygon.
Console.WriteLine(polygon.SpatiallyContains(pointOnSurface)); // True
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Point pointGeometry = new Point(40.7128, -74.006);
LineString lineGeometry = new LineString();
lineGeometry.AddPoint(78.65, -32.65);
lineGeometry.AddPoint(-98.65, 12.65);
GeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryCollection();
foreach (Geometry geometry in geometryCollection)
switch (geometry.GeometryType)
case GeometryType.Point:
Point point = (Point)geometry;
case GeometryType.LineString:
LineString line = (LineString)geometry;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
LineString line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(78.65, -32.65);
line.AddPoint(-98.65, 12.65);
foreach (IPoint point in line)
Console.WriteLine(point.X + "," + point.Y);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "LimitPrecisionWhenReadingGeometries_out.shp";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.Shapefile))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new Point(1.10234, 2.09743);
var options = new ShapefileOptions();
// read data as-is.
options.XYPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Exact;
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.Shapefile, options))
var point = (IPoint)layer[0].Geometry;
// 1.10234, 2.09743
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", point.X, point.Y);
// truncate all X and Y, so only two fractional digits are left.
options.XYPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Rounding(2);
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.Shapefile, options))
var point = (IPoint)layer[0].Geometry;
// 1.1, 2.1
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", point.X, point.Y);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var options = new GeoJsonOptions
// write only 3 fractional digits of X and Y coordinates.
XYPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Rounding(3),
// write all fractional digits of Z coordinate (the default, you don't have to specify it)
ZPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Exact
var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "LimitPrecisionWhenWritingGeometries_out.json";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.GeoJson, options))
var point = new Point();
point.X = 1.8888888;
point.Y = 1.00123;
point.Z = 1.123456789;
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = point;
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.GeoJson))
var point = (IPoint)layer[0].Geometry;
// 1.889, 1.001, 1.123456789
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "LinearizeGeometry_out.kml";
using (var layer = Drivers.Kml.CreateLayer(path))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
var geometry = Geometry.FromText(@"GeometryCollection (LineString (0 0, 1 1, 2 0),CompoundCurve ((4 0, 5 1), CircularString (5 1, 6 2, 7 1)))");
// creates linear geometry that approximates input geometry
var linear = geometry.ToLinearGeometry();
feature.Geometry = linear;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Point point = new Point(1.344, 2.345, 3.345, 4.345);
point.RoundXY(digits: 2);
// 1.34, 2.35, 3.345, 4.345
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", point.X, point.Y, point.Z, point.M);
point.RoundZ(digits: 1);
// 1.34, 2.35, 3.3, 4.345
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", point.X, point.Y, point.Z, point.M);
LineString line = new LineString();
line.AddPoint(1.2, 2.3);
line.AddPoint(2.4, 3.1);
line.RoundXY(digits: 0);
// 1, 2
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", line[0].X, line[0].Y);
// 2, 3
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", line[1].X, line[1].Y);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var srcGeometry = Geometry.FromText(@"GeometryCollection (POLYGON((1 2, 1 4, 3 4, 3 2)), Point (5 1))");
var dstGeometry = srcGeometry.ReplacePolygonsByLines();
Console.WriteLine($"source: {srcGeometry.AsText()}");
Console.WriteLine($"result: {dstGeometry.AsText()}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// If file format does not support curve geometries, we linearize them on write.
// This example shows how to specify tolerance of the linearization.
var options = new GeoJsonOptions
// linearized geometry must be within 1e-4 from curve geometry
LinearizationTolerance = 1e-4,
string path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "SpecifyLinearizationTolerance_out.json";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.GeoJson, options))
var curveGeometry = Geometry.FromText("CircularString (0 0, 1 1, 2 0)");
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = curveGeometry;
// geometry is linearized with tolerance 1e-4
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
IGeometry geometry = Geometry.FromText("LINESTRING (1.2 3.4, 5.6 7.8)");
byte[] wkb = geometry.AsBinary(WkbVariant.ExtendedPostGis);
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(RunExamples.GetDataDir(), "EWkbFile.ewkb"), wkb);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Point point = new Point(23.5732, 25.3421) { M = 40.3 };
point.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
Console.WriteLine(point.AsText(WktVariant.Iso)); // POINT M (23.5732, 25.3421, 40.3)
Console.WriteLine(point.AsText(WktVariant.SimpleFeatureAccessOutdated)); // POINT (23.5732, 25.3421)
Console.WriteLine(point.AsText(WktVariant.ExtendedPostGis)); // SRID=4326;POINTM (23.5732, 25.3421, 40.3)
// to get max a decimal precision
Console.WriteLine("G17 : " + point.AsText(WktVariant.Iso, NumericFormat.General(17))); // POINT M (23.5732 25.342099999999999 40.299999999999997)
Console.WriteLine("R : " + point.AsText(WktVariant.Iso, NumericFormat.RoundTrip)); // POINT M (23.5732 25.3421 40.3)
// to trim a decimal precision
Console.WriteLine("G3 : " + point.AsText(WktVariant.Iso, NumericFormat.General(3))); // POINT M (23.6 25.3 40.3)
Console.WriteLine("Flat3: " + point.AsText(WktVariant.Iso, NumericFormat.Flat(3))); // POINT M (23.573 25.342 40.3)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = Path.Combine(RunExamples.GetDataDir(), "WkbFile.wkb");
byte[] wkb = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
IGeometry geometry = Geometry.FromBinary(wkb);
Console.WriteLine(geometry.AsText()); // LINESTRING (1.2 3.4, 5.6 7.8)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
ILineString line = (ILineString)Geometry.FromText("LINESTRING Z (0.1 0.2 0.3, 1 2 1, 12 23 2)");
Console.WriteLine(line.Count); // 3
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
IGeometry geometry = Geometry.FromText("LINESTRING (1.2 3.4, 5.6 7.8)");
byte[] wkb = geometry.AsBinary();
//File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(TestConfiguration.TestOutputPath, "file.wkb"), wkb);
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(RunExamples.GetDataDir(), "WkbFile.wkb"), wkb);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Point point = new Point(23.5732, 25.3421);
Console.WriteLine(point.AsText()); // POINT (23.5732, 25.3421)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string sampleTopoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "sample.topojson";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(sampleTopoJsonPath, Drivers.TopoJson))
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
// get id property
int id = feature.GetValue<int>("id");
// get name of the object that contains this feature
string objectName = feature.GetValue<string>("topojson_object_name");
// get name attribute property, located inside 'properties' object
string name = feature.GetValue<string>("name");
// get geometry of the feature.
string geometry = feature.Geometry.AsText();
builder.AppendFormat("Feature with ID {0}:\n", id);
builder.AppendFormat("Object Name = {0}\n", objectName);
builder.AppendFormat("Name = {0}\n", name);
builder.AppendFormat("Geometry = {0}\n", geometry);
// Output:
// Feature with ID 0:
// Object Name = named_object_1
// Name = point_feature
// Geometry = POINT (102 0.5)
// Feature with ID 1:
// Object Name = named_object_1
// Name = line_feature
// Geometry = LINESTRING (102 0, 103 1, 104 0, 105 1)
// Feature with ID 2:
// Object Name = named_object_2
// Name = polygon_feature
// Geometry = POLYGON ((100 0, 100 1, 101 1, 101 0, 100 0))
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// -- copy test dataset, to avoid modification of test data.
var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "ThreeLayers.gdb";
var datasetPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "AddLayerToFileGdbDataset_out.gdb";
RunExamples.CopyDirectory(path, datasetPath);
// --
using (var dataset = Dataset.Open(datasetPath, Drivers.FileGdb))
Console.WriteLine(dataset.CanCreateLayers); // True
using (var layer = dataset.CreateLayer("data", SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("Name", AttributeDataType.String));
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("Name", "Name_1");
feature.Geometry = new Point(12.21, 23.123, 20, -200);
using (var layer = dataset.OpenLayer("data"))
Console.WriteLine(layer.Count); // 1
Console.WriteLine(layer[0].GetValue<string>("Name")); // "Name_1"
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var geoJsonPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "ConvertGeoJsonLayerToLayerInFileGdbDataset_out.json";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(geoJsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("name", AttributeDataType.String));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("age", AttributeDataType.Integer));
Feature firstFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
firstFeature.Geometry = new Point(33.97, -118.25);
firstFeature.SetValue("name", "John");
firstFeature.SetValue("age", 23);
Feature secondFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
secondFeature.Geometry = new Point(35.81, -96.28);
secondFeature.SetValue("name", "Mary");
secondFeature.SetValue("age", 54);
// --
// -- copy test dataset, to avoid modification of test data.
