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Created August 2, 2011 15:12
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xyttrでstreaming-apiを使用 (とりあえずfilter.jsonのtrackのみ)
;;; -*- mode: lisp; package: xyttr -*-
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require "cmu_loop")
(require "json")
(require "xyttr"))
(in-package :xyttr)
(defconstant *stream-api-host* "")
(defconstant *stream-api-method* "/1/statuses/filter.json")
(defvar *streaming-connection* nil)
(defvar *streaming-buffer* nil)
(defvar *streaming-polling-interval* 0.2)
(defun url-encode (e)
(convert-encoding-from-internal *encoding-utf8n* (format nil "~A" e))))
;; ref.
(defun streaming-connect (params &key user onsuccess onfailure)
(let* ((cn (connect *stream-api-host* 80 :encoding :text))
(path (format nil "~A?~{~A=~A~^&~}" *stream-api-method* (mapcar #'url-encode params)))
(cred (list :consumer-key *consumer-key* :consumer-secret *consumer-secret*
:token *token* :token-secret *token-secret*))
(auth-url (format nil "http://~A~A" *stream-api-host* *stream-api-method*))
(auth (oauth:auth-header cred 'get auth-url params)))
(setq *streaming-connection* cn)
(message "Connecting ...")
(format cn "GET ~A HTTP/1.1~%~
Connection: Keep-Alive~%~
User-Agent: xyzzy/~A~%" path (software-version))
(format cn "Authorization: ~A~%~%" auth)
((listener ()
(when (listen cn)
(stop-timer #'listener)
(let ((head (read-line cn)))
(when (not (string-match "200" head))
(let ((res (cons head (loop while (listen cn) collect (read-line cn nil)))))
(close cn)
(if onfailure
(funcall onfailure res)
(message-box (format nil "~{~A~%~}" res) "接続失敗" (list :ok :exclamation)))))
(message "Connected. OK")
(while (string/= (read-line cn nil) ""))
(setq *streaming-connection* cn)
(funcall onsuccess)))))
(start-timer 0.5 #'listener))
(defun streaming-close ()
(when (and *streaming-connection*
(open-stream-p *streaming-connection*))
(close *streaming-connection*))
(setq *streaming-connection* nil))
(defun streaming-receive-statuses ()
(let ((statuses nil))
(while (listen #0=*streaming-connection*)
(let ((l (read-line #0# nil)))
(unless (string-match "^[ 0-9A-F]*$" l)
(push (json:json-decode l) statuses))))
(nreverse statuses)))
(defun streaming-start (params buf &key (user *default-user*))
(set-buffer buf)
:user user
(lambda (res)
(message-box (format nil "~{~A~%~}" res) "接続失敗" (list :ok :exclamation))
(close-timeline-buffer buf)
(lambda ()
(set-buffer buf)
(setq *streaming-buffer* buf)
((listener ()
(if (deleted-buffer-p buf)
(stop-timer #'listener)
(whenlet res (streaming-receive-statuses)
(timeline-draw-statuses buf res)
(closer (b)
(when (eq b buf)
(stop-timer #'listener)
(delete-hook '*before-delete-buffer-hook* #'closer)
(setq *streaming-buffer* nil))
(start-timer 1 #'listener)
(add-hook '*before-delete-buffer-hook* #'closer))))
;;; command
(defun user::xyttr-stream-track (track)
(interactive "sTrack: ")
(when (and *streaming-connection*
(open-stream-p *streaming-connection*))
(if (eq (message-box (format nil "~Aでのストリーミングを終了しますか?"
(buffer-name *streaming-buffer*))
"確認" (list :question :yes-no)) :yes)
(setq *streaming-connection* nil
*streaming-buffer* nil)
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create (format nil "*tws*: ~A" track))))
(when *use-frame*
(or (find-pseudo-frame *frame-name*)
(new-pseudo-frame *frame-name*))))
(set-buffer buf)
(setf (modeconf-mode buffer-modeconf) :xyttr-stream-track)
(streaming-start `(:track ,track) buf :user *default-user*)))
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