var sourceFile = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "ThreeLayers.gdb";
var destinationFile = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "ThreeLayersCopy_out.gdb";
RunExamples.CopyDirectory(sourceFile, destinationFile);
// --
using (var geoJsonLayer = VectorLayer.Open(geoJsonPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
using (var fileGdbDataset = Dataset.Open(destinationFile, Drivers.FileGdb))
using (var fileGdbLayer = fileGdbDataset.CreateLayer("new_layer", SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
foreach (var feature in geoJsonLayer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer source = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "PolygonShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
using (VectorLayer destination = VectorLayer.Create(dataDir + "PolygonShapeFileToLineShapeFile_out.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
foreach (Feature sourceFeature in source)
Polygon polygon = (Polygon)sourceFeature.Geometry;
LineString line = new LineString(polygon.ExteriorRing);
Feature destinationFeature = destination.ConstructFeature();
destinationFeature.Geometry = line;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Console.WriteLine(Drivers.FileGdb.CanCreateDatasets); // True
var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "CreateFileGdbDataset_out.gdb";
using (var dataset = Dataset.Create(path, Drivers.FileGdb))
Console.WriteLine(dataset.LayersCount); // 0
using (var layer = dataset.CreateLayer("layer_1"))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("value", AttributeDataType.Integer));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("value", i);
feature.Geometry = new Point(i, i);
using (var layer = dataset.CreateLayer("layer_2"))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new LineString(new[]
new Point(1, 2),
new Point(3, 4),
Console.WriteLine(dataset.LayersCount); // 2
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "CreateFileGdbDatasetWithSingleLayer_out.gdb";
var options = new FileGdbOptions();
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.FileGdb, options, SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
// this 'using' is equivalent to
// using (var dataset = Dataset.Create(path, Drivers.FileGdb))
// using (var layer = Dataset.CreateLayer("layer"))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new LineString(new[]
new Point(1, 2),
new Point(3, 4),
using (var dataset = Dataset.Open(path, Drivers.FileGdb))
using (var layer = dataset.OpenLayer("layer"))
Console.WriteLine("Features count: {0}", layer.Count); // 1
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(dataDir + "NewShapeFile_out.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
// add attributes before adding features
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("name", AttributeDataType.String));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("age", AttributeDataType.Integer));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("dob", AttributeDataType.DateTime));
// case 1: sets values
Feature firstFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
firstFeature.Geometry = new Point(33.97, -118.25);
firstFeature.SetValue("name", "John");
firstFeature.SetValue("age", 23);
firstFeature.SetValue("dob", new DateTime(1982, 2,5, 16, 30,0));
Feature secondFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
secondFeature.Geometry = new Point(35.81, -96.28);
secondFeature.SetValue("name", "Mary");
secondFeature.SetValue("age", 54);
secondFeature.SetValue("dob", new DateTime(1984, 12, 15, 15, 30, 0));
// case 2: sets new values for all of the attributes.
Feature thirdFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
secondFeature.Geometry = new Point(34.81, -92.28);
object[] data = new object[3] {"Alex", 25, new DateTime(1989, 4, 15, 15, 30, 0)};
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var parameters = new ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters
Name = "WGS 84 / World Mercator",
Base = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
ProjectionMethodName = "Mercator_1SP",
LinearUnit = Unit.Meter,
XAxis = new Axis("Easting", AxisDirection.East),
YAxis = new Axis("Northing", AxisDirection.North),
AxisesOrder = ProjectedAxisesOrder.XY,
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("central_meridian", 0);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("scale_factor", 1);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("false_easting", 0);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("false_northing", 0);
var projectedSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateProjected(parameters, Identifier.Epsg(3395));
using (var layer = Drivers.Shapefile.CreateLayer(dataDir + "filepath_out.shp", new ShapefileOptions(), projectedSrs))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new Point(1, 2);
feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new Point(1, 2) { SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Nad83 };
layer.Add(feature); // geometry of feature has different SRS - exception is thrown
catch (GisException e)
using (var layer = Drivers.Shapefile.OpenLayer(dataDir + "filepath_out.shp"))
var srsName = layer.SpatialReferenceSystem.Name; // "WGS 84 / World Mercator"
layer.SpatialReferenceSystem.IsEquivalent(projectedSrs); // true
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string filesPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
using (var layer = Drivers.GeoTiff.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(filesPath, "geodetic_world.tif")))
using (var warped = layer.Crop(Geometry.FromText("POLYGON ((-160 0, 0 60, 160 0, 0 -160, -160 0))")))
// read and print raster
var cellSize = warped.CellSize;
var extent = warped.GetExtent();
var spatialRefSys = warped.SpatialReferenceSystem;
var code = spatialRefSys == null ? "'no srs'" : spatialRefSys.EpsgCode.ToString();
var bounds = warped.Bounds;
Console.WriteLine($"cellSize: {cellSize}");
Console.WriteLine($"source extent: {layer.GetExtent()}");
Console.WriteLine($"target extent: {extent}");
Console.WriteLine($"spatialRefSys: {code}");
Console.WriteLine($"bounds: {bounds}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Csv.OpenLayer(dataDir + "sample.csv"))
// print attributes
foreach (var attribute in layer.Attributes)
Console.Write($"'{attribute.Name}' ");
// print records
foreach (var feature in layer)
var dump = feature.GetValuesDump();
foreach (var item in dump)
Console.Write($"'{item}' ");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Csv.OpenLayer(dataDir + "geometries.csv",
new CsvOptions()
ColumnWkt = "geom_data"
// print geometry in wkt format
foreach (var feature in layer)
Console.Write($"'{feature.Geometry.AsText()}: ");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Csv.OpenLayer(dataDir + "geometries.csv",
new CsvOptions()
ColumnX = "x" ,
ColumnY = "y",
ColumnZ = "z",
ColumnM = "m"
// print geometry in wkt format
foreach (var feature in layer)
Console.Write($"'{feature.Geometry.AsText()}: ");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// apply a custom delimiter and a column for geometry.
var options = new CsvOptions()
ColumnWkt = "geom_data",
Delimiter = ';'
// create a new CSV layer
using (var layer = Drivers.Csv.CreateLayer(dataDir + "csv_out.csv", options))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("string_data", AttributeDataType.String));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("int_data", AttributeDataType.Integer));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("bool_data", AttributeDataType.Boolean));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("float_data", AttributeDataType.Double));
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("string_data", "string value");
feature.SetValue("int_data", 10);
feature.SetValue("bool_data", true);
feature.SetValue("float_data", 3.14);
feature.Geometry = new LineString(new[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1) });
Feature feature2 = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature2.SetValue("string_data", "string value2");
feature2.SetValue("int_data", 100);
feature2.SetValue("bool_data", false);
feature2.SetValue("float_data", 3.1415);
feature2.Geometry = Geometry.Null;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Kml.EditLayer(Path.Combine(workFolder, "edit_me_out.kml")))
// add
Feature featureToAdd = layer.ConstructFeature();
featureToAdd.SetValue("string_field", "new_value");
featureToAdd.Geometry = new Point(5, 5);
// update
Feature featureToReplace = layer.ConstructFeature();
featureToReplace.SetValue("string_field", "updated_value");
featureToReplace.Geometry = new Point(12, 12);
layer.ReplaceAt(1, featureToReplace);
// remove
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer inputLayer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
using (VectorLayer outputLayer = VectorLayer.Create(dataDir + "ExtractFeaturesFromShapeFileToGeoJSON_out.json", Drivers.GeoJson))
foreach (Feature inputFeature in inputLayer)
DateTime? date = inputFeature.GetValue<DateTime?>("dob");
if (date == null || date < new DateTime(1982, 1, 1))
//Construct a new feature
Feature outputFeature = outputLayer.ConstructFeature();
outputFeature.Geometry = inputFeature.Geometry;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
// all features with the date value in the attribute "dob" later than 1982-01-01.
foreach (Feature feature in layer.WhereGreater("dob", new DateTime(1982, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(citiesPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
// Select features based on values of the attribute. This code enumerates all features in the layer
// and selects all features that match a condition.
var features = layer.WhereGreaterOrEqual("population", 2000).WhereSmaller("population", 5000);
// Print results.
Console.WriteLine("Cities where population >= 2000 and population < 5000:");
foreach (var feature in features)
var name = feature.GetValue<string>("name");
var population = feature.GetValue<int>("population");
Console.WriteLine(name + ", " + population);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.GeoJson))
// Use spatial index to speed up spatial queries.
// Aspose.GIS builds a new index if it doesn't exist, otherwise existing index is reused.
// Any path can be used.
var spatialIndexPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".spatial_out.ix");
var point = new Point(12.30, 50.33);
// Since we use spatial index, nearest-to finds the closest feature much faster.
var nearest = layer.NearestTo(point);
Console.WriteLine("City nearest to (12.30 50.33) is " + nearest.GetValue<string>("name"));
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.GeoJson))
// Use spatial index to speed up 'WhereIntersects'.
var spatialIndexPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".spatial_out.ix");
var polygon = Geometry.FromText("Polygon((12.30 50.33, 22.49 54.87, 21.92 42.53, 12.30 50.33))");
var intersecting = layer.WhereIntersects(polygon);
Console.WriteLine("Cities within " + polygon.AsText() + ":");
foreach (var feature in intersecting)
var name = feature.GetValue<string>("name");
var location = (IPoint) feature.Geometry;
Console.WriteLine($"{name} at ({location.X}, {location.Y})");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(citiesPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
// Use attribute index to speed up search by 'population' attribute.
// Aspose.GIS builds a new index if it doesn't exist, otherwise existing index is reused.
// Any path can be used.
var attributeIndexPath = Path.ChangeExtension(citiesPath, "population_out.ix");
layer.UseAttributesIndex(attributeIndexPath, "population");
// Select features based on values of the attribute. Since we use attribute index it is not necessary to
// test all features of the layer and filtering time is reduced significantly.
var towns = layer.WhereGreaterOrEqual("population", 2000).WhereSmaller("population", 5000);
// Print results.
Console.WriteLine("Cities where population >= 2000 and population < 5000:");
foreach (var town in towns)
var name = town.GetValue<string>("name");
var population = town.GetValue<int>("population");
Console.WriteLine(name + ", " + population);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(600, 400))
using (var cities = VectorLayer.Open(citiesPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
map.Padding = 20;
// Use attribute index to speed up search by 'population' attribute.
var attributeIndexPath = Path.ChangeExtension(citiesPath, "population_out.ix");
cities.UseAttributesIndex(attributeIndexPath, "population");
// Render all cities with population greater than 2000.
map.Add(cities.WhereGreater("population", 2000), new SimpleMarker { FillColor = Color.Red });
map.Render(outputPath, Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(citiesPath, Drivers.GeoJson))
// Use attribute index to speed up search by 'population' attribute.
var attributeIndexPath = Path.ChangeExtension(citiesPath, "population_out.ix");
layer.UseAttributesIndex(attributeIndexPath, "population");
// Save all features with population between 2000 and 5000 to the output file.
layer.WhereGreaterOrEqual("population", 2000)
.WhereSmaller("population", 5000)
.SaveTo(DataDir + "towns_out.shp", Drivers.Shapefile);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
Console.WriteLine("Total Features in this file: " + layer.Count);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
Console.WriteLine("The layer has {0} attributes defined.\n", layer.Attributes.Count);
foreach (FeatureAttribute attribute in layer.Attributes)
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", attribute.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Data type: {0}", attribute.DataType);
Console.WriteLine("Can be null: {0}", attribute.CanBeNull);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
for (int i = 0; i < layer.Count; i++)
Feature feature = layer[i];
Console.WriteLine("Entry {0} information\n ========================", i);
// case 1
string nameValue = feature.GetValue<string>("name"); // attribute name is case-sensitive
int ageValue = feature.GetValue<int>("age");
string dobValue = feature.GetValue<DateTime>("dob").ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Attribute value for feature #{0} is: {1}, {2}", nameValue, ageValue, dobValue);
// case 2
var objName = feature.GetValue("name"); // attribute name is case-sensitive
var objAge = feature.GetValue("age");
var objDob = feature.GetValue("dob");
Console.WriteLine("Attribute object for feature #{0} is: {1}, {2}", objName, objAge, objDob);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
int index = 0;
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
DateTime? date = feature.GetValue<DateTime?>("dob");
Console.WriteLine("Feature #{0}", index);
Console.WriteLine("\tAttribute value present: {0}", date.HasValue);
if (date.HasValue)
Console.WriteLine("\tAttribute value: {0}", date.Value);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//You can set default value for a feature of attribute in a layer
using (var layer = Drivers.GeoJson.CreateLayer(dataDir + "data1_out.json"))
var attribute = new FeatureAttribute("attribute", AttributeDataType.Integer);
attribute.CanBeNull = true;
attribute.CanBeUnset = true;
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
int? nullValue = feature.GetValueOrDefault<int?>("attribute"); // value == null
var defValue1 = feature.GetValueOrDefault<int?>("attribute", 10); // value == 10
var defValue2 = feature.GetValueOrDefault("attribute", 25); // value == 10
Console.WriteLine($"'{nullValue}' vs '{defValue1}' vs '{defValue2}'");
//Another example where we set the default value to 100
using (var layer = Drivers.GeoJson.CreateLayer(dataDir + "data2_out.json"))
var attribute = new FeatureAttribute("attribute", AttributeDataType.Double);
attribute.CanBeNull = false;
attribute.CanBeUnset = false;
attribute.DefaultValue = 100;
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
double defValue1 = feature.GetValueOrDefault<double>("attribute"); // value == 100
var defValue2 = feature.GetValueOrDefault("attribute"); // value == 100
feature.SetValue("attribute", 50);
var newValue = feature.GetValueOrDefault<double>("attribute"); // value == 50
Console.WriteLine($"'{defValue1}' vs '{defValue2}' vs '{newValue}'");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
foreach (var feature in layer)
// reads all the attributes into an array.
object[] all = new object[3];
Console.WriteLine("all : {0}, {1}, {2}", all);
// reads several the attributes into an array.
object[] several = new object[2];
Console.WriteLine("several: {0}, {1}", several);
// reads the attributes as dump of objects.
var dump = feature.GetValuesDump();
Console.WriteLine("dump : {0}, {1}, {2}", dump);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var options = new GpxOptions { MAttribute = "speed" };
using (var layer = Drivers.Gpx.OpenLayer(dataDir + "schiehallion.gpx"))
var routeFeature = layer.Single(feature => feature.Geometry.GeometryType == GeometryType.LineString);
var routeGeometry = (ILineString)routeFeature.Geometry;
// some route points might miss "speed", we filter them out.
var pointsWithSpeed = routeGeometry.Where(point => point.HasM);
// since we specified MAttribute = "speed", M coordinate of points is set to "<speed>" GPX attribute.
double averageSpeed = pointsWithSpeed.Average(point => point.M);
Console.WriteLine("Average Speed: " + averageSpeed);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Gpx.OpenLayer(dataDir + "schiehallion.gpx"))
foreach (var feature in layer)
switch (feature.Geometry.GeometryType)
// GPX waypoints are exported as features with point geometry.
case GeometryType.Point:
// GPX routes are exported as features with line string geometry.
case GeometryType.LineString:
LineString ls = (LineString)feature.Geometry;
foreach (var point in ls)
// GPX tracks are exported as features with multi line string geometry.
// Every track segment is line string.
case GeometryType.MultiLineString:
default: break;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// specify option
GpxOptions options = new GpxOptions()
ReadNestedAttributes = true
// open GPX layer to read features
using (var layer = Drivers.Gpx.OpenLayer(dataDir + "nested_data.gpx", options))
foreach (var feature in layer)
if (feature.Geometry.GeometryType == GeometryType.MultiLineString)
// read segment
var lines = (MultiLineString) feature.Geometry;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
var segment = (LineString)lines[i];
// read points in segment
for (int j = 0; j < segment.Count; j++)
// look for attribute
string attributeName = $"name__{i}__{j}";
if (layer.Attributes.Contains(attributeName) && feature.IsValueSet(attributeName))
// print a point and attribute
var value = feature.GetValue<string>(attributeName);
Console.WriteLine($"{segment[j].AsText()} - {attributeName}: {value}, ");
// print a point only
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Gpx.CreateLayer(dataDir + "lines_out.gpx", new GpxOptions()
WritePolygonsAsLines = true
// The GPX format does not support polygons,
// but we use the WritePolygonsAsLines options to resolve this issue.
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = Geometry.FromText("POLYGON((1 2, 1 4, 3 4, 3 2))");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// First, we create the connection to the PostgreSQL with Npgsql library (
using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(postgreSqlConnectionString))
// Then, we pass this connection to Dataset.Open method in order to access tables in the PostgreSQL.
using (var ds = Dataset.Open(connection, Drivers.PostGis))
// create table with the name "features_table" and fill it with data.
using (var layer = ds.CreateLayer("features_table"))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("name", AttributeDataType.String) { Width = 50 });
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("name", "Name1");
feature.Geometry = Geometry.FromText("POINT (10 20 30)");
feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("name", "Name2");
feature.Geometry = Geometry.FromText("POINT (-10 -20 -30)");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var outputPath = Path.Combine(RunExamples.GetDataDir(), "postgres_out.shp");
// First, we create the connection to the PostgreSQL with Npgsql library (
// Then, we pass this connection to Dataset.Open method in order to access tables in the PostgreSQL.
using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(postgreSqlConnectionString))
using (var ds = Dataset.Open(connection, Drivers.PostGis))
// open table with the name "features_table" in Postgres database and save it to the shapefile.
using (var table = ds.OpenLayer("features_table"))
table.SaveTo(outputPath, Drivers.Shapefile);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// First, we create the connection to the PostgreSQL with Npgsql library (
// Then, we pass this connection to Dataset.Open method in order to access tables in the PostgreSQL.
using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(postgreSqlConnectionString))
using (var ds = Dataset.Open(connection, Drivers.PostGis))
// Only spatial tables are exported as layers, so the following code will list all tables
// that have geometry column.
for (int i = 0; i < ds.LayersCount; ++i)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string filesPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
using (var layer = Drivers.GeoTiff.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(filesPath, "raster50x50.tif")))
// read and print raster
var cellSize = layer.CellSize;
var extent = layer.GetExtent();
var spatialRefSys = layer.SpatialReferenceSystem;
var code = spatialRefSys == null ? "'no srs'" : spatialRefSys.EpsgCode.ToString();
var bounds = layer.Bounds;
var bandCount = layer.BandCount;
Console.WriteLine($"cellSize: {cellSize}");
Console.WriteLine($"extent: {extent}");
Console.WriteLine($"spatialRefSys: {code}");
Console.WriteLine($"bounds: {bounds}");
Console.WriteLine($"bandCount: {bandCount}");
// read and print bands
for (int i = 0; i < layer.BandCount; i++)
var dataType = layer.GetBand(i).DataType;
var hasNoData = !layer.NoDataValues.IsNull();
var statistics = layer.GetStatistics(i);
Console.WriteLine($"Band: {i}");
Console.WriteLine($"dataType: {dataType}");
Console.WriteLine($"statistics: {statistics}");
Console.WriteLine($"hasNoData: {hasNoData}");
if (hasNoData)
Console.WriteLine($"noData: {layer.NoDataValues[i]}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// First, we create the connection to the SQL Server.
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
// Then, we pass this connection to Dataset.Open method in order to access tables in the SQL Server.
using (var ds = Dataset.Open(connection, Drivers.SqlServer))
// create table with the name "features_table" and fill it with data.
using (var layer = ds.CreateLayer("features_table"))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("name", AttributeDataType.String) { Width = 50 });
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("name", "Name1");
feature.Geometry = Geometry.FromText("POINT (10 20 30)");
feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("name", "Name2");
feature.Geometry = Geometry.FromText("POINT (-10 -20 -30)");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var outputPath = Path.Combine(RunExamples.GetDataDir(), "sql_server_out.kml");
// First, we create the connection to the SQL Server.
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
// Then, we pass this connection to Dataset.Open method in order to access tables in the SQL Server.
using (var ds = Dataset.Open(connection, Drivers.SqlServer))
// open table with the name "features_table" in SQL Server database and save it to the Kml.
using (var table = ds.OpenLayer("features_table"))
table.SaveTo(outputPath, Drivers.Kml);
Console.WriteLine("\nExport complete: " + outputPath);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// First, we create the connection to the SQL Server.
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
// Then, we pass this connection to Dataset.Open method in order to access tables in the SQL Server.
using (var ds = Dataset.Open(connection, Drivers.SqlServer))
// Only spatial tables are exported as layers, so the following code will list all tables
// that have geometry column.
for (int i = 0; i < ds.LayersCount; ++i)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// First, we create the connection to the SQL Server.
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
// Then, we pass this connection to Dataset.Open method in order to access tables in the SQL Server.
using (var ds = Dataset.Open(connection, Drivers.SqlServer))
// remove table with the name "features_table".
// It possible remove a table with geospatial data only.
// An exception isn't thrown if the table doesn't exist.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "InputShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
private class InsensitiveComparer : IEqualityComparer<object>
bool IEqualityComparer<object>.Equals(object x, object y)
if (x == null || y == null)
return x == y;
var xString = x.ToString();
var yString = y.ToString();
return xString.Equals(yString, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
public int GetHashCode(object obj)
return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//one-to-one left join two layers by 'city' attribute
var options = new JoinOptions
JoinAttributeName = "city",
TargetAttributeName = "city"
using (var main = Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(workFolder, "main.kml")))
using (var second = Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(workFolder, "second.kml")))
using (var joined = main.Join(second, options))
// read and print joined
var featuresCount = joined.Count;
var attributesCount = joined.Attributes.Count;
var spatialRefSys = joined.SpatialReferenceSystem;
var code = spatialRefSys == null ? "'no srs'" : spatialRefSys.EpsgCode.ToString();
var joinedTempValue = joined[0].GetValue("joined_temp");
Console.WriteLine($"featuresCount: {featuresCount}");
Console.WriteLine($"attributesCount: {attributesCount}");
Console.WriteLine($"spatialRefSys: {code}");
Console.WriteLine($"joinedTempValue: {joinedTempValue}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//one-to-one left join two layers by 'city' attribute
var options = new JoinOptions
JoinAttributeName = "city",
TargetAttributeName = "city",
//define attributes to join
JoinAttributeNames = new List<string> { "temp", "date" }
using (var main = Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(workFolder, "main.kml")))
using (var second = Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(workFolder, "second.kml")))
using (var joined = main.Join(second, options))
// read and print joined
var featuresCount = joined.Count;
var attributesCount = joined.Attributes.Count;
var spatialRefSys = joined.SpatialReferenceSystem;
var code = spatialRefSys == null ? "'no srs'" : spatialRefSys.EpsgCode.ToString();
Console.WriteLine($"featuresCount: {featuresCount}");
Console.WriteLine($"attributesCount: {attributesCount}");
Console.WriteLine($"spatialRefSys: {code}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//one-to-one left join two layers by 'city' attribute
var options = new JoinOptions
JoinAttributeName = "city",
TargetAttributeName = "city",
//use custom comparer
ConditionComparer = new InsensitiveComparer()
using (var main = Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(workFolder, "main.kml")))
using (var second = Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(workFolder, "second.kml")))
using (var joined = main.Join(second, options))
// read and print joined
var featuresCount = joined.Count;
var attributesCount = joined.Attributes.Count;
var spatialRefSys = joined.SpatialReferenceSystem;
var code = spatialRefSys == null ? "'no srs'" : spatialRefSys.EpsgCode.ToString();
var cityValue = joined[4].GetValue("city");
var joinedCityValue = joined[4].GetValue("joined_city");
Console.WriteLine($"featuresCount: {featuresCount}");
Console.WriteLine($"attributesCount: {attributesCount}");
Console.WriteLine($"spatialRefSys: {code}");
Console.WriteLine($"cityValue: {cityValue}");
Console.WriteLine($"joinedCityValue: {joinedCityValue}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Kml.CreateLayer(dataDir + "Kml_File_out.kml"))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("string_data", AttributeDataType.String));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("int_data", AttributeDataType.Integer));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("bool_data", AttributeDataType.Boolean));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("float_data", AttributeDataType.Double));
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("string_data", "string value");
feature.SetValue("int_data", 10);
feature.SetValue("bool_data", true);
feature.SetValue("float_data", 3.14);
feature.Geometry = new LineString(new[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1) });
Feature feature2 = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature2.SetValue("string_data", "string value2");
feature2.SetValue("int_data", 100);
feature2.SetValue("bool_data", false);
feature2.SetValue("float_data", 3.1415);
feature2.Geometry = Geometry.Null;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Kml.CreateLayer(dataDir + "Kml_Styles_out.kml"))
var style = new KmlFeatureStyle
Line = new KmlLineStyle() { Width = 2.0 },
Polygon = new KmlPolygonStyle() { Outline = false },
Icon = new KmlIconStyle() { Resource = new KmlIconResource() { Href = "url" } },
Label = new KmlLabelStyle() { Color = Color.Green },
Balloon = new KmlBalloonStyle() { BackgroundColor = Color.Aqua, Text = "Example" },
List = new KmlListStyle() { ItemType = KmlItemTypes.RadioFolder },
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new LineString(new[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1) });
layer.Add(feature, style);
Feature feature2 = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature2.Geometry = new Point(5, 5);
layer.Add(feature2, style);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var path = dataDir + "kml_invalid_chars.kml";
using (var layer = Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer(path, new KmlOptions() { SymbolToReplaceInvalidChars = '_' } ))
foreach (var feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.Kml.OpenLayer(dataDir + "kml_file.kml"))
// get feratures count
int count = layer.Count;
// get feature at index 1
Feature featureAtIndex1 = layer[0];
Feature featureAtIndex2 = layer[1];
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string path = Path.Combine(dataDir, "point_xyz_out", "point_xyz.shp");
using (var layer = Drivers.Shapefile.EditLayer(path))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue<int>("ID", 5);
feature.Geometry = new Point(-5, 5) {Z = 2};
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (Dataset dataset = Dataset.Open(datasetPath, Drivers.FileGdb))
using (var source = dataset.OpenLayer("layer2"))
using (var result = dataset.CreateLayer("modified", source.SpatialReferenceSystem))
foreach (var feature in source)
// modify the geometry
var modifiedGeometry = feature.Geometry.GetBuffer(2.0);
feature.Geometry = modifiedGeometry;
// modify a feature attribute
var attributeValue = feature.GetValue<double>("Value");
var modifiedAttributeValue = attributeValue * 2;
feature.SetValue("Value", modifiedAttributeValue);
// optional: remove the source layer from the dataset
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string sourcePath = Path.Combine(dataDir, "InputShapeFile.shp");
string resultPath = Path.Combine(dataDir, "modified_out.shp");
using (var source = VectorLayer.Open(sourcePath, Drivers.Shapefile))
using (var result = VectorLayer.Create(resultPath,
foreach (var feature in source)
// modify the geometry
var modifiedGeometry = feature.Geometry.GetBuffer(2.0);
feature.Geometry = modifiedGeometry;
// modify a feature attribute
var attributeValue = feature.GetValue<string>("name");
var modifiedAttributeValue = attributeValue.ToUpper();
feature.SetValue("name", modifiedAttributeValue);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
GmlOptions options = new GmlOptions
// In this example we specify custom schemaLocation, since there is no 'schemaLocation' in GML file.
SchemaLocation = " schema.xsd",
LoadSchemasFromInternet = false,
Console.WriteLine("custom schema location...");
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "file_without_schema_location.gml", Drivers.Gml, options))
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Case 1: we try to load schema from Internet.
// first, we create an instance of GmlOptions class.
GmlOptions options = new GmlOptions
// In order to read GML layers features description, Aspose.GIS reads XML schema attached to it.
// Usually, it is specified in GML files root tag as 'schemaLocation' attribute. If it is not, you need to specify GML schema location
// youself. In this examples we don't specify it (keep it null), so Aspose.GIS will try to read schema location from XML file.
SchemaLocation = null,
// 'schemaLocation' may contain references to schemas located on the Internet. In this case, you need to set this property to 'true' in
// order to allow Aspose.GIS to load schemas from internet.
// Basically, if you don't mind Aspose.GIS using internet, you can always keep this true.
LoadSchemasFromInternet = true,
// then, we pass it to 'VectorLayer.Open'
Console.WriteLine("from internet loading...");
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "file.gml", Drivers.Gml, options))
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
// Case 2: we try to restore the attributes schema by data in file.
Console.WriteLine("restoration by file data...");
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "file.gml", Drivers.Gml, new GmlOptions(){RestoreSchema = true}))
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
using (var layer = Drivers.MapInfoInterchange.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(dataDir, "data.mif")))
Console.WriteLine($"Number of features is {layer.Count}.");
var lastGeometry = layer[layer.Count - 1].Geometry;
Console.WriteLine($"Last geometry is {lastGeometry.AsText()}.");
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string TestDataPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
using (var layer = Drivers.MapInfoTab.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(TestDataPath, "")))
Console.WriteLine($"Number of features is {layer.Count}.");
var lastGeometry = layer[layer.Count - 1].Geometry;
Console.WriteLine($"Last geometry is {lastGeometry.AsText()}.");
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var layer = Drivers.OsmXml.OpenLayer(dataDir + "fountain.osm"))
// get feratures count
int count = layer.Count;
Console.WriteLine("Layer count: " + count);
// get feature at index 2
Feature featureAtIndex2 = layer[2];
// iterate through all features.
foreach (Feature feature in layer)
// handle feature
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
const string geoJson = @"{""type"":""FeatureCollection"",""features"":[
{""type"":""Feature"",""geometry"":{""type"":""Point"",""coordinates"":[0, 1]},""properties"":{""name"":""John""}},
{""type"":""Feature"",""geometry"":{""type"":""Point"",""coordinates"":[2, 3]},""properties"":{""name"":""Mary""}}
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(geoJson)))
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(AbstractPath.FromStream(memoryStream), Drivers.GeoJson))
Console.WriteLine(layer.Count); // 2
Console.WriteLine(layer[1].GetValue<string>("name")); // Mary
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//This will convert FileGDB dataset with three layers into single layered GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert(dataDir + "ThreeLayers.gdb", Drivers.FileGdb, dataDir + "ThreeLayers_out.json", Drivers.GeoJson);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//File GDB is a multi layer format. This example shows how to open File GDB as a dataset (collection of layers) and access layers in it.
using (var dataset = Dataset.Open(dataDir + "ThreeLayers.gdb", Drivers.FileGdb))
Console.WriteLine("FileGDB has {0} layers", dataset.LayersCount);
for (int i = 0; i < dataset.LayersCount; ++i)
Console.WriteLine("Layer {0} name: {1}", i, dataset.GetLayerName(i));
using (var layer = dataset.OpenLayerAt(i))
Console.WriteLine("Layer has {0} features", layer.Count);
foreach (var feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//FileGDB can still be opened as a single layer. In this case, the opened layer will merge all layers inside FileGDB.
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "ThreeLayers.gdb", Drivers.FileGdb))
Console.WriteLine("All layers in FileGDB has {0} features", layer.Count);
foreach (var feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
//By the moment the only multi layer file format we support is FileGDB. But you can open files of other formats as datasets.
//In this case, the dataset will have one layer.
using (var dataset = Dataset.Open(dataDir + "PolygonShapeFile.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
Console.WriteLine(dataset.LayersCount); // 1
Console.WriteLine(dataset.GetLayerName(0)); // "point"
using (var layer = dataset.OpenLayerAt(0))
// this 'using' is equivalent to
// using(var layer = VectorLayer.Open("point.shp", Drivrs.Shapefile))
foreach (var feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var dataset = Dataset.Open(path, Drivers.FileGdb))
using (var layer = dataset.OpenLayer("layer"))
foreach (var feature in layer)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// -- copy test dataset, to avoid modification of test data.
//var datasetPath = GetOutputPath(".gdb");
var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "ThreeLayers.gdb";
var datasetPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "RemoveLayersFromFileGdbDataset_out.gdb";
RunExamples.CopyDirectory(path, datasetPath);
// --
using (var dataset = Dataset.Open(datasetPath, Drivers.FileGdb))
Console.WriteLine(dataset.CanRemoveLayers); // True
Console.WriteLine(dataset.LayersCount); // 3
// remove layer by index
Console.WriteLine(dataset.LayersCount); // 2
// remove layer by name
Console.WriteLine(dataset.LayersCount); // 1
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(dataDir + "SpecifyAttributeValueLength_out.shp", Drivers.Shapefile))
// add attributes before adding features
FeatureAttribute attribute = new FeatureAttribute("wide", AttributeDataType.String);
attribute.Width = 120;
Feature feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.SetValue("wide", "this string can be up to 120 characters long now.");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var srs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(26918);
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(path, Drivers.Shapefile, srs))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new Point(60, 24);
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.Shapefile))
Console.WriteLine(layer.SpatialReferenceSystem.EpsgCode); // 26918
Console.WriteLine(layer.SpatialReferenceSystem.Name); // NAD83_UTM_zone_18N
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "NamesOfObjectIdAndGeometryFields_out.gdb";
using (var dataset = Dataset.Create(path, Drivers.FileGdb))
var options = new FileGdbOptions
// name object ID field 'OID' rather than the default 'OBJECTID'.
ObjectIdFieldName = "OID",
// name geometry field 'POINT' rather than the default 'SHAPE'.
GeometryFieldName = "POINT",
using (var layer = dataset.CreateLayer("layer_name", options, SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new Point(12.32, 34.21);
using (var layer = dataset.OpenLayer("layer_name"))
var feature = layer[0];
Console.WriteLine(feature.GetValue<int>("OID")); // 1
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "PrecisionGrid_out.gdb";
using (var dataset = Dataset.Create(path, Drivers.FileGdb))
var options = new FileGdbOptions
// specify coordinate precision grid parameters (origins and scales for coordinates)
CoordinatePrecisionGrid = new FileGdbCoordinatePrecisionGrid
// all our coordinates must be more than (-400, -400) point
XOrigin = -400,
YOrigin = -400,
// the write precision is 10 digits after the decimal point
XYScale = 1e10,
// M values are started at 0 and precision is 4 digits after the decimal point
MOrigin = 0,
MScale = 1e4,
// throw whenever an attempt to write coordinate that does not fit precision grid is detected
EnsureValidCoordinatesRange = true,
using (var layer = dataset.CreateLayer("layer_name", options, SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
var feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature.Geometry = new Point(10, 20) { M = 10.1282 };
feature = layer.ConstructFeature();
// X == -410 is less than XOrigin, so an exception is thrown
feature.Geometry = new Point(-410, 0) { M = 20.2343 };
catch (GisException e)
Console.WriteLine(e.Message); // X value -410 is out of valid range.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var path = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "TolerancesForFileGdbLayer_out.gdb";
using (var dataset = Dataset.Create(path, Drivers.FileGdb))
var options = new FileGdbOptions
XYTolerance = 0.001,
ZTolerance = 0.1,
MTolerance = 0.1,
using (var layer = dataset.CreateLayer("layer_name", options))
// layer is created with the provided tolerances and some ArcGIS features/tools will use it
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string filesPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
using (var layer = Drivers.GeoTiff.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(filesPath, "raster_float32.tif")))
Extent sourceExtent = layer.GetExtent();
var newExtent = new Extent(
sourceExtent.XMin + sourceExtent.Width * 0.5,
sourceExtent.YMax + sourceExtent.Height * 0.5,
using (var warped = layer.Warp(new WarpOptions() { CellWidth = 120, CellHeight = 120, TargetExtent = newExtent }))
// read and print raster
var cellSize = warped.CellSize;
var extent = warped.GetExtent();
var spatialRefSys = warped.SpatialReferenceSystem;
var code = spatialRefSys == null ? "'no srs'" : spatialRefSys.EpsgCode.ToString();
var bounds = warped.Bounds;
Console.WriteLine($"cellSize: {cellSize}");
Console.WriteLine($"source extent: {sourceExtent}");
Console.WriteLine($"target extent: {extent}");
Console.WriteLine($"spatialRefSys: {code}");
Console.WriteLine($"bounds: {bounds}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string filesPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
using (var layer = Drivers.GeoTiff.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(filesPath, "raster_float32.tif")))
using (var warped = layer.Warp(new WarpOptions(){Height = 40, Width = 40, TargetSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84}))
// read and print raster
var cellSize = warped.CellSize;
var extent = warped.GetExtent();
var spatialRefSys = warped.SpatialReferenceSystem;
var code = spatialRefSys == null ? "'no srs'" : spatialRefSys.EpsgCode.ToString();
var bounds = warped.Bounds;
var bandCount = warped.BandCount;
Console.WriteLine($"cellSize: {cellSize}");
Console.WriteLine($"extent: {extent}");
Console.WriteLine($"spatialRefSys: {code}");
Console.WriteLine($"bounds: {bounds}");
Console.WriteLine($"bandCount: {bandCount}");
// read and print bands
for (int i = 0; i < warped.BandCount; i++)
var dataType = warped.GetBand(i).DataType;
var hasNoData = !warped.NoDataValues.IsNull();
var statistics = warped.GetStatistics(i);
Console.WriteLine($"Band: {i}");
Console.WriteLine($"dataType: {dataType}");
Console.WriteLine($"statistics: {statistics}");
Console.WriteLine($"hasNoData: {hasNoData}");
if (hasNoData)
Console.WriteLine($"noData: {warped.NoDataValues[i]}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var outputPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir() + "sample_out.topojson";
using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Create(outputPath, Drivers.TopoJson))
// add attributes that we are going to set
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("name", AttributeDataType.String));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("measurement", AttributeDataType.Double));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("id", AttributeDataType.Integer));
var feature0 = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature0.SetValue("name", "name_0");
feature0.SetValue("measurement", 1.03);
feature0.SetValue("id", 0);
feature0.Geometry = new Point(1.3, 2.3);
var feature1 = layer.ConstructFeature();
feature1.SetValue("name", "name_1");
feature1.SetValue("measurement", 10.03);
feature1.SetValue("id", 1);
feature1.Geometry = new Point(241.32, 23.2);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Create(AbstractPath.FromStream(memoryStream), Drivers.GeoJson))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("name", AttributeDataType.String));
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("age", AttributeDataType.Integer));
Feature firstFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
firstFeature.Geometry = new Point(33.97, -118.25);
firstFeature.SetValue("name", "John");
firstFeature.SetValue("age", 23);
Feature secondFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
secondFeature.Geometry = new Point(35.81, -96.28);
secondFeature.SetValue("name", "Mary");
secondFeature.SetValue("age", 54);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 320))
// open a layer containing the data
var layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson);
// create a map layer (a styled representation of the data)
var mapLayer = new VectorMapLayer(layer);
// import a style from an SLD document
mapLayer.ImportSld(dataDir + "lines.sld");
// add the styled layer to the map and render it
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_sld_style_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(1000, 634))
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine { Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xAE, 0xD9, 0xFD) };
var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name");
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer, labeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_labeling_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(1000, 634))
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine { Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xAE, 0xD9, 0xFD) };
var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
HaloSize = 1,
Placement = new LineLabelPlacement
Alignment = LineLabelAlignment.Curved,
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer, labeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_labeling_curved_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(1000, 634))
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine { Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xAE, 0xD9, 0xFD) };
var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
HaloSize = 1,
Placement = new LineLabelPlacement
Alignment = LineLabelAlignment.Curved,
Offset = 5,
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer, labeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_labeling_curved_offset_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(1000, 634))
var lineSymbolizer = new SimpleLine { Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xae, 0xd9, 0xfd) };
lineSymbolizer.FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, symbolizer) =>
if (feature.GetValue<string>("NAM") == "UNK")
symbolizer.Width = 1;
symbolizer.Style = StrokeStyle.Dash;
var lineLabeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
HaloSize = 1,
Placement = new LineLabelPlacement
Alignment = LineLabelAlignment.Parallel,
FontSize = 20,
FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, labeling) =>
if (feature.GetValue<string>("NAM") == "UNK")
// change labeling properties for some features.
labeling.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;
labeling.FontSize = 10;
labeling.Priority = -1;
var placement = (LineLabelPlacement) labeling.Placement;
placement.Alignment = LineLabelAlignment.Curved;
placement.Offset = 5;
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), lineSymbolizer, lineLabeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_labeling_feature_based_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(1000, 634))
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine { Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xAE, 0xD9, 0xFD) };
var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
HaloSize = 1,
Placement = new LineLabelPlacement
Alignment = LineLabelAlignment.Parallel,
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer, labeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_labeling_parallel_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new SimpleMarker
FillColor = Color.LightGray,
StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle.None
var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name");
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol, labeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "points_labeling_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var pointLabeling = new SimpleLabeling("name")
HaloSize = 1,
Placement = new PointLabelPlacement
VerticalAnchorPoint = VerticalAnchor.Bottom,
HorizontalAnchorPoint = HorizontalAnchor.Left,
VerticalOffset = 4,
HorizontalOffset = 4,
FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, labeling) =>
// Retrieve population from the feature.
var population = feature.GetValue<int>("population");
// Font size is computed and is based on the population.
labeling.FontSize = Math.Min(20, 5 * population / 1000);
// Priority of the label is also based on the population.
// The greater the priority is, the more likely label will appear on the output image.
labeling.Priority = population;
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), new SimpleMarker(), pointLabeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "points_labeling_feature_based_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new SimpleMarker
FillColor = Color.LightGray,
StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle.None
var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
HaloSize = 1,
Placement = new PointLabelPlacement
VerticalAnchorPoint = VerticalAnchor.Bottom,
HorizontalAnchorPoint = HorizontalAnchor.Left,
HorizontalOffset = 2,
VerticalOffset = 2,
Rotation = 10,
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol, labeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "points_labeling_placed_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new SimpleMarker
FillColor = Color.LightGray,
StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle.None
var labeling = new SimpleLabeling(labelAttribute: "name")
HaloSize = 2,
HaloColor = Color.LightGray,
FontSize = 15,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic,
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol, labeling);
map.Padding = 50;
map.Render(dataDir + "points_labeling_styled_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbolizer = new SimpleMarker {FillColor = Color.LightGray, StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle.None};
var labeling = new RuleBasedLabeling();
// Set labeling to be used for small cities.
labeling.Add(f => f.GetValue<int>("population") <= 2500, new SimpleLabeling("name")
FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic,
HaloSize = 1,
FontSize = 10,
FontColor = Color.Green,
Priority = 1,
Placement = new PointLabelPlacement
VerticalAnchorPoint = VerticalAnchor.Bottom,
HorizontalAnchorPoint = HorizontalAnchor.Center,
// Set labeling to be used for all other cities.
labeling.AddElseRule(new SimpleLabeling("name")
HaloSize = 1,
FontSize = 15,
FontColor = Color.Red,
Priority = 2,
Placement = new PointLabelPlacement
VerticalAnchorPoint = VerticalAnchor.Bottom,
HorizontalAnchorPoint = HorizontalAnchor.Center,
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer, labeling);
map.Padding = 40;
map.Render(dataDir + "rule_based_labeling_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var mapPath = Path.Combine(RunExamples.GetDataDir(), "out_osm_tile.png");
// we use the osm tile server
string url = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
using (var layer = Drivers.XyzTiles.OpenLayer(new XyzConnection(url)))
// print tile info
var tile = layer.GetTile(2, 3, 1);
Console.WriteLine($"CellX: {tile.CellX}, CellY: {tile.CellY}" );
Console.WriteLine($"Path: {tile.AsPath()}");
// render tile
var resampling = new RasterMapResampling() { Height = 256, Width = 256 };
using (var map = new Map(800, 800))
var raster = tile.AsRaster();
map.Add(new RasterMapLayer(raster){Resampling = resampling});
map.Render(mapPath, Renderers.Png);
Console.WriteLine($"Rendered Map: {mapPath}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var mapPath = Path.Combine(RunExamples.GetDataDir(), "out_osm_tiles.png");
// we use the osm tile server
string url = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
using (var layer = Drivers.XyzTiles.OpenLayer(new XyzConnection(url)))
// print tiles info
var extent = new Extent(-90, -40, 90, 40) {SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84};
var tiles = layer.GetTiles(2, extent).ToList();
// render tiles
var resampling = new RasterMapResampling() { Height = 800, Width = 800 };
using (var map = new Map(800, 800))
foreach (var tile in tiles)
var raster = tile.AsRaster();
map.Add(new RasterMapLayer(raster) { Resampling = resampling });
map.Render(mapPath, Renderers.Png);
Console.WriteLine($"Rendered Map: {mapPath}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string url = "C://tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
using (var layer = Drivers.XyzTiles.OpenLayer(new XyzConnection(url)))
// print tile info
var tile = layer.GetTile(0, 0, 0);
Console.WriteLine($"CellX: {tile.CellX}, CellY: {tile.CellY}");
Console.WriteLine($"Path: {tile.AsPath()}");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(800, 476))
var baseMapSymbolizer = new SimpleFill { FillColor = Color.Salmon, StrokeWidth = 0.75 };
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "basemap.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), baseMapSymbolizer);
var citiesSymbolizer = new SimpleMarker() { FillColor = Color.LightBlue };
citiesSymbolizer.FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, symbolizer) =>
var population = feature.GetValue<int>("population");
symbolizer.Size = 10 * population / 1000;
if (population < 2500)
symbolizer.FillColor = Color.GreenYellow;
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), citiesSymbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "cities_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 450))
var symbolizer = new SimpleFill { FillColor = Color.Azure, StrokeColor = Color.Brown };
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "polygons.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "polygons_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 317))
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine { Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xAE, 0xD9, 0xFD) };
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 317))
var lineSymbolizer = new SimpleLine { Width = 1.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xae, 0xd9, 0xfd) };
lineSymbolizer.FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, symbolizer) =>
if (feature.GetValue<string>("NAM") == "UNK")
symbolizer.Width = 1;
symbolizer.Style = StrokeStyle.Dash;
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), lineSymbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new SimpleMarker() { Size = 7, StrokeWidth = 1, FillColor = Color.Red };
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
map.Padding = 20;
map.Render(dataDir + "points_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new SimpleMarker() { FillColor = Color.LightBlue };
symbol.FeatureBasedConfiguration = (feature, symbolizer) =>
// retirieve city population (in thousands) from a feature attribute
var population = feature.GetValue<int>("population");
// let's increase circle radius by 5 pixels for each million people
symbolizer.Size = 5 * population / 1000;
// and let's draw cities with less than 2.5M people in green
if (population < 2500)
symbolizer.FillColor = Color.GreenYellow;
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
map.Padding = 20;
map.Render(dataDir + "points_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new SimpleMarker()
Size = 15,
FillColor = Color.DarkMagenta,
StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle.None,
ShapeType = MarkerShapeType.Triangle,
Rotation = 90
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
map.Padding = 20;
map.Render(dataDir + "points_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 300))
// take only part of the word
map.Extent = new Extent(-100, -60, 100, 60){SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84};
// use difference colors for nested cluster points.
Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.Green, Color.Aquamarine, Color.Gold, Color.Fuchsia, Color.Red, Color.Blue, Color.Brown, Color.Thistle, Color.Cyan, };
var count = 0;
// create a cluster symbolizer and setup a cluster size
var symbolizer = new MarkerCluster(Measurement.Pixels(15))
// use own a style for each a cluster
FeaturesBasedConfiguration = (features, cluster) =>
// use more size for more points
var itemsInCluster = features.Count();
cluster.Marker = new SimpleMarker() {FillColor = Color.Red, Size = 3 + itemsInCluster % 10};
// allow draw inner cluster points (by default is none)
cluster.NestedMarker = new SimpleMarker() {FillColor = colors[count % colors.Length], Size = 3, StrokeStyle = StrokeStyle.None };
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile));
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "places.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
map.Padding = 20;
map.Render(dataDir + "out_cluster_countries.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 300))
// take only part of the word
map.Extent = new Extent(-100, -60, 100, 60) { SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84 };
// create a cluster symbolizer and setup a cluster size
var clusterSymbolizer = new MarkerCluster(Measurement.Pixels(25))
// Use own a style for each a cluster
FeaturesBasedConfiguration = (features, cluster) =>
var itemsInCluster = features.Count();
// First, we create an image with a drawn number for the cluster. This code not optimized of memory using.
// It is better to load prepare pictures from your file system.
var digitText = itemsInCluster.ToString();
Stream memoryStream;
using (Bitmap digitBitmap = new Bitmap(40, 40))
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(digitBitmap))
// increase text quality
graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
if (digitText.Length == 1)
graphics.DrawString(digitText, new Font("Arial", 30, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),
new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 5, 3);
graphics.DrawString(digitText, new Font("Arial", 30, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),
new SolidBrush(Color.Black), -4, 3);
// store the bitmap to a stream
memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
digitBitmap.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
var pathToDigit = AbstractPath.FromStream(memoryStream);
// Secondly, we use RasterImageMarker which renders our image (bitmap).
var symbolizer = new RasterImageMarker(pathToDigit)
Width = Measurement.Pixels(12),
Height = Measurement.Pixels(12),
VerticalAnchorPoint = VerticalAnchor.Center,
HorizontalAnchorPoint = HorizontalAnchor.Center
// As result, we create a complex symbolizer to join a background circle and the drawn digit.
var complexMarker = new LayeredSymbolizer();
complexMarker.Add(new SimpleMarker() {Size = Measurement.Pixels(16), FillColor = Color.Azure});
cluster.Marker = complexMarker;
// add layers with symbolizers
map.Padding = 20;
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), new SimpleLine(){Width = 0.5 });
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "places.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), clusterSymbolizer);
// complete our map creation
map.Render(dataDir + "out_cluster_texts.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 450))
var symbolizer = new SimpleFill();
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "polygons.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "polygons_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 317))
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine();
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "lines_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new SimpleMarker();
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
map.Padding = 20;
map.Render(dataDir + "points_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(200, 200))
var symbolizer = new LayeredSymbolizer(RenderingOrder.ByFeatures);
symbolizer.Add(new SimpleLine { Width = 10, Color = Color.Black });
symbolizer.Add(new SimpleLine { Width = 8, Color = Color.White });
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "intersection.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "intersection_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(200, 200))
var symbolizer = new LayeredSymbolizer(RenderingOrder.ByLayers);
symbolizer.Add(new SimpleLine { Width = 10, Color = Color.Black });
symbolizer.Add(new SimpleLine { Width = 8, Color = Color.White });
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "intersection.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "intersection_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new GeometryGenerator
Expression = f =>
return f.Geometry.GetBuffer(30_000);
Symbolizer = new SimpleFill
FillColor = Color.LightBlue,
StrokeColor = Color.Blue,
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
map.Padding = 20;
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.WebMercator;
map.Render(dataDir + "geometry_generator_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 450))
var symbolizer = new MarkerPatternFill
Marker = new SimpleMarker
ShapeType = MarkerShapeType.Triangle,
FillColor = Color.Red,
Size = 5
HorizontalInterval = 10,
VerticalInterval = 10
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "polygons.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "polygons_marker_fill_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 317))
var symbolizer = new MarkerLine
Marker = new SimpleMarker
ShapeType = MarkerShapeType.Circle,
FillColor = Color.Coral,
Size = 4
Interval = 10
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "lines.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "marker_line_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 210))
var symbolizer = new MixedGeometrySymbolizer();
symbolizer.PointSymbolizer = new SimpleMarker { FillColor = Color.Red, Size = 10 };
symbolizer.LineSymbolizer = new SimpleLine { Color = Color.Blue };
symbolizer.PolygonSymbolizer = new SimpleFill { FillColor = Color.Green };
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "mixed.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "mixed_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(500, 200))
var symbol = new RasterImageMarker(imagePath: dataDir + "cross.png")
Width = 30,
Height = 30,
Rotation = 45,
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "points.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbol);
map.Padding = 20;
map.Render(dataDir + "raster_marker_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile));
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(54024); // World Bonne
map.Render(dataDir + "land_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile));
map.Render(dataDir + "land_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (var map = new Map(600, 400))
var symbolizer = new RuleBasedSymbolizer();
symbolizer.Add(f => f.GetValue<string>("sov_a3") == "CAN", new SimpleLine { Color = Color.FromArgb(213, 43, 30) });
symbolizer.Add(f => f.GetValue<string>("sov_a3") == "USA", new SimpleLine { Color = Color.FromArgb(15, 71, 175) });
symbolizer.Add(f => f.GetValue<string>("sov_a3") == "MEX", new SimpleLine { Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 104, 71) });
symbolizer.Add(f => f.GetValue<string>("sov_a3") == "CUB", new SimpleLine { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 215, 0) });
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "railroads.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
map.Render(dataDir + "railroads_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string filesPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
// make own multi colorizer it works faster than auto-detection
var colorizer = new MultiBandColor()
RedBand = new BandColor() { BandIndex = 0, Min = 0, Max = 255 },
GreenBand = new BandColor() { BandIndex = 1, Min = 0, Max = 255 },
BlueBand = new BandColor() { BandIndex = 2, Min = 0, Max = 255 }
using (var map = new Map(500, 500))
// setup the polar extent and coordinate system (gnomonic spatial reference)
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(102034);
map.Extent = new Extent(-180, 60, 180, 90) { SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84 };
map.BackgroundColor = Color.Azure;
// open geo-tiff
var layer = Drivers.GeoTiff.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(filesPath, "raster_countries.tif"));
// draw
map.Add(layer, colorizer);
map.Render(filesPath + "raster_countries_gnomonic_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string filesPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
using (var map = new Map(500, 500))
var layer = Drivers.GeoTiff.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(filesPath, "raster_float32.tif"));
// Conversion to colors is detected automatically.
// The maximum and minimum values are calculated and linear interpolation is used.
map.Render(filesPath + "raster_float32_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string filesPath = RunExamples.GetDataDir();
using (var map = new Map(500, 500))
// use background color
map.BackgroundColor = Color.Azure;
var layer = Drivers.GeoTiff.OpenLayer(Path.Combine(filesPath, "raster_skew.tif"));
// Conversion to colors is detected automatically.
// The maximum and minimum values are calculated and linear interpolation is used.
map.Render(filesPath + "raster_skew_out.svg", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs72); // true
Drivers.GeoJson.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84); // true
Drivers.GeoJson.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs72); // false
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string wkt = @"
GEOGCS[""WGS 84"",
SPHEROID[""WGS 84"",6378137,298.257223563,
var srs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromWkt(wkt);
srs.IsEquivalent(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84); // true
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var srs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(26918);
Console.WriteLine("SRS Name: {0}", srs.Name); // NAD83 / UTM zone 18N
Console.WriteLine("SRS EPSG code: {0}", srs.EpsgCode); // 26918
Console.WriteLine("Datum name: {0}", srs.GeographicDatum.Name); // North_American_Datum_1983
Console.WriteLine("Datum EPSG code: {0}", srs.GeographicDatum.EpsgCode); // 6269
Console.WriteLine("Ellipsoid name: {0}", srs.GeographicDatum.Ellipsoid.Name); // GRS 1980
Console.WriteLine("Ellipsoid EPSG code: {0}", srs.GeographicDatum.EpsgCode); // 6269
Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", srs.Type); // Projected
Console.WriteLine("Dimensions count: {0}", srs.DimensionsCount); // 2
Console.WriteLine("First dimension name: {0}", srs.GetAxis(0).Name); // X
Console.WriteLine("First dimension direction: {0}", srs.GetAxis(0).Direction); // East
Console.WriteLine("Second dimension name: {0}", srs.GetAxis(1).Name); // Y
Console.WriteLine("Second dimension direction: {0}", srs.GetAxis(1).Direction); // North
Console.WriteLine("First dimension unit: {0}, {1}", srs.GetUnit(0).Name, srs.GetUnit(0).Factor); // metre, 1
Console.WriteLine("Second dimension unit: {0}, {1}", srs.GetUnit(1).Name, srs.GetUnit(1).Factor); // metre, 1
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string wkt = @"
GEOGCS[""WGS 84"",
SPHEROID[""WGS 84"",6378137,298.257223563,
var srs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromWkt(wkt);
Console.WriteLine("SRS Name: {0}", srs.Name); // WGS 84
Console.WriteLine("SRS EPSG code: {0}", srs.EpsgCode); // 4326
Console.WriteLine("Datum name: {0}", srs.GeographicDatum.Name); // WGS_1984
Console.WriteLine("Datum EPSG code: {0}", srs.GeographicDatum.EpsgCode); // 6326
Console.WriteLine("Ellipsoid name: {0}", srs.GeographicDatum.Ellipsoid.Name); // WGS 84
Console.WriteLine("Ellipsoid EPSG code: {0}", srs.GeographicDatum.EpsgCode); // 7030
Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", srs.Type); // Geographic
Console.WriteLine("Dimensions count: {0}", srs.DimensionsCount); // 2
Console.WriteLine("First dimension name: {0}", srs.GetAxis(0).Name); // Longitude
Console.WriteLine("First dimension direction: {0}", srs.GetAxis(0).Direction); // EAST
Console.WriteLine("Second dimension name: {0}", srs.GetAxis(1).Name); // Latitude
Console.WriteLine("Second dimension direction: {0}", srs.GetAxis(1).Direction); // NORTH
Console.WriteLine("First dimension unit: {0}, {1}", srs.GetUnit(0).Name, srs.GetUnit(0).Factor); // degree, 0.01745...
Console.WriteLine("Second dimension unit: {0}, {1}", srs.GetUnit(1).Name, srs.GetUnit(1).Factor); // degree, 0.01745...
var geogSrs = srs.AsGeographic;
Console.WriteLine("Angular unit: {0}, {1}", geogSrs.AngularUnit.Name, geogSrs.AngularUnit.Factor); // degree, 0.01745...
Console.WriteLine("Prime meridian: {0}, {1}", geogSrs.PrimeMeridian.Name, geogSrs.PrimeMeridian.Longitude); // Greenwich, 0
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var parameters = new ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters
Name = "WGS 84 / World Mercator",
Base = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
ProjectionMethodName = "Mercator_1SP",
LinearUnit = Unit.Meter,
XAxis = new Axis("Easting", AxisDirection.East),
YAxis = new Axis("Northing", AxisDirection.North),
AxisesOrder = ProjectedAxisesOrder.XY,
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("central_meridian", 0);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("scale_factor", 1);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("false_easting", 100);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("false_northing", 100);
var projectedSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateProjected(parameters, Identifier.Epsg(3395));
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var parameters = new ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters
Name = "WGS 84 / World Mercator",
Base = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
ProjectionMethodName = "Mercator_1SP",
LinearUnit = Unit.Meter,
XAxis = new Axis("Easting", AxisDirection.East),
YAxis = new Axis("Northing", AxisDirection.North),
AxisesOrder = ProjectedAxisesOrder.XY,
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("central_meridian", 0);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("scale_factor", 1);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("false_easting", 0);
parameters.AddProjectionParameter("false_northing", 0);
var projectedSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateProjected(parameters, Identifier.Epsg(3395));
string wkt = projectedSrs.ExportToWkt();
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
var point = new Point(2, 3);
point.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
var srs = point.SpatialReferenceSystem; // WGS 84
var line = new LineString();
srs = line.SpatialReferenceSystem; // null
line.AddPoint(point); // line takes SRS from point.
srs = line.SpatialReferenceSystem; // WGS 84
line.AddPoint(new Point(3, 4)); // point takes SRS of line.
srs = line[1].SpatialReferenceSystem; // WGS84
point = new Point(3, 4);
point.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs72;
line.AddPoint(point); // point has different non null SRS, exception is thrown
catch (ArgumentException e)
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format to CSV.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.csv", Drivers.Csv, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Calculate a position in a Decimal Degrees (DD) format
var position = GeoConvert.AsPointText(74.84, 172.13, PointFormats.DecimalDegrees);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Calculate a position in a Decimal Degree Minutes (DDM) format
var position = GeoConvert.AsPointText(74.84, 172.13, PointFormats.DegreeDecimalMinutes);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Calculate a position in a Degree Minute Seconds (DMS) format
var position = GeoConvert.AsPointText(74.84, 172.13, PointFormats.DegreeMinutesSeconds);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Calculate a position in a World Geographic Reference System (GeoRef) format
var position = GeoConvert.AsPointText(74.84, 172.13, PointFormats.GeoRef);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // Any
int epsgTo = 4326; // lat long
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // Any
int epsgTo = 3857; // mercator
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Calculate a position in a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) format
var position = GeoConvert.AsPointText(74.84, 172.13, PointFormats.Mgrs);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // Any
int epsgTo = 4269; // nad83
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // Any
int epsgTo = 4683; // prs92
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format to Shapefile.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format to SHP.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format to TopoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.topojson", Drivers.TopoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Calculate a position in a United States National Grid (USNG) format
var position = GeoConvert.AsPointText(74.84, 172.13, PointFormats.Usng);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // Any
int epsgTo = 32631; // utm
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // Any
int epsgTo = 4326; // lat long
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from CSV to GDB.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.csv", Drivers.Csv, "destination.gdbtable", Drivers.FileGdb, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from CSV to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.csv", Drivers.Csv, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from CSV to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.csv", Drivers.Csv, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from CSV to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.csv", Drivers.Csv, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from CSV to SHP.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.csv", Drivers.Csv, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.asc", Drivers.EsriAscii), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GDB to CSV.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gdbtable", Drivers.FileGdb, "destination.csv", Drivers.Csv, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GDB to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gdbtable", Drivers.FileGdb, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GDB to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gdbtable", Drivers.FileGdb, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GDB to SHP.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gdbtable", Drivers.FileGdb, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.gdbtable", Drivers.FileGdb), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GeoJSON to CSV.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, "destination.csv", Drivers.Csv, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GeoJSON to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Jpeg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Jpeg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GeoJSON to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Png format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GeoJSON to SHP.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Svg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.tif", Drivers.GeoTiff), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Jpeg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Jpeg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.tif", Drivers.GeoTiff), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Png format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.tif", Drivers.GeoTiff), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Svg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.tif", Drivers.GeoTiff), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GML to CSV.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gml", Drivers.Gml, "destination.csv", Drivers.Csv, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GML to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gml", Drivers.Gml, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GML to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gml", Drivers.Gml, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GML to JSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gml", Drivers.Gml, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GML to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gml", Drivers.Gml, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GML to SHP.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gml", Drivers.Gml, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.gml", Drivers.Gml), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GPX to CSV.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, "destination.csv", Drivers.Csv, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GPX to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.gpx", Drivers.Gpx), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Jpeg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Jpeg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GPX to JSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GPX to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.gpx", Drivers.Gpx), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Png format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GPX to Shapefile.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GPX to SHP.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.gpx", Drivers.Gpx), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Svg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from GPX to TopoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, "destination.topojson", Drivers.TopoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.gpx", Drivers.Gpx), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from JSON to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from JSON to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from JSON to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from JSON to Shapefile.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from KML to CSV.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.csv", Drivers.Csv, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from KML to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from KML to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.kml", Drivers.Kml), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Jpeg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Jpeg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from KML to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.kml", Drivers.Kml), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Png format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from KML to Shapefile.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from KML to SHP.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.kml", Drivers.Kml), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Svg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from KML to TopoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.kml", Drivers.Kml, "destination.topojson", Drivers.TopoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.kml", Drivers.Kml), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // LAT LONG
int epsgTo = 3857; // MERCATOR
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // LAT LONG
int epsgTo = 32631; // UTM
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.mid", Drivers.MapInfoInterchange), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from MapInfo-TAB to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("", Drivers.MapInfoTab, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("", Drivers.MapInfoTab), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 3857; // MERCATOR
int epsgTo = 32631; // UTM
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 3857; // MERCATOR
int epsgTo = 4326; // WGS84
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4269; // NAD83
int epsgTo = 4326; // WGS84
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from OSM to CSV.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.osm", Drivers.OsmXml, "destination.csv", Drivers.Csv, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from OSM to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.osm", Drivers.OsmXml, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.osm", Drivers.OsmXml), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Jpeg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Jpeg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from OSM to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.osm", Drivers.OsmXml, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.osm", Drivers.OsmXml), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Png format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from OSM to SHP.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.osm", Drivers.OsmXml, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.osm", Drivers.OsmXml), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Svg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.osm", Drivers.OsmXml), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from Shapefile to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Jpeg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Jpeg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from Shapefile to JSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from Shapefile to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Png format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Svg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from Shapefile to TopoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination.topojson", Drivers.TopoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from SHP to CSV.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination.csv", Drivers.Csv, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from SHP to GPX.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination.gpx", Drivers.Gpx, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Jpeg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Jpeg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from SHP to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Png format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
// Render the map to Svg format
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Svg);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.shp", Drivers.Shapefile), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from TopoJSON to GeoJSON.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.topojson", Drivers.TopoJson, "destination.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from TopoJSON to KML.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.topojson", Drivers.TopoJson, "destination.kml", Drivers.Kml, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Specify conversion settings if necessary. It is optional.
ConversionOptions options = null;
// This options assigns Wgs84 to the destination layer.
// Conversion may throw error If destination layer does not support the Wgs84 spatial reference. So need to check.
if (Drivers.Shapefile.SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84))
options = new ConversionOptions()
DestinationSpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84,
// Convert file format from TopoJSON to Shapefile.
VectorLayer.Convert("source.topojson", Drivers.TopoJson, "destination.shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Create a map
using (var map = new Map(800, 400))
// Use the specified SRS
map.SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84;
// Use the specified style to draw lines
// We also have styles for points, lines, and surfaces.
var symbolizer = new SimpleLine() {Width = Measurement.Pixels(2)};
// Open a layer and add to the map
map.Add(VectorLayer.Open("land.topojson", Drivers.TopoJson), symbolizer);
// Render the map
map.Render("land_out.png", Renderers.Png);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 32631; // UTM
int epsgTo = 4326; // LAT LONG
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 32631; // UTM
int epsgTo = 4269; // NAD83
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // WGS84
int epsgTo = 4269; // NAD83
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // WGS84
int epsgTo = 4683; // PRS92
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// create transformation
int epsgFrom = 4326; // WGS84
int epsgTo = 32631; // UTM
var fromSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgFrom);
var toSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(epsgTo);
var transformation = fromSrs.CreateTransformationTo(toSrs);
// transform geometry such as a point
var fromGeometry = new Point(0, 0);
var toGeometry = transformation.Transform(fromGeometry);
// print
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